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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #15 Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 09:50:37 No. 13146
Eva edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: The great wait is over, MGQ Paradox Part 3 is finally out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.02 update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1287504 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: previously translated demo content, UI and game version v3.02 https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ Devil in Wonderland to be released in December SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>12528
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>>13146 I'm really digging the girls kupala drew for part 3.
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>>13108 Nothing I try is working. The locale is japanese, the region is japanese too, I re-extracted and repatched the game. It runs in full japanese but the moment the patch overwrites its natural files, this happens. Are you using an extra program to run this game?
>>13151 >and repatched the game Wait, why? The F95 copy is pre-patched already.
>>13152 >>13153 No, wait, the copy I am using is the one from the bin at the OP. The full game. And then I used a patch among the comments of the f95 thread. Are you telling me it was already in english? Cause when I opened the game the UI was in japanese.
>>13154 Thanks for the link, downloading it right now. Holy shit can it be that all this time I was trying to patch an already english game and that's why it kept failing?
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>>13155 >>13156 The one in our collection is a much newer version, 2.something and you tried to apply a patch for 1.x version, no wonder it broke
>>13154 Seems like it's working! The UI is in english! AND IT OPENED The version is a bit behind but beggars and choosers.
>>13157 Well I'm happy enough being able to run the first version. If it's only post-game content then I'll have no problems. I will just beat the game and wait a newer patch. ... it's just postgame content right?
>>13146 >>13148 Seeing Eva this happy makes me happy too.
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>>13162 She finally achieved total victory against the potato.
I am loving this game
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>Meet obvious vore succ >Actually not a succ nor does vore >Somehow she's worse than those two things
>>13167 That's the part 3 special.
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>Semen is stored in the tits
>>13169 >Shikibus (forma sexo)
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>>13170 that's all of them
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Bros, she said the thing.
>>13181 I want to be unbirthed by Lucifina and then reborn as her son so I get to enjoy all the angel incest orgies
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Neocities collection update: added Turning the Hero Party That Exiled Me Into Monsters ~Too Late to Beg to Be Human Again!~ (loser gets kicked out of hero's party, so naturally he decides to transform them into monster girls as a revenge. Obvious gender bender TF focus) updated MonCurse to v0. updated Spirit Valley to v1.1.0 updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.29 updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 to v3.02 along with its translation
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>>13185 >Turning the Hero Party That Exiled Me Into Monsters ~Too Late to Beg to Be Human Again! Oh God, the infection is starting to spread to h-games. Hopefully the execution is actually good.
>>13185 >naturally he decides to transform them into monster girls They were women to begin with right?
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>>13187 Yes yes, there's nothing to worry about. Now get in the fucking suit.
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>>13189 I can just imagine a dude putting on this suit and pooping out his soul already. It's a cultural thing or something, the soul lives in the butt.
>>13191 I thought it was in the dick
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>>13182 Kinda funny how long people have been memeing Lucifina unbirth, only for it to become true. >>13193 Look up shirikodama, also why Kappa Girls have a tendency for liking fisting.
>>13185 >>13189 I'm scaroused. How is this game, its plot, its scenes?
>>13194 Oh yeah that Monster Forest Night. Kappa fists you...
>>13195 Second image is from The Isle of TS Monster Girls. Short game about adventurer jobbing to monster girls and getting turned into one. Not sfw but light on sexual content, the focus is on transformation itself.
Whoa, looks like the 2006 Succubus Quest got a translation finally https://pixeldrain.com/u/gLi4YvYC It's edited MTL, but looking at the github page it appears to be the good kind with some knowledge of jap and cross-checking rather than >hi I'm Manuel from favela and my hobby is translating porn games, please donate mucho monies
>>13207 >Manuel from favela Manos... What is this game like?
>>13194 GIWTWM >>13207 I'll take it, not going to be too picky with translations for a game this old. Out of the collab games, it seems like Succubus Rhapsodia's translation is still incomplete.
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>>13207 >edited MTL >>13212 >check ULMF thread >no word from the translation group since '22
>>13213 Edited MTL is more of a yellow flag than a red one, technically green thought's earlier translations of 62studio games were also edited MTL. It's only bad when it means that some ESL only loaded a batch MTL and glossed over formatting issues and called it a day.
>>13214 >It's only bad when it means that some ESL only loaded a batch MTL and glossed over formatting issues and called it a day. It's this that gives MTL a bad wrap because it lets the lowest common denominator think they're contributing. MTL is fine and it's a lot better nowadays, but you should be fluent in the language you're translating into and have at least some knowledge of the language you're translating from. I'm using MTL for doujin translations but I'm not just relying on one and copy pasting whatever slop is output, I want it to read like legible english. And I'm doing my best to understand the sentence structure of the native text; chiitrans is really good in this regard since it lets you pick apart particles and words from an otherwise unbroken string of moonrunes.
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>Saja evaluation meeting >She sends Ilias a video of herself doing the raping holy kek
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Finished the Ilias route, gotta say the wait was absolutely worth it, I loved Lolias's character development.
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>>13245 >Bad End
>>13246 Considering that's a what-if he took the power from the Kodoku Ritual, that's most definitely a bad ending, anon.
