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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #16 Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 09:23:30 No. 13645
Art edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW succubus village and MW hellgondo up to the shrine https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Devil in Wonderland to be released in January SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>13146
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>Angels genuinely care for humans and will seek to cooperate, coexist with, make their lives better and proritize their safety >But romantic relationships are strictly forbidden, no sex allowed >Rape as punishment is more likely to be carried on by the grotesque angels or some weird robot or chimera >At least I guess in the towns where monsters are allowed to live, they're okay with them mingling with humans? Surely if all newborn monsters were products of rape, the angels would have done something about it >Monsters are a complete wildcard >There are a few places where you can lead a comfy life with your monmusu family >But it's only a matter of time until it gets attacked by a stronger tribe or someone powerful enough to destroy the place in seconds >Indiscriminate rape with 50/50 chances of survival all around I hate it, I just wanted a place where I could have an angel wife and coexist with my fellow bros and their monster wives
>>13652 Simpel, get isekai'd into a better setting
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Neocities collection update: added Here Be Goblins (new in-development WEG centered around goblins) added Chronicles of Delights Isekai Adventure (western VN, not much to add) updated Aurelia to v1.00.0, moved to main section as it's now complete (>>13616) updated Portals of Phereon to v0.29.0.0 updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.31 updated Training the Demon to v0.4.1 updated SHRIFTII translation updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 to v3.04 and applied latest TL patch updated raw Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 to v3.04
>>13652 Easy: go to a town that Valkyries are in charge of the order.
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>>13658 >>13662 MGE goes too far in the opposite direction. I don't want her to succumb to lust, become a corrupted fallen angel and abandon the Goddess, I still want to lead a functional life and not just sex 24/7.
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>even Ilias knew there is only one way to fix hum*n women
>>13658 >>13667 take a third option
>>13674 Acceptable compromise. Monmusu game (not gacha) when?
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>Granberia's trait >That last sentence Poor lass just can't catch a break
>>13677 to be honest, it would be weird if she didn't have that
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>>13678 Even our favorite sub is taking appropriate measures these days. Gilgorn still takes the crown of biggest M though.
>>13680 ngl I'd hit that, blame frfr
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>GIWTWM vs reality
>>13684 >harpy village remains the best place to be in regardless of encroaching chaos Just delete all non-harpy girls from the series already
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>>13685 Even Ilias supports harpies breeding, truly the superior race.
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>>13687 I want Sylph to sexually bully me
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Harpy Girl Quest
>>13691 Finally a penis size i can relate to.
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>>13691 I'm going on a pilgrimage to the holy land! Who's coming with me?
>>13693 >cuts to Yamatai youth crying out for his mother after his 7th orgasm(his harpy wife still wants to do it 10 more times before bed)
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>>13693 Count me in and not even the funny purple growths will stop me from going >>13695 Oh no?
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Speaking of birbgirls, there's this platforming game called Falling With Ice Phoenix, I heard it was pretty good, but I can't even find it on Steam, did it got delisted or something?
>>13697 I can see it just fine, you just have to be logged in because it's a lewd game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2685500/Falling_with_Ice_Phoenix/
>>13699 >>13698 I see, it was Steam's filter hiding it from the search query. >Game even has multiplayer H-haha, how silly. What madman would play a lewd game together with a bro?
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>>13700 >What madman would play a lewd game together with a bro? Imagine not having monsterfucker bros to play bro-op multiplayer monster girl games and get raped together
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>>13705 God I love this artist. Wish people would translate his stuff
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>>13710 His style is basically Xelvy without the bad shit like random pubes or yellow cum, I hope trtr gets him involved in a future part 3 update
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Merry Iliasmas, anons
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>>13716 >Merry Iliasmas That's not inclusive enough for the non Ilias followers
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Damn, I'm getting my ass kicked by No Life King. Am I missing something?
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>>13719 Ok, here's usedgoodsmas version
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Call her flat again, see what happens.
>>13726 All monster girls are used goods in a world they're raping from the age of one. They all probably have a near permanent smell of salty corn.
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>>13728 She's flat but you can help her stop being flat, if you know what I mean
>>13730 A healthy dose of hero cum for the mouth between the legs, works every time
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The award of most setouchi girl goes to...
