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General site feedback thread Anonymous Board owner 08/07/2023 (Mon) 12:43:08 No. 2 >>19
Post any feedback and suggestions regarding the site here.
(85.96 KB 408x408 marsey.png)
make Marsey the mascot to trick dramastrags and watchpeoplediecels into using the site
add a banner to the overboard (it should rapidly flash between bright colors to give overboard users seizures [they deserve it])
>>6 ok I have realized I do not know how to make gifs, have this instead
(46.06 KB 312x97 capybarachan site banner.png)
I made this one for /site/ since I realized it also doesn't have any banners.
>>5 I assure you our current mascot has plenty of drama baggage too and I feel a bit attached to her for historical reasons >>6 >>7 Nah that's gay >>8 Ok this one is fine, thanks
(49.19 KB 312x97 overboard banner.png)
>>9 Tell me the deep lore on Capybara-chan.
Mister janny, could you please change the max file size to exactly 33554432 bytes for the sake of my autism? Thank you very much. Also, JSchan has a checkbox to replace the filename with a hash when posting, which is a very nice feature.
>>11 >33554432 bytes What's so special about this number? I smell some cheeky engine exploit, google is returning quite a few results with memory errors. >Also, JSchan has a checkbox to replace the filename with a hash when posting, which is a very nice feature. What's the purpose for this? I have not yet decided if I want to continue using LynxChan and develop it further since stephen doesn't give a fuck, or switch to another engine (like possibly JSchan). But if I decide for the former I can add this to my todo list, should be easy to implement since the hash is already being computed for each file.
>>12 Are you serious? Come on, it's really obvious. What base do computers usually count in? How many bytes are in a kilobyte?
>>13 Yeah I started from converting to other units and the only one that seemed interesting was 32 MiB, except LynxChan appears to operate on MB for file uploads. 33554432 B convert to: 32768 KB 32.768 MB OR 32 MiB because tech spergs need to have ideological disputes over semantics to fill their empty lives and all the relevant settings in LynxChan use MB and I'd have to set the limit to 32.768, which would clash with my own autism for even numbers.
Overboard no longer shows all active threads anymore?
>>17 I changed it to 15 threads when I introduced the (You)s because on overboard I can't optimize the check script and feared that it would make the browser choke from two nested loops, but it looks like it's not bad so I changed it back to the default 50. It may take some time until your cache refreshes.
>>2 why are so many threads now being locked? i wanted to post some stuff in the lamia thread but can't anymore
>>19 that's a /mg/ specific thing
How hard is it to add redtext for < lines like the old 8/monster/? Not desperate for it but it's a good monstergirl voice color in greentexts.
>>21 Done, you may need to refresh this css sheet: https://capybarachan.org/.static/css/global.css and there's also some odd lingering caching that's causing < text to be still unstyled, but when you use a fresh private mode tab it will be seen in red/orange. Regardless, whatever you post with the reversed quote mark will be posted correctly even if you don't see it immediately, just that browsing cache needs to update to reflect new styling. Test: >green text <orange text
I noticed that when you post spoilered images, their original filenames are still being displayed. Filenames can contain spoilers too, would it be possible to obscure them with some generic "Spoiler Image" text?
>>23 Yeah someone already brought it up before, I'll look into it again (no promises, the code behind LynxChan is a horrible mess to work with) but at the same time I like that you can use the filename to hint what it potentially spoils. We'll see how hard it would be to implement this first.
>>24 True, but that would require everyone to be extra careful when naming their pictures. And you can probably troll by spoiling something with a filename and pretending it was inadvertent. <it says "character dies"? I used the spoiler function but forgot it still shows the filename, my bad kek Unless it's too much work or not possible, two options (spoiler thumbnail only/spoiler filename too) would be ideal.

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