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Libbie (& other TysonTan mascots) Tail Toucher 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:10:55 No. 732
The gayest, most pointless conspiracy in tech, and also fucking adorable. Also in two video games and zzzchan's never ever visual novel. It's Libbie thread time, faggots.
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Well, that's the dump for now. There's tons more stuff, but hopefully that'll help get the thread off the ground. Reminder that Libbie is in Freedom Planet 2 and Petal Crash, and that the aforementioned VN has some demos and unfinished content up at https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/168647.html .
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my muse <3
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(16.85 KB 54x47 Libbie (140).gif)
i have a bot that scrapes pictures of her using Yandex, it runs on a Beelink S1 NUC but it hasn't been working that well recently
(434.73 KB 700x1289 57.jpg)
(611.60 KB 1935x3850 GNZsetCWkAAyd2x.jpg)
(243.03 KB 512x800 libbie_23 (AI).jpg)
I can drop a folder with around 200 pictures
>>749 Dump eet.
>>749 I'd love to see it, especially since it looks like you have a couple pictures I don't. >>747 Man, I hopee that fucker's project goes somewhere.
>>751 >Man, I hopee that fucker's project goes somewhere. that would be me I haven't had much time to work on the project but there has been a lot of progress made in open source LLMs with Meta's release of Llama 3 which is nearing the quality of GPT-4. The goal is to have everything offline and self-hosted, because OpenAI is run by silicon valley globohomo faggots who want to ban consumer GPUs and treat them like their firearms and create a monopoly on AI through regulatory capture. I'm still looking into a solution for fully offline speech synthesis, which is the main bottleneck right now. There isn't much out there that can generate high quality results compared to commercial services like Elevenlabs.
>>749 I wish Kiki had some sort of drama behind her. I'm gonna be a minority (🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿♿☭☭☭) and say don't bother if it's not her. Better tell me how to Libbify Collabora or at least stock LO.
(49.97 KB 1200x720 EItV78CUwAAwwP-.jpg)
>>753 https://krita-artists.org/t/happy-pride-month-everyone/42115 Thanks for making Kiki more inclusive with love from Hsinchu (taiwan) now i feel even more comfy drawfagging with Krita. >>752 Blame china and their stupid chip wars i just want to play vidya all day in peace.
It's funny how distinctly opposite Kiki's palette is to actual tranny colours, both in the actual design and the amount of thought behind it. Kiki's colours are based on the subtle symbolism of qualities associated with specific colours, representing her core qualities as a character and a mascot. Her pastel colours are carefully tuned to create a pleasing ensemble, relaxing to look at and guiding the eye with beautiful gradients. Meanwhile, trannyflag's symbolism is: "pink is for guuuurlz mkaaay, so den bwer is fo da boooooyz, amd whaat is fo da time i had cum before chopping my clittie off ️‍🏳️‍⚧️️‍🏳️‍⚧️️‍🏳️‍⚧️️‍🏳️‍⚧️". It's palette is also made by maxing out the hue sliders to be as toxic and offensive to the eye as possible, just like the trannies themselves, just like pride inc. as a whole, just like all of their heraldry. Tyson's designs in general suffer from him being the only one competent enough to get them right, and poor Kiki's bearing the brunt of it.
Well, the upside to that is that now Kiki definitely canonically despises trannies for trying to attach themselves to her all the time. And I wouldn't have my future wAIfey any other way. ♥
>>734 Why is the math oryx black?
>>776 Maxiumum mathematics, probably; same reason she's consistently given huge tits.
>>776 Affirmative action.
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Speaking of open source mascot competitions, the O3DE game engine is holding one right now. Can Godot-chan be upstaged by a cute kemono girl? o3de.org/mascot-challenge
i really hope they dont make that libre office's mascot or i wont be able to get any work done on the account of my furious masturbation to her black tail
(30.72 KB 2198x2930 maff gussy closeup.png)
How gruff's Maff's muff?
>>876 Is Tyson aware?
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i think i remember people fighting about libbie not being made the mascot, shame because she has a cute design. i think she would be a good design for an ai (...girlfriend haha ...unless) that would holographically appear on your pip-boy or whatever future shit we will strap onto our bodies in the future. also oc
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>>914 I think he's said somewhere that he's done doing free software mascots. Apparently there were a good amount of projects that never got back to him or didn't use his designs, and the Libbie clusterfuck was the final straw. I still intend to ask him if I ever get off my ass and make something I've been thinking about for a while, but I'd want to get more comfortable with Lisp first. >>925 I mean, >>752 is already on that but who knows where that'll end up. Also, how the fuck are O3DE going to get a mascot that embodies all of these buzzwords? What do they want, a modular kemono robot girl?
>>925 The way you drew Libbie and Maff here is very cute
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>>925 I like these drawings a lot. >remember people fighting about libbie not being made the mascot You have no idea.
>>933 I love how open source fags showed their corporate colors rigging a mascot it seems everyone wanted You start understanding how judgemental people are when it comes to anthro stuff or even remotely close, you cannot talk about it or they will assume you are some kind of fursuiter/faggot *the whole fursuit wouldn't even be that bad if it weren't for that it's 90% fags* Honestly due to the bad rep from those people it's somewhat understandable i would say. Nonetheless extremely annoying.
(70.89 KB 710x746 dear god.jpg)
>>933 good god, what a clusterfuck >>934 out of all the reasons not to pick libbie, the argument that she is furshit is the most valid one. that said she deserved the spot even if you dont like anthro characters as she stylistically fit the design (and also wasn't traced by a talentless pajeet)
>>935 Yea but even "valid" is pretty weird to say, hello kitty/sanrio stuff is like a billion dollar market alone. I've yet to see someone accused on being a furry because they owned a hello kitty something. Can't fix having no taste or sense of uniqueness I guess. Exactly why sanrio makes billions.
