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Monstergirl Doujins/Manga/General Literature thread #2 Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 17:11:41 No. 7747
A thread for all kinds of monstergirl literature or webcomics. Feel free to put out entire storyposts or just drop a link to a work you enjoy! Source for OP image: https://exhentai.org/g/2818305/f77303086c/ Previous thread: >>228
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>>12093 more like >ohhh deer yes again
>>12049 >New Jun just dropped page 11, I'm already diamonds, Jun's the GOAT
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>>12119 >Jun's the GOAT Indeed
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Newly translated scylla piece by horitomo https://exhentai.org/g/3082428/615184dcb3/
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>>12215 reminds be, if anyone else is still following his yuri manga, a new volume was released a while ago.
>>12234 Link? I can't find it in the usual places
>>12251 thanks
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>>12251 GIWTWM
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https://exhentai.org/g/3094182/c5f1c8039d/ Man visits dog deity shrine, leaves with clingy dog gf. Many such cases.
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https://koharu.to/g/24186/acedb7bc3fba New anthology just dropped.
>>12622 out of all fonts why did they choose Metal Macabre for the cover
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>>12622 Kino is back on the menu, boys what's with that random regular h*man girl part at the end tho
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>150 chapters of Kobayashi's Dragon Maid >Movie to be released next year (Kanna's father arc adaptation) >The 5th manga spin-off, this time focused on Iruru
>>10014 >actually fucks his demon wife this shota's got bigger balls than 99% of isekai protagonists
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>>13388 I need the succunny on my face.
>>13393 Even if it's the last thing you'll see in your life?
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From porn doujin to serialized manga to anime adaptation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOYUmE0m_A
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Shota gets foxxed so hard, that he grows fox ears and tail and more https://exhentai.org/g/2128744/6fe9f2c418/
>>13832 the mofu is contageous
>>13832 Mofu'd a bit too hard near the end there. Good stuff otherwise.
>>13836 Is what happens when you let your fluffy wife's bestial side take over during the mating season
https://mangadex.org/chapter/87526806-d6b9-42a6-a62e-2f556b406d73/ Double release after a long time, and we've surprisingly caught up with the raws for now. And these chapters do bring up a good question, why the fuck hasn't Kimihito fucked his harem yet? Crabman needs to get on with the times, all the other monster girl harem protags are doing it by now.
>>13940 Because humanity. Fuck. Yeah. Next chapter he takes out his larp sword and goes full templar about human supremacy. But the horse'll probably be into that and let her use him as a steed(which is the proper place of all centaur)
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>>13940 >And these chapters do bring up a good question, why the fuck hasn't Kimihito fucked his harem yet? I wanted to answer with the standard "cuz its against the law and its the premise of the series", but then I saw that apparently that has already been lifted? I don't remember that, and I was more or less up to date with MonMusu so it feels weird.
>>13940 That's a long finger. And a fine 5head
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>>13940 lol, lmao even
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>>13940 >washboard >deadpan >long dress >glove like hands Oh yeah, I like this In general Crabman's designs are almost always top tier.
>>13999 >tag:emotionless sex
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>>13940 >why the fuck hasn't Kimihito fucked his harem yet? Gee, I wonder why...
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>>14068 >Meanwhile, Lala playing the long game
>>14068 my wife is this picture (along with two other violent hussies)
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>>14080 They need to learn how to behave from the best of them.
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200 pages of >you have to impregnate ALL the Onis https://niyaniya.moe/g/24810/a3cfdd4a8c45
>>14154 It took me a minute to notice the horns.
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I'm starting to appreciate those long and overly descriptive jap doujin names https://exhentai.org/g/3192669/0268b4c5da/
>>14403 I understand why they make those titles that also double as a summary, but I still find them absolutely ridiculous. The biggest surprise is how the west hasn't picked up on it yet considering zoomers's infamous lack of attention span.
>>14405 zoomers are too busy jerking off to A.I. porn and e-girls for hentai
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Uooooooh! !! !! Wisespeak fox erotic!!!!!! Hairy pussy and impregnation !!!!! Erotic...😭😭😭 https://exhentai.org/g/3235628/7420ad5217/
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>>14566 >Hairy but without going full unkempt jungle >Sexy underwear to boot This shit drives me crazy. Another human bloodline ruined. good
Akazawa is officially working on the 10th Adventurer Log volume. Apparently no ETA yet, but it seems to be shaping up to become one of the longest volumes yet if the MTL is to be trusted. Also ended with: >他の企画もいくつかを同時に進行中です。 >外部会社からの持ち込み企画なども頂き、IPを確立してからは初めての経験をすることが多く勉強になります。 >漫画以外の作品も早く告知できたら良いですね Which roughly translates to: >We have several other projects in progress at the same time. >We also receive projects from external companies, which is a great learning experience for us, as it is the first time we have experienced this since we established our IP. >I hope to be able to announce other works besides manga as soon as possible. Not sure if "other works" means commissioned work or that he has something else related to his monster setting in planning.
>>14596 >that image strong GIWTWM energy
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>>14597 Here's another one, also the (half)angel twins will apparently make a return, but won't be the only succubait in the coming issue.
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Cats these days acting surprisingly foxy. https://exhentai.org/g/2106565/2982530111/
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https://weebcentral.com/series/01J76XYFK4Y67WVVJWV1GCPVVY/Dungeon-no-Osananajimi Started this series today. Only read the 1st volume so far, but so far it's extremely cute. Summary: Van the warrior and Ryuka the dragon have been friends since childhood. As adults, Van is now a dashing adventurer, and Ryuka has become the big boss of a dangerous dungeon! Every time Van wants to hang out with his old friend, he must navigate a dungeon and clobber a coterie of Ryuka’s monster underlings. Will their friendship grow into something more?
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>>14677 That harpy is based
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>>14684 I think she's more of a reader's self-insert than the male main character himself.
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All of humanity will get foxed. https://exhentai.org/g/2236204/2adad7614d/

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