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Fluffy Anime Girls

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Kemono Games & Media Tail Toucher 05/08/2021 (Sat) 09:49:07 No. 247
Obviously there's kemono doujins, but let's have a thread for games, anime, or other media involving fluffy kemonos. The demo released for Two Beasts or Not To Beast, it has a lot of the big kemono artists behind it. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ325681.html/?locale=en_US
>>1149 fun fact: that minigun is actually an anzio 20mm bolt action rifle
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>>1148 Killing cross set synergy seems to be deliberate as it liberates the design team to create cards that play against each other and have them less likely to absolutely break the game when you are designing decks as functional 40 card piles. The Yugification is notable where you mix and match archetypes that synergize or a strong archetype with staples to fix weak matchups. A bad example but the one that I am running with is War, it is a mechanic that is tied with a specific personality card so that if they overcook the mechanic they can ban specific pieces and it has the correct action of diluting the interactions as it is tied to a closed ecosystem. Basically you don't want to accidently create interactions like Zhuge+Null stone. But that would require lots of playtest data and that would cost time and money when there are cards to print with cool effects to make.
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>>1146 pretty alright. the shooting felt acward with aiming while moving slowly. running felt alright. the map was too open so the wolf demolishes most of the team. hope theres more characters
>>1177 I didn't mean the game.
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>>1180 oh the trailer. the first one was alright. I liked the character models better since they are more balanced with graphical enhancements. the 2nd trailer was fine. Also heres concept arts of the female combatants
What's this "nine soles" stuff chinks and japs have been soying about lately? Another artsy-deep indie platformer for adult children?
>>1184 All I know about it is that it's made by the Taiwanese guys who made Devotion, AKA that game which got delisted from every platform for mocking Xi Jinping in an easter egg. Based off that, it's probably pretty swell.
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>jahknee speaks in jew-links Don't care/Didn't watch+Sex buny
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>>1182 The on-model smut of these things is going to be hideous.
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>>1197 Inb4 they tweak the faces just a little and it becomes perfect (not gonna happen, but still). They really just need to get the expressions sorted out and give her a sleeker muzzle.
>>1184 Metroidvania with a solid aesthetic and snappy gameplay. I saw it promoted earlier this year and it looked neat. >>1185 Interesting. Perhaps it may even be worth a purchase.
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>>1203 maybe for the cute cat ladies
>>1203 >>1206 >check the devs' website >they sell DRM-free versions of all their other games >Nine Sols can be bought through their website but only gives you a Steam key Still better than buying it directly off Steam, I suppose.
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Looks like Kon-Kon Cinematic Universe is trying to break out into the larger furry community with an interactive satanism simulator. His belly-eye is for being cummed into, if you were wondering. Though, I'd rather summon Mabo's cube-sucker than this chibi thing if I had the choice, to be honest. And it's furry-protag shit yet again. Well, beggars can't be choosers.
>>1206 They are pretty cute. But enough to get me to play soyman games, much less pay for them.
>but enough Well, damn.
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WAIT. Cat has a HMOBA hubby!? I take back everything I've said, the game is perfect in every aspect, long live Republic of China and free Honkhonk, everything happened at the Taimanin square in 1987, Winnie the Pooh 師兄充重令空
This is just getting sad.
>>1259 Looks pretty good shame it has to be gay
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>>1385 >stallmanism
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>>1392 Stallman may be a fat sperg, but he has a point: the term "(((intellectual property)))" intentionally muddles together three different concepts (copyright, patents, and trademarks) with the idea of physical property to confuse the goyim and introduce a linguistic bias that helps corporate jews get away with more bullshit. If you speak of anime, manga, or games as the artist's "property," on some level you don't actually see yourself as the owner of your own stuff, but as someone who's purchased (or pirated) a license to use it. It's a sort of anti memetic meme: an artificial meme designed to hinder the natural memetic growth and flowering of culture, and its use is a sign of mental slavery.
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played kingdom of io. here it was undertale but lewd with kemonos. was alright for the first few girls i met but the pacing felt too slow
>>1437 Kingdom of Lo or Kingdom of io? I'm not finding shit besides The Rebirth of Kingdom Lo and endless search results for Kingdom of Loathing (which I have not played in ages).
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>>1439 yeah The rebirth of kingdom of Lo
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>>1463 i tried not to but the mc horny level must be too high
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>>1462 I tried to play this but I couldn't continue as the sex scenes were complete shitass, like it actually made my dick limp, first time that ever happened.
>>1529 damn. i hope there other games out there
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Alright I found a decent game in a while called Kon's Lesson! , not full kemono but who am I to complain at this point with how rare this genre is, the draws and animations are pretty fucking great and the game includes tail petting.
>>1605 I don't mind it personally, but that's most definitely /mg/ stuff rather than /kemono/
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>>1605 Well, at least it ain't tail-pegging.
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>>1122 Following up on an ancient post of mine, the next set features sharktits. The tiger was in 2 sets prior in a weird anti magic stone A team deck with the leader being a human trapped as a cuddly little tiger, a reverse weretiger I guess. The Shtick of the Sharkmaids here is that they mill their deck until they hit the depths and then they explode.
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>>1672 To follow through there wasn't much good kemono art of the red werefox tribe after the initial spoiler with a significant portion of the card pool was art of their gear which is nice if you are into Bōsōzoku bikes and truck. Sadly Wednesday didn't understand the memo and drew the shark ruler as an anime gorgon. And it seems like Wu Xiaohu story arc is of humiliation: ninja turned into living plush, forced to wage, and then turning into a lap cat of a bat shit crazy but great mommy energy empress.
>>1672 cool sharks. the 1st and last are my favs
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>>1693 >>1694 nigga thats NUTS
>>247 There was an official EN translation in the works, whatever happened to that?
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>>1781 it still in work in progress. they said that decensoring is complete since october of this year
Just putting it out that Fuga now has a manga. I wanna say you should atleast give the game a try since it's pretty fun. Still kind of spoils the plot of the main game and the sequel unless you're not intrerested waiting for sale to come around or just looking for something to read.
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>>1862 >now
>>1863 I'm doing my best dude.
>>1862 >give the game a try which game? xd
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been playing way too much "kemono" space program >1st pic is a kemonaut that looks like my oc femcel but a goat >2nd is me aerobraking over fucking olympus mons (the highest mountain in the solar system) like a retard >3rd is a successful landing after said aerobraking >4th is me having to bail out of the capsule on the return mission because i didnt bring an engineer and apparently you cant repack parachutes without one not sure if i should use /kemono/ as my blog, but maybe its better than having low activity
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The translation for Komen FuuFu volume 2 has been released since Sunday.
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>>1933 Some favorite moments I liked.
>>400 Not yet, and I'm going to be even further behind in the series once the third game comes out on May 28.
>>1986 Jesus christ Malt has been changing quiet alot.
>>1934 how will femcel ever recover
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>>1987 from battle kid, to commander, to interdimensional warlord
>>1986 I seriously need to finish this game.

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