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Board meta thread Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 21:18:04 No. 2
Thread for /mg/-specific feedback/suggestions, or just to call me a fucking retard. For more general aspects of the imageboard as a whole use >>>/site/ News: /mg/ mod recruitment is open. Looking for the worst paid and most thankless job in the world? Want to herd feral autistic cats for absolutely no monetary gain? Send e-mail to [email protected] Having some non-anonymyous identity on the internet I can lookup is a plus, but not required. Please include your most active timezone.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 12:54:24.
>>13203 Webring and 8moe are both direct successors of the original 8chan (the one now rebranded 8kun and solely populated by Qanon schizos and feds). Webring was born from the idea of operating many small boards to counteract the damages a deplatforming could bring like it did on old 8ch. 8moe meanwhile was the pet project of the /v/ (and I think some /tech/) remnants to reunify the old community, which largely didn't work because everyone at that time preferred defense in numbers, the /v/ BO is notoriously hated for making retarded decisions and the site head is a namefag who might or might not work with feds. Most boards of old 8chan are on the webring and it's also pretty comfy, but keep in mind that joining it might put the board at odds with /monster/ sooner or later. Someone already tried to stirr up a board war between us shortly after Capy came into existence.
>>13263 8moe is admittedly much more stable and much less unhinged compared to other sites like the Sharty. Shartyfags and soyteens are the only ones who actually give a shit about raiding, and are a real threat to small boards like this one. Small boards are comfy, but I do worry that many will eventually fizzle out rather than have new members that are relatively likeminded and somewhat rational.
>>13296 I'd personally prefer webring, but I am biased in favor of it. Don't forget that a lot of spam can already be mitigated with captchas idk if they come pre-included with lynxchan or need to be added/created personally. zzz has a decent captcha system and with Antispam settings which should be a vanilla Lynxchan thing.
>>13203 I like things how they are, this site is essentially a pristine haven in a sea of garbage, but if server costs are a concern perhaps you could open up donations. There might be one or two richfags on the board who feel like chipping in to keep something alive they enjoy. I don't know enough about opsec to tell you if you need a bunker board or not.
>>13359 You must have missed the fun couple weeks where we had loads of posters talking about how great gatekeeping was. That shit was weird, I can't recall it very well anymore but it was like people were specifically motivated to come to talk about how great it is when X doesn't have Y fetish. A really weird direction go to when at least half of monster girl games have some weird ass fetish stuff in them.
>>13359 >I like things how they are If I had a guarantee we would have at least the current levels of activity, I'd be be fine with that too. But this site's activity trend is almost a sine wave and few months ago I was seriously considering throwing the towel with my IRL situation going to shit not helping either. And before that we had similar up and down last year and between that lesser cycles I can't be arsed to analyze on charts. It might as well become almost dead again in 2 or 3 months, who knows. Point is, one thing lots of anons seem to forget is that I don't have the luxury of being able to just take a break for some months, then come back and go >oh neat, this place is still around have some fun and then leave again, I have to keep the lights on through the droughts and I need to make sure there is long-term solution for this place rather than pray things will get better eventually, because there's no way to tell when a pit in activity is actually the final one that leads into death spiral. So I'm looking for a way to smooth out the sinusoid by getting more constant visibility, which brought us to the current discussion. >server costs are a concern They aren't, the time/effort I put in is vastly more significant than the server bills, it's just one of the things that add up.
>>13367 Ohh, I see. I do indeed fall into the "oh neat, this place is still around" category, so do whatever you gotta do.
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>>13367 >this site's activity trend is almost a sine wave Isn't it natural though? Can't speak for whole websites, but when I browse and post on chans, I do so intensely, but when I stop, I don't open any for months. >I don't have the luxury of being able to just take a break for some months, then come back and go >>oh neat, this place is still around >have some fun and then leave again, I have to keep the lights on through the droughts Of course I never managed any website, but it feels like you worry too much, unless you actually have to deal with security problems on a regular basis.
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Completely irrelevant but nevertheless incredible!! Anyone played The Messenger? Recently finished it, and after beating the final boss I immediately played it on new game+ another time. Excellent retro platformer that actually goes beyond what the old games did, while still respecting them. The dialogue was also incredibly good, better than many rpg games. I thought I'd just use this thread as a /b/ kinda thing. I don't have anything interesting to say about monster girls aside for stuff like "nice tail" or alike.
