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Michiru & BNA Tail Toucher 12/17/2024 (Tue) 22:35:10 No. 1868
>there's no thread for best girl yet Kind of shocking, but if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself. So here it is: Michiru bread plus Nazuna and the sex mink, starting off with a dump of yet another 3DPD who drew her way too many times.
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Also a bit of Pudgeruffian's Marie Itami art, as he wants to sex that mink and I do not blame him.
Cute raccoon girl aside, how was the manga/anime?
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>>1875 It's an attempt at writing an anti-racism anime which backfires so hard that it achieves gigaracism, and its best episode is a self-contained story about bloodsport baseball. Take that as you will. Sometimes I've toyed with the thought of redrawing parts of the show as shitpost comics with identical scenarios and dialogue and exactly one change. See, the show's already about a world in which violent shithead minorities who all hate each other on a genetic level are forced into a barely controlled LARP of white society, all at the behest of a secretive (and very inbred) race of manipulators who pretend to be white for their own ends. Replace the beastman races with human races, and you have the most racist comics known to man.
>>1876 Ain't this shit just beastars.
>>1877 Beastars was much different thematically and with the character progression. In Beastars it was shown they could actually live together properly as long as carnivores inhibited their desire for animal meat or just used the black market to sate their urges. Character wise it was about a boy transitioning into a man who was quickly realizing he wasn't going to fit into normal society and that he couldn't relate with his peers as they wouldn't understand what or why he was doing things. It was self actualization combined with separating from the herd.
(61.39 KB 1104x285 beastars ending.PNG)
>>1877 Beastars (in the manga, at least) has a much more violent, grisly, and "real" depiction of interspecies conflicts to the point that it doesn't feel like a contrived allegory for IRL racism. Eggs really come from chicken girls menstruating. Milk really comes from cow girls hooked up to milking machines. Prey species sell their corpses for money and there's an entire secondary market where their dead bodies are arranged in meat stores like cold cuts at a delicatessen. It also had the issue of the author running out of steam after the first major story arc, but that's nothing special. I've had enough of Trigger-itis to be discouraged from watching BNA, but I imagine it has the usual problems like introducing a bunch of ideas and never capitalizing on any of them before having there be a big fight with lasers at the end that has no context or bearing on what the characters did. Beastars doesn't have that exact problem, though it does end in a meaningless fight that has no bearing on the characters.
>>1879 >but I imagine it has the usual problems like introducing a bunch of ideas and never capitalizing on any of them before having there be a big fight with lasers at the end that has no context or bearing on what the characters did. Pretty much. At least the girls are cute, and you can have fun afterwards by shitposting about how badly thought-out the show is.

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