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Monster girl story thread - highly lewd bookposting Anonymous 02/27/2023 (Mon) 00:45:04 No. 1365
Hey all. Writefag here again. I've written stories lately in a couple of threads (Mistflower in the doujin thread and Kingslayer in the fox thread), but this is by far my most expansive effort as yet. I'm designing and writing my own entire monster girl themed world, slice of life piece by lewd piece by lore piece. I want to mix the 80's high fantasy adventure, romance, powerful and lewd mostly-human monster women, and just a smidge of comedy together. All of the stories i'm writing will fit together and build up the same universe, the name of which i haven't yet decided on. This one includes a whole slew of different girls, so i didn't know where to put it. It's also a fair bit longer than the other ones. We not storypostin' boys, tonight we bookpostin'. This particular story gets to the lewd in chapter three, but the payoff of the lewd is vastly better in my opinion if you read the entire thing. At the time of posting, i plan two additional chapters to finish out this particular segment. Feel free to drop suggestions, ideas, or to make requests if you want to. I might still drop a small-sized bit in other threads on occasion as it feels appropriate to do so. If you want to write your own stuff, feel free. To prevent confused navigation, link to your last storypost and follow the format of: Image Current Story: X Chapter 1: Y (if you have chapters) Buckle up and remember: Losing is fun.
>>10402 Good, that's certainly one way to catch a boytoy. I could see something with a dragon girl in the similar vein
>>9952 >The door chime went off once again, and you looked away from the conversation outside to the door >Amber was back, now with a red and white pack under her arm >She placed the pack on the small table in front of you, and unzipped the top open <"If dispatch hasn't messed with our kits, I should have a roll of Unicorn Wrap for your knee and either Wurm's Crown or Vicodin for painkillers..." >She rummaged through the bag, and pulled out what looked like sports wrap that had a soft blue glow to it, followed by a small white pill bottle >Amber then started to unroll the compression wrap, and glanced down at your injured knee <"This stuff needs direct contact with your skin. Do you care about your jeans getting cut?" >You looked at your blue jeans, the denim having been worn down and frayed in different spots >If you skipped picking up some of your cheap frozen food this month, you could probably get a replacement pair, if there's a sale "...not really. Do what you need to do." >The hellhound gave you a curt nod, and used one of her claws on a frayed spot above your knee, easily tearing the fabric away like a knife through butter >She paused for a moment once your knee was exposed, and let out a sigh, muttering something under her breath >It had swelled up quite a lot, with deep blue and purple splotches all over the impact site "What was that?" >She sighed again, and started to run the wrap around your injury <"I said this isn't how I wanted tonight to go. If things went my way, Marcy and I would have brought you up to the hotel last night, regardless of what you said." "I still don't get what you two see in some loser like me. What stopped you?" >You winced as she pulled the wrap a bit tighter at your self-depreciating comment, but you could tell it was already helping your knee, the infused mana dulling and cooling down the throb <"You need to stop that shit. You're not a loser, that waste of flesh cuffed in the cruiser is. A little dense, yeah, maybe, but you're a good man who's just been dealt a few shitty hands in life. The things about yourself you find weird, or strange, or dorky? Well, Marcy and I are into that." >With one final pull, Amber finished wrapping your knee, and used a small metal clip to secure the fabric to itself <"Anyway, fate's a fickle bitch sometimes. After your refusal last night, I was ready to drag you out of this store by your ankle. She said 'Let's decide on a coin flip. What's the worst that could happen?' Obviously, the worst we had in mind wasn't what happened." >The hellhound then grabbed a bottle of water from the nearby open-air cooler, and handed it to you >You were already opening up the pill bottle, and took a couple tablets with the water >It was definitely Wurm's Crown, as the effect was damn near instantaneous, the pain was practically gone >You weren't about to put any weight on that leg, though >What Amber had said though was still bugging you "What did you expect in the first place? I'm still at a loss on why tonight of all nights is such a big deal." <"We figured some other monster might try to mark claim on you before us. One guy, all alone, during a blood moon? That's like waving a hunk of raw meat at a starving wolf." >There was that term again "What's a blood moon?" >Amber smiled <"Well, it's a full lunar eclipse. You know what happens to us when there's a full moon, right?~" "Yeah, all the crazies come out of the woodwork, and it makes your job twice as busy." >She gave you a blank stare for a few moments <"I meant 'Us' as in monsters, not cops." >It was your turn to give her a blank stare "...No, not really." >The hellhound's stare broke as she started to snicker, which turned into a laugh >She then placed her hand on your thigh, above your injured knee, her palm on your bare skin >The canine-like pads on her palm were exceptionally soft >You barely registered hearing the door chime go off again <"Monsters have been here for a few years, and you haven't noticed how a full moon makes us horny?" "...Honestly? I thought that was an all the time kinda thing." >She laughed again, and then squeezed your thigh >That felt really good actually, injury and all considered <"See that's that adorably dense part of you. You're kinda right, but a full moon doubles what we already feel. Now a blood moon? Make that triple... before it peaks~" >You noticed small trails of smoke starting to emanate from Amber's eyes "What do you mean, 'peaks'?" >Her hand slid down just slightly, then went back up alongside your thigh, sliding under where she cut your jeans >She squeezed a bit harder <"When the eclipse is at its strongest, a monster's lust turns into an overflowing torrent. Before that, it takes an immense amount of willpower to contain it, especially when your unclaimed mate is just..." >She trailed off, and took in a deep breath, her tail beginning to wag at a quickening pace >You swore you saw her pupils shrink while little flames licked out from edges of her eyes >Amber then broke eye contact, and glanced down at your injured knee >Her tail slowed it's wagging to a stop >She gave your thigh another gentle squeeze, and bit her lip hard enough to draw blood >The hellhound closed her eyes and exhaled sharply, shaking her head slightly at the end of her breath >When her eyes opened, her pupils were back to normal, the flames no longer lapping out, yet there were still trails of smoke >The charcoal tone of her cheeks took on a much darker hue from her intense blush, while her tall ears flattened down against her head <"Just... sitting injured front of you. Sorry." >You were honestly quite surprised at how much self-control Amber was showing, knowing the reputation of her kind >Maybe that was one of the reasons she was a cop, you mused >Seeing that display of restraint made you wonder how badly Marcy was holding back as well >And what exactly was holding you back from accepting them? >Maybe they really did see something in you that you couldn't see yourself >Maybe you should stop ov- <"Dear sweet lord, Anon. Stop overthing it and just dick the poor girls already." <"Right? Thank you~" >You snapped to attention and looked over by the cash registers >Sandy, your dhampir boss, was standing in line on the customer side, a smug grin on her face >Marcy stood awkwardly alongside her, a shopping basket full of drinks in her arms, squirming her thighs together >The dark elf bit her lip with a bemused but longing look in her eye at the scene on display >Hailey, her vampire niece, looked rather annoyed, and was in the middle of ringing up Des Moines' guy and his bee wife's stack of junk food >You felt your face grow hot, but if it was from embarrassment from being the center of attention, or from finally recognizing Amber and Marcy's desire, you weren't quite sure >You winced as your knee throbbed again, causing the hellhound to remove her hand >Seems like the wrap and pain pills can only do so much <"She makes a good point, but you're gonna dick us after we get your knee properly treated at the hospital, okay?" >You glanced back into Amber's eyes, a mix of lust and genuine concern within them "Sure, okay." >Marcy let out a happy sounding hum and started bouncing on her heels, while Amber's tail began wagging
>>10422 Nice, I like this story arc. I want to go out during the blood moon and taunt all the monster girls that they will NEVER get me!