>>13851 >but when I browse and post on chans >but when I stop, I don't open any for months. Exactly, that's your perspective. To sustain a community and keep it alive long-term on anons with same activity habits as you, we would need orders of magnitude more traffic and that's unrealistic with such narrow topic. Hence I'm considering ways to get more traffic here gain more people who are invested into this place's well-being, along with the usual casual lurkers and posters of course. Because we need both invested and casual/occasional posters, it's just that right now we lack more of the first group to grow. >but it feels like you worry too much You have to understand my position. I'm not doing this just to enjoy the illusory power of admining my own board, creating this site was simply a last resort measure when I realized it's impossible to have a decent monster girl fan community on 4chan. The sole goal is to have a place where I can post about loving monster girls with other similar weirdos all day every day, so there is zero value for me in this site merely existing without activity. So you can imagine it's difficult for me to not worry when we hit periodic lows with something like 5 posts per day. >unless you actually have to deal with security problems on a regular basis. We did have an issue with CP spammers lately. Though you probably didn't notice because I deleted that shit within minutes of appearing, precisely because I worry and sit here all day. So yeah that's another reason why I can't just let it go and stop monitoring this place all day every day.
>>13852 >I don't have anything interesting to say about monster girls aside for stuff like "nice tail" or alike. Many such cases.
>>13870 >>13864 >We did have an issue with CP spammers lately. I wonder how stuff like this starts happening, unless it's just crawler bots.
>>13871 I never followed their links, but it's rather obvious they make money selling CP to pedos. There are various groups of CP spammers, sadly the anonymous nature of chans and common shortages of staff to moderate them 24/7 made us an attractive target for "alternative advertising", as those subhumans call it. Comment section under blogs are also targeted, basically any website that allows publishing anything without making an account and doesn't use automated CP detection has to deal with this shit. As for whether they are bots or not, at least one group used manual spamming because they often tried to adjust the image they post to blend in with the board they attack, they gave up spamming our chan the fastest. There was also another group, far more persistent and until recently I've seen them only on other chans. I thought that was just a bot crawling the webring and various chan lists, but the way it behaved on our site makes me suspect someone is at least supervising it. My guess is that they first scout new websites to attack and see how fast their spam is dealt with, if they notice delayed response they add board to the spam list and then bots handle it. Then again it costs them absolutely nothing to keep posting even if they get banned after a minute so I dunno. It's under control now, but I will most likely block VPN posting if the situation worsens. In that case I'd copy pregchan's solution where you have to post in a designated meta thread and ask for VPN block bypass, it works by whitelisting your post deletion password you post with.
>>13864 >>13871 The CP bots are a problem that plague all smaller imageboards, I am frankly surprised that it took this long for them to surface here. By first-hand experience, the integrated wordfilter function of LynxChan won't help too much either, really just an endurance game.
Can you please raise the file limit from 4 to 5? I'd like to crosspost between the other monster girl board(tm) that has a 5 image limit, and bringing this board in line with that would help encourage me to make more posts.
>>13876 Done
>>13852 >The Messenger I picked it up a while back as it appealed to my Ninja Gaiden nostalgia, but it ended up going on my backburner list. I'll probably start it up soon, as my New Year Resolution was to get through a chunk of my single player games on said backburner list. That and try to find more mamano-philes on Helldivers 2 (guess how that's going.) I'm also pretty much in the same boat, at the moment I don't have much input on monster girls besides some positive words, that may change if my creative drive finally picks up steam though.
>>13895 Do play it, it's even worth it for the story. >I'm also pretty much in the same boat, at the moment I don't have much input on monster girls besides some positive words, that may change if my creative drive finally picks up steam though. I mean, what new can there really be said? Once in a while you get to have some uber autistic discussion on some biology or history aspect, but aside for that it really is just "nice tail, would fluff/10" or "I luv muh waifu". I kinda realised I like talking with fellow monster fuckers, and it doesn't even have to be about monster girls. I could use a /b/ like thread. Maybe I'll make one.
>>13898 >I could use a /b/ like thread. Maybe I'll make one. Don't, I'll repurpose this thread to also include general off-topic talk and we'll see how it turns out. /pol/itics ban stays tho.