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>>13734 Page 65537. Peak setouchi stupidity if you exclude the Chariot, which is his own self aware meme. How the fuck are tentacles supposed to be related to books? It just screams >I have no idea for this monster, so I'll put together a huge vagina, some tentacles and part of a woman.
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>>13737 I love that one CG with a shitton of different girls with non-recognizable design, except the Chariot just chilling with a derpy look on her face.
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Holy shit, the chink behind monster girl project/world is butthurt over fag95 sharing his game WITH 5 MONTHS DELAY, even threatening to pull the plug. It looks like ONE decent-ish 3D monster girl game project with a somewhat sane and not shady dev is too much to ask for
>>13750 Based. He should put it on steam with denuvo, I am sure the loss of monthly money is a small price to pay.
The snake cucking will continue until morale improves
>>13761 There's a sauce?
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Is it weird that I'm genuinely surprised there is incest in part 3 WITHOUT the parallel world shenanigans? For some reason, I felt like that was one line Torotoro didn't want to cross despite all the other weird stuff in his games
>>13766 i want to breed ilias as my momfu and get retarded incest babies with her
>finishing up the time loop before starting part 3 >checking out the new scenes >met with Setouchi's Gallery of Mediocrityâ„¢ >suddenly god tier valk scene by monster fruit whoa
>>13767 Ilias isn't Lucifina's mother in a biological sense so I'm sure the babies would be fine. Considering we get to meet beings from parallel worlds that were merely in the realm of possibility in the original one, I hope we somehow see how Ilias and Luka's kids would have turned out in contrast to Neris and Nero.
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>>13769 >Setouchi's Gallery of Mediocrityâ„¢ At least he's improved since the VN days
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HELP I'm being hunted down and raped by this one harpy boss wherever I go (actually, this is kinda fine?)
>>13781 Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the harpy club's two blocks down.
>>13781 >this one harpy >he doesn't know how he's going to end up
>>13769 Based. I loved her scenes and hope she got more Part 3
>>13782 But it's right here
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>>13782 Oh, but I'm definitely talking about a game here MGQ. Though now I actually want a rival harpy character who will keep randomly flying into you when you least expect it, kind of like the Pursuer.
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Demon in Wonderland is releasing December 31st. https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/1530/article/1319249
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>>13790 >Carrol again depicted with bigger tits than Lewis >that are already BEEG AAAAAA SEXOOOOO
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>>13769 I was really looking forward to see what monster fruit got for Part 3, but honestly most of his girls/scenes feel a bit too generic and forgettable, like they only needed a bit more oomph or something to set them apart. >>13784 I may have good news.
>>13790 Between Part 3, Innocent Rules getting a complete translation within days and that, Late 2024/Early 2024 are looking good for monsterfuckers
>>13793 Wait it got complete complete or just the story? Cause I was waiting full scenes
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>>13795 Complete complete. Scene translations were slow, but he reaaaly sped up in the last month or so, just 10 more scenes.
>>13792 >I may have good news. YESSSSS >>13796 >Complete complete. Scene translations were slow, but he reaaaly sped up in the last month or so, just 10 more scenes. YESSSSSS
>>13790 i'll buy it and post it here as soon as i can
How is the translation of MGQ paradox part 3 going?
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>>13805 still same as in OP, first parts of AW route
>>13806 Boo. Oh well, I'll work on the backlog more. Someday they'll finish it, probably.
>>13807 Good time to try SHRIFT 2. It gets kinda overlooked, but it fixes all of first game's problems. Especially the girls are not horrible dindus anymore.
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>>13645 I wonder what did plants ever do to Torotoro for him to make them the designated most hateable species.
>>13808 Is it worth soldiering through the pink cat? I left at the pink cat. I wasn't sure if it got worse from there or not, but it wasn't a chance I was willing to take.
>>13823 Depends how bothered you are by seeing furry girls. After cait sith you'll encounter an actual mindless monster plant that sucks your dick or an actual monster snail that fucks you, but then the next major encounter is a lizard girl that turns into anthro lizard girl for the fight and turns back to monster girl for sex (??? don't ask why). Overall expect a mix of monsters/furries/monster girls.
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>>13825 you forgot about Siren though, who comes after the lizard i think.
>>13826 Oh yeah I'm currently right after Torodon, guess I have more to look forward to. I only wish alan would either stop using ms paint or hire someone to make graphics for him, with proper quality art this would be one of the best monster girl games around.
