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Felines of All Kinds! Anonymous 02/15/2023 (Wed) 10:46:40 No. 1184
>Dog thread, wolf thread, horse thread, mermaid thread, snek thread, spider thread, TWO fox threads (based) >No catgirl thread Absolute madness! Now is the time for us to rectify that. Post your finest felines as we celebrate the gateway monstergirl for many an anon!
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>>1184 I'm more of a dog person, but a cat is fine, too. Especially the more exotic ones.
Reminder that lionesses are notorious quickshots, better gather a full pride of them to compensate.
>>1191 Now i want to make a lioness squirt a few times during foreplay.
>>1184 >the gateway monstergirl for many an anon! I will never forget it all spiraled into this just because I thought that Coconut from Nekopara was kinda hot.
>>1195 Nekopara has some great art, I'll have to go through these VNs soon.
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>>1195 >>1196 Nekopara is very high quality for a VN in pretty much all respects definitely worth a run through if you have the interest. Also Coconut is absolutely Best Cat.
I love big titty
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>POV: you were welcomed to the jungle
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>>1501 You're part of the pack now.
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>>1579 Yes, thrust into smug kots instead
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Chococat, extra chunky
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old cat
>Children in FFXIV are canonically always part of their mothers race, only inhibiting secondary traits like hair color or unusual height from their fathers >Miqo'te are implied to have significantly more female than male offspring
>>2234 Yeah it's a total fap/waifu bait, which is based as fuck
>>2235 Given Miqo'te are considered universally attractive to other races in-universe and their male:female ratio, it would actually be plausible that they are the very reason why interspecies impregnation is culturally shunned in Eorzea. They could easily outbreed every other race if they tried.
>>2247 >attractive catgirls >can breed with other races >actually need to because of no/very few males of their own >but society shuns mingling with them Shit is straight out of MGQ or other monster girl setting, lmao. >ywn be kidnapped by a group of desperate catgirls and be made their shared breeding tom
>>2249 >ywn be kidnapped by a group of desperate catgirls and be made their shared breeding tom Imagine trying to become a great adventurer, just to end up as the cause of a new dungeon because you sired countless children for a belligerent gridanian Keeper tribe. Bonus round: Defeated male adventurers would be captured and share your fate at the hands of your children. Female adventurers (and aforementioned males if you're into that) would be forced to drink Fantasia, turning them into even more Miqo'te girls for the tribe
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>>2247 >>2249 I for one accept a world where we all go down the cat genes >ywn be assigned a cat wife for the disposal of your human blood
science kot
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>get a cat gf >she wants to eat slav pancakes with cream every day
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>>2397 >fall for the cat gf meme >she just talks nonsense the entire day and rubs against my crotch while I'm trying to do my daily chores Usually it ends with us fucking yeah, but can't a man have a moment to rest and recharge?
>>2400 >but can't a man have a moment to rest and recharge? Nyo, get it up now or she'll flip your "manswitch" to get it working again
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>>2401 >or she'll flip your "manswitch" to get it working again w-what
>>2402 >He doesn't know what anon means by "manswitch" Anon will for sure be in for quite a suprise
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These damn cats are getting more daring...
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>>2418 Someone really needs to correct them
>that "OwO" face adorable
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>After investment of about 1 Million venezuelan bolivars, scientists claim they are unfortunately nowhere closer to genetically engineered catgirls yet.
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NEET cat
>>2750 Imagine the smell
>>2754 Fish, cigarettes and "fish".
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>>2750 >masturbation addict cat cuts crotch area out of her pants for easier access
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Looks like someone wasn't careful enough while going through the jungle.
>>2813 Time to give her more than what she bargained for and domesticate her.
>>2824 And so history repeats itself. I imagine wild cats would be harder to tame than their canine counterparts.
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>>2834 cats are more opportunistic and domesticate themselves thinking they are taking advantage of us >heh those suckers just keep throwing me fish bits >oh wow, I just need to brush his ankle with my tail and he gives me even more food >i just need to meow and they are already rushing to pour me some milk, those humans are really my servants then they end up like on pic rel beforethey know it. with canines you first need to establish the Alpha position, which might require a lot of stamina and willpower
>thinking you can domesticate cats Be glad she decided that your house is more comfortable than whatever wilderness she ambushed you in. Instead of a heated home with nearby grocery stores you could be living in a cold forest cave, desperately trying to roast chunks of deer meat over a small campfire while your wife and kittens just take hearty bites of it raw, between cuddling up to you every other hour to keep you warm, because you were caught in the middle of summer.