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>>10335 OP here, I wanted to get the Angel story out but this one called to me and i had to get something in instead. Alexander stabbed into yesterday's leftovers. He chewed on supper without thought, as it was much more engaging to instead bemoan his circumstance. "You know that taskmaster Brogni actually expects me to work tomorrow?" He swallowed food that his occupied tongue forgot to taste, "Denied my ask in that typical way he has. Sure I could take the time off, if i didn't mind the other apprentices getting my anvil time for the week. How magnanimous." In the chair adjacent to his father Mathew's eyes shone with undisguised enthusiasm. He loved it when Alexander complained about work. After all, maybe Dad would just quit his stupid smithing and go back to his old line of work. In Matthew's expert opinion he was old enough to come along this time and would be an invaluable asset to his father. He opened his mouth to deliberately enflame the situation. "I think-" began Matthew with enthusiasm before the words withered in his throat. He heard a muted but very distinct ruffling sound, one he had much familiarity with as a precursor to getting himself in trouble. It was the unmistakable noise of the small wings on his mother's back shaking themselves out and recoiling, and a sure sign of her imminent displeasure. Mom never understood when Matthew tried to tell her how cool being an adventurer was, or tried to ask her about stories Dad wouldn't fully tell. She always coddled him and said he'd know better when he was older, or got upset for some reason when he tried to encourage Dad. "We all know what YOU think." said his sister, sticking out her tongue and grinning. Instantly forgetting his mother's warning, Matt replied, "You're just jealous Luci. I'm way better at exploring than you. AND fighting." "Oh Yeah?" she replied with crossed arms, now clearly annoyed, "What kind of big hero gets scared by a stupid frog anyway?" Matt gestured with his hands, "It was a BULLfrog! And it was HUGE. Besides, you made it jump at me like that on purpose." Matthew's eyes narrowed, "I know you did." "I did not!" Lucia's growing smirk succeeded in dethroning her indignance for the moment. Their mother, content to stay quiet during the exchange, finally spoke, "These little excursions of yours cause much trouble." She tapped her chin in thought. "Too much trouble. You do know it's Father's day tomorrow, and you're going to fight like this? The night before?" "Listen to your mother, the both of you," supported Alexander while half listening to the exchange. He picked up his cleaned plate and brought it to the washing bucket. The two kids shared a look, their casual enmity completely forgotten as was typical. Four eyes shifted from each other, to their father, to their mother and back in silence. They reached an unspoken consensus and both stood up from their chairs. "Sorry!" "Goodnight!" Alexander smirked as the two nearly bowled each other over in their haste to leave. He could hear them plotting seriously as they went off together. Alexander walked over and gave his wife a kiss on the cheek, "Celina, I'll never figure out how you make them listen so quick." "You know. You don't like the idea of punishing them should you need to." Celina smiled warmly, her thin tail idly tapping against her husband's leg. "You big softie. Now come on, it's not just you who has to work." Celina and Alexander strode into their bedroom, Alex wishing his wife goodnight as she locked herself into her workroom. He laid down, unfortunately alone tonight, and closed his eyes to sleep. He could hear the kids outside of his door clearly trying to be quiet. One emphatically shushed the other. The bedroom door was even briefly pushed open before hastily being closed again. He didn't hear this part, but through closed eyes Alexander could briefly see the light from the smoldering hearth as it spilled through the opened door. He didn't really care to chastise them for being awake when they shouldn't be, and nodded off after a few minutes. His last thought was that Celina was right, maybe he was too soft with them. Oh well. Alexander woke with a start. His bedroom was filled with sunlight. That was bad. His work prepping the forge began early, during the twilight hours, and the forgemaster would be furious. Alexander shot up and fumbled on the nightstand for his utility knife, bumping into something wooden and sending it sailing to the floor with a splash. A splash? "What?" Mumbled Alexander as he turned his head. He had accidentally slapped a tankard of tea to the floor, but thankfully had spared the eggtoast and sausage due to their lower profile. Sleepy eyes glanced over at his wife's workroom and found it still locked closed. So this must be from the kids. Alexander felt guilty for spilling most of the tea and resolved not to tell the two, mopping the spilt liquid with a sock and hiding it under the bed. Stretching the sleep from his limbs, he lumbered over to one of his most prized possessions. With careful hands Alexander checked the cogwork clock -a gift received during his traveling days- against the wall, but none of the alarm buttons or levers elicited any kind of response. He carefully turned the heavy piece to open the access hatch in back but it wouldn't budge. The time appeared to be ticking away still, which was at least a good sign. Alexander sighed, the tinker in the next town over could fix it but he charged a damned fortune. Resolute in the fact that he was already late no matter what, Alexander decided the least he could do was enjoy breakfast. He grabbed the bread, brought it to his mouth, and stopped. The texture of the eggs was off somehow but he couldn't place it. The whites were dull, and the egg yolk itself had no sheen to it. The eggs themselves were almost square in shape to exactly fit the toast. He smelled it, decided it wasn't spoiled or anything, and took a bite. Immediately he was assaulted by the absolute best flavor he had ever tasted in his entire life. Alexander tried to pin down what exactly made it so good, but found it curiously impossible. He turned to grab the mug with it's remaining tea and -after a surprised double take- found it mostly filled again. Then he knew. Alexander had a good, long laugh as he finished his divinely excellent breakfast.
