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(347.69 KB 2436x1941 GaRzgE0XwAA_xOO.jfif)
fox thread #11 Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 11:36:23 No. 12983
foxy business edition foxes come in all shapes and sizes, in all ages and with different wages what does your foxes do for a living? is she a millennium old goddess with unfathomable resources at her disposal? or is she a humble taillet who need not concern herself with material thing and only yearns for a hubby? let me ask you. how wealthy is your foxfu? how did your foxfu acquire that wealth? would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? Previous thread: >>11739
>>12983 >what does your foxes do for a living? Selling ancient treasures she gathered over centuries >how wealthy is your foxfu? Potentially absurdly wealthy, but only sells the treasures to sustain our modest but comfortable life >how did your foxfu acquire that wealth? Being alive for millennia as a minor spirit with collector hobby does that to you. IX century worthless trinkets are now priceless artifacts >would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? Nope >and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? Small house in the forest.
>>12983 Her clan maintains traditionally close bonds. Whether they are ambitious seductresses who puppeted influential men, sadistic dryfishers who enrich themselves on their victims or farmer's wives who bless their husbands with rich harvests and many daughters alike, they all pay their share to the matriarchs vaults, who in turn takes good care of her family. >would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? I'd be expected to provide for her and the many children she wants one way or another. If I can't earn enough on my own, she'll train me to become a perfect, diligent househusband instead. Religious obedience towards her and her sisters is mandatory. >and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? My current house will suffice but if I fail economically to support a large family, I will have to yield ownership to her and it becomes a clan domicile that she can manage at her whims. The interior and garden would become gradually more traditional far-eastern in style and she'd convert spare rooms into living space for her sisters. Effectively turning it into a proper kitsune den.
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>>12983 >how wealthy is your foxfu? broke ass bitch >how did your foxfu acquire that wealth? she working at mcdonalds lmao >would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? sure >and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? cardboard box
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>get foxed >turns out it wasn't even a real fox The real horror
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>>13000 >h*man women getting increasingly frustrated at being left behind by men in favor of foxes >start disguising themselves and highjacking their semen >those caught by the mamono police get punished (rewarded) for their craftiness by being turned into a real fox girl problem solved
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fox tits are just a positioning spacer for cowgirl sexo
can you spot the difference in these 2 situations? a fox cant
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>>13021 at the end of the day her womb is full of human seed and you get addicted to fox pussy, so it's all the same
Reminder that fox milk is both extremely healthy and tasty to humans with no addictive side effects whatsoever. >>13021 These are the same picture
(1.57 MB 5058x6745 104417712_p0.jpg)
>pov: you're about to make your debut on foxed dot com
>>13041 >foxed dot com I want to see what's in the hidden hardcore members-only category
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>>13046 intense tail fluffing
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>>13047 >intense tail fluffing h-how intense?
>>13046 >I want to see what's in the hidden hardcore members-only category lots of non-nsfw content about how to take care of a large family and other such domestic chores, all of which is tagged as husband training.
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>>13025 There are just some teeny weeny mental regressions, but since that doesn't matter to foxes it's not a real side effect. "It's just placebo, it's all in your head bro!" >>13048 Rude! I thought it was just a horny misspelling of breed and didn't notice it pointed to a new thread.
>>12983 >How foxfu makes wealth One may think offerings, actually is the treasures she got (Also the spoils of war of those she beat long ago) >How wea- She's so fucking filthy rich that if she was real she would make my family not need to work. >How did foxfu acquire that wealth. Exorcisms, beating her foes and picking up the spoils, sells the relics and gems in a monthly basis >Would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you don't have to? Being a househusband works if she wants me to do that. >And at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? She would have a castle that is close to where I live in a geolocal state, but she still prefers to be close to me; so that's me moving to live with her in that castle she bought with her riches or in a sanctuary she decided to order to get built in the forest around the castle.
Someone tell Subbu that it shouldn't worry so much about its works. They're as good and even better than last year; imposter syndrome is really hard to overcome
(211.06 KB 480x514 hehhhhhh.PNG)
>>13046 HARDCORE tail combing, DEEP ear cleaning and ROUGH fluff fingering, INTIMATE lap pillows and SLOPPY fried tofu hand-feeding
(124.11 KB 1204x1608 gib updoots.jpg)
>>13062 dude has people regularly make fan art of his girls and still sometimes acts like he's some skittish art newbie, lmao
>>13064 Don't forget the headpats and hand holding
>>13064 And where's the lovely-dovely food airplanes? Or is that for filthy degenerates worshippers of Slaneesh?
