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General monster girl thread Anonymous 01/31/2023 (Tue) 18:18:20 No. 965
Thread for anything related to the topic of monster girls. Mainly for posts not belonging to any of the existing threads, but not only.
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Can ex-goddess be considered monster girl?
>>1011 Quetz? I can't see why not
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>>1012 I love her always positive attitude, big sis energy, heterochromia and thigh high socks & shorts combo. And of course, the pair of those big arguments of her
>>1015 I like the shota + big titty onee-san energy she has. It's very cliche but so good in this case
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one of better lewds I've seen lately, peak GIWTWM
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The world isn't ready yet for the snuff pussy it seems.
>>1158 >brutal murder and blood everywhere >ok >detailed anatomy on relevant character model instead of barbie doll bullshit >"WHAT? VAGOONER IN MY VIDYA???" I blame americans for this
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>Attacked by a level 99 slime and forced to ejaculate over your party's healer
>>1341 >lose the boss fight with Tentacle >she restrains you and forces you to watch her molest your female party member >after hearing her moans of ecstasy for the next few hours, you can barely think about anything other than fucking the shit out of both of them >your dick feels like it's going to explode >and that's precisely when you are released from your restraints
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what if succs are real but they just don't want to bother with sex
>>1436 I would take care of comfy and lazy succubus
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>>1832 lel source?
I really need a grill pun intended like this, sure as hell is easier to clean up than the metal piece of garbage I have now.
>>1835 >Caravans going through the desert regions have been known to take full advantage of the naturally heated bodies of their salamander members
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>>1990 Horny angels are no joke, that's what millenia of celibacy does to a girl.
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fat lizard tats
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olrSpHlLY7I >Youtube algorithm out of nowhere recommends me a scene from a movie I haven't watched in 20 years I completely forgot this movie even existed. What if the director was actually a monster girl in disguise with a mission to shape the taste of young boys? The evil goddess villain was hotter than I expected too.
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>>2193 Fat tats to go with a fat tail
>>2212 What the fuck, I have a TV in my room to generate background noise and this movie was on yesterday Portals soon.
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Lately it feels like KC is putting out more cover art for GAIRA than actual MGE art
>split personality wife and they say you shouldn't stick your dick in crazy
>>2233 Isn't gaira once a year or something?
>>2310 Well, still feels more frequent compared to the speed at which KC now outputs content
>>2314 It's only been three years and he's about to enter the final stretch, trust the plan.
>>2315 Those 925112 holst paizuri CGs better be worth it
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PSA: Do not buy the first generation sex robots lest you end up raped.
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>>2336 and don't get the ones with extra glow
>>2337 >blow a load while she blows your eardrums Worth it
Subjugate the succ
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>>2595 First one has a cute face, I want to kiss her
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>>1949 Poor wyverns, always being confused with and overshadowed by dragons.
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>>2758 I'd take a nice and cute Wyvern over some shitty tsun tsun Dragon any day, those first need to rot in a grave a bit before they become viable waifus.
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What is it with elves being naturally lewd?
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>>2768 Instinctive hunger for the BHC
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Dolls counts, right?
>>2786 Can't see why they wouldn't
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>>2768 nonsense, they are pure and no-
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>>2808 With tattoos like those, can we really be sure it's an elf rather than a succubus in disguise? It isn't exactly uncommon for them to have knife ears as well.
>>2814 Yes, that's why you should undress and inspect the body of any elf you interact with to be sure.
How do you tell whether a succubus is after your soul or after a ring on her finger and a little hellspawn in her oven?
>>2972 If she glows, run or run her over with your car
>>2973 But what if I want a shikiwife?
>>2980 Then start learning baking, I heard wedding cake is the only way to have a shikiwife and live after your weeding night
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>>3517 we need more taurs
>>3518 We need more fluffy taurs, to be specific
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>>3545 >inverted nipples yep, that's how you spot the vulnerable ones
How about a cowtaur?
>>3574 That's a lot of milk
>>3575 for you
Whoops, looks like you let a succubus corrupt your bloodline. How are you going to explain this to your friends and family? Hope they aren't too religious.
