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fox thread #10 Anonymous 08/24/2024 (Sat) 13:52:32 No. 11739
mofucare edition. haircare can already be quite the ordeal for a normal human. but with half your body volume consisting fluff it can get quite silly. how much time would your fox partner use on grooming daily? would you involve yourself in the daunting task of keeping the foxbrain inducing blanket in peak condition? what is your favorite configuration of fluffy tails? Previous thread: >>10410
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>>11739 >how much time would your fox partner use on grooming daily? i imagine most foxes learn tail-grooming magic from their mother early on. so only few minutes mostly for inspection. of course there must be certain looks and other factors like smell and softness that would require a multitude of assorted beauty products. but that would only be for special occasions. would you involve yourself in the daunting task of keeping the foxbrain inducing blanket in peak condition? i dont think i would contribute much. but any excuse to have some skin on fluff contact is worth pursuing in my opinion >what is your favorite configuration of fluffy tails? at least a 1/1 fox to fluff ratio, more is preferred.
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>>11739 Now we're asking the right questions! >how much time would your fox partner use on grooming daily? If the amount is reasonable I'd say an hour or so every other day at most. That is if she is neat and on top of her own grooming. With good maintenance practice it shouldn't be matting or fraying. She could cheat a bit with magic, but that's the pathway to becoming lazy and negligence into maintaining her appearance, it's best to keep the diligent habit up lest she become like a trash trawling Tanuki. >would you involve yourself in the daunting task of keeping the foxbrain inducing blanket in peak condition? Having the opportunity is a huge show of trust. They are her pride and being allowed to help groom and condition them is like trusting someone enough to go through and clean your room. I would treat them as if they were apart of me and do my best to meet the effort and care she puts in. It's also a fantastic thing to bond over, you both share in the pride of keeping them in their best condition. Her collected shed fur would also be long enough to be processed and spun into wool yarn. Hats, mittens, scarves, coats, all made so that she'll never truly leave your side and keep you warm. >what is your favorite configuration of fluffy tails? Big and poofy, prehensile, and same as >>11741 with a nice 1:1 ratio or more.
>>11741 i love that last pic, got any more from the artist?
>>11747 click on [sauceNAO] above the filename theres also tiny gel/danbooru icon links on the right if you dont want to use Xitter.
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This could be your morning, if only kitsunes were real
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>everyone lining up to fuck the hag fox i guess only the zoomer foxpussy is left for me.
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>>11769 Inferior, but she can be fixed
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>>11770 your fox appears to be leaking, did you do something to upset her?
>>11769 It's not my fault I have mommy issues. I need the touch of a middle aged woman.
>>11771 It was just a simple upgrade
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>>11723 >he doesn't know
>>11789 Hmm. Referencing my trusted infographic I think that is not a fox I should associate with.
>>11790 >bad teeth means she's evil This is mean, dentists are fucking expensive
>>11793 Expensive what? Dentists are fucking expensive WHAT? >Be sure to check out the hit new light novel:Due to Complications While Having my Wisdom Teeth Extracted, I Now Reside in a World Where my New Dentist Has Nine Fluffy Tails
>>11798 Isekai via dentist would be probably the most creative addition to the genre since its inception. >w-wait, why am I being strapped to the chair?
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It's said that if you fuck the fox beyond 9 tails, she just grows more ears instead
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silly creature
>>11804 Imagine cleaning the mofu from your PC fans
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I know it's you, Yao.
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Sex Fox Fox Sex Sex with Sex Fox
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>>11815 Breeding sex with the sex fox!
>>11815 >>11816 your semen has been foxed already, so you either fuck the fox, or wait long enough to become a fox slut yourself
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>>11818 >long enough to become a fox slut yourself What lack of fluffy wife does to a mf
>when you are raped by the fox >"ufufu, your family tree is going to be full of fluff from now on~~" >when you rape the fox >"n-nooo ahhh I'm going to get preg- ahhhhhhh"
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>>11846 >acts smug when raping young men >acts surprised when she eventually gets preggo Gensokyo needs better sex ed
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>>11890 The yan boatfox is looking oddly normal for a moment, it's scary
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>>11891 thats because her sister is back from the dead. shes going to keep Akagi in line and teach her how to properly isolate and fox her hubby.
