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/mg/ Island: Game Thread #1 Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 22:05:43 No. 9547
Ahoy mateys! We've just heard word that a castaway reeled into port found the fabled Ilse of the Goddess! Filled with monstergirls and riches, it's a paradise for any man savvy enough to survive its dangers. Better still, the vixen goddess herself is there, trapped but offering her gifts to all who brave the Isle's perils and the ultimate reward to the one who frees her! So raise the sails ya scallywags, we're off in search of booty! So after complaints about slow threads and the combined general I decided to liven things up with a little game here, a mix of Island Survival CYOA, Battle Royale, and Waifu Simulator. The Rules To play, pick a landing spot, one of Alpha (NW at D7), Beta (NE at V6), Gamma (SW at H16), or Delta (SE at S22) location and a cardinal direction for your move. You can move 2 if the first space is plains, ex. >Alpha, E,E to F7< is a valid move. All anons with the same landing spot are a team, though as pirates that loyalty oft runs thin. It still may be worth it since some treasures give a bonus to your entire team, though for balance smaller teams will also get a better individual bonus. You can also pick your two starting perks. BY DEFAULT YOU GET [ISEKAIGUY] and [HAREM MASTER] IF IT'S NOT IN YOUR POST. If you pick others, consider a tripcode so no can snipe your turn or your waifu. Once play starts, I'll reply to a move with what you find, which could be a monstergirl, a challenge, or nothing. You can respond however you like, but the big three are talking, fighting, and fucking. If another anon is in the same space you can fight each other or team up, but do remember that the Island Goddess frowns upon team killers! That resolved, reply with another move. From our example above, you could pick >E to G7<, delving further into the desert. The process repeats until you die or someone succeeds in freeing the Goddess. Turns will mostly run with a 1 real day = 1 game day turn sequence, though I'll do more early on so people can find their first monstergirls. If you don't reply before the next turn no worries, I'll assume you're living off the land in the space you last moved to. The alternative is that if you team up with another anon, you can nominate one as a party leader and tag along with their moves until you specify otherwise. If you die you can just start again, and the default perks make that painless with no info to track, but IF YOU TOOK [FIRST SOULMATE] QUOTE YOUR DEATH POST WHEN YOU RESPAWN (so I can track things). Speaking of Monstergirls We're both here for this, so monstergirls deserve special mention. First, not all girls will jump your bones the minute you encounter them, and if they're friendly you can pull them into any challenges. Just hope you don't end up in a position where they can't take advantage of your weakness! On the other hand if you like it, put a ring on it! You're the captain of your life here, and [FIRST SOULMATE] will lock in a girl as your waifu to the point that even if you die and respawn she'll come find you. Other monstergirls will sense this, so if you're sick of bad ends go for the good end here. But you might want to wait, because each monstergirl is more than her species. Just like you get two perks, every girl is generated with a few perks and traits, and you have a chance to learn these each turn you travel with her. Odds are higher if you face challenges together or have a social skills perk. Once a monstergirl is your waifu, by [FIRST SOULMATE] or just by romancing her, your bond will make you both stronger the more you experience together, unlocking extra perks without the need to use items. You Said There Were Perks I did, didn't I? Pick two of the eight, but remember that with great trips come great responsibly! Isekaiguy - For real men seeking glorious death by snu-snu! The Island Goddess has marked your soul so that death is a mere inconvenience, causing you to respawn at a starting location of your choice the turn after you die. But if all here have heard the call of the Goddess, why does this cost a perk? Because unlike others, if you quote your death post it will let you keep any progress towards freeing the Goddess and 'winning'! That and because you're probably like most other isekaiguys, a NEET who rushed into things without reading any of this. First Soulmate - You're the man of monstergirl dreams, and with the Goddess's blessing you're guaranteed a romance for the ages. You can pick any semi-friendly monstergirls as soulmate, winning her favor and unshakeable loyalty. Fate will conspire to get you back together if you're separated, and to bring her around to your less vanilla fetishes, even including polyamory if you're also a [HAREM MASTER]. On the other hand even the thought of betraying her will feel like psychic torture, but you're a better man than that, aren't you? Harem Master - Or maybe one girl isn't enough to satisfy you? This combination of the Goddess's blessing and actual social skills makes monstergirls much more likely to agree to a harem arrangement, and for them to get along better if they do. This isn't perfect, with both prideful girls like our favorite grape snake and yandere ones like, well, certain other snakes refusing at first despite this perk. If you make her [FIRST SOULMATE] she's much more likely to relent, but will also insist on being head of the harem. Watch out, you may be more like the centerpiece of HER harem! Silver Tongue - A cunning linguist, you pride yourself on resolving disputes without a fight, and this aura extends to girls you recruit so they too can lick any problem! Besides a natural knack for innuendo, this gives you the emotional intelligence to see social opportunities where others don't and get a faster read on a monstergirl's true traits and intentions. Also makes you more attractive to snake and frog girls for reasons I hope are obvious. Handyana Jones - Not pirate, TREASURE HUNTER! And you have the real skills to back up that claim, knowing your way around ancient ruins and lost languages like a pro. This will help with many challenges, and you'll find more clues as to how to free the Goddess. And yes, when it comes to THAT, your hands are magic, and if you get a waifu hers will be too. Always Ready - They used to call you Sir Fucksalot, but this goes far beyond the bedroom. Like Batman, you always seem to have just the item for your current predicament (more like preDICKament amirite?). Encounters with treasure items are much more likely, and if you're in a party with other anons they'll yield an extra treasure just for you so even the most piratical group won't screw you out of the loot. Struggle Snuggler - With some monstergirls having a very liberal definition of consent, your typical isekaiguy is as likely to become a victim as a victor. Not so with you! Your combination of physical prowess, sexpertise, and /k/ skills lets you come out on top in most cases. Even better, this applies to fending off the non-girl monsters that roam the island. On the other hand watch out for Salamanders, this shit drives them fucking WILD. Nice Boat - Who do you think guided the away party from ship to shore? YOU, that's who! And you've got the dinghy to prove it. This is last because you get no special powers from this, just a boat. But that's still the only way to traverse ocean squares or go across rivers without finding a ford or bridge. Also the best way to attract a watery waifu if that's your thing. If you pick one of those girls you'll find your swimming boosted more than other anons.
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>>9547 I still don't really understand the point of the Isekaiguy perk, but okay. I'll pick [SILVER TONGUE] and [HANDYANA JONES], starting from point Delta. Character's name is Matreo. His occupation is a a scout for the rest of the team. Not sure if the game has already started so I won't move for now.
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>>9547 Perks: Isekaiguy, Always Ready Landing point: beta Name: Dryfish-kun
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>>9547 I'm not sure I get it, but practice is the best way to learn, so lets go Landing point: S22 Perks: Harem Master, Struggle Snuggler Name: Johann I'm gonna be a Ma/k/s Stirner kind of guy. Moving to S20... I think? It should be S21, the map is wrong. Anyway, the spot above the landing. >>9561 Yo, lets go as a team.
