/kemono/ - Kemono

Fluffy Anime Girls

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Rules and Newfag Info Mannuwar 09/05/2023 (Tue) 17:36:44 No. 381 [Reply]
Welcome to /kemono/! Read this post to ensure you're up to speed. >Why does this board exist? There used to be a slow but healthy /kemono/ board on old 8chan, which died when that website imploded in 2019. In 2020, this board was created as an unlisted bunker in the event that /animu/'s bunker, prolikewoah, suffered a similar fate. Prolikewoah has remained online for the intervening years, but there is only so much that can be done within a single thread. This board will provide more stability for kemono art enthusiasts. >What's it for? Sharing pictures of kemono art - a distinctly Japanese style of drawing anthro/furry characters; pics related are good examples. Most pictures are typically cheesecake, but hentai and doujinshi are also permitted. >Who are you, specifically? The original BO was Pioneer (who wrote much of this post), an unremarkable internet user who stepped up to become the custodian of this board during its bunker years. His number of administrative actions taken can be counted on one hand. The new BO is mannuwar, another anon. >Rules 1) Follow all global rules. 2) Spoil explicit NSFW, such as genitals and explicit sex. Exposed breasts are allowed. 2.1) "Soft NSFW" such as nipple slips, exposed areolas, translucent clothing, camel toes, or stuff that is just barely explicit is allowed. 3) Degenerate fetishes are not allowed: futanari, yaoi, scat, guro, etc. You can mention them if you have a reason to, but don't post any images and refrain from linking to external sources.

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Edited last time by REDACTED on 09/05/2023 (Tue) 23:32:32.

>>1086 cool might give it ago
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>>1088 These days the main kemono models are use are these. Even these 1.5 models are very good quality wise. They may not be flexible as Pony models but they give an art style I really like when adding artist loras. https://civitai.com/models/520960/furrytoonmix-pony https://civitai.com/models/364860?modelVersionId=566756 I've only used sun version so far but it's very stable. It's pretty flexible enough to change its style but stiff enough to keep a furry style despite artist loras. https://civitai.com/models/195393/satyrremixv4-primal Better as a general kemono model. https://civitai.com/models/214938/satyrremixdaybreak While not as good as the above in terms of being a kemono model. I like the art style more in this one. https://civitai.com/models/216283/furryblend A very clean and stable model. I don't care for the original style but when combined with style loras it can make a bunch of great styles. It will probably make for a good base to fuse models with. https://civitai.com/models/93688/ricecake-furry-remix https://civitai.com/models/261405/ricecake-style-ink Ricecake models are great for traditional media gens. Especially centered around paintings. Possibly made redundant by pony models that are good with traditional media.
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>>1089 well i generated these using the helga world flipper model. gotta say im impressed with the quality thanks to the filters. the last one is a added mix of lightsource and nezumin as i was trying to add more details but it looked messy.
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>>1099 If you want to add more details, you could always try out these loras. They're detail enhancers. Though you're right that referencing artists is a better way to go about it. https://civitai.com/models/116855/furtastic-detailer (SD1.5) https://civitai.com/models/58390/detail-tweaker-lora-lora (SD1.5) https://civitai.com/models/122359?modelVersionId=135867 (SD XL / PONY) Another way is to add furry artist loras. I usually go for suurin to get fluffier fur.
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>>1101 they somewhat help. these are the character Flam Kish from fuga melodies of steel. i'll make more when i get more credits

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Kemono Artist Thread Tail Toucher 01/18/2021 (Mon) 20:16:57 No. 161 [Reply]
A thread for kemono artists and where to find their works. If you really enjoy an artist's works, make sure to archive them because you never know when they'll nuke their works for various reasons. You can use these resources to reverse image search. https://saucenao.com https://iqdb.org https://ascii2d.net https://trace.moe https://yandex.com/images https://images.google.com https://www.tineye.com >タブヘッド / sai hoku https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=40589627 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=988911103286505472 https://skeb.jp/@TAB_head https://tbhdbnb.fanbox.cc/
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Tabby_mow https://twitter.com/Tabby_mow https://nitter.poast.org/Tabby_mow New artist who's art looks promising.
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doremifaso64 https://twitter.com/doremifaso64 https://nitter.poast.org/doremifaso64 Wait, this isn't Yagi? But he does directly reference Yagi. Yagi the goat https://twitter.com/s1120411 https://nitter.poast.org/s1120411
>>1095 cute stuff!
AN_Choby hadn't posted in a long while. I'm growing restless...
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>>1095 >pic 2 Sir Graham from King's Quest?