Does anyone else feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of equipment management in part 3? Feels like the engine really isn't good enough for this even with the page shortcuts.
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>those randomly hilariously disproportionate legs on both variants Fucking setouchi
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Have you ever seen murderwhores this cute?
>>13838 sex with oppai loli Minagi
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Finally, after all those years
>>13841 Thanks anon, now to wait for green thoughts to translate it
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>>13840 I wonder if Sub-Ilias couldn't spare me an oppai loli angel if I asked her nicely.
>>13843 >Sub-Ilias I loved how right from the beginning both Iliases started bickering over their importance
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Been so long since I last saw adult Alice's scenes I forgot how sweet they were >>13845 Judging by their previous patch, I'm guessing they plan on releasing batches with multiple maps translated at the same time instead of a adding a tiny bit every other day.
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>>13844 Typical Ilias behaviour. Some things just won't change no matter how many parallel worlds are created.
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>>13848 >Hagmamo Downgrade
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>>13845 should have waited a while longer before posting, but still, this is kind of a weird pick to translate first, instead of the first town or anything in-between
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Helltaker guy made a new game recently, this time with ghosts and yuri. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3274300/Awaria/
>>13853 >the protag was supposed to be a guy at first >but author changed his mind and made a lesbo >actually at least 2 pairs of lesbos Disgusting. Anyhoo, game has better gameplay, worse everything else, so nah, you can skip it anons.
>>13853 >Helltaker guy made a new game recently, BASED >this time with ghosts and yuri. NOOOO
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Happy year of the snake, bros
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>>13853 it would look good if the ghosts weren't the stupid fucking green danny phantom color
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>>13856 snakes be eating good lately
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Ah, so that's why there's so much art of Tamamo cucking Alice
>>13850 When one can decipher the moon runes one may translate at one's leisure, I suppose. At least progress has been made.
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Some new part 3 girls fan art
>>13856 >>13861 Goddammit they have so much potential. Why do they have to kill?
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>>13875 It's funny until you remember at this point they don't even rape, mge runs on thanos snap logic for everything now.
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>>13867 >Ancient, powerful harpy-dino species >Still has some of the nicest scenes out of all MW residents How did Alipheese hit the mark so well when creating birb girls? Shame neither of the two Baphomets really appeal to me, I'll stick with my baphocunny.
>>13886 >How did Alipheese hit the mark so well when creating birb girls? Some species were destined to be great and some were destined to be shit, like plants
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>enter hellgondo tartarus >fucking shambling zombie armor dolls have over 5000 agility >dancer lucretia has 2800 because no sealed job yet >even my maxed out agility divine dragoon micaela has 4800 I take it trtr in his infinite wisdom, decided to completely invalidate speed builds for part 3 and you need some new gimmick to attack first?
>>13891 The new jobs in part 3 make almost every skill type have an equipable Haste ability. Agility is pretty useless outside needing it for damage
>>13892 The sealed jobs are so fucking absurdly OP, that party members without them feel like empty slots.
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Happy new years from TRTR and setouchi featuring a spoiler-ish image, pic unrelated. https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1325499 >Planned for next update: >Settings to skip the message for turn 0 skills and shorten multi-hit skills >If a character has a trait that activates a skill automatically at the start of battle, start of turn and/or end of turn, they will have an ability to disable that activation from happening. >Special NG+ mode still in production, featuring new allies, enemies and skills, expect it to take a long time >New LoC will take even longer
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>Going through my older MGQ folder >See pic Even if it was a crossdresser Luka meme rather than a proper part 1 end game build, it's still fun to see just how big of a difference there is in stats numbers between then and now >>13892 To be fair, agility was far better than all the other stats, especially in higher difficulties were you either act first or just get one shot by every attack in existence.
>>13900 >Special NG+ mode still in production, featuring new allies, enemies and skills, expect it to take a long time Very nice. I was patient enough to wait for MGQ part 3 to drop, am now waiting for translation to finish, and with luck I'll be able to enjoy the translation while waiting for NG+.
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>>13890 2025 is the Year of the Alice
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>>13645 The dumbest ancestor
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Secret true ending for NG+ mode got leaked.
>>13908 need...
