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(117.60 KB 700x620 you deserve rape cheshire cat.jpg)
(148.72 KB 630x785 neko arc cheshire plush.png)
(80.82 KB 850x478 it takes heart.jpg)
(2.93 MB 811x3179 IT CAME FOR MY MILKIES.png)
fagkot thread (memes and jokes) Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 00:09:50 No. 9366
thread for memes, funny pics, shitposts, greentexts, whatnot, have fun (for the love of fuck, I couldn't find any saved pic of meme cheshire on my pc, I really need to start naming them better) ...ahem, I'll dump a little of what I have lying around, y'all pick up the torch later.
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(792.75 KB 500x374 [cheerfully shitposting].gif)
(638.74 KB 1652x1652 motivation to live template.png)
(124.55 KB 1652x1652 living for holstaur.jpg)
>>9368 that's the spirit, this thread can have all the meme pics from other threads
(1.32 MB 3024x3024 lego monmusu.jpeg)
(193.29 KB 1200x1600 2024.03.09 Neko Arc papierowa4.jpg)
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(231.21 KB 1536x2048 lucoa4flat.jpg)
(271.92 KB 1748x1240 rani wiedźma elden ring1.jpeg)
(386.86 KB 1908x1101 hellhound15.png)
(137.02 KB 798x1252 foxgirl thread.png)
>>9372 jesus fuck, foxfuckers are something else
>>9368 i forgot to credit the poster of the template please dont rape me https://twitter.com/CatholicXenu/status/1780039353252675955
(482.98 KB 1488x2269 cheshire meets the left.png)
(1015.93 KB 720x2377 3dpd hummie btfo'd.png)
(104.54 KB 838x983 anon meets a succubus.png)
(1.78 MB 960x540 faggot cat.webm)
(802.64 KB 1280x1440 niggerhound.png)
(1.44 MB 2028x1440 mana pollution.png)
(1.80 MB 1187x2134 pro-monster propaganda.png)
>>9374 posting the source of a generic meme template?... >checks link anyway damn, that guy's good, I'm glad you posted it
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>>9375 >last image MGQ fandom on 4ch was a fucking meme factory back in its heyday
(149.27 KB 800x588 germany and orcs.jpg)
(131.10 KB 452x312 moment ełropy.png)
(188.24 KB 499x539 racist daredevil kkkitsune.png)
(1.24 MB 1000x667 fundraise smtiv.png)
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love this crossover
(55.22 KB 1200x300 tamamo6.png)
(362.12 KB 500x1100 tamam5.png)
(260.03 KB 690x740 tamamo.png)
>>9375 >cheshire meets the left fucking nasty and disgusting, ugh. The soi boi also needs some redemption arc here, the cheshire went from mocking him and seeing him on the same level as the landwhale to "oh i love you". I just think this is a shitty greentext, too disgusting and with almost no meaning, twist, punchline or anything really. >3dpd hummie this has some better writing, tho a little confusing for me. I may be dumb. Not enough revenge in it I guess? Like, he got the car taken away, only for his Danuki lawyer to get it and give it back to him? Kinda weak tbh. >extreme chastity kino, cinema, I hope someone draws stuff from this, its hilarious
Edited last time by REDACTED on 04/19/2024 (Fri) 06:22:36.
(761.68 KB 5107x1672 anubis vs obi wan mge monmusu.jpg)
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>>9366 >I couldn't find any saved pic of meme cheshire on my pc
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(134.25 KB 984x645 htw2riY.jpg)
should be saying "worst snek"
>>9459 mid, mid, and I don't even know who's the last one, looks boring should've been the doctor's lamia, also mid, but at least somewhat recognisable
>>9433 hilarious and absurd >at least one of them is from 2012 hot damn, that's ancient >>9424 no one names pics properly, I save them, and end up with folders with over 10k files that all have random numbers and letters. I'm working on it, aight?
>>9478 i love that second one >"finally, my pizza has arrived, i was getting hungry" >*smug cat meowing* >"fucking hell it's just chesire ass again"
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For the record, fuck pokemon, but this one's monster girl enough, right? I dunno, I just really like this gremlin thing.
i forgor if mp4s could be posted here
>>9574 Both webm and mp4 videos are supported
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>>9625 That looks very similar to a rachneraXspiderman comic I saw some time ago >of course I can't fucking find it, I haven't named it properly good thing yandex works well, it was the first hit. And yeah, it is the same guy. Pretty nice comic. Though I feel a bit conflicted about the second and third speech bubble, moreso the third(in the snake one I mean, I love the whole of spidey).