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the kontide
>>13091 >so many foxlets they start overflowing onto the viewer/cameraman This is the future foxfuckers want
>>13074 sub-res's art skills are perfectly fine and have been for the majority of his online presence under that name.
>>13097 ...I just think that the direction of his recent art is overly cartoonish and porn-brained. Most if not all of his drawings of sex don't appeal to me, and despite me having a lactation fetish, his drawings of that don't really do it for me either. But that's not really an issue with his skill.
i have an irresistible urge to fuck so many kits into Tamamo, that I would be considered one of ancestors for the Kitsune race
(4.98 MB 3008x1980 124449277_p0.png)
>>13098 It's mainly the "issue" (depending on your tastes) with Kiri, for some reason he started drawing her with oversized, almost /d/-tier nipples. She looks normal-ish with some clothes.
(216.96 KB 1414x1000 c013a501cc625381f8113551daaacb30.jpg)
Remember to visit the nearest Inari shrine with you foxwife before mating season and get your mandatory fertility blessing.
>>13116 I don't want kids, I'll just slip contraceptives into her drinks instead
>>13117 >human contraceptives I hope for your sake that you won't get caught in the (pointless) attempt, or her family might forcibly marry you to several of her sisters as well.
(13.10 KB 924x365 highly responsive to prayer.png)
>>13116 That blessing will be put to work sooner than you think.
>>13118 at this point the only way to avoid fox fertility is to cut off your dick
>>13122 Just fuck the fucking fox already
>>13114 she's so based...
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>>13128 That extra set of HUMAN ears is a little concerning. Reminder of the evils of Human W*men: >>13000 Even if she's being pushy and *appears* to be in estrus, make sure of her authenticity first.
(75.10 KB 627x830 1654741949668.jpg)
>>13132 >That extra set of HUMAN ears What if transformed human women keep the human ears in addition to the fox ones, while purebred foxes have only animal ears
>>13133 You are not a real kitsune. You have no fox ears, you have no tails, you speak no ancient japanese. You are a h*man woman using cosplay gear as a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed foxes to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even humans who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a fox. Your clumsy posture is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to fool a fox with your looks, you'll be exposed the second she gets a whiff of your unmistakably human stench. You will never be safe. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the fear creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a yukata, tie an obi around your waist and plunge yourself into our bosom, begging us to spare your mind when we ascend you. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Sometimes I feel like the only foxfag without a pregnancy fetish.
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>>13122 Congrats, you become a foxgirl. What you thought you can seduce a foxgirl then avoid marrying and giving her kids?
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me completly disappointing the fox, like how i disappoint human women
(137.86 KB 960x1080 wrong ears.jpg)
I would be devastated
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>>13136 Sometimes I feel like the only foxfag without a mofu fetish
>>13141 >foxfu explains to anon that her tail is big enough that he can pound her ass while huffing it so called "foxed compromise"
(882.43 KB 892x1200 123775226_p0_master1200.jpg)
>>13143 Every foxfag has a mofu fetish you dipshit, it comes free with your foxfu
>>13150 >random bells on feet >womb tattoo >9 tails >TWO swords >hand glowing with fox magicks >random ornaments even on the goddamn ears This is fox equivalent of sparkledog among furfags. Sparklefox.
>>13158 guess thats what human boat women do when they become fox boat women: overcompensate with no regard for aesthetics
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>>13158 you forgot the sakura pattern randomly stamped between the two breasts i wonder what happens if you unsqueeze those two boobs. does the pattern remain? does the sakura duplicate across the boobs? does it get split up? is there even more paint between the breasts? i must find out
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>>13161 >>13158 Surprised to get that piece of internet knowledge and to see that I got away with the foxed state of one of the members of the German fleet of AL xD Anyways, back to our scheduled Ran posting
>>13175 wish there was more zun style hentai
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>>13142 If that's what it takes to make her stop wearing that dumb pajama hat, so be it
(111.36 KB 683x964 20241125_083733.jpg)
Huh, amused how Wildcatf14 can draw kuda-gitsunes and make her at least bearable. Is this the power of drawing nonstop Ran all around the calendar? Just look at that lustrous fluffy tail!
