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(1.04 MB 880x720 Waggy Gomadare.gif)
Mermaids Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 05:43:57 No. 502
I like fish.
(381.62 KB 2100x2800 AppleSpice Peter Pan Mermaid.jpg)
(416.80 KB 2100x2800 AppleSpice Peter Pan Mermaid 2.jpg)
yes half of these are from the /aco/ threads sorry
(78.04 KB 708x999 1670836801421858.jpg)
(563.21 KB 1200x1073 Rinshi Brunette Bridal Carry.jpg)
This RinShi artist is blessed, if you're in this thread go show him some love. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41635004
(438.05 KB 989x1200 Rinshi Brunette POV Sex.jpg)
(528.03 KB 992x1200 Rinshi Brunette Clothed.jpg)
He'll do a dozen variants of the same picture where the girl has a different hair length, hair color, tail color, and/or gills or lack thereof. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the same character in each of them.
(548.38 KB 1200x929 Rinshi Kiss.jpg)
(359.79 KB 1200x711 Rinshi Sex Big.jpg)
(687.10 KB 1200x1073 Rinshi Blonde Bridal Carry.jpg)
(487.24 KB 1073x1200 Rinshi Blonde.jpg)
(545.43 KB 992x1200 Rinshi Blonde Clothed.jpg)
I could post dozens more just from RinShi but I won't, at least not yet.
(1.43 MB 1262x1500 Catgirl.png)
Let's combine a mermaid with the next most vanilla monster girl.
(320.54 KB 1040x1040 SoraxAriel.webm)
For some reason I didn't save this as a gif, sorry.
(1.67 MB 864x1080 Darkness Tentacles.png)
Stupid website thinks I'm flooding.
(1.10 MB 750x1000 GigaMessy Monika.png)
(1010.96 KB 750x1000 GigaMessy Sayori.png)
(1.02 MB 750x1000 GigaMessy Yuri.png)
(986.42 KB 750x1000 GigaMessy Natsuki.png)
Natsuki best doki.
(1018.77 KB 773x1000 GigaMessy Rin Yamazaki.png)
Come to think of it, if I'm posing aquatic monster girls I probably am flooding the site.
(1.51 MB 966x1250 GigaMessy Heather Mason.png)
(682.64 KB 3500x2500 WaggySeashells.jpg)
The spam filter is getting on my nerves, so I'll stop now.
>>523 This site engine has some kind of "bypass" function that work sorta like 4chan pass, I'll check if it allows to bypass the 60 sec timer. Can't really just disable the flood filter, or you know what might happen without captcha
(348.64 KB 1024x1280 asuka plugsuit.jpg)
>>524 Cool, I'm always on a VPN so it might not be able to recognize me. Also, you ruined my perfect reply/image ration!
(77.94 KB 873x1372 Asuka lance.jpg)
I find it interesting that most of the Asuka mermaid art I've been able to find (and all that's high-quality enough to warrant saving) has had her wearing her plugsuit. What kind of abominable anatomy is she hiding under it?
(730.09 KB 1536x2048 BakugoxOtherChick.jpg)
Sorry for not knowing the girl's name I watched the first season of the show, though it sucked, and haven't thought about it until now.
(1012.30 KB 900x1189 DrAltruist Melody.png)
It's wild to me how KizunaAI and Projekt Melody existed as weeaboo oddities for years before vtubers blew up.
(326.40 KB 822x600 Waggy Lingere.jpg)
This artist made a doujin involving Wakasagihime, if you like tentacles.
(432.00 KB 1414x1000 Pronon1990 Black Widow.jpg)
This guy is pretty based, he draws (or maybe commissions? I don't really pay attention) of himself as a merman sleeping with various fictional women as mermaids.
(1.84 MB 1500x2000 BrunetteinJeans.png)
(1.19 MB 4096x2711 brunette with pufferfish.jpg)
(263.95 KB 1920x1080 debaa bath.jpg)
I want a mermaid to tf me into a merman
>>701 Sounds like the classic mermaid fairy tale, except reversed
>>701 I liked that one scene in Harry Poter where he gets turned into some weird fish hybrid. https://youtube.com/watch?v=QSqNJVR8blE Also in Inside I think there was a mermaid that did that to the protagonist?
