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Manga and doujins Tail Toucher 01/31/2024 (Wed) 03:40:56 No. 531
Anyone got any good recommendations? Lets post and discuss them. Image is from Disaster Fox Kuzure-chan.
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>>531 Kemono is blessed with the >male:"human on furry$" tag on panda, it's mostly varying degrees of sweet romance without the overly fetishistic bullshit you have to sift through with monster girls. From myself I'll add https://exhentai.org/s/6b29f1c8c3/1907838 to the pile. Nice and simple short eromanga about a boy and his kemono gf I'll review my bookmarks and add more later, there's some stuff I've gathered while looking for monster girls
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The release of third animated adaptation of Jun's Animal Girl Hotline series gives me hope that this gem also gets animated one day https://exhentai.org/g/2334712/645855eca3/
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>see https://exhentai.org/g/1141588/ca06a8879e/ on /animu/'s kemono thread >think the doctor looks cute >start reading it >see the excuse for sex >close the doujin Did I expect too much?
>>534 What's wrong with it? It's not a real romance but I assume it's a real clinic not a brothel and she just decided this humie is cute and went for an alternative treatment.
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Obligatory Made in Abyss mention.
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A light-hearted part smutty, part slice of life series of stories centered around a guy and his kemono fox sweetheart. Content advisory: one short futa episode, otherwise it's normal https://exhentai.org/g/1881009/5dc0f14454/
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>>537 What, like futa on male, or did he let some girl fuck his wife?
>>538 Yuri futa fox's female tanuki friend used shapeshifting ability to take the form of fox's fiancee for "practice" sex, futa because she reverted to her original form but kept the dick
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>>543 What else is there for kemono femdom doujins?
>>544 That combination is oddly rare and the few ones that exist have dumb fetishes added for some reason.
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The usual shota x fox miko pairing, now with even more fluff and in color https://exhentai.org/g/2747017/68521f755c/
>>543 Cute big ears and pudgy belly but the strap-on part killed it for me.
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Everyone here probably have already heard of it, but Hitoner is a one-shot manga that got super popular recently. https://mangadex.org/title/52fd5981-9010-402b-8745-b4b13cd7c6f1/hitoner It's mostly edited from MTL so it's not the best translation, but it's serviceable until we get a proper translation.
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>>558 I liked it, just had to make a banner out of that panel too.
>>558 I actually haven't heard of this. Gave it a read before bed and it was really cute, MTL did seem a bit awkward but, I've seen worse. Any other short and sweet SFW reads like this?
>>559 I'll add it if you make the board name stand out a little more.
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>>563 Aight, how about this?
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>>564 Done. >>558 Maybe it's partially the machine translation's fault, but Secretary Laon feels a little undercooked even when you consider how short the one-shot is. Much of the story and its themes hinge on his reactions to the foreigner, so it's a shame he comes across as little more than this cowardly, un-lionlike wimp who's more ruled by fear than anything.
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>>558 >tfw we never got a proper translation Anyway, the same anon recently translated pic related. The premise is interesting since the couple actually does not like each other at first and is only there for their own benefit. https://mega.nz/file/cq9DUR5J#gBKJP3ms_jJYyQMPBmtjR2K6pwYukCZCNWkPUXNNNaU
>>686 looks interesting. i hope they get along better later
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>>686 >tfw no fox wife I hope its still getting translated some more, its been a fun read and things look like it'll take a turn for a worse.
>look up "Animals" tag hoping to find smething kemono(-ish) >instead cry to https://bato.to/title/21383 remembering my family pets and all the ways I could have taken better care of and spent more time with them Stupid gooks. This is why chinks are better.
>>871 Thanks for sharing anon.
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Does anyone know if ダーウィン先生、ケモノ娘たちが学園でお待ちです! was being translated by anyone?
>>899 I don't think I've even seen it uploaded lol.
>>900 So I need to scan it myself then. I'll set it to the side when I get some money.