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>>3593 At this point I don't think my parents would care that my wife is a literal semen demon, so long as they get grandchildren out of it.
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Looks like the hero got too cocky.
>>3683 This guy is actually smart as fuck, how else can a lowly 7 lvl shitter keep the 787 lvl demon lord from destroying the world?
>>3685 But that's not how the stories go! >15 years later
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>>3688 You need to put at least one point into virility and it works
>succubus insists you're totally just a meal to her and she's simply taking her time to savor the taste >keeps telling you every day that she'll end you tonight for sure >this has been going on for 6 months >by now she started doing some housework instead of just freeloading off of you >accidentally called you honey or darling several times already, but insists you just misheard it when she meant to call you slave What am I supposed to do?
>>3762 You've encountered the ultra-rate shiny shikibus that's just tsun tsun instead of all murder. Put a ring on her finger, ASAP
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>try to be a good samaritan >end up becoming a slave to a loliccubus
>>3956 >becoming a slave to a loliccubus oh nooo h-haha who would want that? so pathetic
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monsters with horns need to be taught what they were made for.
>>4004 >cumflated after 10 minutes This guy is a hydrant, even by hentai standards
>succubus wife convinces you to attend her family gathering >warns you however not to go somewhere alone with them, since most succubi still see humans as little more than a meal >meetup goes well at first, everyone is friendly (if a bit too touchy-feely) towards you and don't tease your wife too hard about falling in love with a human >eventually your wife's mother asks her to give her a hand in the kitchen for a few minutes >the very moment the door closes, the room falls silent and all eyes are fixated on you What do you do?
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>>4006 It's succufamily bonding time, how else are they going to welcome me to the family?
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>>4006 Would you want your succubi family to conform to human clothing norms, or would you be fine with them wearing what is appropriate according to their culture? which is nothing or almost nothing
>>4016 It would be easier not to stare if they dressed more modestly, but it's not like they'd care about what I think. They're still evil demons that'd drain me on the spot, if it weren't for my wife.
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>>4033 At least the married ones like your wife's mom would probably flip 180 degrees and wear very modest clothes to avoid tempting other men. Her or your wife's unmarried sisters however... somehow they think it's fashionable and acceptable to publicly show off their clit piercings and such
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>shit, can't go to sleep until I sent that file, must have left it near the comp-
>>4056 >until I sent that file You're gonna get dommed by a grammar nazi succ in latex
>>4058 I'm sorry
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New hellwan animation
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>>4087 gimme the bird starter
>>4087 I choose all of the above.
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>>4016 Joke's on them succs, the only thing that gets me hard is handholding, kissing, clothed sex and undressing.
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>>4095 This succ would like to know your location
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>>4096 Nice try Shikibus, but you just activated my trap card
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>>4118 This kills tames the shiki
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are skunk girls safe from brapfags here?
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>>4120 Holy shit, a fellow skunk girl enthusiast. Brapniggers make searching for content a nightmare, it's suffering. I guess we're safe here because braps are /amg/ content.
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>you will never make out with the tailpussy
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Poor little underleveled hero
>>4221 this is why you need an elf in your party. they will always encourage you when everything seems bleak and lost!
>>4222 Yeah, they are the purest and most trustworthy companions! They make for perfect clerics.
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I'm starting to think that there's something wrong with this church.
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>>4247 Nonsense, just get to the confessional booth. Now.
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>>3762 Marry her and put a litter of cambions in her womb
>cambions But Anon, I don't want to father boring halflings. I want my children to be proper, evil succubi.
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>>4265 Just make sure to teach them to not kill their prey, it's much more efficient this way.
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>>4260 >cambion I don't like having males of monster girl species since it kinda takes away the monster girl magic and approaches regular fantasy, but I kinda like the idea of half-breed males inheriting some of mother's traits. A young half-succubus could be a total /ss/ bait attracting thirsty monster girls seeking his rumored superhuman sexual prowess, while in reality he would be just as much of helpless shota as any.