>>13247 >trap kodoku Hakunen raping mainline Hakunen
>>13248 I don't think Hakunen is physically capable of raping anyone regardless of how much power he gets.
>>13249 I can see a joke mini-DLC where you go against evil trapkunen and when he beats you and the loss scene starts, he just blanks out and doesn't know what to do.
>>13233 >I loved Lolias's character development. She's so much better than Alice that it's unreal
>>13255 i want her ADULT body though
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Seems they added battle damage, and some other QoL in (items picked up, etc)
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>>13256 I love how you can see how much the journey has changed her even if you go Alice route. Literally too pure for this world. >>13256 Soon...
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Oh no, poor Luka got MS paint'd
>>13266 Fucked up how MGQ doesn't have its own Daji to go along with SHRIFT's and Three Charm's.
>>13267 Tamamo much...?
>>13268 >Settling for one evil fox
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Cucklice XVI
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Y is richard always all >WOAH when talking to the police officer
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>>13273 Alan sure likes his silly faces.
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>>13271 >over 10 years later, Tamamokeks are still butthurt over their gaping whore waifu losing to the superior grapesnek
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>>13274 God I wish that happened me.
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>>13274 >my face when playing through SHRIFT I and reading about all the atrocities monsters did there
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>>13288 Finally an angel RAPED
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>>13291 Thinking about sex with the golden fox is the only way I would enjoy sex with A*ice
>>13292 Is emotional NTR the worst NTR of all? Although how anyone could love Alice is hard to understand when she fucks Luka over at the drop of a hat for, what, 3/4s of the first trilogy? I didn't do her route in paradox because it probably sucks. But I bet it isn't as interesting as Ilias.
>>13293 Considering she jokes he should adventure naked to attract more monster girls and in Paradox encourages him to open a manwhore service, I'd say the meme that she has voyeurism fetishes may be true
>>13294 She lets him get eaten, bro.
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>>13294 I thought that was Ilias' meme.
>>13300 >both of the "heroines" are cuckqueans who just want to finger themselves looking at Luka getting raped Cuck Girl Quest
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>>13300 See, when Ilias says it, it's a joke; but Alice on the otherhand…
I grinded too much in the first dungeon of Succubus Quest and now losing on purpose to check if normal enemies have scenes is too hard. Guess I'll just have to whittle my health down with consecutive battles. >>13302 Get back to making holy lemonade, Ilias. Now I regret posting that because I dislike "female cheated on" stuff too and suspect it might be a slippery slope to actual cuckoldry.
>>13303 >it might be a slippery slope to actual cuckoldry. Not really, they are polar opposites. Female getting cheated on is extreme end of self-insert fantasy because it puts (You) on a pedestal as so desirable, that multiple women want your dick. Regular NTR, at least according to its fans is all about not self-inserting and enjoying someone's misfortune. And to be fair, the jokes about cuck alice/cuck ilias are a glorified harem scenario rather than monsters stealing Luka away permanently, like the oddly popular Tamamo x Luka reverse ntr pics.
>>13295 And ate him too that one scene. Chances are in vore scenes she was cumming until she passed out. And in scenes he is kidnapped and raped for life she spent every day waiting for the night to watch him get raped for hours schlicking to it.
>playing Negotiation X Monster >at Ice Cave 3 >NPC warns me that going left would just lead deeper into the Ice Cave instead of going to the mountain >I try going to check >>>Ice Cave 7 SEVEN Is this one of those situations I shouldn't thread further and will get barred sooner or later either by dungeon gimmicks or overlevelled enemies or something? Asking cause while usually I am quite the completionist, I'm rationing my time a lot playing with exams.
>>12800 >I heard they even got shiki to draw something. Looks like it was true after all. https://x.com/SituationSucc/status/1863183604030800198
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>>13303 How does it work in Succubus Quest? Are scenes also tied to losing in battles, but without there being a surrender button?
>>13319 I heard dude even got Myusca's and Nemea's VAs
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I'm going to fill El's tight fish cunny with my seed.
>>13320 I managed to lose to a couple of the first dungeon enemies but they don't seem to have scenes, battle fucking just continues into the game over screen and you wake up back in your bed. Haven't seen any CGs so far, only the nude sprites and the first boss had a couple of variations. I can only guess that if there are any scenes, they're probably tied to the story but I'm still really early in the game.
>>13323 I'm sorry but that's not how you make mermaids, get educated. I'm sure her mom would gladly help with that.
>>13326 God her scenes were so hot. Did Laura and El get oyakodon scenes now?
>>13319 >game not so mockable once they commission artist
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>>13331 Untrue, it's still very unlikeable me and many others will try that game after the dev had the brilliant idea to alienate his own audience.
>>13332 Who makes these?
>>13332 Hot take: getting so mad at a western dev not liking loli is as silly as his hate for loli. Getting loli on steam is a fucking headache and there's always risk of random purge so it really doesn't matter whether it's dev's own autism or pragmatic reasons.
>>13334 Surely by alienate his own audience he means something worse than being against loli, right? Why would you purity test porn game devs?
>>13334 they don't have to like it but if they're against it they just come across as really obnoxious. it's the age old mindset of "don't like it, don't watch it"
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It's still so bizarre to me how TRTR made a character that looks like this and went "I was surprised at how many people wanted a h-scene with her." And then he never delivered one.