Kemono Anal Tail Toucher 12/29/2020 (Tue) 09:18:20 No. 97 [Reply]
Fluffy girls' butts being played with.
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>>916 >>917 that one works. more cute but detailed at the holes though i wish the body was abit more of a mature lady
>>1090 Too bad.
>>1091 needs to go deeper
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>>1093 Have mercy, anon, she's barely nine years old!
>>1102 practically a fossil

Cute Thread Tail Toucher 04/25/2021 (Sun) 09:27:52 No. 235 [Reply]
Extra kawaii kemono.
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Buyfag thread Tail Toucher 02/27/2021 (Sat) 18:50:53 No. 188 [Reply]
I know we're a slow board but is anyone interested in a buyfag thread? Anything from figures to dakis to commissions. If you have any tips for buying overseas as well feel free to post them. I'll link the /a/ buyfag guide for general stuff. https://buyfags.moe/So_you_want_to_be_a_buyf/a/g%3F
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>>1076 Objectively speaking as a piece of art if you would be referring to the quality alone it is better than >>437 which is also really hq. I hope there is more of >>437
>>1080 yeah more hq kemono figures
So, is the cock made of some sort of rubber or something, or jointed, or is it just solid? Because if it is, for one, any completely rigid protrusion like that is bound to feel pretty cheap, and secondly, he's gonna become fem lycanos pretty quick if you drop him.
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>>961 https://keyakihobby.jp/ There's a panda girl too. Not a fan of figma myself though. I would rather just have a figurine.

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OC art thread! 12/04/2023 (Mon) 00:34:56 No. 476 [Reply] [Last]
a thread for kemono art you made General Art Resources >/loomis/' new home: https://trashchan.xyz/loomis/ >How to Draw: An /ic/ Guide: https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn >Webring drawfag resources folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Kemono-specific >/animu/'s kemono artbook collection (only has one book in it): https://mega.nz/folder/oe1Gwaob#syC5SmXSh8rPxAOi93S1Wg >Drawing Manga Action Furries: https://exhentai.org/g/2792798/f58d7d51bf/ Other >Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art (a book on anon art in traditional societies): https://archive.org/details/christianori00coom/
Edited last time by REDACTED on 06/01/2024 (Sat) 17:45:19.
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>>1048 The way you hold them.
so if women aren't femcel's type and human males aren't her type either, then what is her type? gigachad malefurs?
>>1075 u-18-kun
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>>1075 if she had romantic feelings she would just date a trad cat-man, because she hates racemixing also here is an old image kinda related to this, but it was when i was first conceptualizing her so not very kemono
I... see... (Doesn't get it)

