/amg/ - Alternative Monster Girls

Futa, vore, MONSTER girls, furry and other oddities

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(98.02 KB 827x1169 1669538222453934.jpg)
Board meta thread Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:23:26 No. 2
Post suggestions or feedback regarding /amg/ in this thread News: /amg/ mod recruitment is open. Looking for the worst paid and most thankless job in the world? Want to herd feral autistic cats for absolutely no monetary gain? Send e-mail to [email protected] Having some non-anonymyous identity on the internet I can lookup is a big plus, but not required. Please include your most active timezone.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 12/11/2022 (Sun) 08:15:59.
(643.45 KB 1024x768 Nope, it's a snek.png)
Petition to increase the post image limit to at least 3.
>>100 Anybody else is bothered by the 1 image limit? I can increase it, but it will require more storage space from me and I don't think it's worth it if only one person wants to post more Regardless, it will be increased when/if the site gets regular activity and I'll upgrade to a proper dedicated server with lots of storage
Making a post here so people are aware of the change: I have added NTR ban to the rules, works the same as on /mg/. Though it was supposed to be a free-for-all board, I gave it a longer consideration and cuckoldry enthusiasts among the monster girl fandom (especially MGE) will sooner or later attract troubles to the site as a whole. This is an exception not related to my tastes and I'm not planning to ban any other content in the future, unless it puts the site in danger.
>>171 Worried about KC getting angry? Kinda understandable and I wasn't posting it but it's kinda a shame to see the board lose some freedom no matter what it is. Gotta do whatever you can to protect the site though.
>>172 Nah, I don't think KC would ever know this site exist. Some fag mailed me yesterday and said there's a comfy /trash/ thread and I should advertise there. It looked comfy at first so I did that and left, this morning I wake up and turns out the place is full of cucks. Now, by principle I don't judge people (here), but NTR and monster girls results in absolute shitshows and I don't want to risk a situation when they ever move here in larger numbers and I get the label of being the NTR-friendly board. I can live with the repuation of hosting futa or vore, but NTR would put me add odds with regular MG communities.
>>173 Oh now looks like KC is freaking out over MGE+NTR again, threatening legal action and all. If anybody is still wondering why I've decided to ban this particular kind of content site-wide.
>>180 He also banned futa which is worrying. It's now placed in the same category.
>>181 Yeah this is going too far, I don't want to ban anything more unless I get into trouble. Worst case scenario I'll have to enforce MGE terms and conditions if it comes to that.
Was sent from the /trash/ thread to here after getting tired of the ntr posting in that thread, but what do you guys think of monster potion transformations.
>>190 If you are asking whether they are allowed - yes, generally everything involving monster girls except cuckoldry is allowed on this board, although (MGE) stuff that goes against MGE guidelines might get the boot if I get complaints from KC & co., I don't want to get tied up in that drama. For general fetish talk there's already a fetish thread up >>56
Edited last time by REDACTED on 01/26/2023 (Thu) 12:36:29.
>>191 Yeah I just found that thread kinda new here but I know KC was okay with monster transformations in one of his QaAs.
>>192 The third world-guide actually further comfirms that since the WG books are primary-universe canon
>>100 >>130 Image limit is now increased to 3
What is this board's tolerance to faggotry? Wanted to make a trap thread but dunno since monsterboys are, you know? Boys. Is yaoi within the rules as long it imolves monstergirl (male) aka feminine monsterboys?or at least just monstertrap on female or futa?
>>285 Traps are fine here on /amg/, go ahead. Just please be careful with MGE stuff, it might be too spicy for certain people and attract problems.
>>230 Would 4 be asking too much? It would be kind of nice for reposting content from twitter
>>296 done
>>298 Man, you are amazing, thank you
Updated the rules to include the issue with MGE stuff, hopefully this will clear things up.
While I understand that you guys feel the need to comply with kc's rules, it is very annoying. There are non-dmca hosting companies out there- maybe look into them?
>>367 DMCA threat is one half of the issue, the other half is that parts of the MGE fandom became very militant and will actively pick fights where they see perceived "heresy", with DMCA stuff as their caus belli. For now the community (if there's any) around here is not robust enough to resist cross-site shitfights. I'm not happy with this either, but the latest shitrow with KC & co. forced my hand and I can't really afford to put the whole site at risk for this small slice of possible content.