>>704 Sounds hot but isn’t Inside a horror movie?
It would be neat if we could post photos of mermaid stuff
>>706 >post photos of mermaid stuff what do you mean by that?
>>707 Photos of girls cosplaying as mermaids
(6.05 MB 3830x6000 Yae Mermaid(nude).jpg)
>>708 Yeah better not, posting photos of real people could draw problems to the site. Besides >3DPD
>>705 The game Inside
You have to inseminate ALL the eggs, anon
>>706 >>708 >>709 There was a /s/ thread long ago that had just that.
(713.40 KB 2162x2043 FnJNxGxaAAA6G26.jpg)
>>835 Overall, mermaids seem to be really normalfag friendly for some reason. A few years ago, I remember seeing news about a mermaid swimming course that had girls of all ages attending it.
>>836 Mermaids are one of the OG monster girls and pretty much everyone knows about them, it's no wonder.
If you could transform any famous person into a mermaid who would it be
>>854 I don't like celebrities, they are all so fake. Would rather have a common girl transform into a mermaid.
(308.62 KB 978x972 Chocomiru Misty.png)
>>836 Mermaids pre-date the modern concept of "monster girls," in search of fish kissing content I've ended up in places that have nothing to do with the monster girl community,
(164.55 KB 1280x941 JJTori Misty Mermaid.jpg)
Reminds me, MGQ had some very good mermaid content
(361.44 KB 1600x2200 Waggy cold.jpg)
>>865 Is your picture from MGQ?
(771.66 KB 798x624 el.png)
>>911 It's fanart, though the artist has since been hired to draw official art for MGQ. It's based on this girl from the series.
Is Kelkilou taking mermaid requests again?
>>1013 https://ko-fi.com/kelkilou/commissions >Just a quick reminder for everyone, my comms are currently closed! >I'm wrapping up my backlog, and then I need to rest for a bit
(3.06 MB 2922x3438 FoMtr5WagAESjDm.jpg)
In the dark corners of the world, some scientists are working on a revolutionary new way to cure disabled people.
(213.57 KB 1280x1440 0935d250e4789b4e76096bd03282f72c.png)
>>1054 >still have to use wheelchair This method needs further work
(959.88 KB 4079x3878 FodTRsuacAAl6zt.jpg)
What did she mean by this?
(552.68 KB 2045x2923 00243ac9da4c7ff8314a9fd03aa42f5f.jpg)
>>1106 I like her, non-standard skin color is always a big plus for me.
Imagine waking up one day to see that you and your gf both have tails now. What do you do
>>1140 Have slippery fish sex
(157.27 KB 1170x1562 FqtCqClaIAIThW6.jpg)
>>1573 >flattie has no buoyancy poor thing is stuck at the shallows
(432.00 KB 1414x1000 Pronon1990 Black Widow.jpg)
I want to perform oral sex acts on a fish.
(43.13 KB 489x1024 Unknown Leaf.jpg)
(225.32 KB 1755x3677 Unknown Dawn.jpeg)
(207.57 KB 1517x3878 Unknown Hilda.jpeg)
I've had these pictures for a while but I've never known who drew them. They're remarkably similar to Ken Sugimori's actual style.
>>1626 >tastes like tuna
(224.89 KB 1896x3892 Unknown May.jpeg)
(476.85 KB 1024x1791 Unknown Serena.png)
>>1627 >>1629 I don't get the autism of turning unrelated characters into mermaids, this isn't the first time I'm seeing this. Why mermaids?
>>1630 What you must realize is that mermaids exist separately from monster girl culture. Sure, they're present in most monster girl media, but they also have their own media. Most other monster girls, i.e. lamias and harpies, are moe-ized versions of their mythological counterparts. Mermaids have always been pretty women with animal parts. While some of their oldest myths have them as seductresses who lead sailors to their doom (though the Greek sirens were bird-women), they've been sanitized since at least the turn of the 20th century. Having existed as relatively benevolent creatures in the Western subconscious for so long has caused them to become a cutesy but slightly risqué outfit you can put girls in, somewhere between a ball gown and a bunny suit.