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Kemono Games & Media Tail Toucher 05/08/2021 (Sat) 09:49:07 No. 247 [Reply] [Last]
Obviously there's kemono doujins, but let's have a thread for games, anime, or other media involving fluffy kemonos. The demo released for Two Beasts or Not To Beast, it has a lot of the big kemono artists behind it. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ325681.html/?locale=en_US
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>>1057 This is not a furry site.
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>>1031 I should learn to draw. I'm pretty sure I could make some nice art if I put my mind to it. I used to draw until I got out of highschool. Unlike then, now I definitely have a reason to draw. >>1033 >>1034 I think that's a good idea. I was thinking as dumping a bunch of doujins I'm scanning all at once with a credits page linking to the stuff. >Assuming you're LongSwordUser on sadpanda, you have more than enough work and momentum to get people interested. Same guy, I'm hoping people still remember my uploads as I've barely uploaded anything in a year. Looking at Exhentai, the ENG scanning scene is in dire straights. People just rely on digital scans and the amount of scanners is very small. Then you have idiots uploading trash machine translations instead of getting translators on applying proper editing.
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>>1041 It's worth going as tons of things are sold in person that you can't get online. Same when shopping second hand as you can grab a ton of things that might not be on any second hand shopping site like Mandarake. Here's a video of event shopping in person. <An Overworked Salaryman's Guide to Prepping for Comiket - How to Plan And What To Bring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eTIeGQhpw0 >are they all re-sold on booth nowadays? No. Some don't ever restock and even if it's put up for resale it can be snatched up in an instant. So you can't be too hesitant on what you want to buy. >If so, how much cash and free time does it require? I do all my shopping online and outside of Japan. 100 doujins today should be around $500 I believe. Shipping is where the real financial rape comes in. It can cost you $100+ to ship 100 doujins now. >I presume you don't need to know much nihongese, right? Nah, a cellphone can translate anything for you these days. Also you can use Google Lens to translate words and physical objects instantly. So you should never get lost due to communication problems. >Is there some sort of a catalogue of the books that are going to be sold and what's in them, or do you have to piece it together from social media? There is a catalog of what artists will be there but you'll need to check their socials to see what they'll sell. Some don't sell their stuff online and many smaller artists will only sell stuff in person. Not that their works aren't worth buying mind you. The catalogs are sold on Melonbooks but you can also find them here. https://webcatalog.circle.ms/

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>>1063 Try two more niches on top of hmofa. I kind of want to put some of my money and/or effort towards searching out and publishing what little human male on kemololisho (not only pornographic) may exist out there. But that's such a well of contradictory niches, I don't even know if there is anything to look for, or if I'd be better off becoming the kemono version of your average furry fetish commissiondrone. What events are out there, even? Everyone always talks about either Comiket or Kemoket, but even just looking "kemoket" up, wikifur lists like 5 conventions in japan, excluding the obviously fursuit one, and if you go around the pages there are more mentioned but not listed. I feel like smaller, probably more specialized events are the best place to look for niche stuff (assuming those are even doujin events), right? But I don't even know where to look or whom to ask about them.
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>>1064 Barely anyone does that type of material. NME, Kishibe, Rikose, and Ro/Nyankose are the only well known artists that do that material and Kishibe's is SFW. He did make 5 SFW doujins and I have 4 of them translated. I was going to upload them to Exhentai ages ago but needed to edit the cover pages again after a corrupted hard drive wiped everything I had. So I need to do that again. Either way, what I'm basically saying is that I've been looking for that material too (except shota stuff) and I've scanned a good deal of the NSFW stuff and some SFW over the past few years. Anything new you'll probably have to commission for or possibly draw yourself. The material is so niche most of those artists started drawing to get it so you'll probably have to do that same. I post artists and their Twitters in the Artist Thread here so you can look through those and find some artists. Who knows, they might start making something you like and put the word out that they'll submit something for Kemoket. As for conventions, Kemoket and the bi-yearly version of it is all you really need to know if you want doujins. Many smaller artists submit their works in anthology series. A few of the better ones work on the "Comic Gaira" kemono/monster girl human male on kemono female series but you can just download those. Kemono doujins are usually sold on Alicebooks but shipping is expensive and some works don't ship world wide. At this point it might just be cheaper to use a Forwarding Service like Rabbit Japan to buy from that site.

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Manga and doujins Tail Toucher 01/31/2024 (Wed) 03:40:56 No. 531 [Reply]
Anyone got any good recommendations? Lets post and discuss them. Image is from Disaster Fox Kuzure-chan.
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>>994 >spoiler topkek
>>1006 Jokes aside, though, I totally expected them to recast the stalker fagrabbit as a girl for the anime. I get it could have flown under back when the thing just started out as some unknown manhua, but for an official production backed by The chink YouTube... Is it okay because they are animals, or is Xi too old to understand webtoons?
>>1043 WTH, SFW comedy animu now banned for having men? Literally /monster/.
>>1051 You have an entire board to post your ugly gay chinkshit on (not that they seem to be all that fond of your taste either). I suggest you use it.
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>>1054 I can't believe I've been snarked at by a janny with his admin tag on an alt chan!

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