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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #17 Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 15:30:55 No. 14203
Sleepy edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW up to Grangold (excl. Gold Port), AW up to Esta and Administrator's tower https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 full MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Innocent Rules is now fully translated Devil in Wonderland is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01264927.html translation in progress: https://ulmf.org/threads/62studio-no-to-notane-demon-in-wonderland-translation.15546/ Succubus Forest is getting an english steam release https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ SHRIFT 2 v2.70 update is out https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/396/article/1333831 not yet translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>13645
>>14198 I always assumed they went for the "good enough" dudes and would kidnap the strongest or otherwise most fitting man around and just rape him. I can only imagine the biggest gigachads like Heinrich being able to take the initiative and be an actual husband.
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>>14206 She makes this face.
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>>14212 I want to be bullied by the delinquent Uriela
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>>14213 I don't really see her as a delinquent, she's more of an extroverted sports tomboy.
>>14214 That's not mutually exclusive and makes it even better
How's the new forest of blue skin game going?
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>>14218 Pretty good, it's getting monthly updates with new girls. Game itself is like FOBS mixed with Succubus Affection's improvements.
>>14219 Nice. I'll have to give it a go after I finish up paradox.
They did a really good job of beefing up the fights in paradox part 3 for normal difficulty. They're all proper enemies now, versus the pushovers they were all through parts 1 and 2.
>>14222 Pt 3 difficulty is kinda weird. If you don't make use of all the new toys the game gives you it's like putting your balls in a vice. But the new stuff is so absurdly strong that making full use of them is like playing a different game.
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>>14222 It can be a bit tough right after the big choice, but TRTR did say you're expected to use the new characters until your old favorites catch up. My main strategy consisted of opening with gravity magic with haste to chunk them for a huge HP% and hopefully debuff them while at it, surprising how many mob characters were vulnerable to gravity. >>14223 That's kind of what happened with part 1 and 2, all the weapon passives and conditional damage bonuses were added in a late part 2 patch, but all the content released up to that point remained unchanged, I kind of wish there is some sort of definitive edition or some crazy person makes a mod that properly rebalances the early game, but that's wishful thinking. >But the new stuff is so absurdly strong that making full use of them is like playing a different game. There was this one time where I was testing a character I had just recruited when I went up against a certain boss fight with multiple enemies. The character's trait was focused around increasing the damage from guns, which deals extra damage against buffed enemies, and I equipped that ability where if at the end of turn there is any enemy with a buff, they'll get blasted with a massive dispel bullet. One of the enemy adds casts a team wide buff on turn 1, and said character had so many passive stat buffs and damage enhancers she just fucking one-shot everyone while I was still setting up.
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I do wonder how AW Lucifina actually feels about Marcellus. Was she forced to marry him in her own world or did love also blossom there naturally and Sub-Ilias took advantage of that? Either way I imagine there was some manipulation on Ilias' part since unlike the other worlds, she only became fallen there after Luka was born instead of before.
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That game is certainly a treat for those who liked dragon princess is hungry
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>After playing the final chapter, I fell in love with her even more Fully agreed, even finishing Alice's route just endeared me to Ilias even more. Man, I just don't understand why TRTR decided to shaft his own heroine so hard, like it's not even a matter of personal opinion at this point.
>>14237 Dumb snake never had a chance. Ilias's journey of self-discovery and changing her attitude from telling you to behead local imps to liking monsters was great, what could trtr even do with Alice? Make her more humble and critical towards monsters and shit they sometimes do?
>>14237 Because you need to remember she was always right.
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Wow, Tamamo looks weird without the ornaments and tattoo
>>14239 Honestly, one of the best things part 3 did was make Paradox Alice and Luka not feel so bland anymore.
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>vicious bitch
>>14246 uhhh excuse me lady, your tail is on fire
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>>14247 don't worry, she's a fire mage, that's totally on purpose
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Turns out there's now a more definitive answer for who you should pick between the Navy and the Pirates, and it is the Navy, you'll have another chance at recruiting Bonnie and her first mate later on while the same can't be said for the marines.
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>>14236 >dragon princess is hungry Reminds me, I tried out the dev's other game. Considerably less butt stuff but also barely any monster girls, I mean just look at this roster. Rather than combat, the gameplay is puzzle-based, you learn the daily schedule of each girl in town and have to figure out a way to fuck them. Each girl has 2 scenes each and you should unlock all of them as you play through the main story. Speaking of which, the story is okay, don't expect to be blown away or anything but it is kinda cute.
