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Anonymous 12/27/2022 (Tue) 20:24:25 No. 349
This board has been thrown to the wolves.
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I feel that wolves would be more to the point than foxes and their tricks
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>>351 Agree. But they'd be much rougher during sex instead.
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>>353 Pretty much. Also more feral in nature, would just drag you to their cave, make you their breeding stud (potentially for the whole pack) and skip marriage and romance
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Holo is really an entire textbook on economics disguised as a cute wolfu, but whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.
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>>349 >get thrown into the wolf's den >forced to breed and make pups together >eventually have enough children to create your own wolf pack >carve for yourself a piece of territory >start your own wolf dynasty and begin conquering the neighboring regions
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>>367 This wolfu was great, one of the few MGQ girls to orgasm in her scene. Also the LoE wolf kidnapping you to her den to reproduce.
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>>362 Sounds like a good thing to me. I started craving something more from my monster girl media than just harems and sex
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>>373 >I started craving something more from my monster girl media than just harems and sex Check out Batta's slice of life manga with a kitsune wife while you're at it: https://mangadex.org/title/c8b7c932-3eaa-4005-81ef-c70f2862b51b
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>>374 >>375 Didn't know batta went legit. If you want more of that style of manga, I can recommend this one: https://mangadex.org/title/16787c2c-02f5-46b4-9927-3428dc3d5070/kitsune-spirit and this one with alien wife: https://mangadex.org/title/ee48c791-9f62-4e71-bd13-a2b95c518d6e/oh-my-sweet-alien
Wolf gf that will kidnap you, tie you to the bed and do whatever she wants to you. Every. Single Day.
>>399 >will kidnap you can't rape or kidnap the willing though
>>403 True. But I doubt many would be willing anymore if they had to endure nutting 5 to 8 times on a daily basis.
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>>406 >"kidnapped" by wolfu >first night is like heaven, releasing all the pent up lust after so long >next few ones are still nice but the initial rush is already wearing off >after two weeks anon would just rather wank >but the wolfu is not even 1/10 done yet scary
>>407 >At this point anon is better off praying that he actually manages to get wolfu pregnant. Hoping that her horny will die down that way.
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>>408 I heard some women get super horny when preggers. Anon might be in for a nasty surprise after the initial morning nausea phase passes and hormones start going crazy
>>409 >Even more horny when pregnant >Anon doomed to pet wolf womb >After couple weeks he snaps, goes full stockholm syndrome and falls in love with wolmf
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>>410 Sounds like my kind of happy end
>Wolf squeezing your cock dry with her massive tits
>>412 this but with big bad wolf
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Good deal
How would you sex your wolf? Doggy or cowgirl?
>>449 Doggy style all the way, pure animalistic mating
>>450 But what if she's feeling like being on top?
>>451 Then pound that bitch into submission
>>452 But I want a dommy-mommy wolfie
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Fun fact: it's scientifically proven wolf girls are a real possibility.
>>491 >Saved and nursed back to health by a wolfgirl >Fall in love with wolmf and have a big family with her. Yep. Great deal.
>We told you anon. Being eaten by wolves is the best thing in the world.
>Eating a wolf
>>588 They do look delicious.
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wolf power (mating) stance
>>669 >Stronger than any human >Rough, but can also be very caring if situation calls for it >Insane lust levels that go even higher during mating season Wolfgals are built for domming humans and noone can convince me otherwise
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>>673 >Wolfgals are built to be dommed by humans Fixed. Never underestimate human drive to procreate with compatible humanoids.
>>677 >The wolf will create a fake sense of you being in control >When she finally wrings you to the point of losing all strength she gets on top of you and milks you dry >You've lost. You just got wolfed.
Full moon sex in a forest with my (future) wolf wife.
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>>690 Outdoors sex with canine girls is the be(a)st
>Mating like animals. With no care in the world.
>>588 >>626 >Dinner's served~ My lovely human.
>>693 I'm kind of hoping she would let out a surprised shriek or moan as she didn't expect me to actually lick her pussy and eat her out.
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>mom and dad decided to adopt a homeless wolfgirl >She is very nice to everyone and helps around the house >When nobody is looking she acts very weird towards me What do?
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>>699 Treat her like a dog and engage in physical contact, nothing can go wrong
>Ms. Wolf, what big tits you have! >The better to smother you with, my dear
>>712 >"Little" >rides your ass into the ground
>>713 >Cute, hot wolf gf >Basket filled with snacks >Crushed pelvis (The wolf will feel bad for letting her lust get to her, will apologize and nurse you back to health) I fail to see any drawback
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So this is what happens when you reject a wolf's advances for too long
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Stay frosty everyone. The time has come.
