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Anonymous 12/27/2022 (Tue) 20:24:25 No. 349
This board has been thrown to the wolves.
>>7591 >Can't become an alpha of another pack? >Kidnap a human and make your own pack! It's so simple!
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Wolf paws...
>>7618 >wolf paws >posts feet
>>7619 >wolf paws >posts feet I think the proper term for that is "heresy"
Wolf milk...
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>>8763 Yes, big juicy fox milkers please. I want to follow the footsteps of Remus and Romulus
Wolfgirls are underrated. They can be faithful lovers, powerful fighters, and they have the potential for a wide range of personalities and it all makes sense. I think they are better than foxes because they are normally flat and smug.
>>8766 Tbh you can say the same about practically every monster girl
You can't keep the wolf contained forever.
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you just KNOW
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>>10505 Sir, that's a boat.
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>>10765 but is dog shaped
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dogs are great companions for children!!
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>>10769 Seeing her with a shota reminds me of the doujin Hiroe Rei drew with her. ...And years later, I'm only now realizing that was a crossover between the two shipgirl games.
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>>10801 cherish the 'Miji
>>10804 She's too cute not to.
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canine girls do be like that
>>10857 You there, 1st image, on the left! Get back in your thread!
God I want Kagerou to force herself on me so badly
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>>12061 sex with momiji married sex with momiji pregnant sex with momiji incestuous threesome with momiji and our daughter
Why do all wolfgirls just look like they mate with human men?
>>12189 Well, what else would they mate with, dogs? They aren't human women
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>>12378 Halloween is not an excuse to pounce and rape vulnerable males.
>>12397 That's right, it's not an excuse. It's perfectly justified to do so.
>>12397 >Implying they need an excuse They take whatever they want and they can't be stopped
>>12403 they can't keep getting away with this!!!
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>>12397 I can't wait for Atago's new skin. I want to be Atago's vulnerable shota cummander. >>12398 I can't post examples of what I mean because of the hyper rule but I want the kind of wolf girl with an overwhelming body she can just smother me with. I want to be buried by her boobs and butt while she pounds a crater in the ground with me at the center.
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>>12407 >I want to be Atago's vulnerable shota cummander >real life navy >stuck with a bunch of other men on a cramped smelly steel prison >gacha botes navy >you just fuck your boat This isn't fair
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>>12588 Imagine watching your wolf pack infighting like this constantly. All over who gets you first and who has to be content with sloppy seconds
>>12779 >get lost in the mountains and break your leg >rescued by a lone wolf girl and brought to her cave >fast forward some years later, you are alpha male of entire wolf pack that keeps growing
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>"that man looks like he fucks wolf girls"
>>12867 Momiji is for recursive incestuous breeding, scratching and biting is more of Kagerou's thing
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>>14821 Second pic is a fox, akshully. Know the difference, it could save your bloodline.
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>>14822 foxes: stinking raping beasts who only wish the extinction of humanity and turn you into a rice farmer spermbanks while they sip on sake wolfgirls: friends of humanity who only rape you if you're being difficult, she doesn't want you to break your back in the rice fields, no, you will find a hunting partner in a wolf girl, a fierce woman who can protect you, a companion for life that said, you're right that the second pic anon posted is a fox, the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away, but they will soon find their efforts fruitless, as even the omega in the pack is more appealing than stanky k*tsune pussy
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>>14824 >the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away That 2nd pic is a fox, isn't it?
>>14824 >IRL foxes are famously difficult/impossible to domesticate and instead YOU have to change your household to accommodate them >IRL wolves ended up becoming literally man's best friend over time checks out
>>14830 >>14829 >>14824 Fox vs Wolf is a false dichotomy spread by human women. They know that humanity would be a male-only species within 20 years, if monsters stopped infighting.
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>>14824 >that said, you're right that the second pic anon posted is a fox, the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away, but they will soon find their efforts fruitless, as even the omega in the pack is more appealing than stanky k*tsune pussy I like the way you think

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