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Kemono Games & Media Tail Toucher 05/08/2021 (Sat) 09:49:07 No. 247
Obviously there's kemono doujins, but let's have a thread for games, anime, or other media involving fluffy kemonos. The demo released for Two Beasts or Not To Beast, it has a lot of the big kemono artists behind it. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ325681.html/?locale=en_US
I think I’ve transcended into some kind of omega hipster because all the publicity this got has really turned me off.
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What are some gud mods or gaems that lets me have fluffy wolf girls as a companion?
>>251 Outside of Custom Maid 3D (with furry/kemono mods) being a waifu builder, and Skyrim's endless mods, I'm curious as well. I know Elona has followers, but I think they're human/kemonomimi. No extra fluffy companions as far as I'm aware.
>>252 >Outside of Custom Maid 3D (with furry/kemono mods) being a waifu builder Never heard of this game, how does it play and is it fun? >and Skyrim's endless mods <Do you see those kemono girls? <You can pet it.
>>253 Custom maid is really more of just a fap tool, there isn’t really much in the way of gameplay. You can have your maids dance and talk to you, and I think there’s a mode where you can manage them and buy clothes, but it’s really all just in service of getting to the sex scenes. Also don’t starve has a nanachi mod, and made in abyss is getting a game soon so maybe playable nanachi?
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>>254 Hmm I'll try out the Custom maid gaem then, do you happen to have a download link for it including the various kemono mods?
>>256 Copied from the old /kemono/ thread https://8kun.top/kemono/res/7026.html#7026 Setup guide: https://pastebin.com/A7FXWPW3 Mod archive: https://pastebin.com/hHR6tfih If someone has a more up-to-date paste please share it.
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>>258 Thank you anon, I'll check it out soon right now I'm trying to get the Koikatsu game to work as I have some issues changing the ingame language.
Anyone found any good kemo vtubers? I’ve yet to find any vtuber I like but the kemono models are gaining use, so maybe if they’re furry enough I’ll be able to enjoy it.
>>271 I only know of Nanahoshi Suzu. The art is cute, but she sounds too robotic. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM69L73KZwo__gte8Bhghcw
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>>271 >vtubers I fucking swear to God.
This is somewhat tangential, but does anyone know what is up with pixivutil2? I went to go download the newest version from GitHub and my computer gave me a Trojan alert. As much as I want to trust the guys who make the pixiv downloaded I don’t want a trojan.
>>276 It could be a false positive. Antivirus are notorious for those. Worst case you could compile it yourself, or just use the most recent version that doesn't flag your AV.
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>>280 >pirating from CC2 Shamefur dispray
>>281 >not buying it for Switch and pirating it on PC
>>281 >not just pirating it anyway for a free demo then buying it later if you want to
>>280 Damn dude this game is harder than I expected, my kids keeping getting kneecapped.
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I wasn't sure what to expect from a kemono music video, but the song and animation are both excellent.
>>280 For anyone who's played this, how is it? Temped to give it a try.
>>289 The best comparison is 2D fire emblem, or that one metal slime tank game on the DS. I think I’m about 2/3rds of the way done with the game. It’s decently long. The gameplay is in stages with your tank facing off 1-6 enemies. You have 3 slots available and there are 3 weapon types, machine gun, mortar, and cannon. Each kid has a specific weapon they use, as well as a special support skill when paired with another kid. They also have moves they learn by leveling up like pokemon, with kids learning unique moves or sometimes sharing moves but learning at different levels. The combat works by having a single timeline that both allies and enemies attack in. Lighter weapons deal less damage but are more accurate and attack faster. Each enemy can be delayed by using the right weapon type on them. In between the combat you have rest sections. You get 20 action points, and each activity you do consumes a variable amount. You can cook, talk to each kid, do little side dungeons, fish for materials, and plant things on the tanks farm. Each kid will have something they want to do on each intermission, so the goal is to try and keep them happy by doing what they want. The intermission occurs between combat segments, but between each chapter you can also visit towns where you will get some free supplies, can trade your supplies, and get some fluff like a comic. Overall it’s real good, though it quickly gets a bit stressful as enemies are able to tank hits and start doing shit like giving you status ailments, healing each other, and calling reinforcements.
>>247 VN in OP came out today. It’s Japanese only though so if anyone knows of a translation is planned or if you can get by with shorty Japanese let me know. I didn’t realize just how many great artists worked on it, it has all my favorites.
>>303 >VN came out today So considering sacrificing the children is "optional" in the game if you play optimally, how many are an heroed in the VN?
>>304 Uh, that’s a completely different thing you’re thinking of.
>>271 Shinobe’s a vtuber now, but he doesn’t use a voicechanger like the noja loli kitsune ojisan one so it’s a fat titted foxgirl with a guy’s voice https://youtube.com/channel/UC1NBFVyCkkxDb9bUl4_2LBw
>>247 The full game is out. If you're having issues with the game starting, rename the parent folder ハルキの最大の敵は理性 into an English name. (Anything works, but I just renamed it to "Two Beasts or Not to Beast") https://anonfiles.com/B7m3Y4I4u6/Two_Beasts_or_Not_to_Beast_torrent (Might just be me seeding for now. I try to leave my laptop on, but I can't run it 24/7.) Otherwise, here's a direct download: https://anonfiles.com/R81f6fI9ue/RJ325681.part1_exe https://anonfiles.com/za136fIfub/RJ325681.part2_rar https://anonfiles.com/f10560I3u7/RJ325681.part3_rar The unlocked scenes from the demo still work apparently. https://files.catbox.moe/8xthh1.zip
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>>312 The fuck? I watched a stream and had to close it after a minute. It's too jarring. The voice doesn't match the character at all. He doesn't even try to sound feminine to go for the trap appeal.