>>829 >through March The ultimate trap. You reach end of February and think you've saved your virginity from foxes, only to be pinned down by a horny wolf as soon as you leave your safehouse. >"wait, the fox breeding season is over, what are you doing?!" >"I'm actually a wolf and I'm awfully horny, woof!"
>>830 >Wolmf steals your virginity >Also fucks you senseless till you pass out I fail to see any downside
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Why do wolf girls being hairy feel so natural?
>>838 Hard to expect feral beast girls to properly shave themselves
Lupos are built for sex. And for fluffing their tails with your hands and cock
>Try KoboldAI >Help the AI a little bit to get the story going >AI spews a story about anon that gets raped by wolf sisters after he called foxes superior and said that wolfs are mutts. Kino.
>>891 kek I can imagine it like this >you wanted mofu, stupid human? >here's mofu, fuck you and us
>>892 >Wolmfs that will use all their bodies have to win you over on whether foxes or wolves are superior wives.
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The things I'd do to be able to fuck a cute wolf in her tight ass
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>>998 a healthy response
>>1004 A good maid knows that pleasing master is just as important as any other chore.
wolf girl with (You)
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>>1035 Or just blow your trusty rape whistle to summon her
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>>1037 She is a good girl and not a rapist, right? ...Right?
>>1039 >heart pupils Yes, I'm sure she'll gracefully back off if you just tell her you're not ready
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>>1040 I knew it! She is a good student.
>>1044 >cuffs Silly dog. I'm not locked there with her, she's locked there with me
>>1047 It's always the smug ones who are all like >Wolves belong on bottom. I can top one for sure. that coom twice inside that wolfussy and then faint only to wake up to their third orgasm cuz wolmf didn't stop.
I should not have drunk that tea. Now I'm being raped by a wolfu.
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Wolf in heat == danger
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Snacking on wolfpussy
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Kisses with wolmf
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>trying to resist the urge to pounce on the shota
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>>1426 >trying to resist the urge to pounce and nadakadashi the wolf
This place used to be pretty lively. Until the wolf mating season happened. One shudders at the fates that other anons who used to post here suffered. A shattered pelvis.
>>1433 Such is life in the zone
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>>2456 >stumbling upon a pack of wild loli wolfus afterwards, a few centuries later:
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>>2482 >miss wolf, why do you have such large breasts >"to better smother your face, dear"
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Summer wolfu.
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>decide to check on DoL again after like 2 years >latest patch lets you impregnate wolf girls >fucked the NPC so much that by the end of the night we had over 20 pups together
>>2620 >DoL What is this, Degrees of Lewdity?
>>2621 Yes
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>>2626 Took a look at it, and I assume it's the Corruption of champions kind of deal with nice stuff being among all kinds of stupid shit, right?
>>2627 Kind of, you can customize the world to an extent if you don't like certain kinks, but most of the content is either MC getting raped or consensual with some named characters. There's a toggle to turn all the animals into monster girls.
>>2630 >There's a toggle to turn all the animals into monster girls. What the hell, wish someone told me this earlier.
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>>2852 God, I've spilled so much cฬถuฬถmฬถ mana to those Kagerou doujins
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>>3111 >wolfu isn't asking anymore >you WILL put a whole litter into her, here and now
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>>3113 remember to put some pups in your wolfu before she rapes you. after she gets away with it the first time shes going to keep doing. eventually making a habit out of it. your dick will cease to be your own property. it will solely belong to her.
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>>3114 >first pic DOMESTICATED.COM
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>>3115 shes a good girl now.
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>>3113 If only Abe knew how easy it was to fix the population crisis.
>>3122 Genetically engineered horny beast women are sure as hell a better solution than telling young people >just have sex, lol also won't get you shotgunned, probably.
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>>3140 >into the trash it goes
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>>3140 That's no wolfu, that's a cat in disguise!
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>>3146 its hard to tell whether shes a cat, fox, or a dog. the general consensus is that shes a doggo though.
>>3156 I don't know anything about Azur Lane but I liked that doujin the Black Lagoon author made of her.
Wolf girl with me!
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>>3239 Rome needed strong foundation
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>>3279 biters get the ballgag
>>3244 >Why is my daugher naked >Why is my daugher naked along with my wife >Why is my daughter tapping into my wolf milk >Why is she tapping into milk when she's too old >Why did my wife get naked with my daughter So many questions. So little answers
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>>3282 Hot incest sex is the answer to everything
>>3283 I'd expect a behavior like that from Kagerou who's the last werewolf left rather than Momiji. How shameless
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>grooming a kid from this early on What the FUCK is their problem?
>>3455 Sauce on this wolfie?
>>3460 Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita Isekai anime.
>>3455 Least pedophilic wolfgirl
>>3461 Thanks. Added to my pile.
