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Kemono Artist Thread Tail Toucher 01/18/2021 (Mon) 20:16:57 No. 161
A thread for kemono artists and where to find their works. If you really enjoy an artist's works, make sure to archive them because you never know when they'll nuke their works for various reasons. You can use these resources to reverse image search. https://saucenao.com https://iqdb.org https://ascii2d.net https://trace.moe https://yandex.com/images https://images.google.com https://www.tineye.com >タブヘッド / sai hoku https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=40589627 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=988911103286505472 https://skeb.jp/@TAB_head https://tbhdbnb.fanbox.cc/
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Does anyone have an archive of ffjjfjci’s works before they disappeared off the face of the internet? I really like their artstyle but I don’t think their work was ever fully archived; pic related was never uploaded to e6 for example.
Copied from the /animu/ thread. Updated list of some kemono artist's twitter links. From 30 to 50+. https://twitter.com/BingleBingle7 https://twitter.com/kakuteki11029 https://twitter.com/Manpu15 https://twitter.com/aruurara https://twitter.com/taegax https://twitter.com/kame_3t https://twitter.com/3GSSSS https://twitter.com/FlowerPigeon73 https://twitter.com/woobin94 https://twitter.com/utterangle https://twitter.com/Magiace1 https://twitter.com/kame_3t https://twitter.com/hutomayuu https://twitter.com/im_a_spacebar https://twitter.com/Nokko_Cheshire https://twitter.com/kaeritai07 https://twitter.com/ekaki510 https://twitter.com/hufy926_2 https://twitter.com/LAndyPommel https://twitter.com/shiki_2p https://twitter.com/Tomotiso2k https://twitter.com/_Gmang https://twitter.com/Dev_Voxy https://twitter.com/H_is_see https://twitter.com/YUIO58ok https://twitter.com/nekomonaka https://twitter.com/denyfake https://twitter.com/nonomai25 https://twitter.com/kishibe_ https://twitter.com/275_cma https://twitter.com/TateOfTot https://twitter.com/rikose https://twitter.com/wanko0487 https://twitter.com/7010_uraniwa https://twitter.com/utterangle https://twitter.com/senzoc https://twitter.com/sleepiness18 https://twitter.com/dogfuji15 https://twitter.com/SODA_UYU https://twitter.com/suurin_2 https://twitter.com/hanadaiteol https://twitter.com/torinikusale https://twitter.com/kurage_setouchi https://twitter.com/v2hkn https://twitter.com/kantanmon https://twitter.com/teramegagiga https://twitter.com/SollyzSundyz https://twitter.com/Innerkey1020 / https://www.pixiv.net/users/52482302 (X account suspended at time of posting) https://twitter.com/kawarage_yatano https://twitter.com/1n7mm Some of these artists only post or update mostly on Twitter. So if you want to use some a RSS reader you can try this. Also just a good list of kemono artists to start with.
>>662 goodlist. got some great ones
>>880 I hope it helps anon find kemono art better. Kemono art is posted on e621 and Gelbooru but you'd be surprised how much quality art doesn't get uploaded anywhere. There are even some western furry artists I've found that are nice. Pic related. https://twitter.com/voroka_ka
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Men_cho7 https://twitter.com/MEN_cho7 https://nitter.poast.org/MEN_cho7 This artist has some interesting designs. Some light bara stuff here and there too.
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1N7MM / Kuroi Moyamoya https://twitter.com/1N7MM https://nitter.poast.org/1N7MM https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3035059 Looks like he opened up his Twitter again. Probably closed it when people start going insane on Twitter. Anyway, this is definitely one of my favorite kemono artists. There's a ton of attention to fashion, perspective, posing, and body language. Their style in general is very unique. He makes art of plenty of characters but this purple cat(?) is his OC waifu.
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Yen_rin https://twitter.com/yen_rin https://nitter.poast.org/yen_rin Kemono in kimono. Imitates old JP art. It's definitely a unique style.
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ともちそ🦭 / Tomotiso2k https://twitter.com/Tomotiso2k https://nitter.poast.org/Tomotiso2k This artstyle definitely looks more western than eastern. I like the style he uses for his male characters vs his female characters.
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dekamofuchan https://twitter.com/dekamofuchan https://nitter.poast.org/dekamofuchan Big girls and muscular guys. Also likes drawing futuristic vehicles.
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>>982 Plot-twist is those are dwarves.
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Tabby_mow https://twitter.com/Tabby_mow https://nitter.poast.org/Tabby_mow New artist who's art looks promising.