>>9561, >>9564, >>9570 Got you all down. Matreo, Dryfish-kun, go ahead and make starting moves. I'll run this later tonight, hopefully we'll get one more player to join at beta so it's two and two. If not, the game's made so people can join in at any time, and two teams is really all we need for competition (had 4 because I couldn't really tell if we were looking at 5-ish players or 20). >>9561 On Isekaiguy, the big bonus is that 'progress toward freeing the Goddess' can include buffs for you that carry over, a WoW respawn instead of a TF2 respawn. But it can take a while to get those, and on the other hand without it, if you die you can try new perks next time, so "Matreo the 2nd" might be a bear of a man with [Struggle Snuggler] so he and Johann can dominate the southern island and the limp-wristed fools on other teams. >If you want to switch up perks because this wasn't clear that's fine. >>9570 Yep, I done goofed. Fixed now. The last thing I did before go-live was tweaking a few coasts and when I swapped the B-E coast in 20 and 21 I must've lassoed column A too.
>>9573 Seeing no response, I'll give it another day to get everyone's moves. I'll see if I can drum up a fourth player before then.
>>9577 You need to give everyone at least 24 hours to decide moves to account for different timezones, I was already going to sleep
>>9573 Moving S,W to U7
>>9570 Let's do it buddy >>9573 I will my perks as is and I will also move north to S21 with Mr. Johann.
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>>9581 >>9581 Dryfish-kun begins making his way inland. The coast on V7 offers a breathtaking view of the sea from the cliffs, but is uneventful. Dusk falls as you forge ahead into U7, and you come across a mothgirl struggling against a monstrous owl larger than either of you. The girl is a cagey fighter, dodging the bird's swipes in an aerial ballet and slashing back with a knife when she can, but seems desperate to keep her leather messenger's bag out of the creature's talons. The owl seems to notice this, pulling back and then diving towards the back, which she shields with her wing. She cries out as pale green scales tear off, spreading a shining powder into the air around her. [Always Prepared] In that moment you see a crystalline vial fall from the bag, gleaming in the fading light for a moment before landing in the tall grass. Luckily you hadn't yet lit your lantern and so remain unseen. You quickly respond by: <Drawing your flintlock pistol and firing at the owl before it recovers. There's a very slight chance of hitting the mothgirl. <Firing your pistol into the air to try scaring off the owl. This has no risk to the girl and is also quicker, requiring no aim on your part. <Sneak over and nab the vial, then escape before you're noticed (only middling odds without [Handyana Jones]). <...Other, like a combo of the above For any action that doesn't run for it, how do you want to respond to the mothgirl after?
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>>9594, >>9570 Matreo and Johann head north into the forest, slashing through vines and bushes with their cutlasses. It's hot, arduous going, but fortunately you're able to find a cooling stream after several hours travel. Or so you think until when filling your canteens a crocodile lunges at you from beneath the surface. [Handyana Jones], [Struggle Snuggler] But the two of you work together like a well-oiled machine, Matreo noticing the reptile's snout peaking above the surface as it draws near and Johann, thus alerted, crouching back, only to leap forth and slash into the beast's vulnerable belly. Seeing it's met its match, the croc retreats and you're able to proceed along the riverside unmolested. This lets you make good time, beating exhaustion and thus being fresh enough that Johann notice a faint trail (perception roll). Following it leads into a corrupted section of forest marked off by a pair of runestones. In the distance dark ruins loom behind layers of growth. Matreo's expertise in the ancient tongues lets him make out some of the writing, "danger" and "sanctuary", but it's unclear which is the danger and which is the sanctuary (lore partial success). You also find three bound runes of seeking that can be invoked by simple touch. Name a monstergirl type, treasure, or other goal and it will point you in the general direction. <Who uses the runes of seeking and for what? <Do you explore the ruins or head back? If you have conditions like "yes ruins if seeking finds this", include them. You can't take the seeking runes with you since they're engraved in the monolith, but with this few other players it's pretty safe to leave some.
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>>9616 Yeah, no. I've seen enough stories of people who made deals with the Devil to know better than to mess with the occult carelessly, specially this early on. I kind of want to explore the ruins, but I will resist the temptation and also not touch any runes, I've got a job to do on this island. I'll move to S20.
>>9615 <Firing your pistol into the air to try scaring off the owl. This has no risk to the girl and is also quicker, requiring no aim on your part. >how do you want to respond to the mothgirl after? Approach, give her the vial and ask about it
>>9616 >>9622 Yeah, aight, I'll go with Matheo to S20. Ruins sounds interesting, but travelling with a team more. >question for DM does moving through hills take more time? I wanna know if its better to walk around them or through them. Also, is there a chance to cross the water if neither of use picked "nice boat" trait? >question for Matreo I assume we're both thinking of reaching N10, right?
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>>9629 The crack of gunpowder rings through the night, and in a panic the owl flies away into the clouds. You've done it, and you recover the vial with some satisfaction. Inside is a blue liquid that glows faintly even in the shadows. Hovering above, the mothgirl looks at you with a mix of hope and trepidation. >"I think you dropped this." you say, offering the potion in one hand while lowering your weapon in the other. "Thank you," she says, taking and stashing it in one graceful motion. "Your not with the ones from before, then?" >"No. Unpleasant business I take it, if you need this?" you ask, trying to ease her wariness. "You don't know the half of it," she says, waving her two right arms in disgust. "That pig Cromer came with a crew all carrying firesticks like yours, trying to take our kind as slaves. But he made a mistake when he desecrated the Primeval Shrine. Most of his crew died or went mad, but the bastard himself is still at large, as is the plague he unleashed." >"And the potion?" "A curative bought at great cost from the Witch of the East. My sister was too zealous in approaching the shrine. I will of course repay you for your help. To start, my name is Astra. Such things have power here." <"Once we reach my home in the woods I can offer you more. Follow me and we'll be there within the day." <"Or if you don't trust me I wouldn't blame you, I'll mark it on your map, as well as the plagueland south of here." The '!' is the plague. Astra's marked path will take you 3 squares in a turn with lower risk from monsters. You can also ask questions or get to know her, especially if you follow her. On the other hand if you doubt her, specify any precautions as well as what normal move you want to make.