>>368 I think you're underestimating how much content you're cutting out- I cannot think of a single high profile MGE artist or commissioner who has not drawn/commissioned "heretic" art multiple times, especially futa on female and monsterboys. Lot of that out there. And of course, it's worth pointing out that the trolls are happy to misrepresent KC's own opinions- ask them what they think of futa, beast potions, Cait siths etc. They'll never stop screeching. I of course do recognize you point and the practical side to this, just y'know, making the point.
>>372 As soon as I move the board to a more reliable hosting and feel that the community has solidified a bit to not fold to any random obsessed idiot, I'll retract the rules that came from recent MGE idiocy and switch to "don't ask, don't tell" kind of attitude regarding MGE heresy. Still, I won't ever refuse official DMCA claim from KC or someone legally authorized to represent him, so if you're looking for a safe heaven specifically for that stuff - this site is probably not the place. That said, if anybody decides to make a true /chaos/ MG board I'll happily cooperate and either modify /amg/ or remove it altogether to make way, I only wish to see the imageboard monster girl fandom grow, here or elsewhere - it doesn't matter.
>As soon as I move the board to a more reliable hosting... I'll retract the rules that came from recent MGE idiocy Thank you. We appreciate it very much. >Still, I won't ever refuse official DMCA claim from KC or someone legally authorized to represent him, so if you're looking for a safe heaven specifically for that stuff - this site is probably not the place. Frustrating but understandable.
I've moved the site so like I said, all of the restrictions are lifted, including furry/anthro stuff and in general the term "monster girl" can be much more loose here (and only here).
Edited last time by REDACTED on 06/04/2023 (Sun) 10:17:46.
>>404 I don't have a lot of kemono content, but neat regardless
>>404 I assume ntr still banned ...right?
>>517 Why would you assume that, it's not mentioned in the rules at all. You are free to ban it in your threads and I still expect common sense from people, so it should not be posted in other threads if it starts causing drama, this also applies to any other fetish here.
>>518 Oh ok, thanks
>>518 The legacy of that mge ntr mess seems to be eternally enduring.
>>524 Admittedly I fucked up with the knee-jerk reaction because of my lack of experience with chan hosting. That won't happen again now that I've learned a lot since then.
>>524 yeah but i was made of some kino wight horsecock porn because of it, so it's not all bad
>>524 yeah but i was made aware of some kino wight horsecock porn because of it so it's not all bad
Total file size limit per post increased to 30 MB
Did somebody just delete a post in mgsp?
>>742 Yea, got an actual DMCA claim from KC himself and as said in >>387 I won't refuse it.
>>744 what a dickhead. also >any resemblance to previous characters is purely coincidental
problem solved
>>747 Wew, got a claim on that too. I think it's all nonsense but after what happened the last time someone refused him, I'm not keen on finding out how badly it can go again, regardless of actual liability.
Fics written purely out of spite arent something, I'm really fond of but you know what? I'm really tempted to write a quickfic on ArchiveOfOurOwn just because of that
>>753 It's not worth, the spite gives you initial burst of motivation but it'll start eating you up until you let it go or go crazy. Better try figure out how you can do something productive to go around the problem instead.
>>754 The only thing you can actually do is challenge it and no third party like capybara can really be expected to take the heat for it. It's basically just bullying. >dmcas fanfiction because they'll comply >dmcas small artists that can't or won't fight back >ao3 throws a legal team at him and tells him to back up his words. >runs away At least that is my understanding of it.
>>755 Your best bet is to host a booru/chan yourself outside of USA, so dmca claims have no real legal power. Pair it up with a provider known to either ignore the claims or apply specific server location laws like buyVM does and then you are free to handle the quasi-lawyer threats as you see fit. I believe kemono.party is hosted on that and you can bet they get shitload of angry DMCAs from artists, to no effect.
>>752 That really shouldn't be covered. The character doesn't look anything like kc's stuff anymore, it even has a different name. Bluntly stated the whole point of this website is monstergirls without the autism. Somebody needs to stand up to KC. He does NOT have the right to dmca shit he doesn't own.
>>753 Please do!
>>171 >>745 >>756 >>757 I can only assume you are pretending to be retarded but for those of us that just want to post futa mg in peace please fuck off. Not your personal army. This website wasn’t created so three of you trannies can larp your war against some gook. I can see your single mother in the way you guys type.
