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General Monster Girl Thread #5 Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 15:18:19 No. 13284
Thread for anything related to the topic of monster girls Previous thread: >>10209
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i seduce the dragon
>>13286 >"The contract said you were supposed to SLAY the dragon, not lay her!"
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He fucks ze bugs He lives in a shed and he is happy
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>>13305 I want an epilogue where he gets age regressed again and gets /ss/'d by his own daughters.
>>13325 I want a remake where he isn't a flaming raging faggot
>>13357 I see monsters are prepared for the winter season
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>>13305 Turn your family tree into a family line.
>>13462 I don't want to get cucked, so i do my daughters, granddaughters, greatgranddaughters lol
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Gacha was a fucking mistake.
>>13813 How is this related to gacha?
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>>13816 Many artists and game devs are sucked in by gachas into procrastination. Solopipb is particularly bad with this, in the past, for a very long time, we didn't see a peep from as he was too "busy" with FGO. Now, do we know for sure if that's the case this time? Not really, but based on his latest non commissioned art and his history with it, I'm gonna take a not-so-wild guess and blame gachas. I'm probably right anyway.
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>>13818 Ah, so basically same as every motherfucker on twitter talking about playing elden ring a while ago instead of drawing/developing game
>>13813 early access doujins lmao
>>13919 finishing year of the dragon with a bang
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>nature documentary on TV running in background >glance over and see that it's about snow panthers >at that moment it was at their mating habits, male mounts the female and bites her neck >this apparently helps induce ovulation I'm so adopting this for my monster girl fantasies
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https://x.com/Psyk323/status/1812109741230882911 https://x.com/uZHFtPLdV17786/status/1807707193581740235 Every once in a while I remember a curiosity for robots. The more robotic the better.
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h-haha what kind of a loser gets raped by his own pokemon?
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>>14118 i do love myself a robutt.
>>14126 The stupid pokémon breeding memes have ruined Houndooms forever for me
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>>14150 It's said you can get best IVs by breeding your mons yourself, like a good pokemon trainer/breeder should.
>>14128 >pic3 the p*ssy is an oil filter?
Wishes for a peaceful and warm winter! https://x.com/gashiwataex378/status/1881356791852016012
>>14209 This artist sure loves that fat yeti
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