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WebM Thread Anonymous 12/04/2020 (Fri) 09:06:15 No. 35
Post animations. an mp4 is fine too
>>81 >IOSYS Huh. Been a while since I saw them.
>>81 >bayachao The same artist also animated this.
Please remember to spoil individual files so that I don't have to spoil everything in a post when I'm cleaning it up.
Technically not webm, but they are animated if that counts.
>>128 A GIF is fine too.
(199.99 KB 1280x720 lfP49HkI7MJnY97B.mp4)
(151.07 KB 960x720 SxlNqA7HAheI1XGH.mp4)
(971.79 KB 854x480 your prognosis.webm)
(2.62 MB 1920x1080 kemono.webm)
One piece of /animu/ OC, and an old webm from /monster/ or /v/ (can't remember which).
>>1242 kek
>>1242 >an unmoving crop of an animated gif post (as I pointed out half a year ago) >cuckchan-tier encode makes the text barely legible >couldn't even properly plaster a png into each scene without missing the first one This sloppy job is just disappointing to look at. Have your passive-aggressive "meme" prettied up to a presentable state (you're welcome).
(3.24 MB 480x480 ClOQ9wADtouY6fIS.mp4)
>>1247 It was indeed lazy: I grabbed a source file I had laying around from a YTP jam I didn't participate in, didn't upscale it for a higher-resolution export or rip a higher quality version from youtube (which probably fucked over the screencap's readability more than the encode quality, judging by some export tests I made a moment ago), then shat out a quick encode for a laugh. Personally I disagree with adding the PNG to the first shot of the head, as I think it harms the pacing a little, but otherwise that's a pretty good remake.
(1.09 MB 1080x1080 102786950_ugoira1920x1080.webm)
(5.31 MB 800x600 fukkireta cover.webm)
>>1247 >>1248 Also, I forgot to mention this, but Shotcut doesn't let you loop imported GIFs: you have to paste the file repeatedly into the editor and then crop the final loop to fit in the specified duration, and since you can't properly merge most clips (outside making them a group) it makes moving the collected GIFs around for various timing or editing adjustments a bit awkward. I've done this before for other edits, and I imagine there's other video editors which handle this better (although I dunno how many actually run on Linux), but this time I didn't bother. Here, have a couple more kemono webms and some fiddleafox to make up for the laziness.
(126.01 KB 800x600 like this one.jpg)
>>1248 >shat out a quick encode for a laugh Fair enough, a shitpost that made you have retarded laughing fits while making it is a good shitpost regardless of quality, I can't argue with that.
(827.82 KB 640x480 bagi.webm)
slow board, so i may as well repost this. got removed off of /c/ (somewhat understandably) so ill repost it here. and yes, this did actually happen to me, but i exaggerated it a little
(2.17 MB 1280x720 jail time.mp4)
>>2019 >nigger roommate
(650.55 KB 820x1200 E99CM03VEA49jrp.jpg)
(102.15 KB 1327x859 GNdkm76aAAATliZ.jpg)
>>1251 for me its from hannah to sheena >>2019 so what part did you actually watch from that movie?
(931.35 KB 640x360 moids.mp4)
>>2025 sadly people do not like it when i ask for WHITES ONLY for my roomates \: also kino mp4 >>2027 funny thing is, that scene was *actually* playing right when he walked in. the part i exaggerated was us akwardly looking at eachother. i kinda just sat there staring at my screen, sweated a little, then switched to something else, may or may not have been minecraft i cant remember
(547.80 KB 1240x1754 117316526_p0.jpg)
>a heart-throbbing love-comedy about the daily life of a (self-proclaimed) internet nazi toughguy and his black boyfriend Story as old as the /pol/ itself.
(5.82 MB 480x270 homelander.gif)
>>2030 why am i not surprised you are also a MiA-fag. i guess youre gonna be here forever since getting rangebanned from /an/ for posting chinese bestiality videos. in retrospect it makes sense that you see a nigger (basically an animal) and immediately think about gay sex
>>2062 hot massage. her english voice is much rougher than her cute japanese voice. the korean one was so lewd it got blocked at first
>>2062 This is the single most erotic thing I've seen recently and there are not even bare tits shown

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