(12.60 KB 199x183 1371085379884.png)
>>9651 I'm going to assume that's just a case of ebonics and that Mr. W. Jackington isn't actually sleeping around with multiple snake women.
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I wonder why meme censors fell out of fashion during >checks year the past decade...
>>9670 Japs still do funny censoring, once I saw a school backpack blurred with mosaics
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(119.75 KB 640x480 80_youkosan_st01.png)
>>9679 In Japan's case, it's more of a meme they have of referencing obvious copyrighted material, but censoring the name or brand to not get an actual copyright strike.
(243.90 KB 720x480 spiderman.mp4)
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(96.58 KB 500x397 2018-03-31 08.08.00.png)
(69.77 KB 720x472 2018-05-31 20.41.39.jpg)
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>>9772 Third pic gave me the idea for the latest writing prompt >>9773 That cat needs to learn how to drink her milk from a cup like a human
(671.92 KB 1800x1350 Which are you.jpg)
>>9420 THE MONSTER.MATCH BULLETIN in collaboration with CHESHIREPOSTING.COM presents - BREAKING NEWS: QUADSOLOGY! >Throughout the ages men have agonized over how to choose the right monstergirl >They've tried everything, from matchmakers to horoscopes to walking out into the woods alone and praying >But now, thanks to the tireless work of our team here at monster.match, we can answer confidently with SCIENCE! >Our technical correspondent, Thaddeus Monesori, Esquire, offers a simple guide for the work man, BASED ON HIS PC! >All you need to do is open your photo library, take a look, and consult our simple guide. UPPER RIGHT >Few doubt your dedication to organization. You could find a needle in a haystack, or that one pic of that cute Wight >This level of effort is like catnip to Anubii and Hakutakus, and table stakes for techie girls like Gremlins >Failing that, this will make you indispensable to a loving Wurm or Bunyip who sees a gadget, any gadget, and thinks of YOU! LOWER RIGHT >A discerning gentleman, you know when to spend your time and when to let the machines handle it >Many a Vampire or Dragon will agree, seeing the value of high-level organization but caring little for the details >After all, even if they dislike the "infernal machine" in their purse, they love the image preview! >But if they're a little to rich for your tastes, the same's true of humbler but more clever types, >Like Cheshires and Kitsune, who know the fun of abusing previews and hiding folder. Yes, they've seen your 'homework' UPPER LEFT >Your spontaneous and perhaps a little on the wild side, but not so wild as to forget your fondest moments >You'll pair well with similarly spontaneous girls like Oni or Manticores who prefer reality to glowing screens >Not so active, but maybe more ambitious? Well this is exactly the organization you'll get from your own Shoggoth maid >After all, what are numbers to an eldritch helpmeet that can walk all paths at once? >She'll only gripe that Windows can't, urging you to use HER! Free under the MGPL: Master Gives Praise License >That's right, a few headpats and a quiet 'good girl' and she'll vault all your memories, FOREVER LOWER LEFT >The laziest, most slovenly path, so slothful that it will actually hurt you later >If you do it due to depression, we have qualified Mind Flayers on call for therapy, or Roachgirls to commiserate with >If not, I hope you get raped by a Hellhound or Ushi Oni! You'll deserve it BECAUSE YOU LIVE LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL!! So there you have it, the triumph of science. All that's left is for you, yes YOU, to tell us where you stand (or confess your sins!) on the monster.match community boards! This is Thaddeus Monesori, Esquire, signing out.
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(1.01 MB 1200x1172 domination.png)
>>9779 bottom right fits right in
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>>9779 Bottom right. >Yes, they've seen your 'homework' Sounds about right, I had a habit of hiding porn among the school stuff. >Kitsune That's right too, I have terminal fluffbrain >>9780 >moonrunes backlashes in directory path Let me guess, 2hu games need JP system locale to work properly?
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>>9779 i am lower right and i hate it. i wish i had the patience or focus to organize my shit more than just the "cute" folder with a bunch of random folders inside
>>9787 Use hydrus.