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I'm trying to reinstall CM3D2 after getting a new computer but I'm too stupid for this shit. Does anyone have a guide or an archive of the 8ch thread? Have my fox for your troubles.
>>318 >>319 >>320 >check old 8kun thread >all folders in https://mega.nz/folder/hTRzmArY#2BA8MIwUYlwbaeOBRoRWfw video archive are present >but empty
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Any kemono dungeon crawlers out there? >Playable kemono pref
>>340 class of heroes has the dwarf
>>314 Found an updated download, rar password is kimochi.info https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1zxGqF-jTRNAqd8udxEYBFmPYKazyvzpj&export=download My internet is too shit to seed a torrent or re-upload this to a non-jewgle upload in the meantime.
>>344 thank u
>>344 Have another rar without a password, but also official artwork as well. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gwKgVjQxP8LFx6xLI-jrB79-s-l4dZWv/view?usp=sharing
Looks like Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 was released since this thread was made. Has anyone here played it?
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Have any of you played this game? I recall seeing the characters in a webm ages ago, but I assumed the characters were from a rhythm game or something.
>>440 They're a stickerpack ascended to playable character status an IOSYS video and a Muse Dash "collab" (aka, they licensed their songs, every jap property with an OST has those nowadays, ZUN even got a custom skin).
>>447 Ah, thanks. I'm not sure if the game has anything going for it besides cute characters, but it has a free demo so I might as well give it a shot.
>>440 You likely saw the characters from the music video "Please! Concon Inari-sama". The song was used in Muse Dash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0oPe63T6ek The characters are owned by Bayochao from his Makemon series. I didn't know he had a game released, but his website about the series has screenshots of Japanese with lots of kanji making it difficult to translate. I don't know anything else about it, but it looks cute. https://bayachao.wixsite.com/makemon/story https://bayachao.wixsite.com/makemon/character https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGWMIHMsF2dXLXbqjjiU0OA >>447 So it's all just media created from some old stickerpacks he made? >>454 I'm assuming you played the demo by now. Is the game worth trying/pirating?
>>340 as >>341 already mentioned, Class of Heroes 1 and 2G are apparently getting remasters in 2024 if you want playable kemono "dwarfs" in your party. They're both already playable on PSP and PS3 if you're willing to buy/emulate, with more installments if you speak japanese. They are very hardcore dungeon crawlers with many hours of gameplay and no handholding, which is probably why getting them localized has been such a struggle. I tried it a bit on my PSP but decided I'd rather start my dungeon crawling journey with the more accessible Etrian Odyssey series (which coincidentally also has a kemono class in 4, unlockable somewhere in the midgame, and in Nexus as DLC). There's also Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent in the Class of Heroes series, already out on PC and switch. It's a casual real-time tactics game instead of a dungeon crawler. Not many people played it if the single steam review's anything to go by, but those that did say it's pretty mediocre.
>>483 Just as I post this I forgot to mention Witch and Lilies (also releasing in 2024), a yuri-themed dungeon crawler with Etrian's class skills along with relationship-based support mechanics. It's got playable kemono girls for starting love triangles with and interactable kemono NPCs who may or may not start flirting with you too. https://youtu.be/UMsCGiXRUBY?si=DuFtgSUjosh24z_O
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>Who's Aller is still under development >pics related are basically all the progress updates that's been posted over the entire year It's a little concerning, not gonna lie. >>482 >I'm assuming you played the demo by now. Is the game worth trying/pirating? Embarrassingly enough, I haven't. I should give it a shot tonight.
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>>502 >mp4 didn't go through
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>>482 >>502 Having tried the demo, it's exactly what you'd expect from the trailer. It's a clunky, dialogue-heavy RPG Maker game which doesn't use the combat system, and instead has you switching between forms to perform different actions as you run around as a retarded errand girl who fulfils wishes. When I say clunky, I mean it. You move at a snail's pace until you unlock the first transformation, which you activate by digging through your inventory and consuming (not using, consuming) an item every time you want to run or jump, and you don't unlock a faster way of switching forms until you're nearly done the demo. Interactables sometimes don't work unless they're faced from weird angles, poor translations sometimes make your objectives unclear, blah blah blah. The English translation in general is also questionable and frequently leaves words for mundane objects like bedroom closets untranslated. And don't get me started on the demo's sad attempt at a bossfight. Really, this thing lives or dies on how cute you find the characters and whether you like its writing. If you're big into Bayochao's characters and can't get enough of them, sure, pirate it and maybe toss the guy a couple shekels if you liked it. If you aren't, don't waste your time: give this a pass and do something else.
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Additional screenshots for those with a chronic fluff deficit.
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>>505 Actually, some of you may be suffering from a dire pantsu deficiency as well, so I've provided an additional screenshot for your health and wellbeing.
>>504 It's a female rpgmaker game + artist rpgmaker game. You should have had speedhack ready by the time you opened (it triply more so than for any other rpgmaker game) .
that's IT i am pirating RPGMaker and making my own damn actually good game with 100% placeholder graphics then once it has good reviews from coomer degens on imageboards despite the lack of cooms imma just commission(or straight up hire for salary) someone for art
>>508 Good point. >>509 If your goal is something as vague and stupid as "an actually good game" in RPG Maker, you'll either never actually make your game or it'll suck. Stop whining about coomers, play around with whatever RPG Maker version strikes your fancy, and come up with an actual idea. You won't.