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focks pussyjob, the only approved contraception method
>>11899 Until she does an extra-long stroke and shifts her angle at the last moment Surprise sex
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>>11900 >happy surprise father's day!
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thought you could just go for a walk and come home unfoxed? think again humie.
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>>11907 >going out when it's going to rain It's like you were begging to get foxed
>>11899 You utter buffoon! Pre-ejaculations still have active sperm, you are still getting foxed
>>11911 Imagine telling your foxlet that she was made with precum
>>11914 Now that would be one hell of a conversation to have. Specially from the dad to the foxlet.
Left fox was made with deep passionate creampie while holding hands Right fox was made with precum from an edging accident
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>>11915 This image has some new context you can apply with her character backstory being elaborated on. Would she be embarrassed exposing her tattoos in a bath or in private on account of being a poorly advised yakuza youth?
All foxes require pregnancy.
>>11918 >anon unknowingly married an ex-mofukuza enforcer >once entire downtown used to speak her name in a hushed voice, as she was known to slice her targets in half with just one swing of her sword >nowadays she slices bread for her growing family with equal proficiency >and anon learned the hard way not to ask about the meaning of her tattoos
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>>11920 >unknowingly the maid outfit kind of gave it away
>>11816 what the heck is that from?
>>11926 It's from one of the era games, eraTohoTW I think. They have their own general, /egg/ on 4chan's /jp/ board if you want to find out more. Or maybe the era anon will show up again to say more about them.
>>11919 >ywn inspect your fox wife's body as it keeps changing with pregnancy why live
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>>11918 Well, considering that Ran used to hang around with Yuuma some centuries ago before becoming Yukari's shikigami and Yuuma is a gang leader... would work to talk about those tattoos.
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>>11926 Adding onto >>11927. Important distinction between TW and K. TW is a dating sim with a timestop gimmick and a focus on romance. K is a 4xlite game with lots of rape and events that go into /d/ fetish territory; K still has lovey dovey and marriage stuff, but it's a much more of a mixed bag. Both are partially translated in terms of characters, you're going to need to use a translator app or software the reads from your clipboard for girls who speak at you in tongues. All images in this post are from TW where Ran is fully translated, Tsuksasa (the other foxhu) isn't translated but has more in depth estrus mechanics. I will die on the hill that Ran is best fox in any context she is included. There's also an era thread on prolikewoah's /hgg/.
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well fed foxes full of babies
>>11941 Kaga lookin' like she feasts on human bloodlines
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Everyone keeps talking about humans getting foxed, so I'm going to unfox the foxes instead. Good luck fluffing anyone without fluff, stupid cunts.
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>>11950 Are those... humans...? Here?! They are going to try to steal the men and drain their wallets and joy! The one in the back must be one of those internet money succubi... get them out!!
>>11951 Always check your fox to make sure she's genuine
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>inverted nipples fox has slightly different expression Know the difference, it could save your dick
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It's your duty to maintain a healthy fox population
>>11983 kemono friends with benefits?
>>11984 No, kemono wives
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fat fucking foxes
>>11996 *fucking fat foxes
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(actually) evil foxes
>>12019 love it when foxes let their predatory side slip through and bare their sharp chompers
>>12019 Wrinkly old fox
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>>12040 foxe looks like she has autism
>>12053 We have stated in one or two threads ago that foxes are dog hardware powered by cat software, and all cats are autistic by default therefore foxes are autistic as well. And that cosplay barely fits in Ran, just look at all that MEAT there
>>12058 >Ran cosplaying as Tamamo cosplaying as a dog Peak vulpine autism, no wonder they randomly make weird noises.
