/amg/ - Alternative Monster Girls

Futa, vore, MONSTER girls, furry and other oddities

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Monster Girls with dicks Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 19:20:02 No. 3
Bonus for MGE girls but as long one of the girls has a dick anything goes
>sabbath gf decided to try those new hot futa potions
>>4 She could take on a Baphomet with a thing that size.
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>>5 I want to see a baphomet experimenting with new futa potions or spells, too bad it seems that nobody has drawn a futa baph yet. They would go great with a huge horsecock.
Which hung monstergirl would be best if you're obsessed with B I G balls?
>>7 Centaur
(1.78 MB 2400x2600 Kekbun_Rat Futa.png)
>>7 Rat futas would have proportionally huge balls
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>>7 Something tells me jubjub would be quite potent
>>10 >futa won/d/erland girls scary
HNNNNG. Been jerking so hard to MGE futa. Gonna probably draw my own soon.
>>13 >Gonna probably draw my own soon. Got any ideas on your mind?
>>14 Few plans. I love kikimoras though. Always imagined a kiki pleasing herself with a,futa while master is gone
>>15 Nice, kikis are one of my top MGE girls Guess I'll post links to the "other" MGE galleries for convenience: https://imgbox.com/g/ewkXAzBwP7 https://imgbox.com/g/qkdqZcPOsG https://imgbox.com/g/Iz05Iu6sya
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>>15 That's pretty hot, with or without master's knowledge? Also curious if you're going with the profile Kiki or an OC design. Looking forward to whatever you draw. >>16 Big fan of the stuff that the Wurm guy has been getting recently
(1.15 MB 1280x720 bapho cock.png)
>>6 Not an artist and koikatsu doesn't really have the same effect but the lack of sabbath girls with cocks was getting to me.
>>19 >fun-sized horsecock perfect for spicing things up without destroying your innards or dislocating your jaw.
>>20 Only right that a fun sized girl has a fun sized horse cock and it's still big enough to make monster girls submit to her.
>>17 Mostly profile but change of hair color and style. Without master knowing, of course. She can't bear to break his heart with the knowledge that someone else fills her up. I was busy today and couldn't get a sketch in. But i'll try some time later if I'm still not busy then. If I can't shit one out in CSP, I'll do it on ibis paint on the phone, or do it trad.
>>25 Kinda amazed the board already has a drawfag, godspeed anon.
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Snek pene
>>34 Snakes with dicks are always a winner
>>36 >Snakes with dicks are always a weiner fixed
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>>40 Oh you
>>27 Had that shit working on my phone, then my stylus was stuck and I did the usual shaking, launched it out my note 9 at mach fucking 9 and the pen broke. I'm mega pissed as the pen is discontinued and sold at over inflated prices. I'm gonna work on it trad or on computer tho
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Started the sketch.
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>>6 Eileen 2 has an uncensored art patch. I can't remember where I found it, maybe F95. I'm not really the biggest fan of the way he draws veins, though.
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>>7 Tanuki having gigantic nutsacks big enough to sit on is Japanese folklore for some reason, but I can barely find any art of futa tanuki girls except Mamizou Futatsuiwa from Touhou. Everything else is male furries.
>>46 Yeah, the copy in rentry collection is uncensored, just grabbed the pic from panda gallery since game files are encrypted
>>45 I can imagine this >kiki fruitlessly tries to tempt master into fucking her >desperation from lack of vitamin D reaches critical threshold, kiki decides to invite mamono futa to dick her. It won't be cheating if it's not with a man, right? >one day master comes home early and walks in on kiki getting railed by a futa >before he can do a 180 and run, he's grabbed and fucked hard too >turns out master was secretly lusting for cocks too, that's why kiki couldn't tempt him. >futa becomes lady of the house, both kiki and former master serve and service her dutifully ever since HAPPY END
>no big titty futa succ to take your virginity pain
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butt-to-butt copulation with beast futa monster girls
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Wew, futa mg thread, hopefully this board gets some fresh OC
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Does anyone know of any games besides Pandora's Forest, Tales of Androgyny, and the Fenoxo games? It feels like the vast majority of futa games just have futa MCs, or there's only a single scene.
