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Tail Toucher 09/05/2023 (Tue) 19:15:21 No. 384
Cool b&r, bud.
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Thanks homo. If anyone else wants to submit something (or improve pic related), you're more than welcome to.
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>>385 Wait, I've got it.
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Mei is still funnier.
>>386 Make this one Mei.
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>>388 Fear not, there's a tower for both of them.
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Low effort one.
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>>393 >throwing faggots out of the twin towers
BO, are the thread limits and early 404 in place? /retro/ was nearly destroyed by a random spammer earlier this year, and it was only through sheer luck that there was a board archive from the previous month.
>>415 They are indeed, and the hourly thread limit is set absurdly low for now.
hello yes I enjoy the animu furries
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Sheena and Britz are so cute together. They'll be even cuter in the lovely little dresses she'll make for our six-way wedding, though.
>>422 This is /kemono/, not /gaymormons/.
>>426 It's okay. (I'm not mormon.)
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>>428 >>429 You don't have to stick to the old banner size or aspect ratio: your main restriction is that banners have to be under 500kb.
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>>430 Nyan-eleven again? Might as well shop twin towers between the taur boobs at this point.
>>433 Yeah, I may have overdone it a little that time.
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>>433 Heh
>>417 fuckkkkk scene anthro girls are the cutest
>>426 The gayer the better that's what I say
>>438 Scene anthro girls? [Insert screenshot of an epic 96k demo featuring sexy kemogirls]
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>>448 Maybe /retro/ will know of one.
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Where are the banners, janny?
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(accidentaly drew mei)
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>>522 Just an update on the banners situation: our new bunker has a limit of 10 banners, but I'm sure the site admin will be fine with raising it if we ever reach that.
>>525 Done, now it's 20. It was irrelevant because the native boards had only a few banners, but here copying the existing ones from old board might push the default limit.
>>526 Oh and I also missed that thread subjects did not get applied. I will hotfix it today or tomorrow, it's a quick DB query.
>>527 Done.
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Tenkyu, janny, and commends on the quick draw.
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I've made several banners for /animu/. I wouldn't mind making some new ones for here.
>>789 Then make them, what, are you asking permission or something?
Speaking of, I still haven't seen >>435
>>791 I forgot about it. It also turns out the banner limit is 200KB instead of 500KB now. >>789 Go for it.
>>792 >It also turns out the banner limit is 200KB instead of 500KB now. Changed, it's now 500KB
(61.43 KB 391x223 1718422539.png)
>>791 >>793 It's in now, thanks.
Finally finished making stealing the Grottoes Gato corner I've started cutting out what, like, a year ago? Took out a good portion of the outline to get rid of the blended pixels, and didn't bother to feather it or anything, so she'll be a bit edgier than in the original, but I say it gives a bit of that digital aliased charm to it (cope). By the way, did you know Sierrafags get cucked by dragon dick? It's true!
Well, lmao, rip plw. Who wants to bet on how long it takes lolejanny to notice?
>>928 I wonder what fucked up, last I checked PLW was using built-in lynxchan captcha
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>>915 Lazy, gender-agnosic janitor, only good for burning dogs, why is the gato still not in the corner? Do you not know the necessary CSS, or does head-janny not let you upload assets?

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