/amg/ - Alternative Monster Girls

Futa, vore, MONSTER girls, furry and other oddities

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Board meta thread Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:23:26 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Post suggestions or feedback regarding /amg/ in this thread News: /amg/ mod recruitment is open. Looking for the worst paid and most thankless job in the world? Want to herd feral autistic cats for absolutely no monetary gain? Send e-mail to [email protected] Having some non-anonymyous identity on the internet I can lookup is a big plus, but not required. Please include your most active timezone.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 12/11/2022 (Sun) 08:15:59.
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>>1733 Did you though.

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Welcome to /amg/ Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 17:52:42 No. 1 [Reply]
This board is for all the fringe content not welcome on /mg/. Aside from less content restrictions, most rules are the same as on /mg/: 1. No off-topic trolling or cancerposting 2. Every thread should be somehow related to monster girls 3. Respect thread content restrictions specified in its OP. If OP says X is not okay - don't post it. This applies to any other thread guidelines set in thread OP. 4. Tripcodes are to be used only for specific purposes like confirming identity when posting new content or linking to it or when making new threads. Using tripcodes for general chat to socialize is not allowed. 5. Temporary measure until proper thread self-moderation is implemented: making a thread with tripcode allows original poster to claim ownership, under the same tripcode he may then act as thread moderator and has a final say on what's disallowed. Disobeying such verified original poster is same as breaking board rules - obviously this does not apply to threads posted anonymously and they are moderated as normal. Also tripcodes for the use of thread moderation should be without name (just the part after ##) and rule 4 is still in effect. Global site rules naturally still apply. Lastly remember: live and let live, do not judge others here and use the freedom responsibly. Make use of built-in filter function as needed but also know when you should take your content to a separate thread.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 04/18/2023 (Tue) 19:24:19.

Monster girl Slut posting /mgsp/ Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 23:15:05 No. 595 [Reply] [Last]
Refugee camp edition I felt like the board could use a place where people can chatter about whatever monster content they want, and what better way than reviving the monster girl slutposting threads originally found on trash Anons... >post about your favorite monster girls >talk about why you love them and how you found them >tell the thread what kind of scenarios (besides fucking) you'd like to have with your monster girl. An example would be going through a fantasy dungeon or something like that. Sluts... >find the anons who like your monster girl and roleplay for them >tease the anons who love you and make sure to make their scenarios extra lewd. >do your best to make the anons happy by appealing to fetishes and kinks. Anthros, furry, scales, and other general monsters also welcome! >Any similarities to previously existing characters or franchises are purely coincidental in nature.
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>>1746 >>1746 Fun fact: the fox is actually male, a OC from jessicatg, who draws exclusively men getting feminized
>>1750 Local stable diffusion or some site avaliable online?
>>1752 Local model of pony with the MGE lora. The AI thread in /mg/ explains it well enough.
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Monster girl TGTF Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 06:59:53 No. 1496 [Reply]
The body transformations thread is a clusterfuck and that triggers my autism. Put boys being turned into monstergirls here. Futa end results allowed.
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>>1768 >>1769 >>1770 >when you love the bird so much that you become the bird
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Vore and Absorption Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 21:31:48 No. 82 [Reply]
Was some interest in this in the fetish thread so might as well try a thread for it. Content focusing on monster girls as predators or prey, please don't gore post.
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Beware of hungry lamias
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Dare you enter her magical realm? I wonder if Alma would let you out alive if you romanced her before developing an unhealthy obsession with her tail
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>>1183 Luka does have a non-lethal vore request in Paradox, so a normal human would probably have to be one hell of a man to impress her enough to convince her to do the same to him.
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>no lamia wife that toys with your life every day

Mosnstergirl (male) Anonymous 02/20/2023 (Mon) 17:18:05 No. 291 [Reply]
Shota? Teenager? Adult? As long its a cute and feminine boy its welcome. A thread for androgynous and effeminate monsterboys, post traps and any kind of pairing involving at least one femboy
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>>1543 >>1544 >>1545 This looks cute, shame that I missed out on the fun times when monstergirl fandom wasn't polarized into extreme degeneracy on one side, and insane puritanism on another
>>1547 You in the discord yet? It's a nice safe space with some old names from the good ol' days.
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>>1548 Nah I'm good, I don't like dicksword and I don't want to talk about monster girls with any identity of my own.
>>1549 I mean you do you ofc. But i encourage you to try. That polarization occurs because bad actors can hide behind anonymity (and dmcas). Discord solves both problems. We also have a function that allows people to make anonymous posts.
Yooo, thread still up Nice nice, thanks for posting guys Showed a bit of this cutie dragonboi from a artist I like to someone I met today and got a nice positive reaction so I'm sharing here too

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Beast thread 06/18/2023 (Sun) 20:42:21 No. 545 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for the finest form of love Courtesy of Alp-fa and a red snegg
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>>992 Those would be the ones, yes. The eternally pointless whack a mole continues.
>>993 darn
>>992 If any of y'all are tired of dmca gays, hit my up. KureBase#4717
>>1532 It's always the high class ladies that get up to the worst stuff.
Gift from alpfa

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Kemono thread #2 Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 18:30:38 No. 1555 [Reply] [Last]
Post fluffy girls, boys, futas or whatever Previous: >>432
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Alright, I'm fucking tired of searching out their stupid two-syllable names.
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Mabo's the best ♥
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And, that's it. A good one to end on.
So, I'd do... Luna-b, Pochi, Kurono, Kagikko, Abeeta, Guruminn, Hanzo, Bayachao (and Babio), Mabo, Kiichi, Rodeo, Kuru and Omanko Pikoko.

Monster Girls with dicks Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 19:20:02 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Bonus for MGE girls but as long one of the girls has a dick anything goes
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>>1596 >>1597 She has elf ears so I guess she's as much of a monster girl as elves are, unless you want to be anal about definitions
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futas with animal dicks > human dicks
>>1598 She also has black sclera so already more monster like than all elves combined
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>>278 Cathyl. I want to get my smaller penis inside that giant dick of hers and give her all of my sperm.>>278

Body Transformations Anonymous 02/19/2023 (Sun) 01:49:13 No. 264 [Reply] [Last]
Monster transformations, shota transformations and other transformations caused by potion magic in MGE are all welcomed.
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Kuro made everyone's breasts grow.

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