/amg/ - Alternative Monster Girls

Futa, vore, MONSTER girls, furry and other oddities

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Monster girl Slut posting /mgsp/ Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 23:15:05 No. 595
Refugee camp edition I felt like the board could use a place where people can chatter about whatever monster content they want, and what better way than reviving the monster girl slutposting threads originally found on trash Anons... >post about your favorite monster girls >talk about why you love them and how you found them >tell the thread what kind of scenarios (besides fucking) you'd like to have with your monster girl. An example would be going through a fantasy dungeon or something like that. Sluts... >find the anons who like your monster girl and roleplay for them >tease the anons who love you and make sure to make their scenarios extra lewd. >do your best to make the anons happy by appealing to fetishes and kinks. Anthros, furry, scales, and other general monsters also welcome! >Any similarities to previously existing characters or franchises are purely coincidental in nature.
>>595 kinda want to get a commission of this, but traced over with an anubis. Beast rimming is great.
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>>595 I found this in my old folders. You can have it.
>>595 There's been another autistic meltdown involving futa and mge. The one good part about this is it allows you to know who your friends really are- and aren't. https://twitter.com/MofuMerchant/status/1684606264666357781?s=20
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Question for you degens, if you could decide, would you rather have a monster gf or be turned into a monster girl yourself?
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>>713 I don't want to become a woman so obviously the former. Although I could consider that if I got a futa monster girl gf, more holes more fun.
>>713 Have one, definitely!
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>>713 Having monster gf
>>713 I'd rather be a monster trap
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There needs to be more content with succubi feeding on multiple men at the same time, none of that puritan bullshit plaguing the genre >I'm a literal semen demon but I will only ever fuck one man and become a tradwife >because otherwise the depressed otaku won't be able to self-insert properly
It's definitely a natural fit
>>729 This is actually valid and you've made me notice how rare this actually is.
>>729 Imagine just how many succubi would turn to prostitution in a heartbeat
>>782 Getting paid to eat sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
>>782 Does the price include dryfish protection or is that a unlisted extra you need to request?
>>595 i'm reposting some old mg kink stories. anybody got any suggestions for me to reupload/host?
Been a little while since I've checked in here. Mofu really got screwed over by a dmca. I really hate copyright and am frustrated with KC.
>>913 I think literally everyone involved would be happier if people just let KC kill his setting like it was reveled lately and switch to something else. That or just spend those 10 or 15 bucks on a non-DMCA hosting and go balls to the walls.
>>913 This thread last got a post like four months ago(days since post popup when?) It sure has been a while. >mofu Mofumerchant? He just moved on with his life while a bunch of fags celebrated sticking it to him.
>>916 In a way but he probably won't make Hellhound content anymore.
>>932 It's okay, the model still exists.
Hey, kid. You wanna see some bootleg animation?
>>938 Fuck yeah I do lol, I love hellhound cock
>>637 in this situation it was well deserved >>729 >>782 do you even read hentai? Succubi whores are common af.
>in this situation it was well deserved I'm glad kc is loosening up his ntr rules toward people that haven't done whatever that dude did then. It was silly anyway. You think we'll get some sort of consenting ntr girl who makes her other husbands forget they are all married to simulate cheating?
>>968 What do you mean he's loosening his NTR rules?
>>968 >>984 Yeah, I wanna know that too.
>>984 >>1000 He was bullshitting and deleted his post where he admitted that, for whatever reason.
>>595 Atrox what happened to you
Is NTR talk allowed here?
>>1205 it is, but admin guy said he will comply with KC's DMCAs
>>1207 Damn, I didn't realize KC knew about this place and even is willing to send DMCAs, I will keep quiet about it then. Maybe a Discord server or something would be better.
>>595 Anybody home?
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>>595 Is the slutposting discord still alive? My discord account got deleted, but would be nice to get back. At least to the server that was named alpha something. Miss the Musasi and monster girl posting
>>1491 Oh hey yeah it is lol here https://discord.com/invite/PgE7vBSe
>>1538 I can't let you join if you immediately leave after joining lol
Nice cat.
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>>1734 ugh so hot i like imagining that's my wife and a bunch of like football jocks
>>1735 I'm more of a fan of disgusting goblin rape but you do you.
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>>1734 >>1735 >>1737 giving anon's hellhound wife the perfect pregnancy and hyper fertility potion and see who can put the most mutts into her.
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>>1741 I want to worship my Hellhound gf's cock and then almost suffocate from being throatknotted
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>>1742 fuckin baysed lmao
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AI gen is fun.
>>1746 >>1746 Fun fact: the fox is actually male, a OC from jessicatg, who draws exclusively men getting feminized
>>1750 Local stable diffusion or some site avaliable online?
>>1752 Local model of pony with the MGE lora. The AI thread in /mg/ explains it well enough.
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