(991.51 KB 540x304 1494279718009.gif)
>>9802 >Use hydrus. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO i must use folders, it's the only way my brain works. i HATE duplicates and i HATE the shitty booru-wannabe system that hydrus uses. everyone recommends me it, it's fucking shit. a non-solution to my problem
>>9779 I'm upper right, but not upper right enough. But working on it, a bigger and bigger percentage of my picture collection is properly named (tho honestly the name functions just like lots of tags). Funny that the lower left has an artist, all my drawings have turbo autistic names. >>9802 hydrus seems sus, but also ridiculously attractive. But I think most of the function can be achieved by just treating the names like places for tags and searching all relevant folders. If you need a booru like system for sorting your funny internet pics collection that might be a sign you have too many files.
(469.81 KB 592x698 Untitled.png)
>>9817 The main use is mass downloading from boorus and using their tagging system. >might be a sign you have too many files. Only a sign I have too few hard drives.
>>9843 >review your fate >the ride never ends >half a terabyte of pics lol, it all fits so well >over 300k of them >wait only? huh, I expected more. I have like 40k pics, with only downloading manually and screenshots. I thought hydrusfags/chads would have at least like half a million. Tho to be honest we're talking about such absurd quantities its ridiculous. We both have a problem. Yours might be more sorted tho That said, I have like 1.4tb of animu and manga downloaded and don't see that as a problem, so I dunno. They just feel more meaningful than random pics. I gotta purge some pics from my pc. Not because of space, but because they're functionally trash, never used, only seen in passing when scrolling, not even worth getting a name.
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hit me with your best pic titles, been a while since I've seen a title thread on any monstergirl board >>10004 LMAO indeed, my problem with MGE and MGQ purists in a nutshell
>>10009 Last pic should read "Setouchi is the Japanese Chuck Tingle", noticed that long pic titles get totally cut if there's 4 of 'em
(211.50 KB 691x498 need spiders.png)
(462.52 KB 932x487 tamamogeddon.png)
>>10010 Works on my machine, just opening the picture and hovering over the filename shows the full title.
(231.25 KB 576x1543 a best girl is born.jpg)
(431.25 KB 1115x1600 city of sisterly love.png)
(1.07 MB 3000x3364 worst she can say is no.jpg)
>>10009 >>10010 Also confirming it here. Also >can foxes be housebroken Well not with THAT attitude!
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i wonder if that albanian is still around
>>10038 >MGQ Beelzebubs it's an... acquired taste
>>10036 This one has always kind of stuck with me. It has huge "funny because it's true" energy.
(38.48 KB 600x900 1453721445285.png)
About to be relevant again 10 years later I bet.
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(371.22 KB 499x427 Lala Yukkuri.png)
(513.19 KB 1280x1106 Ilias You Have To Go Back.png)
>>9770 snek a shit
>>10043 Actually, if the demo is any indication, Part 3 of paradox is about to get much tamer and more fappable than VN Part 3.
(329.56 KB 1000x1000 hentai tug of war stonetoss meme.jpg)
>>10036 I love this one. I have a slightly different version here
>>10084 I think snuff is way more common than those other tags when it comes to monster girls though.
>>10077 We'll still meet all those setouchis and delphinus creaturas from chapter 3 of the VN again, including the ones we never fought properly and probably some new ones created for Paradox
(790.80 KB 794x473 50_faces_of_setouchi.png)
>>10100 I can't wait to meet all the sameface, badly designed filler girls again!
(324.09 KB 1440x810 S P E C U L A T E.jpg)
>>10225 I love how Paradox came out and destroyed any "what if military vs. MGQ monster girls" speculations. You see guns and all kinds of sci-fi weapons fare not that great to even basic fodder monster girls.
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>>10325 It's WHOM
(1.78 MB 960x540 faggot_cat.webm)
>>10345 >that generated voice over Extra deep fried
(1.73 MB 1200x1130 unknown-1112.png)
>>10384 How would a heavenhound work? I could prefer that over a regular hellhound.
>>10345 This is art.
>>10397 Heavenhound is what you get as a femdom fan if you were a naughty boy. >no rape >actually no sex before proper marriage ceremony for that matter >cuddles, maybe kisses as far as intimacy goes for the most part >sex ONLY in missionary position with the sole purpose of procreation >and in the bed you do all the work, she only opens her legs at most >also no sex when she's pregnant
>>10400 she doesn't even say she loves you because she loves god the most
>>10405 hey, that's bullshit and you know it
>>10418 if she really loved you she would be more flexible in working with your desires and fetishes. sorry to break it to you but if a woman prioritizes her traditions over your own relationship, that's a sign she doesn't care about you
(547.64 KB 635x828 1566850526379.png)
>>10424 >>333 >not eden get Unacceptable.