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>>13344 Wait, what about the teased scene that was supposed to be in part 3?
>>13345 Oh it's there, but that's not Paradox/OG World Fallen Micaela, who lived among mortals and learned compassion, that's AW Micaela who is still ruthless and would kill you in your sleep. I like both, don't get me wrong, but I'm greedy. Imagine if Tamamo never got a scene in the VN and Shikimamo was the only Tamamo content we got in Paradox, it's kind of like that.
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>>13346 Not him, but Shikimamo is drawn with super HUGE tits compared to Jingaimamo, so I wouldn't complain too much. Also Tamamo has so much more screen time in the VN than Micaela that it's a bit hard to imagine. >AW Micaela who is still ruthless and would kill you in your sleep. Hot.
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>>13343 love these two hotheads
>>13346 >>13347 What if evil loli shikimamo.
>>13348 >Zion almost wrecks the ship you are on by being careless >Shiki trio de retarde almost break the entire fucking timeline with their retardation
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>>13350 they didn't do anything wrong, leave them alone
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>>13350 I get that Zion and Morrigan are supposed to be parallels, but the Sisters' retardation is on a league of their own.
>>13352 Monster world is meant to look bad.
>>13350 A good way to indirectly tell the player about how their respective worlds would be like.
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>>13353 The contrast between the two sides is kinda funny, no wonder Monster world is such a shithole.
>>13355 Of course my fox wife is a vicious bitch.
>>13355 >Ancestors are all shiki and are just different shades of "sadistic evil bitch" >Archangels are mix of frfr and xelvy and have varied personalities as improbable as it sounds, I'm starting to believe artists get more input on their characters than most people think.
>>13360 I know for sure they have an influence in the corresponding scenes at least. UN_DO consistently has ass-focused and harem scenes for example.
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>>13365 Probably more or less correct. I remember in his Q&A, one of the questions was why does Succubus Witch have so many CGs and his answer was because her artist wanted it. Would be funny if that meant KC is still into vore and Shiki actually likes vanilla, given some of the scenes they've drawn for part 3.
>>13368 >vicious bitch
>>13369 You know that is something consistent I see lately. Authors that edgy or atheistic first works in game or manga tend to have more comedic or positive subsequent works.
For some reason chatgpt started referring to lucifina as luciferina gradually while i was going through angel world now it consistently refers to her as luciferina. Has anyone else experienced AI bias while using chatGPT to translate
>>13372 You sure that's a bug...?
>>13372 Isn't context one of chatGPT main selling points? In AW you fed it a bunch of lines about angels, so afterwards it "assumed" Lucifina should sound closer to lucifer
>>13372 I am surprised it will translate a porn game in the first place.
>>13377 I guess as long as you don't translate the explicit bits you're fine. I know it shits itself with warning messages but still gives generations when I've fed it "bad content" like murder or kill (殺).
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You vill breed ze bugs
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Rant time, as much as I've been enjoying part 3 so far, it's by no means perfect, but there is something I found particularly egregious and I've no idea how TRTR didn't notice it and how easy it would be to fix it. My tip for those who haven't gone through it yet and without spoiling too much, from a purely gameplay perspective, you might want to go through Alice route first. After you finish one of the routes, you get a similar cutscene to the one that happens if you pick the '3rd choice' for the Great Decision during the demo, in that you get the option to turn back time to either the very start of the game or pick a different choice during the decision. If you go with the latter, you'll also have the choice of who your starting heroine is. The problem is how half-baked it's implemented. Going from Ilias to Alice, you don't actually get all Alice-exclusive companions, you'll be locked out of recruiting Yao, the Roach Queen, the 3 Black Nobles and you'd have to backtrack to a random place in the Middle-Ages to recruit the twin succubi. I imagine it isn't as big of an issue going from Alice to Ilias as all of her exclusive companions are more tied to the main story and get recruited regardless, but I believe instead you miss out on the minor side-quests revolving around loli Lucifina and Micaela. To not be complete dead weight, your main heroine does gets a boost to her starting level and jobs/races... That being a base level of 60, one max level advanced job and one max level advanced race, when every random mob you've recruited for the past 8 areas should have way more than that. Worst of all, you aren't given any context on the story differences between each route. I wouldn't blame if someone who's only gone through one route assumed Nuruko revealed her true form on Ilias's route or that Sonya turned back time to replace herself in Alice's route. You also don't get the race upgrades from the end of part 2, Nuruko becoming a fairy or Sonya becoming apoptosis. The solution seems so simple too, either make the reset happen at the end of part 2, whether before or after the events over at Ilias Temple Ruins, or have another Strategy Conference to recap what happened like they have in-between each chapter. Even if that meant you'd still miss out on the aforementioned minor-exclusive recruits or side-quests for those willing to go through the full NG+, at least you would still have knowledge of the main events for each route.
Neocities collection update: updated BizzareHolyLand to v46.0 updated MonCurse to v0. updated MonGirl Conquest to v0.2.7 updated Nakara to v0.5 updated Inn Another World to v0.065a updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.3.07 updated FOBS Remake to November build updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.30 updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 translation to the latest bitbucket commit
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I'm sure kids like the one she raped, the church infiltrators who helped the oppressed women and the outsider couple providing food were as guilty as the luddites.
