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fox thread #9 Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 16:39:33 No. 10410
lost in the foxhole edition you've done fucked now Anon. you should have listened to that hillbilly when he told you to "not go wandering in them there woods". now you seem to be trapped in a weird forest where every path leads back to the same clearing you started at. after a few fruitless attempts to get out, a feminine giggle from behind catches your attention. who has decided to torment you for your hubris? what trials has she placed in your path? what is ultimately the conclusion of your visit to her domain? Previous thread: >>8615
>>11577 It looks like the closest chinks can do is chuuniboy (♀︎︎)
>>11598 Here lies anon's bloodline purity. He got FOXED but probably developed TMB (Terminal Mofumofu Brain) so probably he'd be fine
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>Ran sucks your bloodline so hard, that she foxes up even your own DNA Dangerous.
>>11615 i feel like kids have weaker resistance towards monster girl mana, so they may end up with some monster parts like him. and higher sexdrive, better refactory period too
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>>11615 Her hair started turning black too, the feedback loop was creating errors within her. Full corruption is probably not good. But I bet it would feel great until the end.
>>11615 >have repeated mind-shattering sex with fox hag >pleasure eventually warps you into a youkai-shota with perfect sexual compatibility to her >impregnate Ran with litter of full-blooded youkai children >new incident created, Reimu is furious
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>>11623 >Reimu is furious Stupid jealous old hag needs to adapt
Healing mofu
>>11626 That's one way to solve the issue of rising medical care costs
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>>11627 This new healthcare plan is great, though I don't understand why we have to agree to taking "endurance boosters" on every medical checkup.
>>11637 (dies of a mysterious heart-attack)
>>11615 I really like this artist. Their doujins are some of my favorite oneeshotas. I hope their Urumi doujin gets translated.
Getting carried away on the beach~
>>11646 >take your foxfu to the beach because you think it would be hot >wet sand in pussy because horny fox >wet sand in the fur because horny fox >sand even in your fucking dick
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WHO gave my dog chocolate?!
Which kind of pregnant fox wife is your type? >y-you're going to take responsibility, right? please don't leave me... or >honey it's 3 AM and you know how my hormones are going wild, it's time for your hourly pelvis flattening *uses belly as a wrecking ball to knock you down*
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>>11653 #2 The "take responsibility kudasai =~= !" point was long gone when she claimed you. Both of you know you aint going NOWHERE. Hold still and fulfill your husbandly duty as a body pillow.
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>>11653 >>11654 #1. i've been feeling the more apologetic and reserved wifestune lately. always making sure you're up for the ordeal before and needs reassurance afterwards that you're okay. Bonus points if she looks extremely evil.
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>>11655 I like both, you can flip-flop between them depending on time of year. A gentle and refined wifesune for much of your time, and raucous beast with baby rabies over winter. Maybe she tries (in vain) to resist her intense natural urge for breeding for your sake, or she entertains the thought and pins you to the wall out of some dignity of having control of herself, either way you won't be getting much sleep. Afterwards when she's sated and calm, she's apologetic of any distress or harm she may have caused and does her best to take care and serve you until you're all better.
>>11653 first progressing into second
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>Uh oh
>>11658 >install cameras in the woods to hunt for the elusive fox spirit >horny bitch has voyeurism fetish and just masturbates all night naked in front of them >too embarrassed to publish any of the footage so nobody believes you caught her on the camera
>>11659 At least it would be perfect material for this thread, be honest
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>>11667 Oh no, someone has to help Ran by milking all the excess milk out of her boobs!
>>11660 Someone needs to tell Ran that she's too old for that kind of swimsuit. Her younger replacement however...
>>11679 The fuck you mean that slingshot bikinis don't work good on Ran? They work like a charm on her, unlike in that booblet kuda-gitsune
>>11681 Old hag needs to dress properly for her age
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>>11682 I agree, Ran is beautiful just the way she is. She doesn't need to stoop down to a tube fox's level to seduce. All that vulgar Kuda-gitsune has to "seduce" with is flaunting around her bare skin because that's all she is: An onahole. She has no charisma, no eloquence, no grace. Ran has far better qualities, her body is the prize for taking the path of romance. Her heavy robes and modesty entices you to leave it to the imagination of what lies beneath, this makes peeling back the layers all the more rewarding. Her body is alluded to but unknown until you've finally stripped her down. Sensual use of her tails, arms, frills, and wrinkles can break up smooth sweeping curves to keep you guessing. Maybe she wears a sarashi making her apparent bust deceptive, maybe she's wearing nothing at all underneath! How does she truly feel under that, what's soft, what's firm, questions that wont be truly answered until the last. Her heady scent is all trapped under there too, you can get an idea when you hug her, but all that does is stoke your interest for the full hit. All this creates an image where any skin shown is erotic, it's all a journey of rising excitement so that when you get there you're both very ready to go. And this is just physical qualities, I haven't even gotten started on how her personality and delicate approach factors into the experience. This is the result of someone who knows her worth and treasures it. With Ran, you're there for a long and fun time. Modesty IS sexy. Can that tactless floozie do the same?
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>>11683 I just meant that Ran is old and busted, her time has passed.
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>>11684 Oh. Well screw you too then. I will make her feel loved and needed and put that volcanic soil to work.
>>11683 t. Ran who has eaten her 10th fried tofu aftter waking up a hour ago Honestly she is starting to get heavier than that heavy Call Of Duty game
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I am not a 2hufag but I am firmly in the position of hagfoxes.
>>11687 All of which clearly only ending up in the right places. Keep taunting her and she'll remind you that she is still a wild beast hiding behind a gentle demeanor. A beast that is larger, heavier and significantly more enduring than you.
>>11690 >I am firmly under the position of hagfoxes. ftfy
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>order fox eats >get drug raped Gee, I wonder what will happen if I order a Foxuber ride
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>>11679 How much sex can be in a single fox?
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>>11704 If she can fit into a tube, then think of what she can do with your "tube"
>>11705 dangerous af, no thanks
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fuck around find out
>>11707 That's foxed up
>The Kidnapper Fox, or Bush Wolf was an Entity in Lethal Company. Kidnapper Foxes appear as foxlike entities, and can only spawn in Vain Shroud groupings with more than one shroud present. >Kidnapper Foxes do not like to rape out in the open, so they will drag a employee using their tongue to Vain Shrouds where it rapes them there, thus getting the name "Kidnapper" Fox. >The Kidnapper Fox has received a lot of negative feedback since it's release. Most people stated how it was unbalanced and needed to be nerfed. shitters need to git gud instead of crying
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>>11722 >Kidnapper Foxes do not like to rape out in the open, so they will drag a employee using their fluff* all complaints will vanish overnight.
>Perception [Medium: Failure] - You take a quick cursory glance past the warning sign. >There is no trace of any fox presence past the sign, meanwhile the quickly set-up plywood sign itself already shows signs of natural wear and tear >The military must have put it up months ago, before their fall >Perhaps this region is safe to traverse after all...
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>>11724 Bad end: You encountered a fox with babies rabies.
>>11725 >regular rabies "cure" is a series of painful shots you need to take >fox baby rabies "cure" is a series of painful shots you need to do
new mofread >>11739
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