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fox thread #11 Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 11:36:23 No. 12983
foxy business edition foxes come in all shapes and sizes, in all ages and with different wages what does your foxes do for a living? is she a millennium old goddess with unfathomable resources at her disposal? or is she a humble taillet who need not concern herself with material thing and only yearns for a hubby? let me ask you. how wealthy is your foxfu? how did your foxfu acquire that wealth? would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? Previous thread: >>11739
>>14230 what about the other 1/4th of the year? does she become batshit insane?
>>14230 >>14231 Left is your adoptive fox mom up to the day you reach your country's age of consent Right is your adoptive fox mom on the morning of that day
>>14241 >"age of consent? what's that?"
Chen needs a sibling
>>14243 There is a non zero chance that Kitsune/Gumiho/HuLiJing might someday exist through genetic engineering. Fuck bros why must I be born so early.
>>14249 and endless milk, going by that artist work
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>>14252 >monster both outside and inside naaaah, we'll have to wait for Inari's intervention
>>14294 Third image radiates the >See honey, it wasn't so bad >Now let's get you that RTX 5090 energy
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>>14243 not sure, but it usually means that a man isnt taken, which is all a fox needs to know.
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according to pixiv, the technical term for this phenomenon is "skirt predation"
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>>14306 I prefer the modern variant, sweaternapping
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Need horny big titty fox wife
>>14343 this need is as universal as the need for oxygen.
>>14343 This is a very dangerous fox in particular.
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fox on fox violence
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>>14374 Ran is for being DOMINATED and IMPREGNATED
what is the foxest fox that has ever foxed?
>>14378 Imagine a 9-tailed kitsune that also wears additional ears and tails cosplay and throws fox signs with both her hands. And she's always surrounded by fox familiars. someone AIslop this
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>>14379 there's a fox from fate/go kinda like that
>>14380 and in her beast form she has multiple tiddies
>>14380 Needs moar fox
>>14386 Where are her fluffy ears, I need those for my dick
>>14386 Normal Human ears…
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>>14387 >>14388 don't worry. they're under the hat
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weird-ass foxes
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>>14392 funny fox
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>>14424 she may be a vile fox, but I think that's a bit far…
>>14425 gotta remove fox overpopulation somehow
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>>14427 But think of the (future) children! Skinning that fox means one less potential fox wife for human men and one less chance for a half dozen foxlets to spawn. And that's just terrible!
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>>14424 >>14427 Reported to the world kitsune government
>>14425 ran-sama when i cum in her
>>14430 This is what death of a species looks like and it's beautiful
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better than any drug
>>14439 >huffing crotch mofu last step before the terminal stage of mofubrain
>>14425 she doesn't look very vile to me
>>14450 I think they meant virile.
>>14456 Nowhere near Ran, but I guess it still checks out
>>14457 A fox is a fox, though Ran is pretty sexy with long hair.
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>>14459 >her hair is unkempt and her tail is unbrushed im taking this sassy lost child and im fixing it immediately.
>>14464 1. comb your foxfu's fluffy tail 2. use the leftover fluff as pillow stuffing 3. sell them as the softest pillows in the world 4. ????? 5. profit! 6. sneakily induce hidden fox pheromones onto the unknowing masses
>>14466 we shall call the brand: foxbestos
>>14468 new thread

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