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How many levels of Cross-World Contact is this?
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>Liberate all the clones from the farms >Find all of the nicer Angel Soldiers, who are basically clones themselves if you think about it >Pair them together >Problem solved, AW is now (almost) entirely fixed It was so easy this whole time...
>>14259 >How many levels of Cross-World Contact is this? Not enough, still missing Ilias and Sub-Ilias
>>14257 that game is pretty good, shame it's not about monster girls.
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The REAL canon wife
>>14259 Any sauce?
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>>14275 Gonna turn the Spider Princess into a 2ndSpider Queen.
>>14282 I can fix her
>>14259 Holy shit it got translated? Fully???
>>14300 Hidden behind a paywall >>14277
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total bonnie victory
>>14303 this reminds me how much more I would like the pirates/navy if they were drawn in a more natural style rather than titty gremlins
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>>14301 Thank you
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Ino is now my favorite MC, or at least in the top 3. I didn't expect a shota to be level headed and also not scream like he's being murdered when having sex, he feels even more relatable than the faceless self-insert MC.
>>14313 >he feels even more relatable than the faceless self-insert MC. not exactly a high bar to beat.
>>14315 I mean, the self-insert MC is supposed to be fully relatable because he's supposed to be (You) and a blank slate you can write yourself.
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I have yet to find the motivation for a MGQ:P playthrough stopped two prior attempts at or shortly after slime village. How in-depth is the relationship content for individual girls? Normally it's very barebones at games that have a lot of different characters.
>>14318 >How in-depth is the relationship content for individual girls? I don't know if it changes in Part 3, but it's very shallow. Paradox is more of a story about Luka's adventure saving the world and girls are his tools for the job, rather than love interest.
>>14318 As the other guy said. Some scenes (really few) may gets possessive love dovey but not much aside that.
SHRIFT 2 translation had an update today Changelog: The translation is now compatible with latest version version on DLSite, v2.75! The first half of the new content around Charbydis has been translated, covering the Undersea Temple Depths and your first meeting with Charbydis. You'll be told when you reach the end of translated content for it. Translated all the shop expansion quests, and the new equipment available from them. Translated the two new Reimei & Hakubo request scenes added. Fixed a crash bug related to Reimei & Hakubo. A bunch of typos and minor missing lines have been fixed. Things left to translate: Second half of Charbydis quest. Charbydis's My Room content. High Ruler (Melty Ooze) content. https://gofile.io/d/Av33GG
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found a pretty short game about slime girls and tl'd most of it https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ252141.html https://pixeldrain.com/u/FXk9hvAP
>>14327 >Characters: >Slime >Slime girl >Slime woman kek, nice
>>14323 Uncanny, one of her moles disappeared and the other turned into a comma.
>>14303 there's pirate mermaids in MGQ and nobody told me?!
>>14325 wtf why did they change art of the girls, they look so much worse now
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>>14318 It's mostly focused on the 3 main heroines, and even still the game is more about the adventure than romance compared to the VN. Some of the other main story characters can have their moments, but the regular mobs you recruit won't get much characterization outside of their scene and a couple of interactions in the pocket castle and their in-battle dialogue.
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>>14330 A whole bundle of them, just don't expect to meet them early.
>>14336 this should play as BGM when you marry Ilias/Micaela/Lucifina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5BuYf8q4o
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>>14338 Based on part 3's epilogue, I hope the enemies we meet in NG+ will mostly consist of Luka's many potential daughters across parallel worlds.
>>14347 I want to meet Lukafina
>>14321 F-Fuck
Not many know, but SHRIFT 2 has integration with electronic onaholes and some of the h-scenes have synced movements. I guess even less people care about it and then even less have such toys but I happen to be one of like 10 who do, so I can say that it works with The Handy and it's an interesting gimmick, but ultimately those toys are a waste of money. While experiencing Torodon ride my dick was great, the hassle of setting up everything and issues positioning detract from the ordeal. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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>>14351 the wonders you're able to achieve when you arent working at western dev speed.
>>14352 There are plenty of slow japanese patreon scams.
>>14352 reminds me of that japanese guy that put his cock in a fellatio onahole stuck to a vacuum cleaner
Luna Translator is not too bad. Can't get a pronoun right to save its life, but other than that it makes MGQ paradox part 3 reasonably playable.