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>>9622, >>9652 Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, at least until you know more, your intrepid duo skirts around the blight and continues north. The thicker foliage and the varied birdsongs from the canopy above speak to the forest's health here. It seems so natural that you almost don't notice the trap carefully obscured by fallen palm fronds. [Handyana Jones], [Struggle Snuggler] But notice it you do, Johann prodding the cover to reveal a deadfall! Matreo's heard of this from a fellow adventurer, natives know it leaves the victim most vulnerable--"from above!" you shout, alerting your companion as three shadows drop in on vines. The initial melee is over in seconds. Johann blocks a diving dagger strike with his rifle barrel, kicking his assailant towards the pit. She twists in the air to land clear on the other side, growling and extending her claws. Her sisters-in-arms are no less skilled, the larger one grabbing the rifle the instant after Johann's kick, wrenching it from his grasp. Luckily his training enables him to draw his cutlass before she can use it, knocking it into the brush with a slash so it's recoverable and then pressing the attack. Matreo is less fortunate, facing only one girl, but seemingly the most skilled of them all, who narrowly misses with a spear but uses her momentum to land on him, face so close that her feline features are abundantly clear. She has a faint scent of spice on her, a tantalizing distraction, but one thankfully cut short by surprise as your gaze drifts lower. The tattoo below her left collarbone, it's the same as one of the unknown markings from the ruins! >"Wait, we saw the writings of your people!" "And we yours, but they were like the pale hide they were written on, flimsy and worthless." She attempts to pin Matreo, but in a flash of inspiration he rolls toward the pit, forcing her to shift so she doesn't fall first. >"Then perhaps our deeds can speak better of us." You grin, mustering every bit of your charm. To your relief she smiles back. "Yes, better than the cowards before. In more ways than one." She shouts a command in an unknown tongue and her sister jaguar-girls move back, though still keeping a combat stance. Rising, she then leaps back so you have no avenue of escape. But her eyes shine with amusement as she makes her offer. "You have proven you're not mere prey, which leaves two options." <Either you are kindred warriors, and will prove as much in the Circle of Judgment... <Or you are like the raven, merchants-of-bond, in which case I will welcome your trade offer! She licks her lips. You both recognize the Circle of Judgment as a tradition common to many islands, in which you as challenger can set conditions for single combat or a skill trial which a tribe member will agree to, victory marking you as a tribesman. The default is hand-to-hand, which Johann is fairly confident in, but Matreo less so seeing the surprising strength of the lead jaguar. For either choice you can set conditions, like see what other info you can get ([Silver Tongue] will help a lot with that). To >>9652 mechanics questions, the hills are still 1 square a turn, a square being big enough that it's not all sheer ascent up a cliff or the like. Woods and hills can both have events that slow you, you got one turn 1 but had the skills to bypass the delay. Water squares are another story, you can't cross without the boat except under three circumstances. You can either find a bridge or ford (initially hidden, as with the ruins), or see if you can get help from the natives. To >>9629, I referenced the map in your post, it's the one here.
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>>9652 >I assume we're both thinking of reaching N10, right? Ultimately, yeah, but really maybe the real pirate's treasure will be the monster girl booty we meet along the way. >>9658 <Or you are like the raven, merchants-of-bond, in which case I will welcome your trade offer! I'm not much of a fighter and I'm definitely not trying my luck again, so I'd like to try recruiting them as guides for our journey up north. By the way, is it okay for me to be slightly more flexible in my actions than what you usually see in your average CYOA threads of just picking a choice the DM presents? I've never actually participated in one of these either.
>>9657 I follow her, ask about her kind and if they have any larger settlement around.
>>9687 Yeah, write in your own choice or extra actions on a given one, even this turn. Like what would you offer, if you want to take lead in negotiations? I give the options mainly to head off the tabletop problem where people argue what to do for ten minutes, here if you disagree it's usually easier to each pick one redtext.
>>9687 >Since Johann didn't reply since >>9652 I'll wait on actions, timezones can be tough and it'll let you propose trade terms if you like. This will be an in-betweener. Feeling you have much to gain, you allow the catgirls to bring you to their home, a small encampment of wigwams lashed together from the broad, oily leaves of the Lura Trees. Prepared from your earlier encounter, you note how the lead jaguar weaves a path through what look like more traps, subtle clawmarks on the nearby treebark indicating the safe route. The thicker trees are lined by carefully knotted vines, and looking up there's a scout in the branches above. Despite this you find more interest in the girls you're traveling with. The two that faced Johann are a stark contrast. The first with the knife is a ball of energy, eagerly asking about your journey to the island and the world on the outside, flitting about and playfully sniffing the two of you when talk slows. Her waifish built is perhaps less eye candy than her companions, but of the three her tail is the largest, and seeing your inquiring looks she waves the fluffy tip in front of you, its softness just barely out of reach. Her companion hold back, both as rearguard and because she seems if anything embarrassed by all this. A giant of a woman, she's easily a head taller than most men and with muscles clearly honed through much practice. Her womanly assets are no less impressive, breasts straining against the hide of her bra while her ass makes her loincloth curve out noticeably as it dips below her tail. You note she sports a luxurious "mane" of fur at the base of her neck, absent on her companions. When Matreo pulls aside her smaller friend to try and get information she relaxes visibly, giving a grateful smile to Johann when he chooses to enjoy the silence. Like this she reminds you of a much put-upon older sister, though you can't tell if they're related by blood. Their leader is between in height and build, but her most striking feature is her hair, stark white rather than the black-spotted blonde of the others.This continues onto her catlike feet and forearms, reminding you more of a snow leopard than a jaguar, and of course her tail, like snow except its coal-black tip. Rather than simple hides she wears a calf-length cloth lungi dress dyed black and red, her top matching but adorned with a brooch of jade and copper. She asks few but probing questions, mostly focusing on the forest around her, ears flicking this way and that to track the sounds outside, and when you reach camp she's the one who walks forth to announce your arrival.
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>>9691 Astra proves a capable guide, scouting the skies to lead you around trouble despite her injured wing yet never leaving your sight. You can see how her kind might win safety, for in the moonlight her pale green wings with their blue "eyespots" truly remind you of some dragon or jabberwock staring down from above. As dawn rises you reach the forest. Explaining it's safer now and not much further, she offers you half of a blackberry tart from her bag and and listens to your questions, promising answers soon now. Before that, she leads you through the woods to the majestic maple that is her home, flying up several branches and then unrolling a rope ladder for you to climb up. A knot in the wood opens as a door, leading to a cozy room sculpted from the wood. Lying on the bed is her sister, a smaller, fluffier version of Astra who sits up as the two of you enter. On her right an even smaller girl watches with concern, feeding green sap into the mothgirl's arm via one of her many vines. She steps protectively in front of her ward on seeing you, but then looks past you to your companion. >"Astra!" <"Sis!" They exclaim at once. Astra hurries over and offers the potion. You note with curiosity that her sister drinks it by extending a straw-like tongue into the liquid and sipping. The effect is immediate, parts of what you thought were her fur falling out and withering, a wretched, stringlike fungus that the dryad quickly sweeps past your feet and out the door with her unoccupied vines, giving a derisive huff. You feel a bit out of place in the ensuing reunion, but Astra gratefully tells how you aided her and introduces her sister Aya and friend, who stops Astra and tersely offers "Ekri". <"Sis, we need to find the others!" "You are going nowhere until you're recovered, and before that we should see what Dryfish-kun says." Aya is about to protest, but a stern look from her older sister cuts it short. Astra leads you up the stairs, nodding a thanks to Ekri as she climbs, then explains that it will take at least a day or rest for Aya to truly heal, while she owes you answers in the meantime. To that, she explains she's from the Luna Moth tribe, once respected as maidens of the Primeval Shrine in the south, but even in her childhood the silence of the goddess and the accompanying lack of men led to disputes. Astra herself left as soon as she could, enjoying her life here. That life came crashing down when Cromer arrived. She mostly escaped notice, but her more trusting kin didn't. She just thanks the goddess that a bit of her wariness rubbed off on Aya, who discovered the corsair's plans but was too late to warn the others and so came here. "But you don't want to spend all day on a sob story," Astra says, "Today's our victory, and as hero of the hour I'm more interested in hearing about you. Of course as hero you've earned a rest and a reward." She sweeps her hand, indicating the bed and a chest behind it. "As you will." She gives a tired but impish smile. ''Which leaves you with...choices." <Rest first, reward later. You've been up 24 hours now. <Reward first, for goddess's sake your a pirate and the chest full of booty is right there! <If you read Astra's smile right, why not both? You've been looking at the chest and booty you want all day!" *wraps arm around her hips* Regardless, you know that Aya wants to save the shrine (S15). Do you agree right away, see what Astra says, or do something else entirely?