>>13390 >on pure emotion What the hell? Morrigan claimed that Original History wasn't on Luddite's side. Are you telling me they just verified that to be sure they could murder everyone unpunished? Why the hell did the Monster World send those three sociopaths as their envoys? It's a goddamn miracle we can estabilish any proper relationship because it's like they actively made an effort to ruin their own mission.
>>13391 The Monster World's ultimate goal is the eradication of all life on Paradox world so they can send everyone's souls to their own world, thus "saving" them from the encroaching chaos. While they can't just directly kill everyone indiscriminately (because that would summon higher class apoptosis and risk immediately ending the world), what they can do is influence the main events of history just enough into the realm of possibility of what could have happened in the True History that would result in more bloodshed. However, the sisters getting rid of anything that couldn't ever possibly have happened in the True History, like a church faction opposed to the usage of makinas from Tartarus, is completely fair game by apoptosis rules, as that would technically steer the world closer to the True History.
>>13387 Slow week huh.
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Upcoming SHRIFT 2 girl is looking kinda cute, maybe soon in the next decade he'll finally get rid of the ms paint look.
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>>13396 two noses lmao
>>13398 Still images, and even your standard repeated loop animation, often do a shitty job conveying the motion in these games porn scenes.
>>13400 They fail to account for physics since that's a lot of work when you can just make them mash together or flail around like live 2D, or slap on motion lines. Everyone knows that ass is going to jiggle, balls slap, and flesh deforms under hands and appendages. For example the artist Fusu is a lesson on how to do it in the laziest way possible (among other things like sameface and reusing large parts with minor adjustments). For still images it largely depends on the actual scene since there's varying paces, you either draw many poses and CGs or cheap out and use one that can be edited for varying states of penetration and load blowing; just having a still portraying lots of motion and energy would look weird when they've slowed down to cuddle a bit, so a neutral pose is necessary if you want to be cheap.
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>>13396 This is Dragon Quest fanart lol
>>13402 yeah you are right, I forgot he also makes stuff outside of shrift and of course it's of better quality than what he actually puts in his games, lmao
Probably a hot take, but I don't care for h-scenes being animated or voiced. In fact, there were times were it felt like it made it worse.
>>13404 Voice acting is dumb and the moaning and squeaking is making me cringe too hard to nut, but animations always add to the scenes. I think the only time when animations got in the way were some of the more obnoxious shrift ones, but that's because they are almost random distortions.
SHRIFT 2 translation update >Translated the entirely new Item Description menu that was added in the content patches. >Translated the content around new online bulletin board, the daily events, and the bus tour trips. >All the new casino items added have been translated. >New scenes with Rose and Harpy Spawn have been added. >The new derived demon related to Praying Mother (Embracing Boobra) has been added, alongside all of their scenes. >The extended skill trees for Jorou-gumo as well as the doll twins have been added, along with correcting some nerfs and buffs to existing skills. >The new card minigame has been fully added and translated! This required 150 brand new images, including translated images for each card and scripts so that every worked properly! >Title system is now fully translated! Mix and match unlocked titles to create something new for your priest! >Fixed various typos and errors from the last patch that were reported over the last few months. https://gofile.io/d/3aExgs
>>13408 Man, I need to go back to SHRIFT 1 and finish EX3 and EX4, and maybe the other endings. Could you post that Jorou-gumo? Curious what she looks like.
>>13410 >Could you post that Jorou-gumo? Curious what she looks like. I'm not that far yet, I'm at chapter 1 and ended up nutting to the lovehug scene, top jej >Man, I need to go back to SHRIFT 1 and finish EX3 and EX4 SHRIFT 2 is a prequel so you don't really need to. I was too annoyed with first game's preachy tone to play beyond getting the Neutral ending and I'm enjoying the sequel-prequel so far.
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>>13410 >Could you post that Jorou-gumo? Curious what she looks like. sure. second pic is her true form, the woman part is just a lure to distract you from whats actually sucking you dry
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>Robofox's biggest regret about her enhancements is that now it's hard for her to be near children I actually love it when the game takes a step back and reminds you that not everything is about fetishes, despite the type of game this is.
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>>13412 I don't mind multiple tits on a girl, but there is something about multiple big tits that just looks off to me.
>>13409 >guns of succubus I want a FPS where I get to shoot and kill shikis
>>13419 Opposite for me, to me small multiboobs offer nothing except looking weird like a row of dog teats or something. Many big tits on the other hand can be used as a titty bed or for full body smothering.
>>13422 > looking weird like a row of dog teats or something. They are balloons. Giant orbs that defy gravity and all logic.
>>13419 >>13422 thoughts on one-boob? like a cyclops
>>13424 >less titty for what purpose?
>>13425 >say no boob and every hails you as a DFC hero >say one boob and everyone loses their mind
>>13422 These pics are so fucking hot. Why the hell do they have to shove eggs up your ass?
>>13427 First step of the bubs pipeline is >ewww they are gross, I better not lose Second step is >those tits though, maybe I'll revisit their fight Then comes the third >[REDACTED]
>>13427 Where else would eggs go?
