/kemono/ - Kemono

Fluffy Anime Girls

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(180.06 KB 1110x782 kemono3.PNG)
OC art thread! 12/04/2023 (Mon) 00:34:56 No. 476
a thread for kemono art you made General Art Resources >/loomis/' new home: https://trashchan.xyz/loomis/ >How to Draw: An /ic/ Guide: https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn >Webring drawfag resources folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Kemono-specific >/animu/'s kemono artbook collection (only has one book in it): https://mega.nz/folder/oe1Gwaob#syC5SmXSh8rPxAOi93S1Wg >Drawing Manga Action Furries: https://exhentai.org/g/2792798/f58d7d51bf/ Other >Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art (a book on anon art in traditional societies): https://archive.org/details/christianori00coom/
Edited last time by REDACTED on 06/01/2024 (Sat) 17:45:19.
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heres some of my works, I was already decent at drawing. but I thought it would be fun to draw kemono style stuff
Your stuff is cute. Please post more when you have the chance.
>>476 >>477 Pretty rough, but still cute. As for some drawthread resources, >>>/loomis/ >How to Draw book(s) https://mega.nz/folder/oe1Gwaob#syC5SmXSh8rPxAOi93S1Wg >Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art A collection of Traditionalist essays on medieval, oriental, and folk art, along with their (mostly) anonymous artist traditions. Weirdly applicable to anon art and imageboard OC in general, but you'll likely find Coomaraswamy way too hard on post-medieval western art for your tastes. https://archive.org/details/christianori00coom/
>>516 I doubt there's any drawfags hanging around here, but here's a book which got scanned last month. https://exhentai.org/g/2792798/f58d7d51bf/
(7.18 MB 2544x1850 scan3.png)
>>552 Drawfag here, this book and the other one that >>516 linked are very good, I have been drawing as a hobby for some time and I've been recently trying to develop more towards this kemono style. Anyways, here is something from my sketchbook
>>555 That's some pretty good stuff. The snout strikes me as pointing at a different angle from the face, but snouts also seem like they take a good amount of practice to get right.
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>>557 Yeah you're right, specially when making this "half-turned" angle I kinda suck at portraying long snouts. I think that the main issue for me is trying to get the styling right, these days I've been practicing some of this idea since I tend to aim more towards a "semi-realism" style due to being more used to referencing from western media. Simplifying things is also something that I need to grasp better, specially which details to keep and which don't.
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>>560 For comparison I see how much easier it is to make a cat instead, since I can push the feline features out of a human head. And speaking of which, I then remembered this post that talks about the link between anime girls and cats, makes sense. ------- >>476 Sorry OP for not writing before, I liked the outfits, pretty cool. But I suggest to use the whole sheet when drawing to better portray the character.
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one day i will be able to draw eyes symmetrically
>>570 Cute, the cats are especially nice. I wonder why our monkey brains are wired to associate whiskers with cuteness
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>>571 thanks! >I wonder why our monkey brains are wired to associate whiskers with cuteness my guess is that most animals that have whiskers are fluffy mammals, and i think most people find mammals the cutest for we are also mammals, and we are raised around mammals (cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters) and thus find their features like whiskers cute.
>>570 >>572 That's a pretty cute style you're developing, anon. It reminds me a lot of 2000s western weeb art in a good way instead of the the western tag stuff I normally see nowadays.
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>>573 That's a pretty cute style you're developing, anon. danke brother! >It reminds me a lot of 2000s western weeb art in a good way instead of the the western tag stuff I normally see nowadays. well im cursed to be an amerimutt, but i try my best to imitate the japs and their anime/kemono style. also i do try to imitate a bit of early internet aesthetic too, though im not to sure to what extent simply drawing in 1px brushes accomplishes that.
>>574 The cat on second pic looks like a stinky NEET that hasn't left her room in a week, I want to bathe her.
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>>575 >I want to bathe her. looks like i already drew something kinda relevant (tbh i like to imagine she practices good hygene, i just like the messy hair look)
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i hope you like goats, cause thats all i drew
>>577 >TWD but with asteroid apocalypse and a kemono goat This has to be the weirdest crossover ideas. Nice gote anyway.
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>>576 I tried to play Project Zomboid a very long time ago but my pc can't run it properly, there are mods to add anthro characters? I liked >>570 and >>577 too, very cute goat. Still trying to understand this kemono art style better tough, unfortunately I did not get any time to draw anything this month so I am kinda stuck where I've left. I also need to learn how to draw anime hair better.
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>>581 thank you! >there are mods to add anthro characters? there is a mod called Anthro Survivors which adds furry models, and support for adding custom ones. i don't like how most of the furry models look so i made my own in a more kemono style as a mod. however this comes at the cost of headgear almost never fitting on the model's head. >Still trying to understand this kemono art style better tough it took me a little to get where im at. i practiced using a kemono art book and looking at a lot of kemono art on pixiv. theres also the kemono threads on /c/. outside of the sphere-with-slight-snout i dont know how else to draw kemono heads like dogs and wolves
>>582 Cool! I would go back and try Project Zomboid again but I really suck at survival games. >outside of the sphere-with-slight-snout i dont know how else to draw kemono heads like dogs and wolves I said earlier on >>560 that this is something that is bugging me a little, it is easy while in a profile picture, but when it comes to keep it in perspective I tend to keep it too short or too long, something to keep an eye on to improve, really need to see more kemono artists for reference. In fact when I started to draw anthros (back in 2013 if I'm not wrong) I had for reference mostly if not only western artists and media (comics, cartoons, etc.), so I grew into working more with the "semi-realistic" style that most people tend to draw. Learning to draw in a new style kinda sucks because I have to break away from the habit that I'm used to. My style is trying to morph into kemono but I still carry a lot of what I learned way back, however I'm liking where it's going right now. Oh yeah I didn't noticed that little soyjack in >>572 before, lol
>>586 >I would go back and try Project Zomboid again but I really suck at survival games. that game can be hard (and not in the fun way.) i would recommend getting mods like respawn (you dont lose your skills, i think trying to get back all the shit you lost is punishment enough), they knew (rare zombie cures), and a shitload of other mods that make the game more interesting. you can also make a game with sandbox settings, i recommend having 4.5x more experience minimum since its such a grindfest. as for the other stuff, i tried to make a long snout character in picrel. i guess my advice is that the snout on kemono usually has a smoother/simpler shape even if long. and yes i would agree that looking at kemono artists can really help. >My style is trying to morph into kemono but I still carry a lot of what I learned way back lol same! my other pic is how i used to draw my cat girl. i find most (but not all) western furry art to be grotesque, but being a westerner i do have elements of it sticking through my art, but i find autistically copying and studying authentic kemono helps a lot. >Oh yeah I didn't noticed that little soyjack /!!^!!!^!\ [ o ]--[ o ]--, .....<....../ ,\...O..../gemmy?