>>13198 that tail looks like it has fat rolls, lmao
(707.39 KB 1000x964 scaroused.jpg)
>>13158 She's a bit to gaudy for my taste, but in defense of the two swords thing that's a practice called Daisho. One long and one short, the shorter blade is either used as a backup or for when the length of the primary is a hindrance. I also want to stress that having a wife armed to the teeth isn't necessarily a bad thing! Weapons are cool!
i NEED me a hagfox
>>13219 >excess cheap perfumes >combined with beastly smell of a horny fox the smell alone would kill you
(4.21 MB 2892x4096 GdUc-nWbkAA-G1G.jpg)
(1.22 MB 1850x2621 GdU2Yh8a8AAkD4h.jpg)
foxes really do anything to get their litter, huh?
>>13221 She's just holocausting your inferior human bloodline
All it takes for foxes to brainwash or monsterize a human is a few minutes alone with them. How are we even supposed to tell who has been turned and who is still pure?
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>>13229 foxes are in no way capable of "brainwashing". thats an unfounded rumor started by anti-kitsumetic trolls online. foxes are simply great company that amours any man they come in contact with. which is also why every woman jumps on the opportunity to be one themselves. you should stop reading unfounded conspiracy online and meet one physically instead of writing harmful misinformation like this.
>>13230 bait used to be believable
>>13231 And humans used to post with their VPN turned on, but you'll get a 5 minute headstart to run
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>>13232 >Vulpine Private Network
fox girl... pretty
(176.18 KB 1152x745 oppai screen.jpg)
>>13234 KonVPN is the sponsor of most streamers.
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fox puberty hits hard.
>>13144 Why the f*x does she have such slutty feet?
>>13221 Hope there was no flamethrower involved in this ERP
>>13239 no my cute little fox daughters now have cow tits like their fox mom
>>13241 Imagine her face when you ask not for her tail, not for her pussy but for her goddamn feet. >what the fuck is wrong with you???
>>13200 It's still a kuda-gitsune, of course there's flaws compared to other foxfus
(203.20 KB 900x1126 Ran's mochi.webm)
>>13254 made to be molested
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>>13275 w-wwhat is she doing? its supposed to start tomorrow! i thought we were getting a head start...
>>13280 Looks like her pussy is still sealed so it's all fine
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>>13270 Made for lots of things
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>>13282 the creature has entered your home, wat do?
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Mating season is here, which means it's time for us to accept our lot and end up safe, snug and comfy in the genetic lines of the superior women we married. Remember, your fluffy daughter has a right to inherit everything you own, even if she doesn't look like you or has a different surname.
>>13307 All hail our fluffy overlords
>>13307 >anon on 30.11 <I WILL NOT let my human lineage die without putting up a fight, I'm prepared this year! >anon on 1.12 >GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT
>>13307 NNN ends mating season starts i see, so this was some prepare his ball to be full plan from the foxes?
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>>13311 its purely a coincidence, humie.
>>13298 *sigh* time for the adhesive tape again
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i suffer as foxbait
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>put up a sign on your yard >"FOX-FREE AREA, TRESPASSERS WILL HAVE THEIR TAILS SHAVED" >attach photo of a victim underneath Problem solved
>>13321 looks like a ratking monstergirl
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>>13318 >pov: you've just been bought on auction by a leader of the kitsune nwo
(148.37 KB 480x512 ssstwitter.com_1732894191468.mp4)
>>13336 Ah yes, steamed fox pussy. Perfect December breakfast
(946.04 KB 2766x3638 Reverse.jpg)
>>13329 POV: you thought it would be funny to slap her butt with the leather collar. >>13337 You're having her for dinner in the bath.
>>13329 goddamn, kitsunes are so stinky that even the unused collar is already emanating a stink aura
would you fuck and fluff the fox even in this shitty artstyle?
