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(1.04 MB 880x720 Waggy Gomadare.gif)
Mermaids Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 05:43:57 No. 502
I like fish.
>>5729 >monster parts starting at thighs instead of waist to give an excuse for not having to draw nonhuman vagina wish artists would stop doing this
(10.34 MB 4096x3072 Ducartoon anya.png)
(1.23 MB 3500x3500 Jrockman May.jpg)
>>5769 Imagine coming home to a merMay doing a totsugeki into your arms.
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(525.56 KB 1203x1727 KasumiKetchum May.jpg)
(720.57 KB 1206x1719 KasumiKetchum Dawn.jpg)
(3.69 MB 1229x1736 KasumiKetchum Love Talk.png)
>>5780 That voice line triggers my fight response, so I imagine it would end poorly.
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(376.94 KB 800x1200 ひ swimsuit.jpg)
(693.95 KB 1600x1800 ひ butt.jpg)
(507.44 KB 1800x1200 ひ weirdass legs.jpg)
There's this guy on Pixiv who exclusively draws the mermaid from SMT https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/15266329
(1.10 MB 2397x3530 ryuseib red.jpg)
>>835 one is up again now
(1.53 MB 924x1250 GigaMessy Raine.png)
(1.57 MB 966x1250 GigaMessy Shelly.png)
>>1132 That she isn't wearing underwear, duh.
(1.14 MB 948x1250 GigaMessy Laiya Nevermore.png)
(1.36 MB 926x1250 GigaMessy Taylor Knight.png)
(1.56 MB 1017x1250 GigaMessy Veran.png)
>>1140 Escape to the one place uncorrupted by capitalism: Point Nemo. yes I know that they dispose of spaceships there
(1.49 MB 1000x2165 here's your mermaid bro.png)
>>2668 >>2669 When will you learn that your actions have consequences? (I'm fine with others in this thread, but if I see this bitch in one more doujin tagged "mermaid" I'm going to implode.)
(746.14 KB 2048x2048 e669d6bf44dce9440a4acbaf16492bfa.jpg)
>>5865 I understand your frustration, but it's hard to find an appropriate tag for her other than the more generalist 'monster girl', and good luck convincing hentai sites to create a new tag. Hell, until recently, panda didn't even have one dedicated to futa on female.
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ey where the human shotas at?
(181.16 KB 640x480 80_meia_st01.png)
>>6141 Reminds me of the MGQ mermaid that turned men into shotas and kept a whole harem of them
>>6147 Oh I thought it was her since the pic is tagged MGQ. It's been a while since I last played.
(251.34 KB 640x442 80_mermaid_st03.png)
>>6149 That's the other, generic mermaid I believe
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Opinions on seductress and evil mermaids?
(592.35 KB 1323x629 Merrow_eng3.png)
>>6434 Opinion: No. But I'm biased against getting killed by monster girls in general so there's that. As far as mermaids go, I prefer the "hopeless romantic" archetype
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>>6733 >those hair "ears" cute
(400.29 KB 1608x2048 pinkie bondage.jpg)
>be me >make salmon for dinner >eat salmon >smell fingers afterwards cuz autism >smells like salmon >huh this is probably what my fingers would smell like if I fingered a mermaid >get boner dubs decides if I castrate or kill myself
(161.56 KB 1280x912 siren potion idk this language.jpg)
>>6915 No, you continue jerking off to fish women and double down on the immersion instead
>>4782 >brisket with breasts why man, cmon >>5329 >Or if the depressed salaryman was just a rotten person, so in the new fantasy land he becomes dominant by being extremely pragmatic and selfish. The genre has so much potential for character studies that it just doesn't use. Sounds just like youjo senki. >Imagine if like a sociopathic CEO got isekaid and introduced capitalism to disrupt the feudal system and become the new dark lord. >CEOs, and capitalism must be le big bad please bathe with a toaster instead of spreading commie talking points.
>>7032 >please bathe with a toaster How rude Or lewd, maybe
(56.56 KB 499x817 twilight princess zelda.jpg)
>>7032 because I hate rightoids >>7032 commies aren't the only people who hate capitalism
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>>7043 >because I hate rightoids picrel 1 >muh capitalism again Just admit you're an npc and fuck off. "Capitalism" is a boogeyman only lefties and npcs believe in. So again "stop spreading commie talking points".
Easy on the /pol/iticing, there's plenty of altchans that look like /pol/ with additional flavor and I don't feel like paying for maintaining yet another one.
>>7060 give them an inch, you know the rest. If commie talking points are allowed then so should be calling them out.
(2.90 MB 1075x600 failing the willpower save.webm)
>>7060 AIYEE CAPYBARA-SAMA I YIELD >>7059 Who's the one on the right in the SMT image? A beta design?
>>7091 man, that eye scene is great, maybe I'll watch this anime some time >Who's the one on the right in the SMT image? A beta design? apparently from "demi kids" which is SMT but MORE like pokemon. All I know about it is what I read on fandom's (fuck that site) wiki and skimming a few videos. That site is good for demon pics tho.
>>7060 Look, if you don't want politics here just delete all the political posts. Otherwise you're taking a side.
(198.90 KB 820x950 1702841792099400.jpg)
>this thread
>>7423 both are hot but funny meme still
>>7423 how did you find this picture of me
(134.93 KB 900x900 Sailor Moon benopiou.jpg)
(218.13 KB 400x2750 Sailor Moon.png)
>>7424 >h*man girl >hot HERESY
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I like when the upper half of the body also looks nonhuman.
(1.69 MB 1280x720 msh.mp4)
Keep yourselves safe by making the monster girl cringe so hard she'd rather not interact with you.
>>7972 but what if monster girls are cringe?
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(199.39 KB 904x1540 Classic comic style.jpg)
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(77.38 KB 800x720 Gomadare Peach.webm)
(2.54 MB 5000x5758 Lumadraws Rosalina.png)

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