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>>12070 retarded fox, my favorite kind
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>>12069 >jackal pretending to be a fox pretending to be a dog pretending to be a cat we have to go deeper
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🦊 f o x o f 🦊
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>>12099 She probably smokes when pregnant, no wonder foxes are so autistic
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>>12118 >no one cared who I was until I put on the mask
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Get foxed, idiot
>>12158 Oh no he don fugg up, small dude got foxed all along to such degree that he ain't gonna unfluff his future fluffy life
>>12163 gachamamo looking extra derpy there
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>>12171 >leaving the fluffy tail and ears uncovered Absolutely haram
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Thank you translator-san, you are my greatest ally
Never judge a fox by her size
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>>12208 As we all know by now, foxes are just dogs on cat hardware and small dogs are usually the fierce ones, whereas big ones just want to cuddle and sleep
>>12208 it's interesting to see that no matter the fox's sizes they can easily hold in 5 gallons of thick human cum
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>>12217 man this shit moves fast, though I like this edit better
>>12217 >>12218 >learn how to turn old and busted hagfox into the sexfox with one simple trick!
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I left my phone for a few minutes and now it's covered in funny smelling liquid and hairs. I hate foxes.
>>12219 But I want the hagfox better
>>12228 hagfox is for hagging, sexfox is for sexing
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>>12232 But I want to sex the hag and breed so deep that I end getting the Schroedingder's Foxed (Where a bloodline is both Foxed and normal until the time of birth). And no I don't have terminal mofu brain, terminal mofu brain has me!
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>>12227 What's this, pubes and large brown areolae that are not /d/-tier grotesque? Foxes really are magical.
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>>12238 >dhibi fox
>>12239 The stem sounding dick flower vase is damn creative, I'll give him (her?) that. It's like an artistic featherp0n0s.
>>12240 Dhibi is said to be a woman and honestly I'm inclined to believe that. Hentai drawn by women has that distinct feel to it.
>>12237 but Ran has dusty shriveled ovaries, you can't breed her!
>>12245 good. that means every day is a safe day
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>>12245 >>12246 >"shes at least 800 years old, theres no way she hasnt hit menopause. >"she said its fine to cum inside, must mean its a safe day" >"she obviously adopted that nekomata because shes barren a certain gap hag can be heard weezing and laughing not far from clueless men who utter these phrases.
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>>12245 >dusty shriveled ovaries Dry, but hardly barren. Volcanic soil just needs a little watering to bear fruit. You're going be wrung out by hyperoptimized fox pussy past the point of shooting blanks just to be extra, extra sure there is 100% mathematical certainty of conception. >you can't breed her! If that were the case then she wouldn't kick into estrus every year and winters would be completely safe around her (pro tip: they're not!). She may have spent centuries dealing with her estrus just fine like it was a chronic pain to manage, but God help the man who gets friendly with her. The starved predator salivates at the smell of fresh meat, and only then realizes just how hungry they were. I'm sure you can figure who's who in that analogy. Remember the golden rule: No means Yes. >>12247 >a certain gap hag can be heard weezing and laughing or crying and sobbing because those phrases absolutely apply to her
>>12238 I like this. I like the kind of fox that will hunt me. I want to feel like her prey for her to chase down and drag into a dark place for her to ravage and devour.
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>>12250 Patrician taste
>>12254 >ufufufu exorcist-san, so you were sent to slay us >I'm afraid you'll have to lay us instead~ I'd die of cringe if I lost to fox brats
Why do they love condoms so much if they don't want to use them?
>>12276 Giving the man false sense of security, not knowing they have already sneak in fertility booster into his body so he will end up overinflating the condom inside of their womb
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>>12276 Nagato is not very experienced in this sort of stuff so shes just doing what she saw in that one porno she has seen. admirable effort, but she will stay daughterzoned regardless.
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>>12280 The fox kid will get what the fox kids wants
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>>12276 If you have a condom on you'll have no problem cumming inside her.