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>>9705 after considering this part: >You note with curiosity that her sister drinks it by extending a straw-like tongue into the liquid and sipping I conclude that I must experience said organ in my mouth and then on my dick so the choice will be: <If you read Astra's smile right, why not both? You've been looking at the chest and booty you want all day!" *wraps arm around her hips* Afterwards head for the shrine she wants to save
>>9703 I'd like to do a bit of a cultural exchange with their leader, get to know more about each other, names, our customs, but particularly inquire about the goddess at the center of the island and if she knows anything about her. Guess there's no point in choosing where to move during this turn.
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>>9698 I was just kind of worried if it was okay to bring up an object I own out of nowhere, like say I considered trading an item or bringing out a weapon that was never mentioned before by the DM, because I could see why someone wouldn't want that to not risk someone bullshitting their way out of any situation with some deus ex machina.
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>>9725 Dryfish-kun, I will add some real story text to your update tomorrow, but three quick things now. You and Astra will be ready to go in the morning, but, <What path do you want to take to the shrine? Aya has marked added plaguelands, and the peninsula is the Witch, who may be able to help but is fickle (And Astra cashed out buying the cure). <Do you want to take Aya? She is willing and knows more about the state of the shrine, but Astra is worried about her. <For the night with Astra, are you okay with a seduction and then fade to black? I can do a spoilered "H scene" if that's part of what you're here for. >>9733 >Busy weekend for me any maybe Johann as well so I waited, but it's time. Johann, I'll assume you stick with Matreo and ask about ways to N10 based on your last post. As you arrive in the catgirl camp you resolve your decision. For now at least you'll play the role of merchants. Matreo tells the leader, and she announces it to the rest of the tribe. You see several curious cats emerge from the leafy huts, though far fewer children than you'd expect. The smallest of your escorts darts off into the forest to recall yet others as you proceed to the far side of the camp. (perception success) You note with some concern that in one of the far huts, built into a tree, there are human men lashed to the trunk as captives. You seem fated for better things, though. From the beginning you're surrounded by catgirls asking questions while preparing a heroes' feast as your welcome. Fruits and a creamy, slightly bitter root beer serve as appetizers before a main course of buffalo brought back by the hunters. [Handyana Jones] Matreo makes a great impression by offering some spices he'd carried as trade goods to season the meal. Otherwise he and Johann are equally popular, Johann more with the hunters. However, it it seems you're treated as "catch" of the initial trio and other girls question who out of them you might favor. As the evening continues a light rain begins to fall, but as the tribe gathers the ones still in the treetops lower whole Lura branches with a system of vines and pulleys, creating a popup longhouse to shelter you. This also sets the stage, as soon after a matronly jaguar in full tribal regalia enters from the far side, followed by a gray-bearded human with an eyepatch, who gives a silent nod when he sees you. The matron speaks, and the rest go silent. "Welcome, travelers. My hunters have spoken highly of you, mighty and resourceful. You have thus received our hospitality, and for tonight, our home is yours. As we open our arms to you, I now come to ask that you do so for us. We now face a bitter enemy in the dark elves of the hills, who send their slaves and monsters against us and our northern allies, the harpies. Trade or explore as you see fit, save with those dark ones." >"We head north as well, in service of the Goddess. Guide us and our trade is yours." Matreo embellishes the speech with praise of his hosts, which plays well with the younger cats but doesn't phase the leaders, earning only a stifled chuckle from the old man. The matron for her part takes your mention of the Goddess seriously, explaining that in her absence their tribe has been beset with misfortunes.The worst is shared with other monstergirls, a near-total lack of male births, making them depend on human adventures, "often disappointing, though my girls have high hopes for you two." >"Yes, I'd like to know how that might work." "Works like it always has, lad! You and the lass dance the kipples." the graybeard cracks, earning a cheer from the crowd and a gentle elbow from the matron. She explains that in jaguar culture, an outsider is either claimed as prey, marked for membership, or hailed as prophet. You are the second, with the girls who found and vouched for you serving as guides until you win Judgment or are acknowledged through fame of deeds - restoring the Goddess is certainly that. Only tribesmen gain the true name of their new kin, but until then your guides will be: >The white-haired leader, Kara Feather-Paw, is daughter of the late prophet Zadol, last native-born male, who fell sealing the corruption of the Immanent Shrine. That might explain why even during the party she wasn't much one for frivolity, though when she danced she seemed freer, mesmerizing like a flame you'd fear might leap into the sky. >The tall, imposing Yul and the slight but lively Iri are the sisters Espozzi, both children of the matron and Vito Espozzi, who introduces himself as a former navigator. It seems Iri is something of a daddy's girl, and certainly inherited his wanderlust, clear even in your first meeting, but also a surprising knack for the mechanical. She proudly claims credits for the pulleys you saw in action, and is quite willing to trade for tools you might have. >Yul, though still quiet, loosens up quite a bit at the party, and gives excellent summary of the plants in the area, useful as well as deadly. Much to your relief, she's also the one who corrals the village children so they don't overwhelm you, cleverly having some play-hunt the others so they burn off some energy. The night then over, you're able to rest safely. In the morning you find Iri has marked your map with all you discussed (yellow ! are last known dark elf positions, Q17 stylized bird is the main harpy nest), leaving you to your decisions. <Since this is now free roam you can name a direction and walk off like you did before. You'll trade minor baubles for provisions even if you leave the catgirls. <If you head north to meet the Harpy Tribe you can take any or all of the catgirl trio, they consider it a priority mission. The cats believe the Goddess still resides in N10 but suggest the harpies will know more. Though allies, they keep their feathers close to their chest, especially valuing information as a trade good. <Kara suggests that as a team you might be able to truly cleans the Immanent Shrine where her father fell. It is, as you suspected, the one you encountered before. Yul advises you trade goods for antivenoms, as many poisonous creatures reside there. <As a personal action you can try to get closer with one of the three catgirls, just suggest how (try to charm her, train with her, or so on). This doesn't set anything in stone, you'll get a chance each downtime period and can switch up who you spend it with. >>9734 For small things it's fine, a backup flintlock or a pouch of coins and other baubles. More than and I'll allow it as a "guns vs. butter" tradeoff, so if you claim you had 3 rifles and ammo, that would come at the expense of extra food or useful gear like a lantern.