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>>2847 First it was foxes and now even cats are falling for the burger
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are cats the brattiest monster girl species?
>>3245 cats need surprise cucumber correction to put them in their place
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>this is Anon >Anon befriended a cat >Anon didn't know the importance of learning about her heat cycle >now Anon's family tree ceased being human >Don't be like Anon
>>3306 Poor anon did not realize that her being "in heat" doesn't mean she's overheating and just needs to be sprayed with water.
>>3306 >reading random fantasy work >author casually confirms that a minor catgirl character does go into heat >doesn't elaborate further Couldn't help it, I had to delve deeper into the subject, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat; or in this case, the human genes in my bloodline.
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>>3456 and that's why you don't fap when your pets are in the room
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>>1184 This is now a mermaid thread.
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>>3652 Is that a mercat? or a catmaid?
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>>3466 >not sharing all of your best moments with man's best friend
>>3676 >second webm I guess that's what happens when you take take the catnip prank too far
>>3681 last stage is the proper kind of relationship
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Itty bitty kitty titties or BIG FAT CAT TATS?
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>>3793 theyre both great. because all titty is good titty
>>3794 That fat chocc kot really does funny things to my brain
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>>3793 Big, because that's what my monkey brain likes. Doesn't matter what species the girl is. One of the draws of 2d art for me is that you can see body types that are very rare to come by in real life.
>>3793 BIG FAT CAT TATS, because I want to be smothered by them while she annexes my family tree
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>>3814 jungle kot successfully domesticated
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>>4026 >Please be advised that the subject is currently in heat oh no
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When the day finally comes that genetically modified catgirls become a reality, I hope mankind looks back and remembers we poor fools who lived without but continued to dream.
>>4132 >now your lazy fat kot demands to sit on your face all day instead of the couch
>>4274 Doing my part for tiger conservation.
>>4274 >>4276 cum to the japari park and help save endangered species
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>>4797 >second pic Why are those funny jap MMO cats so hot. Normally I don't care about catgirls I want to breed those so bad.
>>4832 >primarily live in tribal societies >one subrace caters to haremfags, where the strongest male gets to breed with all submissive-leaning females. Breeding male gets the title "Nunh" while the permavirgins are forever branded as such with "Tia" >other subrace caters to femdomfags, where the tribe/family is entirely ruled by the dominant females and males are cast out after breeding if they don't make themselves otherwise useful. Males don't even get their own names but take on their mothers with an appendix indicating the how manyth son they are >overwhelming female:male birth ratio, making latter rather rare to begin with >interspecies impregnation canonically leads to children of the mothers race in almost 100% of all cases, meaning they literally hijack your bloodline The devs knew exactly what they did.
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>>4833 >visit exhentai >language:english$ parody:"final fantasy xiv$" female:catgirl$ >expect a mountain of doujins about those cats, no need to come up with any warped premise just take the existing canon >no doujin about them kidnapping adventurers for breeding >actually almost no dujins at all Life is unfair, every shitty gacha under the sun gets all kinds of stuff.
>>4834 Doujins don't get made anywhere near as much as they used to. Social media rewards users for making a large quantity of posts rather than a smaller amount of high quality posts, and websites like patreon and fanbox make it easier to monetize illustration, which is lower effort than drawing up a whole doujin. Also, it's easy to make minor changes to an illustration to appeal to different fetishes, widening your paying audience. As an example, Shinano has been out in Azur Lane for 3 years at this point, and she has a total of 3 doujins. She was one of the most popular characters in the game per a popularity poll, and Azur Lane gets a lot of illustrations. The doujin scene isn't what it used to be.
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>>4835 >social media ruining yet another thing suffering
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>>4836 Maybe AI will be good enough to both write and illustrate entire doujins in one go to fill the gap! Except I've never been a fan of any AI art I've seen... And I've always babysat any model I've ever used as a writing tool... Well, maybe someday.
>>4839 AI isn't even good enough to dissuade the patreon artists away from illustration, and I doubt its ability to be used to make compelling comics. AI artists are allergic to actual work, so I don't see them going through the effort of piecing together illustrations into panels and doing the typesetting needed to make a doujin. >3rd image One of my favorite cat girl images
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I wish to listen to a catgirl's soft purrs as we cuddle in bed.