>>509 If you're not an artfag resistant to learning how to program for real, there's no reason to chain yourself to RPGMaker. Its feature set is trivial to impipeline end manifoldent yourself.
>>513 Pretty much. Even if you use scripts or plugins, you quickly reach a point where it's a greater pain to work with RPG Maker than it is to implement shit yourself in another engine. It's mostly worth it as a self-imposed challenge to make something interesting within RPG Maker's limits, which can force a decent amount of creativity out of the right people.
>>509 Is pirating RPGmaker even necessary with other free engines available? Or is it still the easiest for non-programmers to use?
>>513 >>515 i live in 2006 and thought rpgmaker was still "good" >>514 >>510 I will make it in Source then what's a good parametric modelling program that can still make shit with bones and export UVs and shit
>>517 >declare you'll make a game in RPG Maker >mixed response >cope by saying you'll make it in fucking Source Anon, if you have this little sense or idea of what you're talking about, you should probably stick with RPG Maker for a bit.
>>518 source is the most powerful engine ever devised by man's grubby paws i am shitposting about using an antequated fps engine to make a coom game but am disappointed to hear rpgmaker still has its reputation as being only able to make DQ style games without extensive hacking not intended in or for the engine
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>>519 Anon. An engine not being designed around a very specific template of JRPG doesn't mean it needs "extensive hacking" to make a (J)RPG. That's just called development, and every self-respecting 2d game engine probably already has most of it figured out for you.
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>>247 >>303 >no fan translation due to technical obstacles >englishfags have to wait to pirate the fucking fakku release Pain.
>>547 I'll never stop being butthurt about the game's MC being a furry, fucks with my self-inserting autism. >animated >proper translation >made by one of the best h-game devs
>>519 If you want a game engine that lets you do "good enough" stuff while not being truly ancient, then GameMaker is good. I've heard high praise from some indie devs making simple but ambitious games, and there are a lot of modules and tutorials to make your life easier. Disclaimer: I have never used GameMaker.
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>>553 Undertale is made in it.
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>>247 cave story was pretty good, but outside of the adorable mimigas not a lot of kemono stuff. i guess theres that 1 part where you disguise as one, and those cat-ghosts. pixel, the guy who made the game also makes kemono art >the game came out in 2004 you late faggot i know im sorry i just didnt know it was free until recently (and that it had cute rabbit people)
>>609 >ruining the drawing with a chudjak >didn't know cave story was freeware
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>>614 ok ok i fixed it. sorry, im probably half-soyjak fan, but i definitely get why people hate them. >didn't know cave story was freeware next your gonna tell me team fortress 2 is free
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fuck modding i hate modding >new vegas doesn't have any anthro mods (except that scary fox one), not to mention kemono mods >i already have like 3 femcel models and i can just rip the head off >export as .nif >game fucking crashes whenever i load a save >spend hours figuring out why, exhausting all the google and reddit results >never find a solution, best guess is that it doesn't like my mesh, because if i export a cube as a .nif (nigger incompetence format) it doesnt crash >slowly remodel femcels head from a cube, slowly exporting along the way to see if it crashes >manage to shit out a shitty head model but at least it works wtf was gambryo coded by pajeets? shitty GECK (GAY EXCUSE for a CREATION KIT) also wouldnt let me create a new race so i had to edit some other mods custom race
>>618 that sucks. did you try fallout 4 modding?
>>619 >that sucks. did you try fallout 4 modding? making my own mods? no. last time i tried fallout 4 i spent hours trying to figure out why i kept falling through the floor with only 1 mod installed, to no avail. plus fo4 also uses .nif files and i doubt i could keep it from crashing. that and i can roleplay as a misanthropic mentally-ill techocrat cat that takes over new vegas and nukes the ncr and the legion for the lulz. (maybe you can sort of do the same in fo4 i dont know the game that well) >fun fact: an hour before this post i broke new vegas with some shitty mod organizer and almost lost my entire setup
sorry for another blogpost, but i thought this was a pretty cool screenshot
Bought some Chinese dev's Kemono shovelware and played them The first game The rebirth of Kingdom Lo is a CG hunter about a royal prince rebuilding the royal family by seeding all of his relatives and despite some good ideas suffers from 6 sisters/princesses you need to impregnate being hard to figure out their name or order of birth which make them hard to remember and with the thin script and some questionable translations really work against it as a CG hunter. The sex scene are animated despite the roughness of the art. Also the sex cross section can be toggled as some of them are jank especially as other porn that uses them never over lay over the action for the whole scene unlike this game if you have them toggled on. His second game Resurrection Island: Love and Victory is a Undertale clone that fumbles a number of elements that it takes from Undertale. It is a game and the art and animations are a vast improvement to the last game. But yeah it needs more dialog, events, endings to feel like a decent undertale clone. You just encounter 8 kemono girls and fight/rape them on very thin premises and then the game ends unless you get the secret ending which is an extra fight and reveal that is underwhelming. TL;DR: worth a pirate, a coom, and an hour or two. I cannot recommend purchasing them due to them being very short and thin on the game end, if on a hefty discount or if the dev adds content to them, then maybe a purchase. I guess will have to wait for Fakku to finish Two Beast or Not to Beast. I guess in the mean time I will get off my ass and play the Liarsoft VNs that have been translated recently ALPHA-NIGHTHAWK and BETA-SIXDOUZE and then in an uninformative manner communicate if I liked it or not.