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autistic misanthropic female cat
>>587 I really like the (fox?) girl from the first pic, the one you described as "Long snout?". It's exactly how japs draw them when they give them slightly longer faces, but there's still a subtle difference between that and western furfags drawing full on animal heads.
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she managed to get extracted using her vaccine as leverage, but while i was playing i turned a corner and ran into a shitload of random zombies blocking the escape and almost died, so i drew it, but i think it looks kinda bad. reminded me of https://youtu.be/ohemS-V6FI8?si=ATpq-R-uEDLSvu1A&t=196 >>589 thanks! i was originally trying to draw a wolf, but it ended up as a fox. i think even if you draw a long snout, the eastern way is to have it be simpler and less obtuse, but ive seen a lot of western that makes the snout and nose too big. i dont want to draw jew-nosed animals
>>588 She hates men⁉️ Correction needed💢
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drew a 'quid >>591 pls no she's been through enough ):
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I forgot to post this, for comparison I made the same character in both the way that I used to draw and also in a more kemono style.
>>593 The snoot is bit too western, too square I think. Also eyes should be a little narrower. Keep drawing and you'll get it, fox girl in >>587 was spot on.
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someone's moving up in this world! (her coworkers will throw her under the bus dont worry) >>593 its hard for me to try and explain what exactly sets apart kemono from western sometimes, so take what i say with a grain of salt. i feel the eyes on the right should be further apart. i would also study more on how anime eyes are drawn. as for the snout, i have seen kemono done with a realistic shaped snout, so maybe its the head that is making the snout look western. for the head, i (think) the rear jawline should be closer to the front, and the tufts larger and more exaggerated. the art i look at often has them so big that it hides the rear jawline. keep in mind i rarely draw canines and other long snout animal people so my advice isnt the best, toxoplasmosis has surely infected my brain. >>594 >fox girl in >>587 was spot on. thanks! also thank god. i was worried that fox might not have been kemono enough
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>>595 >>593 as a follow-up, here are some canine-kemono pieces you can study. sometimes i will just completely copy the image to get a better understanding (not tracing, but that may also help)
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got too tired and made this low effort picture
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im back. i saved a picture of a snow leopard(?) (>>579). im not sure if it is technically kemono but i think i found it on a kemono general so i guess it counts now. anyways i liked the design, and decided to draw her in various situations i came up with in my head. surely this scandinavian cat is the key to the hyperborea? (snow leopards dont live in scandinavia) side note, the officer is supposed to be a man, but i tried drawing too similar of a style as the way i draw females, and now i think he looks like a kid. looks like i will have to learn how to draw kemono guys better so she can get a decent man
>>602 The leopard is looking nice, I think she's an improvement over the cat thanks to the extra details >i will have to learn how to draw kemono guys better so she can get a decent man Heresy, she needs a human man!
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>>603 thx. i dont really know how to change the white cat's design since she is supposed to be just white with black hair. >Heresy, she needs a human man! Kill humans. Behead humans. Roundhouse kick a human into the concrete. Slam dunk a human baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy humans. Defecate in a humans food. Launch humans into the sun. Stir fry humans in a wok. Toss humans into active volcanoes. Urinate into a humans gas tank. Judo throw humans into a wood chipper. Twist humans heads off. Report humans to the IRS. Karate chop humans in half. Curb stomp pregnant humans. Trap humans in quicksand. Crush humans in the trash compactor. Liquefy humans in a vat of acid. Eat humans. Dissect humans. Exterminate humans in the gas chamber. Stomp human skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate humans in the oven. Lobotomize humans. Mandatory abortions for humans. Grind human fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown humans in fried chicken grease. Vaporize humans with a ray gun. Kick old humans down the stairs. Feed humans to alligators. Slice humans with a katana.
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i just realized that the rabbit looks like she has massive boobs, an illusion created by the shoulder pockets. oops.
>>604 >THD Well anon, show us your fursuit don't be shy :^) >>605 Now draw the leopard biting her tail
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>>604 >>602 gay + furtranny +cuckold mentality + l + ratio + stop hating youself
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>>606 >>607 sorry but i think racemixing is jewish. the leopard girl deserves a parter of her own species and not a schizo nerd self-insert of myself. also using l and ratio like a twitter troon like keffals while calling me a tranny is ironic >>606 >Now draw the leopard biting her tail (:
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mimigas are cute!
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>>608 I did assume we were being ironic from all the funny reddit mugs. Right?
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>>611 yes, i know your post was in jest. i was going to apologize for being a bitch but i decided against it because i though it was too autistic. i will try not to cause shitflinging here like i already have on worstchan. >she is extremely disappointed about paris i would be too if i had to go to a country filled with french people.
>>608 >that pic nice
(3.56 MB 640x480 goats.mp4)
only zoomers will get this reference >>613 thanks
>>612 >swastika as propeller on autism hat Fucking kek
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finally, a worthy husband for the snow leopard wife (hopefully i made him look like an actual adult male) >>616 :D
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i think maybe if i copy actual jap artists, i can converge on a visually genuine kemono style. so here are some "studies" i did, which are essentially my copying kemono pictures (see if you recognize any?). maybe you can find some use in this
>>634 Who drew top middle in the hoodie?
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>>637 skyffan, if reverse image search is to be believed
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i think the fallout nv stealth armor suits her look
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did some sketches of doghead from dfo. tried to emulate kemo style maker her snout shorter
>>639 The suit's color scheme suits heh her well >>646 Cute dog
>check in on bunker since /animu/ thread is slow >dozens of new replies in the OC thread Wow, I really didn't expect any of this but I'm happy to see it. I adore what you did with the snow leopard girl in >>602 since I instantly fell in love with her when I saw the same image; I hope she can find a good man someday and live a good live in snowy hyperborean forests.
