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(180.06 KB 1110x782 kemono3.PNG)
OC art thread! 12/04/2023 (Mon) 00:34:56 No. 476
a thread for kemono art you made General Art Resources >/loomis/' new home: https://trashchan.xyz/loomis/ >How to Draw: An /ic/ Guide: https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn >Webring drawfag resources folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Kemono-specific >/animu/'s kemono artbook collection (only has one book in it): https://mega.nz/folder/oe1Gwaob#syC5SmXSh8rPxAOi93S1Wg >Drawing Manga Action Furries: https://exhentai.org/g/2792798/f58d7d51bf/ Other >Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art (a book on anon art in traditional societies): https://archive.org/details/christianori00coom/
Edited last time by REDACTED on 06/01/2024 (Sat) 17:45:19.
>>1689 thanks. snouts are a pain the ass for me, and with kemono you have to keep them subtle, but not too short like how I draw cats >probably more dangerous than she looks well she did cause covid 19 with her authentic oriental cooking >I wonder if there's any kemono artists who like Trump, given all the right-leaning anime production guys and mangaka out there. Their ever-increasing contact with western furfags on twitter might scare them away from being all that public about such opinions. if you are talking about authentic jap artists, they probably dont care too much about trump, other than seeing the election as a spectacle. filthy non asian kemono posers (like me) are probably mostly anti trump, considering how you are really encroaching on furry territory as a kemono imitator, and i dont think i have to tell you how left wing most furfags are. my theory is that the more your kemono art feels genuine/accurate, the more based you are, as you have a bigger admiration of japanese culture and put a respectable amount of effort imitating it. as you said, many weebs are right leaning, so the jap-obsessed kemono artists (which are essentially weebs themselves) may also be pretty based, though the rest (like weebs), are probably unhinged trannies. sadly most artists are left winged, and usually mentally ill. almost every artist i have met in person has been fucking annoying and schizo-adjacent (which is saying something coming from me) as for japs and furfags on xitter, what little i have seen shows that asian twitter users simply do not give a fuck about western morals, like them getting pissed about jewbisoft putting a literal nigger (LMFAO btw) in a feudal japanese game. if they do communicate often or integrate with western furfags spheres, they probably just avoid politics all together rant over, have a femcel
I wonder if at this very moment some similarly one-track trannies in some kemono discord are having a mirror reflection of this conversation about how woke and progressive the japs are and how much better than u18 chuds they are.
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too lazy to draw something rn, have a pic i drew 6 months ago >>1691 that would be kinda funny. my experience with kemoners and furfags is that kemonofags tend to be more based, though that may be because i only interact with kemonofags on ye olde imageboards. >how woke and progressive the japs are sounds like a dumb argument, but i can see people falling for it. like how people say japan is trad and based even though they have a hellish corporate culture and can be pretty peverted and degenerate. i think their logic would have to be >all these transgender animu characters who are just like me and the loli hentais are made by japan >they must be so progressive and tolerant over there! as if its to do with tolerance instead of pornographic studios exploiting western degenerates then again maybe im wrong and the japanese are all degens, i dont really delve into japanese culture per se, i just like eastern styles of animal people
>>1696 >i dont really delve into japanese culture per se, i just like eastern styles of animal people Yeah, it's pretty obvious from your drawings.
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the ak-74 is a family heirloom her father obtained from a dead soviet conscript >spoiler is reference image
>>1708 >dog absolutely haram
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I do have a couple pieces I'm still working on. I'm cursed with tons of half done art that I never go back to.
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i used >>1716 as reference >>1715 this is nice work. i like the mouse the most, she looks very cheesed to meet me >I'm cursed with tons of half done art that I never go back to. still more finished than any art i make
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why are snoots so hard to draw? i redid her snout probably 5 times even though its a simple shape
>>1734 because you need to make them stylized so they look cute
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>>1741 yeah, hopefully my snouts turn out okay
>>1742 they look great
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>>1743 thanks! maybe i will get a feel for them, but for now i have to erase them several times before i am pleased with them
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silly fox
>>1734 Faces and foreshortening are both hard. In this case, you're drawing a face on a 3D shape with foreshortening. You're doing a good job, though; sort of a typical flat anime face wrapped onto a snout.
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>>1755 I wish I had this problem.