>>10420 The fuck are you on about nigga? What can you possibly gain from this self defeating fanfiction? Heavenhounds can be anything we want, and you think about something like this? Get help
>>10384 anyone know the original source for the pic? SauceNAO and others failed me.
>>10437 oh, twatter actually changed to X, didn't expect that to go through
>>10433 don't ask me, ask >>10400 . i was just taking his fanfiction to its logical conclusion
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Less bullshit, more funposting
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>>10457 Miyazaki sure likes adding a friendly monster girl NPC to his games
>>10458 Does having four arms and blue skin really make you a monster girl though.
>>10459 Why wouldn't it?
>>10460 Like everyone here I have very specific and absolutely arbitrary ideas of what constitutes a monster girl and I choose to believe a 90% human body isn't enough. Although in a blue skinned four armed girls case it's more like 120% human body.
(510.62 KB 729x590 the expert.png)
>>10459 first, yes, even if that was all she had going for her. But she's also a doll, remember. So literally non-human (or even organic). >>10461 Extra arms and blue skin are more "monstrous" than the cosplay tier bs that are elf ears. Don't even get me started on vampires. But we can think about some types of "monster" girls -monsters in name only, indistinguishable from normal women -monsters only sometimes (like a transformation), otherwise indistinguishable -cheap cosplay tier (elf ears, tail+animal ears, succs, angels, etc) -different skin color -skin color plus cosplay tier -advanced cosplay tier/proper monster girl (ears, tail + non human legs, maybe also paws, some sort of claws(e.g. Felicia from Darkstalkers)) -half human (lamia, centaurs, etc) -less than half human (I dunno from the top of my head, prolly some borderline furry) Then there's also -androids/golems/dolls/robots -ghosts -zombies -skeletons Most monster girls are some sort of animal-human hybrid, so Ranni and hunter's doll would be in the second "magical" category. Also most popular monster girls seem to be the cheap cosplay tier (all those kemonomimis and other vanilla bs). Draw the "this is where mongirls begin" line where you want, I don't care much, I just call out cosplay tier fuckers as boring vanilla losers.
https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ranni+the+Witch >At the same time, Ranni seems to have lost her original body and now resides as spirit inhabiting an artificial doll body, seeking to restore her Empyrean status with the aid of blacksmith Iji, preceptor Seluvis, wolf warrior Blaidd, and the Tarnished. I don't know, a doll body sounds like it counts as a monster girl unless a rape habit is a requirement now.
>>10458 The first one is kinda bs, that's just a voice line, there's not even a model of her (not to mention that the dialogue brain meltingly retarded) The comic in third is super funnily drawn, I really like it. Especially the face with "they're fond of my SOULS".
(1.54 MB 2560x1304 ranni elden ring5.jpg)
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>>10464 There's so many good Ranni drawings and you pick some tasteless bimbo shit, that's not even funny(this is a meme thread), c'mon
>>10466 >you pick some tasteless bimbo shit, You would be surprised how popular this is. Makes me think we're tasteless for not liking giant saggers.
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>>10459 Yeah? >>10463 >-less than half human (I dunno from the top of my head, prolly some borderline furry) Some mythological and folklore creatures tend to fall here, see the original Sphinx and harpies for example >>10466 >>10468 Some people simply can't appreciate a flat chest
>>10468 >>10478 I wasn't talking about only fat boobs, as much as the general look of those pics Half closed eyes and mouth, giant lips, giant ass, giant boobs, super thin waist and an overall "oh pleaaaaaseee fuck meeeee" shameless slutty look of those pics. Pics 1-3 from >>10464 are all like that. Like, Centorea from Momusu has absolutely massive tits, but she's not a vapid mindless slut. To illustrate: picrel 1 I'd consider kinda tasteless trash (mostly because of the face), even tho she doesn't have cow tits. Picrel 2 imo is more tasteful, even tho the tits are bigger Also only now I realized she's canonically almost as flat as a board. Literal chestlet. Baphos would like her, lel.