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>try to check MGD's itch page >instant 404 >google itch.io for info >turns out fucking funko pop corp was using some kind of """AI""" meme that automatically filled a copyright takedown notice to itch's domain registrar >and the mongoloids did it instantly without even checking anything I'm at a loss of words here, fuck 2020's
>>13429 up your nose
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>first couple of towns in MW >full blown human slavery and traficking >bodies of those who got sucked dry being unceremoniously dumped in rivers >people being gored in exhibits, many of which didn't even do anything to slight the monsters >some of the monster attendants might be disgusted, but no one lifts a finger to change the situation >a monster is feeling peckish? just take a random passerby and kill them >first couple of towns in AW >first few are idyllic utopias, at most a few residents lament how some of their relatives won't get to share the same experience because of the caste system >but wait, their comfort isn't coming for free >angels are using fast growing, bio-engineered clones as free labor! >even their bodies are getting recycled once they start growing old >some angels do feel guilty, but will still risk their positions to try make their short lives even a little bit better >priority when a commotion happens is to ensure their safety above all
>>13424 Can't say I've ever seen one. I could see it happening in one of those Umbrella Girls? I can work with one titty, I only got one mouth anyway.
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>shikimamo not so vicious after being given the Ol' Luka treatment
>>13432 >>13432 Check out cure in violated hero.
>>13434 >>13431 >and the mongoloids did it instantly without even checking anything From what I can read out funko did a legitimate copyright claim and itch took down a page, but nobody in the registrar saw the confirmation and took down itch.
>>13439 >legitimate copyright claim Not exactly, the AI piece of trash was maliciously misconfiguration to file it as phishing/fraud claim, obviously to goad the targets into escalating the matter instead of having it go through the usual copyright process https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42363727
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Ever wanted a 173 panels story image set of Alice being cucked by Tamamo, drawn in Xelvy-esque art style? No? Well no matter, here it is. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125051036 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125051218 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125051260
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>>13437 It's fun to see just how different Shikimamo is from Jingaimamo. Much like Lolias, being humbled and forced to walk the earth does wonders for character growth. There's only one more who needs the Six Ancestors Seal treatment ...
>>13194 >>13346 She did?
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>>13445 I mean if she did kill him in his sleep, saw the image where she did ride him but yeah
>>13446 She does ride him to death in her scene even in the pocket castle.
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It suddenly came to me what might be the absolute worst thing about Angel World. I don't recall seeing any human x monster girl/angel couples in there. In fact, there's barely any rape in that world outside of the context of "divine punishment", and even still that's not even that common or used against minor offences.
>>13437 Borderline wholesome
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>>13437 >>13452 Evil kitsunes just need the housewife correction
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>>13453 First they must be broken in spirit, only from there can the seeds of fluffy domestic life be sewn.
>>13454 But if one loses, they become the husband right?
>>13447 Oh I thought she rides him in his sleep guess she just rides him to death
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How are people translating RJ01186364? Can't seem to get it to work on my translating tool any help would be greatly appreciated
>>13459 The f95zone version is an old one that got MTL'd. The current game is in a newer version, so if you try to use the previous one's patch it glitches out. BTW if your tool somehow produces a patch for the newer version, I'll want it.
>>13461 As the one that made that pretty buggy patch, I'll say that the game has plans for a V3 with more content. I'm planning on waiting until V3, then attempting to use the tool to translate again from scratch. A big part of it is because the tool uses ChatGPT, which costs money. If someone else were to translate the current update before then though, I'd gladly play it.
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>Uriela's scene god bless xelvy for his last great gift to us before he departed from the internet.
>>13458 Now that I think about it, how does MGQ not have a single scene with a girl raping Luka while he sleeps?
>>13464 w-what is it?
Finally finished the collab scenario. Is there anything else to do beforehand or shall I jump right into part 3?
>>13468 timeloop? other collab games? IIRC SHRIFT and The Three Charms collabs are most relevant for part 3
>>13469 I have played shrift and at least two of the three charms games, are these collabs part of the mgq game or are they entirely different games?
>>13470 >are these collabs part of the mgq game or are they entirely different games? Wait, you know the collab was two-ways, right? As in, SHRIFT 1 had an update with MGQ people coming there, same as with The Three Charms Lonesome Spirit (whose collab update was translated just recently). For SHRIFT I believe collab is the EX4 scenario and for Lonesome Spirit you have to beat the game and access it from the post-game room
>>13471 Oh. rip, I get to start both of those all over again then because I didn't back up an old hard drive that died on me.
>>13472 Lonesome spirit is one of the best monster girl games around so it's definitely worth playing through the full thing, though it comes with a full save included if you don't want to wait with Part 3.
>>13473 Was that the one with the red sniper oni girl?
>>13474 Nah, that was The Three Charms R - The Twelve Monster Girls of Mahoroba, the second game. Lonesome Spirit is the third and final game in the series.
>>13475 Neat, haven't played it yet then. Those ones weren't tainted with the furfaggot streak that shrift has in some parts of it.
>>13476 How unprompted of you, tsuntsun anon.
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>>13476 uh oh uh oh there's only one tho
>>13479 >>13477 Ergh. Hopefully it's a fast part I can largely ignore, I couldn't even make it through shrift 2, I don't know how you start your game off with an excellent shadow girl and then march out a pink monstrosity.
>>13480 eh I think you're overreacting. Shrift furries are ugly but the three charms ones are barely even furry at all.