>>937 home team privileges; hello kitty has been around for a while and wasn't known for being furshit out of the gate. when you make a new logo/mascot/character in this era making them anthropomorphic may be perceived as furshit. even if it isnt the furries will co-opt it, look what happened to zabivaka not to say that i like this being the case, but people will not want to have their product associated with degenerate homosexuals who probably fuck dogs (considering how a popular furry youtuber gets outed for doing so every week). then again i may be biased because i hate furries (even though i draw furshit)
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>>934 Sometimes I wonder if all the corporatization and mass transitions that wrecked the open source world could have been avoided if hacker culture had leaned a little into the wizard part of computer wizards. They already had the beards, and if they just put on robes they probably would come across as jolly monks or eccentric wizards instead of fat slobs in t-shirts and cargo shorts. My hunch is that, in doing this, they would have taken on a stronger identity, gained some dignity, and thus been more resistant to destructive ideas like Codes of Conduct (outside shitposts like https://sqlite.org/codeofethics.html , the source of which ironically has a proven track record of sustaining communities for hundreds or even thousands of years) and tranny culture's promise of turning boring and awkward computer nerds into "interesting" people.
(863.11 KB 791x1028 bf109e.png)
>>938 >look what happened to zabivaka Looked it up and guess fags drew rule34 >have their product associated with degenerate homosexuals who probably fuck dogs I think it's an extremely pessimistic view, but it does look pretty dire for people who like/draw any anthro at all and who aren't complete freaks. >(considering how a popular furry youtuber gets outed for doing so every week) Fucking hell really? who? >then again i may be biased because i hate furries (even though i draw furshit) The problem is normies will always see us as furries, since I don't really think straight "anthro enjoyers" have a vocal community or real community at all either unless we embrace some term like "kemono". The loud degenerate freaks will probably be our image especially in the west. That's what it seems like to me anyway. Who knows though maybe even though it's humiliating its for the better, normies have reverse midas touch and ruin anything and everything they touch. >>939 That's a good point and they would have if they just embraced their identity against a hostile society that was pretty much bullying them for liking computers all their lives probably, if only they used their identity instead of losing it. We also cant dismiss the fact that tptb always makes active efforts to destroy and discredit any group/subculture cohesion or collective that is even remotely seen as a "threat" in any regard(so many examples even imageboards), trying to destroy any coolness along with it or how you notice the "hacker nerd" suspiciously disappearing from 'tv movie pop culture' entirely and even the socially relatable "anti authority figure" has but COMPLETELY vanished. Nerds/computer wizards have had an extreme amount of power and will technically have for the foreseeable future as we are over reliant on technology, but tptb shifted the Overton-window and are constantly threatening to replace them, knife in the back style with low iq jeets who offer quantity over quality if they make 1 mistake at work or even in private, unless they work a super rare tech niche that is hard to replace. Now they're just silent well paid cogs in an evil machine who must accept any humiliation from the ceo-politburo... /This cancer has spread to open source from people who made money in corporate obviously and it's a very real problem, and it's a battle that hasn't been fought(hopefully yet). So sad almost nobody appears to fighting back against the marxist cancel culture, against this modern class warfare all this time. Smart people but most are too retarded to understand what is actually going on around them socially speaking. Anyways if real open source people take the battle against the overton window they will literally turn into corporate culture from 20-30 years ago and we really see how it's turning that way. The cock choppers "Code of conduct" is literally another word for "PC corporate culture / corporate speak".
>>943 if real open source people wont** take the battle against the overton window
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>>925 Whoever made the new Libbie VN thread (still never ever) said thanks for the drawings.
>>938 This thing looked like a walking fursuit from day 1. I won't be surprised if some libtard fag pushed his fursona through to embarrass his boss, which, knowing the brand of subhuman populating russian government, is a roundabout justice in its own way, however small.
>>939 How is Tyson Tan doing these days?
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>>1189 I haven't been keeping up on him, but from a quick glance at his twitter he claims he's doing a bit better and working on a project called "Spirit Animals in Disguise," complete with a Libbie redesign.
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>>1191 That's not a loooooong, that's some sort of a hoofless kirin. Stupid americhink, it's even in the fucking name.
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>>1193 That ain't the worst thing in the image, sadly.
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>>876 >the results came in >voting wrapped up yesterday >it's all dogshit I hope the emoji cube won.
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>some eceleb drew this fat hairy retard in that flat art style >got cucked out of the finals by trash-tier stable diffusion gens kek Also, that blue squid would quickly get mixed up with Squid's mascot.
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>>1274 What a sad state of affairs. This little triangle dude honestly feels like the least embarrassing and most versatile mascot. Just treat his face as a screen that can have various emojis on it.
>>1280 Modern: it's minimalistic. Bold: ?? Friendly: looks extremely friendly (as opposed to whatever death machines the other options are). Open Source: it's a building block given to you to make what you want with it. Modularity: you can stack and combine triangles infinitely to make different things. Renderer: 3D is rendered with triangles.
>>1274 >5 of 12 are obviously AI I'll be honest, the Mike Wazowski robot is fine and I'd be happy if he had won. It's beyond strange to see a bunch of genAI slop be up next to things that people put actual work into. Even the emoticon cube (those aren't emoji, you retard) has a fun concept and some greebles on the corners to make it have some kind of visual distinction. I've got to start finding these contests, cataloguing them, and submitting some shitty sketches to them. Even my talentless hands could have outdone the hideous fucking goblins.
>>1291 I planned on submitting a walking goatse that anal vored different shapes into its anus, but got decently sick for a while and forgot to draw it until it was too late.
>>1292 hot
>>1274 Wow thats fucking awful

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