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Neocities collection update: added I Met An Elf In Another World (short game with a bunch of animated pixel art scenes, elf sex simulator) added showdown!ANDROGYNOS (futa game, lead a party of elves packing heat and dick monster "girls" into submission) added Devil in Wonderland (>>13841 latest 62studio game, not translated yet) added RJ01160377 (collab type game with 62studio being one of the participating devs, also not translated) updated Succubus Hunt to v1.05, moved to main section as it's now complete (apparently this has 100 girls and 200 animations) updated Hentaimon to v0.6 updated BizzareHolyLand to v47.0 updated Isekai Parlor Simulator to v1.5.1 updated My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend to v0.90.8 updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.3.08 updated FOBS Remake to December build updated MonCurse to v0. updated Lewd Hero Quest translation, it's now complete updated Princess Honey Trap to v3.02 along with its translation (that new content update just got translated) updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.32 updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 translation to the latest bitbucket commit
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... yeah I'm thinking I'm staying with MGQ when it comes to harpies
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>>13912 Important detail to remember if you don't want to get monkey's paw'd.
>>13913 1st wish: I want a harpy wife 2nd wish: I want a fertile harpy wife 3rd wish: I want a fertile harpy queen wife
>>13914 Shrift has a harpy queen.
Wondering if Succubus Tail 0.77 has no sound or so.
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>>13915 Don't remind people of that shit anon.
After the beginning of AW route in part 3, I'm not sure if the shikitard trio are still the biggest retards of the series
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>>13921 I don't know, anon. It's gonna be hard to beat causing the biggest paradox of all time.
>>13909 >she's not pregnant with more Someone isn't trying hard enough
>>13917 >Succubus Tail 0.77 You mean Tail of Desire? Fag95 has a newer version that that, try it https://f95zone.to/threads/tail-of-desire-v2023-09-21-blue-bone.55497/
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I love the dynamic between Zion and Gnosis, even if it's basically just good old manzai.
>>13929 It's unfortunate Gnosis looks like... that
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>>13930 She'll grow on you, just give it time.
>>13931 >Abominable Deformed Seraph AWfags see this and go >Wife.
>>13929 I actually took Gnosis for the smarter but more psychotic out of the duo because she killed Micaela early on fully knowing it would unnecessarily increase the Chaos of the timeline, but within a safety margin. Zion was just roaming around doing whatever until she connected the dots with Luka being allowed to visit Esta.
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>>13935 MWfags see an entire town being killed for no reason and go >I can fix her
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>>13938 fix?
>>13931 Is her Request scene okay? I heard her Defeat scene she takes your dick.
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>>13935 >I actually took Gnosis for the smarter but more psychotic out of the duo Sounds about right. Even if she's primed to go genocide mode at a moment's notice, she still knows not to take unnecessary risks. The thing with Micaela gets brought up again in part 3and it sounds like it might have been self-defense on Gnosis's part to some extent, at the very least she clearly didn't want to go through with it. Gnosis's appearance, face and lack of social skills also makes her hard to approach for most people. Zion is impulsive and can be narrow-sighted when she sees the Goddess' enemies, but at least she's mostly functional outside of battle. I don't usually like retarded characters, but she's still in the realm of what I find funny rather than downright annoying.
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New game from the devs of The Isle of TS Monster Girls coming out late january https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01315765.html
>>13941 It's the angel usual "You dare feel lust? The punishment is rape." *cue defeat scene with some slightly different text at the end* It's a blowjob with some leg restraining, orgasm denial, tongue sounding and pee released alongside semen, the CG of her sucking your literal balls off isn't used.
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>>13943 Is this gonna be no-penetration again?
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How do I get 20,000 years of consensual sex with a valkyrie?
>>13948 >consensual sex but where's the fun in that?
I want to train with aunt Micaela
So what difficulty to people go with for their first playthrough? I've seen it talked about before I think and know Paradox is highly not recommended.
>>13955 I'd say Hard or Very Hard depending on your preferences. You can adjust at any point later anyway if you so desire.
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>>13951 NEVER EVER >but they're dea- Karen was bullshitted into the game.
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Clothed slime girls, erotic
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>>13961 really putting the "killer" in virgin killer sweater.
>>13962 They look like they fuck shotas
>>13926 Nope. It's a different game
>>13964 Link it, I can't find it anywhere
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Jesus Christ, some of the scenes from the Usuki girls are fucking brutal and I absolutely love it.