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>most popular waifu choice >is actually a town bicycle >the "demonic whore" succubus >is a great housewife what gives?
>>13483 madonna-whore complex
>>13483 The town bicycle has a lot more repeat customers, if you know what I mean.
>>13483 Fun fact, Alma beat Tamamo in a popularity poll years ago, so this post could be read both ways.
>>13485 Depends on the year/timeline
>>13466 Handcuffed, hair-pulling, nipple-teasing rape while collared into forced kissing, arm locked, non-stop hip-breaking impregnating sex with Luka coming out branded with the same tattoos as her. >>13468 There's a couple of side-quests after the collab with some really good rewards, plus the time loop. Just talk to Amira and check the notice board and it should tell you everything. Be warned that after a certain point in part 3, you will not be able to complete many leftover side-quests.
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>>13488 >spoiler holy fuck, MGQ is like 3/4 boring hora hora cowgirl rape or random murdervore for no reason, but occasionally you get stuff like this
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My wife, Tamamo, is a pure maiden who's saved her chastity for years until I came along.
>>13490 Get in the line and stop yapping, Tamamo husband #6361. Your turn is after #6310 and #6379 are dry
>>13491 There are as many parallel worlds with a Tamamo in them as there are atoms in the universe. Good thing my Tamamo is strictly monogamous and loyal to me, shame yours turned out the way she did.
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>>13492 Yeah but main world tamamo is a graveyard of nations, she's a bad Kitsune. And she's a washboard in her default state. There's Kitsune in other settings that are waaaay cooler, sexier, have fluffier tails, and aren't town bikes. My foxwife > your foxwife.
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>>13492 >there are as many Tamamos as there are atoms in the universe Unlimited mofu works...
>>13463 Thank you very much anon! I'm loving the game
>>13488 >spoiler Holy I'm cumming
>>13490 Why is he purity washing something he called the graveyard of nations.
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I was poking around in the files and found out there's a bunch of cut/planned scenes. Most are still in placeholder mode and have no text yet, some will use those CGs from temptation events Torotoro mentioned in his last post or CGs that already are in the files but are still unused, at least one of them already has both text and CG ready and is just waiting to actually be implemented, unless I missed something. Gonna post some highlights. >Alice XVI has nothing lmao >One scene for Chaos Ilias, my guess is it's a non-lethal version of her current scene >Lilith sisters all have a sweater scene >AW Micaela paizuri >Kamuro (who still thinks babies get delivered by storks) being trained by the foxtaur courtesan >4 doppels orgy >One new scene for each spirit from MW >At least one scene for each Ancestor >More scenes for MW Yoma Mephisto and Spirit Nuruko
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>>13493 >>13497 Where did this graveyard of nations thing come from?
>>13498 >>Lilith sisters all have a sweater scene No killing I hope?
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>>13500 All the sweater scenes have 2 versions, so...
>>13501 Good enough for my niche fetish
As someone who hasn't played paradox yet, should I continue to patiently wait for it to be "complete" along with a translation, or should I pick it up now?
>>13503 Picking up would be viable because it takes dozens of hours to clear Part 2, which means days in real life.
>>13503 >along with a translation You'll be waiting something between 1-2 years for an actual manual translation, just play parts 1 and 2 and enjoy the part 3 wait experience.
>>13499 I actually tried to check in the archives and the first mention years ago traces back to my own post, lmao though I really doubt I came up with it. Nobody actually called her "graveyard of nations" in-game, but shikmamo did brag about dryfishing shitload of people and I guess everyone assumed "nice" Tamamo did the same when she wasn't, well, "nice". From paradox files: >Subjugating countries, corrupting kings, toying with their citizens... These are my specialties. >Have you forgotten how much I enjoy bringing empires to their knees? >Have you forgotten how many countries I've laid waste to? Have you forgotten the screams of their citizens as I devoured their lives? Oh but now she's a pure maiden and she's ready to settle down with (You), of course.
>>13506 I for one think my Tamamo did nothing wrong!
>>13507 I'm sure your soul will look great as Tamamo's boob padding!
>>13506 >Oh but now she's a pure maiden and she's ready to settle down with (You), of course. This but unironically.
>>13506 >>13507 >>13509 she doesn't need "fixing", the warcrimes are part of her and i've decided they're funny and sexy
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Somebody posted the fatality animations from Youki-chan (RJ309773) on /v/ and they were so rad I felt compelled to play the game. It's yet another Ghosts n Goblins inspired jankformer where getting grappled means raep (Not that there are a ton, but it's amusing that there are several), but in this one the protag's chest bounces a bit when she crouches and it's cute. What I think is real neat about this one is that all of the minor enemies have separate animations for 3p scenes with other enemies, complete with unique-ish positions for each combination. The enemy pool is small but this keeps it kind of fresh in its own way. Gameplay wise, it's a somewhat competent platformer with some enemy spam problems, nothing to really write home about. Hope you like yuri though. Oh, and vore. There is a shocking amount of vore in this game. Like an entire stage dedicated to it. Mental. Also, the final boss is pure fuckin cinema, what a wild ride.
>>13517 This game is great, provided you like yuri and won't mind some... weird content like game over where dragon gives you a deep kiss and breathes fire down your throat and also futa, there were quite a few of those, probably even more than vore.
