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Board meta thread Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 21:18:04 No. 2
Thread for /mg/-specific feedback/suggestions, or just to call me a fucking retard. For more general aspects of the imageboard as a whole use >>>/site/ News: /mg/ mod recruitment is open. Looking for the worst paid and most thankless job in the world? Want to herd feral autistic cats for absolutely no monetary gain? Send e-mail to [email protected] Having some non-anonymyous identity on the internet I can lookup is a plus, but not required. Please include your most active timezone.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 12:54:24.
>>2 Just wanted to say thank you for working on this. Been trying to post on /dmggg/ since the thread was first made, but still can't because of a random rangeban. Also, image hover and reverse search would be nice.
>>30 Thank you, both for the kind words and the suggestion. I've added image search to the roadmap. What did you mean by image hover? as in display bigger image when hovering over thumbnail?
>>31 Show full image/video on mouseover like the option in 4chanX. Basically what you said, yeah. Actually, you can take a look at 4chanX for inspiration if you want more ideas. Like adding (You)s, highlighting own posts or posts quoting your posts, etc.
Could improve on mobile UI. Can't even see the filenames. Also are webms with sound supported at the moment?
>>34 I'll see what I can do about it, though frontend and mobile are my two weakest sides so no promises >Also are webms with sound supported at the moment? Yes, mp4 videos too
I'm not sure how exactly that part of rule 7 is going to work out. >are only allowed to be posted if they are part of otherwise monster girl focused media Since it only really makes sense to me with group pics featuring actual monster girls.
>>49 It's so you can still fully discuss MonMusu and post Polt or post The Three Charms foxes or post all MGE girls (though in every case OP can decide to completely exclude furries in his thread). If it ends up causing issues I'll just remove this exception, I'd like to first give people as much freedom as possible
So there's a rule regarding furries, but what about monster boys/traps? Do they fall under rule 2 or do they simply not belong? Probably should have a rule about those too to prevent some people from using the "but he's from a MG game, so he's on-topic" excuse to troll with gay stuff. Also speaking of rule 3, what about "on-topic" trolling? Like worldsposting in nu-/mggg/ has been awful quality for over a year, but it's technically on-topic. May want to elaborate on what cancerposting is. >/mg/ mod recruitment is open, mainly seeking volunteers active in US timezone. Are other timezones out of luck then?
>>63 >but what about monster boys/traps? Monster boys with monster girls is on-topic content as any, as far as board rules (which again, can be freely extended with autonomy granted to threads) are concerned. Monster boys on their own naturally don't belong here at all, maybe on /amg/ some kind of "genderbent MGE girls" thread can exist. Faggotry of any variant is off-topic (obviously) and can only exist as part of relevant conversation and should be kept down like /amg/ stuff here. I will add yaoi to the /amg/ type of content, so lewds with that need to be spoilered when posted. I grant some freedom because creating a 1:1 /monster/ clone would be a waste of effort and money on my part. Be ready to occasionally see such content in threads which do not exclude it by definition and/or don't practice arbitrary self-moderation. Or just avoid these threads if it's a big deal Regardless, I will absolutely use the banhammer if anyone gets the bright idea to regularly annoy people with the ol' >but he's from a MG game/manga/whatever excuse, I won't tolerate malicious rule lawyering. >what about "on-topic" trolling? I don't want to play the role of a nanny, it's still a *chan and not traditional forums with fake, forced friendliness and such. So long as you are strictly on-topic you can be rude or autistic (within reason), moderation will only intervene if things get out of hand and thread gets derailed for extended period of time. Of course, thread self-moderation can enforce a stricter approach than that. >Like worldsposting in nu-/mggg/ has been awful quality for over a year, Dunno how it's there now, I haven't really paid attention since April, but board-wise I will not try to suppress something like classic worldsposting from happening. Taste wars are out though, those fall under off-topic trolling. >May want to elaborate on what cancerposting is. Cancerposting is well, posting cancer. Soyjaks are the prime example, but I'd like to leave that rule to common sense. >Are other timezones out of luck then? Yeah bad wording on my part, I meant that I have enough EUTZ staff for now and looking to cover other timezones. It would be silly if majority of people here were also mods.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 12/15/2022 (Thu) 10:21:14.
Concerning images and videos, besides CP, is there anything that's strictly not allowed? For example, western style art or art that focuses more on a realistic or "cool" style. 3DPD, cosplays, reaction images, graphs, screenshots of real life articles, twitter screencaps, or anything else that doesn't feature a monster girl in the file itself.
>>65 No, I do not intend to be as strict as 4chan's /jp/ monster girl thread in that regard but as with everything, people can make their threads stricter if they wish.
Not to be an ass kisser or anything but just want to say thank you for making this place. Slow but comfy boards with little drama are nice.
Is there a text spoiler function? Would be nice if you could do it with Ctrl+S too. >>64 That's understandable. I'm not really bothered by such content as long as it's only brought up occasionally/offhandedly and doesn't get constantly shoved in your face by people who like to pretend that MONSTER GIRL threads are the perfect place to talk about how much they want to suck off human traps for (You)s. >I haven't really paid attention since April, but board-wise I will not try to suppress something like classic worldsposting from happening. Taste wars are out though, those fall under off-topic trolling. Nothing wrong with classic worldsposting, but what passes for worldsposting these days is basically one or two guys samefagging and spamming shit and piss and other repetitive bot tier responses at each other. Kind of makes you suspect it isn't just a couple of giga autists, but rather someone being another ebin chessmaster troll or trying to kill any discussion of that kind. Classic worldsposting is pretty much dead because people either lost interest or don't want it to be derailed into the same "shitsnake/shitlias" spam. >Cancerposting is well, posting cancer. Soyjaks are the prime example, but I'd like to leave that rule to common sense. Ah, ok. What's your stance on ritualposting? >I meant that I have enough EUTZ staff for now and looking to cover other timezones. Are JP/SEA timezones full? Never had any experience with it, but I wouldn't mind doing it for free if it's for the sake of healthy monster girl environment.
>>71 >Is there a text spoiler function? yes can also use double "*" around text Check the "help" page at the top >"shitsnake/shitlias" spam. Won't ban from just using those terms, but back and forth nonconstructive shitflinging will be eventually cut short. Still, mods will only intervene if things really get out of hand. >What's your stance on ritualposting? Don't care, as long as it's not used to establish a persona used outside of the ritualpost. >Are JP/SEA timezones full? No, if you are active out of the GMT +/- 1 TZ, then you would be very useful to have on the team.
Add a shortcut to iqdb/saucenao/yandex for posts with files.
>>76 Yeah working on it, it's at the top of my to-do list
>>72 >Check the "help" page at the top Thanks, hadn't noticed that somehow. One more question, do weirder girls like various eldritch/Xelvy abominations belong here or are they /amg/ material? Or does it depend purely on fetishes involved?
>>99 >Or does it depend purely on fetishes involved? Yes, it's about the fetishes. Xelvies or even Delphinus abominations are fine, though other extreme cases might be sent to /amg/ (talking about shit like /d/orses) Keep in mind /mg/ is not some kind of "vanilla" board, the separation with /amg/ was mainly introduced so people aren't forced to see girldicks and such while scrolling through the board or on the catalog.
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>site ran by guy who runs websites >site doesn't immediately ban you for posting Marsey >site admin hasn't been proven to not be Egyptian >in fact, he's implied that he lives in a European time zone, which Egypt is in. >CAPYBARA is in the site's name Is our admin secretly Aevann of rdrama.net fame?
>>604 Nah, I never ran a public website before, I learn things as I go. Also, the capybara is a reference to a shitty 4chan drama
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New proposal for a banner
>>841 I recognize the source picture, IMO it should be cropped better to show that she's a monster girl and that it's not a completely unrelated hentai crop.
>>844 Well do it then? I tried, it was all squished and looked bad.
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>>846 I mean, it's a pretty big image, I love the spirit of it but you can try it yourself
>>846 >>848 Can't find a way to make it board relevant. Increasing crop area to include the ears makes the text unreadable, you'd have to cut out the speech bubbles and reposition them. The bubbles also blend in with the background, so you have to do it manually without magic wand or other tool.
If you're going to have a "flood detector", you should increase the image limit per post.
>>1095 I've bumped the image limit to 3, we'll see how it influences server resource usage and I might keep it, increase it or go back to 1 depending on that.
>Try to make doggirl thread >"Request size limit exceeded or invalid request." Is there a limit on threads? I tried doing that yesterday. Thought the issue was on my side.
>>1165 Post the image here, maybe the file is fucked. I just tried making a thread with a 7 MB picture and it went through just fine.
>>1167 I'm a fucking retard. I forgot about the size limit. Thanks for reminding me
Capybara has been moved to a new server, don't hesitate to complain if things get noticeably slower, I can always switch again as needed
>>2069 It's very noticeable. The logo in the homepage, most larger images and videos are taking way longer to load for me.
>>2072 Yeah I'm feeling it too, already found a nice shady no questions asked hosting, maybe the switch will even happen this weekend if I get crypto in time
I've moved the site to another server, this one is much more powerful and it's no longer sluggish (for me at least).
New server is back online, we're resuming normal operation
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Just realized we still have only only banner when I had to cook up something quick to replace the default engine placeholder sign. So, I'm opening submissions for /mg/ board banners. We have 10 slots to fill up. Submission guidelines: - Banner dimensions must be 312x97. Format doesn't matter, I'll just convert it as needed. - Must be directly related to the topic of monster girls and instantly recognizable as such - Must be SFW (cropped porn is ok) - Try to keep the themes unique between other banners. If there's already a banner related to some fetish or general theme, try to come up with a different reference. Current banner is basically still a placeholder, so if you think you came up with a better banner about procreation, feel free to submit it Quality doesn't matter, MS paint shitposts are more than welcome. Submit the proposals either here or mail them if for whatever reason you don't want it to be public
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>>2285 I tossed some up for you.
>>2288 Nice. I've added the first and third one. Second one will be kept in reserve if we fill the current batch and make a second round, since foxfucking quota is already met with the third banner.
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>>2285 I probably won't make one of those, but are animated GIFs fine too?
>>2348 added this one too >are animated GIFs fine too? yes
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>>2285 made a banner
>>3719 nice, added
Total file size limit per post increased to 30 MB
Reminder that mod positions are still open, especially now that my current mods are either MIA or otherwise cannot contribute for other reasons. Well to be honest it's more of a general volunteer work since there's fuck all to moderate, there were total of 3 mod actions this year and all handled by me. I'm especially looking for people who care and would like to help liven up this board/site, since as anyone can see the activity slumped hard in the past few weeks.
>>4640 I'd offer to participate but I'm not interested in putting myself directly into the drama the monster girl community finds itself in. I'm finding myself disillusioned and serving as a janny would only make things worse for me.
>>4837 Simply regularly posting anything is enough, to be fair. This site desperately needs regular posters and people who care at all. According to server stats we have a lot of lurkers (like, a lot more than you would think) but the numbers don't translate to posting activity for whatever reason and the fact that nobody leaves negative feedback is not helping either.
>>4847 I can't really think of any monster girl communities are significantly more active? Especially not ones that actually have anything to talk about. These days a lot more banter seems to happen than actual content to talk about. Also sometimes I see stuff that qualities as closer to ERP than anything else. >we have a lot of lurkers (like, a lot more than you would think) Assuming they are there to actually post maybe they can't find anything to insert themselves into. There are a lot of segregated porn threads and I never found a catalog.
>>4857 >maybe they can't find anything to insert themselves into. There are a lot of segregated porn threads That might be one of the bigger issues indeed. For context: the site was made because its predecessor was having issues with not enough room to contain the spergs in one thread and keep people from stepping on each other's toes and all the whining about posting habits of other anons were slowly killing it, the idea was to give everyone all the space they could possibly want and form their own sub-communities without X, Y or Z Except it turns out the same people who whined so much about having to see specific content aren't so eager to form a new community, so we ended up with a discussion model that was designed for a more activity and it seems sparse as a result My current recommendation for people would be to refrain from making new threads unless necessary and stick to the general thread until some topic comes up frequently enough to warrant splitting off. I will also evaluate feasibility of merging all the dead lesser threads into the general thread, although this would be a one-time thing and I'd like to avoid forcing people to stay in thread they don't want to be in. >I never found a catalog. You mean like 4chan board catalog page? It's the grid icon in the panel above thread/board
Anyone else getting weird random timeouts or long waiting times when loading pages?
Tomorrow (November 12) at 11:00 GMT I will be temporarily restoring an old DB backup to submit a couple of threads for archival. This will take around 15 minutes, possibly less so don't be surprised if you see the board in a weird state for a moment.
>>5794 Done, site is back to normal now.
>>4847 Do consider that people might be accessing the site from a VPN, and would thus give you a whole lot more IPs per whatever than there are actual unique visitors. >>4640 I am highly trustworthy and deserving of the mop (do NOT ask lolcow.farm about the time I applied to their team.)
what is the limit on number of active posts currently? Is there an archive?
>>7088 No limit on active posts, there is a limit on active threads (40) and threads stop bumping after 300 posts. Right now we have 30 threads so nothing gets lost. >archive No dedicated archive like on 4ch, you have to manually submit thread links to web.archive.org if you want to save them. In the past we had 30 threads limit so some threads died though I sent them to the web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20231112112923/https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/4.html https://web.archive.org/web/20231112113316/https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/1117.html https://web.archive.org/web/20231112113555/https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/1915.html https://web.archive.org/web/20231112114307/https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/74.html https://web.archive.org/web/20231112113723/https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/1711.html https://web.archive.org/web/20231112113838/https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/2505.html
Edited last time by REDACTED on 01/20/2024 (Sat) 09:01:05.
>>7115 NTA, but thanks. I had tried archiving that first thread in both the wayback machine and two other different archival sites (I believe it was archive.is and archive.today?), but wasn't satisfied with how it looked in any of those sites and didn't look for more alternatives.
>>7115 thanks for the reply.
Are they captchas needed now?
>>7351 The anti-spam protection was tripped by someone dumping a bunch of images last night and it automatically turned on captcha. Turns out it doesn't turn it off afterwards, I reverted this just now.
>>7115 >MG board with reasonable rules and a BO who's fluent in english I have no idea why it took me so long to find this place, but bless you for existing. I'm aware the board is comfy slow, but how would you feel about a greentext/writefag thread for sharing stories new and old?
>>7420 >I have no idea why it took me so long to find this place Kind of my fault, I'm skittish about advertising the board because I don't even know how to, I mainly bring it up when people already mention it. >but how would you feel about a greentext/writefag thread for sharing stories new and old? We already have it >>1365
>>7421 >Kind of my fault, I'm skittish about advertising the board That's quite understandable, especially with all the stupid bullshit I've seen /monster/ go through. >We already have it Ah, even better!
