dammit, forgot the subject name again. oh well, anyway...
>how often does your foxfu make use of her mythical power and which cantrips are her favourite?
magic is a part of daily life for her, though its nothing too fancy. a little fox fire to start the stove/fireplace. a bit of light telekinesis here and there, a few friendly spirits enthralled to help with housework.
>what is the most impressive feat she can achieve with said power?
i dare not ask such a thing of her. but i hear that the area around the shrine where she was sealed had some sort of immediate ecological collapse 1000 years ago. i wonder if it had anything to do with her.
>does she like to show it off?
sort of. she loves to tease me with all kinds of little tricks and pranks using illusions and other deceptive magic whenever im distracted.
>does she desire more power?
we all know that she only desires one thing now and it aint power