>>13518 That is certainly a game over.
>>13518 I don't think you're meant to fap to the brutal finishers, so I didn't bring them up. I found them to be more cool than anything, but thinking about it there's a decent chance the developer (And a handful of players, most likely) did get off to them.
>>13465 Yeah I was expecting the sheep girl to do that but...
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>WEGs in charge of not imploding from internal dramas and ego issues
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>>13531 lol, lmao https://x.com/BloomingMemoir/status/1862401407522906271 And I guess he also nuked his other twitter account. His 2hu stuff was the only reason I recognized his art when the game was posted a few threads back, and the itch.io link for the game is also dead. Crashing this game dev with no survivors.
>>13532 Shame it's not happening because dude sounds like a proper schizo, perfect kind of person to develop a BS fan game
>>13533 What kind of game is it?
>>13535 BS or the cancelled fan game?
https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308783 >I posted a new patch >Don't download it
>>13536 The cancelled fan game
>>13539 trtr finally added ability presets, last time I had to redo my party again before a boss I wanted to kill myself
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>>13540 RPG maker game like BS, though from little I played it's much better made than your usual WEG RPGM slop. I'm not a big BS fan but it's a shame to see something so promising die because of petty reasons.
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>>13543 NTA but what's the full story here? Cause this game looks good
>>13539 It's up https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1309355 >>13542 Glad to know I wasn't the only one spending nearly 30 minutes on party building and picking traits before tackling on difficult bosses.
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Found an alternative to MTtool for those going through part 3 >The good Way easier to setup. No more fucking crashes. Don't have to wait before you can start playing. No lagging. UI is way cleaner, can actually read the higher tier pages of jobs and races. >The bad A few missed lines like map names. Part 3 traits descriptions can be kind of confusing sometimes. Main story translation is fine, for other stuff it feels way more questionable. Monsterpedia entries are unreadable. https://files.catbox.moe/om2bdp.zip Installation process is the same as Doku Doku's patches. The password to unzip is in the notepad attached.
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>What could have been >>13549 Thanks.
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>>13545 What's the collar for?
>>13551 Reference to her engagement scene. Give her the ring and she gives you a collar. For you to wear. Not like dragon girls that want to be mounted.
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>>13550 >hackazawa Disgusting
>>13546 From what I'm reading, the original dev suddenly got giga buttmad at the wider black souls/2hu community and judging by the way he talks on his twitter, he was the problem. Not much more to it, it's mainly about the dev guy throwing a general fit.
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>>13552 >Ilias engagement Based
>>13553 what's wrong with him?
i just cant seem to get Vanilla's recruitment quest to start. im about to go to Iliasport and that dumb kike still wont show up in the ravine, no matter how many times i check the item shop in Iliasburg. any idea what im missing?
>>13557 Which step are you at exactly? If she's joined you, I think you need to have her in your party every time you want to upgrade her shop.
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>>13558 at the part where im supposed to rescue a merchant from Talus Ravine. it just wont trigger no matter what i do. i see on the wiki that i can skip the quest if i get a merchant's permit. any other way to get it? or can i just cheat it in?
>>13559 nvm, i cant read. it was in IliasVILLE, not burg.
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>>13559 >>13560 An egocentric naming everything after herself does come with its fair share of issues.
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>>13561 i hate winged elves so goddamn much right now.
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>>13562 Just accept you did an oopsie.
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>>13552 I'm going to marry Ilias!
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Alice route spoilers. I'm honestly surprised how blatant it is the Angel World side is way nicer, more reasonable and open to coexistence given what we've seen Ilias and her angels are capable of in the VN and earlier events of Paradox, plus how often we get characters telling Luka & Alice how bad of an idea going along with the Dark Goddess' plan is and how out of character it is for the both of them (and it still feels like that should be happening more often, like there is no way the 4 Rulers, specially the Pope, would be A-okay with the plan after all they went through just because Angel World isn't exactly a paradise). Really, most non-MW peeps look like they're following you more because they hate Ilias and her world than because they agree with Alipheese. At the very least, Alice finally doesn't feel so bland when compared to Lolias while also not just retreading VN Alice's character development 1:1. Despite her decision, deep inside she's still a good person who hasn't yet fully come to terms with the weight of her duty.
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>>13556 fishface = soul no fishface = soulless
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I have a severe need for more forced marriage scenes.
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>>13568 This shit makes me harder than any of the usual >hora hora I'll wring you dry crap
>>13569 I want to see a h-scene where a monster girl forcibly puts a wedding ring on the male's finger while or after raping them to symbolize their newly-formed union.
>>13570 this and gimme the whole extended scene with wedding day where the guy is all dressed up but looks distressed
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>>13568 >>13569 kitsu is the origin point of everyone seeing foxes being the designated wife monster
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>>13572 she converted a lot of people into liking monster girls and kitsunes and light femdom >great art quality >cute and funny >hot rape scene >fantasy-inducing scenario that describes what happens to you after instead of just killing you or dumping you after sex also came early in the game, loli bandits before her were too cute and funny and harpies were too inhuman for the unenlightened
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>>13571 >the guy is all dressed up but looks distressed *elated >>13573 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-TMJjr6lKk Kitsu is but the entryway drug. Before you know, you'll be coveting the foxtaur pussy.