>>13968 >Usuki Yeah, If I see a trapezoid face succ, I stay the fuck away
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>>13969 Surprisingly, he didn't draw that many succs, but that doesn't mean you're not in imminent danger while near them.
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Fuck this place
>>13973 Why didn't the weak just unite and form communities to stop that from happening like Morrigan mentioned earlier?
>>13974 Why didn't they just fly on eagle harpies?
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>>13975 Because all the harpies from the Monster Realm would see them from ten miles away, swarm them, kidnap the men and bring them to their village, and we can't have that happening if we're to succeed in our mission.
>>13973 Which would you prefer >Death sentence by succ with best plapping ever >Life sentence by birbs with 24/7 plapping
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>>13977 >Life sentence by birbs with 24/7 plapping Nooooooo no the harpy pussy! Not being treated like a real husband and given treatments to make sure I don't get dryfished! Not the wholesome family life with fluffy wife and daughters!
>>13978 But don't harpies also poop from there?
>>13980 1. (monster) girls don't poop 2. don't tell me you wouldn't want to assfuck a Succubus or something, same thing
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>Monster girls?
>>13982 we SHRIFT now
>>13981 >don't tell me you wouldn't want to assfuck a Succubus or something, same thing Nah, I'm not into anal. Besides, Sequel taught me a succubus' asshole is the deadliest weapon they have, I doubt I'd last even a second if I try.
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Kind of weird how TRTR didn't figure out a way to include the best human girl in Paradox.
>>13968 Died in pain?
>>13966 https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/939/article/707021 (checking if previous versions have audio)
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>>13994 That one had the classic "pain replaced by pleasure" treatment, though I have no idea HOW given how Luka ends up. One that actually sounded painful he gets pistoned from the front and the back until he passes away...only to get forcibly ressurected back into fucking her until death, rinse and repeat until even while on life support he's unable to release anything anymore.
https://x.com/solom_games/status/1876588095438791104 SoloM is cooking something apparently, "Envy" is going to be ne name of his tentative game...
>>13995 looks to be paywalled, upload it somewhere and post link
>>14007 Looks nice, but they seem to be based on MGE designs. I hope he knows that it puts a bunch of limitations on the game, or else he's gonna get hassled by KC.
>>14009 Fight the power, champ.
>>14007 Oh looks good so far
>>14007 >There will be delicious foot content but not as much in Sadiubus. You see, most of the monster girls don't have normal feet The unenlightened ones are always so funny
My impatience grows enough to consider a desperate move. How is machine translation for MGQP part 3?
>>14014 From what I've heard it's actually good and miles above the google translate poetry of old times, main thing that remains is that it's clueless with pronouns.
>>14015 Wew. I never thought I'd hear that about machine translation. I know it was brought up last thread, I'll have to poke around in there and use it. I'll use the real translation for NG+, I think.
>https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Link may be dead. Could use a re-upload when possible, or my machine is just rejecting it for some reason.
>>14019 Thank you, will install that later when time allows.
(260.53 KB 1200x900 Nero OC.png)
>Just met the Seventh Ancestor Never would have thought we would meet someone with stronger donut steel energy than Nero. Even more surprising is how it was played completely straight.
>>14008 Need help asking someone to get previous versions of the game.
>>14025 at least post the game you have so we can check
(1.18 MB 1280x960 125856437_p0.png)
>>14008 Need help asking someone to get previous versions of the game.>>14026 >>14026 https://tempsend.com/ymbdk 0.77 no sound?
>>14035 >Invalid token or file expired. Use a decent hosting like gofile or catbox if it's small enough
(312.74 KB 800x799 richard shrifted off.png)
ah shit, here we go again with this >if you kill your enemies, they win crap
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>>14033 I NEED to see Luka getting raped to the ground while he's crossdressing.
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I'm telling you guys, all the Ancestors (besides Minagi) are actually pure and saving their chastity until marriage.
>>14041 Well TECHNICALLY Shikimamo could marry any dude on the spot since kitsune marriage is performed by getting the guy to cum thrice. Poor sod doesn't survive the wedding night and this repeats with another husband-to-be until entire nations are dryfished like she bragged about.
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>>14042 Pfft, weaklings. Thankfully, I'm built different.
(1.58 MB 1442x1218 125813222_p5.jpg)
>>14043 >Thankfully, I'm built different. That's what 1/4 of Tamamo's husbands said, all 3541091 of them
am i the only one that prefers the old vn-style MGQ over this generic stock-RPG maker-assets paradox MGQ?