>>10442 *** "I'm telling you, we should go wake him up," Spoke Matt as he drummed his fingers on the kitchen table. "He shoulda been up by now." "You can't sleep here dummy." Luci pushed some hair out of her eyes and smiled proudly, "Trust me, i know." Matt stared his slightly older sister down and sagely asked, "Why not?" "You just can't." "I bet i could." "Yeah, well DAD can't." "He's gonna notice Luci." Luciana stood up from the table, "Shut up, he will not!" Matt smiled, "I bet i would." "You're different, you don't count. Besides-" *** "Besides what, Luci?" replied Alexander stepping into the room with an empty plate and mug. "You kids sure are up early today." He sat down amicably at the head of the table. "Which one of you was responsible for the food? It was good." He looked at each child in turn, "Almost too good, in fact." Luciana and Matthew exchanged looks, and Matt was the first to speak. "That's because we made it all special for today." "Yeah!" Agreed Luciana. "Sorry about the cl-" She stopped herself and covered her mouth. Alexander didn't press the issue, but hugged each of them in turn as he stood back up from the table. "Thanks, i mean it you two. Makes going in to work late a lot less awful." Luciana looked worried, her wings shuddering slightly. "But you missed work, it's light outside already." "Doesn't mean i get to stay home Luci, that's not how it goes i'm afraid." Alexander walked into the bathroom to wash up before departing. He could barely hide his smile as he heard the two kids in deep, strategic conversation. After a suspiciously excellent and refreshing bath, during which it was cheerily noted by Alexander that the washing basin water was green and somehow never got cold, Alex came back to an empty kitchen. Within moments of his arrival there was a knock on the door. He dutifully went to pull the door open, but it was stuck fast. The knob, for some reason a triangle shape now, wouldn't even turn. He laughed again before speaking. "Sorry, apparently i've got door trouble. Who's there?" "It's me, Uh... Bognir. Your boss from work." "Ohhhh, this must be serious then." Said Alexander to a man who sounded absolutely nothing like the dwarf foreman Brogni. "Yes, well. There was, i mean there are, problems with the forging right now, so..." Alexander couldn't help but interrupt. "Oh no, did all the metal melt again?" "Yes! Exactly. All the boring metal melted so we can't hit it with hammers right now. You get the day off, so don't come in. Uh. Bye." Alexander turned from the door, a goofy smile on his face as he said, "Thanks 'Boss'." After this he decided to mess around. A little bit of fatherly pranking was in order. They would probably be expecting him to grab his satchel and knife from the bedroom, so that's what he did. A whim taking hold, Alexander decided to open up a bottle of bourbon from Celina's special hidden shelf. He sniffed the liquor and was bemused. "Apple cider huh?" He took a sip or three. While good, it was definitely not alcoholic in the slightest. He packed it away and went to the front room of the house to grab his coat. Luciana bounced up beside him and the words excitedly spilled out of her. "I'm telling mom you drank the special adult juice in the morning and-" before Matthew shook her by the shoulder, reminding her to be quiet. "Shhh! You weren't there stupid!" whispered Matthew slightly too loudly. Alexander put his hand on the doorknob and let it rest there, turning to look at Luciana and Matthew. "Is something wrong you two? I've got to go." Matt spoke up, "But wasn't work... I mean, didn't you...Who was at the door?" "Oh, a salesman. Nobody really. Why?" The two kids looked deflated, knowing they couldn't argue without exposing their surprise and Alexander pushed it a little further. "In fact, i was going to go out to the fair. Figured some games and fried food sounded pretty good right about now." Luciana's eyes shimmered as she was caught up in the idea of the fair, brought on so surprisingly and suddenly as it was. She and Matt had been begging to go for weeks, knowing it was coming to town soon. The fact that it wasn't due to arrive for another few days was irrelevant as her mind wandered. Alexander watched as reality instantly bent around the trio. The house walls fell away and the floor melted into soft packed dirt. Colorful tents sprang up in every direction and wonderful smells of fried food wafted in out of nowhere. Games and attractions had people with indistinct and blurred profiles lining up and laughing, adding to the atmosphere. Luciana looked from Matt to Alexander and after realization hit, began bawling. Matthew, usually content to goad his sister, instead knelt down beside her to console her. "Listen, Luci, it was my fault too, i didn't do a good job at the door, so..." Alexander knew how rough it was for Luciana to hold concentration for so long with two people, himself and Matt, at the same time. He was proud of his daughter. "Luciana, don't cry. Do i look unhappy to you?" She looked up, "Well, No, but i...It was supposed to be a surprise! I ruined it." "Nah, that was me kid. I knew from the start." Matt wisely withheld the 'I-told-you-so' threatening to burst out of him for the sake of his sister. "But how?" Alexander laughed. "About the time that my eggs and toast tasted like an ambrosial mix between a steakhouse, baked potatoe and ice-cream. Not that i'm complaining, mind you." Luciana's smile was absolutely beaming while Alexander could see it. Moments later, a swirling purple mist blinded him utterly. He reached out for Luciana and Matthew who were directly next to him, but his hands only grasped at empty air. Alexander could hear Luciana calling for him desperately, while Matt was oddly serene and trying to settle Luciana's nerves. He yelled back to them but the mist muffled and distorted the sound and he could not tell how far away they were. A familiar voice rang out as a pair of hands latched onto his shoulders. Celina spoke to him with deadly seriousness. "Husband, you are in a realm that is not of my making. You are being deceived." Alexander nearly died laughing.