>>622 Same anon, after sleeping on it. I feel like I was too harsh on this amatuer Chinese dev's work. His first game was only 3 dollars and would've been a good recommend if a couple tweaks and an event or 2 was scripted in. And his second game is actually a good amount of H content with 2 animated h scenes per character but I would've preferred if it was split into seperate events and if he sold the world that the human knight wakes up in; also there is humor in it that would've sold what content in it as more memorable, but the dev has no control if his humor lands in a different language. TL;DR: I want to like the games. I just wish they were a little more to each of them.
>>622 >>623 >Resurrection Island: Love and Victory I'm autistic and can't enjoy anthro on anthro stuff, is MC a human in this? Looks to be the case, but previous game has you playing as kemono guy and it's unclear from screenshots.
>>624 In Resurrection Island: Love and Victory you play as a human but really you just play a disembodied penis in either game. I will probably buy his next game in the hopes that is keeps his path of improvement. Also if you were to pirate one it would be the one that you are interested in as it has some good designs.
Also forgot to mention in both games Humans are treated as a fantasy race as in an otherworldly curiosity that the kemonos think about as a person without any floof. There are other recurrent things but this indicates that the dev will probably focus on kemono on kemono action unless he makes Isekai works.
>>622 WTF, chinks make animel games that are neither bara gay sex VNs nor Changed clones? JK, of course, there wouldn't be any kemoges at all if not for chinks, because god sees all japanese furfags are working at CC, and even those are mostly french immigrants. Remember to play nellge.
>>622 >You just encounter 8 kemono girls and fight/rape them
>>629 Well you hand holding pervert, what else do you call a struggle that ends with a snuggle? The game sides steps this by having the half of them who you cannot spare by making them need some vitamin R like the girls in Rance where it ends very consensually, after the initial attitude adjustment. However of other 4 you can spare, I have only found for 2 of them the way to end the combat before giving them any corrections. The angry cat maid you can pet her fur or sexually harrass her till she leave calling you a cat obsessed pervert, and the cat gardener can be talked down, the archer and blacksmith I do not know of a way that doesn't involve commiting some of the ol' in and out.
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>>631 >halfway rape
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>>632 Half of the girls must be fully raped, my ESL brother in Christ. Of the other half you may deny them the pleasure of getting cummed inside; but half of those girls I do not know how to resolve without wielding my hyperweapon till they submit.
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>>631 >Your honor, I'm not a rapist, she just needed some vitamin R. You're not really helping your case. I suppose it is partially my fault though. I came from the kemono general on /c/, so when I see reviews of games about raping kemono women it gives me massive culture shock.
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>>633 >fully raped >very consensually So which one is it?
>>622 the first 2 look good. will give it a go
>>800 In the same way that Zoo Tycoon is a western furfag game.
>>547 well? where is it? Well obviously since it's not about the money it has to just be petty nip spirefulness at this point. >>618 >>620 >>621 lol that's awesome
>>618 >>620 If I had a nickel for every time I encountered a femcel/fujoshi anthro-enthusiastic artist woman who played New Vegas, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. At least you're taking the correct option of nuking both the NCR and Legion rather than craving the Frementari bad boys. Unless...?
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>>802 So it is the author's conniving attempt to push his weirdo fetishes onto the rest of the world. I knew.
>>842 Drawfag is a girl?! 😨 Wouldn't that mean he's like... a drawdyke now?
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>>813 >lol that's awesome thanks, unfortunately her face was not as good as i wanted it to be, but i only have so much patience with bethesda fuckery >>842 >>853 i'm a dude...
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>>868 Doesn't stop my web browser from tearing up.
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>>857 Wise not to advertise it to a full :^) board of furry weirdos, but it's pretty obvious from how you're always dunking on human men and trying to draw a perfect furboy hubby for your fursona. >>870 >not using superior Thorium browser with native h256 support https://github.com/Alex313031/thorium/tree/3759529384a18ae7c1d59155e1fef48573e5834c/src/chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium
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Zenless Zone Zero has kemono girls. Though only kemono men are playable at the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if it got one kemono girl soon. I'm guessing there are more kemono in games these days just due to the amount of great kemono artists out there.
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>>976 It's all bara with the same fujoshit-looking dogman. Even on pixiv there's like 1 cute art of him (this one). 0/10, don't bother
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>>976 i hope they get more art
>>985 Are those actual characters, like, not even just quest-givers? They look like mobs specific to whatever place that dogman comes from.
>>986 no just random background characters which is a shame since they have playable furry men
>>990 It's a live service game. It should be getting dozens of characters over the years.
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>>857 Draw her gang-mating-pressed by the zaambies. >>991 From what I've heard, it's gonna be a dead-service game soon.
>>895 nigger for the last time im a guy, am i really that low-t? any "women" you find on websites like this are trannies, sorry to say. >but you dunk on human men! only racemixing human men, and also femcel as a character hates humans and men >furboy hubby ??? do you mean the chad aryan wehrmacht soldier? no thats just literally me >>999 >Draw her gang-mating-pressed by the zaambies. picrel
>>1004 >that pic kill yourself. im truly the biggest retard gorilla nigger monkey for thinking for a second that kemono fans were any better than furfags
>>1007 >kemono fans >fans It's most likely one deranged idiot, all this revolting shitposting appeared last month. Otherwise the worst thing you could say about this board was this one drawfag making kemojaks.
>>1008 >It's most likely one deranged idiot, yeah, you're probably right. i have just started getting turned off to this site since someone posted actual bestiality in the drawthread, but come to think of it it is probably the same person as well >drawfag making kemojaks. ...that's probably me you are talking about lol
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>>1009 Hey! You told me to look it up.