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>>3504 Considering the amount of coom I'd be more suprised if she didn't get pregnant
>>3506 you'd be suprised. once creampied her twice a day for like a month in eratohotw. it never worked, even on dangerous days. then along comes tsukasa. who goes into heat, pushes me down and gets pregnant first try. fucking foxes man.
>>3504 >pussy gushing out excess cum as if it was a bottle of coke with mentos thrown in and shook up >durrr I guess I'm preggerz nao wow, amazing motherly instincts
>>3508 >eraTohoTW Played it a little bit but having rough sex day in day out with Kagerou got bit boring after a while
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marry the wolfu
>>3635 risky blowjobs
>>3638 Worth it.
>>3638 Beggars can't be choosers. I'm sure she would be very careful too
>>3657 >I'm sure she would be very careful too No risk no fun
Never wandering in forests at late night during full moon ever again. My wolfwife doesn't allow me to do that anymore.
>>3822 Tell her that outdoors sex is the best
Wild, animalistic sex with the wolf.
il turn the wolfhus into doghus
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>>4603 Based, as nature intended. Primates will always dominate the canines.
>>4603 Remember to keep working out a lot, you wouldn't want to lose if she challenges your leadership.
Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex. Wolf sex.
>>4675 ah yes, here we see the effect of concentrated female wolf pheromones on a human male
Release the wolfm
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Breeding wolmf.......
>>4867 >get brainwashed into being exclusively for wolf use >literally cannot even get hard to any other girls insidious...
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Sex with wild beasts
>>4878 God how I wish I could smell the stench of a sweaty wolfwife during sex
>>4872 >"You are not immune to propaganda" They were right
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>>4901 This beast needs a shaver correction
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Fire means safety from actual wolves, but it's the opposite with wolf girls.
>>4901 My ability to read jap handwriting is pretty dogshit but i was able to make out a good bit: Emue 175cm 75kg -Hairy fox that likes to draw and play games -Basically every part of her body is weak to getting touched/pet -Boobs filled with milk, easy to squeeze out -Inverted nipples -Gets pregnant easily -Large breasts, butt, hips, fangs, tail, clit -Masochist -Sweat gives off an animal smell I'm not usually into girls with paws but this artist pulled it off really well. Her pubes could definitely use some trimming.
Despite some urban legends, mating with wild wolves is not only not banned, but actually encouraged and beneficial. Do your part in saving endangered species. >This public service announcement was sponsored by the department of wildlife
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>>4903 Would absolutely give her a meal and ask her where her mother is. Seems to me like she needs a dad in her life to help keep her safe. >>5183 >Do your part in saving endangered species I'm doing my part!
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Sex with my gacha wolf wife Texas
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>>5231 >gacha wolfu 5 free pulls with every new pup in the oven?
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>>5231 tell me about her. what is her connection to the pizza wolfu
>>5233 Both used to run shit for their family mafias back in the day. Texas got bored of it and also was disgusted with her father so she quit. At the same time her family was assaulted and wiped by other mafias cuz they broke the rules so she torched the whole place down. Ran away and started a new life for an intelligence/delivery company. Pizza wolfu knows her from old days when she was much more brutal and cruel so she wants to bring that part of her back so Texas hates her guts. During a recent event of her returning home due to the favor she owed they decided to finally brawl it out and made up and moved on with their lives
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>>5234 i see... they need synchronized pregnancy correction.
>>5236 Something like that yes
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>wolfu makes awooo noise when cumming approved
After an exhausting day it's good to go to sleep early with your wolf wife so that you may be fully rested for tomorrow
>>5237 >contraceptives reduced by 50% >not 100% filthy casual
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>awfully horny, woof
>>5271 I'm not usually a fan of doing things like that but this image just screams for me the urge to plant my face in there
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>>5271 >>5272 Getting down on all fours like a male wolf! Sniffing Kagerou's butt like a male wolf! Mounting Kagerou like a male wolf! Frantically swinging hips like a male wolf! Afterwards, staying connected with Kagerou for 30 minutes like a male wolf!
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Now I'm not an armpits guy BUT......
>>5384 Big Black Wolf
My cute wolf wife
>>5408 Wow! Lucky you! You get a harem with 1 marriage!
>>5410 How do I tell them I'm only interested in wolf pussy?
>Gacha wolf wife got a L2D skin yay
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>>5412 >>5436 haha stupid dog is named like a state
>>5446 Lappland is a region in Finland
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They are all bark and no bite anyway
>>5626 I could handle 4 wolfgirls!
>>5626 Now there's just gonna be 4 packs roaming around
Because NNN started I decided to occupy my mind with something else to keep myself from thinking about jerking it. Why not go to gym and workout? The problem was that I have no experience with it so I decided to hire an instructor. The problem is....Is sex really a good replacement for a workout? Like I said I don't know shit about it so maybe I'm in the wrong for thinking it's weird
>>5635 Sex is unironically a good exercise for real. Lifehack: it's "No Nut November", not "No Penetration November". You can still pass if you only perform workout sex without nutting, so be sure to properly thank your instructor for being so helpful.