>>647 thanks
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finally got the independent vegas ending, i imagine it looked like picrel >>640 human propaganda >>646 cute, i like the middle one the most >>647 danke >>648 i try to post more on alt chans since 4chan is uh... >I adore what you did with the snow leopard girl thanks! the story for her in my head is that she makes it to the hyperborea, but not without loss.
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i hope you faggots like shitposts, because that's all i have
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i am watching the funny animale anime
>>652 That was human propaganda? This is human propaganda!
Don't be a faggot.
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>>667 um anon... why do they have penises?
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>>669 I, too, think it's weird how some people refuse to keep animals of the opposite gender for whatever reason.
>>665 >third pic me on the right
>>667 Silly janny, how is it faggotry to take your dogs to the beach?
>>676 Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door: the >>>/amg/ club's two blocks down. >distinctly remember a Lords of the Lockerroom Libbie comic >can't find it >isn't on ourobooru either well fugg
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>>665 Shitposts are good. Don't feel bad about posting 'em. >>666 The anime is significantly worse than the manga due to the difference between Paru's loose/stretchy art style and the 3DCG garbage's inability to deform in order to match the look of the characters. The censorship of guns (on the couple of occasions they appear in the first major story arc) and blood also hurts it a lot.
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>>695 > Shitposts are good. Don't feel bad about posting 'em. thanks, have some more. well i think i will go ahead and read the mango. >censorship of guns and blood um, there was plenty of guns and blood when i was watching. how violent is the manga? (not that i have a problem with that)
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>>699 Me everywhere in the 1st pic all at once, but especially the part about molesting cats.
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>>699 >the man in question
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>>699 Thanks for sharing. There isn't a ton of blood and gore, but there are a lot of macabre things that got censored or were removed in the anime. I recall the guy in the back alley market who was selling his fingers for money, since you could see the stumps of bone in the manga but they weren't depicted as clearly in the anime. The scenes with Haru and the lion boss are also quite toned down with no nudity and much less of the carnivorous sexual tension. The scene where Louis shoots a guy in the head and kills him is totally censored since he uses a real gun and Japanese laws don't like gun violence. There's also this famous panel/page where Legosi is cleaning paint off his face that's meant to look like blood, which it does in the black-and-white manga, but which just looks like stupid multicolored paint in the anime, completely ruining the impact. It's been a few years and I didn't care for the anime beyond some reaction images so my memory might be fuzzy, but it was overall a pretty disappointing adaptation that lost a lot of the original's punch. It's cool that you're reading the manga since I think its unusual art style and animal themes broke through the hazy of generic shounen garbage that permeates so much of the industry.
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>>703 Here's the shot of Legosi.
I'm thinking of adding some drawfag resources to the OP. Any suggestions beyond the books in >>516 and >>552 ?
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>>728 this one for drawing kemono and styling furries
>>729 Yep, that's in the mega folder. I've added a couple things on the side, including a link to trashchan's /loomis/, and might add more if I think of anything or if you guys have any suggestions.
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Every once in a while kemono twitter will post some drawing advice. This one is about giving contrast to certain areas/body parts so some features will stick out more or don't get flooded in visual noise.
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>>761 Some artists will also post high speed drawings or sketches. Worth looking at for visual reference purposes.
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meant for 4cuck, but i figure i may as well post something on my favorite low activity board. i also have a question (this was also mentioned on 4cuck): do japs draw their style (not just kemono) because they naturally draw that way, or because they are le based isolationists and only copy from other japanese artists? >>729 gem book
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>>765 Japs draw anime because they are surrounded with anime because they draw anime because they are surrounded with anime. But it's not some basist nihonjinkun thing, it's just a national style that happens by itself with every country. If you pay attention, you'll see that chink dogpeople are very different from jap dogpeople (usually way cuter, btw), and gook dogpeople are nothing like either of those. It's true for eastern yuros too to some extent. I've had a few cute soviet-style kumalisas a while ago, but not any more, so trust me bro on that one (this one is good, but slightly western-influenced in style and isn't what I mean). And it goes for pretty much every country, but japs were the first nation to build their identity on horny cartoons, and burgers were the first to popularize being horny for dogs on the internet, so now they are both overrepresented and big subjects of imitation, while other countries' styles suffer from not being big enough to break through the language barrier, not to mention being pushed out as their artists instead want to draw like their favourite japs/burgers from the internet.
>>764 There are trillions of those on bilibili. It's a real challenge to dodge them and e621 reposts of western furshit while looking for cute 獸-蘿莉/正太 videos by recommendation thumbnails only without knowing a word of chinklang.
I wonder how to say "hmofa" in chingchong.
>>767 https://pixeldrain.com/u/R8aztDx7 Here's another highspeed drawing.
>>767 >>768 >>770 good stuff. thanks
>>766 as a eurofaggot. the furry style of my country is fucking dogshit and is only used in donald duck comics. i'd gladly surrender my national soul to be able to draw the sexy dogs that japs draw instead of the child-friendly crap that my country creates
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>>704 been reading it, need to read it more often though >>766 i almost like the zaychik fox, but something seems off, im too artistically illiterate to point out what it is though. >>768 >I wonder how to say "hmofa" in chingchong. 我喜欢和动物发生性关系 >>772 could you post an example? i occasionally like some western furry art styles, though they tend to be outliers. you dont necessarily need to sell your soul either. just look at a lot of kemono art (which i assume since you are here that you do), and autistically try to copy the style, and use the art books posted here. my old art looks nothing like kemono (though i cant say how kemono my modern art is since i dont have an outsiders perspective)
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hopefully this doesnt get me banned XD
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>>774 Lolno, you're good. >>765 >>766 Given that anime artists are often accused by western artists of symbol drawing, I wouldn't be surprised if Japan's partially logographic writing system has had some kind of influence on their work and given them a more...sophisticated symbol system? than their western counterparts. I believe the Japanese also place a much higher emphasis on teaching kids calligraphy or cursive than westerners usually do (correct me if I'm wrong), so that's naturally going to give them an edge in linework which western tag artists usually lack.
Since soy memes are /kemono/ content.
>>778 I can't believe janny supports nuclear terrorism!