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>>1009 >i have just started getting turned off to this site since someone posted actual bestiality in the drawthread Bruh, you gotta grow a thicker skin if that much is enough to make you leave. Seeing trash is just part and parcel of living on the imageboards Also moderation logs show nicely how it all began only recently.
>>1012 Words to live by. WHERE'S THE CORNER, JANNY
>>1011 1. i thought that anybody would put the text into translate before actually looking it up. the joke was that i was calling hmofa-enjoyers dogfucking degenerates, though maybe that was my fault for expecting this to happen 2. despite finding and watching that video you decided to post it anyways on here, meaning you had no issue saving that filth on your hard drive and then posting on this website, subsequently getting your post removed. why you haven't been ip banned is a mystery to me. >>1012 it was less the fact that i saw that gross video than that i was under the impression that that kind of content was generally not frowned upon here. to janny's credit it was taken down pretty fast. i may be at fault for making generalizations about a website i have just started using however. >Seeing trash is just part and parcel of living on the imageboards 4chuds still sperged out when the dusty vids were posted. i have seen a lot of cartel vids on imageboards, but i still hate animal abuse.
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>>1008 >It's most likely one deranged idiot It is. >Otherwise the worst thing you could say about this board was this one drawfag making kemojaks. Can't say I like the soyjacks either. They're a memetic dead end, ugly as shit, and aren't nearly as effective at upsetting lefties and trannies (who are already used to seeing their own ugly mugs in the mirrors and on social media) as smug anime girls. >>1014 >why you haven't been ip banned is a mystery to me. VPNs exist.
>>1015 >Can't say I like the soyjacks either. everything you said about them is true. unfortunately i have a love-hate relationship with the 'jaks. i find their ugly, absurd, and low-effort nature charming at times, as well as their weird cult-following funny. though maybe that makes me no better than a facebook minions spammer >VPNs exist. fair point. i will apologize for trash talking this board. i have just become wary over time of online groups, as i have often browsed what seems is a relatively okay group only to find out they are all pedophiles or actual dogfuckers. as such i probably jumped the gun on my conclusion.
>>1014 1 translation is a type of lookup. 2 poking wolf/husky nuts is some asian thing I'm not fully in on. I've seen it on pixiv, youtube and niconico, and I don't think it's (directly) related to bestiality. Either way, no animals cute enough for me to empathize with were hurt by it, so of course I'm not going to shit my pants over it. This does raise a valid question though. Are ferals degenerate? What is the official janny decree?
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>>1014 Is this your first day online or are you just THAT stupid or bored grasping at straws? Oh poor baby clicking on something you shouldn't have.
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I've been too lazy with my doujin scanning as of late. Shortstack kemono anthology incoming. Also how would you guys go about monetizing doujin scanning? I could use some extra money. Especially with Comiket around the corner. >>1014 Anon I just want to post about kemono girls and share them with others. However for some reason people would rather have drama despite that being everywhere. I just want a chill place to post kemono girls and not be bombarded by all the yaoi and bara that makes up a majority of kemono art out there.
>>1029 ooh i cant wait! probably a donation box or you could do previews. If you have the skill you could make some drawings of some characters from the manga
>>1029 >Also how would you guys go about monetizing doujin scanning? I'm not familiar enough with the scanning world to know how they go about it, if they do (I imagine scanlators or translators are more likely to get paid for it). You could probably take donations through monero if you're really paranoid about not being doxed.
>>1029 >Shortstack kemono anthology Three beautiful words. I am eagerly awaiting the adventures of the faceless knight and the waist-high dragon queen. >monetizing scanning The usual ways: shill yourself with a short ad page at the start/end of the things you scan and in the descriptions. Have a presence on he usual sites like Ko-Fi, Patreon, Subscribestar, and Paypal to cast a wide net (and crypto too if you want). Assuming you're LongSwordUser on sadpanda, you have more than enough work and momentum to get people interested. A few months of dedicated shilling (like actual shilling; promote yourself continuously and point people directly to your money intake) would probably do wonders.
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anyone play this kemono game yet?
>>1039 Kemono?
>>1029 Is it worth going 2 nihongo to check out undocumented doujins, or are they all re-sold on booth nowadays? If so, how much cash and free time does it require? I presume you don't need to know much nihongese, right? If I'm only interested in NON furry-on-furry stuff, how much of is out there compared to the rest? How much of it does not get exported? Is there much sense in going only for that? Is there some sort of a catalogue of the books that are going to be sold and what's in them, or do you have to piece it together from social media? Is there some sort of a global way to coordinate who buys what? Are any of the books you don't buy get lost forever, or do the japs sell them for multiple years? I've seen there are services that allow you to export books, how much of a scam are they, and is it possible to custom-order books that weren't exported yet? Ideally, I'd like to bankroll some down on their luck yakuza gang to go sweep kemoket for one of each human on anthro books and mail them back to me, what's the closest you can do on, IDK, 2 kilobux?
>>1029 >Anon I just want to post about kemono girls and share them with others. However for some reason people would rather have drama despite that being everywhere. I just want a chill place to post kemono girls and not be bombarded by all the yaoi and bara that makes up a majority of kemono art out there. In theory >>>/amg/ should work as a containment board for homoposters, but in practice the term "attention-seeking faggot" exists for a reason.
>>1029 Where have you seen yaoi and bara?