My internet connection is so shitty, it makes me want to murder in minecraft. So i barely upload pics or comment at times.
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>>13903 >Don't, I'll repurpose this thread to also include general off-topic talk and we'll see how it turns out. That could work too >/pol/itics ban stays tho. So /pol/ arguments will get the hammer, while /pol/ ad hominem stay, eh? You know what I'm referring to.
>>13933 >So /pol/ arguments will get the hammer, while /pol/ ad hominem stay, eh? You know what I'm referring to. That's as written in the rules already, yes. I'm not going to play nanny and stop people from using no-no words, but past experiences proved that political debates have no place here.
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A while ago I finished this one game called Baldur's Gate 3. It's okay, definitely doesn't live up to all the hype it got, and the 3rd act felt very unfinished despite it being the biggest one. I went down an evil route, mix of me playing an evil race main character and just really hating most of the NPCs in the first town you visit, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone else. I left feeling very unsatisfied, it's one of those cases where you only lose content instead of getting an alternative questline, and in their infinite wisdom, Larian decided to make it even less appealing post-launch by removing the little that was exclusive to evil route instead of adding more to it. Somehow, quests and dialogue kept breaking and bugging out on me throughout the entire game, it was funny at first, but by the end it was starting to get aggravating. Funnily enough, all the romanceable female companions are nonhuman and most veer towards the evil side of the D&D alignment chart, at least at the start of the game. Both Lae'zel and Shadowheart start out as rude cunts, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good the frog's character development is and by the end of the game she was my second favorite character, but I couldn't resist the evil woman pussy and went for the dark elf Minthara. Her romance was painfully incomplete, a personal questline completely absent (unlike all the other companions), her face admittedly isn't the prettiest, but damn did her personality win me over. I loved how she remained pragmatic evil even after joining your party and instead of getting a redemption arc, you're assisting her in seeing her vengeance through while she also encourages you to seek power, take control over the world and become the ultimate power couple, but even if you decide to go for a good-aligned ending, you still get a pretty satisfying life ruling over others from the shadows and preparing to conquer more realms. Also her one sex scene in act 1 was pretty hot, but again, I hate how much less content she has compared to everyone else, like surely they could have given her literally anything to say or do during act 2 besides joining your party.
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>>13979 >i played baldy's gyatt 3 bearfucker
>>13979 > I couldn't resist the evil woman pussy and went for the dark elf Minthara. Laezel is probably more evil.
>>13979 I feel you on act 3, I got burnt out about a third into it, which was disappointing due to how well act 2 went. Character I went with was gnomish battle bard who, while good-aligned, was still as much of a massive prick as I could make him. Naturally had to go with Lae'zel to put her in her place, that was at least satisfying. But yeah, had the game been a little more balanced out with content in regards to alignments (along with act 3 being optimized a lot better), it definitely would have been a better experience. I ended up going back to run through XCOM 2 and picked up Classified France '44 to satisfy that turn based strategy itch, though. CF'44 is a lil buggy but worth it if you're into that genre, I would still say pick it up when it's on sale if it interests you. >>13985 They're two different flavors of evil, really. Minthara fills that niche of having a competent villainess to work with, while Lae'zel came across more as an edgy teen trying to prove how nasty she is. Which was just more motivation to put that bitch in her place.