>>1758 I have seen very strange things in the zone, comrade.
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>>1757 thanks. i need to spend some time looking for reference photos, something with a fairly long but not obtuse snout. i also feel like im having trouble with how the head should be shaped, its just been a ball so far really. >>1758 this made me smile, thx! >>1759 >tfw no fennec mutant gf to rescue from the zone too bad she would probably be shot on sight. except by the freedom hippies, but they fuck bloodsuckers so perhaps a fate worse than death
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>you are being otterly ridiculous!
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and now, back to my regularly scheduled character
>>1798 >that fish I know /pol/ humor is low brow, but still made me kek
>>1796 cute, prefer her over femcel to be honest
>>1799 glad i could make at least one person kek. sadly big floyd lives rent free in my head (that and people who draw funny animal people are all leftoids so i feel compelled to be extra racist to bring balance and harmony to the cosmos) >>1801 femcel is supposed to be a sort of contradiction in that she is outwardly (supposed to look) cute but a cold and antisocial person on the inside. so i can get not really liking her personality. unless its also because she is not cute, in which case i have to practice art more TL;DR marry the otter girl not femcel
>>1798 cute girl
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>>1828 im glad you like her
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>>1881 cute
>>1881 Coloured outlines suits your style nicely and really softens the look. Do you plan on using it in future drawings?
>>1882 thx >>1885 i was drawing a character from an actual kemono piece and trying to get the line colors to match, but i may end up doing the softer colored lines from now on
fennec-chan if she was in a zombie apocalypse
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hey, anon from the start of the thread here, hope y'all doing well got really busy last semester, haven't had time to draw much lately, but I'm still trying to get better at it, here's a quick sketch that I drew earlier today. >>1979 did you used Blender? never really got the hang of 3D tools loved the fennec fox character btw
>>1993 welcome back! i think your drawing looks a lot more kemono. my only criticism off the top of my head is that i would make the nose jut out a little more. >did you used Blender? yes, and yes its because im broke. as for 3d, i had to learn how to do the basics, but knowing how to draw helps in making something appealing. >loved the fennec fox character btw thanks. i felt i needed a friendly character to balance out femcels stern and antisocial personality (disorder)
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>>1993 The other anon is right: this looks a lot more kemono-esque than your old stuff, but I disagree a little with his critique. You constructed the snout well, but it looks flatter than it should because the eyes are too high up. If you lower them a bit so the eyeline passes through their bottoms as in pic related rather than sitting beneath them, the snout appears more defined and the head's overall proportions improve a lot. t. used to draw eyes too high up all the time
>>1994 >>1995 thanks for the feedback! I will work on more sketches, but just now I realized how high the eyes were, I drew the guides for the eyeline but forgot to use it >.< I will be posting some more stuff soon, at the moment I'm collecting more references to work with
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im back
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(12.21 KB 700x600 femcel greeting.png)
>>2035 >>2036 >>2038 How long do these take you to draw? I like their roughness.
>>2039 thanks, they take about 30 minutes to an hour. sometimes i get distracted and that can take longer, or i dont know what to draw and spend half an hour scrolling through reference images
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I liked the result of this one so I took the time to ink it. I suck at coloring though... Still trying some different eye styles, but I am happy how it turned out.
>>2044 more oc? yay! her forearm and hand size is a little wonky, but i still think shes cute. as for eyes, i usually just look up anime eyes and copy them
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wasted an hour and a half drawing and rendering a picture and now that its finished it looks like shit and im too embarrassed to post it. this happens literally every time i draw something more than a doodle
>>2045 Yeah at first I was just making a throwaway sketch that I decided to continue so it went kinda sloppy on the arm. >>2046 Don't know if helps, but even thought I have two Wacom tablets I realized that it was better for me to sketch and ink stuff on paper, digital is amazing for everything else but I usually take a lot more time to finish a drawing that is 100% digital instead of scanning a paper and working from there.
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Spent some time trying to make a more elaborate drawing, I'm happy how this one turned out :D Still suck at coloring, I was trying some watercolor however it is better to leave this one monochromatic.
>>2061 Nice drawing! Arm is a little off (too me that is I can guess its pointed back to give depth, but overall I like it)
>>2061 cute cat lady. your texturing technique on the pants is nice. use that more

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