>>12283 >ufufu with the protection you are free to cum inside, my beloved~ >oops, looks like you let out so much that the condom broke >let's raise lovely offspring, mistakes into miracles and all that~ Fucking fox tricks
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>>11927 Tsukasa has like 4Mb of dialogue there, so some jap really got foxed. There is also a russian schizo in the era threads who did a lot of coding and translation job around there and was basically the guy responsible for TW around the time marketeers came out. But then he had a major schizo episode about how marketeers is kike globohomo propaganda and zun sold touhou out to nwo. There was this whole saga about how he ripped marketeers' characters out of the game and told everyone that touhou is over and it "already had enough likeable characters (like Sakuya) so it's okay that it ends here". Then all the other developers made a new "official" fork where they undid his spergouts. But then there came some abdl rimworld modder who made his own version of tw where his thing was that he added every fetish under the sun and every meme feature he got suggested at the speed of light (with about as much qa). So then the first guy had an even bigger meltdown about how that's it, (((they))) have come to take over his game, he shat out a pasta about it and added a trojan to his code that deleted your saves if you ran it in the wrong version of the game. That thing was such a fucking shitshow that I kinda fell out of eragames after that. Not because the drama left a bad impression about the cum-unity or anything, it's just that I feel like that tard-wrestling exhibition was such peak /egg/, that everything after that just got kinda boring. Either way, sorry for the tangent, I promise I tried to condense it. The reason I went on it is that I heavily suspect the beginning of the first guy's mental deterioration is owed in big part, if not entirely, to how comprehensively SEX FOX outshone his kusojaku wife. KON SUPREMACY, HEIL SEXFOX
>>12289 Someone should touch grass. Overthinking is bad for one's nerves
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>>12291 I don't want to touch grass, I want to touch ass.
>>12293 >second pic >those mismatched fur/hair colors I bet something funny will happen if you pull at those "tails"
>>12293 If you insist... Your next line is going to be "her ass is grass and I'm a lawnmower"
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>>12294 *pop*
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>>12289 I don't trust tube foxes
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i don't want to impregnate a fox. i just want to befriend one
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>>12302 You WILL fuck the fox You WILL cum deep inside her while she leglocks you You WILL raise the resulting foxlets together and you WILL be happy
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Fox VPN to hide your location
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>>12310 >you pay for the VPN to "hide" your real info >a fox somewhere pays to get your real info (((someone))) is double dipping on those subscription payments
>>12307 i'm tired of sex. i just want a fox girl to just hang out with and play games with or something
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>>12310 I implicitly trust it because it's Senko-san and foxes are the most trustworthy animal, but gopnik runes means one of two things: it's a genuine VPN service using wacky slav loopholes to skirt around law and not have to kowtow to governments, or it's a turborape virus that takes all your info and bircks your PC into being nothing but a bitcoin farm. >>12313 You're going to want older girls for that. They have the composure and the patience to enjoy the simple pleasure of just spending time with you.
>>12313 I like to imagine an Inari for this. I know MGE describes them as constantly horny housewives but I want a chill housewife who is fluffier than a holstaur.
>>12314 After years of obsessing over mating pressing the fox, that pic feels really odd. She's fully clothed, no weird smirk on her face and it looks like she's just playing regular game with you for purposes other than stealing your genes. >power goes out >it's evening and raining outside >gotta kill some time with your newly married fox wife >sex? after two months of non-stop foxfucking and cumming more times than you did in all your life up to that point, you both have zero libido and need a few weeks of abstinence to regain appetite >so you pull out playing cards to play with >not strip poker, you already explored every inch of her body several times over so there's no novelty in that and it's kinda cold anyway >you just play normal poker to pass time Now THAT is a novel concept
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fox acquired, proceed to breed
>>12319 edge the fox by NOT fucking her
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>>12317 At some point the flames of passion die down and you get into a shared routine. Not to say there isn't some excitement every now and again when the mood strikes, but love is like a warm candle; not as intense but lasts for a long time. Just relax, curl up by a fire, and cuddle. Sex isn't the only way you can show your love for one another; you got all those pent up frustrations out when you got married, why rush when you can enjoy your time?
>>12322 The fun thing about focks wife is that she still reverts to horny beast for THAT time of the year. How do you handle it after the first time? Lengthy abstinence beforehand? Aphrodisiacs usage (assuming they exist thanks to fox magic)?