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>>10478 This second pic reminds me of super similar drawing of Hex Maniac But I think drawing Hex Maniac as a lactating psycho bitch is more fitting, because like all pkmn characters she had literally no character originally. Her cute design is all that carries her. Tho some people are good at drawing her combining the "lactating psycho bitch" with "occult loving retard".
(3.34 MB 4782x5441 Scene.jpg)
>>10491 All this talking about Ranni made me look up more pics of her, so I'll post them all. But to not spam I'll just combine them all into one collage >just 3.5mb I unironically love jpeg
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>>10497 >Miia's mom has got it going on Man, that song is nostalgic for me for some reason. I wonder how hard it would be to rewrite lyrics to fit monmusu >Edgy Papi I don't get it
>>10535 >I don't get it it's a Hotline Miami reference
(69.96 KB 1440x1103 GNly2CVb0AA22QA.png)
>>10570 I can actually see this happening
>>10497 Recently I was watching Konosuba S3 with some peeps, and I thought MonMusu girls dressed as Konosuba ones would a cool idea. So I tried editing that... There was an attempt at least. I guess I'll need to dust off my tablet and just draw it myself. Tried bing ai too, its really a primitive tool. It was the second time when I prompted it something and the result was really impressive and all prompts after that were failures or "unsafe content". Sometimes it couldn't even get the character right.
(986.82 KB 852x802 metroid-dread- papi.png)
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(109.93 KB 1024x1024 OIG2.jpeg)
>>10497 >>10658 I also tried Papi as Samus from Metroid (get it, cuz they're both birdgirls (kinda)) The "first impressive prompt" I mentioned earlier was the attempt with changing the logo to say "papiroid". AI was too ambitious, but its still kinda impressive.
(45.44 KB 861x647 hammer.jpg)
>>10665 wtf, I love chaos now?
>>10665 >alp and baphomet
>>10665 >alp, imp and bapho up front You know, I feel like they'd be enough to stop the trolley from going further. Its worth a shot. >>10666 >666 >loves chaos checks out
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>>10658 There were a few comparisons between Darkness and Centorea back when the first season of Konosuba came out. Looks like someone had the same idea as you.
>>10671 Its pretty basic honestly >both have huge tits >blond hair >ponytail >wear armour Their personality also feels a tiny little bit similar (when they become embarrassed/shy) Aqua and Papi both have blue hair and are idiots, but that's it Miia and Megumin... have red as their primary colour, and basically nothing in common aside for that.
>>10672 fun fact: Aqua and Miia have the same voice actress: Sora Amamiya
>>10673 Gotta love Seiyuu meetings
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This is quite the mental image.
(86.21 KB 1080x1078 skateboarding confused cow.jpg)
>>10685 the fug am i gonna do with 7 vaganias i only have one dick and monsters always have more stamina anyway what is the purpose behidn this like was the throat not a good enough addition
(1.79 MB 1000x1000 1615883094970.gif)
>>10687 >the fug am i gonna do with 7 vaganias seven impregnations
>>10690 you know you can reuse just one of the pussies right
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>>10699 But this way, you won't have to wait for up to 9 months
>>10345 I wasn't ready for this. 😂
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>>10745 nice orc on elf yuri
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>>10752 That's probably a male elf
>>10753 >lusting after other races favorite humie stereotype
(131.90 KB 870x895 congratulations_mermaid.jpg)
(2.65 MB 4096x3404 Elf Alignment Chart.jpg)
>>10941 CG > LN (i have a thing for OeLves) > LE (i have a thing for being enslaved) > LG > NG > CE > TN > NE > CN
(463.50 KB 1733x1440 1614402830950.jpg)
>>12073 I'd play the shit out of ASS creed with a big fucking hellhound in a comically misfitting miko outfit
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>>12671 I'm voting for her if she brings monster girls to this world. Even converting 3DPDs is fine.
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>>12324 >features a negro and a half shaven, nose ring wearing, earloopthing(?) wearing foid yeh, I'm not feeling this one
>>13663 clearly it's to emphasize how the white male is the straightest person in the comic
>>13665 if the earloop is a lesbo wouldn't she also want to fuck the zombie?
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i'm glad my hakutaku teachergfmom is teaching me only the true history of the mist continent
>>14340 imagine asking your robot gf about it and suddenly her eyes glow red

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