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>>64 Futaken Valley is great, both Eileen games are also full of futas.
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>Used to hate all things futa >tfw at some point started loving futa monster girls >especially futa on male
>>67 Same, it was hilarious to revisit the doggo from your pic. First time I played VH I got mad that they made her rape me on win rather than on loss like I expected. 2 years later, I revisited her scenes and fapped hard.
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>>68 Usually the futa monster girls in games instantly become some of my favorites nowadays.
>>67 >>68 >used to hate futa >seen it as akin to ntr >avoided it at all costs >slowly started to make exceptions for the rare pic I did like >realised not every pic needs to be self insert material >start jerking off to futa x female
>>70 I tried getting into yuri before but I just find it boring if there's isn't some penetration involved.
>>72 That what got me into yuri with Tentacle-based Monstergirls, not beats futa mamono tho
>>47 Hot. And I think you're right. Some furry/kemono stuff is almost there, but it's still not quite japanese folklore levels.
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>>69 Peniban Quest was pretty disappointing, it had a lot of futa monster girls in battles but I think that was the only actual scene.
>>76 Yeah and worst of all the gameplay was pretty barebones. Not many games out there with boys taking futa dog cock unfortunately so you take what you can get.
(1.71 MB 1280x1600 1671611874121362.png)
>>77 >Not many games out there with boys taking futa dog cock I know about Tales of Androgyny, Peniban Quest and Violated Hero 2 Anybody knows more?
>>78 >Tales of Androgyny Oh I hated that one. Art too ugly and too much actual gay shit for me. >Anybody knows more? I think one of the Level Drain games had one if you don't mind untranslated games. Also check out mumumu's Ran doujins. They're good stuff.
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>>79 >mumu nice
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Almost a Jinko from MGE. She's just missing the fur on her legs.
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There's something especially arousing about futa versions of girls usually not associated with futa
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>>111 What if I've always been a fan of futamamo?
>>113 Too bad there's almost no futamamo art
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snek cocks go in both holes
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>>117 >tails entangled lewd >>121 I'm of the opinion that every reptile-based monster girl futa should have a hemipenis.
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>>127 >tailh*lding absolutely degenerate
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>>131 I wonder how many of those pictures did that madman commission in total
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>>132 fom his pixxiv/twitter, I think there are over 30 and still counting. I'm also very curious about that planned doujinshi he talks about.
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>>133 That's some heavy autism/dedication but I'm not complaining. MGQ, monster girl futa, futa with nonhuman penis and futa on female are all things I really like
You vill get fucked by ze bug
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>>138 Would a futa bug have an ovipositor kind of penis?
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>>140 Yeah it's more fun if she can fill girls up with eggs
hot dog
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Found this hot knotting doujin lately: https://exhentai.org/g/2359940/a7b399a6c4/
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>>150 Good stuff
>>151 This artist draws some really good monster girl futas
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Bless xelvy for starting the futa Eva meme.
>>153 Yeah, I nutted like a dozen times to this set >>50
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>>68 What's VH? Also anyone have any good futa/futa monster girl games they know about? I already know TOA/TiTs/CoC/LT, but wanted to see if others were out there >>67 I like Futa taker pov like pic related. I genuinely can't get enough of it
>>156 >VH Violated Hero, a series of hard femdom games which are generally not futa but she was one of the exceptions. >Also anyone have any good futa/futa monster girl games they know about? >>65 also Nayla's Castle
>>79 >Too much gay shit You know there's an option for Futa+ right? If you check that there's hardly any gay shit except for the brothel, gloryhole, alleyway, and the occasional random drunk. I wish there was more Futa in the brothels but there's plenty as is
>>158 Also same in the gloryhole, there's 3 Futa scenes for one non Futa. It's very Futa biased but I'll agree there needs to be more, waaaaay more >>78 If you're into text based there's plenty you just have to make a male character
>>159 Well can you name a few?
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>>161 Reminds me of this futa succ from Succubis Prison, MC got converted into a succubus via dicking. That was some good shit.