>>4267 Raising succubi must be literal hell heh with you being the only one who might try to instill them with a set of morals, while your wife and her mother/sisters just teach them how to become proper demons. Imagine having to argue with them, why their halloween costumes are inappropriate, while their mom might even back them up. Or if you're especially unlucky, being used by them to test out their seduction, hypnosis and draining powers. On the other hand, it's fun to think that they'd eventually ask you to proofread their first contracts and help them get rid of unwanted loopholes in the fine print.
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>>4270 Is that how a cat succubus is made?
>>4284 Now that's a neat way to introduce hybrid species to a setting, by good ole' straight shota fucking
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Maybe vasectomy or at least that funky semen switch isn't such a bad idea after all...
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Reminder that it's perfectly safe to spend the night drinking with yokai and nothing weird will happen, trust me.
>>4339 >a full stomach >protection against the cold >the warmth of a yokai by your side Is that too much to ask for??
>>4340 But I don't think they have wifi there, you won't be able to shitpost on mongolian basket weaving forums
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>>4359 I love my goat sister so much it's literally unreal.
>>4367 >This gallery is unavailable due to a copyright claim by Irodori Comics. :^)
>>4372 Thanks anon, gotta bookmark this site
>>4372 Why does this quote a not found?
>>4390 anon must have quoted the wrong post by accident and the post was deleted by anon who made it
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Mercy route always the best don't search for the source no really, don't
I fucked up and deleted the dragonewt post by accident, if anyone is wondering where it went. I really need to use the trash option instead of delete, oops.
>>4397 What does trash even do?
>>4400 Trashing moves the post to well, trash and can be restored and nobody would know of my blunder, while delete instantly erases its database record and the post is deleted for good.
Succubus milk is safe to drink r-right?
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>>4510 100% safe, trust us
>>4510 It is safe for the succubus, yes.
>>4529 It's fucking hot here so I'm taking the floor
>>4530 Just hope she doesn't figure you'd make a better mattress in the middle of the night.
>>4532 >hot as fuck night >suddenly some sweaty plump thot plops down on you That's it, I'm buying succu-proof windows
Imagine being such a poor excuse of an adventurer, that the soul-sucking demons start mothering you.
>>4542 >aww poor boy, are you lost? where's your mommy? >ehehe we can be your mommies you know <3 >s-stay away demons! I'll slay you all! >ohoho this virile young lad is rearing for action already, he's going to "lay" us >n-no I said slay! >*muffled screams and happy succubus noises*
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New baphomet came out.
>>4555 >edgy katana-wielding OC donut steel tier baph Neat
I want to interlock fingers with a dragon girl's claws.
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>>4559 That's what big meaty paws and clawed hands were made for
Marry animal girls Before it's too late
+900000 social credit points
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>>4949 FUCK winter
It recently occurred to me that AI could actually be pretty decent for slimes. All the random deformities can be written off as slime nonsense.
>>4972 yup it looks just right, even the signature gloss fits well instead of being uncanny.
No idea what kind of monster she is supposed to be, but I wouldn't chase her out of my room/bed
Posting this here since it's not worth a new thread and I don't know of any others that are relevant: Does anyone know of a good site to purchase Monster Girl Dakimakuras? Hell, I'll take just kemonomimi at this point too.
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>>5310 Much appreciated, anon.
>>5316 Out of curiosity, do you have any specific character on your mind?
>>5317 Given the difficulty of acquiring high quality dakis, as I've now found out, I intend to keep my options open and just take what I can get. The Nekopara characters seem a good starting point as they're reasonably popular and I have some hope I can find them for a reasonable price. Other than that gacha characters would probably be my next best bet, especially for foxes. Monster Musume for certain and MAYBE MGQ should have some merch out there too, if I can scoop it up. Vtubers seem to dominate the market at the moment but are incredibly overpriced and I'm not going to shell out for that when the only thing I care about is the character design.
Vote for your favorite monster girls: https://qf4lhuu5f.supersurvey.com
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>>5323 Needs a "yes" option for Bastet or Anput.
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>>5323 What's the difference between anubis and anput?
>>5326 Anput is literally just Anpu(= Anubis) + t ( egyptian feminine suffix). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anput
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>>5320 MGQ would probably be a decent bet, there are even MGQ-branded onaholes so I bet dakis should not be too hard to come by. I remember some guy on old mggg buying an Alice daki 4 years ago or so, maybe I'll manage to dig his posts up from archives.