>>13361 I played MGQ, I've seen much worse. Also, at least it's not corporate memphis
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>>13361 I think it's too cute to think lewdly of, ZUN's style has grown on me and I don't think of the characters in that way in that style. Would fluff. Still, while the artstyle isn't conducive to lewding, the designs are peak sex: Ran is modestly dressed but with how her arms rest it naturally emphasizes her chest and gives a nice shelf to rest on depending on their size. Tsukasa is a little rat wearing a loose bedsheet onesie, enough said. >>13362 >MGQ >worse Everyone has had the misfortune of seeing the Delphinus Angels.
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>getting shotafied by foxhags
>>13373 >minding your own business on the street >old fox goes >"ufufufu, litle boys like you shouldn't be going around without their parents >tell her you are 30 years old already >she just smirks and her eyes flash
>>13373 you know what? if the fox takes care of me and let me play games for 4 hours i wouldn't mind it.
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>even the ovum is foxed
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the longer you resist the foxes, the higher the chance they'll team up.
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>>13373 >First pic's artist
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>>13384 It really is a shame. I've seen one instance of ponos in vagoo and it was in a collab Ran book with a dozen other artists. Zawa is a similar deal, great art, but mostly does vore, I should pick up translating Exogamy again now that I've got time for December.
>>13385 There's also a game with his art and it doesn't look like the usual shota anal devastation https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ385355.html
>>13389 I want a family of samip samefoxes who have to wear arm bands to let me know which is which
>>13406 your genes get drowned out
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>>13420 I wanna play Five Nights at BigFox's
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>>13435 you think it'll be over after just 5 nights?
(1.39 MB 2000x1435 100553221_p0.png)
>>13442 5 nights months years generations at BigFox's
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uuuuunf mofu mofu foxe fox
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>>13526 She said she wanted milk for her coffee....
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the fox does not sleep it does not hesitate nor does it fear the fox will have it's prize, its only a matter of time.
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>>13534 She can't win if I molest her first
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>>13537 ye call that molesting?
Obsessive fox
>>13541 >obsessive gachafox makes you always roll her and her skins even if they are extremely rare
>>13544 Well too bad for her, I wont play her game.
>>13579 sex with ran is basically a bullet hell where her ovum is the hitbox and the sperm are the danmaku
(2.55 MB 1344x1600 1677873029322333.png)
>>13579 >her gacha mysteriously installs itself on your phone >every time you use your phone it also starts up by itself and forces you to make at least one pull
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>>13582 >>13544 good thing my obsessive gachafoxwife is a map drop.
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>wafts thick fox pheromones in your direction
>>13619 >fox braps >plays it off as her pheromones Damn foxes trying to gas us
Now you foxed up! Now you foxed up! You have foxed up now! Now you foxed up!
(820.23 KB 752x1062 125353237_p0.jpg)
>>13630 whoa, that's foxed up
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>>13632 dumbass fell for the oldest trick in the book.
>>13643 I think they need new material…
>>13361 Sweden YES
>>13648 Fact: foxes can't rape you when you are wearing the famous swedish anti-rape hand bands
>>13648 what prompted this? is the artist swedish or something, i don't get it
(816.21 KB 1903x5596 swedenyes.png)
>>13653 >doesn't recognize an old imageboard meme
(511.02 KB 3090x4096 GfU2X0ebUAAjfuL.jpg)
(164.09 KB 650x1146 wet fox.jpg)
>>13655 fur can hold a surprisingly large amount of water, and weighs a ton
>>13655 h-haha imagine wringing your foxfu's tail after the bath into a glass and drinking it all in one go
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the office gets weird during winter
>>13666 Great news, the management has heard your requests and the company is now switch to full remote work model! And to keep the cooperative team spirit, everyone is assigned a coworker (or several) to work with from their home!
(421.20 KB 739x1732 06 (2).jpg)
the fox foxed foxily towards the human. -average fox romance novelist
>>13702 and the famous keyboard fox test >The Quick Horny Fox Amazon Pressed The Lazy Human
>>13702 >-average fox foxmance foxelist fixed foxed
(664.06 KB 1429x874 mofuballs are reading.png)
>>13702 average fox erotica reader
>>13703 missing the B G J V and W
>>13707 The Quick Horny Fox Amazon Pressed The Lazy Human and Afterwards gave him a BJ
(3.21 MB 552x351 fox dinner.gif)
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Dare you enter my mofu realm?
