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[SFW] smol thread Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 04:09:50 No. 1854
For small, shrunken, and miniaturized monstergirls. Fairies, inchlings, and the like are also welcome.
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Tiny rapist
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I once daydreamed about a scientist living in the backwoods while conducting research on and raising a tiny eldritch tentacle creature. Seeing which foods it liked, testing its memory and intelligence or simply gently caressing it, then writing down his research notes at the end of the day, unaware that every time he came in direct contact with the creature, she would slowly assimilate itself closer to that of a human. As it slowly grew and became more conscious and affectionate, it would start slipping out of it's enclosure to gather more data while the researcher was sleeping. Collecting his saliva, a sample of his skin, and even his mind, how he thinks and what he thinks. Over time, as she gathered more data, she began changing form. Developing a humanoid face and body but while still keeping a squishy and soft body with tentacles in the extremities, trying to communicate back but only making squeaky noises at first, attempting to imitate human ways of showing affection like hugging with her arm sized body and so on.
>>2073 Reminds me of the movie Splice. It all starts innocent, until the tiny slug creature turns into a monster girl and reverse rapes you.
>>2085 >until the tiny slug creature turns into a monster girl and reverse rapes you. Hot. Never heard of that movie, haven't really watched anything the past couple of years, but to be fair that isn't the most original of plots. I remember a movie about a fish man made by some big name director which from the synopsis, I believe also had some similarities? Pretty sure he also fucks the female lead at some point.
>>2092 It's a semi-old movie from late 00's or early 10's I think. The plot is about two researchers fucking around with genetic engineering. It starts from funny slugs and then they move on to make a human artificial being that kinda looks like a western succubus which then quickly grows up and fucks the male researcher and kills him, then after switching genders rapes the female one
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I sure do hope those tiny girls can grow to full size over time
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Poor smolsnek can't realize her femdom fantasies
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What's your preferred scenario for mini monster girls? >daughterus that eventually grow to human size >a pet or just a friend >gf/wife that can change size at will via magic >gf/wife that stays smol permanently
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>>6776 Stupid fuzzball is going to get hair into my dinner
>>6777 Keep her well groomed and mannered and you won't have that problem. Make sure she's well fed and happy so she's discouraged from climbing into your food.
Somewhat related, in some folklores, fairies are known for abducting small human children, in some cases swapping them with their own offspring (called changelings), and I like to imagine what could be their motivation and what will ultimately happen to the kids. Like do they kidnap out of pure malice or as a cruel prank, are they attracted to the child's innocence, is that how they bolster their numbers or do they simply want to play eternally in Fairyland? How is Fairyland like anyway, an idyllic landscape or a hell on earth where the infants are slaved away until they expire? And what about the changeling kid, how would the human parents react? Raise them with love, with disdain or straight up abandon them out of contempt? And once they grow up, will they take after their foster parents or will their fairy nature prevail? I feel like folk tales could still provide some interesting stories even if they'd be quite different from your usual modern monster girl media and veer more towards traditional fantasy.
>>8165 >I feel like folk tales could still provide some interesting stories even if they'd be quite different from your usual modern monster girl media and veer more towards traditional fantasy. Well yes that's the most important part, it depends on one's perspective of the monster girl genre. I prefer the wish fulfillment aspect, so to me they would kidnap boys to help bolster their numbers via the usual means. Perhaps the changeling would be a short-lived magical golem that perfectly mimics the original until he's switched back after his role on the fairy side is done, then his experiences there remain as just a wet dream?
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bump for fairies
>>14818 cute onaholes
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>>14818 I picked up the Ishuzoku Reviewers manga from my backlog after people posted that fairy prostitute recently, it's fun to see her make a few more appearances later on in the story.

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