>>9782 <What path do you want to take to the shrine? Aya has marked added plaguelands, and the peninsula is the Witch, who may be able to help but is fickle (And Astra cashed out buying the cure). I don't trust hermit women in weird hats, we skip the witch and go south for now <Do you want to take Aya? She is willing and knows more about the state of the shrine, but Astra is worried about her. She stays <For the night with Astra, are you okay with a seduction and then fade to black? I can do a spoilered "H scene" if that's part of what you're here for. I'm equally fine with any option here, do whatever fits you narration best/you are comfortable with. (side note: it would be good to reference points of interest with their location on the map, I assume plaguelands is the "!" on S13 but it wasn't clear immediately and I had to compare maps)
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>>9782 couldn't participate last couple of days, but I'm back damn, that was a lot to read, pretty interesting too I'm gonna head towards the harpies at Q17, with all 3 catgirls (natives should be helpful with traversal). Its on the way to N10, apparently the chickens also know something about it and it might gain favour with the cats, so it seems the most optimal. (hell, maybe we'll get some flying, thus making the boat problem disappear) As a personal thing I'm gonna talk with Iri about lock mechanisms in the guns we pirates carry. Onto R19. And if diagonal isn't allowed (which would be understandable) then S19 works too.
>>9782 I'll assume I also have standard scouting equipment like ropes, a scope, lantern, machete, a compass or any other related light equipment I might be forgetting, but I'd also like to add stuff like a deck of cards, a bunch of dices and some fancy wooden cups you can play games with while out at sea. I'd like to quickly introduce the cats to the rules of said games and trade it for any facial paint or outfits they might have I can use to hide while out in the hills. I also plan on going towards the harpy village, but rather than go straight north/northwest, I want to go west to R20. Kara seems like a very straight-laced person, I'll try to break the ice by exchanging info on traps, hunting techniques, rope knots, improvised shelters and the like. >>9819 Hey, since the harpies value info a lot, I suggest we split up here, me going west with Kara since she's the strongest of the trio and you going north with Yul and Iri, and perform some reconnaissance on those two spots where the elves were last seen, before reuniting at the harpy village. That should improve our chances on getting some good data to exchange with the birds.
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>>9813, >>9819 admin stuff Yeah, no diagonal moves, and on this latest map I've updated the key, rest to come next post. I'll keep sex as flirt-then-fade to black in the main game since I'm no Chuck Tingle cranking out full sex scenes on demand, let me know what you think of the scene here as a happy medium. >>9813 A veteran of many ports and friend of some with even wilder histories, you know the kind of woman you like. Astra ticks those boxes. Kind, capable, and with a body that would put even a noblewoman to shame. Grabbing her hip, you gently pull her to your chest. The contrast between the hard chitin on her back, the supple flesh of breasts pressed against you, and the feathery tickle of her antennas heightens the thrill. At first her eyes widen, but shock quickly shifts to a coquettish half-lidded invitation. "The men on the island were never this forward," she says, resting her upper arms on your shoulders while the lower ones match your embrace. >"Then you met a real man." Before she can respond you kiss her. She's eager, leaning into you with an intensity you haven't seen before, and her tongue is even better than you'd dreamed, caressing your mouth while its hollow tip sucks and kisses your own. All the while her fluff-mane rubs against your neck like a sweet-smelling pillow, her antennas massaging your temples with the softness her hands lack. When you pull back to breathe she reaches a hand down to the bulge in your pants, tilting her head in question. >"Don't wait on my account," you tell her, leaning back onto the bed and pulling her on top of you. You can feel she's wet even through her undergarment. You know what's coming next, and you both want it. She seems to sense exactly what you're thinking, working your pants open and shimmying down. "Before the main course, why don't I show you the Luna Moth specialty?" she asks, flicking her tongue a full hand's length out of her mouth. An offer to which you gladly agree. <after You lay in bed with your new lover, thoroughly exhausted. The one thing keeping you awake is Astra's expression, the same concerned frown from when she told you of her sister. >"What is it?" you ask. "Just thinking," she says, "that Aya isn't going to let things stand. I have to go, or she will at the first chance she gets. But with Cromer-" she trails off. You can feel it's not so much the danger that worries her, but the implied question. What about you? Your gut tells you it's genuine. A harlot or madame would ask when you were blueballed, not now at the height of celestial clarity after your third shot. And hard years on the sea have taught you to go with your gut. >"Then he'll learn the hard way that he can't match a real pirate, ey?" You learn well that night why moth fluff is considered a small heaven of its own. The next morning you awake to the smell of fresh bread, strange since you don't remember a stove. You dress and head down to find a petulant Aya sipping porridge and Astra outside cooking with a caged firestone hung from a branch. "Dryfish-kun!" She waves and whisks the bread from the cage, setting portions for both of you and then returning to fetch tarts and the firestone, both of which she stows in bags. After pleasant chatter over breakfast she asks the real question. "So, have you decided?" >"I have," you answer, "I'll recover the shrine, but it'll be just you and me. I want no truck with witches and their accursed amusements, and anyone not skilled in adventuring is an albatross round our necks." Aya pouts at that, but a very sultry "thank you" smile from Astra argues strongly that you made the right choice. Still, not wanting to pick a fight with another owl you waste no time in packing once you finish breakfast. Then you're off, and a good start is is, Astra's knowledge of the area allowing you to move quickly and safely through the nearby areas, and her companionship making the journey enjoyable. Perhaps it's the Goddess's influence, but you find you can read her reactions better than before. You note, for one, that her wing is fully healed, and also that though she keeps the conversation light she watches you intently when you answer. [Always Ready] Though you're sorely tempted to see just how much you two are in sync with a little lunchtime liaison, you instead ask about the firestone and with her guidance learn enough to be dangerous. This turns out to be wise preparation, as mere hours later shrill warcry marks the end of your respite. A troupe of goblins bursts from the long grass, loosing slingstones at the two of you. You immediately duck, pulling Astra down against her natural inclination to fly. You're still at a disadvantage, crouched low while the diminutive and more numerous goblins stand nearly full height, so it becomes a game of cat and mouse. When the first goblin draws near you lunge with your cutlass, drawing blood and a cry. She counters with her spear but the wound hinders her aim. The others come running, but you expected that. >"Astra, will your spores work on them?" She nods. "Then do it on my mark." You cut a handful of tallgrass and set it smoldering with the firestone, then lash a powder charge to it with a fuse and toss the mass skyward. Stones sling towards it, but no matter. It explodes in a mass of smoke and ash, and Astra leaps into the air behinds it scattering spores toward the sniper. Unfortunately three others find you before you can juryrig another smoke bomb. You parry the first with your blade, and Astra dives to stab the second from behind before she can finish her attack, but the third is too quick and stabs you in the arm. It misses the vitals but is no mere flesh wound. Worse, you also spy the glint of metal behind Astra, who's trading blows with a fourth goblin even as the one you pushed back turns to face her. The lack of other motion makes you think these five are their last hurrah, but they say a beast is most dangerous when cornered and you reckon that applies here. <"Behind you!" The most obvious warning, but one that put doesn't change the situation. <"Astra, fly!" If most other goblins are in fact down this protects her, but it will certainly draw attention to you, now the only ground target. <Fire your pistol at the sneak attacker without a word, still swordfighting. Your wounded arm, the smoke, and the grass all conspire to make this a hard shot, but it's a surprising attack and very threatening if you make it. You can also fill in your own option, and in fact may be able to come up with a better one (for snap decisions like this I limit given choices to ones that are obvious or instinct). Assuming you win but learn no new info, you can also decide for the back half of the turn: <Goblins: kill, capture & interrogate, or leave & GTFO? <Camp turn: what are your topics/actions with Astra? <Next move: it's notably faster to go through the plaguelands, 4 turns vs. 6. Do you do it? If you prefer to wait that's fine, I'm trying this as a way to give an interesting choice in combat but also keep things moving.