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>>12323 Unless you got her either knocked up or taking care of kits already, you're in for a hard time. I think there's a certain charm to the awareness and anticipation of her estrus. It's not like it sneaks up on you, and she's happy you're there to help her. My headcanon is your honeymoon phase (if any other time of year) was just getting all the horny out consummating your marriage with hot and heavy physical intimacy. But even before then you'd know she has an estrus cycle and she'll let you know all about it, you married her knowing full well what you were getting yourself into. The first time might be scary since you don't know how bad it is, but even if she triggers your fight or flight instincts that comes with the "I'm being eaten alive!!! I'm going to die!!!" reaction part of the brain, you know you'll be okay after and she wont cross any lines: something like this https://archiveofourown.org/works/59124952 After the first time you'll be able to prepare much easier. First aid kits for the clawing and biting, stimulants to keep you going, abstinence and supplements to go in with a full tank, and if you want to be sure to get her knocked up there's fertility boosters. Most importantly is learning to have fun with it. After a few times you could put a spin on it, like packing some clothes and camping equipment and going on the run a few days before it kicks in; now it's a hunt and you have no idea when she's going to catch up.
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>>12334 >going on the run a few days before it kicks in; now it's a hunt and you have no idea when she's going to catch up Imagine banding together with other men, whose foxwives also have an especially strong estrus. Just to wait out the worst of it before returning to them. Sitting together at a campfire, cracking jokes and enjoying your grilled food, only to suddenly feel this cold sensation on your neck. A primal fear kicking in as if you subconsciously knew there was something out there hunting you. Before any of you can say something, a lightning-fast figure rushes out of the thicket and snatches a man sitting at the edge of the camp, his scream being silenced as quickly as he disappeared with his hunter. The rest of you running in different directions as another one is grabbed, then another scream for help right next to you, again silenced as quickly as he was dragged off. And just before you get out of the clearing, you see a shade with familiar eyes rapidly closing in on you...
>>12335 I'm too much of a simpleton who would run into the arms of my foxwife after mere hours apart.
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Pathetic foxlets go >-ACK! in the presence of their big booby superiors
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Obsessive fox girls are love! I love my obsessive fox girl! She is so very nice to me! Fox!
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>>12347 >anon types that, as a thin stream of blood trickles down his neck from the sharp fingernails pressed to it
>>12351 Why have you treated you foxwife so poorly to make her do that? Disgusting.
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>>12352 It's what happens when you cheat on her. As in, you talked to another woman Eg. your mother
>>12353 How could you!?
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>>12354 No risk no fun
Come home human man
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>>12377 They took this from us
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asking my fox to do some cooking for a change didn't go well
>>12386 Did that fucking retard creampie herself with a piping bag of cream filling?
>>12388 Tiny foxbrain gets horny easily, please understand >"hooooh so you stick it in, squeeze the bag and the thick white cream pours in.... haaaah just like how hubby does me~" Next time better choose the recipe for her, preferably one that doesn't involve white cream. But on the flip side, eating her out like that would make for some lovely kitchen sex play.
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Need a Chaldea master to confirm this
>>12415 Technically they don't get older on their own. Like you could fuck around mystical potions like in the case of Jeanne Alter becoming a loli or perhaps editing spirit core like most of the swimsuit edition of the servants like Wu Zetian appeared in a more mature form instead of the fuck nugget tiny empress
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>>12415 >left has bigger tits
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Do you even know about your fox wife's arsenal of ICBMs?
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>>12429 Imagine being the glowie assigned to seduce her to bring her into custody, but then you failed to pull out fast enough and things get awkward, ha-ha
I'm sick of those dumb foxes sexually harassing me. If they keep it up they're going to end up like this and not with a baby.
>>12445 what too much fried tofu does to a mf
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>>12433 I'm pretty sure it would be standard practice of coordinated fox invasions to fluff intelligence agencies as early as possible
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>>12429 >>12433 looks like her studies have gone well!