/monster/fag here. You guys are alright. Here's hoping we can be friends who share a common love for monster girls.
>>7487 Yeah one of my main concerns is people mislabeling the site as "anti-/monster/" for having /amg/, I don't want to get dragged into some gay board rivalry and I hope to stay at least neutral with you guys. I made this imageboard because of shit that happened on 4chan, it had nothing to do with /monster/
>>7497 Forgive me if I find this an unlikely outcome.
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>>2 Is stuff like steven universe or towergirls allowed?
>>7654 Nothing against those.
>>7655 Good.
why did all threads get bumplocked?
>>7421 >I'm skittish about advertising the board because I don't even know how to, I mainly bring it up when people already mention it. I think its best. Admittedly, finding this board almost missed me, but word of mouth is generally the best way to grow a good forum. Its chill here and I like it, tho there's too few drawfags (actually, I think I might be the only one). >>7497 >Yeah one of my main concerns is people mislabeling the site as "anti-/monster/" for having /amg/, I don't want to get dragged into some gay board rivalry and I hope to stay at least neutral with you guys. I think /amg/ could be dangerous, given the strong divide in mongirl fans about those, but we'll see. Admittedly, I started posting here more after getting tired of /monster/'s paladin brainrot (and a few bans), tho I still contribute on both in the end. >I made this imageboard because of shit that happened on 4chan, it had nothing to do with /monster/ Sounds interesting, do you mind telling why?
>>7668 NTA, but I started posting here because of what happened on /monster/ few months ago. I hope that here it's a bit better.
>>7670 something happened? I don't remember anything. (or do you mean the occasional CP spam?)
>>7683 There was some discussion about SU. With few pics being posted here and there. Aux banned and deleted everything relating to it even the arguments. Other thing is that the wakfu/dofus thread was swiss cheesed despite by the looks it was fine to post some of the more "anthro" characters. It's in quotes because technically majority of characters in the world of dofus are humans,but I won't explain the lore. It just left a sour taste in my mouth. And kinda dissapointed me because one anon wanted to make profiles based off the gems.
>>7661 Which ones? The only thread that got recently bumplocked was the manga thread, because it reached the bump limit (300)
>>7698 i see what i did. i loaded the site on that thread and used the mini catalog to go to another thread. looks like the bumplocked icon then also shows up on the other thread
>>7668 >tho there's too few drawfags Lack of OC is of course concerning but there's not much that can be done aside from spreading the word. In any given community only a tiny portion turn out to be content creators and when the user pool itself is tiny - you know how it goes. If you have any ideas how to attract content creators, no matter how dumb they may seem then go ahead and share them. >Sounds interesting, do you mind telling why? I usually decline to expand on this but since you're yet another person asking - it's story time. Few years ago, my previous home MG fan community on 4chins experienced a sudden influx of newfags caused by two related h-game series going viral all over the site. We're talking about a jump from 4-5 days per thread to one day per thread. Obviously this had disastrous effects on local thread culture and led to months of ugly dramas, which culminated with the thread splitting into two. One side wanted to cut the tumor out (quite literally, by removing said newfag magnet games from the topic) and the other wanted to maintain status quo. The split was generally even and both threads continued in parallel, main difference is that the cross-thread shitposting was going almost exclusively one way, from the status quo newfag-friendly camp. I assume this was mainly the newfags going apeshit when they realized there was a real chance they are about to be given the boot and they shat all over the other thread. I mean ~70 posts deleted by jannies in one thread when the chimping out went overboard. The smear campaign and attempts at dragging the feud to the other threads they were coming from was probably the single most disgusting event I've seen on imageboards ever, they even went as far as making fake shitposted threads in a hijack attempt (which in the end succeeded) After a few days, the ever-competent 4janny staff decided to randomly step in and deleted the reactionary side. After that, the few people who cared about having a decent community went to make a /d/ thread, which turned out to be not a great idea and had troubles deciding what it wants to be. This imageboard was made to solve the issue of both cancer prevalent on 4ch and the issues the /d/ thread had, along with hopefully growing into a proper community.
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>>7683 >There was some discussion about SU. With few pics being posted here and there. Aux banned and deleted everything relating to it even the arguments. kudos to aux for being hard, but deleting discussions is annoying. >Other thing is that the wakfu/dofus thread was swiss cheesed holy hell you're right, so many dead mentions. I remember posting there around the time admin got mad at me and deleted all my recent posts (probably going by ip) even ones completely irrelevant to the reason he banned me. Which left the wakfu thread and few others with even more dead mentions. He can be a bit too trigger happy. >>7702 >If you have any ideas how to attract content creators, no matter how dumb they may seem then go ahead and share them. all I can think of is asking over on /monster/. I'm not too keen on advertising this board elsewhere in fear of it degenerating. So plebbit is out of the question(despite the fact it may have some artists lurking/posting there). Maybe sometimes I'll mention it on some 4chan threads. >story time > two related h-game series going viral all over the site. what games were they? Monster Girl Island and something else? >the ever-competent 4janny staff decided to randomly step in and deleted the reactionary side. I'm not good with commie lingo, which one got deleted? The old guard? >This imageboard was made to solve the issue of both cancer prevalent on 4ch and the issues the /d/ thread had, along with hopefully growing into a proper community. man, good for you for having the tech skills and determination to make it. I often think about making a board myself, once made a forum on a reddit clone. Way too niche, but I have the satisfaction of having genuinely tried. Maybe I'll use its corpse for a new board one day.
>>7714 >what games were they? Monster Girl Island and something else? Black Souls and SEQUEL games. Genuinely good h-games I would recommend, but attracted incredibly cancerous following on 4ch. Then again almost all of modern 4chan is fucking cancerous so there's nothing particular about them in this regard, just that they became popular. >I'm not good with commie lingo, which one got deleted? The old guard? I don't know if this is "commie lingo" but yes. Felt that it would be shorter than writing "the side that wanted things to go back they were"
>>7716 >I don't know if this is "commie lingo" well now you know. I find it kinda surprising you were a channer on both 4 and 8 and didn't pick up on things like this. >Felt that it would be shorter than writing "the side that wanted things to go back they were" You could've said old guard or oldfags or something along those lines. >Black Souls and SEQUEL games. I remember them being mentioned often in monster girl games general on /vg/. That's where the drama happened? I vaguely remember some anons mentioning something. >Then again almost all of modern 4chan is fucking cancerous I dunno, I'd say mediocre quality and sometimes filled (or flooded) with shills and bots. Wouldn't call it cancerous tho. I'd reserve that term for something like imgur's comment section on political pics, or the whole of plebbit and twatter. Tho my issue with those is more systemic, even if they were filled with people I agree with, I'd still dislike their systems, they just naturally lead to a decline in quality of discussion. Imageboard style of bumping and saging threads works best for me.
>>7714 The wakfu/dofus thread being swiss cheeses was the real pain in the butt. And kinda insulting, but I'm unsure if I'd make a walfuband dofus thread here
Just got a notice from server provider, there might be a short, around 30 minutes downtime anytime between now and 20:00 GMT. So don't panic if the site goes down.
I've cleaned up the thread, I don't like censorship but I draw the line at telling people to leave this site. If you all want to argue, do it without sabotaging the thing I put so much effort and money into.
>>7752 The three things I don't like to see in monster girl communities are >politics >fetish fights >extreme levels of fanboyism It would be nice if this place didn't get a politics infested meta thread with a nice dashing of talking about the degradation of society/the one true setting that does away with all the bad stuff and must be protected at all costs.
>>7752 fair enough, well done >>7758 owner just cleaned, can you not start things again?
>>7702 you're talking about /mggg/ right? or am i retarded? i don't remember any drama this big happening, other than the aizen posting and samefagging stuff that happened a few summers ago
>>7758 that did seem to be the impression i got from /jp/ and /monster/. mge is nice on the periphery but the community seems insanely toxic (to use the buzzword anon's dislike). i always preferred the other, comfier threads.
>>8484 I was talking about the dual threads situation from February 2022 and crossposting retards from other places going mental when it turned out there was more anons getting tired of their antics than just the one boogeyman they coined up. Even if most people who stayed were/are alright, I couldn't spend so much of my free time with that kind of human waste around. Besides, the place changed too much from my favorite period of 2018-2019, started to feel too much like an extension of (modern) /v/ >>8482 /monster/ is a post-8chan bunker for the /monster/ board that was there. In practice the biggest difference is that this site was designed to be open to everyone and much more liberal. I have no problem with /monster/ existing and even used to post there before I got busy running my own thing, just saw an unfilled niche for a liberal (but not chaotic) MG fan community. >>8485 You need a certain mindset and be respectful to participate in those communities, if you can respect their (long list of) unwritten rules it's alright. Problem starts when some specimens try to brute force their way in and that's when the natives get "toxic".
>>8486 >liberal I'd avoid such words unless you know what you're doing. Cuz you know... its a politically charged word. >You need a certain mindset and be respectful to participate in those communities, if you can respect their (long list of) unwritten rules it's alright. Problem starts when some specimens try to brute force their way in and that's when the natives get "toxic". Maybe its just me, but I went into /monster/ expecting a monster girls board, not "MGE absolutism" kinda board. Tried discussing other things, and treating MGE like I would any other series. Learned the hard way what that board was really about. My main issue is what I feel is "false advertising" and sometimes complete denial of reality (such as thinking majority of mongirl stuff is basically like MGE, and anything that strays from it is a degenerate outlier, despite the facts that other works emerged roughly at the same time as MGE and contributed as much or more to popularising the genre(not to mention that monster girls are an inherently degenerate idea to begin with)). If the word "toxic" is wrong, I'd just call them "slightly too retarded and aggressive". Gatekeeping is an immunity, too much of it is an autoimmune disease. /monster/ might have a bit of the latter.
>>8487 based, i also hate the MGE-only nature of /monster/ and them obsessively inserting their political ideology into it, expecting every monsterfag to be into warhammer 40K, and their insane level headcanons to turn monstergirls into boring tradwives just cause it aligns with their catholic brainrot
>>8496 >expecting every monsterfag to be into warhammer 40K A crushing majority is, it's either that or they're armyfags.
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>>8496 >expecting every monsterfag to be into warhammer 40K >>8497 >A crushing majority is, it's either that or they're armyfags. I'm not into 40k per se, but I do enjoy the vibe of the empire of man. I am into guns tho, dunno if that makes me an armyfag. I couldn't care less about tanks and planes and copters. Stuff that you can carry alone, that's interesting. Complicated huge technology that requires tons of manufacturers, engineers, and an operating crew is kinda boring. They need permissions, organisations, approval of paper pushers, give me a break. >>8496 >i also hate the MGE-only nature of /monster/ I wouldn't hate it if they were more self aware and honest, like "this is an MGE forum with occasional other monster". Now its "this is a MONSTER forum, anything that strays from our ideals is probably degenerate and jewish". >insane level headcanons picrel is what got their panties in a twist. A quote from the actual book is considered subversive heresy. >turn monstergirls into boring tradwives just cause it aligns with their catholic brainrot Its not even that. I'd enjoy some non-degenerate monster girls, just showing them to be good wives and everything, but no, they have to add back the infinite amount of lust and smut and femdom or whatnot. Damnit, once you go into porn you've crossed almost all lines that you can cross. You can't then claim to NOT be a degenerate. Its the same with this half assed pseudo Christianity. Any average (real) Christian would check out the second he sees a Demon, Baphomet, Succubus, Hellhound or any other literally satanic monster. At best he'd be into stuff like picrel 2(tho still unlikely). The REAL subversion is trying to say that the rape dog isn't really a rape dog, and there's no degeneracy here, while still fantasising about being pinned down by her. Pick one, damnit. Tradwife redemption or satanic rape dog. Pick ONE. Fuck, its making me so worked up I want to make my own /monster/. Without blackjack and without hookers! Zero porn or horny shit. Only wholesome creature girls who are monsters only on the outside. I needed that vent.
>>8504 >Fuck, its making me so worked up I want to make my own You don't, trust me I'm speaking from my own experience here. Getting a new independent, specialized altchan off the ground these days is almost impossible and preventing this place from becoming a ghost town took an absurd amount of time and attention.
>>8505 Oh I know, I really do. I once tried to do exactly what I wrote in 8504 and, well... I gave up. It got like 2 or 3 posts from people that weren't me and in the end I came to the conclusion its not worth the time, or that I'm doing something wrong. I'm slightly re-energized again because I think I learned what I was doing wrong and how I can do it better. But it'll wait, now I have a ton of other things on my plate, and trying to get a website off the ground is the last thing I need.
>>8506 I'm curious, why not just make an appropriate SFW thread here, appoint yourself as the owner and start from that? You can make any kind of rules you want and essentially have a sub-community within the board. Sure you would need to bring people in from the outside since I doubt a SFW thread would gain traction with the current userbase, but same would apply to a fresh website and would be even harder. With the kind of narrow specialization we're operating on and imageboard culture slowly going extinct, the "if you build it, they will come" principle does not apply at all. In fact it's the opposite.
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>>8504 >I'm not into 40k per se, but I do enjoy the vibe of the empire of man. It's the right kind of fucked up, a blend of many emotions and vibes that shouldn't mix, it's not Humanity at it's peak of course, that would be in 30k but then the local knife ears spawned She, the prince who thirst into existence and things were less than optimal after that for pretty much everyone save the Crons and the Tau (yeah, even the Nids got murderfucked, can't synaptic link for shink when Slaanesh and Tzeentch are screwing with the wifi password) >I am into guns tho, dunno if that makes me an armyfag. I meant as actual armyfags, I'm not shitting you when I say that MGQ was the #3 cope for every NATO forces in the Sandbox (right after French MRE Gauloises/wine and US MRE Jalapeno cheese spread) That's how I discovered MGQ, one night some randos keep runing his mouth about Ilias and an Aussie guy was seething about it because Alice was better (authentic) Why? Fuck if I know, it's what it is, same reason why 40kfags, especially the ol' TTRPG ones are all into monster girls: Fuck if I know, perhaps it's the brutal contrast between something so Grimdark even the Berserk fanbase think it's too much and the horribly cute, "this is my hole, it was made for me" vibe that MGE is giving or something. >"this is a MONSTER forum, anything that strays from our ideals is probably degenerate and jewish". >jewish Yee, even if it's not wrong I wouldn't pull that outside of this thread, that's a rather uncomfortable fact but there's plenty of /pol/ tier users in the "fandom" (I hate the word) and I tend to agree with boardanon, our niche is already niche enough and is supposed to contrast the even "nicher" stuff from other places, so I prefer it to be open minded but if I see anything like that outside of here I'll slug it in a heartbeat, we're all a nice, degenerate family here, and that's coming from an actual /pol/ user.
