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Harpy thread #2 Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 21:38:15 No. 11869
Post women of the avian kind, simple as' Previous: >>122
>harpy gf offers me a "hawk tour" >expect she will just spit on my thing >think "fuck it" and accept it, i've done weirder things in the bed >she suddenly grabs me with her claws by the shoulders >pulls me up and flies away to 5000 feet in the air onto a mountain fucking birdbrains, could have almost died
>>12243 >essentially gets a free personal flying vehicle >still complains This is why monster girls are not real
>>12244 >you don't want to leave the island already now... Is this broken english, or am I missing something?
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extra fluffy
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>>12568 Human face was made to be put between fluffy legs
>>12587 >pic translation never ever
I need a BIG harpy feather lap pillow.
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>>12654 and I dropped my fucking picture
>>12655 >best girl gets a rare new fan art AND it's of exquisite quality Holy fuck, today was a very good day
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Perfect night for the crows and owls to frolic about.
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>>12691 Why is the choco harpy smug?
>>12734 She knows you can run, but you can't hide
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>>12738 I love chicken breast.
>>12910 >arms and wings HERESY!... Harpesy?
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You wouldn't want to get locked up in a warehouse with a phoenix loli and spend the rest of your life reproducing.
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>>12911 You better shut that nonsense down, else the tengu is gonna kidnap you for misbehavior.
>>12935 >You wouldn't want to get locked up in a warehouse with a phoenix loli and spend the rest of your life reproducing. Correct, I would only want that with adult phoenix
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>>12937 fixed your hu
>>12943 cringe
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consider talonjobs
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>>12994 Sounds extremely painful.
>>13001 you're a big gurofag
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Someone make a battlefuck mod for Terraria, I feel bad every time I actually kill a harpy
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>>13639 I thought I was the only one autistic enough to sometimes randomly leave enemies alive if they're cute monster girls.
>>13668 Unfortunately terraria harpies are very annoying and you can't really leave them alive unless you are only passing by
>>14453 need bird women fluffy boobs...
>>14454 fluffy paizuri
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>>14455 Imagine the feeling of feathers brushing against your balls as you pump in and out of her.
>>14492 That's why harpies should have fluffy lower parts. Human skin on harpy thighs is just wrong.
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Childhood crush.
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>>14520 Not sure what happened here
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>>14521 Seems like a doublepost, just delete the second one
>>14519 cute big meaty claws
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Dunno if that's because I'm a tits enthusiast, but this is my favorite harpy pic lately.
>>14586 source?
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>>14589 Don't have it, just found the pic on another board and saucenao can't find the source
>>14621 are self-descriptive t-shirts the monstergirl fashion equivalent of hipster shirts
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>>14702 What does harpy milks taste like? >Adult content I was under the impression Bluesky didn't allow porn, guess it's only for lolishota.
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the fluffier the better
>>14712 her chest fluff looks kinda like a beard lol
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Never ever

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