>>157 So are there Futa characters? >>160 Trials in Tainted Space, Corruption Of Champions 1 and 2, Liliths Throne
>>163 >So are there Futa characters? In VH no, it's just the dickwolf and maybe another one or two. All the other games listed or linked are futa-focused with lots of them.
>>164 Is it even worth downloading for the Futa content or no? Cause that's all I'm really interested in
>>165 You can just download Violated Hero 2 from the games collection that's on /mg/, it has a full-save optionally included. Then load the gallery and check out her two scenes, they are very hot and all it costs you is some bandwidth. That game might require you to use something named Locale Emulator and run it under Japanese locale, but I'm not sure.
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>>162 That scene was so fucking hot. She instantly became one of my favorite succs from that game.
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>>13 >>16 I love futa mge girls fucking other mge girls
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>>178 I liked the small buildup with the futa samurai before the battle, you just knew she'd go for your ass too once you fight her.
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>no big dommy Oni to take my virginity suffering
https://mega.nz/folder/W2gF3LLJ#JFV_hfvr4oNtFloD9QYh0w Mega for the imgboxes. The links went down so a certain archiver archived like
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>>186 Hellhound rape just got even more terrifying
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>>188 I love echidna-sama
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>>134 new one from the madlad
>>198 Her face is a bit unfortunate, but I love when futa monster girls are drawn with non-standard cocks so it's forgiven
I've purged all MGE futa x female from this thread and I have to ask everyone to refrain from posting this content in the future. I've been keenly watching how the situation with MGE art purge goes and it keeps escalating every few days, at this point DMCA notices are flying left and right and I'd rather do this before anything happens to us. MGE futa with male or solo should be still fine, as those are not against MGE secondary works rules outlined by KC here: http://kurobine.sakura.ne.jp/mamonogirllover/niji_eng.htm Of course this applies only to MGE art.
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>>200 So KC's finally lost it huh. Can a nigga get a rundown of what's been happening?
>>204 Quick rundown: >some Wight waifufag liked getting cucked, including stuff like someone else's futa wife railing his wife >KC contacts him and tells him to stop >this went on for some time and he did not stop despite declaring to do so >KC snaps and starts ranting on twitter, publishes their conversation on his website: http://kurobine.sakura.ne.jp/mamonogirllover/v1_Eng.htm >KC now bans futa x female from fan works because that's how the wight nog liked getting cucked >KC will actively DMCA any fan content that goes against the rules - no snuff, no NTR, no futa x female >this all happens at the same time when cucks from /trash/ NTR general make a monster girl thread focused on MGE cuckoldry and other shit >HUGE fandom-wide purge begins, wikifag takes down all the galleries to inspect every picture and make sure it's okay with KC >people start grabbing pitrchforks and torches, witch hunts begin >/trash/ thread getting raided, cuck posts and futa x female posts taken down via DMCA claims >you are here tl;dr: play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>>205 I think the autism goes deeper than this based on the hints I read around and the western headhunters. > wikifag takes down all the galleries to inspect every picture and make sure it's okay with KC But obviously this is pretty autistic in the first place. There is no way this is going to end well with so many groups high on their own farts right now.
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>>200 >>205 So solo futa monster girl and futa monster girl x human male is still fine? This ban seems a tad bit excessive. What's next, banning monster girl yuri? KC's autism is both a blessing and a curse. Sucks that he's also banning dry fishing fanart. When I first got into MGE it was still present in the profile of some monster girls.
>>209 >So solo futa monster girl and futa monster girl x human male is still fine? Seems to be the case, only >Sex with Monster Girl or human woman by Futanari Monster Girl is banned
>>200 Man, futa on female/futa on futa is the only kind of futa art I actually enjoy, but I guess most of the MGE stuff wasn't that great to begin with. It sucks that NTRfags have to ruin shit for the rest of us. I'm hoping the monster girl community distances itself from MGE if this is the route it's going down, but I doubt it considering there's no real alternative at the moment.
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>>212 MGE isn't everything, but it's still unfortunate because some of my favorite futa on female pictures were MGE. I wonder if Losenis will stop/make less of it now, he was one of my favorite artists for this kind of stuff.