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>>10443 A-and what exactly is so funny?" Said Celina, the heat suffusing her face evident from her indignant tone. Matthew then wandered up to the two of them, having absolutely no problem navigating the obscuring mists. Luciana trailed behind him, clinging to his hand and looking around blindly. Matt stared up at Celina in awe. "Woah. Mom, that was cool." This only caused further embarrassment for Celina. With a thought the mist winked out of existence leaving the family in the fair again. Luciana ran forward and hugged her parents, clearly exhausted from the double-surprise. Celina looked down at her daughter with soft eyes. "Luci, you know what i told you about doing this. You have to wait until you're more experienced, what we can do is dangerous." Luciana crossed her arms and looked away, "Matt is always fine when i make adventures for us." "That's... different." Celina says as she thinks for a moment. "This was supposed to be mine and Matt's gift!" She sighed and continued. "And i kept messing it up." Alexander walked over and tousled her hair a bit. "You did good kid. You brought two humans into one dream at the same time. That must have taken a lot of work." He looked out onto the dreamscape horizon. "Why don't you two go enjoy the games for a minute? We'll catch up, alright? No more surprises." The two needed no further encouragement and bolted off to enjoy the fair that Luciana had dreamt up. Alexander and Celina held each other as they followed in the wake of Luciana and Mathew. Celina subtly stabilized what Luciana had created so that her daughter and son could more carelessly enjoy what was now more of their gift to themselves than anything. Celina thought out loud, her conversation shielded from Luciana's dream-awareness. "You know, i don't know how healthy it is for her to keep dragging Matt into dreams like this." "Don't worry. That kid always wakes up like nothing happened. He's one hell of a lucid dreamer too. Must have got that from you, i guess. Besides, they get along great." Alex grimaced. "I'm going to feel this tomorrow...Or, well, today. I'm not awake yet huh?" He scratched his head, "Being in one dream with two Alps is a little much for me to handle." Celina laughed, a musical sound that was exactly the same in reality as it was in Alexander's dreams. "I'll make you a real breakfast in bed, then, when you wake up." END
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>>10442 >>10443 >>10444 Wow that was very comfy and wholesome, nice. I thought it was going to take a darker turn for a moment when it was revealed it was a dream/illusion.
>>9981 This is pretty good, I like the moody ambience you've got running through the story, and Jorogumo are always a plus. I also like that she was still rather reasonable after dusk, unlike other Jorogumo stories I've seen. Good job! >>10153 This did pretty decent on setting up a feeling of unease through the whole story, even after the smut section. Her calling Anon "Drone" afterwards helped cement that vibe. >>10256 >Gulliver's travels, but sexy bees I chuckled, the business card at the end was a nice touch! >>10313 This was alright, though I do wish it was a little longer. Nice work either way! >>10402 Nice take on the Witch of the Woods angle! Like my comment on the previous story, I only wish this was a bit longer. >>10442 >Alps You cheeky son of a bitch. Seriously though, this was fantastic, I love the idea of wholesome use for dream weaving powers!
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Another Saturday, and another prompt! For our second round of "specific" monster girls that I feel are under utilized, we're gonna go with a cutie from the orient. Week 6's prompt is: Ren Xiongmao (Panda Girl) The soft deadline for this will be June 9th. Good Luck!
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>>10482 not a writefag but here's a POV date eating bamboo-flavored icecream with her
>>10529 CHINA WILL GROW LARGER Drawfags more than welcome, lol. Wish i could draw.
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>>10156 sorry mang, I had an initial idea, but I couldn't develop it past the initial stage
>>10529 >take a Ren Xiongmao on a date >+100 social credit points >marry her >+1000 social credit points >get her pregnant >+99999 social credit points, given the title "hero of notChina" I can't resist making those stupid china jokes when it comes to panda girls, I gotta come up with a way to make a story about it without making it too dumb.
>>10579 making government sanctioned panda porno with a Ren Xiongmao to save them from extinction
>>10580 hmmm
Alright, once again I had some troubles trying to decide on this prompt cycle's song, but after some considerating, I narrowed down this week, and I have a few on the backburner now for future cycles. Anyway, the prompt for week 7 is: Broken Wings by Mr. Mister https://youtu.be/LpmVp6s-UiY?si=v6cma_wRVK6v-afs The soft deadline will be June 16th. Take it easy and have fun! >>10574 No worries! Set it aside for now, you can always go back to it later with a fresh perspective!
I had a couple ideas for some prose based on this prompt >>9954 Hopefully I can get a rough draft out in a week or two. How does everyone feel about Nekomatas and Arizona?
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>>10733 I don't see why there'd be anything wrong with either of those things.
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>>10422 >Cornered between 2 darkies and societal pressure Lucky boy.
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So I recently got access to an image generator, and have been messing around with it to see what I can and can't make. So here's some pixel art to accompany the story. Also, if anyone's got some tips on generating more accurate monster girl pics, I would greatly appreciate it! >>10422 <"Wonderful!~" >Amber then gathered the medical supplies back in the kit, and turned towards Marcy <"Can you take him in? I'll bring the crackhead to the station and meet up with you two later. I uh, need to cool off a bit." >Marcy gave an enthusiastic nod <"Of course! I'll call when we finish up there." >Amber smiled and turned back towards you <"See you in a bit, stud, don't start without me~" >With that, the hellhound exited the store >You still felt a bit ambivalent about the whole thing, but the more negative thoughts were fading away >All things considered, you just hoped you wouldn't be a disappointment to them >A loud thunk snapped you out of your thoughts, your eyes drawn to the edge of the cafe table you were sitting at >There was a mason jar of honey sitting on the edge, with a yellow and black checkered ribbon around the top >Behind it was Des Moines guy's wife, who was giving you a sympathetic smile <"Hi! You're probably gonna need this tonight." >You glanced back down at the honey, then back at her "Ohh...kay?" >Her smile widened <"Trust me. Your girlfriend told me a few things after I gave my statement, with what her and the hound have planned, you're gonna love it." >She then waved, and started to head out the door <"Thanks for the syrup by the way! Mark and I really appreciate it!" >And with that, she was out the door >Before you could even think more about the odd gift, Sandy had finished her purchase, and walked over to you <"Anon! Lemme give you a hand, we gotta talk about what happened, and I need a smoke." >The dhampir moved alongside you, slipping an arm around you, and helped you limp outside >Once you were out, you leaned up against the nearby ice chest, and kept your injured leg elevated >Sandy finished opening up the purple and black pack of Wunders, and tossed the wrapper in the garbage >In a flash, she had a cigarette between her lips, and took a drag >You weren't exactly sure what blend of herbs were in it, just that it wasn't tobacco or marijuana >What you did at least know, was that whatever it was came from their world, and had some sort of relaxing effect, cause all the monsters who smoked them were much less "forward" to you than those who didn't >As a plus, it had a pleasant, almost spicy or potpourri odor to it, so there was that at least <"So, obviously, this is some serious shit we're dealing with, but I've been preparing for this, so I'm gonna be blunt; Myself and a few other managers from the other stores are going to file a lawsuit against Circle K for consistently forcing an unsafe working environment. What happened tonight is just another incident in a big pile of 'em from around the state, and that just means a bigger payout for all of us. Are you in?" >You didn't need to think about that one "Fuck yeah I'm in. Whatever you need me to do, just let me know." >Sandy took another drag and smiled <"Good! As far as your injury and the Smoke Sisters, I'm giving you the week off, paid. I'll try to get you two, if not the whole month for worker's comp. With how much you bust your ass for this place, you deserve some time off." >You weren't about to argue that "Uh, sure, yeah! That sounds great." >The dhampir finished her cigarette, and snuffed it out in the ashtray by the door <"Alright! With that settled, I'm going back home. With the blood moon coming up, that cig's only helping so much, and I really didn't want to climb off my hubby's cock tonight." "Uh, T.M.I. Sandy." >She shrugged and smirked <"Right, like I'm not gonna hear some stories after you rail the Smoke Sisters. Anyway, have a good night!" >There was a puff of smoke where Sandy stood, followed by a blonde colored bat flying out of it >Well Sandy sure knows how to make an exit
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>>10773 And one more to add to the picture pile
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>>10773 Looks good, what program are you using?