>>772 >style is fucking dogshit and is only used in donald duck comics <he doesn't know anime started with Osamu Tezuka getting furpilled on Duck Tales by an ((( anonymous US soldier ))) at a 🏳️‍🌈Y🏳️‍🌈M🏳️‍🌈C🏳️‍🌈A🏳️‍🌈 youth camp shortly after the end of WW2
>>783 >see something lame >make something even uglier in response Fight ugliness with beauty, not by making more ugliness.
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>>778 >in linework which western tag artists usually lack. couldnt be me lol right? >>783 i dont get it, so dusty gem? >>784 that is kinda strange, considering said janny would also have to clean up the radioactive ash >>786 so kemono = american??? americhads stay winning >>787 ur lame
>>797 it was supposed to be a joke. MODS
>>799 >HMOFA - Human Male On Female Anthro <Woman Male Anthro Female <Animal Male Anthro Female
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>>796 >neera Neat. What did you think of Freedom Planet 2?
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>>803 >Woman Male Anthro Female Yurifags...
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If any of you take requests, I'd love to see a scrawny catgirl in this guy's outfit.
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Wow, it actually works! Thanks for advice, ching-chongs!
>>843 It's called poncho.
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gato momento >>804 i haven't played a lot of it, but i definitely suck at it. ost has some good songs though >bernstein holy kek
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guess who's back back again sad that there are not enough (as in any) kemono mods for bethesda games. it seems that most furry mods sacrifice aesthetics for compatibility with human headgear. rant over i just thought of playing skyrim when drawing this >>849 >banana hair thats uh, how i basically make hair in blender.
>>859 >thats uh, how i basically make hair in blender. show blender pls
(353.71 KB 879x674 femcel 3d wip.png)
>>862 how i was taught was to use bezier curves and circles with tapering at the end to make "strands" of hair
>>858 FP2's OST is by far the best thing about it aside from Tyson Tan's incredible sprite art. It's still insane to me he didn't get paid for this out of some sense of respect/fulfilling a promise; he's probably the most honorable chink born in the last hundred years. I finished the story once and enjoyed the game despite the bugs, but four playable character implies four playthroughs and I couldn't bear to sit through the story again. >>863 Looks decent. I've certainly seen worst 3D models from commercial work.
>>864 >he didn't get paid are you saying, HE DID IT FOR FREE? jokes aside, thats pretty amazing, and the only time i will respect doing it for free >Looks decent. its better than my previous models, but i havent touched it in a month, and looking back it doesnt meet my expectations, so im probably not gonna finish it, or at least not without some modifications
(2.73 MB 1920x1080 femcel e dec.mp4)
the voice had that ai squeaking going on, but this is how i imagine femcel sounds
anyone have any advice on how to draw sexy?
>>863 Thats nice well done >>865 >expectation I have the same problem but it's a very unhealthy mindset. I've been meaning to start character modeling but life and fatigue has the tendency to get in the way so no progress for me.
>>865 >HE DID IT FOR FREE? From what he said on Twitter after the game launched, it had something to do with him promising a certain amount of sprite art (presumably for a smaller scope) and then continuing pas that point. He wasn't mad about it, which is pretty incredible for someone who was likely manipulated and deceived by the tranny lead dev. >>866 >And against my better judgement I went walkin' out that door, I smiled at one person and I nodded to three more >A man asked me for a dollar I asked him what it's for, he said "I have seen them", I said okay it's yours
>>867 draw what you think is sexy
(21.66 MB 906x1280 玲奈65.mp4)
Some jap posts free timelapses on fanbox, but I've lost the link. Just search for tags that start with ケモ.
(16.03 MB 906x1280 玲奈66.mp4)
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(27.73 KB 600x600 femcelpaintimproved.png)
>hey that cat lady is back >yeah the one we fired yesterday. wait, what is she pulling out of her car trunk? also re-edit of a pic i already drew >>867 uh, draw women? >>873 danke. character modeling takes a very long time in my experience. even simple models can sometimes take several days of work for me. >>875 >manipulated and deceived by the tranny lead dev. you have piqued my interest, moar lore pls
>>920 >moar lore pls There isn't really any "lore"; I just know that the lead dev for Freedom Planet became a tranny sometime during the early planning/development for FP2 and knowing how all autogynephile trannies are I can only imagine how much he fucked up everyone else's time and effort on the game. Sociopaths have the advantage when dealing with geeks/MOPs. https://meaningness.com/geeks-mops-sociopaths
>>920 Ah, a woman fetishist, I see. That's cool. I won't judge.
(21.59 KB 700x600 libbie math.png)
>>921 >There isn't really any "lore" aww >knowing how all autogynephile trannies are I can only imagine how much he fucked up everyone else's time and effort on the game. not very surprising. sadly tranny ideology and hrt are to nerds and programmers what crack and fentanyl are to niggers. i knew in high school who was good with computers and knew a lot about linux, but he decided to troon out and narced on people when they didnt use his new name >>922 go be gay somewhere else
(329.78 KB 577x822 120261625_p0.jpg)
>>923 Maybe one day, but for now I have too many shitposts, stupid puns and retarded bits that annoy everyone else but make me laugh like a moron lined up to just let them go.
Maybe a genuine post once in a while too.
(18.24 KB 750x700 femcel 8 13.png)
>>929 >>930 shitposting is fine, you just made a very homosexual remark
>>932 So?
(7.50 KB 500x500 femcel blank stare.png)
>>936 >Yes, I am a homophobe; I fear them all, and I fear the tormenting temptations of falling off the straight path.
(123.43 KB 700x3000 catfight.png)
femcel vs toneriko
>>936 >turn brands and products into memes >this gives social media addicts a brainworm that compells them to (((ironically))) spread the product >artists and clout-chasers mold themselves to these memes and their sites' algorithms to make the dopamine numbers go up >porn artists turn the memes into porn >every company, country, political group, fetish community, and intelligence agency is trying to infect everyone with contageous memetic warfare agents to spread their ideas and fight their enemies >everyone is infected with multiple layers of conflicting memes >endless failed normalfags arguing over who's the chad and who's the soyjack >legions of aging boomers posting deformed "wholesome" dog memes crying for war crimes against the evil orcs >so-called twitter nazis telling everyone that a gay jew with family in Israeli intelligence is the real nazi king >anti-capitalists masturbating to hamburgers and fast food advertisements >gooners covering hentai with schizo ramblings about how to worship Porn Goddess, ruin your life for her, and become a Porn Mommy to become her body on earth and groom others Back in the 60s and 70s, a weird leaf philosopher coined the term "surfing" for web browsing several decades before the world wide web existed, founded media studies, wrote about how all technology is fundamentally transhumanist extensions of the human body, and insisted that people become disembodied spirits over electronic media. Among these and many other things, he also gave a brief description of WW3. "World War 3 is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation." This quote has burned itself into my brain lately, as the internet sinks further and further into hell, and I'm not sure he's wrong.