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>POV: you stayed overnight at the suspiciously cheap inn ran by elves
>>5339 You make it sound like a bad end just because they are elves. And you are right.
>>5344 oh god, imagine being a hobbit in a setting with thirsty shotacon elves
>>5355 Or a gnome. Or a fairy. Or a goblin that's not too imbred and knows what hygiene means.
>>5361 >what generations of elf rape did to the noble goblin bloodline
>>5344 >I'M DWARF I'M A DWARF*
>>5542 Not my favorite thing but I don't mind them, can make for some funny scenarios. I like to imagine that each Jabberwock's tentacle mouths behave differently - one would have them act like dogs that bark at you at first and another would even have speaking tentacles acting like familiars.
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>>5542 Don't really mind, would still fug them. The girls, I mean.
Which monster girl has the best: >Breasts? >Waist >Ass >Thighs
>>5576 >Breasts The monmusu horse >Waist Nav's pear-type lolis >Ass Horses in general >Thigs fit monsters, probably
>>5580 >ass >horses anon...
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It's that time of the year. Pick your terror.
>>5611 Werewolf
>>5611 Werewolves.
>>5611 What do you think about werepyres, my fellow anons? https://cdn.donmai.us/original/d6/07/original_drawn_by_hayanpoold6074f2a3aa921079f991fbeac93f463.jpg (not sure if this counts as guro or not).
>>5657 link got mangled somehow, post the image and just spoiler it if you are not sure
>>5659 Neat idea for a hybrid species
What would the hybrid of all races of elves (high elves, wood elves, dark elves etc.) look like?
>>5690 Well anon, have you ever tried mixing up all the play-doh or paint colors when you were a kid?
>>5692 >the elf race of the future I get elf racism now.
>>5692 That's not how hybrids work. Especially in fantasy.
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All those ears. I will molest them ALL.
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Do ship girls count as monster girls?
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>>5852 Depends on the ship girl I guess.
>>5869 These aren't even ship girls. They are installation girls.
>>5880 >dad, I want to marry a port! >ok son
>>5869 >>5880 These are ship(-turned-reef-turned-eldritch-abomination) girls though:
>>5911 >ship(-turned-reef-turned-eldritch-abomination) gacha lore will never cease to amaze me
>>5913 For starters, Kancolle is not a gacha game (though it is very similar to one). In fact, if I recall correctly, its creator once stated that he hated gacha games. Also, it's not that complicated: When 1 or more ship girls sink they might turn into an abyssal queen. They are essentially hollowfied ship girls.
>>5919 Who is this semen demon?
>>5923 Re-class (aviation) battleship (as well as cruiser, destroyer and in some cases, seaplane tender(?)).
>>5924 I think I understand even less now but white skin erotic so it's all good in the end
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>>5922 Those horns kind of look like slug eyes.
>>5852 >>5869 Do girls with riggings count?
gote (evil)
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>>6083 I love the antichrist.
>>6105 She cute. My problem with abyssal botes is that all the doujins about them I came across are degenerate and feature actual monsters fucking the boatgirls
>>6107 It takes godzilla to impregnate an aircraft carrier, anon.
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>>6107 True. Most of the stuffs are monster or futanari. Which neither really interests me, but at least there are a few wholesome ones too
>>6107 The fine line of being degenerate enough to draw porn but not degenerate enough to draw disgusting shit
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>>6109 Nice, saved
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>>6111 She is my favorite of all the abyssal fleet girls and i'm glad she got many dj where she is big.
>>6112 What about her big sister.
>>6161 -I know nothing about her aside of being bigger than Seaport Hime. Well i kinda like her too and love to be tag teamed by them two.
>>6171 What about their little sister?
>>6172 Love to eat icecream with her in the heat. I like her big hat too
>>6186 >Love to eat icecream with her in the heat. Then I guess it's a good think for you italian Abyssal Queens exist: You can ask them if they have any gelato.
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Choose a god(dess) and reimagine them as monster girls (individuals, not species). Describe their appearance and personality.