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>>1052 Don't cater to fags on this site, it would attract the entire furry fandom which are 99% fags and they have 1239769213657 spaces they pollute with gayshit already. You guys should also be interested to learn that there are a section of furfags now that call themselves "kemono", that is; from the art style their suit is in similar to manga style. I thought that was pretty impressive. But alas again, 99% faggots.
>>1057 This is not a furry site.
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>>1031 I should learn to draw. I'm pretty sure I could make some nice art if I put my mind to it. I used to draw until I got out of highschool. Unlike then, now I definitely have a reason to draw. >>1033 >>1034 I think that's a good idea. I was thinking as dumping a bunch of doujins I'm scanning all at once with a credits page linking to the stuff. >Assuming you're LongSwordUser on sadpanda, you have more than enough work and momentum to get people interested. Same guy, I'm hoping people still remember my uploads as I've barely uploaded anything in a year. Looking at Exhentai, the ENG scanning scene is in dire straights. People just rely on digital scans and the amount of scanners is very small. Then you have idiots uploading trash machine translations instead of getting translators on applying proper editing.
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>>1041 It's worth going as tons of things are sold in person that you can't get online. Same when shopping second hand as you can grab a ton of things that might not be on any second hand shopping site like Mandarake. Here's a video of event shopping in person. <An Overworked Salaryman's Guide to Prepping for Comiket - How to Plan And What To Bring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eTIeGQhpw0 >are they all re-sold on booth nowadays? No. Some don't ever restock and even if it's put up for resale it can be snatched up in an instant. So you can't be too hesitant on what you want to buy. >If so, how much cash and free time does it require? I do all my shopping online and outside of Japan. 100 doujins today should be around $500 I believe. Shipping is where the real financial rape comes in. It can cost you $100+ to ship 100 doujins now. >I presume you don't need to know much nihongese, right? Nah, a cellphone can translate anything for you these days. Also you can use Google Lens to translate words and physical objects instantly. So you should never get lost due to communication problems. >Is there some sort of a catalogue of the books that are going to be sold and what's in them, or do you have to piece it together from social media? There is a catalog of what artists will be there but you'll need to check their socials to see what they'll sell. Some don't sell their stuff online and many smaller artists will only sell stuff in person. Not that their works aren't worth buying mind you. The catalogs are sold on Melonbooks but you can also find them here. https://webcatalog.circle.ms/ I usually find artists who are going on Melonbooks. If you click on the author's name, it usually has a link to their social. https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/tags/index.php?tag=%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B1%E3%83%83%E3%83%88104%E8%B6%85%E6%96%B0%E5%88%8A%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB If you're going, make sure to buy some wristbands for every day you want to enter so you don't have to wait in even more lines. https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2447850 >If I'm only interested in NON furry-on-furry stuff, how much of is out there compared to the rest? If you mean human male x furry female. It's not that common. It's a niche of a niche. Furry male x human female I think is even more rare. If you mean just non-furry material in general. It outnumbers kemono material 1000/1. >Is there some sort of a global way to coordinate who buys what? Depends on the purpose. If you're coordinating on who's getting what for scanning and translating purposes. 4chan /h/ and Ehentai forums are usually the place to go. If you mean what's getting bought so you know what to look out for before it gets sold out, then I can't tell you. Just assume niche stuff will sell first. Same with lesser known artists. It's more important to buy from them first because they're less likely to restock. And if they do it could be months after the event when you're not paying attention. >Are any of the books you don't buy get lost forever, or do the japs sell them for multiple years? It's slim for something to be lost forever that's new. But anything pre-2014 is very hard to find. I'm still trying to find doujins from the 2000s. >I've seen there are services that allow you to export books, how much of a scam are they, and is it possible to custom-order books that weren't exported yet? I use AOCS (Toranoana's service), Rabbit Japan, and Tenso. They can all be trusted. I've been using them all for over 5 years now. As for people who'll shop in person for you. I have no clue about that and have yet to try it.
>>1063 Try two more niches on top of hmofa. I kind of want to put some of my money and/or effort towards searching out and publishing what little human male on kemololisho (not only pornographic) may exist out there. But that's such a well of contradictory niches, I don't even know if there is anything to look for, or if I'd be better off becoming the kemono version of your average furry fetish commissiondrone. What events are out there, even? Everyone always talks about either Comiket or Kemoket, but even just looking "kemoket" up, wikifur lists like 5 conventions in japan, excluding the obviously fursuit one, and if you go around the pages there are more mentioned but not listed. I feel like smaller, probably more specialized events are the best place to look for niche stuff (assuming those are even doujin events), right? But I don't even know where to look or whom to ask about them.
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>>1064 Barely anyone does that type of material. NME, Kishibe, Rikose, and Ro/Nyankose are the only well known artists that do that material and Kishibe's is SFW. He did make 5 SFW doujins and I have 4 of them translated. I was going to upload them to Exhentai ages ago but needed to edit the cover pages again after a corrupted hard drive wiped everything I had. So I need to do that again. Either way, what I'm basically saying is that I've been looking for that material too (except shota stuff) and I've scanned a good deal of the NSFW stuff and some SFW over the past few years. Anything new you'll probably have to commission for or possibly draw yourself. The material is so niche most of those artists started drawing to get it so you'll probably have to do that same. I post artists and their Twitters in the Artist Thread here so you can look through those and find some artists. Who knows, they might start making something you like and put the word out that they'll submit something for Kemoket. As for conventions, Kemoket and the bi-yearly version of it is all you really need to know if you want doujins. Many smaller artists submit their works in anthology series. A few of the better ones work on the "Comic Gaira" kemono/monster girl human male on kemono female series but you can just download those. Kemono doujins are usually sold on Alicebooks but shipping is expensive and some works don't ship world wide. At this point it might just be cheaper to use a Forwarding Service like Rabbit Japan to buy from that site.