>>14352 He really deserves more recognition for all the work he puts into his games, this is so beyond the usual RPG maker slop. Only wish he would have someone else draw the art or at least stop using fucking MS paint. SHTIFT 2 with quality art would be GOAT
>>14356 I couldn't get past the pink cat abomination.
>>14357 post
>>14357 Your loss
>>14355 I planned to play it along the actual translation progress, but at this rate I'll soon cave in and just go for the most viable MTL available since they are no longer as bad as the MTL poetry of the old days.
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big titty evil woman, erotic
>>14356 >SHRIFT 2 with quality art would be GOAT Honestly yeah, I can imagine how much better the game would be if he knew how to draw anatomy correctly and tweaked it with whatever style he's going for it could undoubtedly be a unique game for itself. >>14353 >MGE RPG hasn't been updated since 2020 I love KC but come the fuck on. If some dude with a fucked up artstyle can consistently put out a second game then what's his excuse that he can't get his MGE game going. Also Labyrinth of Estras is another game that hasn't updated since 2020 because of the dev getting pissed that people pirated it but thats something else. It's just not fucking fair that monster girls seem to have the worst time when it comes to game devs isn't it?
>>14362 >then what's his excuse that he can't get his MGE game going. That's cuz he got busy arguing with retards on the internet and chasing degenerates making haram art. Or the less funny possibility, he hit the usual indie game dev wall where making the first prototype and scripting your custom game mechanics is loads of fun and makes you think making a game is easy. Well, turns out it isn't. >Also Labyrinth of Estras is another game that hasn't updated since 2020 because of the dev getting pissed that people pirated it That was Monster Girl Project I believe. The guy developing it is really funny, in game's F95 thread he tries to pretend that he knows people will pirate it and says he doesn't care. But when someone leaked the patreon version he chimped out, almost threatening to stop the project lmao. From what I've read, Estras died the same way other 3D projects did: he put up the first demo that blew people's minds and got him in the spotlight. But then just didn't feel like making rest of the game and gave endless excuses about RL difficulties, culminating with him saying he just doesn't enjoy making porn anymore.
>>14364 Is that from some game?
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>>14364 I love Ancilla. Hypercompetent kuudere maids are great. >>14365 Monster Girl Dreams. Finished never ever but there's already a lot of content and it's all pretty good.
>>14366 I only wish thresh would get his shit together and start delivering content again, people are already memeing about updates amounting to shitty minigames tweaks nobody asked for.
>>14359 If you say so, I can't stand furfaggotry.
>>14368 Of all the reasons not to play shrift the furries are probably the lamest excuse.
>>14369 You could call them a filter of sorts and sparing him suffering, there are worse things than cait sith later. Imagine anon's reaction after losing to love hug, poor guy would go bonkers.
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Neocities collection update: added fully translated copy of INNOCENT RULES (shota, monster girls and femdom are back on the menu) added RJ01315765 (next game by dev of isle of TS monster girls, also gender bender TF focused and looks like this one has actual h-content? not translated) added Violated by Slimes RPG (>>14327) added Wet Nightmares Remake (someone restarted an old abandoned WEG. VN focused around spooky undead-ish girl showing up at your home, godly art) added Valrianter (run of the mill pixel art sidescroller) updated SHRIFTII along with its translation updated FOBS Remake to January build updated Isekai Parlor Simulator to v1.6.2 updated MonCurse to v0. updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.3.09 updated Monster Girl Ranger to v2025.01.25 updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.35
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>>14325 >>14371 I tried this out, not much to say about the "game' itself, it's literally just a walking simulator, unironically this is probably the dev's first time using RPG Maker, like you could literally put this up together in one day. >It's Domination Quest's dev What the fuck. maybe he really did just draw a bunch of CGs and hastily put them up together for a couple of dimes. No complaints in regards to the translation though, thanks anon.
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Dev of that weird push pull pins puzzle game is now making a new game, this time it's a shooter platformer. Supposedly it will be out in March, there's a demo for now https://pixeldrain.com/u/mWcVnXXF
>>14325 been wanting to play this again, is there a translation for the new remake?
>>14376 >is there a translation for the new remake? nope
Any anons here played the Rance games? Not really "monster" games, but they occasionally have a monster girl in them. And they're just pretty good games from what I played, which is 01 and Sengoku.