>>10777 For now, Copilot, cause it's the only one that lets me use Dall-e 3 without paying for it, but it has its limitations, like it's a bit slow, and it will sometimes refuse to generate an image depending on context. For example, it wouldn't generate Sandy smoking, and it really does not like the word hellhound. I'd like to give midjourney a try at some point, but that's gotta be when I've got more money to play around with.
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Good Evening! It's another Saturday, so here is another prompt. We're finishing up our second prompt loop with another picture, this time a lesser-known work by a famous artist. So, the prompt for week 8 is: Starry Night on the Rohn by Van Gogh (pic related) The soft deadline is going to be June 23rd. I hope inspiration comes easy for everyone, Good Luck!
>>10777 dumb dhampir, she should have dommed me. much easier foe
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It's another Saturday, so here's another prompt. We're starting our third cycle loop, so we begin with a text prompt. Week 9 is going to be: Anon's Waifu discovers her species in Earth's Media For a simple example, imagine if your waifu's a Lamia, and she discovers Monster Musume. How would she react, and how would she share this info with you? Soft deadline is going to be June 30th. Remember, it's always okay to put a story on the shelf for later if you get stuck.
>>10889 >"Wait, you're telling me that miias mother wants to fuck darling? But she's already married!" >"It doesn't work like that?!" >"Is that monster letting another man touch her intimate areas(breasts) to get her boyfriend jealous?!?" >"At least the centaur are respectable." >"Male centaur? This is a strange fantasy." >"You are saying we should skip the rest of this arc? If you think so..." >"Oh great, darling is finally going to a farm to be happy away from all those sluts." >"Now he can finally be happy." >"Wait, why is he rejecting them." >"Ok it's finally sorting itself out and the girls are all kissing each other to make darling unable to resist." >"No, fuck, no. They're just into each other? With no man involved!?" >"A-anon, get a bucket. I'm gonna hurl...." >BLEEEEEEEERGHHHHHHHHH
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>>10891 Crabman needs to get his shit together. >>10889 You know, if you think about it, it's kind of crazy just how many monster girl species we see in modern media came from ancient mythologies rather than being recent-ish creations. Out of the main Monster Musume cast, for example, only Suu doesn't have any mythos associated with her, at least not as far as I know.
>>10891 That's why I hate ecchi/softcore stuff. Either go all the way and have both plot and porn as the culmination or just leave the lewd implied/fade to black. Otherwise you end up going through ridiculous hoops just to explain why dude didn't fuck one of the hot girls thirsting after him.
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>>10773 >A few moments later, Marcy exited the store with her purchase and the jar of honey in a shopping bag >She got alongside you and slipped an arm around, supporting your weight <"We'll have to take your car, Amber and I just had the one cruiser tonight." >The two of you hobbled over to where you parked your car, a rusty old white pontiac grand prix, and Marcy helped you climb into the passenger side >You fished your keys out of your pocket, and started up the car by the time she made it around and into the driver's seat >There was an awkward silence for a few minutes as Marcy drove to the hospital, her fingers idly tapping on the wheel >From her expression, it seemed like she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words >Fuck it, you'll break the ice on this one "So, uh... Amber seems to have a lot of self control." >You felt like it was dumb statement, but it's the first thing that popped in your head >The dark elf just chuckled <"She's always been like that, even back when we were kids, she kept a cool head, but she's got her limits." >Huh, you figured they'd already been friends for a while, but being friends since childhood makes a lot more sense "I woulda guessed it was the other way around, you don't seem like the hotheaded type." >She lightly chuckled again <"Oh Anon, appearances can be quite deceiving~" >Marcy glanced at you for a moment, and smirked <"I honestly lost count of how many scraps Amber's pulled me out of that I talked myself into. Wendy was always one to get the worst from me~" "You mean sloppy-drunk Wendy?" >The Dark Elf nodded, and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter <"Mhmm, I've had to tell her to stop shit-talking my family and friends more than a few times. Hell, the tribe started calling her a danuki cause of her black eyes. She's really lucky it was Amber pulling me away, and not vice versa." >She glanced over again, and gave you a wide smile <"You know, you're one of the few who's gone and nearly had the hound legitimately snap on you~" "Uh... yeah. She mentioned something about wanting to drag me out of the store by the ankles last night." >Marcy giggled again <"Ohhhh? Was that all she told you?~" "Um, for the most part, yeah. She said something about a coin flip?" <"Mmm, well I did suggest that... after her ten minute rant about shredding your clothes, her and I riding your face back and forth, and then dragging you out by your ankle. She wanted to be very thorough about marking our claim on you~" >You felt your face get a bit warmer "O-ohhh, yeah uh... yeah she didn't mention that." >The dark elf giggled again, and squirmed in her seat <"Mmmhmmmm, you should hear her when she starts going, she can get quite descriptive. One of the hottest things she said last night was how she wanted us to ride you so hard and be so 'stained by your seed' that we'd taste you on each other's lips for weeks~" >You coughed and shifted in your seat, your face turning red hot >A mental image of you bruised and exhausted in bed with the hound and the elf arguing who's turn is next crossed your mind's eye "Jesus Christ..." >This just made Marcy laugh a bit harder <"Oh relaaaaax, we're saving the rough stuff for later, your knee can't handle it right now. Besides, slow and steady is way more fun~ Oh! We're already here!" >You glanced out the window as Marcy turned into the parking lot, the old brick hospital coming into view >She circled around towards the Urgent Care entrance, and parked at the curb
>>10773 >>10962 Nice, I'm really liking it. I think illustrating characters in written stories is the best actual use case for AI images right now.