>>759 You're being a bit silly since futa is absolutely a danger zone when it comes to MGE too.
>>753 I'm really glad that ArchiveOfOurOwn will lawyer up to protect the rights of their writers, it's not realistic for a site this size but it's nice that there's a safe haven for fanfic writers. I'd say do it
>>760 mg != mge I understand you are retarded.
>>762 The odd thing was that you brought up futa specifically at all.
>>763 Considering the constant drama with retards like you. Some of us just want to get away from it but I’m now realizing that you guys are massive faggots and that’s coming from a guy who likes chicks with dicks. Again this board isn’t your personal army. You and your tranny friends need to rope.
>>765 Personally I just think this comes dangerously close to laying claim to an artstyle or something generic like paws.
>>759 You are literally retarded. Somebody posts a character that has nothing to do with mge and it gets dmca'd and you whine about how we're the unreasonable ones?
>>766 This. Also what is it with retards and tranny obsession I swear
>>757 >Somebody needs to stand up to KC Maybe, I dunno but for sure that won't be me. I already had the displeasure of participating in one horrible MG community drama that almost killed my enthusiasm for monster girls and there's no way I'll risk being put in the center of another one and the risk is huge given that I'm being contacted by KC himself and not some random spergs like many speculated. Anyway I don't even know where current controversy comes from, I did exactly what I said I would do months ago after ironing out the guidelines for /amg/ and I warned people that I would take the burden of dealing with this bullshit.
>>769 I don't really think it's fair to you that some anons are trying to unload their fight here for some reason. >I'm being contacted by KC himself and not some random spergs like many speculated. I really hope that means his internet police are reporting everything to him and not that he's actually spending all day lurking random chans for content he doesn't like.
>>769 I mean I don't want to be selfish or obnoxious but if we're gonna let KC dmca shit he doesn't own, that's not exactly a good look you know
>>770 Nobody is trying to offload drama, get that through your head. Why can't you understand that KC IS the drama. Don't dmca shit you don't own. I don't want to put the owner under too much pressure for a variety of reasons but you need to try to stop passing blame. KC doesn't own monstergirls as a concept.
>>772 I don't know, anon. I assume the next step for you is to file a dispute claiming that it doesn't violate any copyright.
>>773 I mean, I didn't receive a notification allowing me to do that. At the moment, all I can do is call KC gay and stupid and that's about it
>>774 Email it to the capybara contact address and he can pass it on. It'd be hilarious (to me). Although I suppose he could choose not to and just abide by the takedown. I'm also not sure what the deal is if you don't own copyright the art.
>>775 >Although I suppose he could choose not to This, don't bother.
>>776 A bit out of luck then unless he posts his art to twitter or patreon or something and waits for the next DMCA to dispute it.
>>775 >I'm also not sure what the deal is if you don't own copyright the art. ????? "Ya this guy can dmca shit he doesn't actually own and it's all g" yeah uh no
>>753 Do it lol Make it kinky
>>769 >one horrible MG community drama that almost killed my enthusiasm for monster girls what was that? i'm super curious
>>821 It's a long and very ugly story that won't make much sense to people who weren't involved from the very start. In a nutshell, a very old monster girl community on 4chan suddenly became like 2-3x (if not more) as popular as it used to be and things went as bad as you'd expect from a niche *chan subculture getting flooded with newfags. This led to said community breaking up and eventually this is how this site came to be.
>>829 Huh. I usually have the opposite problem, where insufferable old farts try to "gatekeep their thread" which drives all content creators away.
>>859 Well now you know there is some merit to this "gatekeeping" and a balance between that and full openness is needed (on 4ch, here there is no use for gatekeeping)
>>860 ehhhhh? Maybe. I mean without knowing which thread you're talking about, it's hard to talk about the story. Only thing I can think of is MGG on jp, or the monmusu threads on a. I guess this could have also come from the futa and no futa threads on d? hmm....
>>861 There were/are more monster girl threads on 4chan than the ones you listed and I'd like to avoid namedropping when speaking from site admin position, since the place I'm talking about still exists. If you are reeeeally curious, you can make a burner mail and mail me and then I can give you a full write up.
>>861 I am starting to wonder if every monster girl community has similar discussions.
>>862 might take you up on that! learning is always good
place is pretty worthless, i mean it's even more pointless than 4chan right now cause at least there you can challenge dmcas.
>>1733 Did you though.

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