Catalog of /site/

Mode: Thread

Max message length: 20000


Max file size: 30.00 MB

Max files: 5


(used to delete files and postings)


Remember to follow the rules

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

Bypassing the VPN/proxy block

Due to increasing spam activity, there is now a site-wide block for posting under VPN or proxy. Most current posters will not be affected since I whitelisted those who posted in the last few months. For those who I missed when making the whitelist or didn't post yet, here's how to get a bypass that allows VPN/proxy posting: 0) Come up with a custom post deletion password you will use as bypass. 1) Reply to this post requesting a bypass. You must make the post using your custom password from previous step. Normally the post deletion password is generated randomly and saved in browser local data, but you can set your own password after clicking "more" under the posting form options. Do not reveal your chosen password in the request post, it will be extracted from the database. 2) Wait for confirmation that your password is whitelisted

R: 20 / I: 5 / P: 1

General site feedback thread

Post any feedback and suggestions regarding the site here.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 1

Imageboard features roadmap and development

Current list of planned features: Expand image on hover done Add saucenao reverse image search done User thread self-moderation, via anonymous edit codes or passwords if possible on backburner, thread claiming is generally not used as of now Option to automatically replace filename with its hash Additional image spoiler variants to describe what kind of content is within --------------- Nice-to-have and if time permits below --------------- More thread customization: toggleable user IDs, captcha, SFW/NSFW attribute, VPN/proxy ban Improve mobile UI