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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #16 Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 09:23:30 No. 13645
Art edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW succubus village and MW hellgondo up to the shrine https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Devil in Wonderland to be released in January SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>13146
>>13843 >Sub-Ilias I loved how right from the beginning both Iliases started bickering over their importance
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Been so long since I last saw adult Alice's scenes I forgot how sweet they were >>13845 Judging by their previous patch, I'm guessing they plan on releasing batches with multiple maps translated at the same time instead of a adding a tiny bit every other day.
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>>13844 Typical Ilias behaviour. Some things just won't change no matter how many parallel worlds are created.
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>>13848 >Hagmamo Downgrade
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>>13845 should have waited a while longer before posting, but still, this is kind of a weird pick to translate first, instead of the first town or anything in-between
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Helltaker guy made a new game recently, this time with ghosts and yuri. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3274300/Awaria/
>>13853 >the protag was supposed to be a guy at first >but author changed his mind and made a lesbo >actually at least 2 pairs of lesbos Disgusting. Anyhoo, game has better gameplay, worse everything else, so nah, you can skip it anons.
>>13853 >Helltaker guy made a new game recently, BASED >this time with ghosts and yuri. NOOOO
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Happy year of the snake, bros
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>>13853 it would look good if the ghosts weren't the stupid fucking green danny phantom color
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>>13856 snakes be eating good lately
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Ah, so that's why there's so much art of Tamamo cucking Alice
>>13850 When one can decipher the moon runes one may translate at one's leisure, I suppose. At least progress has been made.
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Some new part 3 girls fan art
>>13856 >>13861 Goddammit they have so much potential. Why do they have to kill?
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>>13875 It's funny until you remember at this point they don't even rape, mge runs on thanos snap logic for everything now.
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>>13867 >Ancient, powerful harpy-dino species >Still has some of the nicest scenes out of all MW residents How did Alipheese hit the mark so well when creating birb girls? Shame neither of the two Baphomets really appeal to me, I'll stick with my baphocunny.
>>13886 >How did Alipheese hit the mark so well when creating birb girls? Some species were destined to be great and some were destined to be shit, like plants
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>enter hellgondo tartarus >fucking shambling zombie armor dolls have over 5000 agility >dancer lucretia has 2800 because no sealed job yet >even my maxed out agility divine dragoon micaela has 4800 I take it trtr in his infinite wisdom, decided to completely invalidate speed builds for part 3 and you need some new gimmick to attack first?
>>13891 The new jobs in part 3 make almost every skill type have an equipable Haste ability. Agility is pretty useless outside needing it for damage
>>13892 The sealed jobs are so fucking absurdly OP, that party members without them feel like empty slots.
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Happy new years from TRTR and setouchi featuring a spoiler-ish image, pic unrelated. https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1325499 >Planned for next update: >Settings to skip the message for turn 0 skills and shorten multi-hit skills >If a character has a trait that activates a skill automatically at the start of battle, start of turn and/or end of turn, they will have an ability to disable that activation from happening. >Special NG+ mode still in production, featuring new allies, enemies and skills, expect it to take a long time >New LoC will take even longer
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>Going through my older MGQ folder >See pic Even if it was a crossdresser Luka meme rather than a proper part 1 end game build, it's still fun to see just how big of a difference there is in stats numbers between then and now >>13892 To be fair, agility was far better than all the other stats, especially in higher difficulties were you either act first or just get one shot by every attack in existence.
>>13900 >Special NG+ mode still in production, featuring new allies, enemies and skills, expect it to take a long time Very nice. I was patient enough to wait for MGQ part 3 to drop, am now waiting for translation to finish, and with luck I'll be able to enjoy the translation while waiting for NG+.
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>>13890 2025 is the Year of the Alice
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>>13645 The dumbest ancestor
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Secret true ending for NG+ mode got leaked.
>>13908 need...
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Neocities collection update: added I Met An Elf In Another World (short game with a bunch of animated pixel art scenes, elf sex simulator) added showdown!ANDROGYNOS (futa game, lead a party of elves packing heat and dick monster "girls" into submission) added Devil in Wonderland (>>13841 latest 62studio game, not translated yet) added RJ01160377 (collab type game with 62studio being one of the participating devs, also not translated) updated Succubus Hunt to v1.05, moved to main section as it's now complete (apparently this has 100 girls and 200 animations) updated Hentaimon to v0.6 updated BizzareHolyLand to v47.0 updated Isekai Parlor Simulator to v1.5.1 updated My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend to v0.90.8 updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.3.08 updated FOBS Remake to December build updated MonCurse to v0. updated Lewd Hero Quest translation, it's now complete updated Princess Honey Trap to v3.02 along with its translation (that new content update just got translated) updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.32 updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 translation to the latest bitbucket commit
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... yeah I'm thinking I'm staying with MGQ when it comes to harpies
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>>13912 Important detail to remember if you don't want to get monkey's paw'd.
>>13913 1st wish: I want a harpy wife 2nd wish: I want a fertile harpy wife 3rd wish: I want a fertile harpy queen wife
>>13914 Shrift has a harpy queen.
Wondering if Succubus Tail 0.77 has no sound or so.
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>>13915 Don't remind people of that shit anon.
After the beginning of AW route in part 3, I'm not sure if the shikitard trio are still the biggest retards of the series
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>>13921 I don't know, anon. It's gonna be hard to beat causing the biggest paradox of all time.
>>13909 >she's not pregnant with more Someone isn't trying hard enough
>>13917 >Succubus Tail 0.77 You mean Tail of Desire? Fag95 has a newer version that that, try it https://f95zone.to/threads/tail-of-desire-v2023-09-21-blue-bone.55497/
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I love the dynamic between Zion and Gnosis, even if it's basically just good old manzai.
>>13929 It's unfortunate Gnosis looks like... that
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>>13930 She'll grow on you, just give it time.

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