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Saturday's here, which means another prompt! With it being week two of the third cycle, that means an under utilized MG. Our prompt is: Apsara Girls The soft deadline for this one will be July 7th. Good luck!
>be anon >study for 500 years of cultivation and meditation >feel myself about to go full celestiai <plan >feel something on my dick >it's one of these >Englightened virgin hunters >she's looking at me smugly >I feel my soul lurch back into my body as it's overcome by the pleasures of the flesh >she herself ascends from the sheer power of my seethe Apsara: the girl that crushes dreams to achieve her own godhood.
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Saturday has arrived! So here's another prompt, once again a song. While the lyrics on this one are pretty simple, the actual style of it brings about images of days long, long passed. So for week 11, our prompt is: A Girl Like You by Edwyn Collins https://youtu.be/iYFz4pKclyA?si=qXDoGW6X1WpZn7P4 The soft deadline on this one will be July 14th. Have fun!
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Saturday's here, no banter this time. The writing prompt for week 12 is: The Badlands (pic related) Soft deadline is the 21st. Good luck.
>>10962 >With some awkward shuffling, Marcy helped you out of the car, and into a chair in the UC waiting room >While the dark elf was conversing with the exceptionally tired looking panda girl at the reception desk, you decided to look up a little more info on tonight's blood moon on your phone >Turns out it peaks around a quarter after four, so you glanced at the clock at the top of the screen >3:17 a.m. >It felt like more time should have passed since you got attacked, but with how fast Amber and Marcy took care of things (and with how serious Sandy took the whole situation), you aren't too surprised >Marcy returned with a tablet in her hand, and passed it off to you <"You're in luck, a friend of mine is working tonight! She'll have your knee feeling better in no time~" >She sat down next to you, and peeked over at the tablet, giving you a smirk >"I went ahead and filled in a couple boxes for you, she just needs a bit more information for the system." >You glanced down at the tablet, the basic medical form on the screen mostly filled out >Name, workplace, she had herself and Amber listed as emergency contacts... >...home address was also filled out... >...looks like she also put herself and Amber down as your spouses, go figure... >...how'd she get your social security number? >Really the only things missing were allergens, diet restrictions, and your signature >With a sigh, you filled in what was missing, and handed it back to Marcy, who ran it back up to the counter >Around five minutes passed before you heard a door open near the reception desk, and a pale nurse with gray hair and eyes peeked out <"Anon? Doctor Sudderth is ready for you." >Marcy helped you out of your chair, and the two of you hobbled towards the nurse, following her to a large exam room >Inside was a centaur, the coat of her lower body was the color of midnight black with the occasional fleck of red, while her human half wore doctors coat and sported black hair tyed up in a bun, framed by two modestly sized horns >Her magenta eyes were mostly locked on the phone held in front of her, though she briefly glanced up at you <"-oney, Sweetums, give our poor Billy fifteen minutes. I can see from here how drained he is, you can't just hop back on after that many loads. Look, I have a patient I need to help, just get him some water and cuddle for a bit, I'll call back when we're done over here. Love y'all!" >She tapped the screen a few times and pocketed the phone, giving both of you a smile <"Marcy! So this is Anon, hm? The chart said he's got a bad knee injury, Amber and you haven't been too rough tonight, have you?" >While her tone was mostly teasing, there was a hint of chastisement in it, causing the dark elf to shake her head <"Oh Heavens no, Nikki! Some druggie took a swing at him at his work, Amber's processing the guy at the station as we speak. I was hoping you might have enough energy spared for some bone knitting, if it comes to it." >The odd centaur smiled, waving her hand dismissively <"Oh I've got plenty to spare, Billy topped me off before my shift. I'll need to look at it first though, and we'll probably have to X-ray it." >She gestured to the exam table <"Go ahead and hop on. We'll need to take the wrap off first before I can do anything." >You nodded, and pulled yourself up onto the exam table >Dr. Sudderth began to remove the wrap on your leg, and you felt your knee begin to throb >By the time she made her way down to the last wrap, your breaths became sharp >Jesus Christ, you thought the Wurm's Crown painkiller was doing all the heavy lifting, but the wrap was definitely pulling it's weight, as your knee felt like it was on fire >It was still pretty black and purple, and you winced when the doctor ran a finger over the top <"Ooooh, yeah that's definitely a fracture. As long as your kneecap isn't shattered, I should be able to knit this, but let's get this x-rayed first." >You grimaced "Sure, but uh, how much is this gonna co-" >Marcy waved dismissively <"I got this, spouses are covered under my insurance." >Oh >Well, that takes care of that >About ten minutes and some room hopping, you were back in the exam room, waiting for yor x-ray to develop >Marcy was making small talk about work with the doctor, when an errant thought crossed your mind "Hey uh, so Doc, not to pry, but how do you know each other, anyway?" >Dr. Sudderth laughed, and gave you a smirk <"Oh, well, you could say Marcy and I run in the same circles~" >A blush formed on the dark elf's face, and she pulled on the collar of her uniform
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Saturday's here once again, so here is another prompt. We're on our fourth cycle now, so week 13 will be a scenario. With that in mind, the prompt is: Post-Monsterization Explanations A couple examples of this would be 1. Someone explains to a recently-changed MG what she is now (or vice versa) 2. Anon and Waifu explain to their kids that mommy is still the same, just with new features Obviously it doesn't need to be specifically either of those two, but they're the easiest examples. Soft deadline is going to be July 28th. Have fun!
>>11293 >"Sure, but uh, how much is this gonna co-" Burger grease stained hands wrote that post. Shitposting aside, it's funny to imagine what kind of injuries would hospitals have to constantly deal with when you have rapist monster girls but without the sex magic hand wave like in MGE.
(Freshly monsterized lamia talks with anon, whom she knew before she turned into a monster) >Uh, anon, do you like, wanna go somewhere? <With you? Never in a millions years. >Wha-, bu-but, why? Is it the scales and tail? <Ha, as if >If you don't mind I'm a snake now, then why not!? <You were an absolute bitch before who used and abused many men, while treating others like air or lepers when they tried to approach you. >I know what I did was bad, but... <Not to mention all the cheating >bu- <And baby killing after fucking left and right like an animal >Yghhhhh.... <And now you're like "uoh, look at me, I'm such a pure and good snek girl now, please go out with me anon!" >S-stop... (sniff) I'd never do things like that again, I know it was awful, but its just not in me anymore, please understand... <I don't care, you already did all those things, you disgust me (And so, anon left, never contacting her again. Such was the fate of many women after monsterization. Even though their morals changed, that didn't erase all they did before, all the hurt they inflicted on others. Some killed themselves after monsterization because of the guilt, others became depressed, others still joined monasteries. A few did find husbands, and they vowed to make him the happiest they could, thinking of this as a way to atone for what they did in the past.)
