/amg/ - Alternative Monster Girls

Futa, vore, MONSTER girls, furry and other oddities

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Monster Girls with dicks Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 19:20:02 No. 3
Bonus for MGE girls but as long one of the girls has a dick anything goes
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I'm gonna dump my collection. Might include off topic stuff sometimes so try to ignore that.
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Because my phone is shitty I can't get good image previews of all of these hence why some are off topic
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Ah fuck I thought there was ten images per block
>>828 nice, I like the last pics the most
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>>833 >no tails holding or tail-lock at the end Missed potential
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>fucks your ass while the tailpussy milks your dick
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>Lillia fails to gank Neeko again and gets ganked herself >5th time in 10 minutes Report my jungler
I want a needy futa gf that keeps prodding me with her red rocket whenever she's horny which is often
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>>800 Nonsense, it's a paradise where they can all have a lot of fun with the local denizens.
>>871 >A penis on a girl? >Why? Penis is the best part of a girl and the poor guy is about to find out
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>>911 H-haha sucks to be him, I sure wouldn't want to be in his place!
>>912 You will marry the futa succs. You will let them take all your virginties. You will be their loyal wife. You will let them modify your body. You will bear their children. And you WILL be happy.
(907.54 KB 1500x1250 Futa Dullahan horsecock 2.jpg)
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Welcome to 2024, I'm only about 2 months late
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>>1005 >about 2 months late Slowpoke/sloth futa girl when? >rapes her victim SLOWLY >at least 6 hours before she cums >holds her sharp claws up to victim's neck to prevent resistance or escape
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>>1007 >wagging tail >"GET PREGNANT" cute.
>>205 you have a link for those threads on the archive?
>>1010 figures it was slutposters that started it
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That tower defense gacha game has some nice futa content in it.
>>1155 What's going on in the first vid, dude got genderbent and fucked by a futa? if so, hot
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>>1157 Yes
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until we get hellhounds back, this is the next best thing gift from alpfa
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(199.46 KB 1280x1797 lovely couple.jpg)
I don't know how many still check this thread/board, but this futa x female series by Mikoyan drained my balls https://exhentai.org/g/2381215/82bdb1e17b/ https://exhentai.org/g/2682472/4ac0080143/ https://exhentai.org/g/3033479/fa63f79e7f/
>>1536 mikoyan is a classic
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>>3 TFW you will never be a sexy futa chesh grooming cute shotas into your sextoys
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Does Doppel Luka even count as a real monster girl?
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>>1596 >>1597 She has elf ears so I guess she's as much of a monster girl as elves are, unless you want to be anal about definitions
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futas with animal dicks > human dicks
>>1598 She also has black sclera so already more monster like than all elves combined
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>>278 Cathyl. I want to get my smaller penis inside that giant dick of hers and give her all of my sperm.>>278

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