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Succubus / Demon thread #2 Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 14:15:39 No. 11494
Get warlock powers from your wife and go on adventures edition she might or might not force you into the evil route Previous thread >>4553
>>11507 >Well, it's kind of a long story, but first we have to go BACK >*VHS rewind sound* >shows MC as a shota >NO NOT THAT FAR BACK
>>11507 >the rattle oh no, this never ends well
>>11500 Looks like the beast of the whore of babylon
>>11510 that's a bit rude. she prefers to be called "the oshi of babylon"
You think succubi ever snatched up some orphaned boy with the goal of shaping him into a perfect meal, just to start genuinely caring about him? >>11509 Stop thinking, onee-chan's know what's best
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>>11527 >second pic anon finds out what the ominous age meter was for
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Remind your succuGF to take at least 2 daily showers during the summer months. You wouldn't want to go crazy from all those pheromones, would you?
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ZZZ is a lot of fun. Soukaku keeps sexually harassing me by sending lewd thoughts about her tight ravenous loli semen demon throat.
Waking up after another exhausting feeding session. This guy draws cute Koa's
>>11774 >headwings
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>>11774 Stupid sexy devil. >>11796 What about them?
>>11586 >come to your succuGF's house >room reeks of unwashed succuNEET >spent tissues and sex toys everywhere >"damn bitch, you live like this?"
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>>11877 >finally impregnate your succubus after months of intense feeding >thinking you'll get a break now >nope, it's harder for them to absorb vitality when pregnant, so now she sucks you EVEN HARDER than ever to compensate
>>11878 She's also eating for two now, gotta be a responsible husband and keep sharing your life force until you're knocked out cold.
>>11988 Hopefully it's not a shikibus that would dryfish the fetus instead
>>11989 I don't think even shikibi would murder their own children, even murderwhores must have some form of maternal instincts going on. Daughters would surely be quite safe and assuming it's possible for them to have human sons, they'd probably get raised to become optimized energy dispensers.
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I want to feed a starving NEETcubus
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>>12216 poor girl must've been starving, she even got some color back
>>12224 >sign up for feed-a-succubus >Eva opens the door >wow, not bad >expect night of wild sexo >she just sits on the couch and points towards the kitchen >"well then get to work, I'm hungry"
>>12225 i insert my cock into her mouth and say "how about you feed, ON MY SEED?!"
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How do you romance a dryfisher succ? >inb4 wedding cake
>>12410 There is nothing more romantic than a woman loving your very soul so much, that she wants it to become a part of her
>>12411 I wouldn't even mind her finishing me off when I'm old and senile, but I'd still prefer to live a long happy life with her first and father a couple shikis in the process
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>>12413 How can you say you love shikis, if you are not ready to be dryfished?
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>>12421 I am, I just want to put a couple more shikis in the world before that happens though.
Anyway the spookiest day of the year is almost upon us and your wife won't have to conceal her true form from the human world. Are you going to use the chance to treat her to something nice?
>>12602 As much as I dislike halloween for being an artificial imported custom from overseas geared solely to sell shit to kids, I'd absolutely go out trick or treating with my succu gf since it's the only time of the year she could be in her true form publicly.
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Do you like "exotic" tails?
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>>12780 the dick and sounding stuff would be too much for me, but the rest sound like fun time, yes
>>12782 it's funny how monsterfuckers like us will be okay with whatever eldritch abomination appendages a girl has. but as soon as there's a dick, it's a turnoff
>>12783 It makes sense, actually. It's called Monster Girls A girl can have all kinds of funny tentacles, but actual dick is something opposite of "girl"
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>>12783 >it's funny how monsterfuckers like us will be okay with whatever eldritch abomination appendages a girl has. but as soon as there's a dick, it's a turnoff Is that so?
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>>13240 >guess I'll die
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>>13240 Akazawa's succubi are the absolute best
>>13252 I like his work with a hero losing to two mesugaki succs
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>>13252 >murder people >still go after shotas It's just not fair
>>13679 The most recent release mentions "regression milk", so we might actually get age regression in the future.
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>Are you ready to renounce your gods yet?
>>14669 I bet satanism would have been way more widespread if they advertised free succs for all members
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>Houtengeki designs a nice demon that he never again uses >fast forward nearly a decade >suddenly new image in 2024 >and again in 2025 unfathomably kino especially since that one basically kickstarted my love for succubi
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>>14790 why did it lose detail over time?
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>>14792 Just quicker sketches, but you know what they say about a gifted horse
Years later and Chiyo still never fails to make me cum buckets.
>>14851 At the end of the day, shota x onee-san just can' be beat

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