>>9822, >>9819 To keep this simple, Johann, if you don't post I'll assume you agree with splitting up since you have a clear plan. If you're not, post something and I'll wait.
>>9824 I fire the pistol at the sneaky goblin. Afterwards, finish off all but one and interrogate it for info promising to spare its life if it reveals anything useful. Then kill it anyway, no use letting something like that live unless those are monster girl goblins, then let them all live but still interrogate <Camp turn: what are your topics/actions with Astra? Ask where those foul creatures came from, I want to to eradicate their nest later <Next move: it's notably faster to go through the plaguelands, 4 turns vs. 6. Do you do it? Avoid
>>9822 >Hey, since the harpies value info a lot I think the DM just said that the cats mentioned that the chickens MIGHT have some info, but that's it. I don't see him mentioning that they value it or anything. That aside, I think its aight to split now. I thought you were going to go down, but taking different paths to the birds is much better. >>9825 >>9824 The map key really helps, makes the map way more readable. Also, I think the "flirt then fade to black" approach is best, I think writing about sex scenes is cringy in general. And holy shit, dryfish is speedrunning here, lmao.
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Rolled results but didn't have time to write due to a long shift, I'll post everything tomorrow.
>>9899 Don't worry about it, rest well anon.
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>>9822, >>9863 Getting these next because they may interact with each other. >>9854 Gritting your teeth against the pain, you level your pistol and fire. A hit! The goblin screams in pain and collapses to the ground. The others turn, all eyes on you, and Astra seizes the opportunity, stabbing one of the two facing her, wrenching the spear from its arm, and taking to the sky. At this point the leader lets out a string of angry gibberish and the others begin slinging at the moth girl. You reload and fire at point blank, a headshot striking the greenskin dead on the spot. The rest flee, abandoning their kin, but as Astra descends you notice one of their stones struck true and fluid slowly oozes from one of her wings. >"Should we?" You ask, indicating a goblin knocked out by her powder. Astra shakes her head, indicating white vein-like streaks on their skin that you hadn't notices in the melee. "They're already infected. And they seemed out for your blood when usually a man would be carefully captured as a trade slave, so probably too far gone. But first, injuries." She takes the firestone and sears your bleeding arm. It takes all your grit not to scream as heat and pain wrack your nerves, but in an instant it passes, the wound cauterized. She hands over the stone and you do the same for her wing, taking care to stick to the place she scraped free of powder-scales. That done, you consider the goblins. An idea springs to mind. >"Could we get any useful information from one of them?" "Doubtful. And if so we'd likely do better pursuing one of the injured ones, if you're up for it?" >"Will they bring back others from a nest or camp?" "Possibly, but only if the whole band is like this. More likely they're already exiles; survival here is harsh. They'd come from the hills either way, so losing them in the marshes south of her is a good bet." You nod. >"Then let's get this over with." The grisly deed done, you set forth for the swamps as Astra suggested, but resolve that if this is what a few infected can do, then like hell you'll get closer to a plagueland of your own will. To that Astra agrees, and wanting to put as much distance between you and a potential night ambush as possible you head further south towards the coast. It works insofar as the tallgrass gives way to damp lowlands with better visibility, but you still can't shake the feel you're being watched. You make camp just before nightfall, savoring Astra's fruity confection as a far better feast than your usual fare, but the uneasy feeling persists. Despite your fatigue you agree to a watch in shifts. >zzzzz "Back, fiend!" You start awake to Astra flitting about, fending off a shadowy mass with her stolen spear. "Hissss! He'sss too delicioussss to resissst!" Outlined in the moonlight, the mass is in fact a snake woman. Fortunately you're the type of man to sleep with a pistol by his pillow. But the action's too fast, the serpent swaying too and fro as Astra tries to corral her, a deadly dance that reminds you of the mongoose an old fakir kept to hunt snakes. "You can't have him!" Astra shouts, trying to shake some powder on her opponent and only just dodging a tail swipe in return. You can see she's not as agile as she was, the accumulated wounds and fatigue taking their toll, and fearing her opponent's next counter you crawl over for a better angle and prepare to fire. But instead of a strike, the serpent slithers back, flicks her tongue, and starts whining in a most undignified manner. "It'sss not fair! You feast well, I can sssmell him on you!" "I get nothing! Yearsss alone! Then men, come, many men, but they are repulssed, then on return struck by madnesss!" Turning to you she flicks her tongue again, then asks plaintively. "And you! I can sssmell you have more to give your lover now! Am I so hideousss, to not even deserve a tassste?" She leans into the moonlight, revealing a form you certainly wouldn't call hideous. Above the waist she's human save a few stray scales, though in contrast to Astra's lithe, pristine fluff the serpent is decidedly plush and more than a bit unkempt, freckled face peering out from a tangle of hair that nearly obscures her timid, watery eyes. When you don't immediately look away she perks up a bit. "Sssseee! I knew you were ssspecial! You, you'd trade, yesss?" Astra glares, but waits to see your response. <Refuse outright, not into that and besides, you know what they say about more than one wife. <Refuse gently, try to talk & trade. You've known her for all of a minute, are hurt, and need to talk with Astra. <Try to agree with all that [Always Ready] charm, claiming Astra as your first wife to placate her and avoid trouble. <Some other option like trying to recruit her help without the sex, describe your plan. >nice luck landing a rare encounter!