(927.98 KB 969x1607 Ariel.jpg)
>>1630 >>1632 "The Little Mermaid" fairy tale was released in 1837, so mermaids have actually been benevolent sea women for nearly 200 years now. Us mermaidstrags have it good, we're the one type of monsterfucker for which women are actually also into dressing up as the monster girl type.
>>1630 I like imagining them transforming into these forms, or imagining how’d they react to their tails. Plus it’s a new way of experiencing these characters
>>1630 >>1643 On top of that it’s also an excuse to see a girl in a bikini that normally isn’t in one
>>1633 I'd say foxxofuckers have a claim close to that as well, since some of the absolute oldest Japanese myths about Kitsune really do paint them as no-strings-attached loyal, lovable waifus (the Korean and Chinese ones still want to kill you). But even being able to say "the background information of my waifu actually backs up how I'd like them to act" is pretty rare in monstergirls so Mermaidfags are eating good regardless.
(4.01 MB 4000x5000 ariel satelyte.jpg)
(1.38 MB 2978x1533 jbwarner86 Deep Down Dawn.png)
(2.09 MB 2924x2280 jbwarner86 The Misty Mer-May.png)
(100.63 KB 830x1042 HildaandRosa.jpg)
(396.42 KB 1212x1452 mermaid_by_silac1995_df9gp9a.png)
(238.65 KB 845x1217 1683072811127.jpg)
I wonder how many of my ancestors actually lusted for monster girls. It's funny to think it's something that's been present in so many cultures and mythologies but is still a topic somewhat taboo nowadays (at least when taken literally.)
>>2391 A long time ago, one of your ancestors decided he wants to fuck that hairy humanoid ape woman. Monsterfucking is pretty much in our genes.
(1.27 MB 1000x1000 waggy toro.png)
here's hoping BLACKSOULS III has more mermaids >inb4 there's deep one waifus
(506.81 KB 1200x816 Rinshi Bed.jpg)
(522.27 KB 1200x816 Rinshi Bed 2.jpg)
(1015.95 KB 1209x1655 79208535_p0.jpg)
(1.06 MB 3500x6360 89088462_p0.jpg)
(654.59 KB 974x1228 103455187_p0.jpg)
Are other types of fishe allowed?
(105.78 KB 1353x1350 Nereid31a.jpg)
(126.85 KB 1352x1350 Nereid31b.jpg)
(164.04 KB 1352x1352 Nereid31c.jpg)
>>2668 I vote yes, no point splitting up too much
>>2668 Why did Nintendo cuck her so bad?
(465.43 KB 1101x1326 9c2a4cfca70c55d65bef60d1031733de.jpg)
>>2694 What did they do?
>>2696 Had a massive crush on Link and prepared an engagement gift for him (the Zora armor) but died before he could receive it
(1.08 MB 1278x1678 6692210137_9b046c95fb_o.jpg)
>>2704 Seems there's an agenda to make mermaids suffer and get cucked.
(369.68 KB 2646x3168 FQK67rnXMBE0pPk.jpg)
(315.85 KB 690x775 FxTOOfUagAUcPR0.png)
(1.00 MB 2230x1600 ElUzhnLU0AAphBP.jpg)
(114.53 KB 885x1180 may guilty gear.png)
>>2706 Andersen himself made his mermaid suffer and get cucked, it's just part of the archetype.
>>2870 futa version at >>>/amg/500
(2.30 MB 2100x2600 Monociclo Lum.png)
>>2883 If mermaids wear a bra to cover their breasts, then how do they cover the pussy? Hidden by scales?
(266.94 KB 1553x1110 FyYDc1xaMAAVyPu.jpg)
>Us and fish actually share a common ancestor >No way!
(755.00 KB 1800x2560 vol1.jpg)
https://mangadex.org/title/1409de42-374a-4ff5-8a2f-0a7041f48ed5/sinner-of-the-azure-abyss Manga about merfolk. Unfortunately, the group that was translating it died about a year ago.