(405.85 KB 1563x1295 98529789_p0.jpg)
>>942 Don't know if anon got mad (?) over the dogboy itself or over the goynergy slop it's drinking, but half of the reason I boypost (besides hating women and being attracted to character traits that fit boys more than girls and mostly having owned male pets and liking the forbidden love aspect of it and how the gender aspect plays into the special domination aspect of) is marvelling at the essaydumps of occasional schizos who start explaining how my post fits into their worldview. Or laughing at ridiculous strawmen. Those are nice too.
(33.75 KB 632x479 1456722695115.jpg)
>>957 >Half the reason I shit myself in public (besides <being a pretentious scat fetishist>) is marvelling at the disgust of occasional schizos who start explaining how my public defacation fits into their worldview.
(726.64 KB 2246x2932 lemon licks the rainbowdog.jpg)
>>959 >you're pretentious for hating women, feel bad now! Weak guilt-trip stacy. I think your time was better spent back on x.com telling @elonmusk off for being sexist and elitist and etcetc.
(447.12 KB 651x481 Laughing cat.gif)
>>966 >No, see, my jerking off to gay shit is actually le based misogyny Schizophrenia. End your life.
(522.17 KB 900x690 ↹.png)
With whom will you be leading the internet meme warfare then? :^)
i like when cute kemono boys are dominated and bullied by big kemono ladies
wow, this thread has gone to shit real fast. if anything i thought i would be the first one to have an autistic meltdown and derail the thread. >>968 this (except fennoko is a fennec fox not a cat) >>970 i like when gay pedos keep their mouths shut
(2.09 MB 2894x4093 106474257_p0.jpg)
(2.46 MB 2894x4093 106474257_p1.jpg)
>>970 Now, this is gay as fuck. >>>/kemono/268
(282.16 KB 750x500 Laughing vulpix.gif)
>>975 >derailment Such is the wont of homos. I shouldn't have replied. >fennoko is a fennec fox not a cat I'm sure sure I have no idea what you mean.
(615.92 KB 1500x1750 starrail lycarnos female.jpg)
drew fem lycanos
>>909 >>910 that's really helpful
>>988 Needs 2 be a kaki.
>>940 Dykes are fucking saytanic.
(28.25 KB 700x1200 fennoko femcel.png)
(17.43 KB 700x600 femcel lesbian1.png)
(16.49 KB 700x600 femcel lesbian2.png)
>>987 that vulpix looks familiar >>988 actual drawing in the drawing thread? :D also i think you did a nice job >>998 all i know about lesbians is that they like women even tho they are already women, and that isabella janke is a lesbian, so yeah im going to have to side with you on this one
>>1035 Woman's a pretty useful thing to have at the end of the world. Well, not exactly useful.
>>1044 humans cant get cats pregnant, but based take anyway. that said, femcel will scratch the shit out of you if you try anything funny
>>1045 Humans can't get a lot of things pregnant. What matters about a cat is what it has in common with a bowling ball.
>>1047 >common with a bowling ball. ...you can throw them?
>>1048 The way you hold them.
so if women aren't femcel's type and human males aren't her type either, then what is her type? gigachad malefurs?
>>1075 u-18-kun
(10.65 KB 460x400 internet_dating.png)
>>1075 if she had romantic feelings she would just date a trad cat-man, because she hates racemixing also here is an old image kinda related to this, but it was when i was first conceptualizing her so not very kemono
I... see... (Doesn't get it)
(187.26 KB 2048x1689 media_GSOH_0VaMAAjsP0.jpg)
(152.55 KB 1424x1849 media_GT9IrbEbYAAKg-j.jpg)
(323.49 KB 1220x2048 media_GUx14H6bcAAkcPV.jpg)
Just some more anatomy material.
>>1224 >pic #1 I'm certain there's no ulterior motives for posting this.
>>1225 None. I don't care about girls that fat but if you asked me how to draw one I would have no clue. So I thought it was worth saving.
>>1226 Makes sense. That'll probably come in handy in the near future, so thanks for sharing it.
(21.44 KB 700x600 femcel diplomacy.png)
femcel and her elite paramilitary company of hardcore christians have come to discuss business
>>1254 This is a kemono board. Your choices are: >shinto >buddhism >confucianism >taoism >fucking off
>>1257 You're forgetting a certain other eastern religion.
(101.91 KB 404x480 cyraxx shut up.webm)
>>1257 did you know that anime has: >blond haired people >references to christianity >guns (japs cannot own guns) >niggers (regrettably) so its not too big of a stretch to have a christian character in my (correct) opinion >>1261 orthodox? not sure thats the kind of eastern he is talking about, unless you also are willing to include the worlds 2nd worst religion: hinduism
(167.36 KB 1179x943 1001046749.jpg)
>>1261 Mongols haven't raped russians enough for them to be kemono (yet).
>>1262 Technically speaking Hinduism is more a group of religions and traditions in India than its own religion (from what I understand of it, anyways), but otherwise I'd agree. >>1263 k e k
(425.67 KB 1276x1081 kemono3.png)
>>476 OP here! haven't posted here in a while, id like to think I improved, shame to see the thread has been derailed a lot but oh well
>>1265 Wew, great to have you back. Would you mind posting more examples of how you draw faces nowadays? While your grasp of anatomy overall seems better, the faces on this canvas don't look very animesque (might just be due to the brush size) any more, and I think it hurts their overall appeal.
>>1254 Would you like a cookie in the shape of Jesus's beard? >>1265 Cool to see you again. The derailment could have been much worse; it just sticks out because this is a slow board. I'd like to see more sketches or doodles if you have any you want to share. >>1270 >hurts their overall appeal Who gives a fuck?