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>>5645 gensokyo is not a safe place for single unwed men.
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endangered species, but not for long
Where can I find hot, single wolfgirls?
>>6184 Just sign up for japari park wildlife preservation program and pick everything from wolf family in your submission form.
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>>6184 Out in the wilds, usually close to the borders between different wolf packs. However, be warned that usually lone wolves are looking to start a pack of their own. Are you sure you're up to the challenge?
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Your daily sight every morning after joining the pack
>>6446 Needs to be more like this
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>>6917 The things I would do for a cute wolf gf like Kagerou...
>>6920 >first pic Condom use is animal gf abuse, always bareback your wolfu(s)
Can anyone translate the first picture, please?
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Uh oh
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>>7590 DIY wolfpack moment
>>7591 >Can't become an alpha of another pack? >Kidnap a human and make your own pack! It's so simple!
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Wolf paws...
>>7618 >wolf paws >posts feet
>>7619 >wolf paws >posts feet I think the proper term for that is "heresy"
Wolf milk...
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>>8763 Yes, big juicy fox milkers please. I want to follow the footsteps of Remus and Romulus
Wolfgirls are underrated. They can be faithful lovers, powerful fighters, and they have the potential for a wide range of personalities and it all makes sense. I think they are better than foxes because they are normally flat and smug.
>>8766 Tbh you can say the same about practically every monster girl
You can't keep the wolf contained forever.
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you just KNOW
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>>10505 Sir, that's a boat.
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>>10765 but is dog shaped
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dogs are great companions for children!!
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>>10769 Seeing her with a shota reminds me of the doujin Hiroe Rei drew with her. ...And years later, I'm only now realizing that was a crossover between the two shipgirl games.
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>>10801 cherish the 'Miji
>>10804 She's too cute not to.
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canine girls do be like that
>>10857 You there, 1st image, on the left! Get back in your thread!
God I want Kagerou to force herself on me so badly
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>>12061 sex with momiji married sex with momiji pregnant sex with momiji incestuous threesome with momiji and our daughter
Why do all wolfgirls just look like they mate with human men?
>>12189 Well, what else would they mate with, dogs? They aren't human women
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>>12378 Halloween is not an excuse to pounce and rape vulnerable males.
>>12397 That's right, it's not an excuse. It's perfectly justified to do so.
>>12397 >Implying they need an excuse They take whatever they want and they can't be stopped
>>12403 they can't keep getting away with this!!!
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>>12397 I can't wait for Atago's new skin. I want to be Atago's vulnerable shota cummander. >>12398 I can't post examples of what I mean because of the hyper rule but I want the kind of wolf girl with an overwhelming body she can just smother me with. I want to be buried by her boobs and butt while she pounds a crater in the ground with me at the center.
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>>12407 >I want to be Atago's vulnerable shota cummander >real life navy >stuck with a bunch of other men on a cramped smelly steel prison >gacha botes navy >you just fuck your boat This isn't fair
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>>12588 Imagine watching your wolf pack infighting like this constantly. All over who gets you first and who has to be content with sloppy seconds
>>12779 >get lost in the mountains and break your leg >rescued by a lone wolf girl and brought to her cave >fast forward some years later, you are alpha male of entire wolf pack that keeps growing
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>"that man looks like he fucks wolf girls"
>>12867 Momiji is for recursive incestuous breeding, scratching and biting is more of Kagerou's thing
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>>14821 Second pic is a fox, akshully. Know the difference, it could save your bloodline.
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>>14822 foxes: stinking raping beasts who only wish the extinction of humanity and turn you into a rice farmer spermbanks while they sip on sake wolfgirls: friends of humanity who only rape you if you're being difficult, she doesn't want you to break your back in the rice fields, no, you will find a hunting partner in a wolf girl, a fierce woman who can protect you, a companion for life that said, you're right that the second pic anon posted is a fox, the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away, but they will soon find their efforts fruitless, as even the omega in the pack is more appealing than stanky k*tsune pussy
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>>14824 >the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away That 2nd pic is a fox, isn't it?
>>14824 >IRL foxes are famously difficult/impossible to domesticate and instead YOU have to change your household to accommodate them >IRL wolves ended up becoming literally man's best friend over time checks out
>>14830 >>14829 >>14824 Fox vs Wolf is a false dichotomy spread by human women. They know that humanity would be a male-only species within 20 years, if monsters stopped infighting.
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>>14824 >that said, you're right that the second pic anon posted is a fox, the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away, but they will soon find their efforts fruitless, as even the omega in the pack is more appealing than stanky k*tsune pussy I like the way you think

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