(337.47 KB 2048x2048 Fy--XsyXgAMOuf3.jpg)
(318.44 KB 2048x2048 FzAyk4qXgAIIRIk.jpg)
(10.00 MB 5787x4093 73129526_p0.jpg)
(1.51 MB 2480x3508 FyX2zEyWYAIBcib.jpg)
>>2887 >then how do they cover the pussy It doesn't exist, sex isn't real.
(77.86 KB 663x1024 vermeilgrimmsbane peach.jpg)
(394.34 KB 1673x2048 Salwo Mermaid Princesses.jpg)
(782.35 KB 2197x2744 Blonde with sea creatures.png)
(9.87 MB 3600x4800 keliinox hali 2.png)
(78.71 KB 600x1067 keliinox hali anglerfish.jpg)
(5.20 MB 2258x1678 keliinox hali.png)
>>3277 When you can't decide between having legs or fish tail, so you have both
(344.00 KB 2549x1741 f1389300032.jpg)
>>3396 Thank God
(644.00 KB 2048x1467 koi pond.jpg)
Don't mind me, just reposting from the /aco/ thread.
(123.47 KB 1080x1350 alizarim redhead.jpg)
>>3650 My pond, I spend so much time cultivating it and some thot is destroying my prized water lilies
(4.15 MB 1920x1080 smt naizuri.mp4)
>>3744 MOAR
>>3744 >when you ask for a titfuck but she's a washboard
>>3860 That's called an "A for effort!"
>>3860 Don't bully, it's to decrease water resistance.
>>3938 What about the buoyancy?
>>3940 Maybe some mermaids are better at controlling it than others.
>>3941 oh no, it appears my reckless facechecking is going to have consequences
(1.20 MB 1032x1457 smt mermaid harem.jpg)
>>3859 That's all I had, sorry. It was posted to /v/, as the girl is the Mermaid (yes that's her name) from the Shin Megami Tensei series.
(498.04 KB 800x765 white mage tentacles.png)
(596.10 KB 1429x1386 kuto tubuyaki zelda.png)
>>4012 Big milky floater sacs
(436.11 KB 1446x2048 F26uyEraYAAPAGs.jpg_orig.jpg)
Imagine the blowjobs
(391.26 KB 1280x1807 004.jpg)
>>4342 That's literally the best part and I'm not even joking.
(1.38 MB 1280x1920 73622544_p0.jpg)
>>4344 holy MOLY
>>4365 mermaids have it so easy, their prey literally cannot escape and are wholly dependent on them and their oxygen bubble
(2.24 MB 1620x2160 Middle finger.jpg)
(143.53 KB 1207x1198 ultrafire420 aubrey.jpg)
(123.91 KB 1207x1205 ultrafire420 aubrey 2.jpg)
>>4519 mean flattie fish, she's not getting the worm
(311.11 KB 1280x1591 111206280_p0.jpg)
(887.21 KB 1356x1500 F5GPq-Wa0AABp-Q.jpg_orig.jpg)
(654.29 KB 850x780 F2_8EfUakAEhKQm.png)
smol fishe
(596.44 KB 2600x2800 Bunny Suits.jpg)
>>4657 wtf they made Blizzaria into a fish?!
(391.48 KB 650x1200 kola asuka.jpg)
(975.89 KB 1200x1200 kola ariel.png)
(1.97 MB 1464x2048 waggy blouse.png)
(175.80 KB 1486x1547 Waggy nuclear cake.jpg)
(373.99 KB 1240x1754 Waggy himuhino.jpg)
(327.78 KB 2048x2048 bridgette.jpg)
(404.46 KB 1270x2048 kivo hololive.jpg)
If any of you are vtuberfags you should be eating good, one of the tags this "Holoctober" was "mermaid."
(1.36 MB 478x360 1445534425532.gif)
>>5297 On a related note, there's nothing I find more disappointing than looking for the source of a cute monster girl only to find out it's a vtuber.