Does KC really think he can do anything about it? Reminder that Cygames, who are actual commercial brand and not just a tiny doujin company, tried to stop Uma Musume hetai by threatening legal action and guess what? It didn't worked What can a single salaryman do?
>>214 It's more about inconveniencing people to the point that they have to move deeper underground with that stuff, nobody is willing to challenge the claims because it affects such tiny niche.
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>>213 The question is what constitutes MGE. Blue boards often use MGE as the go-to wiki for anything monstergirl related. 90% of the monstergirl designs out there are modifications of KC's initial concepts. Manticores, hellhounds, jabberwock, gazer, shoggoth, wurms, mersharks, echidnas, Ushi-oni, lilims, cheshire, slimegirls, holstaurus, etc... All of these afaik were initially made in MGE. How much do you need to change the character design to make it not MGE? How far does the copyright extend? If someone made futa x female of Kaia from MGD for example, is she transformative enough in nature to not fall under the category of MGE despite being very similar in style to the MGE manticore? Alipheese from MGQ is based on the echidna from MGE, is futa x female of her still in the legal grayzone? Are recolors enough? Idk if it's just hearsay, but I thought KC was DMCAing stories as well, and there's not even pictures involved in those. All of this to own the NTR fags. Fucking hate NTR, and fucking hate KC for making me have to side with them. Just leave my yuri and futa alone ffs.
>>213 MGE was always kinda special to me because even if it wasn't explicit NTR (which I've always more or less detested) it always felt taboo. It was so firmly a setting for waifus that seeing one of them get railed down by another was always exciting.
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I think my wolf is broken
>>216 KC did DMCA a story off fanfic.net. Fanfic.net usually buckles under DMCAs, but Ao3 didn't bother with it. Ao3 is partened with a non-profit to actually fight false DMCA requests. So I'd imagine you'd have to do a lot to get the story taken down. >>217 It's main reason why MGE NTR is popular. It's taboo as shit given the setting. >fucking an MG with the body of a preschooler? >No biggie. There's a religion around it. >Having another man or a futa fuck your wife? >fucking SCORE.
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>>213 >I wonder if Losenis will stop/make less of it now No promises.
>>222 Kek, that gondola always gets me
>>222 I certainly hope not!
>>226 Alright that's far enough, I had to delete this image because it's explicitly haram and I don't want to deal with potential problems this could bring in the long run. Also, further discussion of this issue should go to the designated board meta thread
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Solo futa wasn't banned off MGE, turns out.
>>246 Yeah, luckily
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>>248 Nice, that's one way to counterbalance the thicc tail
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>>263 >3 days of Luka getting brutally dicked by Alice That's the kind of ending this annoying little shit deserved instead
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Which one for (You)?
>>278 Kii is a dryad so hers would probably taste like sap so I'd 100% go for that one.
So is non-solo MGE futa banned from here as well? Seeing how every place sems to get DMCA'd
>>280 Only MGE futa on female is banned here because of that DMCA thing and that's what gets posts wiped in other places as per KC's rules for derivative works. If MGE futa on male causes similar problems, it will have to get axed too but for now it's allowed.
>>279 >Maple syrup straight from the tap Now that's neat
>>281 Man, I just wanna post some monster on monster action. How long do you think it will be before they get bored and stop doing the DMCA thing?
>>283 Weeks, maybe months. Some guy was going to make a DMCA-proof booru for all the too spicy content, might want to ask around on 4ch /d/ about it.
Shouldn't fanart fall under Transformative Works? I thought DMCA claims like that were illegal in the US
>>286 It doesn't really matter if it's legal or not. Nobody is going to challenge those claims because nobody is going to stand up for niche porn. On 4chan jannies just delete everything, outside of it it's a bit harder, but they will still most likely pester your host with abuse claims.
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The latest futa mg thread on 4chan got nuked... again... and thiis time the OP wasn't even MGE related, the last posts weren't either
>>306 It's possible that it was due to western art in OP
>>289 You're not wrong. Booru hopefully comes to fruition, guy needs to make sure nobody can do SQL injection shit. It's one thing to have false DMCAs you're not gonna bother responding to. It's another if someone actively goes out of their way to leak passwords, and cause extensive damage to a site. I think the MGE community is more than retarded enough to try and be willing to dox someone.