>>14381 Never played those, but I want to fuck their fox
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Finally finished part 3, what a ride it was, definitely worth the long wait. I could nitpick a number of things I didn't like, but overall I still loved it. >>14360 I'd say go for it. Part 3 is big, you're looking at literal years until the story is fully translated. I was a bit skeptical back when TRTR said it was bigger than part 1 and 2 combined, but I know now he definitely wasn't exaggerating, even more so whenever he releases more post-game content.
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>>14390 >you're looking at literal years until the story is fully translated Yeah once I'm done with IR I'll pick up the most polished MTL for part 3. At this rate the manual translation run would go for two years. But I wonder how the arzorx TL team will handle this, now that there will be much less anticipation and hype behind their work. From the screenshots I've seen, nowadays most of the time the only visibly MTLish thing you see are switched pronouns.
someone make the terraria sex mod already, I NEED it
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>>14395 >paizuri >only 1 dmg immersion ruined
>>14396 thats her taking away the 1 last hp you just about managed to regen over and over again
Tangentially related, but RPGM VX Ace is currently free on steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/220700/RPG_Maker_VX_Ace/ Ever wanted to try to make a monster girl game yourself, check how they are made or datamine your favorite games without feeling a pang of guilt? Now's your chance.
>>14398 >it's normally 60 bucks what the fuck
>>14399 Like everything it usually goes on sale for 4,99. But you would be much better off learning to use a normal game engine.
>>14400 >But you would be much better off learning to use a normal game engine. Obviously I'd only use VX ace to edit existing games, no way I'd be making a new game in that shit. I'd go for Unity because of heaps of tutorials everywhere.
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>>14377 even a simple machine translation would be fine, but those all seem to be behind complicated patreon and discord bullshit I'm new at this
>>14407 God I hate how he draws faces
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>>14409 Part 3 took so long to come out, you can actually see his artstyle in the years since part 2 slowly evolve among his new girls, it's kind of jarring. Same with frfr to a certain extent.
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>>14410 >Same with frfr to a certain extent. I'm mad about frfr because at one point he went full retard and started drawing weird tall ayylien foreheads, completely opposite of his early cute fish face style
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plap plap plap, get foxed
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>>14418 Just what the doctor ordered.
>>14419 Fluffy tails prostate exam...
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>>14413 >I want more fish face frfr!
>>14422 I still don't understand why some fags gush over the battlefuckers, they are just generic animu human girls
>>14421 Lucy a qt
>>14390 Is there an option for NG+? I wish to play a run through with Ilias after I complete the alice run.
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>>14423 I'm not ashamed to admit I jerked to Kate the Maid's vaginal CGs long before that scene was actually implemented. male:collar is just too good and too rare, even better with kissing, garter belt, nakadashi and maid tags.
>>14432 i really want more maid femdom in general
>>14431 Yes, there is
>>14436 Ebin. I was worried I'd have to start a whole new game to do so.
>>14432 >Maid's vaginal CGs long before that scene was actually implemented. male:collar what WE HAD THAT??
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>checking MGD updates to laugh at thresh wasting time on minigames or some other stupid shit >"Harpies now have a sex + facesit CG, which is used in their fight. By Houra." Holy shit, I waited five years for this.
>>14440 Seems he's back on the CG ball because there's been some good stuff lately. Nara's sex CG is great and BedChan getting one was funny and unexpected.
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>>14438 Some of the battle fuckers have vaginal CGs in the files. Most remain unused to this day, but the maid's was implemented during the time loop event.
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Are you guys ready for the double plus ungood no fun allowed era?
>>14444 Seems like VPN is going to go from the tool of privacy schizos to being as essential as adblocker
>>14444 which countries and what content though
>>14447 "Figure it out, gaijin-kun"
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>>14447 could be japs overreacting to this https://archive.is/20250203022644/https://www.cbr.com/america-new-piracy-bill-netflix-disney-sony-backing/ even if it's supposed to be aimed at piracy
>>14444 >>14449 Kinda weird this is happening. I was being forced to use VPN just to play Last Origin and check stuff like SEQUEL's wiki. I don't get this new measure. Like, they will expand back to the overseas market, but a ton of things people would want outisde and *inside* their country will get restrictions. Seems more damaging than before.
