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fox thread #12 Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 14:40:26 No. 14468
arcane lore edition a fox's power increases in tandem with the number of tails she has. we all know this, but what kind of powers do they get? lifelike illusions and enchantments? all-consuming destructive fireballs? or perhaps something a little more subtle and esoteric? how often does your foxfu make use of her mythical power and which cantrips are her favourite? what is the most impressive feat she can achieve with said power? does she like to show it off? does she desire more power? Previous thread: >>12983
Edited last time by REDACTED on 02/08/2025 (Sat) 15:10:20.
>>14468 >>14466 it's funny how the OP of the last thread was all about wealthy foxes and asking how those wealthy foxfus aquired all that wealth. and one of the final posts was a mofu-themed get-rich-quick-scheme. it all ties back together.
>>14468 dammit, forgot the subject name again. oh well, anyway... >how often does your foxfu make use of her mythical power and which cantrips are her favourite? magic is a part of daily life for her, though its nothing too fancy. a little fox fire to start the stove/fireplace. a bit of light telekinesis here and there, a few friendly spirits enthralled to help with housework. >what is the most impressive feat she can achieve with said power? i dare not ask such a thing of her. but i hear that the area around the shrine where she was sealed had some sort of immediate ecological collapse 1000 years ago. i wonder if it had anything to do with her. >does she like to show it off? sort of. she loves to tease me with all kinds of little tricks and pranks using illusions and other deceptive magic whenever im distracted. >does she desire more power? we all know that she only desires one thing now and it aint power
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>>14470 its not about the money Anon. its about the foxing, the money is just a nice bonus.
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The mating season lasts through February, it's still not too late to get foxed
>>14473 the rations will run out soon, but ill make it. i will not fuck the fox i will not work the soi fields i will not have a few dozen foxlets covering my home i will...
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>>14470 >it all ties back together. mofuboros
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>>14468 >How often does foxfu use her magicks? She loathes technology so she uses her magic powers in a daily basis. >Most impressive feat foxfu pulled out? Disrupting the seasons because she cares about one here is the easiest way to show she cares >Does she like to show it off? Mainly before mating season and always teases it off unless birthday comes, then she just goes all guns blazing. >does she desire more power? >>14471 said it best, and since she got it all, she does not need anything else than just hold her heat until December comes
>>14494 Breaking news, an anon phoneposting forgets formatting and his first question got greentexted while he looks ashamed at the post. More news at 7
>>14495 thy punishment is eternal fox impregnation
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>>14505 Can I at least pick the fox that will live to fulfill that lifetime sentence?
fuck foxes
>>14513 The fox picks you
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What a cute bunch of innocent foxlets >not pictured: few hours later anon gasping for air before foxlet #1 goes back to sitting on his face, while foxlet #2 goads 5th creampie in a row out of him with assistance of foxlet #3 squeezing his balls for the last drops of cum Beware of the valentines day scheme.
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>>14538 foxlets are a great danger when organized in groups. you should be vary of any foxlet regardless, but when they approach you in a group without sabotaging each other, you need to leave quickly and make sure to leave not a single trial. they will not only be formidable at distracting you with their innocent appearance. they will also demand that you satisfy every single one of them with the same thoroughness you would a single fox. and when i say demand, i mean that they will ENSURE that you fulfill your husbandly duties. they will restrain, drug, train, feed, tease, and rape you until you can give them all the three shot treatment on your wedding night. i guess the one positive is that you likely wont need to work a day in your life after the fact. but thats owed to the fact that you will be too drained to do any kind of work other than loving your fox wives.
>>14539 too much text, not enough plapping, dumb humie onii-chan needs correction!
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foxes take critical damage from creampies please ignore the stacking "foxed" debuff on the side. it has no impact on gameplay.
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>>14553 How in the fuck are they going to sneak around with massive fluffy tails waving around and knocking things off tables? It's like they want to be captured by random guards for "interrogation"
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>>14554 >It's like they want to be captured by random guards for "interrogation" n-no way! foxes are paragons of stealth and subtlety! why else would the kitsune-kunoichi prestige class have stealth penalties and focus entirely on seduction and housekeeping skills? its because they dont need those! they're already so great at stealth that it dosent matter!
