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Snek thread Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 18:15:55 No. 132
Snex is best
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>>137 Source?
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>>147 CG from MonMusu! Gyaku Rape Gakuen I believe
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Luka is a lucky guy.
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>This is the girlfriend of the poster boy of Magic: The Gathering.
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Luv my snek wife
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>>743 Or have two snek wives for even more fun
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Coiled sex best sex
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>>803 People always think it's dangerous or something. They do it, because they want you to warm them. And they want your semen too...
>>805 No better way to warm up than thick, body-temperature fluid being shot inside you.
>you will never be an older Lamia's prized body warmer why live
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>>837 Snek wife 4 life!
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>>842 Yes
>>864 Canon snex
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>>871 snexx
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>>878 It's hip to fuck snakes
I need a snake in my bed, like right NOW
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>Anon, did you know lamias can copulate all night?
>>1045 >all night weak, give me 3 days and 3 nights >>871
Horny snake
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>>2148 I will never understand these kinds of people obsessed with one crack ship.
Do not lay with snakes, they are the icon of sin and will lead you astray
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>>2202 Miia, my beloved.
>>2407 she really is THE snake
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>>2408 Absolutely top 1 smiles I want to protect by any means necessary
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Snek Sunday!
>>2612 But every day is Snekday??
>>2613 That snek mama... >We are here, and Miia is not. How about your first time with someone experienced huh? Don't worry, I'll take care of you during and after sweetie. I hate NTR, but the thought of her mother doing her best to have sex with her...
>>2616 with you* stupid sleep deprivation
>>2616 It's not NTR if it's oyakodon.
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>>2618 Point taken
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first time with your childhood friend snek
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>>2639 Boy should've had a christian upbringing, maybe he would have known better than to trust a serpent that fast.
>>2652 >trusting a serpent in nun cosplay
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Remember to keep your snek extra warm during the colder seasons.
>>2759 But will she keep me cool in the summer?
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>hear weird sounds coming from behind a bush >go check it out >see this What do?
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>>3047 >offer to take home >cuddle >make her snife* >breed* Simple as *"make her snife" and "breed" may be swapped, depending on your preferences
>>3051 Gonna have to take responsibility by helping her keep the eggs warm
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>>3052 Yes. it will repay after few years, with beautiful sight.
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>>3054 >*happy pregsnek noises*
>>3055 Remember to not stress your snekfu in pregnancy! And keep her warm all the time
>>3077 >pregnant snek wife always coils around you and presses you against her gravid belly to keep the eggs inside warm oh no, the horror
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>>3203 I always wondered if this position with Lamias is even comfortable at all. It's like inverse missionary, she's between (You)r legs instead.
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>>3205 Comfortable for the boy? Should be, it's like a big body pillow, but better. Usually, lamia bodies are too big when compared to human bodies for them to fully wrap themselves around it (like when snakes have sex) without it looking weird, but is something I wish was more common.
>>3235 >tightly coiled up by a Lamia while pumping seed into her womb One of the (many) reasons why monster girls are so superior
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>>3236 >Be coiled by Miia >Creampie her >Her head collapses on your chest >You feel her tear drop on you >"Thank you, Anon" you hear.
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>>3632 >HUGE scary snake that could probably swallow you whole >"uooooh must hug" It's no wonder that in almost every monster girl setting males are hopeless victims, just flashing tits makes them go retarded.
>>3639 The danger is part of what makes it fun. Defying odds and marrying above your station in the food chain.
>>3639 >N-no! Stop hugging me! I'm supposed to eat you alive! I'm big and dangerous lamia, hungry for human meat! stop with those cudd-" >Actually...don't stop...it's so good...
>>3646 >cats get high on catnip >lamias can get addicted just to your warmth
>tfw no snek waifu and daughteru
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>Snakes have receptacles in their bodies for storing sperm for over a year. >Female snakes can voluntarily fertilize themselves from said deposits >Some snakes can also reproduce asexually, producing a clone of themselves in the process I never knew snake cloaca was so powerful.
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>>3782 >Some snakes can also reproduce asexually Now this is the real danger. You think you're safe because >>3781 is already married. Wrong, soon you'll find yourself in center of the snek mating ball.
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snake sexo
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Snakes and their staple "food"
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>>5882 Pubes on lamia feels like heresy
>>5892 Just pretend they're of an older breed closer to dinosaurs and those are vestiges of what once were feathers.
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Don't mess with snake orgies.
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>>6039 Good stuff, makes me realize having sex with snek would be a little awkward but that's hot
>>6044 (Human)Nature finds a way.
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Even lamias can be fluffy
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>>6199 abbo snake is cute and you can make her even softer
>>6201 The eggs are gonna be extra warm when she broods them.
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>>6438 God told us to handle the snakes, but I'm not sure if I could handle those two at the same time
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the snake is feeling lonely
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tfw no kind lamia childhood friend with a hidden yandere side and a dummy thick body
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>>8316 Be careful what you wish for
>>8316 MFs really will wish for a yandere gf and then start rattling their chains and screaming at 2 in the morning because they can't hold in their poop anymore after two days smh
(233.79 KB 1355x900 Lamia_eng1.jfif)
>>8316 One of the first MGE entries I read was the original version of the Lamia page. Shame Kenko would later tone down the yandereness. >>8317 Looks like a win to me.
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>>8364 Damn, she really needed that art rework
>>8364 good yandere: wants to kill other women bad yandere: wants to kill you
Need a rough lamia wife to squeeze me tightly >>8376 She'll stop strangling you, if you promise not to talk to other women anymore.
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>>8470 >frfr is still drawing monster girls nice
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>Last thing you see before the poison overtakes your body and you're brought to the amazon lamia tribe
Lamias have breasts, which means they probably lactate. What does lamia milk taste like? Depends on the lamia? >>10698 N-no...
>>10946 >Lamias have breasts, which means they probably lactate. What does lamia milk taste like? Depends on the lamia? Anon, those are venom sacs
>>10951 Are you saying that delicious and healthful liquid was venom all along?
>>10954 >delicious It's an acquired taste, I guess
my headcanon is lamias are throat goats
>>11369 I choose to accept this.
>>11369 Don't forget their long, crazy tongues. Imagine french kissing one
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>>11381 >spoiler More like they rape your throat
>>11381 >your snek gf deepthroats you with her tounge whenever you kiss lmao
I wanna get wrapped up in a lamias tail and get sexually tortured and milked constantly until I cry. I WANNA BE TRAUMATIZED FROM A LAMIA RAPE!
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Snekbros eating good this season
>>12184 which show?
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>>12188 Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei
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>>12196 >MC is called Dolan snek pls
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lamiae are exceptionally good at doing car washes with their ass
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>>13022 dumb snek has 0 self awareness, all she's gonna achieve with that fat ass is dent my car
Should lamias have regular pregnancies or lay eggs?
>>14127 Eggs, lots more practical
Year of the snek has officially begun
>>14411 >snake >pubic hair My brain says it's dumb My dick says it's hot
>>14412 >My brain says it's dumb If they have hair up there, why wouldn't they have it down there?
>>14414 I guess I expect something like scales there instead, because that's around where the snek starts. Or at least no hair because you know, snakes and all
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>>14415 what if pubic feathers?
>>14416 Good. Fluffy and non-human, best of both worlds. But I've never seen a lamia with those.

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