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Kemono Artist Thread Tail Toucher 01/18/2021 (Mon) 20:16:57 No. 161
A thread for kemono artists and where to find their works. If you really enjoy an artist's works, make sure to archive them because you never know when they'll nuke their works for various reasons. You can use these resources to reverse image search. https://saucenao.com https://iqdb.org https://ascii2d.net https://trace.moe https://yandex.com/images https://images.google.com https://www.tineye.com >タブヘッド / sai hoku https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=40589627 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=988911103286505472 https://skeb.jp/@TAB_head https://tbhdbnb.fanbox.cc/
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Speaking of archiving artists, I may as well mention some of the kemono artist galleries I've made and uploaded recently: https://exhentai.org/g/1789961/144216b022/ https://exhentai.org/g/1815375/875df3dfeb/ https://exhentai.org/g/1815379/398a8ae6b8/ https://exhentai.org/g/1815380/325459268b/ I mostly upload Western artists, but I have some more kemono artists lined up. I try to prioritize artists who don't archive their work anywhere or who haven't already been archived.
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>>166 >that braixen's massive thighs Jesus christ I'm actually salivating.
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>>177 >decide to look up the artist to see if he's drawn anything new <hay guise i started a patreon! <i already have a few exclusives! <but you don't have to support me if you don't want to since i'll still post to the awesome website that is twitter! >look at his patreon to see what the damage is >the posts are literally just text links to URLs which are visible in the element inspector Hopefully he doesn't wise up.
>name and role signature appear even when I don't type them in the name field Excellent. Very cool, Lynxchan.
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Does anyone have an archive of ffjjfjci’s works before they disappeared off the face of the internet? I really like their artstyle but I don’t think their work was ever fully archived; pic related was never uploaded to e6 for example.
Copied from the /animu/ thread. Updated list of some kemono artist's twitter links. From 30 to 50+. https://twitter.com/BingleBingle7 https://twitter.com/kakuteki11029 https://twitter.com/Manpu15 https://twitter.com/aruurara https://twitter.com/taegax https://twitter.com/kame_3t https://twitter.com/3GSSSS https://twitter.com/FlowerPigeon73 https://twitter.com/woobin94 https://twitter.com/utterangle https://twitter.com/Magiace1 https://twitter.com/kame_3t https://twitter.com/hutomayuu https://twitter.com/im_a_spacebar https://twitter.com/Nokko_Cheshire https://twitter.com/kaeritai07 https://twitter.com/ekaki510 https://twitter.com/hufy926_2 https://twitter.com/LAndyPommel https://twitter.com/shiki_2p https://twitter.com/Tomotiso2k https://twitter.com/_Gmang https://twitter.com/Dev_Voxy https://twitter.com/H_is_see https://twitter.com/YUIO58ok https://twitter.com/nekomonaka https://twitter.com/denyfake https://twitter.com/nonomai25 https://twitter.com/kishibe_ https://twitter.com/275_cma https://twitter.com/TateOfTot https://twitter.com/rikose https://twitter.com/wanko0487 https://twitter.com/7010_uraniwa https://twitter.com/utterangle https://twitter.com/senzoc https://twitter.com/sleepiness18 https://twitter.com/dogfuji15 https://twitter.com/SODA_UYU https://twitter.com/suurin_2 https://twitter.com/hanadaiteol https://twitter.com/torinikusale https://twitter.com/kurage_setouchi https://twitter.com/v2hkn https://twitter.com/kantanmon https://twitter.com/teramegagiga https://twitter.com/SollyzSundyz https://twitter.com/Innerkey1020 / https://www.pixiv.net/users/52482302 (X account suspended at time of posting) https://twitter.com/kawarage_yatano https://twitter.com/1n7mm Some of these artists only post or update mostly on Twitter. So if you want to use some a RSS reader you can try this. Also just a good list of kemono artists to start with.

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