>>10331 it's referencing the anime Akiba Maid War
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This one's a little late due to IRL junk, but the weekend is still here, so here's another prompt. Somewhat underutilized girl again this time. Week 14's prompt is: Mouse Girls Soft deadline is August 4th.
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Weekend's here. Posting this one early. Third week of the cycle means a musical prompt, so here's that: Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot https://youtu.be/1IBdZ645S-o?si=ISREmA7EEY7_Hkgu Soft deadline is August 11th. So after much thought, and considering we've only had one anon making any real effort on these in the last two months with no status updates from other anons, after next week's end cycle prompt, I'm going to indefinitely pause Writing Prompts. Thanks to everyone who enjoyed doing these.
>>11545 I enjoyed the idea and participated in first few ones, sadly then IRL fucked me up so hard I could barely even comment some entries later, thanks for the effort anyway. Looks like we just hit an activity slump down in general.
>>11358 who hurt you anon
>>11562 take a guess :3
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Alright, here we are at cycle's end, and the last prompt before the indefinite pause. If activity picks up again I might resume it, pending IRL things. Anyway, last prompt for now is: The Fairy Ring (pic related) Once again, thanks to everyone who enjoyed doing these.
>>11618 I have an idea, but too lazy to do smth with it. Elves, Fairies and Witches arguing over who owns these rings (maybe with a man trapped in the middle by magic or something)
>>11629 only for the matango mushroomgirls to snatch away the humie
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>>11618 I'll toss out a short one in the ole greentext style. >Raised in a small village living in relative harmony with the deep woods. >Survive entirely based on foraging and hunting. >Out there living the dream on a two-day hike to your favored hunting spot. >Find small, secluded clearing surrounded by trees with stones scattered about. >Pick one up, it's polished, shiny, and has veins of crystal running through it. You decide to take it with you and start grabbing some of the others. >Odd. As you gather the rocks you notice that there's also some impressions in the dirt. >You place one of the stones to an impression, and it fits perfectly. >Well, why not fix it and see how it looks? >Place last stone down and stand up to admire my work. >Looks pretty nice, i guess. Just a ring of pretty rocks. >Oh well, won't mind one missing. >You step back into the ring to grab the original stone you had found. >Instantly surrounded by a multitude of lights and colors, tiny wisps and orbs flitting around you and buzzing angrily. >You hear layers of high pitched voices. Some asking questions, some making demands. >You didn't think the fae were real, but you remember the legends and know it is best to not offend them. >You get the gist that they would like you to disarm, you drop your bow and knife, but they're still pissed off. >They tell you to get rid of your arrows too. And your cast-iron cooking pan. Also your fork and spoon. >Uh, Ok, sure. >Once you divest yourself of all of the offending items the voices become much more inquisitive than upset. >Many of the orbs busy themselves with perching on your shoulders and arms as they chatter amongst themselves. >One of the orbs floats up to eye level, it's actually a tiny but beautiful woman with small wings. >She says that she 'much appreciates' you putting the stones back. >Yeah, you weren't gonna just take them or something. >She says she'd like to give you a gift. Can hear some of the others stifling laughs. That can't be good. >Were you supposed to accept gifts from Fae or not? Man, you wished you'd listened to the stories more closely. >"No thanks, really, i don't need any kind of repayment." >She crosses her arms and looks at you, clearly upset. >"B-but i wouldn't want to be rude." >Back to all smiles. The fae will accompany you on your hunt. >Sure, giggling orbs of light will greatly aid in your ability to stalk prey. >Shockingly, they indeed do. >It's nice to talk to someone on the hunt, and they point out lots of hidden places in the woods for you. >When you spot a buck, they swarm it and herd it towards you for an easy shot. >Over the next couple of days you wonder why people even worry about the fae in the first place. They seem nice to you. >As you prepare to head home, you gesture towards the group and say "Thank you for all the help." >The voices all stop for a moment, and then they start laughing and giggling amongst themselves. >"What?" You say, confused. >One of them zips up to you. "You thanked us! That means you owe us!" She crosses her arms and puts on a stern face. "And no welching!" >Uh oh. Here it comes. >They tell you that first they must 'gather themselves' -whatever that means- and that you need to come back to the fairy ring in four days time. >You debate not showing up but decide that being paranoid in the woods for the rest of your life doesn't sound great. >You go back to the ring, it's almost unrecognizable. >Area is full of vines and large mushrooms. Flowers you've never seen before. The stones glow faintly and illuminate the fuzzy moss that now covers them. >Lights, many more than when you first filled the circle, swarm the clearing up into the tree tops. >Many of them fly up to you and tell you that you 'need to meet their big sister.' >While still small, she is many times larger than the other fairies. >Deep purple eyes and long blonde hair with a strange blue outfit. She's absolutely beautiful. >Cheerfully flies up to you and hugs your arm, causing you to blush involuntarily. Introduces herself as Titania. >Asks if you prefer to be married now or if you'd like to send out invitations first. >Do what now? >She's serious. She is very proud of her large boobs, and she knows all humans like breasts. She says if you ask nicely she might let you experience them. >"Listen, you're beautiful and all, but i don't think we're compatible. Like, from a size perspective." >She gets offended at that, and what feels like a gust of wind knocks you onto a soft bed of moss. >She tells you she can shrink you down once she's gathered some magic power. >You tell her that's not exactly- >She interrupts you, hugging your dick like it's a body pillow. >It is the weirdest and best feeling ever as she begins to move. >The very tip of your dick is pressed between her breasts, a look of victory plastered all over her face. Anon was never heard from again.
