/kemono/ - Kemono

Fluffy Anime Girls

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What exactly puts a kemono in kemonodev? Other than vrai libbie all I can think of is https://github.com/furrtek/Kemochi
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I've been working on a game for a while, but suddenly I want to throw it away and make a kemono game instead. Kemono doesn't really work with the game I've been working on.
>>1131 Mind if I ask what your current game is?
>>1137 It's an isometric shooter game. https://trashchan.xyz/agdg/thread/123.html#1553 For a while now I've wanted to do for Rune Factory what Stardew Valley did for Harvest Moon, that could make a good kemono game. I want to allow the player to always be in a "party" with an NPC, so you could adventure and play minigames with your kemono friend.
>>1139 I'd still say you're onto something with your isometric shooter granted, I have not been keeping up with trashchan's /agdg/, and I don't know shit about Rune Factory, but it's your decision. Just don't get too fond of dumping projects to start new ones, as it quickly turns into a bad habit and becomes a great way of not finishing anything.
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>>1188 The main reason I put projects on the shelf, and I would assume it's the same for most people, is burnout from working on the same thing for weeks/months straight. It would be an interesting topic to discuss how to solve that but it tends to devolve into "le discipline, motivation doesn't matter" or something equally useless, as if you don't need the motivation to care. I plan to work on 2 projects simultaneously so I can switch between them and see how that affects me. >I don't know shit about Rune Factory It's a combat RPG with a day/season cycle, you have a home and can farm on your backyard and date/marry NPCs. I'm not actually a big fan of it, but I see potential in a similar game, and it seems perfect for a kemono game. I tried to add Zoologist (from Terraria) into Stardew Valley, but the NPC mechanics are so limited that it just made me want to make my own game instead.
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dead board ): anyways i was shocked how ksp has been out for over a decade and nobody added funny animal people to it. so i embarked upon a journey to do it myself, though some ponyfag made a mod to turn the kerbals into ponies, and i have been heavily using its source code. tbh i probably wouldnt have the skill to do this without the pony mod. instead of making leebait, im gonna try to make kemono-style kerbals. my ideas for species are: >cat >rabbit >otter (these 3 can use the same head mesh) >wolf >dog (border collie) side note: i think i discovered the reason nobody has made funny animal kerbals: looking at the code it literally takes byte arrays of a mesh and builds the mesh at runtime inside the unity engine (instead of, you know, just loading a regular model file from an assets folder). had to write my own converter for my models. thankfully all i have to do now is make the models, and write code to assign species, hair, etc
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>>1851 finished all the models, but now i have to code in the species and variants. i finished the cats (male = left, female = right)
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(homogeneous) wolves
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collies (and bonus goats) thats all for now. i think i will have their last names determine their species, and their first names determine their looks
>>1858 How do you fuck up doggie cheeks so bad? Have you ever pet the dog on the chin with both hands? They're supposed to be sleek and scratchable, with the chin flowing into the cheeks and cheeks gently turning towards the nape (usually with small parallel tufts at the ends, but I like it more without those). Those inverted tufts that can't decide if they're hairbobs just make the whole head shape look weird. There's a reason why furfag artists put them on wolves when they want to make them look scruffy. They CAN be made good, but not in 3d and definitely not with a solid mesh.
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>>1859 kinda surprising that someone who fucks dogs doesnt know their dog breeds. collies have a "mane" that goes downwards. even though i know youre just concern trolling (youre obviously the bestiality-posting fag who got upset his shirou mpreg got deleted), i wasnt pleased with the tufts so i made it look more like fur
>>1859 bro your fucking retarded. animals don’t walk on two legs or talk either yet I don’t see you complaining about that. people will literally find anything to bitch about modern day nu-image board users are fucking worse than redditors
>>1858 >>1861 Nice work, anon. I don't have KSP, but sending those little retards to their inevitable deaths in janky spaceships sounds fun. >>1883 >baiting some faggot on Christmas Eve
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>>1883 im pretty sure hes the guy who posted the bestiality video and is always talking about little boys, just ignore him >>1884 thanks! >I don't have KSP, but sending those little retards to their inevitable deaths in janky spaceships sounds fun. it is, but i think you have to have a level of interest of rockets and space because its deceivingly complicated for things like making space stations and going to other planets. you could just do what i did before i bought the game and try a "demo" if you catch my drift
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took longer than i thought, hopefully i did okay. probably took long because i made the mask a wearable item instead of just part of the player model
>>1925 Really nice work you put into the these models. Will you plan on releasing some of them sometime in the future?
>>1926 thanks! if you are talking about the mod, i already released it https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3119666843 if you mean just the models, i think you can just rip the fbx files from the mod (unless capybara lets me upload fbx files too)
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added my oc (as well as someone else)
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>>1929 >>1928 Ayy thanks for sharing. Btw I also wanted to ask will you be using a non-steam version zomboid (Like GOG) for the server to keep in with anonymity? I also know you can download some mods from steam without having to use it. Again mainly asking out of hindsight since I don't want any anons finding my steam account (not like I have anything embarassing on there at all) Thanks
>>1930 uhhh, google says i can do that, so i will try to do that when and if i set up the server. alternatively you can use an alt account/shared library (which is what i do anyways) i havent been working on the server yet, because i figured i would let some time pass so people see i am making one. i also need to make some polls for how the server is set up. right now i find that using 35% slower sprinter zombies is pretty fun, (but not vanilla), so i would put major game elements to a vote. that and i might still wanna advertise on /fur/ (which is on the oekaki /i/ board on 4chan, in case you thought it was on 8chan or something), but even if i didnt i could send chat invites to the buddies from there that are on my friends list