>>8512 >I meant as actual armyfags, I'm not shitting you when I say that MGQ was the #3 cope for every NATO forces in the Sandbox yyyyy, you mean some sort of game? I'm confused what you're talking about. >>jewish >Yee, even if it's not wrong I wouldn't pull that outside of this thread, that's a rather uncomfortable fact but there's plenty of /pol/ tier users in the "fandom" (I hate the word) I just threw the word out there to give kind of the general vibe. Like, the only thing that would even be remotely close is migrant propaganda in MonMusu. One of the reason I liked Creature Girls (https://bato.to/series/80675) is that in the very beginning it starts with the usual "poor monster girl bullied" and immediately goes to explain that she's a thief and they have a very solid reason to go after her. And throughout the series its like this: the monster girls aren't saints, they can and do evil things too, and they aren't humanity's ally, just another species in this world. Our main character is the weirdo outlier for wanting to sleep with them, other humans often see him as a degenerate. And that makes a lot more sense than "muh poor powerful mythical beings being bullied by humans" that so many series go for. As for /pol/, I like that most users are like that, its a great immunity against commie/woke bullshit, but if you want to go full non-degenerate nat-soc or based Christian or whatever, then you can't also honestly enjoy Japanese cartoon porn depicting demons. Ironic "heil Hitlers" and "Jesus is king" is fine as long as its ironic or at least half ironic (fuck, I want to draw some Christian hellhounds or whatnot). Everything in moderation, you know how it is. And I don't even use /pol/ on any chan, lol.
>>8518 While I don't agree with the praise of /pol/ on chans as I believe the decline really began when /pol/ started leaking out of its containment, I do miss the old times of widespread dumb mindless edginess with no underlying agenda. Nowadays everyone has some agenda to push and the altchan scene went completely insane with rambling schizophrenics and e-preachers after 8chan kicked the bucket. I just want to call people niggers and faggots without getting bogged down in amerimutt identity politics, is it too much to ask?
>>8520 >I just want to call people niggers and faggots without getting bogged down in amerimutt identity politics, is it too much to ask? That's what we all want, but such desire for "freedom of edginess" became very political as time went on and everyday media brainwashing intensified. Its inherently "pol" because its "politically incorrect".
>>8509 > narrow specialization we're operating on Reading the sentiment here this place is less narrow than half of the other monster girl places. At least the ones I know. I only have second hand accounts of some more wild places like spacebattles or touch fluffy tail but since they're never mentioned I assume people are not coming from there.
>>8509 I thought about that too, and maybe I will, eventually later spinning it off to another site dedicated only to that. Tho some specialised non-porn threads already did alright here, like the OC or card game making threads. Because ultimately that's what I want. Not random pic sharing, but genuine discussions and creativity. I think I'll make a "manga only" thread, so no doujins, only stuff that's a bit longer with more plot. Porn doujins and actual series have very different goals and they're consumed very differently too, so sharing both in the same thread feels like a disservice to both.
>>8538 >I only have second hand accounts of some more wild places like spacebattles or touch fluffy tail but since they're never mentioned I assume people are not coming from there. You mean https://touchfluffytail.org/ ? I've seen that site a few times, but it doesn't look like a forum or anything, just.... a repository. What's the point of an account there? >space battles This thing https://forums.spacebattles.com/ ? That's a forum alright, but I don't see much mongirls there. I'm asking because I want to know of more spaces dedicated to this stuff, you know, like a fallback thing, or maybe finding a new neat site.
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>>8540 >That's a forum alright, but I don't see much mongirls there. NTA but spacebattles is notorious for having turbo autists making cringy monster girl shitfics.
>>8540 TFT is a story website, but alongside Monster Girl content, they host furry stories, and I believe monster boy stories as well. You also need to get vetted by the mod staff before you can get story posting privileges enabled on your account. Like any website hosting stories, there's a few gems mixed in with a lot of crap, but it's worth skimming through. Space battles I've never visited, and while I have admittedly never heard good things about the website, most of that information was taken from /monster/, so make of that what you will. General consensus though is the place leans more left than right, if that helps at all.
>>8542 > most of that information was taken from /monster/, I don't think it's even primarily a monster girl site.
>>8543 It hasn't been for a long time, it's just /pol/ 2.0 with monster girl window dressing. You can thank the spic for that
>>8544 Oh, kek, no, I meant spacebattles, for all the flak of making mge grimdark, has a load of other stuff. I could have sworn one really big harry potter fanfic was posted there.
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>>8544 I thought the previous anon was talking about spacebattles, not /monster/ as for /monster/, you're exaggerating. Sure, they're extreme and unapologetic in how they roll, but its not "/pol/", but "MGE/Kenkou Cross absolutism". With a lot of headcanon that "fixes" stuff they don't like from the books. But there's many good and high quality threads there, the drawthread being the best example imo. And hey, the """""meta""""" threads died some time ago, that's great! And I'm gonna say it: the single theme threads (e.g. centaur, fox, demon, etc) are higher quality on /monster/ than here. I don't care much for either, but when I do decide to browse one of them, I find more quality stuff in /monster/'s threads. I mean jokes, discussion, creative things. Pic related. Its not a criticism of this place, but a defence of /monster/. Lots of things on /monster/ annoy me, but that doesn't mean I'll allow bs about it to spread.
>>8545 >>8546 My apologies on the misunderstanding there, I'm celebrating St. Pat's early so I'm a bit rowdy about dumb shit.
>one post outside of meta thread in the last 8 hours >meanwhile, six posts in the meta thread mainly shitting on /monster/ for being too meta Do you faggots see the irony here? I declare the topic of /monster/ being "bad" completely exhausted (for now) and will delete any further negative comment about them. Especially since I intend to keep this site at minimum neutral towards other related communities. I only mentioned them at first because anon asked for differences between us and somehow this spiraled into a full on bitching campaign. If you don't like the way they are, you have all the tools here to help build a different mongirl fan community.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:38:26.
>>8518 >you mean some sort of game? I'm confused what you're talking about. Yes, the original "Monster Girl Quest" visual novel. >As for /pol/, I like that most users are like that, its a great immunity against commie/woke bullshit There's a fact that many people tend to forget (on purpose or not) or simply don't know, /pol/ isn't >but if you want to go full non-degenerate nat-soc or based Christian or whatever, then you can't also honestly enjoy Japanese cartoon porn depicting demons. Ironic "heil Hitlers" and "Jesus is king" is fine as long as its ironic or at least half ironic (fuck, I want to draw some Christian hellhounds or whatnot). Everything in moderation, you know how it is. Weirdly enough, there's an actual explanation for that, let's just say politely that if Japan was part of the Axis in WW2 that wasn't for style point and leave it there. >>8520 >While I don't agree with the praise of /pol/ on chans as I believe the decline really began when /pol/ started leaking out of its containment Unlike /mlp/ users, /pol/ wasn't and isn't a "main board", hell I'm from /k/ and the only reason why I stuck on /pol/ was because they were the only one back then doing the "groundwork" with exposing Monsanto, BigPharma, the whole Teflon debacle, digging into whoever the fuck Assange was, because he certainly glew real bad at first, etc... the aitrstrike on Syria was a bonus. I'm not sure when the shift happened , when the self exiled bunker anons came back? when SomethingAwful went busybodies? When /gif/ and /v/ got assaulted relentlessly by Chapo Trap House and the like? I'm not sure, but it happened and since then /pol/ is the de-facto bogeyman, it still is to this day. It took years for some to realize that you could samefag and bait your own posts, false flag to your heart content and nowadays? Shit, they removed the "unique ID counter" on any chon page, right after the Sweet Baby Inc scandal and during an election year in the USA... Welp, it's a vast topic and people are so sensitive about it, plus like the faggot in chief said, I would prefer if we could stay neutral with everyone else, including the weirdos. >>8549 You know how it is, without any new release anons get bored and start talking about this or that drama for reasons.
>>8562 >>you mean some sort of game? I'm confused what you're talking about. >Yes, the original "Monster Girl Quest" visual novel. I know what MGQ is, the bit about "NATO forces in the Sandbox" is what I don't understand. What NATO forces? What Sandbox? >/pol/ isn't an immunity against woke bs yeah bro, no >Weirdly enough, there's an actual explanation for that, let's just say politely that if Japan was part of the Axis in WW2 that wasn't for style point and leave it there. I HIGHLY doubt those old imperialist japs would be very tolerant towards cartoon demon porn. But hey, feel free to prove me wrong.
>>8549 >meanwhile, six posts in the meta thread mainly shitting on /monster/ for being too meta >mainly shitting on /monster/ >mainly Try rereading the posts? There's discussion of TFT, Spacebattles, SFW monster girl threads/forums, other manga AND some shitting on /monster/. And some defence of it as well. The decision to limit complaining about /monster/ isn't bad, but don't be dishonest about what's actually going on in this thread.
>>8549 >>8562 >bitching about /monster/ >lack of new releases With a more sober and clearer mind, the bitching and hyperbole from my end was more just bubbling frustrations from mostly a bunch of unrelated shit, on top of trying to get what's an admittedly pretty dumb MG story idea fleshed out (road-weathered biker gets isekai'ed) that I'm getting too hung up on details with, so once again, apologies. I just need to stop trying the Hemingway method of getting soused before writing anything, I turn into a bitter asshole. >>8565 NTA, but I believe "NATO in the sandbox" refers to their peacekeeping forces in the middle east. It's not just NATO though, I had a national guard friend who was stationed in Kuwait, he pretty much said MGQ and Katawa Shojo made up a fair portion of his conversations with other soldiers out there.
>>8540 Touch Fluffy Tail/TFT is and has always been a story hosting repository and a way for people to connect to artists who voluntarily choose to be linked to the site. To expand on what >>8542 said, it's a 'General' Monster Girl website and they operate on "If it's tagged with X, then you have no right to complain if you decided to read it". In the interest of not slinging mud at /monster/, take everything you read there with a grain of salt, especially given the animus between the owner of it and Touch Fluffy Tail. Their forum-- As it were-- Is their Discord. Simple as.
>>8565 >I know what MGQ is, the bit about "NATO forces in the Sandbox" is what I don't understand. What NATO forces? What Sandbox? Afgh = Sandbox. NATO forces = Every Western spergs (plus a fews) stuck in ME trying real hard not to get randomly offed. Also What >>8567 said, even if I learned about the Kuwait national guard also being monsterfuckers lel >yeah bro, no It's what it is, also I'm retarded and didn't finished the sentence, I agreed with you, the problem of /pol/ is the same than it was years ago, it's full of people that aren't /pol/ tier just to shit on our stuff. in a quick TL:DR way: On /pol/ There's 50% of the users that aren't locals and are just fucking around (to own le chuds) 40% of locals that are next to impossible to dislodge that just want to say "nigger, faggots, kikes, cunts, etc..." in peace while they talk about political stuff all around the globe (most users aren't Westerners, 4chan is a life buoy when you have Putin, XinPin or Duterte as president) and there's 10% of absolute retards that are on/off and will go to other boards and behave like they own the place (mosts of those are Indians and Russians, the later will post 40k related pictures a lot) >I HIGHLY doubt those old imperialist japs would be very tolerant towards cartoon demon porn. But hey, feel free to prove me wrong. Different cultures, different customs, different people, different times, etc... Japan always had a folklore including monsters that they not only believed in but actively prayed the "kami" for them not to screw/ravage/annoy their land, hence why there's still shrines and shrine maidens there to this day, I'm no "weeb" but my girlfriend is and she expanded on the subject a lot, point is even back then under the IJA they were extremely superstitious and used every edge they could get, if they could had used monsters or anything like that to bolster their army they would had done so. >>8573 I personally agree that we should stay as neutral and as liberal as possible, anyone can make a thread and their own rules, about any topic and since we have multiple boards you won't see the "weird shit" unless you're looking for it, I'm not sure how many jannies we have but so far this adventure have been a really soothing and enjoyable one so far, especially since "the rest" degraded so badly in the last years or so.
>>8586 Not even a matter of being as liberal as possible to me, I only responded in the first place because it gets kind of tiresome how people have presumptions about what TFT is and isn't when it's more or less just Literotica focused on Monstergirls.
Announcement: I would like to perform a one month trial for new board organization: merging threads about specific monster girls into the general thread. I have locked these threads and their posts should now go to >>7084 Fox thread being the sole exception left open because it's extremely unbalanced in activity compared to the others and would dominate the general topic. Other threads done for a specific purpose like history thread, games thread or threads about franchises rather than girl types will continue as normal. The purpose is to limit unnecessary fragmentation and make it easier to figure out where to post. At the end of April we'll see how it worked out and this will either become a permanent thing, or will get rolled back and old threads get unlocked.
>>8814 ah, so that's why they got locked. I thought it was a matter of them being too old or smth. Experiment idea seems alright, we'll see where it goes.
>>8814 I can understand merging catgirl/wolfgirl/doggirl threads into a single kemonomimi thread, but I think monstergirls like lamias and spiders should keep their own threads.
>>8855 I like the idea of a kemonomimi thread, but foxes should keep their own thread due to the amount of content they get on here. Maybe angels+demon/succubi could get their own merged thread as well? And what about cowgirls/lactation, does that warrant its own thread?
>>8814 Honestly it feels kind of dumb. Like how my local private torrent site decided they wanted to get rid of SD quality movies, because it was taking up space on a site where you only get the torrent file which are under a MB. I don't think it was that hard to figure out where i should post my cowgirl collection. (unless if they got udder or multiple breasts, then i had to jump over to /amg/) But maybe i'm completly wrong about this and it's a necessary change
>>8855 We can try something like this after this trial run. Also the idea is that if any topic starts dominating the general thread, it can split off to its own thread like the fox one. I chose to prioritize activity at first since this is still the biggest problem this site is facing. >>8865 >Like how my local private torrent site decided they wanted to get rid of SD quality movies, because it was taking up space on a site where you only get the torrent file which are under a MB. Nothing is being removed though, you can post exactly the same things as often as before, just in the different thread. The issue was that there wasn't any concrete community forming here. It felt like each of the separate threads was just a thematic image dump with very little discussion and that's not what I made this place for. Someone earlier pointed it out ITT >>4857 and recently the final impulse was someone giving me a not exactly positive review in another mg thread elsewhere, also complaining about too many separate threads. Though just now someone else there said that >well the capybara monster girl site is officially shit for now Dealing with all this fucking autism in the monster girl fandom is so annoying.