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>>13984 Funny thing, the quest where you're supposed to meet him in a prison also broke for me. I went to check on him only after I killed all his fellow bearfuckers and he was gone. Your party proceeds to say aloud he must have escaped confinement and may have returned to town, but he's nowhere to be seen. I later looked up online if anyone else had the same issue, but all I could find were people who met the druid but didn't save him and could find his corpse in bear form in that same prison if they kept going through the main story. Later on, there is a quest where you're supposed to bring the bear druid to meet someone, and he turned into a Schrödinger's bear. I tell the quest giver something along the lines of "Sure, I'll look for him", but the quest log updates to say how the quest giver despaired upon hearing news of the druid's death (???). Talking with the NPC again, he would just comment he was still waiting for the druid to arrive. >>13985 I disagree. Lae'zel felt more like a young person with a lot of bravado constantly relaying how her brutal culture works to you. Her attitude towards the tieflings feels at least understandable given what she just went through, but she can mellow out a lot if you go through her questline. Minthara was evil before, during and after you first meet her. Drow culture is also brutal in its own way, but she has the age and experience of having lived through it as opposed to the gith. She didn't even feel bad for commiting genocide, she only laments she was not in total control of her actions while doing so kek. >>13987 Act 1 felt a lot more fleshed out of the three in my opinion, consequence of being playtested to hell and back during alpha probably. I went with a drow warlock, was kinda funny when some random NPC would have exclusive dialogue for my race and go "oh we've said all drows are evil for years, but at least now we know better haha" and then I would proceed to show they were correct on being racist. On the gameplay part, I really liked how often during act 1 and to some extent act 2 I had to be creative on how to deal with certain encounters, but as I progressed, just brute forcing everything became more and more reliable. Probably more of an issue with 5th edition to be honest.
>>13989 >Lae'zel felt more like a young person with a lot of bravado constantly relaying how her brutal culture works to you. She's like the definition of lawful evil. Bg3 has all three of the evil spectrum really, except nobody here wants to fuck that vampire bussy so we can't count that. That particular bait of attractive psychopath douchebag seems tailor made for women into that. I've only read up on mintharas route but I'm like 90% sure she is more neutral evil. I really should play it again and do an evil run, but the game falls into the usual issue of making the evil route seem wrong.
>>13989 >I went with a drow warlock, was kinda funny when some random NPC would have exclusive dialogue for my race and go "oh we've said all drows are evil for years, but at least now we know better haha" I played fae warlock and had about five class interactions in the whole game. Four of those were finding a mage and go something like this. >"As a superior mage, I don't expect you to understand the intricacies of my art." >You know, I'm something of a mage myself. >"No, you're not. Fuck off, warlock."
>>13990 >I really should play it again and do an evil run, but the game falls into the usual issue of making the evil route seem wrong. I believe now you can just knock her out and there's even new dialogue to account for that (iirc before you had to go through some very specific steps to glitch the game and make her recruitable without raiding the grove), but narratively speaking, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why someone would spare the dark elf and kill the 2 goblin chieftains. Besides when you infiltrate the towers, there isn't much going for her in the shadow-lands until the final boss of the act, but her insights throughout act 3 were 10/10. My biggest regret after I finished the game was ignoring the vampire boy. Externally, because I didn't like how flamboyant he seemed, while in a roleplay aspect it didn't feel right to recruit a guy who tries to kill you when you first meet and again after a few days if you invite him to the party. I did a 2nd playthrough for a while and the actor actually sells the character really well. >>13991 Sucks how apparently most class/race choices aren't really that unique, specially as the game goes on. There was like this one time where my warlock patron intervened more directly, but from what I've read, if you really want a full warlock experience you're supposed to pick Wyll as MC, what with his patron being an actual character you meet and all. Gale has a similar problem, like why make a wizard MC when he already fills that role and has plenty of story content built around it already, specially if you play as him.
>>13952 >political debates have no place here. Oh, c'mon, its not political debates you have problem with but criticism of foids or alike. Political posts approving of the zeitgeist get to stay, but god forbid you challenge that in a meaningful way, then it becomes "political".
>>14002 >criticism of foids Yeah, I don't want it because this board is about monster girls, not 3DPD and problems with them. My opinion is that I want nothing to do with 3DPDs and I don't want to talk about them neither in positive nor negative light, their only use is for transformation/corruption content. But what I like or don't is less of an importance than the fact that few months ago I let some political post slide and they devolved into massive shitfligning and I don't feel like having that repeat ever again. >Political posts approving of the zeitgeist get to stay, but god forbid you challenge that in a meaningful way, then it becomes "political". I honestly couldn't care less about the zeitgeist or redplills. As far as I'm concerned the outside world can turn into one world government with child eating satanists in charge, as long as I have my imaginary non-human women. Or if Trump gets installed as God Emperor of Mankind. So I assure you I'm not biased towards any political direction and I even got bitched at for not tolerating black dick fetishism on /mg/. Also I actually fucking hate deleting posts because every time I do that I get anxious someone is going to throw a fit and leave, so if a post got deleted it meant it was either trying to start shit or it was going way beyond this board's scope rather than just being an off-hand remark. Plus, almost all of the political posts I removed in this place's history were coming from one person, so this doesn't appear to be an issue to most anons.