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While FoW as a card game has seen better days; the DSP of TCGs next set features kemono characters; looks like it has new mechanics that I am not familiar with. The TL;DR: of FoW rules: It is a Magic the Gathering variant game that uses a lot of the mechanics of Duel Masters, its rules are very fun and liberating for MtG players, but the card design and balance has long frustrated said players. I still enjoy it though I wish they would reboot the power levels. But yeah Kemono biker gangs running greasy smoggy bikes over your opponents is definitely flavorful.
>>1122 Cool
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>>1124 Ehh failed to be fully informative in the shill thread: FoW stands for Force of Will, in 2015 it was a contender to be the 4th largest TCG after the big three of Pokemon, Yugioh, and Magic the Gathering; currently it is a zombie game that people are shocked to find out is still puttering on. Looking at the next set the until more kemono bikers get posted, the current themes that kick out these bikers for me is the green Weyland Consortium styled faction and the Blue yandere investigator that works through card/hand manipulation. Thinking about prior sets that might have been kemono adjacent tribes, there were gem obessed pandas, lizard martial artists, and feline ninjas.
>>1126 im surprised a card game like that can still hang on. neat designs especially the pialle and bastet ones. I wonder if the artists had a hand at making the other ones in Wizards of the coast
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>>1126 The gem pandas were really funny just on the art alone, but they didn't measure up to the quality of the rest of the game (although even that was sketchy, and it had the usual shitty tropes of Japanese TCG art). Mechanically the game's foundations were great but it was driven into the ground by the usual TCG problems (bloat, power creep) and the Reflect/Refrain reign of terror and the devs' refusal to admit they fucked up and ban it.
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>>1138 My issue is the cynical power creep that the game suffers under as they print a threat and then in the next set will print responses later. However the reality is that the design team does not playtest any product outside of its own set/environment so they print a powerful dynamic that has cool interplay in the set it was created but lack previous sets suffer in the interactions. Game of Gods making every creature a potential J-ruler means that all removal in that set can kill resonator/j-ruler and that viable old decks like decks that love using traps having a shitfit until GoG rulers left the attention space as all of the traps were printed back when J-ruler removal was very rare and expensive. But the GoG rulers were very fun: a ruler that constantly committed suicide for benefit, a ruler that you would try to box into a resonator that has passed its purpose to avoid the deck from exploding again, and a ruler that was rather resonator agnostic and just liked to control a center piece and generate value. There was a crazy Jap that piloted Pandas to a top place finish in the New Vahalla/Reiya GP. But to talk about a card game with that is noted for good card design Wixoss has a few relevant cards to this board's interest, but does not cater towards them as the game is aesthetic is having a battle between Isaac Newton, a toaster, and the Influenza virus as depicted as girls spanning the spectrum of cute to sexy.
I've heard news of artists having their works being rejected by Toranoana because of Mastercard and Visa. Just a warning to people shopping online. I suggest following your favorite artists and seeing where they will sell their works. At this rate I might have to go to Comiket to get some doujins with loli, rape, and hypnosis themes. And yes, that what's being targeted.
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>>1140 Whoops I forgot to post the one kemono card that Takara Tomy has printed in English that I know about. The the images under the spoiler is what they typically anthropomorphize stuff as, except the bird, that is amusingly and terrifyingly horny.
>>1140 >no cross-set synergy That is far and away one of the most prominent things that kills card games and I'm surprised that MTG seems to be about the only game which has considered it. They don't do this as much now, but when I was playing more seriously about 10 years ago it was common knowledge that any particularly powerful or marquis cards would have something printed in the next expansion which would make sense in its own context but give people some kind of way to interact with the stuff from before. That kind of layering is hard to manage, especially with rotating formats, but it's imperative if you want players to care and to show them that you aren't simply cynically pushing the new power crept thing with each new product. >>1146 Looks like typical soulless chink and/or gook UE5 shovelware with some of the worst animations and fur physics I've seen in recent memory. The entire game seems like it's barely being held together by string and that it would fall apart if you turned the camera too suddenly. >skunk girl with gas weapon Not exactly subtle with that one, were they? I have nothing against skunks IRL but any anthro skunk characters that mention the smell stuff are instant red flags for the creator.
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>>1146 >>1148 Horrible; reminds me of pic related.
>>1149 fun fact: that minigun is actually an anzio 20mm bolt action rifle
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>>1148 Killing cross set synergy seems to be deliberate as it liberates the design team to create cards that play against each other and have them less likely to absolutely break the game when you are designing decks as functional 40 card piles. The Yugification is notable where you mix and match archetypes that synergize or a strong archetype with staples to fix weak matchups. A bad example but the one that I am running with is War, it is a mechanic that is tied with a specific personality card so that if they overcook the mechanic they can ban specific pieces and it has the correct action of diluting the interactions as it is tied to a closed ecosystem. Basically you don't want to accidently create interactions like Zhuge+Null stone. But that would require lots of playtest data and that would cost time and money when there are cards to print with cool effects to make.
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>>1146 pretty alright. the shooting felt acward with aiming while moving slowly. running felt alright. the map was too open so the wolf demolishes most of the team. hope theres more characters
>>1177 I didn't mean the game.
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>>1180 oh the trailer. the first one was alright. I liked the character models better since they are more balanced with graphical enhancements. the 2nd trailer was fine. Also heres concept arts of the female combatants
What's this "nine soles" stuff chinks and japs have been soying about lately? Another artsy-deep indie platformer for adult children?