>>8868 >Dealing with all this fucking autism in the monster girl fandom is so annoying. Just shut it down then. Bad jokes aside. I don't think it was that split apart. Like if the catgirls splitted off to big cats (tiger, lion) and small cats (housecats) then i would completly agree. But i don't think having doggirls and catgirls seperate was all that bad. Lurkers will be lurkers. I'm in multiple discord servers and let me tell you the general active people are less that 10% of the whole population. Like oppai loli server i'm has 250 members but only like 20 active posters. Most of the times they are here for pictures related to the fetish. Monster musume has like over 1000 but i only see about 50 or less active posters (not just imagine but also talking.) Transformation server that has over 10k members, should be open to discussion but usually is just TF picture dumps into specific channels by around less than 100 people. Most people me included probably only like to post pictures they find. Of course i'm open to discussion too, but on sites like these it's hard to see, when someone is actually online aside of posting. So i wouldn't really sit here waiting for response unless it's coming within 10 minutes. Also the private torrent site was only brought up, because i feel like it was a pointless change. But as i said. i don't really own servers, so i don't really know how it works the best. I just thrown out my 2 cents.
>>8869 >So i wouldn't really sit here waiting for response unless it's coming within 10 minutes. That's exactly what I'm trying to remedy. Nobody is going to frequently check up on the board if you can expect to see one post after few hours, in this case most are going to check here once, maybe twice a day but otherwise spend their time elsewhere. When you only occasionally pop in and out, you don't have the opportunity to decide to post something on a whim, which means less perceived activity which means someone else also will check less frequently and we spiral into becoming essentially an overlay for boorus where people come in, dump some images and leave. And I really don't like the idea of being just a glorified booru, since then I'd be investing tons of time and some money into something that can be entirely replaced by combining "monster_girl" with appropriate girl type tag of your choice on danbooru, they even have comments. Ideally we'd have both "live" activity in one general thread and image dump threads alongside it acting as collections, but first an active imageboard community needs to grow.
>>8861 >but foxes should keep their own thread due to the amount of content they get Yeah that's why I didn't mention them, 7 full threads is pretty impressive for this site. >Maybe angels+demon/succubi could get their own merged thread as well? A general demon girl/succubus thread would work I think. But adding angels that are usually the opposite of succubi is kind of weird. Mixing them up is how you get chaos eldritch abominations and fuck up multiverses from what I recall of MGQ. >And what about cowgirls/lactation, does that warrant its own thread? It's up to the board/site owner to decide but I think it's okay. Cowgirls are hot and it's a nice place to post non-cowgirl lactation/cow prints too if anyone gets triggered by it in other threads somehow. >>8868 >Also the idea is that if any topic starts dominating the general thread, it can split off to its own thread like the fox one. I understand, but this site is usually pretty slow. It would probably take only a single dedicated autist or two constantly posting about catgirls/etc to dominate the general thread. Wouldn't it be better to have separate threads where they won't be a bother to others? >Dealing with all this fucking autism in the monster girl fandom is so annoying. It feels like at least some degree of autism is a requirement to be in the monster girl fandom.
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>>8876 >And I really don't like the idea of being just a glorified booru, since then I'd be investing tons of time and some money into something that can be entirely replaced by combining "monster_girl" with appropriate girl type tag of your choice on danbooru, they even have comments. > they even have comments. Bro, no, those comment sections are dead af for a reason. That reason is insane censorship. Seriously, you can trip the mods or automods with almost anything. I get your sentiment, but the ability to post any comment or discussion in thematic threads is huge. On boorus you can (AT BEST) have a little discussion on a single pic. Another reason for separate threads is stuff like horse pussy and spider pussy. Many people (understandably) aren't big fans of those, so having dedicated threads allows spider enjoyers to enjoy what they like and arachnophobes to stay away from what they don't like.
>>8869 >Of course i'm open to discussion too, but on sites like these it's hard to see, when someone is actually online aside of posting. So i wouldn't really sit here waiting for response unless it's coming within 10 minutes. >>8876 >That's exactly what I'm trying to remedy. You both sound like you have a case of "terminally online". I like small boards precisely because they're slower. I have zero interest in monster girl subreddits because they go through posts way too fast. (And of course its reddit.) I don't really visit 4chan's /a/ because the board culture there is made of other terminally online guys with no lives. I like a forum that I can drop in few times a week, post some stuff, and come back to normal life. On fast forums with tons of activity all the threads would be dead next time I'd visit. Also, I exclusively use the catalog. Basically never browse all posts lumped together. You might wanna try that too.
>>8868 >Dealing with all this fucking autism in the monster girl fandom is so annoying. It's a porn genre for giga-autists, what did you expect? Imagine what the owners of furry sites must go through.
>>8911 Yeah... yeah
actual meta request: is it possible to include the catalog and return buttons on the bottom of the page as well? Or the whole set.
>>9064 Done, also switched those dumb icons to text to be more descriptive. For some reason switching the first element from icon to text also removed link to the gallery mode because our engine is a fucking mess when it comes to the code. But I doubt anyone used it anyway, so unless someone steps out and say they miss it, I'll fix it some time later (read: probably never)
>>9085 Oh and it looks like this also caused side catalog to get fucked. The good news is that I see what's wrong, I'll fix it tomorrow
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>>9085 >>9086 >anon: would it possible to make this change? >less than 24 hours later >board owner: sure, already done man, being heard really feels different. Thanks a lot
>>8814 the board feels kinda dead as of late, how about calling off the experiment? I think 2 weeks is enough
>>9263 If nothing else then making a single thread hasn't exactly stimulated any discussion.
>>9265 I have no idea what you're trying to say.
>>9269 If the point was to get anons to post more idk if it worked.
>>9263 Problem with interpreting the results is that at the same time I had two anons throw a shitfit and leave, and we're still at the stage where losing two regular posters has a visible impact on general posting activity (you know, the whole reason I switched priority to building up a coherent community by any means necessary). Still, I'm not saying no to making another change maybe sooner than intended, what other idea do you have, to eventually form a community and not just have bunch of separate image dumps again? Because I'm really not keen on going back to the previous status quo, the only threads with life in them were the fox and games threads and because of that I considered closing the site at least three times through 2023, main thing that saved us was the significant activity spike early this year when knowledge of this chan came up on one of the bigger altchans. Now that I'm responsible for keeping up a bunker board for another community I'm less likely to pack up just like that, but I have to stress out that I REALLY did not sign up to be running just an imagedump board, I need to attract the "terminally online" ones mentioned in >>8886 and having bulk of activity spread over 20 semi-dead threads ain't the way for sure.
>>9271 Well, back on the 8chan days of /monster/, I remember the old Writing Prompts thread ended up encouraging more anons to try their hand at writefagging, and that brought in some activity.
>>9271 ah, you're the owner, I thought that was the other guy. Could you use the "board owner" tag on your posts so that its certain when you're speaking and not someone else? >I had two anons throw a shitfit and leave I guess you nuked their posts then, because I didn't see any shitfits >I have to stress out that I REALLY did not sign up to be running just an imagedump board I totally understand what you mean, but I think porn is at odds with your goals. It makes people focus on that, instead of discussion. Maybe you need to be more realistic with what an imageboard can really be. It has "image" in the name for a reason. Most monster girl forums I can think of seem to be primarily image dumps with some optional discussion every now and again. Even having an alive imagedump thread is hard. Try advertising it on drawthreads on /a/ and /v/ when you see some people drawing monster girls, maybe that'd attract a few valuable people?
>>9276 We have that, more or less I think >>1365 The issue is that without lots of activity or at the very least a community spirit among those who are around, there is not much motivation to do anything. Look how much anon in that thread wrote and how little reactions he got out of that, when you make stuff for free, (You)s are the currency. The apathy and unwillingness to put any effort frustrates me greatly when I see so much seething and bitching about other monster girl fan places. But when it comes to building up a possible alternative it's all crickets, tumbleweeds and excuses. >>9283 >Could you use the "board owner" tag on your posts so that its certain when you're speaking and not someone else? My opsec autism tells me to limit posting under the opcode to make it harder for bad actors to figure out my patterns, sorry. >because I didn't see any shitfits It happened outside of this board, where exactly is not important. >but I think porn is at odds with your goals /monster/ disproves this, it has both porn and a community. It's relatively slow (still on average faster than here) but that's because of their chosen quality over quantity approach. I opted for a different model with less posting requirements and an open doors policy to gather up everyone dissatisfied with existing places and more, but as you can see from my ranting getting them to contribute is an uphill battle. >Try advertising it on drawthreads on /a/ and /v/ I'm not familiar with /a/ at all and last time I regularly posted on /v/ was about 12 years ago so I'd prefer no to barge in and shill blindly like that. That and I don't trust myself to not take the inevitable shitting personally, I hoped that regulars here would spread the knowledge by word of mouth but guess not. Not that I did not try advertising especially early on, but this also resulted in some fucking schizo screenshotting my post and using it later to smear this site because its owner posted in a "haram" place so that's another reason for me not to personally go around shilling in weird corners.
>>9287 This site has the most pure fox thread on all the chans.
>>9287 While I understand >>1365 is the designated thread for posting written works (and should have more activity), I think you may have misunderstood what I meant. The writing prompt thread back on 8chan /monster/ was more to throw one idea out every week or so, and anons would write out their own story based on the prompt. A couple popular ones were "Your waifu meets your parents for the first time" and "First family Christmas after your marriage", for example. This was in the hopes that more anons could try their hand at a simple idea and go from there, without the risk of burning out from doing too much at once. Can this be done in the current write thread? Most definitely, we don't need to split up an anon's writing based on the origin. I bring it up here mostly to see who all in the community would be interested in something like that, before cluttering up the thread with something that won't be utilized. As far as getting more traffic here, schizos are going to schizo, there's no getting around that, but I wouldn't let it stop you from sharing this place (though I would refrain from saying you are the BO if you are worried about schizos going schizo), sometimes one has to wade through the muck to find treasure. I'm confident there's still plenty of anons out there who'd love this place if they knew about it. I suppose the bigger question is where you don't want this place advertised at.
>>9324 >The writing prompt thread back on 8chan /monster/ was more to throw one idea out every week or so, and anons would write out their own story based on the prompt Ah, got it. I'm not familiar with writefagging so I'll leave making such thread to someone else, maybe as you said it's good to gauge interest first. Catalog space isn't at premium, but someone writing stuff only to get no feedback or interactions could be discouraging. >I suppose the bigger question is where you don't want this place advertised at. No limits, as I said before it's supposed to be an open chan where anyone can come in and I don't want to engage in e-tribalism taken to absurd that much of the altchan scene devolved into. Being an altchan is enough of a filter on its own and the dumbest morons won't bother and any further issues with newcomers can be solved on the go since we have our own moderation. I'll probably try such "undercover shilling", but anons need to be aware that this all won't work in the long term if I'm the only one spreading awareness.
>>9287 Do you have anything specific you want to see instead of imagedumps? The few times I've tried to start broader discussion in the games threads I only got a couple replies. I get the feel people are mostly there for new content, not discussion. >>9324 This, specific prompts are great and can work for art too. Can we involve the foxposters? I'd do a prompt but it'd be sad if it's just me and our resident writefag in a circlejerk.
>>9435 >Do you have anything specific you want to see instead of imagedumps? Anything that invites more interactions than just empty context-less image dumping, you can even look at the fox thread and see how little you need. >The few times I've tried to start broader discussion in the games threads I only got a couple replies. It's the catch 22 I'm trying to escape - someone comes in, sees there isn't an active discussion and gives up after trying once or twice, which leads to the same situation continuing. And the games thread is actually one of the two (alongside the fox one) threads I consider to be in a healthy condition. Ultimately what I desperately need is a few dedicated people (plus me, that is) ready to post every day to cultivate this board so whenever someone comes in, they don't see a dead board with 18 hours between posts. Yes, it's weird spending months I spent the last two+ years doing that making posts that often get no responses, but that's just how it works and there's no shortcut. Unfortunately the planned initial group for this place evaporated mid-transition and we're basically starting from scratch. It doesn't have to be you and I can't demand this from anyone since I'm not paying anyone's salary, but I'd like to again stress out that the end goal is to have a living space for terminally online autismos obsessed with inhuman women and I'm trying to fish out such anons one way or another. Not saying we can't have image dump threads too, but first things first. >Can we involve the foxposters? Pretty sure all you'd have to do would be including a fox at any point.
>>9435 I'm one of the more active fox cultists, but quite frankly I don't think i have much to offer. I don't consider my english skills to be very good and I have a tendency of repeating words or themes if I'm not very careful. To conceal the former, I have grown used to condensing as much of the message I am trying to convey, in as little words as possible. Also outside of the fox thread's funposting I can rarely tell if the fluff writing I did was actually welcome or not.
>>9435 >. I get the feel people are mostly there for new content, not discussion. I don't really think they do. If you look into it what is discussed is usually really ultra specific stuff. I've given up on the idea of healthy freeform general thread ever existing. Even if the bare minimum snuff fags and no snuff anons will immediately start fighting. There are too many fetishes in monster girls and every group of fetishists thinks every other is disgusting.
>>8814 this is a terrible idea, why do we need to merge monstergirls into a single thread in a board for monstergirls, on a site for monstergirls. the existing threads don't even make up 5 pages for fucks sake
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>>9435 >specific prompts are great and can work for art too. If you decide to do an art prompt thread, what deadline do you think would work best? I feel giving anons around 3 weeks to maybe a month might work for beginners, though that also might be too much time to keep things lively. >>9436 I'm going to get something up for prompts in the writethread sometime between today and tomorrow. I'm thinking a new prompt once a week might work out alright, but maybe having the deadline for the prompt be two weeks, giving anons at least a lil time if they want to do longer prose versus short form or greentext. >>9439 Honestly, just discussing things more and writing would help you improve your english skills. Practice makes perfect after all. >>9441 Fights are going to be an inevitability with autists, fetishes, and anonymity. Oddly enough, depending on the conflict, that might actually lead to free form discussion. Debate versus shitflinging and all that. >>9448 Pic related. I have a presumption on who you are, but I'm going to refrain on bringing that here. Just don't, that's all. Reposting due to upload issue.
>>9457 i literally have no idea what you mean by that slowpoke so i'm probably not the person you think i am
>>9448 >why Scroll through the posts made here since the announcement and see why. It's absolutely not set in stone so feel free to give any ideas how to fix the situation.
>>9464 >feel free to give any ideas how to fix the situation. nta, but how about this: lets admit that the experiment didn't work. Throwing all species(fetishes) into one general thread only makes the place (guess what) generic. Appeal of imageboards and altchans especially is insane specialisation.
>>9482 >lets admit that the experiment didn't work The board existed for over a year and 3 weeks of change is too early to give any concrete results (guess it's my bad for setting such short period at first), but sure let's assume it did not, what next? The previous state did not work either and was fine mainly for people who come in every few days to post a couple of images, collect the few things posted in the meantime and leave, but otherwise it all felt dead enough that I was thinking about closing shop. I'm not saying the model I proposed has to stay, but I don't feel like going back to exactly how things were and I'd rather keep trying different solutions.