>>9942 Being your average self-insert loser archetype, I was going to throw myself at the snake for an easy way out, but Astra's look is making it seem that this would in fact not be the easy way after all. That and the risk that snake would turn a bit too possessive after being given a taste. So it will be <Try to agree with all that [Always Ready] charm, claiming Astra as your first wife to placate her and avoid trouble. I compliment her and say that's reasonable and I would gladly lay with her, if I wasn't betrothed to the one beside me. If that doesn't turn out to be sufficient, I can follow up with an offer to temporarily join my party. Adventuring together means we're more likely to find a free man for her and having me and Astra alongside would help with her "image". Also some basic grooming can go a long way. >>9863 >And holy shit, dryfish is speedrunning here, lmao. I'm not used to playing traditional role playing games so I guess I act as if I was playing a video game where I input actions and get outcomes, the good thing about having a DM is that he can slow my advance if I progress too fast
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>>9819, >>9822, >>9863 After enjoying the end of the festivities and taking a looong rest, Matreo and Johann reconvene the next morning to deliberate on a destination. You agree to split up, covering more ground. The girls are impressed by this, taking it as a sign of confidence, but Vito is less enthusiastic. Rummaging through an old sea chest, he produces two scrolls and two pearls, handing a pair to both of you. >"Boys, it's good to be bold, but the line between bold and foolhardy is thin. These're a gift from m'last captain, a magic of sending bound to them. Hold the pearl in the center of the rune circle and speak a message, as the scroll crumbles its dust'll fly to its partner, carrying your words fast as the southern wind." That settles, Matreo handles the further trade. The games are a hit with the younger catgirls and you secure not just paints and provisions, but critical supplies that come up during discussion. >First, cloaks of the runthr, whose dark leathery hide has a thin layer of fur to hold heat in the mountain cold >Second, a grappling hook and a pair of spike-stirrups for each of you, who lack claws for climbing >Last, since Iri was fascinated by Johann's gun demonstration, she gets you each one of her latest masterpieces, a blindstick. It uses burnable tree sap to keep a strip of flaremetal dry. A few seconds after lighting the metal ignites like a miniature sun before vanishing, particularly painful to dark elves. Johann gets an extra one >Matreo, however, gets a sealed wine vase to either use or keep as a trade good with the harpies, who favor it Trade concluded, you separately head off. <End of joint section Matreo makes good time with Kara, who proceeds with efficient caution, winding though the overgrowth on light feed, halting to avoid scuttling centipedes and probing for quicksand with her spear. Her ears rarely rest either, flicking to focus on each new sound, and you find the whole performance intriguing enough that you're content to follow in silence. Only when she stops to skewer a handful of fish for dinner, scattering the others so you can safely wade across the stream, do you have a chance to really talk. Your intuition that these survival skills are her catnip proves correct. She'd interested in your own repertoire of traps and hunting tricks in particular, explaining her view that every risk can be turned to advantage. Quicksand, once known, is a fatal trap for a large beast chasing you, while the piranha fish she caught are deadly to the unsuspecting, but delicious if you nab them safely from land. Seeing her guard lower you decide to probe a little more. >"And what about the advantages of that ruined shrine you wanted to visit?" "That's...personal." >"Try me. Because it seems like there are plenty of risks." [Silver Tongue] + natural 20!! For a moment she looks conflicted, but then, looking as if to confirm that you to are alone, she confesses. "You heard that I'm the daughter of the last prophet. I even have the white fur that marks our line! But no matter how I tried, I've never been able to hear the voice of the Goddess. Our way is to speak to her in our dreams, but instead when I can see anything, it's nightmares, a horrible, twisted forest that devours us one by one like mice. But that's not a solution! If I tell the tribe all it will do is sow fear. So I thought-" >"Don't. Thinking like that just leads to blame for things you can't control. But, if you stick with me, me and my partner are angling to visit the Goddess in her main temple, part of why we need help from the Harpies." She eats the rest of her meal in silence, thinking, but as the two of you clean up to leave she says "Thank you." The trek continues, and woods turn to hills turn to mountains before the day is done. The gear you traded for pays itself off within hours, allowing you purchase on steep inclines that would otherwise make the trail a risky proposition. Its twists and turns take you through dusk and into the night before opening up into a small rocky plateau perfect for resting, the overhang that offers shelter also the only obstruction to vision. As you finish a quick meal Kara still seems troubled. >"Get some rest. I'll take the first watch," you offer. She smiles gratefully and curls up in the corner, using her tail to cover her face. Late in your shift the moon is high, but you can't shake a sense of unease. You see firsthand what Kara was talking about, her sleep wracked by fits of rapid movement. At first they're short and mild, with long periods of rest in between, but now they're worse and frequent. Worse, it feels like you too are being watched. When she begins to make a pained expression you finally go over and shake her. She surprisingly doesn't wake, but it calms her down. You'd congratulate yourself, except then a small rock falls to the ground beside you. >"Shit! Above!" You roll to face the threat, but too late - a volley of barbs flies by, one lodging in your flank. From the darkness above a creature dives, claws scratching the ground where you just were. Kara is up in an instant, only to be knocked down again as the thing clubs her with its tail. You react on instinct, deflecting its next swing with your sword and then kicking when is recoils. You back away even as it stumbles, trying to get some distance to arm your pistol. Kara leaps with a roar onto the thing's back, a blur of claws and fur until the two tumble to the ground in front of you. You're ready to fire, only to freeze as you face what your lizard brain sees as two Karas. The one manages to crush the other against the rockface and you realize your mistake: the monster has the wings and tail of a demon, not a cat. Unfortunately it noticed you earlier, and knocks the gun from your hand with its tail, lodging another barb in your arm. "Leave us, beast! We have no need of your kind!" Kara hisses, struggling mightily to no avail. <"Leave?" the creature asks in an alto voice reverberating with power, "You were the one who invited me!" Seeing you recover, Kara calls, "The flaremetal!" [Handyana Jones] You immediately understand and light the device with your flint and throw it. >"Over here, bitch!" The creature turns just as the flaremetal ignites, and even shielding your eyes the flash of light is dazzling. Screaming, the beast covers its eyes and steps back, flailing its tail in all directions. You slash it with your blade and then step back, leaving Kara to give it a one-two slash and then tackle it. For a brief second you're impressed, until you realize the thing is still just as strong as before and clever enough to send its tail your way when you move to help. This you dodge, but not fast enough to get caught in the melee too close for swordplay. Instead you pistol whip when you can and mostly try to keep it between you and Kara so there's no friendly fire. It's an ugly fight, but you notice despite everything the creature isn't using its claws when it easily could, instead opting to bludgeon you and Kara into submission. Deciding there might be more to this and needing a solution to that tail regardless, you expertly loop your rope and grapple around it and pull, giving just enough edge for Kara to elbow its face back into the bedrock for a knockout. She's ready to finish the job when you see the same sigil as at the ruins tattooed on the creature's lower back, and with it already stirring again maybe you can get some answers. Kara agrees. You step back, panting, sweaty, and with a strange hazy sensation. To your left lies the creature, and taking a good look only confirms your first impression: without its back half it has the same dark skin, white fur, and feline features as Kara. Though perhaps you should say 'she' rather than 'it', as her face is just as human and looking lower she's noticeably more buxom. On your right Kara's worse for wear much like you, her top torn and barbs lodged in her arm and thigh. You'd look away in the name of modesty except you somehow feel this is the most enticing look she's ever shown you. Wait, what? You shake your head to clear it, only for the feeling to get worse. You're hard, you realize, and you're having a hard time concentrating on anything besides the two women before you. Your assailant, awake again, shoots you a lecherous grin. You can feel your will weakening as the seconds slip by, and when Kara strips off her lungi it threatens to break. You... <Fuck the catgirl <Fuck the catgirl <Fuck the catgirl <Fuck the DEMONIC catgirl <No, don't give in!! Plus what do you want to do after?