>>5298 I stopped caring a while ago, I just look at the pictures themselves since so much of new monster girl art is either gacha or vtumor
(123.58 KB 516x726 3256940_p0.jpg)
>>5299 Meanwhile in the manga/anime and LN departments, it's mostly stuck on isekai stories. Can we go back to a regular fantasy land with only natives please?
(17.42 KB 172x121 1668091939156452.jpg)
>>5303 Isekai can work, they just need the correct attitude instead of power fantasies for depressed salarymen
>>5303 >>5305 Isekai power fantasies could be cool if any of the characters getting isekaid had the personality for it. Imagine if like a sociopathic CEO got isekaid and introduced capitalism to disrupt the feudal system and become the new dark lord. Or if Chad Thundercock, GigaJock showed up and was jacked & confident enough to make a mess of things without any power-ups from reincarnating. Or if the depressed salaryman was just a rotten person, so in the new fantasy land he becomes dominant by being extremely pragmatic and selfish. The genre has so much potential for character studies that it just doesn't use.
(217.81 KB 1466x1518 Orange vtuber.jpg)
(224.06 KB 1000x1250 F-STIHuXkAAdNVI.jpg)
>Come join us, anon!
(556.00 KB 1280x1807 2.jpg)
>>5728 I don't trust any mermaid, even less so when there's two of them
>>5729 >monster parts starting at thighs instead of waist to give an excuse for not having to draw nonhuman vagina wish artists would stop doing this
(10.34 MB 4096x3072 Ducartoon anya.png)
(1.23 MB 3500x3500 Jrockman May.jpg)
>>5769 Imagine coming home to a merMay doing a totsugeki into your arms.
(301.02 KB 1220x1735 KasumiKetchum Misty.jpg)
(525.56 KB 1203x1727 KasumiKetchum May.jpg)
(720.57 KB 1206x1719 KasumiKetchum Dawn.jpg)
(3.69 MB 1229x1736 KasumiKetchum Love Talk.png)
>>5780 That voice line triggers my fight response, so I imagine it would end poorly.
(42.44 KB 600x932 JackieDrache Misty.jpg)
(2.50 MB 5787x7776 JackieDrache Gloria.jpg)
(381.48 KB 1089x1614 ひ regular.jpg)
(376.94 KB 800x1200 ひ swimsuit.jpg)
(693.95 KB 1600x1800 ひ butt.jpg)
(507.44 KB 1800x1200 ひ weirdass legs.jpg)
There's this guy on Pixiv who exclusively draws the mermaid from SMT https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/15266329
(1.10 MB 2397x3530 ryuseib red.jpg)
>>835 one is up again now
(1.53 MB 924x1250 GigaMessy Raine.png)
(1.57 MB 966x1250 GigaMessy Shelly.png)
>>1132 That she isn't wearing underwear, duh.
(1.14 MB 948x1250 GigaMessy Laiya Nevermore.png)
(1.36 MB 926x1250 GigaMessy Taylor Knight.png)
(1.56 MB 1017x1250 GigaMessy Veran.png)
>>1140 Escape to the one place uncorrupted by capitalism: Point Nemo. yes I know that they dispose of spaceships there
(1.49 MB 1000x2165 here's your mermaid bro.png)
>>2668 >>2669 When will you learn that your actions have consequences? (I'm fine with others in this thread, but if I see this bitch in one more doujin tagged "mermaid" I'm going to implode.)
(746.14 KB 2048x2048 e669d6bf44dce9440a4acbaf16492bfa.jpg)
>>5865 I understand your frustration, but it's hard to find an appropriate tag for her other than the more generalist 'monster girl', and good luck convincing hentai sites to create a new tag. Hell, until recently, panda didn't even have one dedicated to futa on female.
(1.00 MB 2080x2930 ryuseib red 2.jpg)
(58.91 KB 900x1190 JackieDrache Asuka.jpg)
(244.64 KB 600x848 113869410_p0.jpg)
ey where the human shotas at?