>>9486 >let's assume it did not, what next? Just roll back the change. Right now the rule even feels kinda arbitrary. A monster girl board that prevents you from making a thread for a specific species. What the fuck. Unless you like foxes. But since all other threads are effectively dead, then no other thread has the chance to become like the fox one. So special privileges to the largest threads, small ones get killed. Except for actually dead threads like the tower girls or SMT threads. Do you see the problem? This decision is just shooting yourself in the foot. >The previous state did not work either The previous state was the bedrock of any image board. I really think you just have un realistic expectations. Arbitrary restrictions that no one asked for are not going to generate more discussion or OC.
Local newfag here. I stumbled on this board following the notice on another chan about some bunker. I would like to look and maybe post in a thread pertaining to my interests, as I am a casual spidergirl/arachne fan, but seeing as I would be forced to arbitrary rules instead, I guess my contact with this board ends here and now. Good luck though and have a good day.
>>9516 Board owner is trying a new strategy to foment discussion >>8814, it's not a permanent thing
Most likely it's just me, but something feels strangely off or inorganic regarding some of the recent posts here.
>>9518 What do you mean? I actually have the technical ability to confirm any foul play so shoot.
>>9519 Just samefagging, but if they're using a vpn it's a bit hard to track.
>>9521 Well after consulting logs and db I don't see anything sus, just one anon really really doesn't like this change but he's not pretending to be someone else. Anyway on the previously set deadline I'm going to analyze all the data (preliminary wider statistics I pulled from db are interesting) and feedback and decide what to do with this, I don't think 10 more days is a huge deal. Still, any more ideas and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
>>9486 How many people daily are we talking about? Too low and it's not worth trying certain thread types. Same with too high really, if only we'd be so lucky. >>9518 Gaming threads look normal. Seems to be mostly in the combined general, and I'd chalk it up to anon awkwardness unless you're thinking of something more specific.
FYI we now have 8chan style red quote text >>>/site/22, might be relevant to the recent writing prompt thing
>>9526 >How many people daily are we talking about? I count activity in posts per week and I consider 150 per week to be a minimum threshold. A minimum, not something I'm happy with mind you. At this point I'd like to see around 300 and we do get near that value at times (most often when new people discover this board), but it usually lasts 2-3 weeks and then drops back.
>>9540 and also this thread for the past week: https://youtu.be/jskq3-lpQnE?t=127
>>9540 Thanks, should be enough so here's >>9547. BO you're also invited to chill and play, I know running stuff all the time can be thankless.
>>8814 I hope I am not saying anything stupid but I liked the results of the experiment and I want to talk about it. It feels like the topics of the many dead threads have a purpose now and the less popular species get attention and engagement, even if it's as small as just being noticed in a post. I won't name names but I used to frequent a different monster board before I came here and there was a bunch of threads that just went ignored regularly. You could post in them and maybe they would get a little bit of engagement but that was rare and they would just fall back down the catalog while the same few popular threads floated at the top. The OC threads were not very healthy either. People silently consume the content or, due to the board culture, get very critical and angry and push away potential contributors and those threads once more fall down the catalog. This experiment makes everything feel useful and gives potential new anons a good idea of what they can expect from this board, filtering bad ones and enticing good ones. I feel like people complaining about the merging of many threads into one probably don't know what it was like to exclusively prefer the less popular threads or species with limited fanart and engagement. The holstaur thread I used to enjoy was hardly the most popular for how often it just falls through the catalog and felt like it was reduced to one guy and a yeti thread, one I wanted to post in more but already saw most of the limited fanart posted there, would get nothing new. I didn't help matters because I couldn't think of many things to say either. Compared to that this feels faster and more inclusive to the other species while allowing conversations to naturally drift between topics and promote more conversation, the natural favoritism of anons and various artists around the internet is not as much of a detriment now. I don't want to make any accusatory statements but I feel like a lot of anons who are upset don't know what it's like to run a board and have so much unused space. Their goals are not aligned with making everything available useful without cluttering things. Sure, having threads for every species is organized but a thread about, for example, Cu Siths or Zombies that gets posted in twice a year at best and lays forgotten at the bottom of the catalog is just a waste. Those posts are more noticeable in a general thread. Part of why 4chan's monster threads on /d/ have life, other than the obvious larger userbase of 4chan, is because they have very few monster girl threads on that board. It's all concentrated. Dividing a small userbase in 20 different directions just risks keeping them divided if they have the freedom to go to what thread they like with no incentive to check other threads. I know this was poorly formatted but I felt a little passionate for how many people I have seen are angry about a change which amounts to posts being noticed and replied to more often, or at least that is how I saw it. I also think prompts for OC threads are a good idea. I would like to suggest giving the OC anons long deadlines to be friendly to beginners or perfectionists so that nobody feels intimidated by a potential lack of time and a foundation of creators can be made. I think a month would be very generous but maybe that is too much. As the userbase and number of creators and their skill grows then perhaps the deadlines can be shortened.
>>9552 Holy molly that wall of text, you are unironically the kind of anon I was missing all that time. Not much to argue because you are pretty much saying exactly what I'm thinking, but I'll outline some fragment so others (hopefully) understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. >I won't name names but I used to frequent a different monster board before I came here and there was a bunch of threads that just went ignored regularly Yeah and I want to avoid being their cheap copy. In their case having all those threads aren't that much of an issue because in addition they have regular activity in their creative threads where most appear to congregate, not so much here. >while allowing conversations to naturally drift between topics and promote more conversation Yes that's literally the entire point. I've spent most of my free time for the past 5 years in the combined monster girl threads on 4chan and the forced variety was the best thing about them. My own tastes greatly evolved thanks to having to interact with anons who are into different types and on a board with full segregation I'd never even think I'm into such monster girl types - because I wouldn't bother visiting those threads or I'd just scroll through without giving it much thought. It does inevitably lead to arguments, but the arguments can lead to interesting discussions as >>9457 said. Plus unlike on 4chan these arguments can be cut short if they really get out of hand, as opposed to relying on useless 4jannies. To me it feels that the controversy comes from anons who either never experienced having an actual active community built around this silly fetish and default to generic porn board mode, or from those who had bad experiences with such places and only want to retire and cultivate their own little private gardens without interacting much. In two of the /d/ monster girl threads I attended I've seen anons outright say they don't even want any kind of community and given that we initially started on /d/... Also, this fragmentation we had until now is actually unintended. I wanted to give anons the potential to segregate themselves if needed, eg. break away if either their favorite topic starts dominating a larger thread (like foxes did when we were one thread on /d/) or they keep seeing something they don't like. Instead newcomers fell into the pipeline of >"I want to talk about {x} girl" >"So I will make a thread about her" >+1 dead thread many won't even see I remember someone making a duplicate horse girl thread because they didn't even notice we had one already. I guess it was partially my fault for leaving too much to others to figure out, should have made it more clear at the beginning. Of course special purpose threads like those for creative content are absolutely needed regardless of that. Still, I have to think this through. I can't just ignore all the opposition and this could be a make or break moment for the board. > I would like to suggest giving the OC anons long deadlines IMO 2 weeks would be optimal at this stage. For now there's the anxiety that nobody participates and I think things can snowball forward when we overcome this initial barrier. The greentext thing was a good start.
>>9531 This is great, thanks >>9554 2 weeks is fine for greentexts but if things pick up and we allow anubis.moe style novellas I'd want more time. As far as the general I think it's gotten a lot better over the last 5-6 days, don't know if that's people taking what you said to heart or just luck but if it stays this way I'm for it.
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This experiment has been a disaster for my motivation to post here. I'm already a lurker for most of the time but these extra limitations make me want to post even less frequently than before.
>>9589 >>9590 the duality of anon
>>9590 I'm honestly struggling to wrap my head around his - how does having one combined thread demotivates you to post? You can post exactly the same things in the same quantity you would before, except you don't even have to decide whether to do it in the general thread or in one of the dozen (mostly dead threads) threads.
>>9589 >2 weeks is fine for greentexts but if things pick up and we allow anubis.moe style novellas I'd want more time Anon running the prompts here. This is actually why the deadline is considered a "soft deadline", like a suggestion more than anything else. If you really like an idea you're working on, keep working on it! At that point, future prompts could be additional ideas you can add to your story, versus something you use to build from the ground up.
>>9597 nta, but personally knowing that there's some arbitrary rules in the air is super annoying. Second guessing "what is okay to post?" isn't why I (or most other people) use anonymous imageboards. >>9554 I assume you're the BO, so here's an idea: after the threads get unlocked, just find the threads you think are too dead and only make a post (using the "board owner" tag) there asking anons to maybe post in the general thread. Same could work in reverse, if some species would be over-represented in the general, ask them to "split" into a specialised thread.
>>9606 >Second guessing "what is okay to post? But that's not the case, nothing has changed when it comes to posting stuff. It's a purely organizational change and that's why I'm so confused that some anons are acting like I'm banning anything. Even then, if I do decide to push on with the current change it's not necessarily permanent. I'm more than happy to have the full thread making freedom again, just that current activity levels don't support it. >after the threads get unlocked, just find the threads you think are too dead and only make a post (using the "board owner" tag) there asking anons to maybe post in the general thread. I'll keep that in mind for potential alternative solutions. But IMO all of them are too dead and often most of the replies to new posts in them were by me to prevent the board from looking like a ghost town with just image dumping. Succubus one was the fastest and still it took it 6 months to start nearing the bump limit, it could easily be part of a general thread without dominating too much. >if some species would be over-represented in the general, ask them to "split" into a specialised thread. That's what I said in the beginning. Fox thread is just the first one to be split away because it was already over represented in the past (during /d/ times) and this caused significant issues. Others would eventually follow. but so far no other thread came close to that point.
>>9590 Why? There isn't even limitations, it's just keeping things organized, you can keep posting what ever species you want. >>9606 >Second guessing "what is okay to post?" What did you have in mind? Most things were clearly listed in the rules, the OP of each thread can simply elaborate, and most monsterfags have very similar tastes anyway so most things out of the norm won't be posted to begin with. >after the threads get unlocked, just find the threads you think are too dead and only make a post (using the "board owner" tag) there asking anons to maybe post in the general thread. Same could work in reverse, if some species would be over-represented in the general, ask them to "split" into a specialised thread. That is basically what he did with the fox thread in the general except now he just waits longer and puts in unneeded effort for a much less efficient solution. The trial run simply adds a new dead thread to the board just to be sent back to the general and then people might complain about deleted images if he decides to get rid of that clutter. Giving a species the "trial run" in the general keeps things cleaner in the first place. I feel like some of you two should really think about how your ideas would play out and to be realistic about it. You have very few people posting as it is, dividing them just reduces activity and breaks up a potential community. If any newcomers would enter a thread for their favorite species they would get bored to see each post being weeks or even months apart.
>>9597 >>9614 >it's just keeping things organized Imagine having a single humongous folder where you keep most if not all of your monstergirl stuff. And then each time you need to find something, you have to dig through all of it to find the thing you need. Doesn't exactly scream organized to me. Or you can have multiple named subfolders and actually sort your content by species or in any other way you want. I believe this example also works for generals, because mentally filtering out posts I'm not interested in while looking for what's relevant to my interests is something that always bothers me in any long-running general. Also, catching up with fast threads is often a chore.
>>9617 Your point would make sense, if we were as busy as the /mgg/ on 4chan or /monster/. The problem right now is that we aren't. >mentally filtering out posts I'm not interested in while looking for what's relevant to my interests is something that always bothers me The arrow on the top left of all posts is a drop down. Using the "Hide Post" option would help you out a lot there. >Also, catching up with fast threads is often a chore. The General thread got about two posts in the last twelve hours. It is not a fast thread. I caught up on checking posts there and the rest of the board in less than five minutes. I'd honestly understand your position if this place was getting around 100 posts a day, but the reality is that right now, it's not. Until then, limitation breeds discussion and creativity. You could help out though and give the Island Game or the Writing Prompt a go!
>>9636 Correction, the "Hide Post" option is the slashed circle next to the arrow. In any case, it's a good tool to use if needed.
>>9617 Thank you for elaborating. >single humongous folder where you keep most if not all of your monstergirl stuff I know that was just an example but in both literal terms and intended use this isn't a personal images folder, this is a community. The goal of a board is to keep the people organized and in sight of each other to encourage activity, not strictly to keep images organized unless there are an excess of them, which there is not. >I believe this example also works for generals, because mentally filtering out posts I'm not interested in while looking for what's relevant to my interests is something that always bothers me in any long-running general. >posts *I'm* not interested in >relevant to *my* interests >bothers *me* With all due respect, wanting things to be convenient for you, or any user, is understandable. It is still your experience and it should be a good one, but with where things are now you would be killing potential board activity. I have seen this in action more than once. You can see it even now with the locked threads. The dog and cat girls threads would get a surge in activity and go whole days or months without posts before being posted in again a few times only to sleep once more for another few days to few months. You can see these yourself if you don't want to take admin's word for it. That isn't even factoring in how many, or few, different anons posted in those threads and when. >Also, catching up with fast threads is often a chore. You can just check up on the thread once a day or keep a tab open on your phone if you need to but it isn't even that bad yet. Once it gets to the point where you'll have to check 20 new posts in one day that will likely be reduced soon if any one species is making the majority of recent posts. Additionally, as >>9636 suggested, hiding posts is always a valid option as well. This isn't 4chan where you need to hide generals frequently, chances are you'll only have to do it once every few months at the most. Organization is good so you can keep content, and people, in groups but that works when a large community has already been established, not when you want a small number of people to post more and that isn't even factoring in contributing factors for low activity such as individual user personality, possible lack of content for any one species, a previous shortage of threads promoting activity (which the island game and OC threads are trying to remedy), or other reasons that can inhibit activity in any board. And lastly, I understand the appeal of a slow and comfy board but I moderated one such place before. Those words were optimistic ways of saying "dead". If it goes back and stays that way then the admin said he would close the board entirely as stated here >>9486 and that is a far worse alternative than a bit of clutter. The goal here is a community, not an organized library.
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In support of >>9654, I don't think there's a single monstergirl board left that isn't mostly comfy. Even /monster/ can hardly be called fast nowadays, though some threads there have caught the mindworms, and here I'd love to have the "problem" of double the discussion posters. The general's also good to have around for shit outside the MGE favorites, like Hroz's very vulpine Scylla.
>>9655 >start off on /vg/ >end up MGE centric I didn't expect this to go the way of anons saying mamono in the general thread but the leaning that is emerging is pretty clear to see.