>>13712 Foxes and food is probably not a good combination >Waiter! Waiter! >There's no fox hair in my soup!
>>13714 considering the artist's other works... id rather not.
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>>13717 >check said other works It's just more fluffy hell anon, what's the matter?
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>>13727 Between Ahri and FFXIV cats, I'm convinced that painted on whiskers improve any beast girl
(1.48 MB 1324x4217 whos tails are these.jpg)
>>13714 Tails are dangerous.
Merry Christmas
(67.93 KB 684x555 1658553280895028.jpg)
begone you fiend!
>>13739 >taking your wife's surname the absolute state of foxfags
(1.64 MB 2100x1400 top yakuza.jpg)
>>13747 your surname - boring - no notability - common your foxwife's surname - strikes fear - well known - unique Like you wouldn't take a name with notoriety if you had the chance, and it's like marrying into the yakuza. You're part of that family, you're taking that name, shrimple as.
>>13744 why is she frowning
(168.97 KB 1738x1734 GeQtiq4WsAAg_zr.jpg)
>>13749 She's not frowning, she just gets embarrassed easily.
>>13756 Oh wait I didn't notice earlier she had torn fox ears, that's cute and explains why she's always embarrassed.
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many such cases
>>13759 >crotch mofu so big it's even on the preggo belly hnnnnnng
(463.80 KB 2048x1692 GfyFkNZakAA31FZ.jpg)
Fox contained
>>13763 Imagine getting tied up and slowly lowered in there, as if it was a shark tank. Execution fox style.
>>13768 I almost spat out my tea when I imagined a vixen villain lowering agent anon into the mofu tank for execution >No Mr. Anon, I expect your bloodline to die
>>13773 the cuck couch
>>13776 They should be selling decorated paper printed marriage certifications for this
>>13763 you fools! that fox isnt contained. shes a cognito hazard. if anyone were to look at her, they'd be her slave by the time they wake up the next morning!
>>13775 She's not just some perverted foxlet that gets off to being cucked, you can see this fox has CLASS.
With Comiket 105 coming up, I plan to make a proxy order from Japan for some print-only doujins that i'll scan in. Is there anything you guys want scanned in that's kind of obscure? Old stuff is fine (and actually preferred, to be honest) if it can be found used on a site like https://www.suruga-ya.jp/. Fox/wolf girl stuff is preferred, but i'll consider most other types of monster girls as well.
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>>13759 >third pic Thanks for reminding me that my bloodline is dead. Not because a fox woman got me addicted to breeding her pussy that nullifies my genes, but because I ended up learning how to read pregnancy tests from fucking kitsune doujins and lewds instead of real life.
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>check YukibusterZ's twitter to see if she published anything new and not scanned yet >>13780 could order >she's talking about taking care of her kids and general daily chores Holy fuck that's adorable
(594.55 KB 1020x1440 00083colored.png)
>>13787 >>13789 Yukibuster is too popular, anyways. Anything she makes gets uploaded pretty quickly, even the artbook she released got scanned in before I had the chance to scan mine, so now I have a spare lying around.
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>>13748 Ever since I read this page when I was a kid, it really stuck with me. I wouldn't want to change my or my wife's surname because of marriage and many years later, I got the chance to witness the awkward situation of someone changing their surname because of marriage, only to later end up divorcing.
>>13789 i never get these kinds of posts. she's not your wife
>>13802 Because it's amusing to see that my favorite fox babymaking doujins were made by someone who experiences something like this firsthand
>>13800 wtf all they need to do to enslave a man is to pull up their skirt, this is unfair
>>13801 >that page Get better taste than goyslop capeshitters
Criminal lack of on-topic posts, needs fatherhood correction 💢💢
>>13822 >new CoC2 fan art One day I will realize my dream and make a mod that cuts down CoC2 to exclusively the kitsune content and maybe use chatGPT to reduce the fucking WORDS WORDS WORDS walls in sex scenes
(1.09 MB 4096x2889 GgK6wuuXAAAuvLH.jpg)
>>13863 She looks old enough to be my mom
(469.38 KB 633x695 we like older foxes.png)
>>13865 Don't be so rude, she's only 937 years old.
Happy New Year to you and your beloved fox or foxes.