>>189 A bit late to the party, but do you know the source of this? It's cropped, so reverse searching doesn't work
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>>311 Damn, it's better than I thought. Thanks.
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>>286 It's technically illegal but jerkoffs have been abusing the copyright system for decades now. Even if someone was crazy enough to take KC to court and get the claims dismissed the horde of anonymous fanboys will still falsely report stuff they don't like since content hosts are legally obligated to remove content that gets DMCA'd regardless of if the claim is legit or not.
>>313 >the horde of anonymous fanboys will still falsely report stuff they don't like since content hosts are legally obligated to remove content that gets DMCA'd regardless of if the claim is legit or not. DMCA claim requires some proof of ownership, otherwise 4chan would become defunct because of random spergs taking down anyone disagreeing with them. What most likely happens is that KC's fans are sweeping the internet for him and send him links to offending content. Then he pastes the link into his DMCA template and whoever receives it deletes the pic by default. It's dumb, but I think it's better to move onto a different setting without this problem, fighting back will only lead to more radicalization among the fandom.
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>>314 I think the burden of proof of ownership is pretty light since I remember some youtuber having some random Brazilian company claim some music he got off Freesound, though that might be a Youtube specific thing. As I understand it the initial claim needs minimal proof, while more substantial proof would be requested if whoever got claimed counterclaims. This specific situation also has the extra wrinkle of the vast majority of the art not being owned by the people posting it. The artist could argue that the art was transformative of KC's subject matter, Anon's could argue their posts are transformative to the art, but an Anon shouldn't have to argue with KC about how transformative anything was. I do wonder what setting could catch on after all this.
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>>318 I certainly wouldn't mind if futa fans switched over to MGQ
>>314 There is a limit to what his army of blind fanboys can do, here and on 4chan MGE futa x female might be kill, but only delusionals would believe this will ever cease to be a thing everywhere, they are just wasting their times anyway and its just a question of time until they see that and gave up
(325.21 KB 495x826 Screenshot 2023-02-24 133340.png)
MGQ huh, I could probably give it a shot
>>328 >potential futamamo YES E S so few futa pics of her
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>>331 Edit the strapon out you fucking coward
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>>331 >lostpenis >low quality porn I wish I lived in the same reality as you
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>>335 Good shit. Lacks maybe a side x-ray view to show what's actually going on unless she's supposed to be just dry humping her, but it's nice already
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>>340 Awesome >tattoos are also on her dick kek
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>>340 Pretty good
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>>347 >>348 >impregnation good shit. Since they're canonically futas, I've always wondered if the slug girls in MGQ could impregnate female humans. I've definitely fapped to such scenario at least.
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>>350 >I've always wondered if the slug girls in MGQ could impregnate female humans Don't know, but the idea of monster girl futas being able to impregnate human women is hot >futa monster girls usually use human males to get pregnant, just as normal monster girls do >if they can't get men, they kidnap human women and breed them instead >but futa semen is much less virile and so it takes a lot of tries to get human women pregnant >which means the process is rather intense and women get mindbroken from constant futadicking >as a result, human settlements often opt to send their most virile boys as a tribute to spare their girls from this terrible fate >some futas still love fucking human pussy and will kidnap human girls for fun
>>351 That's really hot. Now I want a futa monster girl that gets really baby crazy and decides to breed every girl in a entire village. Just takes control, fucks them day in and day out until they are all knocked up and then leaves.
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>>352 >Just takes control, fucks them day in and day out until they are all knocked up and then leaves. Hell yes
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>>351 Why stop at just girls? Have her demand some boys for her to breed as well!
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Commission I ordered is finally done. (Original was over 10mb so I had to upload smaller a version)
>>355 >quad titties on a hellhound interesting
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>>374 FutAlma needs to become canon, she's definitely perverted enough to try this stuff via magic or something.
Futa yuri, best yuri
>>383 woah, who's the girl in the last one? the (legally distinct) hellhound? Her design is intense..
>>355 can't say i'm into multiboob but i do love knotty hellhound. Very nice! You have a place where you upload all your coms?