>>14449 retarded move. piracy will always pop up as long as corpos continue to offer only dogshit official methods of aquirement. in the immortal words of lord GabeN; "piracy is a service issue"
>>14444 is that why I've been instantly chucked to google whenever I try to load a page of theirs?
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Pro Dea et patria
>>14477 imagine the handjobs...
>>14478 >Giant cold metal fingers wrapped around your rod I'm not sure...
>>14476 >veiny unf
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>playing innocent rules >meet the moth girls >they all act miserable and one of them begs you to take her with you, says she's frail and useless >is actually one of the best monsters you can get >tank support with ability to grant another party member double actions with stat boost >or heals the shit out of everyone >and passively heals herself every time she gets hit >one of the scenes is clearly inspired by THAT moth doujin Now I want more moth girls in the games
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big sis valk...
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>>14481 Cute and fluffy, soft moth abdomens.
Solom is really upping his animation game(pun intended) lately.
Part 3 tl just got updated Translation for angel world Sabasa by Anon. +Translations for angel world Safar Ruins+Water Spirit's Sprng, and monster world Gold Port+Gold Fort. Talk, Seduction, and Loss events translated for the following characters: Mariel, Grandine, Gnomaren, Giriel, Lancubus, Leecubus, Baphomet, Velraune +Fenrir and Bomb Slime talk+loss events translated by baiser alice. +Nephilim Weapon loss scene translated. +Translated remaining area name tags in the Library. +Downwords translated for early Alice/Ilias route split enemies (have yet to be ported over for actors) +Corrected a duplicate tag in Ellis' actor notes so that her trait works the way its described (+2 more hits on Katana skills instead of getting a third execution on katana skills). +Corrected Kouki's request scene so that it properly ends back at the Pocket Castle instead of going into a different monster's loss scene. +Corrected a variable that was preventing Cassandra's affinity from being shared with her other encounters. +Fixed an issue with the Skill Descriptions+ plug-in that could crash the game when the setting was off. +Various typo fixes and corrections. Interesting that h-scenes are being translated alongside main content instead of being done after everything
>>14482 Goddamn I just love how she is milking him so casually. She doesn't even need to pay attention to do that.
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>>14354 I remember that one, have it somewhere on my PC. "Switchu on!" followed by a squidward sounding scream right? >>14381 I'd like to given its notoriety, but I haven't gotten around to pirating a copy of any of the games. >>14382 Everyone does. Kitsune best monstergirl as I'm sure you already well know. Though IIRC Omachi is married and I am not about to NTR anyone. >>14420 Do not.
>>14501 Man I love the artworks of the guy that made that gif
>>14496 >Interesting that h-scenes are being translated alongside main content instead of being done after everything Honestly, I still think the main story content should be prioritized, but to each their own.
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>>14371 review of Isle of TS monster girls "2". (bought the game at release) As expected, this is basicaly a DLC, nothing major besides body stats. no real H scenes. Its still worth playing if you are into TF. -7 routes (excluding variations) --2 "yuri scenes" (from reused scenarios) -Added body stats (height/weight/age/body size) and description changes based on current transformations helps for immersion. - unfortunately there is reused scenarios (there is not much more you can do for TF/TS unless you go extreme). But fear not anon, you can get in another suit. GET INSIDE
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>relaxing at break room >suddenly start hearing music from one of part 3's dungeons I had to do a double take because I really thought I was tripping out for a second, then I realized it was coming from someone nearby watching a video with the same royalty free music.
>>14516 >still no actual h-scenes Whyyyy. His art is so cute and hot even if I don't care for the TF stuff.
>>14517 Or some gigachad plays eroge at work and doesn't give a fuck. Wait until you hear the mayo jar opening sounds.
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>some Obsidian employee released the demo for his goblin 3D platformer today >character isn't as hot as the protagonist of the Pseudoregalia dev's unfinished goblin platformer A little disappointing, but still a sign that the era of goblin gaming is nearly upon us.
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>>14526 I wish that was an early sign I was about to get spontaneously isekai'd directly into the dungeon.
>>14527 >Pseudoregalia dev's unfinished goblin platformer Please tell me more, I can't find anything about it.
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>>14530 Between making endless gamejam games starring monster girls or furries (which is what Pseudoregalia came from) and a crappy 3D platformer roguelike that no one cares about, he occasionally works on a never ever goblin platformer named Goodnight Sunlight.