>>13880 Hopefully this is the year we get foxed
>>13922 >pull down your foxfu's panties for sexo >see nothing but a blank heart shape there nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Did you know? According to fox district law: it is illegal to lack a fox mate to sleep with at night. This heinous act is classified as a hate crime and is quickly sniffed out and the racism fluffe- snuffed out by a sentence of legally enforced fox marriage lasting anywhere between one lifetime to an eternity. The lesson? Think before being racist, chuds.
>>13927 im pretty sure this fox isnt a police officer.
>>13927 >no tail in sight
(1014.20 KB 1440x1080 illust_118370830_20250102_072426.jpg)
(252.63 KB 638x476 Kitsumamo.png)
>>13947 wtf, how did you know I fucked 7 more tails into Kitsu last night
>>13949 That ain't Kitsu
(151.21 KB 640x480 1589733098695.png)
>>13953 It's Kitsu after our wedding night with a bit of Tamamo cosplay
(293.49 KB 546x803 kitsuntorea.png)
>>13934 you seem to have posted some weird horse thing, no problem though. lets just fix those genes
(667.72 KB 1200x1013 bba5dfa319017f07cf1356b80a11663a.png)
>>13958 Based
(4.24 MB 3850x1750 GgjR6e9XUAAxKH_.jpg)
(687.11 KB 2664x2759 Ggjg-VAXwAAfUf_.jpg)
>>13967 I'm that guy at the back with obviously mismatched cosplay gear just trying to blend in and survive unfoxed
What the fox
>>13958 I really like this image, thank you
>>13970 >I'm that guy at the back with obviously mismatched cosplay gear just trying to blend in and survive unfoxed If foxes also give birth to male foxes, wouldn't they later fox the other foxes too? At some point you're gonna run out of humans. If they don't give birth to male foxes then that cosplay makes no sense.
>>14003 >If foxes also give birth to male foxes, wouldn't they later fox the other foxes too? Where's the fun in that, the point is to genocide humanity with fox pussy.
>>14003 > fox the other foxes too? Highly undesirable. Only if they were the last option.
>>13970 >they ask you if the human that fucked you swing both ways because you smell like a human.
>>14027 Orange and milk doesn't sound like an appealing combo, but I can definitely go for orange and ice cream
>>13967 i want the biiiiig fox girls
>>14029 You can't handle them
(1.06 MB 1200x1694 125994555_p0.jpg)
>>14027 >putting naked tits on a tabletop in winter Imagine seeing her mentally prepare herself and then gasp when they first hit the cold surface.
(174.15 KB 524x952 drained sensei.jpg)
>>14031 i don't care if they snusnu me or drain me till i'm a broken husk. i NEED them to use me as a living dildo
(268.16 KB 735x586 1702781879653.png)
I want a fox gf that keeps sending me cringy facebook-tier memes
I don't care about that game, but this psycho fox is doing things to me.
(931.91 KB 1439x1816 1662532724260.jpg)
>>14057 >I don't care about that game, but this psycho fox is doing things to me. Classic gachafox syndrome
(124.84 KB 1200x867 GgkPL5DXsAAztQG.jpg)
(117.79 KB 1200x867 Gg7JpSgaAAAYGeM.jpg)
Monster girl juice is pretty good viagra alternative, but very addictive too
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I love my mommywife fox.
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(2.22 MB 2896x4096 GYNVaoYa0AAf-AM.jfif)
>>14093 cant wait to see how over the top Yamato herself is going to be.
bathing with foxwife...
>>14102 Yeah you better bathe her, she stinks worse than a skunk roadkill
>>14103 I think that's just you
>>14102 Spending hours wringing out and brushing all of her tails!
(3.12 MB 744x1052 1676136013425663.gif)
>>14132 Then she spends hours wringing (You) out!
I lik my foxes beeg n stanky!
>"I-I'm going to rape you now, if that's okay..."
>>14172 imagine the post "rape" cuddles...
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>>14216 >the age of 800 is in demand That's right
(810.69 KB 2241x3508 Gh0gMzcXcAEJlIx.jpg)
i guess foxgirls aren't as easy to plap as people here makes it look.
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>>14224 >two days later
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>>14226 that is a different fox anon. Can't you tell them apart?
