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birb Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 09:18:37 No. 122
post birbgirls
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>>6385 No one will hear your screams when you get kidnapped in the jungle.
>>6408 Or make sure that your garden's bird bath is properly sized
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Harpy new year!
>>6633 Harpy new year, anon! Man, whoever spread the rumour that it's bad luck to eat out your harpy on new year's eve is the real monster.
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>Byakhee girl I literally can't comprehend what I'm looking at.
>>6844 Too much bird
Fluffy harpy wife for 2024, NEED
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>>6868 We're all gonna make it.
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>>7013 For anyone interested here's the sound phoenix harpies would probably make: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MhZPqHeEAQ
>>7068 Huh, I expected something horrible like it's with foxes
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Are you committed enough to impress and become the mate of a feral harpy?
>>6847 heretic
>>7139 >impress But my destiny is to become mating prey to a feral harpy
>>7068 why that specific bird?
>>7139 >implying it's up to you
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>>7275 >>7276 My breakfast, just in time
>>7277 I don't think there are any birds who lay unfertilized eggs aside from chickens.
>>7278 Abortion never tasted so good!
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>>7544 HOLY SHIT, that was one of my first and remains my favorite. They even made English subs, I'll probably end up buying it if it's not uploaded somewhere already. >I'm having each episode of my manga work animated. So the cow girl animation wasn't just a one-off, nice.
>>7544 Unfathomably based, Rupia turned me into a bird fucker
Marry the birb
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>>8094 I will murder whoever came up with webp
>>8095 It's some stupid crap pushed by (((google))) to save a little bit on storage costs and a few brainless webshitters blindly follow anything google does. So you have a few sites that peddle it and once you save the pics, you can't post them to the rest of the internet that doesn't give a shit about meme tech. Last time I checked, not even steam allowed webps to be sent in the chat.
>>8097 >not even better than jpg I also wonder how much spooky metadata webp has. I thought for a long time that just adding metadata to spy on people was a pretty easy thing to implement, but I don't have the tech knowhow to check it (except the basics in all popular formats, of course). You know, stuff like dates, ips, approximate location, etc. When uploading or downloading you get a changed version of the image, theoretically being able to track where the image has been. Or just encoding the data in the image itself, by tweaking a few pixels here and there Actually, lets see if I can find something ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JehEh7i1PIE >NSO group and pegasus again the parentheses were spot on again. Haven't found anything about metadata specifically, just hacking with webp. Since one was found and managed to be published on the internets, we can assume there's a ton more exploits with it. Apparent improvement in performance is not worth it.
>>7278 I dont get it, WHY is there just one egg? Why should there be any more than 1 egg?
>>8099 I'd loosen up the tinfoil hat. webp IS more efficient than jpg and png, but in the tech world adoption is often more important than technical aspects and it's clear that the internet doesn't want to switch. As for the tracking and backdoors, webp is open source so they can't really introduce anything that can't be done with already used formats. Lastly, it would be pushed much harder if three letter agencies benefited from it. So basically it's just regular penny pinching kikery rather than glowing kikery. Anyway monster girls are important, tech jews are not. I want to rub my pregnant harpy's tummy and feel the eggs inside. Now that would be something. >>8100 I think the point is that he doesn't know that she laid it and he'd normally want more than one small egg to eat.
>>8100 I'm going to molest this birb
>>8101 >open source I'm sceptical of the "open source" claim used so often. First someone needs tp think about reading it, then have enough knowledge to understand everything in it, then notice anything weird, then tell other people about it without getting censored or ignored. There's plenty of room for things to slip and keep slipping. >Lastly, it would be pushed much harder if three letter agencies benefited from it. I don't see what would constitute "much harder" for you, I see this everywhere in mainstream web. >>8153 I thought the second pic was a cat from the thumbnail.
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My life isn't complete without a smug birdwife and a couple chicks with my hair color
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>>8219 >most of them have her hair color instead >makes her even smugger
>>8221 It should've been ME, it's not FAIR
>>8219 I want to lick the sweat off her body
>>8248 >New update >Harpies stop harassing you, but instead they now try to abduct you >If they succeed in capture, your character is used to breed and is lost to harpy genetics forever >You are then forced into playing as your harpy daughter, your save is written over >Limits tool use, but now you can fly
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>>8301 >Harpies stop harassing you They still harass you, except instead of spamming those annoying feathers they are even more annoying with the "divebomb your face with their bared crotch" skill. Which is even worse with the blindness debuff until you shake them off. Oh and you better learn how to identify when they are in heat, because it's when they do the kidnap special move.
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>>8726 >tfw ywn live a quiet life in the outskirts with your birb wife
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>>8755 I'd be even willing to live the regular modern city wageslave life as long as I had a fluffy wife waiting for me at home.
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>>8757 I want to come home to my birdwife wrapping me up in wings while a bunch of chicks that look like her comes cla-clacking over the wooden floor
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>>8765 Soon.

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