(181.16 KB 640x480 80_meia_st01.png)
>>6141 Reminds me of the MGQ mermaid that turned men into shotas and kept a whole harem of them
>>6147 Oh I thought it was her since the pic is tagged MGQ. It's been a while since I last played.
(251.34 KB 640x442 80_mermaid_st03.png)
>>6149 That's the other, generic mermaid I believe
(543.95 KB 1920x2743 gabor-sheresh-gwent.jpg)
Opinions on seductress and evil mermaids?
(592.35 KB 1323x629 Merrow_eng3.png)
>>6434 Opinion: No. But I'm biased against getting killed by monster girls in general so there's that. As far as mermaids go, I prefer the "hopeless romantic" archetype
(1.10 MB 2397x3530 GCbgpm4a8AA5syE.jpg)
(1.00 MB 2080x2930 GCbgpm3bEAADL4T.jpg)
(790.12 KB 837x2451 0liK41n7WVgkJSGjjglE7UKh.jpeg)
>>6733 >those hair "ears" cute
(400.29 KB 1608x2048 pinkie bondage.jpg)
>be me >make salmon for dinner >eat salmon >smell fingers afterwards cuz autism >smells like salmon >huh this is probably what my fingers would smell like if I fingered a mermaid >get boner dubs decides if I castrate or kill myself
(161.56 KB 1280x912 siren potion idk this language.jpg)
>>6915 No, you continue jerking off to fish women and double down on the immersion instead
>>4782 >brisket with breasts why man, cmon >>5329 >Or if the depressed salaryman was just a rotten person, so in the new fantasy land he becomes dominant by being extremely pragmatic and selfish. The genre has so much potential for character studies that it just doesn't use. Sounds just like youjo senki. >Imagine if like a sociopathic CEO got isekaid and introduced capitalism to disrupt the feudal system and become the new dark lord. >CEOs, and capitalism must be le big bad please bathe with a toaster instead of spreading commie talking points.
>>7032 >please bathe with a toaster How rude Or lewd, maybe
(56.56 KB 499x817 twilight princess zelda.jpg)
>>7032 because I hate rightoids >>7032 commies aren't the only people who hate capitalism
(281.66 KB 2048x1536 retarded fish.jpg)
(117.83 KB 944x712 FWEz42M.jpg)
(229.63 KB 1872x1256 Scene.jpg)
>>7043 >because I hate rightoids picrel 1 >muh capitalism again Just admit you're an npc and fuck off. "Capitalism" is a boogeyman only lefties and npcs believe in. So again "stop spreading commie talking points".
Easy on the /pol/iticing, there's plenty of altchans that look like /pol/ with additional flavor and I don't feel like paying for maintaining yet another one.
>>7060 give them an inch, you know the rest. If commie talking points are allowed then so should be calling them out.
(2.90 MB 1075x600 failing the willpower save.webm)
>>7060 AIYEE CAPYBARA-SAMA I YIELD >>7059 Who's the one on the right in the SMT image? A beta design?
>>7091 man, that eye scene is great, maybe I'll watch this anime some time >Who's the one on the right in the SMT image? A beta design? apparently from "demi kids" which is SMT but MORE like pokemon. All I know about it is what I read on fandom's (fuck that site) wiki and skimming a few videos. That site is good for demon pics tho.
>>7060 Look, if you don't want politics here just delete all the political posts. Otherwise you're taking a side.
(198.90 KB 820x950 1702841792099400.jpg)
>this thread
>>7423 both are hot but funny meme still
>>7423 how did you find this picture of me
(134.93 KB 900x900 Sailor Moon benopiou.jpg)
(218.13 KB 400x2750 Sailor Moon.png)
>>7424 >h*man girl >hot HERESY
(254.85 KB 587x833 91874748_p0.jpg)
(3.73 MB 2342x1428 115790525_p0.png)
(2.77 MB 1920x1080 115798658_p0.png)
(255.88 KB 1382x2048 GFmUcmRa4AAPAE-.jpg)
I like when the upper half of the body also looks nonhuman.
(1.69 MB 1280x720 msh.mp4)
Keep yourselves safe by making the monster girl cringe so hard she'd rather not interact with you.