>>12454 The fox guide to be a perfect wife >Step 1: Get pregnant, with or without his consent >Step 2: Act all cute when pregnant: loudly sigh about feeling so heavy, ask your husband to rub moisturizing cream over your belly and so on Wow that was hard
>>12420 naturally she inflated her tits with magic to catch the titty freak
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Replaying Daji's fight in shrift reminded me how ridiculously overpowered nine-tailed foxes actually are and how desperately I need a fox wife that alternates between breaking me mercilessly and lovingly healing me back to health
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>>12491 murderwhore >:( DIE DIE DIE murderwhore, fluffy >:) OMG MOFU MOFU I LOVE YOU! MIKON! Why are "men" like this?
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>>12492 You can't help but forgive that face.
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>seeing wild fox before jerking off to kistunes >"huh, wild animal, neat" >seeing wild fox after kitsunes >"kon kon kon focks kitsune mofu mofu :3" Fuck, what stage of fluffbrain is this? I'm scared
>>12502 white woman stage, it's terminal
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>>12492 We like evil women
>>12509 that fox is leaking
>>12420 Seems that the need to lure a Master does that to a Mikon.. Foxes are really prone to change their appearances to get a proper mate
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>>12512 Anon that's not a leak, it means that she's about to attack you. Back away slowly and don't break eye contact...
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>>12513 i need not fear rape from the fat fox. she must fear me.
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>"did you know that the humans inside 2-room apartments are free? you can just go into them and take the human inside back home."
>>12525 >and take the human inside back home Even better, if you are homeless just break into a human's apartment, cook a half-assed meal out of anything you find inside and greet him wearing only an apron. They instantly treat anyone doing it as their "wife". You get free sex, food and home, how cool is that?!
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Mission failed
>>12515 Backing away is for cowards, surprise them by flashing the fox gang sign and approach for the headpat
>>12553 >Secret Shinobi Art "Dryfishing Leg Lock" Done.
>>12555 Rumors say mating press was actually a vulpine invention to entrap dominant males >"ahhh that was a good pussy, time to pull out and light a cig" <"ufufu that was lovely foreplay, but the real fun starts now *leglocks*"
>>12556 >maledom itself was made up by foxes It's over. Just fox me already.
>>12557 >it may not look like it, but this fox is actually winning
>>12558 >Household Infiltration: SUCCESS >Operation Dynasty Hijack: START
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>>12559 Was I lied to about fox subtlety?
Sometimes foxes come in 2-packs
>>12523 I think the fat fox will dive at you like a fox in the wild dives to catch prey below the snow
>>12567 Oh fuck the dokutah, that's a fox oyakodon in the horizon.
We definitely don't have a problem here but an approval will be needed
>>12574 >Anon's foxfucking application result: >Granted.
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>>12573 i think shes trying to tell you something
>>12576 wtf she's literally smoking, at this rate she'll fucking combust
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>>12576 Your fox is overheating
>>12574 Perfectly fine to impregnate fox wife, fox daughter, fox great daughter etc
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Sex with foxes is no longer allowed, for your safety I locked them all up in chastity cages and destroyed the keys. You'll thank me later.
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>>12615 fool, we all know what happened last time when we tried to lock away a fox thot
Fuck you! (bunnies your fox)
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>>12682 I want Ran to adopt me as her sonhusband for this century
>>12687 Imagine falling into her arms after a shitty day. Face in bosom, tails covering your back like a blanket and your head emptied of all the problems that plagued you.
>The box, you opened it >Now you must cum in us
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>>12708 i vill not open ze fox box
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>>12710 you WILL open the fox box you WILL nakadashi the foxes you WILL raise a football team of foxlets and you WILL be happy
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>>12712 tamamo no mae is so based...
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>>12716 The bar isn't set exactly very high, when you take a look at her peers >dyke dragon whose only ability is swinging her sword around >shameless roastie capable of murdering a kid for no good reason >psycho slime with suicidal tendencies
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>>12720 >>12721 Imagine Alice watching this and masturbating, ha-ha
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lmao, 2mamo
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>>12727 more like. 2mato
>>12728 >they're in the tomatoes too now nowhere is safe
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>>12720 >>12721 It's sad that this is the only way for him to not blow it instantly. I say this like I wouldn't get instant lossed if I got pushed down.