>>384 >hellhound She's more like a not!bunnyip, note the snake tail
>>386 Furry lamias were already a thing before MGE
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>>392 This artist does some amazing futa on male content, props to anon who recommended him earlier
>>385 My artist uploads his work to e621 but he's lazy and hasn't posted the Hellhound yet. https://twitter.com/m111rooo/status/1631998653538631683?t=5VX-SYc5Q1nSjzM1T7IMhQ&s=19 At least it's up on twatter.
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>>396 Oh hang on, I know you lol. We're in a few of the same discords I think.
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This technically counts, right?
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>>406 Admin said in his latest post that "monster girl" has a more loose meaning on this board, so I'd say yeah.
>>406 Woah, jees. Nothing against that kind of thing but I think it deserves a separate thread. That's about 80% monster, 20% girl
>>411 I guess under the new rules there could be a MONSTER girl/teratophilia thread
>>412 Yep, that sounds like A good idea. Can be interesting sometimes too!
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>>414 sleepy futakot seems comfy
>>415 Wish she a barbed penis.
>>416 Yeah, regular human dick on futa monster girl is a wasted potential.
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>>457 Needs more futasunes
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Anybody knows what's up with the Existence VN? It's been in development for ages.
(1.68 MB 3840x2160 ArachneSex1Var1.jpg)
>>470 Probably stuck in development hell like nearly every other WEG out there.
>>472 >ovipositor sex hnnnng
(74.95 KB 498x144 nwvBQJ.png)
>>472 Interestingly enough, generally futa or futa-heavy monster girl WEGs seem to fare better than the normal ones in that regard. Tales of androgyny keeps getting regular content updates, portals of phereon is fairly content-rich, nayla's castle was completed and futaken valley is coming along despite dev's hilarious nuclear drama with his batshit insane (ex)gf.
(43.16 KB 800x740 108661382.mp4)
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>>500 hmmm, is it >>>/mg/2870
>>506 Oh hello are you in alp-pha too?
>>508 >alp-pha Now I imagined a sorority/fraternity full of half-transformed futa Alps.
>>508 >alp-pha What?
(403.13 KB 1280x1808 _008.jpg)
>>519 >what... is that thing? >"what?" it's a dick, obviously <3 >a dick...? what!? why is it on a girl? >anyway, let's have sex now <3 futakino dialogue right here
(2.12 MB 1850x1850 ami.png)
>>520 I feel like the boy wouldn't be very interested in hearing the 'history of how youkais had to adapt to avoid total extinction when their male counterparts were being systemically exterminated by a certain someone' 5 seconds before being fucked himself.
(146.32 KB 1705x1229 HORSECOCK!.jpg)
>>521 a hefty dose of WORLDBUILDING sounds like decent foreplay before having your ass destroyed.
>>512 It's basically an mg sex club. don't worry about it. >>509 reminds me of a funny greentext from *2014* about a delivery driver's experiences in mge. The author had a bunch of these, but here's part 2 of the Alp one: >>12700820 >Fratboy-turned-Alp as a repeating customer who asks for you specifically >On-the-job when the boss calls you over >"Hey, buddy! You got a call!" >Slightly confused, you take the phone anyway. You hear a familiar voice on the line. It's high-pitched and feminine, and yet simultaneously gruff. >"Heeeeeeey bro, how's it hangin'!? Low and a lil' to the left, right? Haha, yeah, I know you by now! Listen, the Kanabos and the Tigers are gonna be playin' soon, it'd suck shit to watch it alone. You wanna get over here or what?" >A wet, sloppy, rhythmic noise suddenly fills your ear along with the lewd pulse of feminine, orgasmic moans. "Nnnngh, fuuuuuuuck, when can ya get here, dude? C'mon! Oh GOD, I'm gonna cum again, I-...wha? Food? Fuck, I forgot this was a food thing. Uhhhh...shit, what do you got that's the cheapest? Uh-huh? Alright, gimme a cheeseburger and a small fry. No, WAIT...double cheeseburger. Large fry. I forgot, I'm hungry. OH, and a large vanilla milkshake...wait, you got other flavors? Uh-huh? Okay, peanut butter milkshake. Large. And a TRIPLE cheeseburger. No pickles, no onions, make sure it has mayo and tomato." >The call drops shortly as that wet, rhythmic sound intensifies. The next minute or so is nothing but heavy breathing before you hear a loud, breathy scream. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! God, just get here dude, alright? Oh God, I'm goin' fucking crazy." >"Hey. Dude, you oughta see my tits now. Ooooh man, they're pornstar-tier by now. I'm gonna rub these things all fuckin' over you."