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>>4984 Monster girls - for when you want both a pet and a gf
Dumb cat
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Should have read the fine print when you signed up for that teacher position at kot academy, anon
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Would you an old cat?
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>>5664 If she has even a single viable egg left in her ovaries I WILL fertilize it.
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Touch the cat. Pat the cat. Marry and creampie the cat. Raise the next generation of cat.
>>5742 >first it's the third pic >9 years later you get the fourth pic
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I can't decide if I like cute, small house catgirls or strong, sultry big catgirls more.
>>5839 Both are great even better if they show their dominant, king queen of the jungle side
>>5839 Big kots, christmas cake kots, MILFkots, past-their-expiration-date kots
Big cat tats
>>5883 >"queen of the jungle" >actually lazy NEETs who can't be arsed to hunt for a man and ended up being an endangered species >need to be delivered mates by wildlife conservation organizations to keep them from going extinct
>>5884 Pray for all the brave men sent as sacrifices to the tigers to breed them out of extinction.
>>5003 The side view of those girls really hammers in the whole anime heads just being cat heads.
>>5884 >>5885 Try making fun of tigers again when you get lost in the jungle
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>>5889 oh no
>>5889 Tigers can suck my DICK.
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>>5893 Wait until you find out that these barbs on cat tongue are made from keratin
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>>5894 uh oh
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I want to flood the neighborhood with not!homeless kittens who keep ganging up on unsuspecting boys
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Stupid smug cat.
>>7646 I hope this dumb zoomer FOTM spawns a monster girl conversion like pokemusu, for now it's a furfag fest.
>>7653 It's a survival game so it will die out in two months at most > for now it's a furfag fest. In two months those will be the only people left and I doubt they will even stay that long.
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new normalfag slop is IN >sweet liberty, my dick!
>>8404 I got bored of that game pretty fast. It's true. I wonder how palworld is doing now that two months actually passed.
>>8405 It's boatloads of fun with friends on voice chat, but I can imagine it getting boring or frustrating VERY fast with randoms. Then again you can say the same about literally any co-op game, so...
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>>8651 aaah, serval-chan....
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My stupid cat keeps jumping on top of me and waking me up in the middle of the night
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>>8751 A responsible owner helps their pet with "those" issues
I want to impregnate Y'shtola, societal taboos be damned. The whole world should know that the one thing, the WoL couldn't beat, was his own desire to turn his family tree into a tribe of catgirls. It hurts so much that there aren't romance arcs in XIV.
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>>9907 Patrician taste. Go and live the dream.
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>>9907 By societal norms, Y'shtola would need to get accostumed to see other cats considering the Keepers of the Sun are a patriarchal society should she decide to settle down. Things would've got weirder if she was a moonie since they're matriarchals and their preferences are to get men around just the right amount. TL;DR: You're considerably lucky to have Y'shtola as a sunnie.
>>10573 Just found your own tribal village with Y'shtola. >moonie Bloody shame it is that there's so little art with them, not only did they get criminally neglected by SE but even the fans pretend they don't exist t. semi-lore accurate mooncat player At least we got our own music track in Endwalker.
>>10575 You'll need to find a segment of the Y Tribe and then settle down in a town of them. Have fun with those sunnies. And about the moonies, is a real damned shame we don't have much of them
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>>11385 >cheshire calling you a bitch and not Tom F-, see me after class
>>11388 i don't get it
>>11397 In the game(lol) she calls the mc a tom, short for tomcat.
>>12591 big fat cat tats
>>12769 >dog girls whine and whimper at your bedroom's door until you fuck them >cat girls just come in and plap you, regardless of time of the day or your mood
Been a while since this thread got some love, so have some more XIV cats
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>>13636 I'm a shameless secondary and I'm not afraid to admit I never played any FF game despite cumming to their cats, more than once.
>>13637 I also only ever played XIV after getting reeled in by a friend, but iirc (almost) none of the other games are sequels to each other and they're all settled in different universes. Can recommend XIV itself though if you are willing to chew through the infamous Lv1-50 quests. The story was absolutely great until the most recent expansion, where it bombed hard, but the gameplay content somewhat held the line for it there. Before that last expac I would consider it like a good fantasy novel (with a very slow start, most stuff before first expansion is essentially worldbuilding)
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cats get quite bold when you ignore them for too long
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>>13642 I like to think animal girls behave as closely to their originals as possible >cat gf kinda does her own thing most of the day until she decides she's bored and just walks into your room, plops right on your lap and demands attention >or sits on your face if it's more convenient somehow
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