>>14555 >be evil anon running your very evil organization doing... whatever >weird animal eared bitches keep breaking in just to get caught in the most obvious traps imaginable and then disappear with the guards who caught her >sigh as you put another recruitment ad for mooks for your organization Can't a man do some evil in peace? FUCK
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>>14538 >valentines day foxlet gangs I think I'm fine with just one foxfu/2wife, she's gentle 4/5 of the year. Also when did the site expand to 5 images a post? I swear it was just 4.
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>>14558 >I think I'm fine with just one foxfu/2wife, i respect it. i just personally like to be greedy since its just a fantasy at the end of the day. Yukari's personality, relationship and power dynamic with Ran. along with her powers giving infinite opportunity for hijinks and scenarios to play out. this makes her an integral part in any fantasy of having a Ran wife. having her wifed alongside Ran also makes for more open affection and in a perfect world, curbs a lot of the friction that would otherwise arise in Mayohiga since its her property to begin with. >Also when did the site expand to 5 images a post? I swear it was just 4. >>13876 since that
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>>14559 >even Yukari gets foxed from being around Ran Humanity never stood a chance
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>>14523 No wonder I'm hers then
>>14562 Not even the Four Sages are safe from getting foxex, and considering Yukari took Ran as shikigami way far from her sukeban daus when she was loitering around with Yuuma, one can probably thank her capacity to manipulate borders to not have a big fluffy tail and a pair of fox wars >Yukari as a kitsune Man, she definitely would look comfy in that look...
Passionate foxing
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what're you looking at?
>>14584 breastpussy...
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>>14542 >>14543 dominant foxlets...
>>14590 >be a 190cm tall bald faceless muscle man straight from hentai >get manhandled and amazon pressed by a 150cm girl that can barely even stretch her arms enough to hold your legs apart this isn't fair, bros
>>14585 if i cum in it will she get breastgnant?
>>14594 No, but it would be extremely pleasant
>>14592 this is why you must go on the offensive as soon as you spot a foxlet. you may end up like the guy in >>14542 1st pic, but at least you will go out like a man.
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>>14585 Clever foxes can turn them into a terrifying stealth weapon.
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>>14606 60 tons of pure love and fluff
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>>14607 chonk fox
>>14584 need to molest foxlet's massive tiddies.
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>>14713 >we must secure the existence of our people and a future for kitsune children >the final solution to the danuki problem >inari willing
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>>14726 >Ran not amused with attention her fluff gets I can help her with that problem
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>>14739 you forgot the most important part of a 'hu
>>14739 absolutely repulsive, i can't believe you stripped the fox of her most valuable asset >>14740 much better, thanks for fixing it
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>>14740 >>14741 I hate that stupid fucking hat so much, it covers one of the best parts of the fox!
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>>14742 Do not slander the silly pajama hat. It's modest and makes her ears more erotic when you do see them. Her ears doing a cheeky slip from under her hat is the fox equivalent of a nip slip. Same reason why her outfit is so carefully constructed so that any skin extra she shows is lewd.
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Enslave the f*xes
>fox wife savagely raping you dry on night of February 28th >see the clock hit midnight as you are about to pass out >she instantly calms down and starts apologizing, reverts to her usual mellow self the whole fox mating season thing is weird, but I guess that's what you get for mingling with abhumans
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>>14756 Surely you could wait till winter and deal with normal sex.
>>14757 i'm so far off the deep end that picrel is my definition of normal sex
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>>14778 Samefox
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>>14839 I should give this a watch. It looks really cute.
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You have been judged.
>>14866 >tiny piece of paper flies out of your pocket and lands on the sidewalk >sentence: mating press >incorrectly file taxes and undervalue your due amount by 1 cent >sentence: mating press >accidentally brush against a fox's tail walking down the street >sentence: mating press Foxville judicial system is weird
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>>14867 >accidentally brush against a fox's tail walking down the street how do you fucking not when they do this?
>>14868 dura led, sex led
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>>14878 >breasts through the hammock netting My brain says this is some kind of a milking station set up.
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>>14888 is it really rape if i enjoy the process?
>>14897 Sure you may enjoy the first one, two or three shots, but after the 13th in a row this is just going to hurt
You have angered the fox. No more free milk.
>>14904 >No more free milk Translation: Convenience store aburaage accepted as payment

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