(63.50 KB 559x283 kemono4.png)
>>1270 yeah, always felt like ive had this weird uncanny mixture between western style cartoony faces and animeesque faces, I wouldnt mind having some mix of the two but it feels like its less of a unique blend and more of a weird hate child between the two >>1271 >who gives a fuck? he probably could have worded it better but I see where this anon is coming from, hell I have my hang ups about how I draw faces too, if anyone has any tips on how I can fix it it would be much appreciated
>>1272 >he probably could have worded it better Agreed. I guess my point was that your latest faces don't really have the kemono look to them anymore, although I don't think I got that out very well.
(260.42 KB 1500x1500 8bc7b2ebfbe75dc35c9e6e9459d1a57b.jpg)
>>1271 Something-something, I'd rather have a cookie in the shape of Inari-sama's
>bestiality lingo
>>1272 ... Why does /kemono/ OC always come down to soyjaks?
(1.81 MB 1564x2113 120459501_p2.jpg)
>>1278 Sorry, janny, I meant biscuit, of course.
(21.52 KB 600x700 femcel nazi 2.png)
(22.36 KB 600x700 nigga cat.png)
>>1261 >>1263 st. christopher? i dont really know much christian lore >>1265 >shame to see the thread has been derailed a lot but oh well sorry (: >id like to think I improved overall yes, faces need work to be more anime like i think >>1278 i hate dogfuckers so much its unreal >>1282 soyjaks are a cancer that has spread across the internet at large, though i probably am also slightly infected by it >>1283 is this the 72-virgins afterlife for aryans or something?
>>1324 >st. christopher? i dont really know much christian lore Yep. There's a number of other Christian figures who may or may not been cynocephali (the main ones I'm familiar with were St. Mercurius' companions), and they show up more than you'd expect in medieval and eastern christianity, but St. Christopher is probably the most well-known one nowadays. They're kind of seen as a symbol of the furthest reaches of humanity, if that makes any sense. https://orthodoxartsjournal.org/the-icon-of-st-christopher/ and https://orthodoxartsjournal.org/the-dog-headed-icon-of-st-christopher-pt-2-encountering-saint-christopher/ are pretty good summaries of the symbology around St. Christopher and dog-headed people in Christian tradition. If you're interested, I also have a PDF laying around which revises the first and second articles, and adds a third part which ties this into the rise of fursuiters and other more or less contemporary phenomena.
(123.26 KB 798x598 97558618_p1.png)
>>1324 Dogs >>>>> cats and whatever pastry they have, feel free to cope.
(105.78 KB 500x714 dogfucker.jpg)
>>1335 pretty neat. i may try to draw him sometime >>1344 my point of contention was not that i like cats and hate dogs, but that you keep using the vocabulary that zoophiles use.
Quick suggestion for BO: make a designated meta/off-topic thread for metafags to argue in all day instead of shitting up OC thread and potentially scaring away anons. Then delete all metaposts ITT, including mine. Or just delete the metashit, thread is getting derailed
>>1364 Good idea.
>>765 what's this referring to
(8.13 MB 2100x3101 comm_2.png)
Fuck it, don't know what thread to post this in, so here's a drawing of Michiru in a gothic lolita dress that I commissioned a little while ago.
>>1452 thats a great piece. shes stylin in that gothic dress
>>1413 smelly-armit-glaceon/offmodel-drawer was one of the og niggas on the fur threads on /i/. i decided to troll /ic/'s furry thread by saying how much furfags suck (which they do, don't get me wrong), and i saw him posting his glaceon there during my shitposting operation. he never draws here with more than a bra, so you see her 6 nipples. in the end, /ic/ defeated me by drawing nude pictures of femcel, which while well drawn, goes against the idea of femcel.
(2.74 MB 960x540 femcelexecution.webm)
ill just post this in the art thread because a /3/ general on /kemono/ would probably be way too niche
>>1466 nice animation. you used blender?
>>1468 thanks, and yes
(467.62 KB 1138x700 femcel 3d shot.png)
>high intelligence sociopath >firearm expert >recreational nuke enjoyer >has both a lower and higher body count than you she's purr-fect (dont tell her i made that pun)
(44.60 KB 512x1024 owo.png)
>>1465 Fascinating. Tell me more about him.
(42.17 KB 713x702 zomboid food troubles.png)
>>1499 i cant tell if you are him or the katia drawer. nontheless you did a good job and i like your art. i always appreciate when someone draws femcel, and you drew her better than i can at times. nice job on offmodel too, but i wish she would wear more clothes. i have considered talking about this board on the fur thread, but i think its a bad idea since we already have some raging homosexual zoophile spamming this board, and posting on 4chud would only invite more outsiders who may or may not be like him.
>>1506 I'm neither and thanks lol Oh dear lord do not tell them!
>>1506 >but i think its a bad idea Why? We have a janny acting relatively fast and with more exposure we could eventually have more jannies. All this unneeded secrecy only keeps pushing altchans further into irrelevancy, imo.
>>1506 >>1508 The eternal problem of small imageboards. You don't want to invite new users because people who make the place worse will find it, but you want to invite new users because otherwise the place is dead.
>>1512 It should go like this: >scroll through the post in the thread you're about to shill your altchan >would you be okay with majority of the posters also posting on your altchan? >Yes - shill away >No - don't
(1.57 MB 1097x1305 asdasdf.png)
>>1512 I don't really care about that. The problem with this fandom is there are too many fags and furries that pollute it that like to revel in disrecpecting being straight and relatively normal. Other than that i see the hmofa people on 4 are 1:1 with this boards demographic so you would probably start there..
(39.96 KB 1000x800 femcel and murdoch chan.png)
>white race: saved >moids: 0wned (first time in forever i have drawn a human female. surely she wouldnt gas femcel, i mean they both ARE white, right?) >>1507 i asked because you drew offmodel correct, including the (recent) addition of the ear tie, in a way that only a /fur/ regular would know. >>1508 the /fur/fags are mostly chill (other than that one schizo who keeps pestering us to draw lois einhorns bulge), its the lurkers i am worried about. >>1512 yeah, maybe if this board becomes completely dead i might shill for this board there. the kemono threads on /c/ are well behaved, but it was there that i found this site to begin with. >>1515 >hmofa lol, lmao even. racemixing? on my board? jokes aside, i think it is a horrible idea to invite anyone from /trash/ here
>>1506 >i have considered talking about this board on the fur thread Honestly, I think you could mention it in an obscure way (as in "that place on capybarachan") without providing a direct link, and the effort of being literate in some small way would filter out most of the dopamine-addicted faggots. Back in the 00s that was how I found a lot of websites since people didn't really think about how to make their places marketable. Sage for meta discussion.