>>1184 All I know about it is that it's made by the Taiwanese guys who made Devotion, AKA that game which got delisted from every platform for mocking Xi Jinping in an easter egg. Based off that, it's probably pretty swell.
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>jahknee speaks in jew-links Don't care/Didn't watch+Sex buny
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>>1182 The on-model smut of these things is going to be hideous.
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>>1197 Inb4 they tweak the faces just a little and it becomes perfect (not gonna happen, but still). They really just need to get the expressions sorted out and give her a sleeker muzzle.
>>1184 Metroidvania with a solid aesthetic and snappy gameplay. I saw it promoted earlier this year and it looked neat. >>1185 Interesting. Perhaps it may even be worth a purchase.
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>>1203 maybe for the cute cat ladies
>>1203 >>1206 >check the devs' website >they sell DRM-free versions of all their other games >Nine Sols can be bought through their website but only gives you a Steam key Still better than buying it directly off Steam, I suppose.
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Looks like Kon-Kon Cinematic Universe is trying to break out into the larger furry community with an interactive satanism simulator. His belly-eye is for being cummed into, if you were wondering. Though, I'd rather summon Mabo's cube-sucker than this chibi thing if I had the choice, to be honest. And it's furry-protag shit yet again. Well, beggars can't be choosers.
>>1206 They are pretty cute. But enough to get me to play soyman games, much less pay for them.
>but enough Well, damn.
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WAIT. Cat has a HMOBA hubby!? I take back everything I've said, the game is perfect in every aspect, long live Republic of China and free Honkhonk, everything happened at the Taimanin square in 1987, Winnie the Pooh 師兄充重令空
This is just getting sad.
>>1259 Looks pretty good shame it has to be gay
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>>1385 >stallmanism
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>>1392 Stallman may be a fat sperg, but he has a point: the term "(((intellectual property)))" intentionally muddles together three different concepts (copyright, patents, and trademarks) with the idea of physical property to confuse the goyim and introduce a linguistic bias that helps corporate jews get away with more bullshit. If you speak of anime, manga, or games as the artist's "property," on some level you don't actually see yourself as the owner of your own stuff, but as someone who's purchased (or pirated) a license to use it. It's a sort of anti memetic meme: an artificial meme designed to hinder the natural memetic growth and flowering of culture, and its use is a sign of mental slavery.
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played kingdom of io. here it was undertale but lewd with kemonos. was alright for the first few girls i met but the pacing felt too slow
>>1437 Kingdom of Lo or Kingdom of io? I'm not finding shit besides The Rebirth of Kingdom Lo and endless search results for Kingdom of Loathing (which I have not played in ages).
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>>1439 yeah The rebirth of kingdom of Lo
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>>1463 i tried not to but the mc horny level must be too high
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>>1462 I tried to play this but I couldn't continue as the sex scenes were complete shitass, like it actually made my dick limp, first time that ever happened.
>>1529 damn. i hope there other games out there
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Alright I found a decent game in a while called Kon's Lesson! , not full kemono but who am I to complain at this point with how rare this genre is, the draws and animations are pretty fucking great and the game includes tail petting.
>>1605 I don't mind it personally, but that's most definitely /mg/ stuff rather than /kemono/
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>>1605 Well, at least it ain't tail-pegging.
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>>1122 Following up on an ancient post of mine, the next set features sharktits. The tiger was in 2 sets prior in a weird anti magic stone A team deck with the leader being a human trapped as a cuddly little tiger, a reverse weretiger I guess. The Shtick of the Sharkmaids here is that they mill their deck until they hit the depths and then they explode.
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>>1672 To follow through there wasn't much good kemono art of the red werefox tribe after the initial spoiler with a significant portion of the card pool was art of their gear which is nice if you are into Bōsōzoku bikes and truck. Sadly Wednesday didn't understand the memo and drew the shark ruler as an anime gorgon. And it seems like Wu Xiaohu story arc is of humiliation: ninja turned into living plush, forced to wage, and then turning into a lap cat of a bat shit crazy but great mommy energy empress.
>>1672 cool sharks. the 1st and last are my favs
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>>1693 >>1694 nigga thats NUTS
>>247 There was an official EN translation in the works, whatever happened to that?
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>>1781 it still in work in progress. they said that decensoring is complete since october of this year
Just putting it out that Fuga now has a manga. I wanna say you should atleast give the game a try since it's pretty fun. Still kind of spoils the plot of the main game and the sequel unless you're not intrerested waiting for sale to come around or just looking for something to read.
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>>1862 >now
>>1863 I'm doing my best dude.
>>1862 >give the game a try which game? xd
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been playing way too much "kemono" space program >1st pic is a kemonaut that looks like my oc femcel but a goat >2nd is me aerobraking over fucking olympus mons (the highest mountain in the solar system) like a retard >3rd is a successful landing after said aerobraking >4th is me having to bail out of the capsule on the return mission because i didnt bring an engineer and apparently you cant repack parachutes without one not sure if i should use /kemono/ as my blog, but maybe its better than having low activity
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The translation for Komen FuuFu volume 2 has been released since Sunday.
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>>1933 Some favorite moments I liked.
>>400 Not yet, and I'm going to be even further behind in the series once the third game comes out on May 28.
>>1986 Jesus christ Malt has been changing quiet alot.
>>1934 how will femcel ever recover
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>>1987 from battle kid, to commander, to interdimensional warlord
>>1986 I seriously need to finish this game.

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