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fox thread #11 Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 11:36:23 No. 12983
foxy business edition foxes come in all shapes and sizes, in all ages and with different wages what does your foxes do for a living? is she a millennium old goddess with unfathomable resources at her disposal? or is she a humble taillet who need not concern herself with material thing and only yearns for a hubby? let me ask you. how wealthy is your foxfu? how did your foxfu acquire that wealth? would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? Previous thread: >>11739
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>>14027 >putting naked tits on a tabletop in winter Imagine seeing her mentally prepare herself and then gasp when they first hit the cold surface.
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>>14031 i don't care if they snusnu me or drain me till i'm a broken husk. i NEED them to use me as a living dildo
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I want a fox gf that keeps sending me cringy facebook-tier memes
I don't care about that game, but this psycho fox is doing things to me.
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>>14057 >I don't care about that game, but this psycho fox is doing things to me. Classic gachafox syndrome
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Monster girl juice is pretty good viagra alternative, but very addictive too
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I love my mommywife fox.
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>>14093 cant wait to see how over the top Yamato herself is going to be.
bathing with foxwife...
>>14102 Yeah you better bathe her, she stinks worse than a skunk roadkill
>>14103 I think that's just you
>>14102 Spending hours wringing out and brushing all of her tails!
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>>14132 Then she spends hours wringing (You) out!
I lik my foxes beeg n stanky!
>"I-I'm going to rape you now, if that's okay..."
>>14172 imagine the post "rape" cuddles...
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>>14216 >the age of 800 is in demand That's right
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i guess foxgirls aren't as easy to plap as people here makes it look.
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>>14224 >two days later
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>>14226 that is a different fox anon. Can't you tell them apart?
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>>14227 I know, it was just the most fitting image. Also holy shit those eyes on first pic, creepy.
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>>14228 perfectly normal the fox loves eyes. Nothing too weird or creepy about it
Inside of you are two foxes. One is kind, regal, dignified, and domesticated for 3/4 of the year. The other is batshit insane.
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>>14230 My fox mom is just like that too! Except for a little while when she gets more forward than usual.
>>14230 i don't remember voreing foxes...
>>14230 Actually, I'm inside those foxes
>>14230 what about the other 1/4th of the year? does she become batshit insane?
>>14230 >>14231 Left is your adoptive fox mom up to the day you reach your country's age of consent Right is your adoptive fox mom on the morning of that day
>>14241 >"age of consent? what's that?"
Chen needs a sibling
>>14243 There is a non zero chance that Kitsune/Gumiho/HuLiJing might someday exist through genetic engineering. Fuck bros why must I be born so early.
>>14249 and endless milk, going by that artist work
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>>14252 >monster both outside and inside naaaah, we'll have to wait for Inari's intervention
>>14294 Third image radiates the >See honey, it wasn't so bad >Now let's get you that RTX 5090 energy
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>>14243 not sure, but it usually means that a man isnt taken, which is all a fox needs to know.
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according to pixiv, the technical term for this phenomenon is "skirt predation"
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>>14306 I prefer the modern variant, sweaternapping
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Need horny big titty fox wife
>>14343 this need is as universal as the need for oxygen.
>>14343 This is a very dangerous fox in particular.
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fox on fox violence

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