>>7972 but what if monster girls are cringe?
(194.82 KB 1478x1166 F--mvJgaIAAZP_O.jpg)
(189.57 KB 1452x1590 GID4pdVagAADlMK.jpg)
(181.37 KB 1452x1590 GID4qdVaIAAFlUi.jpg)
(199.39 KB 904x1540 Classic comic style.jpg)
(184.54 KB 1452x2048 fire emblem awakening.jpg)
(432.94 KB 2592x3912 penporo singer.jpg)
(1.66 MB 4096x3280 fingering.jpg)
(205.31 KB 1200x1016 floof n wool fingering.jpg)
(77.38 KB 800x720 Gomadare Peach.webm)
(2.54 MB 5000x5758 Lumadraws Rosalina.png)
(589.60 KB 4093x2894 119135973_p0.jpg)
(555.81 KB 4093x2894 119135973_p1.jpg)
(561.18 KB 4093x2894 119135973_p2.jpg)
(558.54 KB 4093x2894 119135973_p3.jpg)
Sorry, little one, but this fish wants a live worm. Weren't you a little young for this anyway? You got fished yourself!
(1.10 MB 720x480 Mei mer transform 1.webm)
(1.09 MB 640x480 Mei mer transform 2.webm)
(630.52 KB 780x780 kelkilou lois lane.png)
(549.31 KB 800x800 kelkilou chiaki.png)
(230.97 KB 1518x2048 kantakerro redhead.jpg)
(783.81 KB 1506x2048 spring.jpg)
(1.52 MB 2384x3076 zelda of the wild.jpg)
>>10731 What's this? Looks really cool
(253.33 KB 792x1200 mrn bunny.jpg)
>>11339 No idea! I saw it on /d/ a while back and the poster never answered me, either.
(438.31 KB 1091x1200 08m maid 1.jpg)
(405.51 KB 1091x1200 08m maid 2.jpg)
(424.47 KB 767x1200 08m maid 3.jpg)
(279.47 KB 849x1200 ringda 1.jpg)
(318.70 KB 849x1200 ringda 2.jpg)
(357.79 KB 849x1200 ringda 3.jpg)
(306.56 KB 849x1200 ringda 4.jpg)
(324.39 KB 849x1200 ringda 5.jpg)
(645.19 KB 1061x1200 kiria amana.jpg)
(679.46 KB 1200x1200 kiria duo.jpg)
(801.16 KB 718x1200 kiria blue oc.jpg)
(692.02 KB 996x1200 kiria idol.jpg)
(833.01 KB 1166x1200 kiria rikka gridman.jpg)
(1.41 MB 1200x918 kiria lum.jpg)
(907.70 KB 1200x849 suisei.jpg)
(485.24 KB 1200x1200 ひ butt 2.jpg)
(506.42 KB 1200x1200 ひ smile.jpg)
(437.09 KB 1200x900 ひ pose.jpg)
(1.12 MB 1050x2100 pinkius lynette.png)
(914.94 KB 1506x2068 miku burger.png)
(1.37 MB 2463x1770 miku fast food.png)
(205.94 KB 931x1316 dooon chaaan daisy.jpeg)
(109.13 KB 1000x755 boli-blog brunette.jpeg)
>>12109 Blubber is useful underwater
(743.10 KB 1746x2004 ganji sawai 1.jpg)
(154.34 KB 1212x1674 ganji sawai 2.jpg)
(2.28 MB 1600x820 ganji sawai 3.png)
>human feet They dropped the ball the first time but they fixed her with her halloween skin.
