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General Monster Girl Thread #5 Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 15:18:19 No. 13284
Thread for anything related to the topic of monster girls Previous thread: >>10209
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>>14461 huh, so dryads are just orcs/goblins with arbitary plant attachments, interesting
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>>14462 Not even close. Orcs/goblins would raid human settlements, plants don't even move and men come to them instead, lured like flies to venus flytrap.
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Quick survey time, when you fantasize your own scenarios, do you imagine the monster girls stylized in a certain art style or something more realistic?
>>14484 Realistic, I don't want to be 2D
>>14484 manga time kirara slice of life style because i have CGDCT brainrot
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>whichever deity in charge of Earth decides to have a giggle and snaps monster girls into existence >anon realizes his monster waifu is now 3DPD >anon stays alone despite horny monster girls all around him
>>14484 I would say it's a bit of a blend between realistic and 2D. More realistic-leaning but not quite there.
>>14484 For me, I guess it kind of depends on the complexity of their design. Something like mermaids, lamias and kemonomimis are easy to imagine, while harpies, some bug girls and multi-winged angels are hard for me to visualize how they'd look like IRL without it looking like a cosplay.
>>14487 i will be fine as long as my discord friends gets genderbended into monster girl and appear in my room.
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>>14497 >discord friends >genderbend
>>14487 Damn I guess I'm not too far gone, I fucking would that tanned mermaid and slampig lucoa in a heartbeat.
>>14498 Well i don't asked their genders but i doubt any of them is an actual female and hey, if a God or Goddess can make monster girls real, they should also enable gender bending and reshaping ones body. Or better yet give me such an ability and i will sell it as a service so everyone can have their idealistic body lol
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>>14497 >>14503 found the alpfag
>>14504 it's not gay, if they turn into females and got a pussy i can impregnate
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>>14506 you fucking gaaaayyyyyyy
>>14484 2D moe in general. It is perfect. 2D and 3D should never mix. Compartmentalization is a part of the appeal.
>>14507 well i'm gay then going balls deep in monster girl puss puss
Some kind of a water horse, idk
>>14484 Alphes style, yes.
>when your bedroom becomes a zoo
>>14649 fuck man why must centorea's mom be so fucking hot
>>14651 All of them get mogged by their moms, MILF is a thing for a reason
Mature monsters ONLY, womanlets need not apply.
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>>14662 >womanlets Around here, we call it cunny and it's absolutely delicious
>>14663 too tall
>>14664 flying onahole supremacy
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>>14664 >>14665 i will NEVER trust a fairy ever again in my life.
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>>14664 >>14665 Normally I'm not into fairies because the size difference feels too weird, but there's something about that ishuzoku one that tempts me to plunge my dick into her and stretch her out.
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>>14666 >No more Chi Pa Pa! for anon You made Sylph cry. >>14667 Because there's more to older women than just mommydom.
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Looking back on some things I used to watch as a kid, it does make me wonder if characters like Eris from Sinbad didn't shape my taste in women on a subconscious level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwf1tNy1sgg
I want to see more monster girl focused media set in different regions of the world. Of course Japan has a bunch of manga and novels already, but how cool would a Victorian-setting with monster girls be? Greek mythology is pretty popular too, but personally what I really want to see is more cultures and their local folk tales getting explored.
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>>14707 I want a h-game parody of Odyssey. No really, it would be dope, someone needs to show ancient literature to japs and tell them to stop fucking parodying alice in the wonderland, this is so overdone at this point.
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>>14711 i had an idea like that in 2021 and made kisekae mockups, but unfortunately never got to much drawing, could try again?, feel like circe and penelope should get monsterized too though
>>14717 Sounds like a fun thing, especially if you keep it at least vaguely accurate to the source.
>>14717 >>14718 Seconding anon, I'm not sure about Penelope, but Circe isn't human already, so there is definitely a some room of where you could take her design already. Same thing with secret route girl Athena.
>>14707 zombie apocalypse game where you have a zombie wife who doesn't want to eat you (filling her with semen prevents her from becoming feral) and have to survive the apocalypse with her against both feral zombies and racist cringe humans who are against your wholesome romance
>>14735 or fuck it, maybe you can even get a harem of z-girls because your semen just has that much plot bullshit power that you can turn any feral zombo into a smart zombo
>>14735 >>14736 Believe it or not, there is a manga with almost that exact plot, only instead of keeping their consciousness while they're zombie, the MC's semen makes them go back to being a human. https://mangadex.org/title/754f8bf2-9926-44f5-82d9-db038fd4e80b/ore-no-vaccine-dake-ga-zonbi-ka-shita-sekai-o-sukueru If you haven't already, try out the game Yes My Lord. While it isn't a zombie apocalypse, it does focus on wholesome romance with a zombie girl.
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>Tfw no pushy goblin raider GF
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>>14781 Those cowards at Larian missed the perfect opportunity to give us some AAA goblinfucking action.
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beware the woods
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I have been having a blast with some of the newer AI models. We're getting closer and closer to good shit standard. Here's some of the best ones i was able to do. If anyone has a request i can try it tomorrow for fun.
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>>14841 +1 because forgot 5 image limit
>>14841 >>14842 We actually have a dedicated AIsloppa thread >>11282 Go ahead and dump what you gen over there, with a dedicated thread there will be no need to hold back.
>>14835 With their physical appearance lacking in monstrousness, I like to give my elves a more wicked personality than usual to set them apart.
>>14842 >tail wagging good shit
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sigma mindset
>>14911 I unironically love characters like this, I want more in manga, instead of virgin betas that get their dream girls. I want chad virgins

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