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The two recent MGQ doujins were translated. https://exhentai.org/g/3223769/ec9cc84407/ Non-H, no spoilers for Paradox P3, fan interpretation of Alicetroemeria and Heinrich at the end of their journey. https://exhentai.org/g/3236486/852190c852/ Setouchi doodles, 4komas and short stories, lots of spoilers, but from page 41 onwards it's fine to read for those who don't want to get spoiled.
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>>14533 My favorite part
>>14528 >get isekaied into the dungeon >it's a sex dungeon
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>>14535 *Echidna-sama's sex dungeon
>>14527 >>14532 I will lewd the gobbo.
Anyone know if somebody plans to translate RJ01262144? I see no threads in f95
>>14534 >is thinking about a good thing (FAT ass) >she instinctively gets angry and plaps him Why...
>>14540 oh shit, that finally released? i can start working on it, but i'm not sure if i'll do the whole thing also it might not get a thread on f95 because of all the shota stuff
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>>14544 Thank you very much bro >also it might not get a thread on f95 because of all the shota stuff huh. Didn't know they had problems with that.
>>14545 >7. Content (a game, image, video, story, animation, etc.) depicting nudity, sexualization or sexual/erotic activity involving prepubescent character(s) is prohibited. [...] 2D and 'unrealistic' depictions are generally looked upon more favorably. [...] although, the succ prison spinoff does have its own thread with no images so who knows
>>14546 Yeah that's what was weirding me cause I'm pretty sure there were a few games like that. Guess there is som liquidity in what they consider shota or not.
>>14547 It's random and arbitrary, some games just get "approved" because someone higher up in their staff happens to like them.
>>14548 Yeah. they have a lot of double standards when it comes to that. The more popular and diverse the content of a game, (like if loli or shota is only one aspect), the more likely it is a game will be approved. If it's niche or a focus on that content it usually gets banned. But by technicality, due to the game's sheer size, MGQ has more loli content than most games. And all of the sex scenes are shota because of Luka. So it's basically just bullshit ngl, mods as usual do whatever the fuck they want
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damn, I almost feel bad being spoiled on *that*
Nevermind, Grangold is worse than I ever expected. Fucking kill it with fire, everything.
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>>14551 >>14557 Something the matter?
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>>14545 Technically, Steam also doesn't allow lolisho h-games, yet this one /ss/ game is constantly in their store's front page.
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There's something cute in literally who girls getting fan art out of nowhere
>>14560 I won't be gaslit by a pl*nt.
I've got a question, are there any good non-porn focused monster girl games? I don't mind some porn content but almost all monster girl games are porn focused so I'm trying to find something different if it even exists.
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>>14567 There was this if I remember right.
>>14567 Kitsune Tails is pretty fun.
>>14563 Holy sex. I still remember, she became one of my favorites for a while because I had turned up the difficulty by the desert and she oneshotted my party. Her scene with breast smothering and threatening Luka into fucking her multiple times was great. Saddened me that was all she had too
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>>14567 the collection has a non-h category, check those out.
>>14568 >>14569 Thanks I'll check them out. >>14573 Ya know I probably should checked if there was a non-h category first, thanks for pointing it out.
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>>14528 MTL may have a long way to go but I love that I can get the meaning of pics now.
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>>14580 >Call me pisslias one more time, see what happens
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I don't know if this stays like this in later parts, but I'm at before MW Grand Noah and so far I found most of the monsters appealing enough to recruit them to check out their scenes later. Especially monster_fruit is carrying things hard, even random shitty succubi are hot. Big improvement over early days of Setouchi abominations making up bulk of the roster.
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>>14583 >Big improvement over early days of Setouchi abominations making up bulk of the roster. Don't worry, all your favorite Setouchi amalgamations and delphinus noodle hands from the 3rd chapter of the VN are still in, and more! Personally I really dig kupala's new girls, not too generic and most have pretty unique scenes without going overboard.
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Anyone know a good roguelike/replayable monster girl game? I've cheked mysterious dungeon and MG descent, but I couldn't run the former and the latter isn't great
>>14599 Have you played succubus prison yet? It's probably the best example of a "replayable" monster girl game because dying and starting again is vital part of the gameplay and story.
>>14599 Avarice Dungeon kind of is what MG descent is trying to be, the difference being that its actually finished. i wouldnt really call it "replayable" though. as its lands squarely in the rougelite category with some heavy meta progression. though if i remember correctly then theres a corruption mechanic that builds up in-between runs that could counter balance it. if you dont pussy out and purge it, that is.