>>526 food delivery in world with monster girls must be quite an experience, going both ways >order meat pizza >cute monster girl delivers it >she keeps the box positioned weirdly low, around her waist >opens the pizza box >pizza does have meat on it >her meat
>>529 gotta love sausage pizza!
Ovipositor fun!
>>532 Human wombs were made to incubate spider eggs.
(111.04 KB 974x457 index.jpg)
>>538 Keeps 'em safe and warm, that's for sure. Just realized that pic rel and the accompanying story posted on /b/ way back in 2008 or 2009 was my first time fapping to actual monster girl porn.
>>539 Do you still have that story?
>>543 Thanks, shame it has a bad ending.
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I wish ubanis drew more futa on futa penetration, his girls are so good
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I want to leglock a monster girl while she pumps me full of her warm seed.
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(1.68 MB 1856x1420 109581791_p1.png)
Her defeat scene was already one of my favorites but this alternative would have been great too.
(1.26 MB 1333x2000 109492088_p0.png)
>>641 MGQ needed more futa in general. It's a criminal how you can die in so many gruesome ways, but just getting dicked down is extremely rare.
(190.69 KB 1132x1060 C36ax8aUMAEIGel.jpg)
>>642 Maybe the idea of futa monster girls dicking down a shota was somehow too niche in 2011. Oh well, at least it's been slowly increasing with each new release.
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Love me some futa Miia
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>>648 futa sneks are precious >double the fun
>>645 I prefer >*pump* *pump* *pump*
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god I wish
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>>656 I am weak to modest sized futa horsecocks
>>655 So who's the mommy in this situation?
>>658 Usually man of the house has more dicks than the wife/mom, so...
>futa with human dick = gay >futa with animal dick = not gay Why is my brain like this
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>>660 Gay or not, I could care less. But girls with animal cocks are better, I'll give you that.
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>>663 i want to try that jawbreaker
>>661 If you think about it, lamia is the perfect centaur cocksleeve
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>>669 >mumumu futakino made into a game Oh great, another askot game to the list of "things I wish got a translation but never will". I wish I was absurdly rich and could afford to commission game translations.
(125.57 KB 772x525 1439424529810.jpg)
>>670 You know what must be done.
>>671 D-dekinai-sama... I kneel
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>>649 Gotta make sure their partner is as filled as possible.
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>>674 Adventurers need to be cautious with lamias, some of them are packing and when they do they are packing double. Girls have it easy because they have appropriate hole count already, as if they were made for snek cocks but the boys - not so much. Hope she'll be satisfied with just a a handy for the other cock.
(2.01 MB 1431x1500 87348143_p0.png)
>>673 Oh this one is great, thank you
(1.48 MB 1600x2000 20230512_165449.png)
>>663 I cannot begin to describe how much I want to worship polt's sweaty, post-workout nuts and asshole.
>>683 >ywn get orally knotted by Polt and have to breathe through her sweaty post-workout crotch fur for the next 30 minutes (at minimum)
>futa Polt will never be your personal trainer and you won't have steamy post workout sex with her every day feels bad
>>673 >ytfw wn be bred like a bitch in heat by a futahound
>>697 Somehow managed to mix tfw and ywn into whatever that is.
>>697 >POV: you have accepted your role as the bitch in the relationship
(182.19 KB 1200x1600 noletter_hellfuta_001.jpg)
>>682 There's a whole set of this btw https://exhentai.org/g/2595111/7853450048/
>>710 Need the same but with male POV, I don't want to be a troon
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>>710 >year 20XX >autism portals finally open and monster girls come forth >anon gets his monster girl gf he always dreamed of >one day he comes home to see her getting knotted by a futa hellhound >anon is devastated and laments how unlucky he is to get cucked like this >until the wan removes herself from his gf, closes the door behind him >and then when anon feels the fluffy paws wrapping around his arm >he realizes he did not get cucked, merely added to the harem >the three of them will have the whole night to become closer
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>>731 she looks nice, the dual balls are very unusual
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>>737 Looks like a party~
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(1.28 MB 2800x1850 Holo x Myuri 1.jpg)
based seraziel just keeps pumping out great stuff
>>750 mm, she's definitely appreciated. I love her polt. nice sweaty heavy balls.