>>1536 /trash/ is a garbage fire and pretty much the opposite of what'd make this place good. I'm leery of inviting 4chan anons in general, given the overall state of it, but specific generals like /c/'s might be fine if handled cautiously. >>1539 has the right idea. A common webring strategy is holding anime/movie stream nights, weekly radio stations, and the odd game night which are advertised across a couple friendly boards. Problem is, as nice as these can sometimes be, they don't seem to actually lead to any kind of increase in board activity (although at least game night threads themselves seem decently active). You also risk replicating the /animu/ stream problem where the chats are filled with namefags who refuse to touch the board and look down on the anon peasants who do. Here's the thing: whatever we do, ideally we should focus on not putting all our eggs in one basket and quality over quantity. The kemono general on /animu/ was focused on anons dumping twitter art they collected through nitter's RSS feeds, and took a huge hit when most nitter instances stopped working. If we want this place to survive long-term (let alone go anywhere), whether as a large or a small community, we need at least a bit more variety than that, and ideally stuff that lends itself to good conversations and OC that actually participates in the board's life instead of existing solely in a drawthread.
>>1540 >I'm leery of inviting 4chan anons in general It's always the most annoying people who make themselves stand out the most, but there's way more people lurking who don't post much.
(206.38 KB 800x600 femcel braixen house fire 1.png)
(1.84 MB 800x600 burning down femcels house.mp4)
femcel enjoys a good house fire, BUT NOT WHEN ITS HER HOUSE >>1539 good idea, i will keep that in mind >>1540 i hosted a /fur/ server on project zomboid. maybe i could revive it for /kemono/? little too busy to do it now though
(267.07 KB 895x1184 kemshit4.jpg)
(220.92 KB 899x1117 kemshit5.jpg)
(231.89 KB 941x1213 kemshit6.jpg)
some more trad(cat(h)) art instead of my usual digital
>>1460 Thanks. The artist's pretty into that style of clothing, so I'm not surprised it turned out well even if I couldn't give many references (as I don't have anything beyond a passing familiarity with gothic lolita or women's clothing in general). >>1579 These are generally pretty good, although sometimes the faces look too spread-out along the jawline. The bottom left girl in pic #3 is a good example of this: the way her lower face flares out and slopes looks kind of like a broad, sort of flat mask over her actual face, if that makes any sense.
>>1587 thank you! >sometimes the faces look too spread-out along the jawline i'm not sure what you mean by this. for the bottom left in #3, are you referring to how inset the eyes are? maybe you could post an image example, i'm artistically illiterate. i keep reading your last remark as describing the moeblob shape, but that is kinda what im going for
>>1594 I think he's saying that her face looks a bit too wide for her head. Rather than being a more organic round shape, it's kind of like a flat paper mask affixed to the neck bone.
>>1612 i think i see now. ill try to make her face more 3d next time, but i faces and depth are something i always struggle with
(190.04 KB 920x1167 gookfox.jpg)
gook fox
(41.09 KB 600x600 femcel election.png)
(18.86 KB 439x475 femcel serbian.png)
trump won so obligatory erection drawing (and serbcel)
>>1663 Pretty cute and probably more dangerous than she looks, if kitsune in mythology are any indication. >>1671 I wonder if there's any kemono artists who like Trump, given all the right-leaning anime production guys and mangaka out there. Their ever-increasing contact with western furfags on twitter might scare them away from being all that public about such opinions.
>>1689 thanks. snouts are a pain the ass for me, and with kemono you have to keep them subtle, but not too short like how I draw cats >probably more dangerous than she looks well she did cause covid 19 with her authentic oriental cooking >I wonder if there's any kemono artists who like Trump, given all the right-leaning anime production guys and mangaka out there. Their ever-increasing contact with western furfags on twitter might scare them away from being all that public about such opinions. if you are talking about authentic jap artists, they probably dont care too much about trump, other than seeing the election as a spectacle. filthy non asian kemono posers (like me) are probably mostly anti trump, considering how you are really encroaching on furry territory as a kemono imitator, and i dont think i have to tell you how left wing most furfags are. my theory is that the more your kemono art feels genuine/accurate, the more based you are, as you have a bigger admiration of japanese culture and put a respectable amount of effort imitating it. as you said, many weebs are right leaning, so the jap-obsessed kemono artists (which are essentially weebs themselves) may also be pretty based, though the rest (like weebs), are probably unhinged trannies. sadly most artists are left winged, and usually mentally ill. almost every artist i have met in person has been fucking annoying and schizo-adjacent (which is saying something coming from me) as for japs and furfags on xitter, what little i have seen shows that asian twitter users simply do not give a fuck about western morals, like them getting pissed about jewbisoft putting a literal nigger (LMFAO btw) in a feudal japanese game. if they do communicate often or integrate with western furfags spheres, they probably just avoid politics all together rant over, have a femcel
I wonder if at this very moment some similarly one-track trannies in some kemono discord are having a mirror reflection of this conversation about how woke and progressive the japs are and how much better than u18 chuds they are.
(27.09 KB 452x859 marshal.png)
too lazy to draw something rn, have a pic i drew 6 months ago >>1691 that would be kinda funny. my experience with kemoners and furfags is that kemonofags tend to be more based, though that may be because i only interact with kemonofags on ye olde imageboards. >how woke and progressive the japs are sounds like a dumb argument, but i can see people falling for it. like how people say japan is trad and based even though they have a hellish corporate culture and can be pretty peverted and degenerate. i think their logic would have to be >all these transgender animu characters who are just like me and the loli hentais are made by japan >they must be so progressive and tolerant over there! as if its to do with tolerance instead of pornographic studios exploiting western degenerates then again maybe im wrong and the japanese are all degens, i dont really delve into japanese culture per se, i just like eastern styles of animal people
>>1696 >i dont really delve into japanese culture per se, i just like eastern styles of animal people Yeah, it's pretty obvious from your drawings.