(1.71 MB 800x600 Good End.webm)
>>14045 You are far from being alone. As much as I like Paradox's JRPG autism and ability to choose my companions instead of having a railroaded relationship, The VN trilogy was THE one of its kind experience and Paradox is "just" one of the RPGM h-games going above and beyond the usual quality. What I miss the most is uniqueness of encounters, you never fought the same girl twice with few exceptions which ended with new loss scenes anyway.
I will tame the Tamamo
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>>14047 it's just a little girl, how hard could it be???
>>14048 I will tame the big fox, not because she is easy but because she is hard.
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>>14049 imagine fucking Bigmamo and then suddenly she turns back into Lolimamo and it's like a dick guillotine clamping down on you
>>14050 The whole loli thing would scar me for life.
(391.02 KB 640x360 sniff.png)
What an unfortunate choice for colors.
(128.00 KB 800x534 Gb9NsEqb0AAaCvA.png_orig.png)
Forgive me Luka, your family is just too hot for me to not make you fuck them.
>>14054 >if you think incest is hot, it's incest >if you don't like incest, then it's not incest There's no excuses, Luka WILL fuck his lolified relatives
>MW Eva gets thrown into the river Kek
(120.84 KB 560x420 Lost in the World of Succubi.jpg)
Neocities collection update: added Lost in the World of Succubi (new game by dev of Super Mamono Sisters, short femdom action game) updated MonGirl Conquest to v0.2.8 updated Cycle of Corruption to v0.4.5 updated Haremon to v0.41 updated Lust Doll Plus to v68.1 updated Monster Girl Dreams to v26.7
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>>14059 Eva has a hard life...
(305.10 KB 640x480 ev_rucyfina_ha1.png)
>>14056 >implying he would settle for just the loli sisters
>>14063 Imagine a threesome with Lucifina and Lucifina-chan...
>>14061 >Lost in the World of Succubi This game got some notoriety in TikTok lmao
(220.56 KB 640x480 ev_rusifinachan_h4.png)
>>14064 >Both teasing him over which mommy he will impregnate first
>>13995 Surprised to find a Succubus Tail on here. I made a Sugoi MTL of it for myself a while back. I have version 0.68 if you want it, but 0.77 has sound for me. I suggest you check your settings.
(1.50 MB 1200x1600 126115198_p0.png)
>>14073 >ywn have big sis Valkyrie that insists on "purifying" your sins in the bathroom why live?
(1.27 MB 800x800 å¾…æ©Ÿ.webm)
shrift 2 updated, charybdis is out tentaclefags eating good https://pixeldrain.com/u/RyjPMsdm
>>14075 Good, just in time when I got hooked up on this game. Now to wait for the TL team to handle it
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ayoo what happened to my Tamamo
>>14073 SEXOOOOO
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Oh damn we might actually get a new Ilias scene after all. >>14077 Promestein must have developed an Arekishi extract
(103.79 KB 640x480 80_ningyohime_st08.png)
>>14079 >Arekishi extract I will inject it into El
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>>14081 Don't, there is no shortage of arekishi mermaids.
>>14072 Are they separate files or something?
>>14084 Not sure what you mean by that. Circle Tekua distributes them in zip files I think. I extracted mine to a folder but can re zip it. In order to mtl it I need to keep raw copies. So yeah, I have the raw game in a folder that I can zip and send. I think I also have 0.76 after looking but I can confirm 0.77 has sound on my end, so I recommend you check your in game volume options, os volume mixer, and maybe the function keys since I think some rpg maker games have custom volume setting plugins opened from there.
(528.77 KB 640x480 TSp.png)
I love angel lemonade.
>>14087 Holy based (lemonade)
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One of the best things about part 3 is finally letting you make all of your dream parties.
>>14087 sandalphon and sockphon
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>>14061 >Fight your way out of a world ruled by semen demon sluts. >Get rewarded with catgirl wife. It should have been me, not fair!
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>>13946 Jesus, what a downgrade. I miss xelvy.
>>14096 >we have xelvy at home
(10.79 KB 229x231 1444444356236.jpg)
>check MGQ fanfictions out of curiosity >isekai protagonists everywhere When did it become so hard to make self-inserts native to the universe?