>>6225 YHWH >needy >stupidly cryptic at times >will put you through all kinds of bullshit tests before you date >is a burning alraune Allah >okay with you fucking lolis >actually she's okay with you fucking all kinds of side hoes >but demands that you spread the gospel of monster fucking everywhere >appearance: ?
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Do female humanoid aliens count as monster girls?
>>6509 If there's anything making them look not like just regular humans, I don't see why not
>>6509 The one from the first picture does, I guess. The others, probably not.
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>>6509 While on the subject, there's a very sweet manga about a guy marrying an alien, pic rel. Do recommend a read.
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>>6509 speaking of alien girls, what do you think about alien goddesses?
>>6540 Third pic is the goddamn legend of monster girl x shota
Do you believe that certain certain humanoid features fit with certain monstrous features?
>>6551 That's an odd question, monster girls kinda need to have humanoid features to be complete. I guess Kitsunes especially work only with humanoid form, taur types feel wrong.
>>6552 I thought the pictures made clear what I meant. Let me give some examples: I think that gigantic breasts fit with sharp teeth, monstrous claws, and oversized forearms and that huge asses fit with multiple thick tails.
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>>6540 Can't say I've seen many in media, but I like the idea.
>>6553 Well, I generally believe in variety but classic monsters like Mermaids or Succubi feel like they should have classic standards of erotic proportions with big shapely breasts and lascivious body. Also centaurs need big breasts, blame MonMusu.
Would you watch this MLP show?
>>6589 I like girls with odd skin colors, but I'd have issues going past the *other* things MLP is known for
>>6592 Just think of them as malformed centaurs.
>>6589 >MLP without horse pussy So Equestria Girls v2. Meh.
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>>6625 Solved.
>>6626 That's more like it.
>>6628 snout = out no snout = no out simple as'
>>6638 >https://video-cdn1.gelbooru.com/images/e9/f2/e9f265034e035eabf48eaabc65c0accb.mp4 Enarane's animations are destroying my dick, he needs to stop
>>6629 >two legs can spoon >four legs cannot spoon simple as
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>>6709 No way! Fuck that!
>>6709 >Flies off laughing
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Looks like Jingai's former twitter account got nuked. Pretty sure that was 10+ years worth of posts gone, some of which weren't posted in his pixiv.
>>6731 Classic jap move, unfortunately
>>6737 I think it's more likely it got banned for all the cunny than self-destructed.
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>>6738 Right, it actually shows that his account was suspended. Oh well, a lot of his old art is on panda https://exhentai.org/g/1727886/8e314fa389/ and the newer stuff can be found on boorus or skeb.
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>the westoid fears the tiny bald slit
What would a hybrid of all elf races (high elf, dark elf, forest elf etc) look like?
>>6768 Honestly I don't know, given that their main difference is usually a slightly different skin tone
Do mutants count as monster girls?
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>>6807 I like how this artist makes his girls meaty
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>>6816 I want to be Remilia-sama's slave!
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>>6841 Love is the real slavery
>>6842 Some people do seem to think of marriage as a form of slavery.
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Kenkou Cross designed a vtuber's model recently.
>>6863 she cute
>>6842 >>6861 This artist is so good
Do robot girls count as monster girls?
>>6872 That's a silly question
>>6863 Ok, but what about his definitely-not-a-scam game?
>>6893 Two more week, gaijin.
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It just dawned on me that I sentenced my bloodline to death. Maybe it's better this way.
>>6927 Alternative: cave in and accept there is literally nothing wrong with your bloodline cease being 100% human.
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>>6943 The hard part is getting monster wives in here. I'm afraid the only way left it autismmaxxing until the pure autism causes monster girl portals to appear.
sure is year of the dragon in here
>>6999 Look, >>7000 , I found the lack of dragon girls in this thread during the year of the dragon very disappointing, so I'm trying to "decorate" it. The thread's basically dead, anyway.
>>7001 I wasn't complaining tho.
i like me dragon girls to have claws for hands
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>>7014 The more inhuman parts the better within limits, of course Dragon girls with just wings and horns are pretty boring.
Next thread >>7084

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