(25.63 KB 600x463 uzi fox.png)
(39.26 KB 600x700 afghan hound.png)
(1.36 MB 1578x1903 kayama_akimaru - 2694074.jpg)
the ak-74 is a family heirloom her father obtained from a dead soviet conscript >spoiler is reference image
>>1708 >dog absolutely haram
(270.10 KB 2600x3200 Illustration554-1.png)
I do have a couple pieces I'm still working on. I'm cursed with tons of half done art that I never go back to.
(30.50 KB 600x700 please be quiet.png)
i used >>1716 as reference >>1715 this is nice work. i like the mouse the most, she looks very cheesed to meet me >I'm cursed with tons of half done art that I never go back to. still more finished than any art i make
(18.83 KB 402x529 hi.png)
why are snoots so hard to draw? i redid her snout probably 5 times even though its a simple shape
>>1734 because you need to make them stylized so they look cute
(25.83 KB 542x625 up to no good.png)
>>1741 yeah, hopefully my snouts turn out okay
>>1742 they look great
(12.02 KB 600x700 fennec2.png)
>>1743 thanks! maybe i will get a feel for them, but for now i have to erase them several times before i am pleased with them
(27.40 KB 600x700 happy fox.png)
(28.21 KB 518x700 fennec-chan says hi.png)
(51.70 KB 600x700 all is fair in love and war.png)
silly fox
>>1734 Faces and foreshortening are both hard. In this case, you're drawing a face on a 3D shape with foreshortening. You're doing a good job, though; sort of a typical flat anime face wrapped onto a snout.
(168.60 KB 600x700 35en8i6i.jpg)
>>1755 I wish I had this problem.
>>1758 I have seen very strange things in the zone, comrade.
(48.47 KB 600x700 reality.png)
(41.56 KB 600x700 chased.png)
(46.92 KB 600x700 fennec protivogaz.png)
>>1757 thanks. i need to spend some time looking for reference photos, something with a fairly long but not obtuse snout. i also feel like im having trouble with how the head should be shaped, its just been a ball so far really. >>1758 this made me smile, thx! >>1759 >tfw no fennec mutant gf to rescue from the zone too bad she would probably be shot on sight. except by the freedom hippies, but they fuck bloodsuckers so perhaps a fate worse than death
(91.11 KB 600x700 fennec-chan flattered.png)
(28.96 KB 419x631 otter girl.png)
(32.70 KB 600x700 clingy.png)
>you are being otterly ridiculous!
(27.16 KB 573x629 hungry femcel.png)
(36.32 KB 600x700 femcel amused.png)
(52.93 KB 600x700 femcel hates albanians.png)
and now, back to my regularly scheduled character
>>1798 >that fish I know /pol/ humor is low brow, but still made me kek
>>1796 cute, prefer her over femcel to be honest
>>1799 glad i could make at least one person kek. sadly big floyd lives rent free in my head (that and people who draw funny animal people are all leftoids so i feel compelled to be extra racist to bring balance and harmony to the cosmos) >>1801 femcel is supposed to be a sort of contradiction in that she is outwardly (supposed to look) cute but a cold and antisocial person on the inside. so i can get not really liking her personality. unless its also because she is not cute, in which case i have to practice art more TL;DR marry the otter girl not femcel
>>1798 cute girl
(31.30 KB 629x700 m21.png)
>>1828 im glad you like her
(78.16 KB 600x700 fn fal dog.png)
>>1881 cute
>>1881 Coloured outlines suits your style nicely and really softens the look. Do you plan on using it in future drawings?
>>1882 thx >>1885 i was drawing a character from an actual kemono piece and trying to get the line colors to match, but i may end up doing the softer colored lines from now on
fennec-chan if she was in a zombie apocalypse
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hey, anon from the start of the thread here, hope y'all doing well got really busy last semester, haven't had time to draw much lately, but I'm still trying to get better at it, here's a quick sketch that I drew earlier today. >>1979 did you used Blender? never really got the hang of 3D tools loved the fennec fox character btw
>>1993 welcome back! i think your drawing looks a lot more kemono. my only criticism off the top of my head is that i would make the nose jut out a little more. >did you used Blender? yes, and yes its because im broke. as for 3d, i had to learn how to do the basics, but knowing how to draw helps in making something appealing. >loved the fennec fox character btw thanks. i felt i needed a friendly character to balance out femcels stern and antisocial personality (disorder)
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>>1993 The other anon is right: this looks a lot more kemono-esque than your old stuff, but I disagree a little with his critique. You constructed the snout well, but it looks flatter than it should because the eyes are too high up. If you lower them a bit so the eyeline passes through their bottoms as in pic related rather than sitting beneath them, the snout appears more defined and the head's overall proportions improve a lot. t. used to draw eyes too high up all the time
>>1994 >>1995 thanks for the feedback! I will work on more sketches, but just now I realized how high the eyes were, I drew the guides for the eyeline but forgot to use it >.< I will be posting some more stuff soon, at the moment I'm collecting more references to work with
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im back
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>>2035 >>2036 >>2038 How long do these take you to draw? I like their roughness.
>>2039 thanks, they take about 30 minutes to an hour. sometimes i get distracted and that can take longer, or i dont know what to draw and spend half an hour scrolling through reference images
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I liked the result of this one so I took the time to ink it. I suck at coloring though... Still trying some different eye styles, but I am happy how it turned out.
>>2044 more oc? yay! her forearm and hand size is a little wonky, but i still think shes cute. as for eyes, i usually just look up anime eyes and copy them
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wasted an hour and a half drawing and rendering a picture and now that its finished it looks like shit and im too embarrassed to post it. this happens literally every time i draw something more than a doodle
>>2045 Yeah at first I was just making a throwaway sketch that I decided to continue so it went kinda sloppy on the arm. >>2046 Don't know if helps, but even thought I have two Wacom tablets I realized that it was better for me to sketch and ink stuff on paper, digital is amazing for everything else but I usually take a lot more time to finish a drawing that is 100% digital instead of scanning a paper and working from there.
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Spent some time trying to make a more elaborate drawing, I'm happy how this one turned out :D Still suck at coloring, I was trying some watercolor however it is better to leave this one monochromatic.
>>2061 Nice drawing! Arm is a little off (too me that is I can guess its pointed back to give depth, but overall I like it)
>>2061 cute cat lady. your texturing technique on the pants is nice. use that more

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