>>14099 Here's a native to MGQ world who gets isekaied into the isekai setting of familiar of zero. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8897316/1/Knight-of-the-Void
>>14086 Oh I haven't been getting any sound from the game.
>>14099 i wanna read a fic where sayaka gets isekaied into the MGQ universe
(1.27 MB 1920x1920 115355121_p0.jpg)
Just finished SHRIFT 2's currently translated story and oh wow now I can definitely say that the setting and girls are soooo much better than the first game. Gameplay-wise there's a shitton of weird gimmicks, but the game is fun once you take a minute to understand the weird leveling system. IMO first game was oddly overrated and this one seems underrated.
How long did each game take you to beat? >>14109
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>>14110 SHRIFT 1 was about 20 hours, but I only did one neutral end and on top of that I cheated in infinite magnum ammo and just blasted my way through. Game is huge and doing normal "good" route, which requires you to play the game at least twice and then the EX chapters you're looking at tens of hours to actually complete it. On my SHRIFT 2 it says 30 hours, but I think it's more like 25 hours since I have a habit of leaving the game minimized. It's far from complete and there will be more chapters in the future, we're only at the second one now.
(290.87 KB 1600x2400 GhJDAkoaQAAtYBJ.jpg)
this chick comes up to you and invites you to the art club. wwyd?
>>14113 I come with her, what could possibly go wrong?
>>14114 just some nude modelling, don't worry about it
>>14100 Oh yeah, the crossovers are just as weird. It's like power level discussions being put in fic form.
>>14111 >when you first meet mermaid lady i was very surprised by her entire sequence in the best way holy shit. I haven't played S2 beyond the very early demo stuff though, is it nearly finished?
>>14121 >i was very surprised by her entire sequence For me the biggest surprise was Jorou-Gumo's part by the end of chapter 2, it was really good and not what I expected. >is it nearly finished? From what I've read it's 2/3 finished and story is supposed to end in chapter 3. Not counting potential EX chapters like in case of shrift 1.
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https://exhentai.org/g/3188468/77e753839a/ Someone finally uploaded setouchi's latest book. It's more of a collection of doodles, 4komas and one-page comics than a proper story, but still, don't open unless you're deep into part 3 or don't care about being spoiled some characters and scenes.
>>14123 how would Ilias' divine pussy taste like?
>>14124 Lemons, duh
>>14123 I didn't know how 4koma chibis could be so hot man
(221.82 KB 640x480 rmc.png)
So this is Luka's room in the Pocket Castle. I'm surprised he doesn't get assaulted on a nightly basis like Hakunen in his cabin.
Does anyone know if the new version of Negotiation X Monster has stuff like extra endings/True Ending? Cause I'm about to fight Rail with the game warning me to save and all so if this is meant to be the final boss of the current version I think I'll wait till the new version is translated
(71.15 KB 1605x449 commit.png)
aww yiss, even some h-scenes are getting translated
>>14135 Very neat, considering the last "big" commit wasn't that long ago either. I started on monster side already but then hit untranslated bits, so I think I'll start a new game on the Ilias route and then go angel side, see how they've translated up to that point.
>>14136 They appear to go in parallel, one settlement after another on each route at the same time.
(580.48 KB 640x480 hein.png)
Damn, you just know she soiled the panty when she saw this.
>>14138 >BA's wet panties Imagine the smell...
>>14140 >Imagine the smell Smells like drool
>>14135 oof if anyone is on AW like me, the patch translates Grangold but first you have to go through Gold Port, which is not translated yet.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ Damn, just as the fan made translation was almost done.
Imagine Nero and Neris going back to their world and reporting to their parents on everything that's been going on with Ilias. I wonder what Luka and Alice would think upon hearing that the Goddess they thought they obliterated with the power of love and friendship has gone on an adventure with even higher stakes than theirs, might still have fucked an alternative version of Luka after everything she went through in the VN, has slowly learned to coexist with monsters, and eventually partook in schemes even grander than her original Recreation Plan
>>14147 You know what I REALLY want to see? Alternative world where Luka killed Alice at the end of part 2 and ended up having kids with Ilias. Imagine what kind of fucked up autistic incest babies would come out of that
t>>14148 I'm surprised we even meet Luka's offspring from a world other than the VN's to begin with, but yeah, pretty much anything is still in the realm of possibility with the future NG+ mode. On the bright side, that also means that it is canon there is at least one world out there where he got together with all your favorite girls.