(4.61 MB 3670x3096 126109800_p2.png)
>>14227 I know, it was just the most fitting image. Also holy shit those eyes on first pic, creepy.
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>>14228 perfectly normal the fox loves eyes. Nothing too weird or creepy about it
Inside of you are two foxes. One is kind, regal, dignified, and domesticated for 3/4 of the year. The other is batshit insane.
(2.97 MB 3000x2160 musashi asmr 101631200_p1.jpg)
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>>14230 My fox mom is just like that too! Except for a little while when she gets more forward than usual.
>>14230 i don't remember voreing foxes...
>>14230 Actually, I'm inside those foxes
>>14230 what about the other 1/4th of the year? does she become batshit insane?
>>14230 >>14231 Left is your adoptive fox mom up to the day you reach your country's age of consent Right is your adoptive fox mom on the morning of that day
>>14241 >"age of consent? what's that?"
Chen needs a sibling
>>14243 There is a non zero chance that Kitsune/Gumiho/HuLiJing might someday exist through genetic engineering. Fuck bros why must I be born so early.
>>14249 and endless milk, going by that artist work
(4.08 MB 480x512 GiDKharXoAAY5dy.gif)
>>14252 >monster both outside and inside naaaah, we'll have to wait for Inari's intervention
>>14294 Third image radiates the >See honey, it wasn't so bad >Now let's get you that RTX 5090 energy
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>>14243 not sure, but it usually means that a man isnt taken, which is all a fox needs to know.
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according to pixiv, the technical term for this phenomenon is "skirt predation"
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>>14306 I prefer the modern variant, sweaternapping
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(101.86 KB 812x715 125208428_p0.jpg)
Need horny big titty fox wife
>>14343 this need is as universal as the need for oxygen.
>>14343 This is a very dangerous fox in particular.
(3.91 MB 1560x2675 125268592_p0.png)
fox on fox violence
(136.75 KB 983x837 GinhdwybwAA7pob.jpg)
>>14374 Ran is for being DOMINATED and IMPREGNATED
what is the foxest fox that has ever foxed?
>>14378 Imagine a 9-tailed kitsune that also wears additional ears and tails cosplay and throws fox signs with both her hands. And she's always surrounded by fox familiars. someone AIslop this
(3.74 MB 2865x2026 fox^3.jpg)
>>14379 there's a fox from fate/go kinda like that
>>14380 and in her beast form she has multiple tiddies
>>14380 Needs moar fox
>>14386 Where are her fluffy ears, I need those for my dick
>>14386 Normal Human ears…
(1.37 MB 1000x2064 Koyanskaya_China.png)
>>14387 >>14388 don't worry. they're under the hat
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weird-ass foxes
(3.92 MB 219x232 fox box.gif)
>>14392 funny fox
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>>14424 she may be a vile fox, but I think that's a bit far…
>>14425 gotta remove fox overpopulation somehow
(982.51 KB 1332x1864 the fox stares.jpg)
>>14427 But think of the (future) children! Skinning that fox means one less potential fox wife for human men and one less chance for a half dozen foxlets to spawn. And that's just terrible!
(122.08 KB 1531x1233 a9d34ca427abce08bd7a2f99b038e1c9.jpg)
>>14424 >>14427 Reported to the world kitsune government
>>14425 ran-sama when i cum in her
>>14430 This is what death of a species looks like and it's beautiful
(322.60 KB 1173x1040 inhale fox scent.jpg)
(444.66 KB 1108x1928 counter attack.jpg)
better than any drug
>>14439 >huffing crotch mofu last step before the terminal stage of mofubrain
>>14425 she doesn't look very vile to me
>>14450 I think they meant virile.
>>14456 Nowhere near Ran, but I guess it still checks out
>>14457 A fox is a fox, though Ran is pretty sexy with long hair.
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>>14459 >her hair is unkempt and her tail is unbrushed im taking this sassy lost child and im fixing it immediately.
>>14464 1. comb your foxfu's fluffy tail 2. use the leftover fluff as pillow stuffing 3. sell them as the softest pillows in the world 4. ????? 5. profit! 6. sneakily induce hidden fox pheromones onto the unknowing masses
>>14466 we shall call the brand: foxbestos
>>14468 new thread

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