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>>899 For anyone that wants this LN, you can find it here. Artist for the LN is Kishibe. His Twitter is in the artist thread. https://bookwalker.jp/de56033417-bfe6-4a1f-91c6-3955403ff024/ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4086312921/ https://dash.shueisha.co.jp/bookDetail/index/978-4-08-631292-9 Here's the LN's synopsis. >Girls who have animal-like physical characteristics, such as animal ears, muzzles, and tails. Commonly known as "Kemono-Ochi", they live together at a school in the countryside.   >The protagonist, Darwin, is a serious zoologist with an extraordinary obsession with animals. Having recently been appointed to the school, his enthusiasm for research is often expressed in his excessive behavior. He will crawl under a girl's skirt to check the base of her tail, or remove her jacket and begin shearing her hair. He will solve the problems the girls have with his overwhelming knowledge as a zoologist. >Mr. Darwin does not discriminate against the kemono girls at all, and the students will gradually become attached to him.  A theory of evolution for beautiful school-girl kemonomimi for all kemonomimi fans! Basically sickos.png, kemono edition.
>>901 Would be much appreciated
>>903 Providing a good scan will be easy. Now finding someone to translate it is another story. I'll share it around a few places and see if anyone wants to bite. If anyone knows of anyone or places that want this type of stuff. Sharing it would be helpful. In the meantime, I'll be scanning some kemono doujishi that I've been sitting on for ages. Using the info mentioned here for post scanning editing.
>>902 >not a story about Charles discovering an endemic species of cute aussie humanoid all-female dogs >doesn't actually have anything to do with the Origin of Species >just another doctor manga #5826 Yeah, try harder next time, japs. >>901 I think I've seen this dog somewhere. If that was on yomichan, it might be out there on one of the jap sites. I'd honestly be more interested in an original of Vitro Anima. It looks pretty interesting enough to where it could be worth to read with an ocr, but ocring chink text would probably be an ass + using yomichan with chink dictionaries sucks + then I can't type the kana in manually + reading a machine translation of what's probably already a machine translation would be stupid.
>>907 I mean on tachiyomi. Probably just me, but that introduction frame with a DNA spiral and robot dogs and some random harpy-demon-girl looks megaten as hell, no?
Heh. Silly dog.
Lmao at the jap drawing some not-hogwarts furry-on-furry romance manga to get recommended to me on MD not knowing I'll just skip all his soy romance shit, lecher at the characters themselves and self-insert as their brooding dark arts teach/dangerous creature janny (human (spellspearman)) who fucked all the characters I like (the hare, the cat, the wolf, the goat, the deer, mob students from the pheasant chapter, the bats, the rat, the teacher dog, and better half of the student body/faculty not shown in the manga) before they got the chance to fuck each-other.
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>>994 >spoiler topkek
>>1006 Jokes aside, though, I totally expected them to recast the stalker fagrabbit as a girl for the anime. I get it could have flown under back when the thing just started out as some unknown manhua, but for an official production backed by The chink YouTube... Is it okay because they are animals, or is Xi too old to understand webtoons?
>>1043 WTH, SFW comedy animu now banned for having men? Literally /monster/.
>>1051 You have an entire board to post your ugly gay chinkshit on (not that they seem to be all that fond of your taste either). I suggest you use it.
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>>1054 I can't believe I've been snarked at by a janny with his admin tag on an alt chan!
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>>1520 very sexy
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boy's GF turns out to be on the fluffier side https://exhentai.org/g/3185443/ecf946576d/
>>1946 i wish i had a gf that had this "problem"
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>>1946 The werewolf family reminds me of a cheesecake-heavy amerimanga webcomic (Peter is the Wolf, for anyone who's morbidly curious) from the 90s/00s about a guy who gets infected with lycanthropy and treats it like a shonen power. One of the running gags was that wolfing out would usually cause you to rip out of your clothes, and this panel seemed had a really familiar vibe to it. Now that I think of it, lycanthropy or shapeshifting isn't really common in manga/anime, either SFW or NSFW. >>1947 So do we all.
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>>1992 a good read
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the kind of coon I'd like to have around https://exhentai.org/g/3252523/09445e08bb/
>>2028 what a lucky guy catching a sexy drunk like her.

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