>>9660 If MGE fandom is so widespread and active, it only means that others need to pick up the slack, nothing else.
>>9661 The others seem to be the ones happy posting images.
>>9636 Yes. But I could swear that the board was faster until recently even despite the division. Maybe this experiment had something to do with the drop in activity? >Until then, limitation breeds discussion and creativity So there are limitations after all. >You could help out though and give the Island Game or the Writing Prompt a go! Maybe I will if I can muster up enough motivation to participate in a quest/CYOA. >>9654 Well this is the feedback thread, so I'm going to give my personal feedback without sperging out too much (hopefully). You could brush it off as just a "(Me) problem", but I think there is a reason as to why so many separate threads were created before the lockdown. Implying that I'm not the only one who thinks that having multiple threads instead of being contained to a single one would be preferable. Unless those anons have left already after being disappointed with this new limitation. >>9660 I wonder how long it will take for MGE-leaning people to start shitting on non-MGE monstergirl content as observed in other MGE-centric communities such as /jp/'s monster girl thread on 4chan.
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>>9665 >I wonder how long it will take for MGE-leaning people to start shitting on non-MGE monstergirl content as observed in other MGE-centric communities If that ever comes to pass, then we'll cross that road when we get there. I'm pretty sure one of the very reasons this place was created was exactly as a refuge for those tired of the hyperfixation on MGE some monster girl communities grew to have, but that doesn't mean MGE as a whole should be verboten.
Alright, it looks like the debate about merits of having/not having separate threads has ran its course. To clear things up first, >>9636 and >>9654 aren't me. Now I'd like to move on to discuss how do we go forward, but first what we know from all this meta posting: There are two distinct groups of users, casual posters or lurkers, and the more dedicated regulars. Casual posters strongly prefer having specialized threads for everything and seldomly post, while the other group would like to have a continuous discussion going on without fragmenting it too much. It's not an absolute divide and I've seen one contributing anon who doesn't support the merge, but in general that's how it looks. Up until April, this board was tailored for the first group, but there wasn't much actual life going on. Most of the activity was centered around posting random images in the separated threads with minimal discussion without a more general talk going on. As I said before, I was not okay with that state and it was more like a booru on different engine than a proper imageboard community. After the initial slump following the change, things finally started happening about two weeks in. We have some new unique things in the form of writing and cyoa/quest threads and I can see more dedicated posters going active, which is exactly what I was looking for even if the total post activity might have went down due to some posters really not liking the change (plus the double ragequit I talked about at the start) Thing is, we need BOTH groups to form a healthy community. So the million dollars question is, how do have just that? What certainly isn't on the table is "rollback and pretend nothing happened", otherwise I'm open to suggestions. For now I came up with those options: >keep monster girl discussion merged in the general thread and rethink if after 2 months global post activity falls below a minimum threshold. Only general girl species threads are merged, more specialized stuff like fetish-based threads can be still freely made, especially for purposes of dumping content. >rollback the change and suggest that anons consider using the general thread more, but for 2 months monitor activity in the general thread and rethink if it falls below a threshold
>>9665 >I wonder how long it will take for MGE-leaning people to start shitting on non-MGE monstergirl content I will never allow any group to chase out another and such posts will disappear without prior warning, this is supposed to be generally a neutral ground. That said I don't feel like playing a nanny so >I hate this Is fine, it's an opinion >I hate this, don't post that shit Will get deleted as it's sabotaging the board and breaks the no backseat modding rule Keep in mind this goes both ways, I'm very well aware of idiocy between MGE fans and MGE anti-fans >>9667 >I'm pretty sure one of the very reasons this place was created was exactly as a refuge for those tired of the hyperfixation on MGE Not quite, it was made because it's impossible to hold a decent monster girl community on 4chan without either retards taking over or excessive gatekeeping strangling the discussion. MGE will exist here alongside other settings/franchises and I will not do anything to forcefully limit ratios.
>>9646 This is a hard problem either way and I don't claim to have a silver bullet answer, but a few suggestions. First, if you go with either option I'd limit it to one month before revisiting, that feels bearable to whoever "loses". As an added sweetener, have some event OC for the disfavored position. We're limited in options, but maybe something like the next greentext prompt favors them. So if it stays general-only, the prompt involves a popular locked thread like harpies or succubi, and if those threads reopen, the prompt is for girls that don't have one like undead or monoeyes. Done creatively this is also fun to write to, like if it's a new girl + theme combo every two weeks for a couple months. Separately, how would people feel about adding in some older stuff? Maybe once a week for fun and discussion value, so it doesn't push out OC? I've saved off a bunch of "make a build" monstergirl CYOAs from 4chan /tg/ that I rarely see on proper monstergirl boards, and also /monster/'s old slash.monster greentext archive (RIP). If neither of those are to your taste I'd guess a few of you also have stashes of the good old stuff.
>>9701 >First, if you go with either option I'd limit it to one month before revisiting I chose two months because just one doesn't leave enough time for userbase rotation to take effect, the main visible result at first will be some posters going inactive or leaving. It's pretty much guaranteed that with too short test period, neither option will have the time to bear fruit. Option 1 assumes that the regulars group will put in extra effort to compensate for temporary loss of activity, as time goes more of the casual posters left will get invested and among the newcomers there will be those who were looking just for something like that. Option 2 assumes that there will be an understanding among anons to use separate threads if you don't feel like talking and just want to post specific images you found, while prompts for discussions will (usually) go to the general thread. I don't like thinking of either group as "losing" or "winning", what I'm trying to do is to instill some feeling of community and an incentive to work for the common good, but a cooperation is required for that so I need to see which option will meet less resistance. >Separately, how would people feel about adding in some older stuff? A combined thread for interesting historical stuff from other places would go well with the intended role of being a crossroads/neutral ground of this board, someone already made such thread for memes and I guess another could be made for more serious content. The monster girl fandom produced tons of unique content that gets lost over time and preserving it would be a value on its own already.
>>9707 You're assuming a big hit is unavoidable and I don't think that's true, and the thrust of my ideas in >>9701 is to minimize it. You have the stats and I don't, but I would guess that the more active posters are overrepresented here, while casuals, especially refugees from other chans, will barely skim the rules to start. I certainly lurked, other boards getting worse gave that final push. If that assumption holds, it makes sense to unlock, pleasing imageposters and newbies, but trying to have something extra for people active in the general and probably reading here is a nice way to thank everyone and help make up for people who split off. Even if it's a gimmick in the first month a more active general with something cool helps hook newcomers to solve the chicken and egg problem. Aside from that I think some unlocking some threads is better than the "for fetish X" threads you mentioned, a lot's intrinsic to certain girls (spider thread for bondage and more consistent femdom than lamias, cow thread for big anime tiddies). On the other hand I have no idea why dog girls are separate from wolves. Hellhound being a thing breaks the "because doggos are more submissive" right out the gate, and other than Kagerou there's no strong "wolfposting" schtick on par with foxes.
Also if non-BO posters have things they'd personally want to see but are unsure it seems a good time to throw it out here. If you're dead set then yeah just make the thread.
>>9709 Your suggestion regarding compensating for change via OC events won't work in case of the merger stays option, as the group leaving because of it is not interested in such activities to begin with. And in the other scenario, that would lead to fragmentation to inevitably repeat, because casual posters will go back to cultivating their "slow and comfy" threads again, while regulars will quickly get tired of talking to the same 3 people and then we're back to how things were before the change. Not that I'm saying having such events alongside regardless of everything would be bad, but I'm not seeing how this is better than the activity threshold incentives I came up with so far. In general we need systemic long-term solutions since, well, this is a fundamental systemic issue we're dealing with. >Aside from that I think some unlocking some threads is better I don't like this, at all. Me locking the species threads was already criticized for being arbitrary, but deciding which girls deserve their own threads based on anything other than hard activity metrics is going to be orders of magnitudes even more arbitrary and controversial.
>>9701 >maybe something like the next greentext prompt favors them. As the one who's posting the prompts, I do like this idea. FYI though, it's just Writing Prompts, greentext is an option for a medium, prose, poetry, or a similar creative expression is also encouraged. To add to that, is everyone still interested in my plan of posting a weekly prompt with a two week "soft deadline"? Once again, the soft deadline is merely just a suggestion for writers to follow, not an absolute. Anyway, I want to have at least two prompts overlapping at one time, so that if anon gets writers block, the new prompt might be the idea he needs. With that also in mind, I was thinking of a schedule framework. Week 1 right now has a scenario, but Week 2 could be the "featured Monster Girl" idea, Week 3 could be a piece of music, and Week 4 could maybe be artwork. Then it would loop from there.
>>9717 I still think we're look at the solution differently so I'll try one more time and be done. To me fragmentation being bad is downstream from activity. Lose 20 posts/week to comfy threads but gain 20 in the general by event stuff spurring discussion and I personally am okay with that. And some comfyposters or newbies might do both if the general has something cooler than "same as my thread but with girls I don't care about", which was the hide post anon's complaint. On 4/tg/ that's what turned CYOAs into a self-sustaining general. Here, if we could support an art request thread (big if) you can bet we'd have crossover there. My long term was exactly that: more OC of some form, stories and events to start, attracts more talk and related OC in a virtuous circle that makes whatever off-board outreach we do get more people to stick around. To this end I really like prompt anon's >>9724 suggestion of music, maybe not a specific piece but like a "monstergirl tour 2024" theme, anons tend have interesting taste in music.I'd write for that just to see the response. Probably best if I stick to the generals in the short term no matter what you decide.
Not the BO, but I'm just going to point out that general thread 2 was made in January 19th of this year and hit bump limit on April 1st. General 3 was made the same day, and is about 120 posts away from bump limit. Today is April 27th. That at least means that anons are interacting with each other more.
>>9731 I was a little(extremely) sloshed out when I wrote that that stuff but I was thinking that prompts and other things can be a tad aggressive for anons, especially on account of them being nervous wrecks at the best of times. While the general thread has too I can't say it's quite gained a theme yet, for whatever reason. There was also the digimon, towergirls, and SU thread that were all flash in the pan stuff. It's just interesting to see thread culture happen, or not happen. I didn't particularly favor the fragmented threads over the general thread but it's interesting to see the things that do happen. Which as an anon pointed out way earlier is that most anons are probably non-participants here for images and there is a big push for anons not to move from wherever they already are unless they have to. Also > virtuous circle that makes whatever off-board outreach we do get more people to stick around Is a real thing and people do come here, see it doesn't have much activity, and then leave again. Even guys I talked to have said this is a thing when they see the place. It's mostly an observation from what I've seen than any real suggestion. When it comes to anons everything is pretty much a catch-22 until something stands out to make this the place to go for something. Which oddly enough wasn't the games thread despite being the only place I know at this point to actually get games. Anons really do like their MGQ, though!
>>9661 I'm trying to start some discussions with MonMusu, but fuck me, it so often goes nowhere and dies. Also MGE fandom is too zealot like, often shitting on other series for being "too degenerate" and that's pretty annoying. Also the only other fandom that practically exists is MGQ. Everything else doesn't have enough people/content (or both) to warrant continuous discussion.
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>>9818 >I'm trying to start some discussions with MonMusu, but fuck me, it so often goes nowhere and dies. To be fair, I don't think it's only here. The series in general just kind of fell off, what's with the long wait between chapters for the longest time (probably because of Crabman's depression at the time), the plot or the main harem never really moving the story forward, no season 2 while hype was high. Usually discussion nowadays just boils down to this almost nostalgic feeling over the main cast.
>>9818 Agreed, and I'm who >>9820 is talking about on MonMusu, where it went so long with no updates that I don't remember where I stopped and can't be arsed to find it. I do think a big part of the problem is only MGE and MGQ do much lore, which is a good spark for discussion. Like Seaport Princess is dominating the general right now but where does it go from there, sticking your dick in her 90mm AA cannons? A prompt just for lore stuff instead of stories is one idea. I may have another but want to talk to a few friends first. >>9745 In terms of outreach, how far afield are we willing to go? Like the story thread is seeing enough action now that maybe up to AO3 with a link back here would pay off, or same for the quest thread with Questionable Questing though I'm less enthusiastic about them. But those are a lot different than just pulling from other chans so I'm in no rush if people here have reservations.
>>9826 >Like Seaport Princess is dominating the general right now but where does it go from there, sticking your dick in her 90mm AA cannons? I stick it in her construction site, so she ends up building a Hoppo or two. Yeah, i think KC barely has any lore aside of hinting strongly or even confirming that Abyssal girls are just sunk shipgirls corrupted in the dark cold sea's depth.
>>9818 We simply don't have enough active userbase to warrant constant discussions about specific series (aside from MGQ because of this board's roots and old anons from MGQ days following and even then it's not that constant), now you hopefully understand why growing the board is so important and why we can't just settle on being the slow and comfy place for a handful of people to visit once every few days. Besides, in the doujin/manga thread monmusu got quite a bit of discussion so I don't know what are you on about, the amount of attention it gets is more or less in line with what I'd expect based on overall activity levels. You want more monmusu fans on this board? Bring them here and/or talk about monmusu in more general threads often enough that anons pick it up. Remember that there's a lot o people lurking, so you have the potential, if you put in the work. >Also MGE fandom is too zealot like, often shitting on other series for being "too degenerate" and that's pretty annoying. That's irrelevant on this board, unless mere existence of MGE references upset you. Then it's a (You) problem.
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>>8814 Followup announcement: After considering feedback and current state of the board, I've decided to give the freedum option one more chance. The experiment was actually a success and managed to bring life into the board. At the same time this was done using not just the general thread, so it makes me think it's possible to have what's needed without forcibly herding traffic into the general thread. But with freedom comes responsibility, so I will also be carefully monitoring state of the board for the next 1-3 months and will rollback one last time, back to the merged model if I notice the community side of the board (general thread, original content threads) deflate again with no positive trend. I'm reminding everyone that this is supposed to be a community that everyone needs to participate in for it to work and if you wait for others to step up to the plate and generate content for you, then so will everyone else and nobody will actually do things. So while there are no rules about how threads are to be used or made, I HIGHLY recommend using the specialized monster girl kind threads if you are just looking to dump images in a segregated manner and use the general thread for actual discussion, because that way there will be a much higher chance of someone joining in on the talk as evidenced by general thread in the last month. It's also important to support original content creation and this is something you'll hear on any self-respecting altchan. Compliment newly posted works in the OC thread, participate in the currently running writing prompt thread, join the running quest thread or even drop them a friendly comment if you can't be arsed to come up with anything, because we'll have a hard time getting anyone to spend effort contributing anything if they get barely any acknowledgement.
YEAAAH! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! That'll show those commie bastards trying to steal our red-blooded American Anubises!