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>>751 >she Nice, this makes it even better
>>779 (I don't actually know if it's a lady)
(1.16 MB 2000x2626 FXUffR5aQAEBT6U.png)
How do you feel about slippery snake schlongs?
>>787 That shape and texture doesn't look very uh... "entertaining"
>>684 That's disgusting. I love it.
(430.12 KB 1500x2000 F2c27z2bgAAK5JV.jpg)
FUCK I wish there was more futa hellhound
>>796 Never enough of those
(581.43 KB 1280x1791 08.jpg)
(537.81 KB 1280x1791 09.jpg)
uhhhhh, I think Gensokyo may not be a safe place for young boys
>>798 Lovely heavy, sweaty horseballs
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I'm gonna dump my collection. Might include off topic stuff sometimes so try to ignore that.
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Because my phone is shitty I can't get good image previews of all of these hence why some are off topic
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Ah fuck I thought there was ten images per block
>>828 nice, I like the last pics the most
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>>833 >no tails holding or tail-lock at the end Missed potential
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>fucks your ass while the tailpussy milks your dick
(3.83 MB 1539x1932 111923525_p4.png)
>Lillia fails to gank Neeko again and gets ganked herself >5th time in 10 minutes Report my jungler
I want a needy futa gf that keeps prodding me with her red rocket whenever she's horny which is often
(443.23 KB 1280x1807 _009.jpg)
>>800 Nonsense, it's a paradise where they can all have a lot of fun with the local denizens.
>>871 >A penis on a girl? >Why? Penis is the best part of a girl and the poor guy is about to find out
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>>911 H-haha sucks to be him, I sure wouldn't want to be in his place!
>>912 You will marry the futa succs. You will let them take all your virginties. You will be their loyal wife. You will let them modify your body. You will bear their children. And you WILL be happy.
(907.54 KB 1500x1250 Futa Dullahan horsecock 2.jpg)
(859.23 KB 1500x1250 Futa Dullahan horsecock 1.jpg)
Welcome to 2024, I'm only about 2 months late
(105.77 KB 400x224 aozZd72_460sv.mp4)
>>1005 >about 2 months late Slowpoke/sloth futa girl when? >rapes her victim SLOWLY >at least 6 hours before she cums >holds her sharp claws up to victim's neck to prevent resistance or escape
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>>1007 >wagging tail >"GET PREGNANT" cute.
>>205 you have a link for those threads on the archive?
>>1010 figures it was slutposters that started it
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That tower defense gacha game has some nice futa content in it.
>>1155 What's going on in the first vid, dude got genderbent and fucked by a futa? if so, hot
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>>1157 Yes
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(687.52 KB 3413x4096 GSfmaunWoAE5b2b.jpg)
until we get hellhounds back, this is the next best thing gift from alpfa
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(199.46 KB 1280x1797 lovely couple.jpg)
I don't know how many still check this thread/board, but this futa x female series by Mikoyan drained my balls https://exhentai.org/g/2381215/82bdb1e17b/ https://exhentai.org/g/2682472/4ac0080143/ https://exhentai.org/g/3033479/fa63f79e7f/
>>1536 mikoyan is a classic
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>>3 TFW you will never be a sexy futa chesh grooming cute shotas into your sextoys
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Does Doppel Luka even count as a real monster girl?
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>>1596 >>1597 She has elf ears so I guess she's as much of a monster girl as elves are, unless you want to be anal about definitions
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futas with animal dicks > human dicks
>>1598 She also has black sclera so already more monster like than all elves combined
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>>278 Cathyl. I want to get my smaller penis inside that giant dick of hers and give her all of my sperm.>>278

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