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>>14013 Based
(860.21 KB 1280x720 oh no.png)
haha how terrible, who would want to live like this, right?
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>>14158 >human
>>14159 That's a succubus and the game makes a point of that
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>>14160 Damn succs, I've seen cosplays with more monster in them than that.
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>>14161 That's why I got a human gf instead, same thing but safer! We're going on our first date tonight!
(460.70 KB 640x650 bub.png)
>>14149 I can't believe it's canon there is a world out there where Luka is a mother.
>>14164 >be me >feeling adventurous when playing MGQ for the first time and hit surrender at that point >after a minute alt+f4 with disgust I'm so sorry, Luka
>>14158 What game is dis?
>>14166 Lost in the World of Succubi
(5.57 MB 2480x3508 126274037_p0.png)
>>14161 >>14160 The only time a succubus shouldn't have horns, wings and a tail is when she's disguised. And in the best case she should also act in a way that feels uncanny, at the very least in small details. The way Shiki and Akazawa do them is absolute peak, but I don't consider the bad end obligatory. They need to give you that scary/uncomfortable feeling of looking at something your brain would first register as "human(ish)", before realizing they are anything but that. >>14162 dryfish-kun...
>>14169 would be hot if not for the weird sausage nips
(326.64 KB 642x488 woQ.png)
>>14168 These new Arekishi angels are too cute for me to want to sexualize them.
>>14174 If you think about it, they are actually a great idea by Ilias to solve the issue of men lusting after angels. Sex with angels is sin, but paizuri doesn't count as sex. So she designs cute little titty angels, complete with a paizuri hole so men can satisfy their urges in a Goddess approved way.
>>14175 >paizuri holes I guess it's a better alternative than anal sex, which is disgusting.
>>14176 Monster girl don't poop, so it's just a tighter sex hole
(1.68 MB 290x188 my fetish.gif)
>>14165 >disgusted when I first saw it >years later, it's one of my favorite scenes
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>>14177 Explain Scat Captain then
>>14179 n-no that's lies and slander!
(137.04 KB 640x120 sonia.png)
I can't believe she finally put out, maybe she still has a chance in the Lukabowl.
>>14181 Someone needs to remind trtr that it's MONSTER GIRL quest and he should just make a separate mini game to push his fascination with the childhood-friend-turned-lover trope
(48.58 KB 512x386 Cap_2017-03-24_09-53-39-661.jpg)
>>14182 To be fair, it is pretty clear by the end of the part 3 demo there's a lot more to Sonya than meets the Eye.
>>14181 >>14182 or what if there's a monsterization route
(939.46 KB 1200x1400 75386387_p1.jpg)
>>14185 turn all h*man women into harpies, achieve multiversal peace
Innocent Rules is now fully translated, probably the best thing we'll get in the genre for a long time, not counting Part 3 https://pixeldrain.com/u/8M27nHbw
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>>14188 SUGOIIII
(92.00 KB 1025x263 uhhhh.png)
(27.91 KB 1024x768 sss.png)
This should be the standard in all h-games that aren't nukiges throwing scenes every 2 minutes. So convenient being able to play the game normally, enjoying the story and only checking out the scenes later at night when actually fapping.
>>14191 Game? And what's the scene like?
>>14192 it's >>14188 and the scene is getting rimmed by a busty cowgirl while she's milking your cock with her tits
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(749.41 KB 2967x4001 126396851_p1.jpg)
sex with lolifatlice!
>>14195 We need to weaponize the the Beam of Lolification Humbleness and start using it against all the power hungry and murderhobo whores, starting with Black Alice and every Shiki ever.
>>14188 Very nice, thanks!
(1.93 MB 1600x2400 126119084_p3.png)
So we know the Ancestors created most monster girls by either mitosis or giving magic to random things and seeing what happened, but what about the Alice family tree? Could there have been a human man powerful enough to woo Saja?
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I want to see Neris or Nero call Ilias their great-grandmother and see how she would react.
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>>14196 >Shiki R.I.P anon, snuffed by bratty shiki lolis
new thread: >>14203
>>14199 i wonder if ilias makes that face when you cuck her with *insert monster here*
(35.55 KB 642x119 1585295557113.jpg)
>>14206 She does

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