>>9829 >Then it's a (You) problem. Imagine if the game came out and it actually got enough anons into it to talk about it. >can't share it >can't post images of it >just a load of anons discussing it and telling you to pay up It will never come out but it would actually be really fucking funny to se this happen.
>>9829 >We simply don't have enough active userbase to... You misunderstood, or I wasn't clear enough, but I was talking in general. Other places on the alt chans also seem to not give much of a shit. And I don't like 4chan's /a/ turbo fast board, I want to revisit those threads, see what people discussed, not hop on, have intense discussion and shitposting for like a day or 2 and then the thread goes to the shadow realm. >>9829 >That's irrelevant on this board, unless mere existence of MGE references upset you. Nah, I really like this series too, I even think KC using the broken copyright system to become an anti-NTR dictator is pretty cool, but there's limits to everything. >>9820 >The series in general just kind of fell off, what's with the long wait between chapters for the longest time (probably because of Crabman's depression at the time), the plot or the main harem never really moving the story forward, no season 2 while hype was high. Usually discussion nowadays just boils down to this almost nostalgic feeling over the main cast. I was there when it was dying, and you're right, but I think it recovered a fair bit in the last year or so. English speaking fans didn't seem to come back tho >>9826 >Agreed, and I'm who >>9820 is talking about on MonMusu, where it went so long with no updates that I don't remember where I stopped and can't be arsed to find it. Read some recent chapters, its good.
>>9829 >You want more monmusu fans on this board? Bring them here and/or talk about monmusu in more general threads often enough that anons pick it up. Remember that there's a lot o people lurking, so you have the potential, if you put in the work. I get it you're the BO and you kind of have to shill working for your own board, but this was a little much.
>>9861 Well, what kind of response did you expect? This isn't a wordpress blog where owner is responsible for providing you with content, I already put in tons of hours just being there every day and helping keep up daily activity, I don't have the time to marathon monmusu to add more in-depth lore discussions.
>>9870 I'm talking about the attitude, and this reply is even worse. Just because you're correct doesn't mean the approach is. And for the record, in case you somehow miss this, this isn't about you providing content.
>>9893 Not the BO here, but he's not wrong. You want more people to talk about monmusu. How else do you wanna go about getting that going? Cause other than posting regularly and getting other folk here to do just that, there's not many other options to get a community going. This place is found by word of mouth right now, we don't exactly have banner ads up at other sites pointing here. He's frustrated at having to reiterate that, and you're tone policing. On an imageboard. I get your issue, but compared to other MG communities, he's not being abrasive. Some thicker skin won't hurt you. Bear in mind, this is not a unique issue. Having floated around the different MG community hubs for a while, you tend to notice that language barriers and autism leads to a lot of miscommunication.
NTR shit and slutposting is /amg/ material right? why is this post still allowed on the main board? >> 7969
>>9913 Because it wasn't NTR. Some anon just joked about making a counter VN where femdom is switched for maledom. If he talked about making a VN where someone steals her from someone (or the reader) then yeah I'd delete the post. It was also implied that she wasn't in any relationship yet, so that's another reason to believe NTR wasn't the intent. When in doubt I prefer to assume the positive scenario, rather than the worst.
>>9894 >spelling out the obvious again >mentions autism yeah, that checks out >you're tone policing. no shit sherlock. I didn't like the tone, which is why I complained.
weird question to site owner: do you keep activity stats? like, save the daily/weekly posts or visits somewhere? I was wondering how activity looks depending on the day of the week, or time of the month and alike.
>>10189 I make my own charts using python, I measure activity levels in posts per week. If you are interested I can send you the charts if you mail me. I prefer not to publish exact numbers because from my experience with small imageboards, it usually doesn't lead to anything good.
hey, can you chill a bit with deleting posts? I think its second or third time I had some benign stuff deleted, its annoying.
>>10525 What did you lose.
>>10526 NTA, but I think a post in the fox thread got deleted
>>10525 >>10526 >>10531 I deleted a post that was basically >I don't like this, I don't want to see it here Which was made in response to >>10498 It also contained irrelevant reference to IRL women. Being negative and even mean is to be expected on imageboards so the second reply stayed, but I cannot allow backseat modding and attempts at pushing away any kind of activity from the board just because someone doesn't like it. That's even right in the board rules (updated after the experiment with threads): >5. Don't backseat mod. If you don't like something, use the built-in filter function, hide the thread/post or discuss that matter in board meta thread. btw this was the first post I deleted since May 2nd, before anyone thinks I'm going ham with the janny powers.
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>>10532 >"I don't like this, I don't want to see it here" >backseat modding Are you serious? At this point any and all negative posts would be "backseat modding" by this standard.
why are there only 4 pages allowed?
>>10593 Not the BO, but it could be a display error that's cropped up. Same thing happened to the write thread a couple months back.
>>10593 >>10594 That's because of thread limit. I've set it somewhat low to keep the database from swelling too fast and generally conserve server resources. For archival purposes web archive can be used, otherwise you only need to post once every 3 months to keep a thread from sliding off the board.
Did posting speed drop off a cliff or is it just my imagination.
>>10770 Not just you, but for me it feels like posting speed became slower in general in a few other places too. I'm definitely not posting much (or anything) because of irl stuff. Maybe its the season, coincidence or smth else
>>10882 indeed seems to be a combination of circumstances, I'm going through hell IRL for the past few weeks and went from posting every day to mainly lurking though I'm slowly returning to normal.
I'm going from interview to interview trying to be not a jobbless loser neet. Though current two jobs that seems to be possible get is either move to another country or 16 hours of office work, because items randomly come in between 6 am and 11pm lmao
>>10948 What country do you live in? Im any case I'd recommend looking into mail delivery. Post Office work gets a bad rap usually (normies can't handle repetition) , but it's perfect for autists. You either sort mail all day or deliver it, if you're lucky you don't need to talk to a single soul all day.
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Stupid question. But do hazbin /helluva deems count in as /mg/ content Yes I know fujobait show. But some, SOME (one) is usable
>>11012 I meant one girl is usable
>>11012 >hazbin Should be fine >helluva Isn't this one mainly furry? If majority of girls have beaks, snouts and button noses then no >Yes I know fujobait show. But some, SOME (one) is usable All the meta shit baggage does not matter on this board and I'm even fine with people posting fucking humanized ponies, at worst you won't get any responses. I recommend either wrapping up all the western cartoon stuff (like hazbin, SU, tower girls) into one thread or using the general one to gauge interest, but you are free to do as you wish.
>>11018 You know a general western monstergirl could work. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it.
>>11018 What about non-humanized ponies? Can they be posted anywhere on the site?
>>11022 That's what /amg/ is for
>>11018 >Isn't this one mainly furry? It's mainly about the homosexual relationship between an owl who really likes getting buttfucked and an imp. Loona was just the foot in the door to trick us all into caring. That said it still gets enough content to actually be worth talking about compared to 90% of monster girl stuff, which has mostly devolved into never ever patreon scams.
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https://desuchannel.site come funpost and such
>>13063 What the hell is this link.
>>13072 Someone is spamshilling a new altchan. I'm letting it stay up because they linked back to us in their thread and why the fuck not, might as well use the meta thread since last post here was like half a year ago.
>>13063 living dolls are an underrated monstergirl
>>13063 >>13073 >no https >ugly af I thought it was easy making a readable and decent chan, but alas Makes you appreciate the good ones (e.g. capybara looks perfectly clear and clean)
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>>13083 fallen out of favor since 2B dropped i guess
>>9668 >>9671 Seems like 8chan.moe is basically acting as the new 8chan now. I have no problem lurking the threads here, but why not make a /MG/ Board in 8chan? This place could still be used as a bunker in the meanwhile.
>>13197 I'm not opposed to the idea of joining a larger chan as I wouldn't have to be paying for the server+domain anymore and also no more opsec worries, but joining 8ch in particular would take away some of the neutrality I like to maintain so much since webring people for some reason REALY, REALLY dislike 8ch and its posters.
>>13203 I don't know either the group on 8chan and I don't know the group that is against it. Wasn't 8chan deleted for pedo stuff.
>>13204 That's my observations based on lurking anon.cafe, prolikewoah or even on >>>/kemono/1609.
>>13203 Not saying board culture doesn't matter, but aren't most altchans dead barring this one and a few others? Shartycucks even take advantage of this, operating raids on smaller chans because of shit security and a lack of growth. Anyway, I do take the fox threads being uniquely pure here to heart, but it would be better overall to have a dead board and not use it, than to need a bunker board and not have it.
>>13211 You gotta understand my situation here. It took massive effort over 2 years to make this board even semi-alive and if you scroll through this thread a few months back, you'll see that something as banal as temporarily merging redundant threads turned into a goddamn revolt with people coming in just to tell me that they never posted but somehow this made them even less likely to post (???) or go shit talk this site across several other places. Or someone trying to convince me that I shouldn't even try to make this board not dead (wtf). I have no idea how uprooting the board like this would end up, especially since I had some contact with webring altchans and this is the first time I'm talking to someone from 8ch. Maybe the board would take off, or maybe the move would turn off so many anons that it would die, so I have to think this through really hard. That said, it's not a hard no and I'd like to take advantage of recent activity upswing to try and expand this place (eg. I started thinking about joining the webring) so I'll take this option for consideration too.
>>13226 > I don't know much about joining the webring, allchans.org and some other sites are used by the sharty. https://wiki.soyjak.st/Raids
>>13203 Webring and 8moe are both direct successors of the original 8chan (the one now rebranded 8kun and solely populated by Qanon schizos and feds). Webring was born from the idea of operating many small boards to counteract the damages a deplatforming could bring like it did on old 8ch. 8moe meanwhile was the pet project of the /v/ (and I think some /tech/) remnants to reunify the old community, which largely didn't work because everyone at that time preferred defense in numbers, the /v/ BO is notoriously hated for making retarded decisions and the site head is a namefag who might or might not work with feds. Most boards of old 8chan are on the webring and it's also pretty comfy, but keep in mind that joining it might put the board at odds with /monster/ sooner or later. Someone already tried to stirr up a board war between us shortly after Capy came into existence.
>>13263 8moe is admittedly much more stable and much less unhinged compared to other sites like the Sharty. Shartyfags and soyteens are the only ones who actually give a shit about raiding, and are a real threat to small boards like this one. Small boards are comfy, but I do worry that many will eventually fizzle out rather than have new members that are relatively likeminded and somewhat rational.
>>13296 I'd personally prefer webring, but I am biased in favor of it. Don't forget that a lot of spam can already be mitigated with captchas idk if they come pre-included with lynxchan or need to be added/created personally. zzz has a decent captcha system and with Antispam settings which should be a vanilla Lynxchan thing.
>>13203 I like things how they are, this site is essentially a pristine haven in a sea of garbage, but if server costs are a concern perhaps you could open up donations. There might be one or two richfags on the board who feel like chipping in to keep something alive they enjoy. I don't know enough about opsec to tell you if you need a bunker board or not.
>>13359 You must have missed the fun couple weeks where we had loads of posters talking about how great gatekeeping was. That shit was weird, I can't recall it very well anymore but it was like people were specifically motivated to come to talk about how great it is when X doesn't have Y fetish. A really weird direction go to when at least half of monster girl games have some weird ass fetish stuff in them.
>>13359 >I like things how they are If I had a guarantee we would have at least the current levels of activity, I'd be be fine with that too. But this site's activity trend is almost a sine wave and few months ago I was seriously considering throwing the towel with my IRL situation going to shit not helping either. And before that we had similar up and down last year and between that lesser cycles I can't be arsed to analyze on charts. It might as well become almost dead again in 2 or 3 months, who knows. Point is, one thing lots of anons seem to forget is that I don't have the luxury of being able to just take a break for some months, then come back and go >oh neat, this place is still around have some fun and then leave again, I have to keep the lights on through the droughts and I need to make sure there is long-term solution for this place rather than pray things will get better eventually, because there's no way to tell when a pit in activity is actually the final one that leads into death spiral. So I'm looking for a way to smooth out the sinusoid by getting more constant visibility, which brought us to the current discussion. >server costs are a concern They aren't, the time/effort I put in is vastly more significant than the server bills, it's just one of the things that add up.
>>13367 Ohh, I see. I do indeed fall into the "oh neat, this place is still around" category, so do whatever you gotta do.
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>>13367 >this site's activity trend is almost a sine wave Isn't it natural though? Can't speak for whole websites, but when I browse and post on chans, I do so intensely, but when I stop, I don't open any for months. >I don't have the luxury of being able to just take a break for some months, then come back and go >>oh neat, this place is still around >have some fun and then leave again, I have to keep the lights on through the droughts Of course I never managed any website, but it feels like you worry too much, unless you actually have to deal with security problems on a regular basis.
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Completely irrelevant but nevertheless incredible!! Anyone played The Messenger? Recently finished it, and after beating the final boss I immediately played it on new game+ another time. Excellent retro platformer that actually goes beyond what the old games did, while still respecting them. The dialogue was also incredibly good, better than many rpg games. I thought I'd just use this thread as a /b/ kinda thing. I don't have anything interesting to say about monster girls aside for stuff like "nice tail" or alike.
>>13851 >but when I browse and post on chans >but when I stop, I don't open any for months. Exactly, that's your perspective. To sustain a community and keep it alive long-term on anons with same activity habits as you, we would need orders of magnitude more traffic and that's unrealistic with such narrow topic. Hence I'm considering ways to get more traffic here gain more people who are invested into this place's well-being, along with the usual casual lurkers and posters of course. Because we need both invested and casual/occasional posters, it's just that right now we lack more of the first group to grow. >but it feels like you worry too much You have to understand my position. I'm not doing this just to enjoy the illusory power of admining my own board, creating this site was simply a last resort measure when I realized it's impossible to have a decent monster girl fan community on 4chan. The sole goal is to have a place where I can post about loving monster girls with other similar weirdos all day every day, so there is zero value for me in this site merely existing without activity. So you can imagine it's difficult for me to not worry when we hit periodic lows with something like 5 posts per day. >unless you actually have to deal with security problems on a regular basis. We did have an issue with CP spammers lately. Though you probably didn't notice because I deleted that shit within minutes of appearing, precisely because I worry and sit here all day. So yeah that's another reason why I can't just let it go and stop monitoring this place all day every day.
>>13852 >I don't have anything interesting to say about monster girls aside for stuff like "nice tail" or alike. Many such cases.
>>13870 >>13864 >We did have an issue with CP spammers lately. I wonder how stuff like this starts happening, unless it's just crawler bots.