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>>13574 >Kitsu's prime tight cunny >Nanabi's... whatever the fuck this is supposed to be No, I'll stick to the classics
>>13575 the coward "oh just have a human with animal ears and tail" the gigachad taur-version of a monmusu
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>>13576 What if my ideal is a middle ground between the two?
>>13577 >that wolf girl based Jingai delivers, again
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If only Ilias looked like this. The purple haired dipshit would maybe complete his mission and there wouldn't be any cross-dimensional horror to worry about
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sorry fake goddess, but Luka was built to be snake food.
>>13585 >3rd and 4th pics SEXO
>>13585 >4th pic damn, add >>13584 Ilias on top of that pile and we've got the actual coexistence ending
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>All will have a sweater
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>>13587 Biggest missed opportunity of part 3 was not having a celebratory 3some with both main heroines.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 12/16/2024 (Mon) 08:53:00.
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>>13589 Why the spoilers for something that didn't happen?
Edited last time by REDACTED on 12/16/2024 (Mon) 09:28:05.
>>13590 saying that it did not happen is a spoiler too, most people here are still waiting for manual TL and even minor spoilers like that one add up over time
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>>13593 NEED chocolate findom bnuuy witch. Also still no december update lol
>>13594 >Also still no december update lol Stay tuned for those exciting arcade minigames tweaks!
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>still no real translation progress from arzorx over a month later
>>13596 >he really thought the wait was over Mr. Bones says, the ride NEVER ends
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That's actually kinda fucked.
>>13598 >AW: you don't get to fuck girls >MW: you get to fuck monsters but there's also a hefty risk of a horrific death
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>>13599 As their creator (or "creator"), why did Ilias even go through the trouble of making angels and humans able to crossbreed if she didn't actually want them to form relationships?
>>13602 They were created in her image and you can be damn well sure she did everything she could to be able to crossbreed with humans as in, with her grandson. Would probably be too much of a hassle to edit that trait out, easier to keep horribly punishing angels that don't follow her arbitrary laws. And now I really want to see an alternative version of history where Luka has crazy incest retard babies with Ilias.
>>13584 What's this? It looks as if Ilias was designed by Last Origin artists
>>13607 Dunno why this got spoiled. Weird.
>>13607 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123736298 Dunno what it's supposed to be, translation of artist's description returns gibberish
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You wouldn't play with dolls at your age, would you?
>>13613 childhood is playing with the dolls adulthood is when the dolls play with you
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>>13614 adulthood is playing with dolls because you still have no friends
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Aurelia just got a v1.0 release and joins the tiny circle of completed WEGs. It's really well made and a must play for those who like oldschool western point and click adventure games, also has great retro pixel art with animated scenes. I would say it's the best WEG until MGD is complete so see you in a decade https://gofile.io/d/gDN8qS
>>13610 >https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123736298 Looks like it's chinese. Well she is hot so he got a new follower.
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Looking back, I feel like Torotoro might have cut content from Monster World, maybe because it already looks bad enough as it is. For example, in his Kanade blog post, he talked about how she constantly demands tribute from the local human populace, and how even minor crimes are punishable by vore, yet none of that is ever shown or talked about in-game. In fact, there's a lot of prisons throughout Monster World, even more than AW (so much for freedom), yet every single time by the time you break into them, only the important NPCs are left inside while everyone else was rescued off-screen. It's particularly notable in Yamatai, where angels are known to be experimented on and when Tanamo openly mentioned dissecting them, but again, all the prisoners are rescued off-screen and you never get to meet them. There's also stuff like his blog post for Kanon saying there weren't many plant monsters in Grangold, which is clearly not the actual case. Wouldn't be surprised if there was more I'm fogetting at the moment.
>>13620 >start of Ilias route translated. I guess I'll start my episodic play through soon. I hope they will translate things in order.
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I'm worried the effect Morrigan's doting might have on Nuruko in the long term
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>>13624 From the thumbnail, I thought Luka was milking her cock.
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Open up anon, time for your dose of cringe! >Agent 16 shows herself to have extreme skill with using various weapons platforms, such as the M4 carbine variant shown here. She can use the element of Darkness to further enhance the effect of her weapons fire. In addition to the powers she has demonstrated her Lamia form enables her tail to further brace against recoil, allowing follow up shots to have a greater chance of hitting their mark.
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>>13627 still less cringe than Albert
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>Cumming just from being princess carried and blown on, no need for pheromones or magic Now that's a new low, Luka remains the subbiest of subs. The 4 new doppel scenes were a bit disappointing, they could definitely have done something a lot more interesting with the concept. OG Doppel and fanfic Doppel's scenes remain superior imho. Now hopefully the leaked scene delivers whenever it comes out.
>>13631 To be honest, Luka would cum his brains out from literally any act, as long as the girl is on top.
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>>13634 Before you know it, he'll start creaming his pants just by meeting new girls and greeting them with a handshake.
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I appreciate honest girls who are upfront about their intentions, without resorting to silly euphemisms
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>recruit Erubetie >stack a gorillion HP on her plus a shitton of defensive stats >now I have a nigh unkillable machine dropping a self-destruct nuke every encounter >she survives at 1 hp so no exp loss At least it's lore accurate!
new thread >>13645

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