/kemono/ - Kemono

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What exactly puts a kemono in kemonodev? Other than vrai libbie all I can think of is https://github.com/furrtek/Kemochi
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I've been working on a game for a while, but suddenly I want to throw it away and make a kemono game instead. Kemono doesn't really work with the game I've been working on.
>>1131 Mind if I ask what your current game is?
>>1137 It's an isometric shooter game. https://trashchan.xyz/agdg/thread/123.html#1553 For a while now I've wanted to do for Rune Factory what Stardew Valley did for Harvest Moon, that could make a good kemono game. I want to allow the player to always be in a "party" with an NPC, so you could adventure and play minigames with your kemono friend.
>>1139 I'd still say you're onto something with your isometric shooter granted, I have not been keeping up with trashchan's /agdg/, and I don't know shit about Rune Factory, but it's your decision. Just don't get too fond of dumping projects to start new ones, as it quickly turns into a bad habit and becomes a great way of not finishing anything.
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>>1188 The main reason I put projects on the shelf, and I would assume it's the same for most people, is burnout from working on the same thing for weeks/months straight. It would be an interesting topic to discuss how to solve that but it tends to devolve into "le discipline, motivation doesn't matter" or something equally useless, as if you don't need the motivation to care. I plan to work on 2 projects simultaneously so I can switch between them and see how that affects me. >I don't know shit about Rune Factory It's a combat RPG with a day/season cycle, you have a home and can farm on your backyard and date/marry NPCs. I'm not actually a big fan of it, but I see potential in a similar game, and it seems perfect for a kemono game. I tried to add Zoologist (from Terraria) into Stardew Valley, but the NPC mechanics are so limited that it just made me want to make my own game instead.

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