>>12732 ngl, I'd probably cum just from seeing a kitsune do the hands sign from first pic at me
>honey, can you at least take off your hood when we are making love? <NO, I CANNOT INTERFERE WITH VIEWER'S SELF-INSERTING
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When your fox daughter drinks all of your cum, so motherfox has to get her fill somehow
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>>12763 hot and steamy oyakodon...
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>>12754 The hoodie stays on.
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it's the fox turn to get molested and raped
>>12802 This is what happens when you overfeed your fox
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>>12810 encourage her to go on runs with you
>>12835 You can do that with your fox when you find one but I'll be looking for the fat ones.
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>>12836 What too many burgers and no sex does to a fox
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>>12837 haha fattie lol no burgers and many sex will help burn off those kilos
>>12839 >C'mon grab a handful of fluffy tail, right?
>>12842 Orange man won, now you gotta grab 'em by the pussy
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>Come home. See something messed messed up about the laundry. >I live alone, wtf. >Looking closer. Find a very long strand of tail fluff. I need to get out of this town. Maybe even abandon the country.
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>>12846 nowhere is safe Anon, she has already caught your scent. your only hope now is to drag out your romance as a long, drawn out slowburn romcom with 90% filler episodes.
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>>12847 How do I give a fox girl the ick? If I can't outrun, outsmart, or overpower a fox then maybe I can push them away with my negative rizz.
>>12848 Date a human woman she will definetly not turn her into a foxgirl and double team you
>>12848 Bait her into going on a date with you and when you're about to start sexo, rip off one of her tails and run. She will be devastated for life and you will have a free and comfy scarf for the winter.
>>12848 >"i'm infertile"
I swear this board got subverted so hard, it's not even funny anymore. >>12849 obvious foxpost >>12850 probable foxpost, they love tail pulling during sex >>12851 idiot or fox, you're just gonna invite them to cast one of those sketchy glowing runes on your balls
>>12852 >>12848 the best way to avoid foxgirls raping you is to just ask them to be your friend and give your fullname + address + phone number + social security number, this trick will make their psyche magically cease to think anything erotic of you. trust me on this bro
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>>12848 foxes have a keen sense of smell and can tell when a man is "marked" by another fox. if you're in a situation like >>12846 where you know for sure that fox#1 has left some of her scent on you. simply take a fresh pair of clothes and go ask to fluff some random fox#2's tail, bonus points if said fox#2 is related to fox#1. then take on the original clothes and met with fox#2 again. they will now both think you're already taken and will make no further attempts to rape you.
>>12848 walk into their illusionary forest from whence no mortal ever returns. they really hate when that happens
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>>12856 The KIA has their internet propaganda agents out in force today, all working for free
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>>12852 >>12856 >>12859 why would foxes waste their time posting on obscure alt-chans instead of husband hunting?
>>12852 >obvious foxpost actually i'm just a freak and love to see women transformed into various monster girls
>>12863 they need losers and mancave anons so that they can control thos males easier with their fluffy parts and pussy. They suck at being on the receiving end of being chased.
>>12868 >woman gets foxed >only sighs that grooming all that mofu is going to be a bitch
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>>12241 >Oh my god... What am I gonna do? I'm Tamamo-no-mae's top guy! >Tamamo-no-mae needs me..? Ok I'll do it, I'm gonna kill those commoners for you Tamamo. I've got your tails Tamamo!
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>>12876 >black haired fox dreams of watching the other one get fucked Cuckfox
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>>12882 there's a nine-tailed mofugoddess sitting right in front of him, and yet he chooses to rail the peasantfox with only ONE TAIL??
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>>12883 Nine-tailed mofugoddess wants to stay faithful to her own husband, and she also wants to see granddaughters. So here she is, watching her daughter get bred like she was before her own mother all those years ago.
