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Human male on female anthro Tail Toucher 12/11/2020 (Fri) 10:25:18 No. 55
Why, because.
I sadly didn't realise to spoil nsfw shit. But can't you BO spoil them please.
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Is it okay to dump doujins here, or should we link to them to avoid clutter? This one's Tanukibayashi Kitsunebayashi by Korikori Koubou (Yosuke).
>>58 Maybe it wouldn't be bad.
>>56 Done. Be more careful next time, since I don't appear to have the option to spoil individual files. >>58 I don't really see the point in doing that since they're hosted on other sites that have much better gallery browsing interfaces. That one in particular is 100+ pages long, if memory serves. Post some highlights if you want to, but don't dump the entire thing.
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>>58 Exhentai link for this: https://exhentai.org/g/1608856/89bbbabae5/ >>60 >Post some highlights if you want to, but don't dump the entire thing. Makes sense! If I link to a doujin in future I'll just post cover, highlights, and link. Maybe put this advice in the sticky in case someone comes by and launches a well-intentioned doujin posting campaign?
>>63 >Maybe put this advice in the sticky Alright. This board has a lot more activity than I thought it would given its purpose.
>>69 >This board has a lot more activity than I thought it would given its purpose. I'm pretty sure the old /kemono/ was generally quiet, but occasionally saw large dumps at once here and there.
>>69 Yeah. I know it's supposed to be an unlisted bunker and all but it's fun to have somewhere to stretch out.
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Because, indeed.
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Human men only want one more on the way thing and it's fucking amazing
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>hyena girl >not futa A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one
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>>599 Yeens aren't futas. They just have outgoing personalities (and vaginas.)
>>600 Tell that to the artists >look up hyena girl tag on the usual sites >exclude futa >suddenly only a fraction of previous results
>>601 The only way to combat yeen dickgirls is by promoting yeen cockbirth.
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>>643 Stupid janny, have you seen a hermaphrodite give birth? That was a perfectly normal female yeen.
Can't read japanese so I dont know what this is.
>>658 It says it's a romantic comedy of a deceitful love between a fox-woman and a nigger.
>>658 i hope its good
>>659 >nigger >guy is white/asian ???
>>663 It's bait: he's possessed by forced memes and feels compelled to spread them.
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>>677 >being an eop >>663 罪人 means nigger in a more abstract sense.

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