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>>9865, >>9977 >see the common intro in the first part of >> Johann's trip with Iri and Yul also starts swift, but the similarity ends there. Instead of silence, you're treated to a rousing discourse on whatever topic Iri lands on. Mercifully, she's quite the sensitive host despite her vigor, steering toward new topics before it gets frustrating. Given your interests and her sometimes-successful attempts to pull in Yul you end up hearing a good deal about jaguar ambush tactics and poisons, while on your part talking of smelting and saltpeter, all the parts of human industry that seem absent here. On a lark you question her about it. >"Surely if no one else then your father must have suggested some of these techniques?" "Rrrh! Of course, but they don't listen! It's all about 'keeping tradition', until suddenly they want the benefits." >"You could always go ahead without them." To your surprise it's Yul who cuts in to answer. "There are many bonds we do not choose, but can't afford to break. The old ways are often a map of how to avoid death, like how the milkroot will blind you if not skinned, ground, and buried for a fortnight before being drunk. So we compromise." There's a longing in her tone that makes even Iri go quiet for a time. You note how Iri implicitly trusts Yul to chart a path, though like you she scans the horizon in between rounds of talk. In afternoon you emerge from the woods as the elevation rises. The ground grows treacherous and rocky, and brush and smaller trees keep visibility low enough to be dangerous. Yul signals a stop, and Iri climbs to scout as a matter of habit while Yul prepares a meal from several fruits and some dried meat. You eat quickly together, Johann feeling a sense of unease ([Snuggle Struggler]). A moment Iri drops from the trees and confirms your fears. "It's them." She slowly climbs back to her perch, and donning your new cloak you go to ground, rifle drawn. In another moment you see what she did, a dark-cloaked figure with broad pointy ears. Yul looks to you and shakes her head, drawing a blowgun. One and then another filters through the brush until six in all are visible. Closer. Closer. A dart streaks from the trees and strikes one on the side. Wasting no time you take aim at the closes and fire, Yul doing the same. All turn towards the sound of your flintlock, and your target falls in pain before the shock wears off and others dive for cover. Their response is quick, professional, a volley of arrows that would surely hit had you been kneeling to fire like they are. More impressive is their agility, on the move as soon as the arrows pass, and only your long training allows you keep some awareness as you reload. The rustle of leaves and the snapping of branches lets you know they're coming up on both sides, but not well enough to shoot blind. They, meanwhile, are shooting as they're able, not at you but at Yul who dashed into the brush spear in hand. You hear another cry ahead. Then, silence. At length Yul returns, several shallow cuts on her arms and legs but nothing that seems serious. Iri joins from above. "Looks like they're gone." Yul shakes her head. "They'll be back. I saw one aiding the one we shot, so they know we have a man with us." A brief discussion later you agree that direct pursuit is too dangerous. They act like soldiers, not the rabble you've often encountered on the high seas, and their accuracy means you could easily be on the receiving end of an ambush like this one. Most likely they'll seek revenge tonight when they have the advantage. The real question is whether they have reinforcements, and Yul seeks your opinion: <Yul is confident she and Iri could pursue more safely in the trees right now, if you feel you can hold your own <Iri can run and bring back her tribe-sisters by early night, but in those first deadly hours it would be you and Yul <Else the moderate approach is the default: set up a layered defense in the hours before dusk, Yul on the perimeter Unless you go full aggro with the first option, you can also pick a downtime topic with whichever girl stays nearby. >except for your first shot rolls were not good on either side here
>>9977 >I mostly let the dice fall where they may, and this past weekend they've been crazy for every single post. I half-expected Matreo to end up captured but the counterattacks in the back half were 18,19,15 on a d20. For you, I'll combine the full writeup of the below results and your final choice next time. In short, what happens is >[Always Ready] and an impassioned speech have improved the attitudes of both girls. However, this only further convinces the Lamia, who belatedly introduces herself as Lysandra, of how wonderful you are, and through a combination of momentary inspiration and chronic low self esteem she says no one else would take her and so pledges to join your party as a concubine. Going on before you can get a word in, she offers a ferry across T12 if you can go to the sea cave here and persuade her friend who's "a little eccentric". <Go to the sea cave or keep on another route (specify which)? And having gotten into this mess, how do you spend personal time? You can pick two since there's not much travel this turn. <With Astra, talk about the shrine since that's the ultimate goal. Can also do smalltalk here to get to know her more. <With Astra, see if there's even a small chance she'll warm up to the concubine angle <With Lysandra, try to get info on the sea cave and her friend <With both, try to ease tension and get Astra to help Lys's makeover (especially if Astra gives concubines a hard no, getting Lys a man faster means more one-on-one sexy time with Astra).
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>>9986 >>"Surely if no one else then your father must have suggested some of these techniques?" >"Rrrh! Of course, but they don't listen! It's all about 'keeping tradition', until suddenly they want the benefits." >"You could always go ahead without them." >To your surprise it's Yul who cuts in to answer. "There are many bonds we do not choose, but can't afford to break. The old ways are often a map of how to avoid death, like how the milkroot will blind you if not skinned, ground, and buried for a fortnight before being drunk. So we compromise." Holy shit bro, this writing is some high level, damn. Dunno if you're using something as a base or whatnot, but its really good. As for the game... I choose: <Iri can run and bring back her tribe-sisters by early night, but in those first deadly hours it would be you and Yul Being alone while these 2 try some attack seems super stupid. Setting up a defense is a bit smarter, but somewhat risky, the cats might also want to know there's elves right there next to their village, so sending one of the girls to get reinforcements and inform the village seems the best option. I don't start any conversation, now we have to be as focused as possible. I'll look at Yul's body, looking for injuries or anything that might warrant treatment, but that's it. I'll prepare more ammunition and explain to Yul the basics of using the rifle, in case something happens to me.
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>>9985 <Fuck the catgirl <Fuck the catgirl <Fuck the catgirl Yeah, my willpower ain't made of iron. We popping a cherry or two tonight, boys. Once I've calmed down, I want to hold the manticore(?) for questioning. >Why did she attack us? >Why was she holding back? >Who is she with? >What does she know about the dark elves? >What does she have to do with the Immanent Shrine? You know, I wonder how much venom(?) these barbs retain after the initial attack. I want to slightly prick my finger and check if there's any effect. And if so, I wonder if our assailant over here is immune to her own weapon. They could also serve as a potential tool against those knife-ears. If we can still move, I want to keep going towards Q20. I want to spend my personal time helping tend to Kara's wounds since she got the worst of it in the brawl. >>9994 Agreed, this has been a pretty enjoyable experience so far.
>>9991 <Go to the sea cave or keep on another route (specify which)? Go for the cave, I want to see what counts as "eccentric" to a half-crazy horny snake. As for personal time: <With Astra, talk about the shrine since that's the ultimate goal. Can also do smalltalk here to get to know her more. Ask what's so special about the shrine, then drop my spaghetti trying to start smalltalk. afterwards: <With both, try to ease tension and get Astra to help Lys's makeover Try to get Lysandra to calm down and hint that my concubine needs proper grooming, but let Astra know it's just a ruse.
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DM anon, you still there?
>>10298 Hardware issue had my PC down but I finally got it over the weekend. Should have updates later tonight.
>>10382 Glad to hear it was just a PC issue, was getting worried something happened

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