>>12883 That's class, anon. It's the difference between the taillet that goes into heat like any wild animal and the nine-tailed elegant ancient fox that prefers to sip some insanely expensive alcohol and enjoy the spectacle.
>>12886 >>12887 >"hey, can my granny watch us during sex?, it's kind of a hobby of hers"
>>12889 Fox culture is far too complex for simple human minds to wrap around.
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>>12892 presenting themselves as servants... can these immortal sex fiends possibly stoop any lower?
>>12893 These fuckers aren't cooking or cleaning shit!
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>>12893 >>12894 >won't clean or cook >stink up your whole home with fox stink >mark you and your furniture with bodily fluids
>>12894 >>12898 There's an obvious solution
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>>12893 I had forgotten that manga! It's Tamamo no koi if anyone else was wondering. A cute short story.
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>>12893 hmmm... bratty human... using .jfif format...! needs rape correction...
>>12902 oh its a manga? i thought it was a one-shot. some heavy foreshadowing on the 2nd page.
Tamamo no Mae, one of the greatest and most attractive characters ever thought up. she can transform herself, take out her mofu in a flash, and best of all, she's yellow colored and knows how to handle the males, speaking of mofu, this fox's rump might also be classified as "fluffy tail heaven" because there's such a mess of very beautiful and soft appendages that it will make you love the kitsune even more, and since valentine's day is around the corner, i've been inspired to make a top 9 list of the most fluffy Tamamo no Mae tails, grab yourself a snack and a glass of sake, and try not to reach through the screen because HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>12923 #9. a tail #8. a tail #7. a tail #6. a tail #5. a tail #4. a tail #3. a tail #2. a tail #1. a tail
>>12923 >she's yellow colored Lies, she's a NIGGER
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>>12924 #743368733. That's your number as tamamo's partner, not counting all the animals she fucked as progenitor of entire Beast monster girl kind
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>>12920 It had an one-shot and a short 6-chapter manga. Both completely worksafe.
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>>12939 in certain impolite circles we call that "The Graveyard of Nations"
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>>12942 graveyard of nations the dick guillotine man-eating harlot some weird ass rock venus fluff trap and more other creative names
>>12949 >that pic We need a family-friendly MGQ adaptation
>>12953 >AND SHE LOVES ME Correction: she loves your soul and she's going to eat it, sorry.
>>12955 >she loves your soul and she's going to eat it, sorry. Does this actually happen.
>>12956 I didn't play Part 3 yet, but one of the Tamamos glows and the "nice" Tamamo talks about having done a lot of horrible stuff in the past so...
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(212.53 KB 640x360 kitsune best girl.webm)
>>12956 Considering the artist is Shiki and all he draws are murdersuccwhores and energy drain… it's not looking good for anyone caught between her legs. Fortunately you have better choices than her, even in that setting.
>>12953 loose enough to unbirth you even in loli form lol
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>>12961 >lets see how much you can make fun of kitsunes when you are one!
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>>12961 >>12958 >>12955 >>12942 >>12939 >>12925 bratty Anons... needs dick guillotine correction
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>>12958 >Fortunately you have better choices than her, even in that setting. This. Reject nine-tailed roasties with mileage higher than NY taxis. Embrace fresh cunny.
>>12949 >venus fluff trap Stepping into the mofu trap and getting fluffed head to toe
>>12964 what if i don't want any flatties
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>>12970 give it a pregnancy or 10.
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>>12969 Dangerous~ Dangerous~
>>12972 If a fox can't get her man by traditional means, she always has the trump card of sending him to mofu heaven/hell
I found this "fox self defense" manual online, but is this really what I'm supposed to be doing to keep myself from being foxed?
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>>12975 The path of pain
>>12976 >Second scenario in second image Foxes know how to fucking Flash Kick??? How am I supposed to approach
>>12977 Slowly, with fried tofu and a smile.
>another fox thread on bump limit brain damage
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>>12980 >brain damage and it's terminal
>>12981 Nah, getting foxed beats a pine box
>>12983 breead
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Two weeks…
>>13042 >posting in the old thread dumb ranposter

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