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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #16 Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 09:23:30 No. 13645
Art edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW succubus village and MW hellgondo up to the shrine https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Devil in Wonderland to be released in January SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>13146
>>14136 They appear to go in parallel, one settlement after another on each route at the same time.
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Damn, you just know she soiled the panty when she saw this.
>>14138 >BA's wet panties Imagine the smell...
>>14140 >Imagine the smell Smells like drool
>>14135 oof if anyone is on AW like me, the patch translates Grangold but first you have to go through Gold Port, which is not translated yet.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ Damn, just as the fan made translation was almost done.
Imagine Nero and Neris going back to their world and reporting to their parents on everything that's been going on with Ilias. I wonder what Luka and Alice would think upon hearing that the Goddess they thought they obliterated with the power of love and friendship has gone on an adventure with even higher stakes than theirs, might still have fucked an alternative version of Luka after everything she went through in the VN, has slowly learned to coexist with monsters, and eventually partook in schemes even grander than her original Recreation Plan
>>14147 You know what I REALLY want to see? Alternative world where Luka killed Alice at the end of part 2 and ended up having kids with Ilias. Imagine what kind of fucked up autistic incest babies would come out of that
t>>14148 I'm surprised we even meet Luka's offspring from a world other than the VN's to begin with, but yeah, pretty much anything is still in the realm of possibility with the future NG+ mode. On the bright side, that also means that it is canon there is at least one world out there where he got together with all your favorite girls.
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>>14013 Based
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haha how terrible, who would want to live like this, right?
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>>14158 >human
>>14159 That's a succubus and the game makes a point of that
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>>14160 Damn succs, I've seen cosplays with more monster in them than that.
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>>14161 That's why I got a human gf instead, same thing but safer! We're going on our first date tonight!
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>>14149 I can't believe it's canon there is a world out there where Luka is a mother.
>>14164 >be me >feeling adventurous when playing MGQ for the first time and hit surrender at that point >after a minute alt+f4 with disgust I'm so sorry, Luka
>>14158 What game is dis?
>>14166 Lost in the World of Succubi
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>>14161 >>14160 The only time a succubus shouldn't have horns, wings and a tail is when she's disguised. And in the best case she should also act in a way that feels uncanny, at the very least in small details. The way Shiki and Akazawa do them is absolute peak, but I don't consider the bad end obligatory. They need to give you that scary/uncomfortable feeling of looking at something your brain would first register as "human(ish)", before realizing they are anything but that. >>14162 dryfish-kun...
>>14169 would be hot if not for the weird sausage nips
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>>14168 These new Arekishi angels are too cute for me to want to sexualize them.
>>14174 If you think about it, they are actually a great idea by Ilias to solve the issue of men lusting after angels. Sex with angels is sin, but paizuri doesn't count as sex. So she designs cute little titty angels, complete with a paizuri hole so men can satisfy their urges in a Goddess approved way.
>>14175 >paizuri holes I guess it's a better alternative than anal sex, which is disgusting.
>>14176 Monster girl don't poop, so it's just a tighter sex hole
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>>14165 >disgusted when I first saw it >years later, it's one of my favorite scenes
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>>14177 Explain Scat Captain then
>>14179 n-no that's lies and slander!
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I can't believe she finally put out, maybe she still has a chance in the Lukabowl.
>>14181 Someone needs to remind trtr that it's MONSTER GIRL quest and he should just make a separate mini game to push his fascination with the childhood-friend-turned-lover trope
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>>14182 To be fair, it is pretty clear by the end of the part 3 demo there's a lot more to Sonya than meets the Eye.
>>14181 >>14182 or what if there's a monsterization route
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>>14185 turn all h*man women into harpies, achieve multiversal peace
Innocent Rules is now fully translated, probably the best thing we'll get in the genre for a long time, not counting Part 3 https://pixeldrain.com/u/8M27nHbw
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>>14188 SUGOIIII
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This should be the standard in all h-games that aren't nukiges throwing scenes every 2 minutes. So convenient being able to play the game normally, enjoying the story and only checking out the scenes later at night when actually fapping.
>>14191 Game? And what's the scene like?
>>14192 it's >>14188 and the scene is getting rimmed by a busty cowgirl while she's milking your cock with her tits
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sex with lolifatlice!
>>14195 We need to weaponize the the Beam of Lolification Humbleness and start using it against all the power hungry and murderhobo whores, starting with Black Alice and every Shiki ever.
>>14188 Very nice, thanks!
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So we know the Ancestors created most monster girls by either mitosis or giving magic to random things and seeing what happened, but what about the Alice family tree? Could there have been a human man powerful enough to woo Saja?
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I want to see Neris or Nero call Ilias their great-grandmother and see how she would react.
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>>14196 >Shiki R.I.P anon, snuffed by bratty shiki lolis
new thread: >>14203
>>14199 i wonder if ilias makes that face when you cuck her with *insert monster here*
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>>14206 She does

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