>>14010 3DPDs are good for making art comms. 2DPDs (2D human women) are good for transformation and corruption
That CP asshole is at it again, and the captcha for reporting seems broken. Hope this gets taken care of ASAP.
>>14254 Apologies for the delay, it's been taken down.
>>14254 Yeah this is becoming a real issue, I'm going to look into blocking vpn posting ASAP, because that's the only reliable way to deal with the spammers. Unless someone knows another way?
If I wanted to make a monster girl cosplay thread where we post images of flesh-and-blood women, which board, if any, would that be appropriate on? I checked the rules for this board and didn't see any anti-3D rules but I want to be certain.
>>13872 >I'd copy pregchan's solution where you have to post in a designated meta thread and ask for VPN block bypass, it works by whitelisting your post deletion password you post with Thank you, a big part of the appeal of this site for me is that I can post from VPN (I don't like the idea of my ISP knowing what porn I'm watching.)
>>14270 I dunno, it's kind of a slippery thing. Real lewds are much more likely to cause legal or semi-legal issues and I'd have to make sure nobody posts pics with underage girls, because that shit can get the site shut down really fast. If more anons would like such thread then we could try it, but from my current knowledge of the monster girl fandom, it's in the "not worth the trouble" area (but of course I could be mistaken)
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>>14270 >anti-3D rules I like to hope at least some anons aren't so off the deep end they can still have an attraction to real women. But I would actually not be surprised if it didn't take off. >>14272 It's not like women doing cosplay is a rare thing. Or do you really have a legitimate concern that anons are unable to differentiate between loli drawings and reality.
>>14273 the problem is. if you're allowing 3D cosplayers of monstergirls, you might as well allow 2D cosplayers of monstergirls
>>14273 >Or do you really have a legitimate concern that anons are unable to differentiate between loli drawings and reality. No, it's not about anons. A bad actor could sneak in teenage girls cosplaying and then bother my server host about it, who will instantly pull the plug without researching the matter any further thanks to the anti-pedo hysteria . And from trusted sources I do know that there are some people who hate this place and would love to see it burn, so opsec is something I need to seriously consider. That said, my #1 priority is increasing activity so I'm not saying no, it's just that I need to know there is enough interest in such thing that the risk makes it worth it.
>>14278 >people who hate this place and would love to see it burn, Lol. Seems like too much effort to give to a small imageboard.
>>14280 You vastly underestimate just how petty some people can get over things.
>3dpd I mean can't you move to a board that has focus on cosplayers? Like i don't hate or dislike real women but i only come here for drawn and animated waifus with monster bits. I don't want jump scared with real stuff while scrolling through the board
>>14274 >>14273 Just me, but I don't want any 3Ds.
>>13872 Update on the spam and VPNs: I've implemented a VPN block that should keep the filth at bay and those affected can have a bypass to keep posting with VPN, visit >>>/site/27 for more info how to get it. I've added current posters to the whitelist so most of you will not even notice the block, aside from no more spam (hopefully)
Edited last time by REDACTED on 01/27/2025 (Mon) 19:32:52.
Why this being an altchan anonymous imageboard, why does it use cloudflare? From what I read it decrypts and thus can also read and log literally everything https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/policies/gateway/http-policies/tls-decryption/
>>14512 1. It helps obfuscate real address of the server, making it slightly harder for a random idiot to convince our host to drop us 2. Free (D)DoS protection, something of massive value in the era of cheap botnets any schizo with a grudge can rent using some monero. At first I wasn't using CF and this site kept having mysterious outages, with server becoming unresponsive. After setting up CF it all stopped and for some time I could see DDoS attempts at the CF panel. Neither of those are perfect and there are still ways to both get the real address and DDoS us, but cloudflare makes it a much more complex ordeal and filters out most of idiots. Besides, the privacy-savvy ones can just use combination of VPN (with bypass I method I provide, /site/ is exempt from the VPN block so you can request it without disabling VPN) and a browser configured to fuck with fingerprinting, like mullvad browser.
>>14514 Thanks for the detailed answer

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