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Felines of All Kinds! Anonymous 02/15/2023 (Wed) 10:46:40 No. 1184
>Dog thread, wolf thread, horse thread, mermaid thread, snek thread, spider thread, TWO fox threads (based) >No catgirl thread Absolute madness! Now is the time for us to rectify that. Post your finest felines as we celebrate the gateway monstergirl for many an anon!
>>4132 >now your lazy fat kot demands to sit on your face all day instead of the couch
>>4274 Doing my part for tiger conservation.
>>4274 >>4276 cum to the japari park and help save endangered species
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>>4797 >second pic Why are those funny jap MMO cats so hot. Normally I don't care about catgirls I want to breed those so bad.
>>4832 >primarily live in tribal societies >one subrace caters to haremfags, where the strongest male gets to breed with all submissive-leaning females. Breeding male gets the title "Nunh" while the permavirgins are forever branded as such with "Tia" >other subrace caters to femdomfags, where the tribe/family is entirely ruled by the dominant females and males are cast out after breeding if they don't make themselves otherwise useful. Males don't even get their own names but take on their mothers with an appendix indicating the how manyth son they are >overwhelming female:male birth ratio, making latter rather rare to begin with >interspecies impregnation canonically leads to children of the mothers race in almost 100% of all cases, meaning they literally hijack your bloodline The devs knew exactly what they did.
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>>4833 >visit exhentai >language:english$ parody:"final fantasy xiv$" female:catgirl$ >expect a mountain of doujins about those cats, no need to come up with any warped premise just take the existing canon >no doujin about them kidnapping adventurers for breeding >actually almost no dujins at all Life is unfair, every shitty gacha under the sun gets all kinds of stuff.
>>4834 Doujins don't get made anywhere near as much as they used to. Social media rewards users for making a large quantity of posts rather than a smaller amount of high quality posts, and websites like patreon and fanbox make it easier to monetize illustration, which is lower effort than drawing up a whole doujin. Also, it's easy to make minor changes to an illustration to appeal to different fetishes, widening your paying audience. As an example, Shinano has been out in Azur Lane for 3 years at this point, and she has a total of 3 doujins. She was one of the most popular characters in the game per a popularity poll, and Azur Lane gets a lot of illustrations. The doujin scene isn't what it used to be.
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>>4835 >social media ruining yet another thing suffering
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>>4836 Maybe AI will be good enough to both write and illustrate entire doujins in one go to fill the gap! Except I've never been a fan of any AI art I've seen... And I've always babysat any model I've ever used as a writing tool... Well, maybe someday.
>>4839 AI isn't even good enough to dissuade the patreon artists away from illustration, and I doubt its ability to be used to make compelling comics. AI artists are allergic to actual work, so I don't see them going through the effort of piecing together illustrations into panels and doing the typesetting needed to make a doujin. >3rd image One of my favorite cat girl images
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I wish to listen to a catgirl's soft purrs as we cuddle in bed.
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>>4984 Monster girls - for when you want both a pet and a gf
Dumb cat
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Should have read the fine print when you signed up for that teacher position at kot academy, anon
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Would you an old cat?
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>>5664 If she has even a single viable egg left in her ovaries I WILL fertilize it.
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Touch the cat. Pat the cat. Marry and creampie the cat. Raise the next generation of cat.
>>5742 >first it's the third pic >9 years later you get the fourth pic
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I can't decide if I like cute, small house catgirls or strong, sultry big catgirls more.
>>5839 Both are great even better if they show their dominant, king queen of the jungle side
>>5839 Big kots, christmas cake kots, MILFkots, past-their-expiration-date kots
Big cat tats
>>5883 >"queen of the jungle" >actually lazy NEETs who can't be arsed to hunt for a man and ended up being an endangered species >need to be delivered mates by wildlife conservation organizations to keep them from going extinct
>>5884 Pray for all the brave men sent as sacrifices to the tigers to breed them out of extinction.
>>5003 The side view of those girls really hammers in the whole anime heads just being cat heads.
>>5884 >>5885 Try making fun of tigers again when you get lost in the jungle
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>>5889 oh no
>>5889 Tigers can suck my DICK.
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>>5893 Wait until you find out that these barbs on cat tongue are made from keratin
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>>5894 uh oh
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I want to flood the neighborhood with not!homeless kittens who keep ganging up on unsuspecting boys
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Stupid smug cat.
>>7646 I hope this dumb zoomer FOTM spawns a monster girl conversion like pokemusu, for now it's a furfag fest.
>>7653 It's a survival game so it will die out in two months at most > for now it's a furfag fest. In two months those will be the only people left and I doubt they will even stay that long.
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new normalfag slop is IN >sweet liberty, my dick!
>>8404 I got bored of that game pretty fast. It's true. I wonder how palworld is doing now that two months actually passed.
>>8405 It's boatloads of fun with friends on voice chat, but I can imagine it getting boring or frustrating VERY fast with randoms. Then again you can say the same about literally any co-op game, so...
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>>8651 aaah, serval-chan....
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My stupid cat keeps jumping on top of me and waking me up in the middle of the night
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>>8751 A responsible owner helps their pet with "those" issues
I want to impregnate Y'shtola, societal taboos be damned. The whole world should know that the one thing, the WoL couldn't beat, was his own desire to turn his family tree into a tribe of catgirls. It hurts so much that there aren't romance arcs in XIV.
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>>9907 Patrician taste. Go and live the dream.

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