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doremifaso64 https://twitter.com/doremifaso64 https://nitter.poast.org/doremifaso64 Wait, this isn't Yagi? But he does directly reference Yagi. Yagi the goat https://twitter.com/s1120411 https://nitter.poast.org/s1120411
>>1095 cute stuff!
AN_Choby hadn't posted in a long while. I'm growing restless...
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>>1095 >pic 2 Sir Graham from King's Quest?
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>>1105 Um, I don't know who that Grandham of yours is, but this is a second 1x2 painting from an Open-World sandbox game Minecraft made by Jens Bergerstein of Microsoft. There is something so primally pleasing about the idea of hanging out with your waifu in a cosy room you've built and decorated by yourself. I've jerked off to the Idea of doing it in my shitty bedrock creative house or gmod airship more times than over the years than I care to admit. >>1095 This wool thing better not be some sort of a trannyflag.
>taracod / dknrbssntri https://taracod.wixsite.com/biotope/kemono https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/10502306 https://x.com/dknrbssntri https://nitter.poast.org/dknrbssntri This artist stopped drawing in 2019. Their art was very interesting though.
>>1118 Correction, mainly stopped drawing kemono images around 2019. Really only does commissions now and the last one I saw was posted in 2022.
>>1228 Wake up, janny, or I'm posting kemoshos again. JK, I'll post them either way.
Damn it, wrong vid.
>>1229 >>1230 There's actually two of us, although I don't think the other guy has been on for months. The bitcoin spammer also uses the same email every time he posts, funnily enough.
>>1231 I could tell the moment he started second-jannying after you.
>>1232 Can't say I noticed if he did.
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>>1376 Shame you have to scroll through so many male pinups and overly busy gachashit rejects (most of which is also gay) to see any of it. Finding his header image, for example, took scrolling through over a year's worth of- >keep scrolling as I write this >find a selfie >chinese 3DPD Well then.
>>1377 Sounds rough. Have my condolences.
>>1379 Anon, I'm afraid you are fucking gay already and don't need any jewish brainwashing if you want to stuff your face into a male kemono's chest
>>1380 That's clearly just a LARPing faggot.
>>1376 that elk lady is pretty
>>1404 I'm not sure busts work like that, but I agree.
>>1404 That is obviously a gazelle, not an elk.
>>1407 well shes cute and elegant
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>>1419 >inverted knees on plantigrades wew
>>1420 wewww we cant have any kebab cleansing here? wtf
>>1421 According to the public logs page, he got b& for posting a trap
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>>1421 Of course we can. Problem is, it's being posted alongside homofaggotry by an attention whore (who's so obsessed with his self-image on an anonymous imageboard that he told the drawthread he's been seething for several months because he thinks another gayposter imitated his posting style once), so the posts are getting deleted.
>>1423 There's a public logs page?
>>1426 I've missed 1422. What was it?
>>1428 It was a repost of the original deleted post, IIRC
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Still here (too)
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>>1534 good hips
>>1534 >wide hips >narrow loincloth >no panties The perfect woman.
So in the last 36 hours, Twitter has announced: - The Block button no longer stops people from seeing your posts (which doesn't actually change anything, but it also accomplishes nothing). - They are updating their ToS so that all media on the site is now available for training AI models. Most of my Twitter feed is artists migrating to Bluesky, which is nice because it's not Twitter but also sucks because it's just trying to be Twitter (and has even fewer features, if you can believe it). Some artists have even announced they'll be deleting their Twitter profiles. Remember to save any artist you might want to see later, and use gallery-dl to do it quickly.
>>1549 Can you view bluesky profiles without an account? I assume you can't get RSS feeds for it either.
>>1549 >media on the site is now available for training AI models >artists migrating to Bluesky How do they think AI became able to do art before any of this drama about it? It's because their art is being used to train AI regardless of what the TOS on some site says. I understand the sentiment but thinking you can avoid being exploited for the development of AI just by changing to a different website is retarded. You either accept that you're going to be taken advantage of by people who hate you or you stop posting art online.
>>1551 >the development of AI just by changing to a different website is retarded. Anon, they are artists.
>>1550 You actually can view things without an account (for now). You won't be able to see anything that the artist has labelled suggestive/explicit, but the text can be seen. >>1551 >I understand the sentiment but thinking you can avoid being exploited for the development of AI just by changing to a different website is retarded. Sadly, many artists are retarded. You must keep in mind that many of these people had no problems with Twitter when it was run by a glut of censorious pajeets and crushed out any form of dissent. They don't care that the FBI directly used Twitter as a form of suppression and censorship; they care that the bad man who made that dumb truck can use his money to make things marginally worse for them specifically. Would Twitter have been worse under the pajeet? Absolutely, but they don't have the mental capacity to think about things like that.

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