After reading your summoning e-mail, you nervously stood up from your cubicle desk and began making your way to your boss’ office. Walking down the corridor of cubicles exposed you to the hateful glares of the female coworkers. You were never one for social cues or detecting emotions easily but this was different, you could feel them on your skin somehow. An anger burned from every woman you walked past as you felt them staring daggers at you, like they were restraining a violent urge. You reached the door to your boss’ office and lightly knocked with the knuckle of your index finger. “Come in~” a deep and gentle voice promptly sang a response to usher you inside. You obeyed, feeling as if you jumped out of the pan and into a fire. “Anon~! Thank you for coming so promptly! Please, do make yourself comfortable!” exclaimed your boss, a gentle looking bespectacled woman with platinum blonde hair and vibrant pink eyes. “Sh-should I close the door?” you squeaked, trying in vain to hide your fear for your employment status. “Oh, no, no~! Don’t trouble yourself with that, darling! I’ll get it! You just sit comfy~!” she stood up quickly and made her way to the door. You stepped aside for her and walked towards the seat that sat slightly further away from her desk as she closed the door. After sitting down you accidentally caught eye contact with one of them, a woman with long brown hair looked at you with hatred and disgust. Somehow you could feel she wished for your death on a daily basis. Thankfully, those feelings that forced the hair on your skin to stand were cut short by the door and your boss who came into view as she bent over slightly and smiled at you. “That’s better, yes~? Now we can have some privacy.” she said in her usual gentle voice with a beaming smile while bending over slightly, probably to keep eye contact. As she walked past you were afforded a whiff of her scent. You didn’t have to inhale to smell her, the earthy scent of pine and morning grass trailed behind her with each soft clip clop of her hoof shoes on the floor. Her beige coat did little to hide her figure, especially since the top was lowered around her arms, exposing her upper body and the suit she wore while the fur trim of her coat seemed to call attention. Her light hair fluttered behind her and her large hips swayed under her long coat, almost intentionally hidden but her white swaying cow tail rendered that effort fruitless. Upon sitting down you saw the plaque on her desk that read “Melodia Kaylah Eifeurh”. “Now then, I can tell you would prefer we get this review business out of the way, yes?” she asked calmly. You nervously forced yourself to make eye contact like you had been practicing before responding. “Y-yes, ma’am…” you said quickly and meekly, trying in vain to stop your frightened shivering. “Ah! You made eye contact! Well done, I’m so proud of you~!” Melodia exclaimed happily and clasped her hands together with her head leaning to the side like a proud mother would. “I hope that may function as a foretelling of your results, Anon.” she said, fixing her red metal framed glasses. “Your work performance was stellar, quick, and with no mistakes. However, your performance with groups was… well… non-existent. I found no prior data of you working in a group. Is that by your choice, dear?” Melodia looked up at you, her eyelids lowered but doing little to restrict the attention her eyes naturally pull. “N-no, ma’am. Nobody ever put me on one.” you stammered. “Hmm… that is very curious. I wonder why.” she stopped to write something on a piece of paper to the side and sitting up straighter to rest her chest on her desk. This was not the first time you got to see just how massive they were but you ignored that as you always do. “I wonder, do you like it this way?” Melodia raised her head up from the paper she looked at to face you clearly. “I-I don’t mind either way.” you stated quickly. Melodia gave you a soft smile and a giggle. “You can answer honestly, darling. This will not affect your review.” “W-well… I… prefer working alone.” you struggled to get the words out but you didn’t want to defy her. “I see. Why is that, if I may ask?” Melodia put down the papers she held in her hands. You knew better than to alert her to the frequent stares even if you didn’t know why they happened. There was no sense in angering staring wolves. “I’m just more comfortable that way.” you replied plainly. Melodia continued looking at you. Softly and with a smile but filled with intent. Her vibrant pink eyes felt like they were burning into you. She was just a holstaur but you were never the best in social situations, especially with women. This kind of thing was mounting a lot of pressure. Mere moments felt like an eternity of picking a poison but she finally spoke. “I see. I understand. Some people are far more comfortable working in their own company. It affords a sense of freedom, doesn’t it~?” Melodia asked with a smile. “Y-yeah…!” you exclaimed, trying to keep your frightened voice normal as you felt beads of sweat running down your face. “Oh dear… am I scaring you or perhaps it is just stuffy in here?” she asked, slightly tugging on her light pink blouse to let out some heat while her buttons strained to popping with the newly added stress to the workload her bust provided. “No, no! I-I’m fine!” you exclaimed, waving your hands to ease her concerns while likely making things worse for yourself. “I understand. I will not press this question any further and our review is done anyway. However, I want to make something clear before I dismiss you.” Melodia wore a worried expression on her face and tilted her head into the palm she raised to her cheek. “I don’t know what you may have been thinking while you were here with me but I while it is true that I can end jobs here, I have no intention of doing so. My purpose and goal is to help keep a stable workflow within this department and removing employees will be a last resort now that this company is owned by monsters. I will achieve that goal with whatever means are needed.” Melodia explained, her voice as soft as ever. “But please know this. I reviewed more about you and I can be your friend, if need be.” Melodia continued, holding her head straighter and smiling gently towards you. Oddly enough, her breasts slightly jiggled on her desk, seemingly to emphasize the point. You wanted to say something but your mind was blank. Your fear was making way for pleasant surprise but the two emotions overwhelmed you. “I understand this may seem odd or dishonest coming from your boss but please remember that. I can help you here at work and outside of it. You are free to let me in when I gain your trust.” Melodia said with a positive tone. People were scary on their own but monsters were foreign to you. Your fear refused to leave you but she seemed warmer than any human woman you had ever talked to. The fact that she did not insult or glare at you by now was already a good sign. “Th-thank you… Mrs. Eifeurh…” you stammered, bowing in your seat to show your respect. “You’re very welcome, dear~. Oh, but just Ms. will do. I’m not married yet.” Melodia responded with a giggle. “Ah! Yes! Ms. then.” you said quickly, correcting yourself and taking a mental note for the future. “If I may, I’ll be returning to work now.” you continued, putting your hands on the armrests of the chair to show you were ready to stand up. “Yes, of course. I think I have held you long enough with my rambling of this old woman. Please, do have a wonderful day, darling~!” Melodia said cheerfully, putting her hands together and tilting her head. “Yes. Thank you, ma’am.” you said simply, raising yourself to your feet and walking to reach the door handle. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed her wave using her fingers while she smiled widely. You walked back to your cubicle, unaware of the wicked grins of the female coworkers you passed by. You didn’t want to admit it but you felt better now just thinking about Melodia. She was kind, soft-spoken, comforting… warm. The comfort you felt around her was a nostalgic one for how long ago you last felt that way. You thought about her offer for friendship. It was sad to think about, you knew such a thing could never come to be, experience taught you that harshly. Even so, it would be a nice possibility. Unknowingly, you worked harder than usual that day and without fear for your employment as you did so.

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