>>13871 I never followed their links, but it's rather obvious they make money selling CP to pedos. There are various groups of CP spammers, sadly the anonymous nature of chans and common shortages of staff to moderate them 24/7 made us an attractive target for "alternative advertising", as those subhumans call it. Comment section under blogs are also targeted, basically any website that allows publishing anything without making an account and doesn't use automated CP detection has to deal with this shit. As for whether they are bots or not, at least one group used manual spamming because they often tried to adjust the image they post to blend in with the board they attack, they gave up spamming our chan the fastest. There was also another group, far more persistent and until recently I've seen them only on other chans. I thought that was just a bot crawling the webring and various chan lists, but the way it behaved on our site makes me suspect someone is at least supervising it. My guess is that they first scout new websites to attack and see how fast their spam is dealt with, if they notice delayed response they add board to the spam list and then bots handle it. Then again it costs them absolutely nothing to keep posting even if they get banned after a minute so I dunno. It's under control now, but I will most likely block VPN posting if the situation worsens. In that case I'd copy pregchan's solution where you have to post in a designated meta thread and ask for VPN block bypass, it works by whitelisting your post deletion password you post with.
>>13864 >>13871 The CP bots are a problem that plague all smaller imageboards, I am frankly surprised that it took this long for them to surface here. By first-hand experience, the integrated wordfilter function of LynxChan won't help too much either, really just an endurance game.
Can you please raise the file limit from 4 to 5? I'd like to crosspost between the other monster girl board(tm) that has a 5 image limit, and bringing this board in line with that would help encourage me to make more posts.
>>13876 Done
>>13852 >The Messenger I picked it up a while back as it appealed to my Ninja Gaiden nostalgia, but it ended up going on my backburner list. I'll probably start it up soon, as my New Year Resolution was to get through a chunk of my single player games on said backburner list. That and try to find more mamano-philes on Helldivers 2 (guess how that's going.) I'm also pretty much in the same boat, at the moment I don't have much input on monster girls besides some positive words, that may change if my creative drive finally picks up steam though.
>>13895 Do play it, it's even worth it for the story. >I'm also pretty much in the same boat, at the moment I don't have much input on monster girls besides some positive words, that may change if my creative drive finally picks up steam though. I mean, what new can there really be said? Once in a while you get to have some uber autistic discussion on some biology or history aspect, but aside for that it really is just "nice tail, would fluff/10" or "I luv muh waifu". I kinda realised I like talking with fellow monster fuckers, and it doesn't even have to be about monster girls. I could use a /b/ like thread. Maybe I'll make one.
>>13898 >I could use a /b/ like thread. Maybe I'll make one. Don't, I'll repurpose this thread to also include general off-topic talk and we'll see how it turns out. /pol/itics ban stays tho.
My internet connection is so shitty, it makes me want to murder in minecraft. So i barely upload pics or comment at times.
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>>13903 >Don't, I'll repurpose this thread to also include general off-topic talk and we'll see how it turns out. That could work too >/pol/itics ban stays tho. So /pol/ arguments will get the hammer, while /pol/ ad hominem stay, eh? You know what I'm referring to.
>>13933 >So /pol/ arguments will get the hammer, while /pol/ ad hominem stay, eh? You know what I'm referring to. That's as written in the rules already, yes. I'm not going to play nanny and stop people from using no-no words, but past experiences proved that political debates have no place here.
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A while ago I finished this one game called Baldur's Gate 3. It's okay, definitely doesn't live up to all the hype it got, and the 3rd act felt very unfinished despite it being the biggest one. I went down an evil route, mix of me playing an evil race main character and just really hating most of the NPCs in the first town you visit, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone else. I left feeling very unsatisfied, it's one of those cases where you only lose content instead of getting an alternative questline, and in their infinite wisdom, Larian decided to make it even less appealing post-launch by removing the little that was exclusive to evil route instead of adding more to it. Somehow, quests and dialogue kept breaking and bugging out on me throughout the entire game, it was funny at first, but by the end it was starting to get aggravating. Funnily enough, all the romanceable female companions are nonhuman and most veer towards the evil side of the D&D alignment chart, at least at the start of the game. Both Lae'zel and Shadowheart start out as rude cunts, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good the frog's character development is and by the end of the game she was my second favorite character, but I couldn't resist the evil woman pussy and went for the dark elf Minthara. Her romance was painfully incomplete, a personal questline completely absent (unlike all the other companions), her face admittedly isn't the prettiest, but damn did her personality win me over. I loved how she remained pragmatic evil even after joining your party and instead of getting a redemption arc, you're assisting her in seeing her vengeance through while she also encourages you to seek power, take control over the world and become the ultimate power couple, but even if you decide to go for a good-aligned ending, you still get a pretty satisfying life ruling over others from the shadows and preparing to conquer more realms. Also her one sex scene in act 1 was pretty hot, but again, I hate how much less content she has compared to everyone else, like surely they could have given her literally anything to say or do during act 2 besides joining your party.
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>>13979 >i played baldy's gyatt 3 bearfucker
>>13979 > I couldn't resist the evil woman pussy and went for the dark elf Minthara. Laezel is probably more evil.
>>13979 I feel you on act 3, I got burnt out about a third into it, which was disappointing due to how well act 2 went. Character I went with was gnomish battle bard who, while good-aligned, was still as much of a massive prick as I could make him. Naturally had to go with Lae'zel to put her in her place, that was at least satisfying. But yeah, had the game been a little more balanced out with content in regards to alignments (along with act 3 being optimized a lot better), it definitely would have been a better experience. I ended up going back to run through XCOM 2 and picked up Classified France '44 to satisfy that turn based strategy itch, though. CF'44 is a lil buggy but worth it if you're into that genre, I would still say pick it up when it's on sale if it interests you. >>13985 They're two different flavors of evil, really. Minthara fills that niche of having a competent villainess to work with, while Lae'zel came across more as an edgy teen trying to prove how nasty she is. Which was just more motivation to put that bitch in her place.
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>>13984 Funny thing, the quest where you're supposed to meet him in a prison also broke for me. I went to check on him only after I killed all his fellow bearfuckers and he was gone. Your party proceeds to say aloud he must have escaped confinement and may have returned to town, but he's nowhere to be seen. I later looked up online if anyone else had the same issue, but all I could find were people who met the druid but didn't save him and could find his corpse in bear form in that same prison if they kept going through the main story. Later on, there is a quest where you're supposed to bring the bear druid to meet someone, and he turned into a Schrödinger's bear. I tell the quest giver something along the lines of "Sure, I'll look for him", but the quest log updates to say how the quest giver despaired upon hearing news of the druid's death (???). Talking with the NPC again, he would just comment he was still waiting for the druid to arrive. >>13985 I disagree. Lae'zel felt more like a young person with a lot of bravado constantly relaying how her brutal culture works to you. Her attitude towards the tieflings feels at least understandable given what she just went through, but she can mellow out a lot if you go through her questline. Minthara was evil before, during and after you first meet her. Drow culture is also brutal in its own way, but she has the age and experience of having lived through it as opposed to the gith. She didn't even feel bad for commiting genocide, she only laments she was not in total control of her actions while doing so kek. >>13987 Act 1 felt a lot more fleshed out of the three in my opinion, consequence of being playtested to hell and back during alpha probably. I went with a drow warlock, was kinda funny when some random NPC would have exclusive dialogue for my race and go "oh we've said all drows are evil for years, but at least now we know better haha" and then I would proceed to show they were correct on being racist. On the gameplay part, I really liked how often during act 1 and to some extent act 2 I had to be creative on how to deal with certain encounters, but as I progressed, just brute forcing everything became more and more reliable. Probably more of an issue with 5th edition to be honest.
>>13989 >Lae'zel felt more like a young person with a lot of bravado constantly relaying how her brutal culture works to you. She's like the definition of lawful evil. Bg3 has all three of the evil spectrum really, except nobody here wants to fuck that vampire bussy so we can't count that. That particular bait of attractive psychopath douchebag seems tailor made for women into that. I've only read up on mintharas route but I'm like 90% sure she is more neutral evil. I really should play it again and do an evil run, but the game falls into the usual issue of making the evil route seem wrong.
>>13989 >I went with a drow warlock, was kinda funny when some random NPC would have exclusive dialogue for my race and go "oh we've said all drows are evil for years, but at least now we know better haha" I played fae warlock and had about five class interactions in the whole game. Four of those were finding a mage and go something like this. >"As a superior mage, I don't expect you to understand the intricacies of my art." >You know, I'm something of a mage myself. >"No, you're not. Fuck off, warlock."
>>13990 >I really should play it again and do an evil run, but the game falls into the usual issue of making the evil route seem wrong. I believe now you can just knock her out and there's even new dialogue to account for that (iirc before you had to go through some very specific steps to glitch the game and make her recruitable without raiding the grove), but narratively speaking, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why someone would spare the dark elf and kill the 2 goblin chieftains. Besides when you infiltrate the towers, there isn't much going for her in the shadow-lands until the final boss of the act, but her insights throughout act 3 were 10/10. My biggest regret after I finished the game was ignoring the vampire boy. Externally, because I didn't like how flamboyant he seemed, while in a roleplay aspect it didn't feel right to recruit a guy who tries to kill you when you first meet and again after a few days if you invite him to the party. I did a 2nd playthrough for a while and the actor actually sells the character really well. >>13991 Sucks how apparently most class/race choices aren't really that unique, specially as the game goes on. There was like this one time where my warlock patron intervened more directly, but from what I've read, if you really want a full warlock experience you're supposed to pick Wyll as MC, what with his patron being an actual character you meet and all. Gale has a similar problem, like why make a wizard MC when he already fills that role and has plenty of story content built around it already, specially if you play as him.
>>13952 >political debates have no place here. Oh, c'mon, its not political debates you have problem with but criticism of foids or alike. Political posts approving of the zeitgeist get to stay, but god forbid you challenge that in a meaningful way, then it becomes "political".
>>14002 >criticism of foids Yeah, I don't want it because this board is about monster girls, not 3DPD and problems with them. My opinion is that I want nothing to do with 3DPDs and I don't want to talk about them neither in positive nor negative light, their only use is for transformation/corruption content. But what I like or don't is less of an importance than the fact that few months ago I let some political post slide and they devolved into massive shitfligning and I don't feel like having that repeat ever again. >Political posts approving of the zeitgeist get to stay, but god forbid you challenge that in a meaningful way, then it becomes "political". I honestly couldn't care less about the zeitgeist or redplills. As far as I'm concerned the outside world can turn into one world government with child eating satanists in charge, as long as I have my imaginary non-human women. Or if Trump gets installed as God Emperor of Mankind. So I assure you I'm not biased towards any political direction and I even got bitched at for not tolerating black dick fetishism on /mg/. Also I actually fucking hate deleting posts because every time I do that I get anxious someone is going to throw a fit and leave, so if a post got deleted it meant it was either trying to start shit or it was going way beyond this board's scope rather than just being an off-hand remark. Plus, almost all of the political posts I removed in this place's history were coming from one person, so this doesn't appear to be an issue to most anons.
>>14010 3DPDs are good for making art comms. 2DPDs (2D human women) are good for transformation and corruption
That CP asshole is at it again, and the captcha for reporting seems broken. Hope this gets taken care of ASAP.
>>14254 Apologies for the delay, it's been taken down.
>>14254 Yeah this is becoming a real issue, I'm going to look into blocking vpn posting ASAP, because that's the only reliable way to deal with the spammers. Unless someone knows another way?
If I wanted to make a monster girl cosplay thread where we post images of flesh-and-blood women, which board, if any, would that be appropriate on? I checked the rules for this board and didn't see any anti-3D rules but I want to be certain.
>>13872 >I'd copy pregchan's solution where you have to post in a designated meta thread and ask for VPN block bypass, it works by whitelisting your post deletion password you post with Thank you, a big part of the appeal of this site for me is that I can post from VPN (I don't like the idea of my ISP knowing what porn I'm watching.)
>>14270 I dunno, it's kind of a slippery thing. Real lewds are much more likely to cause legal or semi-legal issues and I'd have to make sure nobody posts pics with underage girls, because that shit can get the site shut down really fast. If more anons would like such thread then we could try it, but from my current knowledge of the monster girl fandom, it's in the "not worth the trouble" area (but of course I could be mistaken)
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>>14270 >anti-3D rules I like to hope at least some anons aren't so off the deep end they can still have an attraction to real women. But I would actually not be surprised if it didn't take off. >>14272 It's not like women doing cosplay is a rare thing. Or do you really have a legitimate concern that anons are unable to differentiate between loli drawings and reality.
>>14273 the problem is. if you're allowing 3D cosplayers of monstergirls, you might as well allow 2D cosplayers of monstergirls
>>14273 >Or do you really have a legitimate concern that anons are unable to differentiate between loli drawings and reality. No, it's not about anons. A bad actor could sneak in teenage girls cosplaying and then bother my server host about it, who will instantly pull the plug without researching the matter any further thanks to the anti-pedo hysteria . And from trusted sources I do know that there are some people who hate this place and would love to see it burn, so opsec is something I need to seriously consider. That said, my #1 priority is increasing activity so I'm not saying no, it's just that I need to know there is enough interest in such thing that the risk makes it worth it.
>>14278 >people who hate this place and would love to see it burn, Lol. Seems like too much effort to give to a small imageboard.
>>14280 You vastly underestimate just how petty some people can get over things.
>3dpd I mean can't you move to a board that has focus on cosplayers? Like i don't hate or dislike real women but i only come here for drawn and animated waifus with monster bits. I don't want jump scared with real stuff while scrolling through the board
>>14274 >>14273 Just me, but I don't want any 3Ds.
>>13872 Update on the spam and VPNs: I've implemented a VPN block that should keep the filth at bay and those affected can have a bypass to keep posting with VPN, visit >>>/site/27 for more info how to get it. I've added current posters to the whitelist so most of you will not even notice the block, aside from no more spam (hopefully)
Edited last time by REDACTED on 01/27/2025 (Mon) 19:32:52.
Why this being an altchan anonymous imageboard, why does it use cloudflare? From what I read it decrypts and thus can also read and log literally everything https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/policies/gateway/http-policies/tls-decryption/
>>14512 1. It helps obfuscate real address of the server, making it slightly harder for a random idiot to convince our host to drop us 2. Free (D)DoS protection, something of massive value in the era of cheap botnets any schizo with a grudge can rent using some monero. At first I wasn't using CF and this site kept having mysterious outages, with server becoming unresponsive. After setting up CF it all stopped and for some time I could see DDoS attempts at the CF panel. Neither of those are perfect and there are still ways to both get the real address and DDoS us, but cloudflare makes it a much more complex ordeal and filters out most of idiots. Besides, the privacy-savvy ones can just use combination of VPN (with bypass I method I provide, /site/ is exempt from the VPN block so you can request it without disabling VPN) and a browser configured to fuck with fingerprinting, like mullvad browser.
>>14514 Thanks for the detailed answer

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