ZOMBOID POLL #1 https://strawpoll.vote/polls/fvfutfgx/vote?s=0 i might make more polls for other stuff, but this is basically what i could think of
>>1944 ill check the poll later, but it looks like all but 1 issue is in contention. ill add they knew mod. anyways i guess say what mods you would like to see and i can add them in. i should have the server ready next weekend, idk what time though. >>1930 i found a setting that hides your steam profile in the server settings, would this work?
>>1948 >i found a setting that hides your steam profile in the server settings, would this work? Yea that sounds good. >say what mods you would like to see and i can add them in. Nothing to crazy but something that is essentially a QoL in vanilla. -Common sense mod -Obviously Cats Faster Reading mod -Disassemble containers with items -Auto mechanics -Canteens and Bottles And anything else is just up to you. I would say put in mod that lets you respawn keeping your levels since I don't want people getting turned off from this game but it's whatever you want to do for the server.
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>>1950 >Obviously Cats Faster Reading mod im gonna turn off reading speed entirely (read books instantly) because you cant fast forward in multiplayer >I would say put in mod that lets you respawn yeah, ill add a respawn mod. i was thinking of using experience journals, but after dying 100 times this weekend before i can record my shit, yeah, gonna just do respawn also probably gonna have 5x experience because i hate how grindy this game is. my plan right now is slow sprinters (you can out-jog them, since sprinting uses way too much stamina and makes you trip over everything) with some mods that make stealth not completely useless
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>ZOMBOID UPDATE i will (hopefully) have the server up and running at 4:00PM CST on saturday (jan 18th) . ill post the ip here beforehand. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY AS ANY OF THE KEMONO(-ish) MODELS I MADE YOU HAVE TO SELECT "FUR SPECIES" IN THE CHARACTER CREATION MENU, the default anthro models are uh, very western furfag anyways i made libbie and oogami-san. also if anyone finds kemono model mods on the workshop let me know cuz i can add them to the server
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If you've tried to pick up computer programming in the past and just couldn't get into it, I have a question for you: do you have any kind of background in grammar or logic?
>>1958 >a fucking libbie PZ model now this is epic I had no idea you could even custom mod the player model
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>>1962 >logic no, at least i dont think. not sure exactly what you mean by logic >grammar lol i always hated english class and grammar, so definitely not i do program occasionally, to varying degrees of success. if youre trying to get into it i guess i would recommend python since its fairly easy and theres a bunch of libraries to do stuff. you can also try to do something simple but fun. i had fun making chat spammers in python for source games and pisscord >>1963 >now this is epic thanks. it would be even epicer if she won the contest >I had no idea you could even custom mod the player model so did i until in late 2022 when the anthro survivors mod was released. some guy even made a tool to make addons for the base mod (which is what i use). he has a guide, and if you know some 3d modeling you can make custom models https://wolfjackal.dev/projects/project-zomboid/anthro-survivors/mod-creator/#intro
IP: PORT: 29300 looks like the server is good to go! i will start it a few minutes before 4:00PM CST tomorrow. hope to see you there! a few things to note: >you can respawn if you have the same character name, but you have to manually save with the menu constantly. also check the keep your equiptment or you might lose your kemono skin and have to change it manually. also using xp journal because respawn might be finicky so you can use a journal just in case >all the zombies are (slow) sprinters. you can use shift to outrun them, but you can run out of stamina by running too long. its best to avoid them until you get good loot and skills >i added bandits, but lowered their spawn rates. if you see humans without a username, they are probably going to kill you >i looked at cats faster reading and decided to use it
>>1967 its started, i spawned in muldraugh if you want to meet up with me
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nobody joined ;_; if you do join but want somewhere safe, i think i cleared out most of muldraugh, at least on the main road. over 1000 melee/gun kills and a noisemaker+fire combo later (i died a few times and got bit in the neck twice + a neck laceration)
>>1969 Unfortunately i have work, hopefully I'll try to make it tonight or next time.
>>1970 alright, ill hop on again tonight
>>1967 >>1971 hopping on now
it's trying to download the mods but it keeps giving this
>>1973 ah sorry, i should clarify it's saying at the top "Workshop item version is different than the server's" when it hits "Ash's Trusty FireAxe Model Replacer" think you may need to restart the server so that mod can update
>>1974 oh shit i was watching something, restarting it now
>>1975 when i tried to rejoin it's doing the same thing again, workshop item matching different version fug :DDD
>>1976 ill restart it again
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Workshop items are not downloading. Fucking great. Do I got to manually add these things on here?
>>1980 idk why its not installing, you may have to. really considering just making a .zip modpack so i never have to deal with mods updating and having to restart the server every time one gets updated
>>1980 Nvm I think I got it. Had to install the items and let them update its good now.
Dunno if the server is gonna be still going but I want to shout out for the kemono models that were made especially the newer ones. I know it's not femcel anons fault with the workshop bug but I did get to hop on and get a couple of things done so at least I got to play on the server for a bit, I genuinely hope when multiplayer gets released for the zomboid server they find away to fix this shit.
>I want to shout out for the kemono models that were made especially the newer ones. thanks, i was very disappointed in the lack of kemono mods, especially given the high volume of furry mods >>1989 should still be running, i bought a month of service. ill probably play a little on the server this weekend too. theres a mod that shuts down the server if a mod is out of date, but i need to find out how to have the server restart afterwards. otherwise the server just dies when a mod updates

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