(465.42 KB 900x749 1434511319764.png)
>>12369 kek, reminds me of this one skin for Nami where they went the opposite route and gave the mermaid human feet
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(4.41 MB 2748x3197 nanostar cyren condom.png)
(3.48 MB 1620x2160 miyomi rin.png)
(17.36 MB 3403x4096 rinshi sea breeze serenade.jpg)
(2.59 MB 1488x2105 axolotl friend.jpg)
(1.22 MB 2917x2626 ellen joe vibrator.jpg)
(996.58 KB 1800x2100 tchen 2023-16.jpg)
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(990.39 KB 1450x1450 tchen erika.jpg)
(947.22 KB 1447x2047 tchen chocolate for joanna.jpg)
(1.44 MB 1600x1960 azzypics splash woman.png)
>>12610 this yuri couple romantically watches the classic YTP "Bob Esponja NAZI" together
(11.01 MB 3770x6063 123636410_p0.jpg)
(132.62 KB 1024x745 finntasmal koi in wrong pond.jpg)
(177.75 KB 900x1200 konpeto peach 1.jpg)
(179.20 KB 900x1200 konpeto peach 2.jpg)
>>13650 Nice pics, but I'll never understand the autism of making mermaids out of completely unrelated characters
>>13659 you said this 18 months ago >>1630 also Peach isn't really unrelated now because she has a canon mermaid form.
(296.83 KB 618x875 mariyumi crying.jpg)
>>13681 Not him, but I catch myself posting in loops pretty often too, be it on Capy or other imageboards. 2 years is relatively mild, tbh.
>>13681 >>13689 Yeah after 18 months I forgot already and this bizarre mermaid TF trend always amuses me. I guess I just wanted to reply because peach had great tits there.
(9.49 MB 2160x3840 121599906_p0.png)
>>13659 Maybe it's like a rule 63 thing, only instead of genderbending the characters, you turn them into mermaids.
(2.42 MB 1200x1979 TSaianda Azeru.png)
(1014.31 KB 1831x900 TSaianda Hilda.png)
(2.06 MB 1666x1397 TSaianda Dawn.png)
(1.99 MB 1454x1598 Tsaianda Gloria.png)
(1.52 MB 1368x1804 TSaianda May.png)
(1.67 MB 1200x1749 TSaianda Leaf.png)
(2.50 MB 1208x2176 Tsaianda Irida.png)
(3.02 MB 1800x1866 Tsaianda Misty.png)
(2.36 MB 2000x1314 TSaianda SirenLily.png)
>>14265 >>14266 and an OC by the same artist, for those of you who dislike mermaidification of established characters
(1.37 MB 1389x2268 Wakame EllenDoodles.png)
(110.67 KB 850x478 bishop kangshu archerfish.jpg)
Mermaids having ability to transform into bipedal form to walk on land, Y/N?
(2.71 MB 980x1440 Mero Everyday.png)
>>14286 N, there are better options
(875.79 KB 1000x1500 GQPCqBfbQAAXKl2.jfif)
>>14286 no. t. snakefucker
(305.75 KB 2660x2988 Splash Woman legs.jpg)
>>14286 I prefer no. The configuration of mermaids makes it very difficult to participate in human society, and the otherworldliness of them is part of the appeal for me.
(535.71 KB 1067x1145 ひ sexy.jpg)
(1022.92 KB 1800x1500 ひ sexy 2.jpg)
(628.12 KB 900x1666 ひ chi-pao.jpg)
(558.89 KB 1600x1600 ひ reaching down.jpg)
(5.67 MB 3246x2048 Rinshi rocky shore 1.png)
(5.96 MB 3245x2048 Rinshi rocky shore 2.png)
>>14333 Those images are peak vanilla romantic sex with mermaid lover
(2.25 MB 1400x1947 Wakame Finana chocolate.png)
(396.18 KB 1920x2560 MysticVi under the sea.jpg)
(1.58 MB 3366x3236 tchen beanbag.jpg)
(3.24 MB 2450x3185 tchen cheerleader.jpg)
(3.82 MB 2450x3185 tchen furina.jpg)
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(3.01 MB 961x1685 vtuber lily.png)
(1.67 MB 1862x1993 littlesuite makeout.jpg)
(3.37 MB 2300x2700 kekkan fortress smt.png)
>>14770 hate these kind of designs that turn the monster part into just the thighs below like they're a bunch of socks. the absolute cowardice
(248.78 KB 665x900 Selkie_0.jpg)
>>14775 It could be worse.

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