>>14599 succubus forest is basically a monster girl version of slay the spire
>>14593 What is this, MGQ fan game? neat
>>14600 >>14601 >>14604 Thank you very much, I'll have a look at those
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>this is tagged under "oneshota" on pixiv Reminds me of that one paradox artist who draws Luka as a fit muscle chad. Looks hilarious when you switch between frfr's innocent kid luka and gym rat Luka within minutes
>>14609 shota is a state of mind
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>>14610 explains why I enjoy /ss/ games and doujins the most and self-insert into them the easiest
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>checking out Fenrir's scene >she talks about filling her womb with your seed and afterwards drags you with her to make you the pack's breeding stud finally some good fucking food, was getting tired of generic dryfishing.
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>>14613 Absolute cinema.
>>14612 Jingai doesn't miss.
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Finished Lost in the World of Succubi. Kind of short side-scroller, has some really cute pixel animations. Gameplay definitely feels like an improvement on the dev's previous game, but is still quite simple and easy to pick up. Lots of titfucking on this one for paizuri fans. My biggest personal gripe is that monster girl designs overall don't feel monstrous enough for my taste, at least compared to his previous game.
>>14588 >mid air rape >forces you to cling to her and go balls deep to not fall and die kino
>>14617 People rave on and on about shiki murderwhores, but this is the kind of fearboner that really appeals to me.
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>>14618 Better hang tight or you go splat >shiki murderwhores Shikis are too one dimensional, where's the risk if you KNOW you are going to die? Stargate Atlantis had wraiths who could both dryfish people and also give the life back if they wanted. They brainwashed some people into serving them by subjecting them to repeated drain/restore cycles until they got addicted. Now imagine a shikibus doing that to you over and over again and you never know if this time is the last one.
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Part 3 made me see the light. Screw the 'orphaned protagonist' trope, give me more adventures with whacky families.
>>14622 >party of Luka, Marcellus, Lucifina, Micaela, Lucifina-chan and Micaela-chan >Lucifina and Micaela don't know how to handle the fact that their alternative lolified selves regularly rape Luka >Marcellus is all "the shit I put up with"
>>14622 i wanna nibble on an angel's wings which have been plucked bald
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>>14624 Angels are basically flying rats, same as kitsunes are multi-tailed rats
>>14616 Lately it feels like the 2D platformers are becoming the new lazy way for h-game devs, they feel so same-y.
>>14627 someone make a lore-heavy grand strat monmusu game
>>14628 isn't that just Rance?
>>14628 I'm still praying for a city-builder/monster lord simulator game
>>14629 rance is not femdom though
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>>14630 We have to think bigger
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>>14623 >Your son calls me mommmy too
>>14632 Fox4X.
>>14633 I wonder if adultfina would be scared of lolifina
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>>14540 done with the first patch, also a picture of the exact scenes that got tl'd https://pixeldrain.com/u/iAkXK5kB this game is some good shit, i can get my mommyshit fix while we wait for the succ prison spinoff to release. would highly recommend to mommyfags and shotacons not too many monmusus though, and the ones that are are mostly cosplaytier
>>14638 awesome, thanks anon
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>>14636 If anything, it's the exact opposite.
>>14640 >Marcellus saw this and thought <"Wife." absolute chad
>>14627 There's probably 1001 guides and resources on how to make the most basic of Unity platformers, so h-game devs can dedicate the brunt of their time on what they really want to focus on: drawing and animating some neat pixel monster girl sex.
>>14643 My gripe with those is that most of the time they are poor h-games. Often scenes are with no context/dialogues and it's just a short cowgirl rape loop when you get caught. Or the gameplay makes fapping awkward because of instakill traps or generally overtuned difficulty. It's like playing a 5$ indie platformer with some pixel art animations glued on. So far I think only Succubus Affection truly got it right because the H is integrated right into the gameplay, the animations are more involved and you get some full scenes with dialogues too. It helps that the game isn't trying to be difficult so you don't get blueballed trying to progress to the next girls.
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Konsider loli MWmamo
>>14638 Sugoi thanks a lot anon
>>14630 I really don't like those crotch zippers. It feels like hairs are going to get caught in the teeth.
>>14638 Tried it and it really does remind me of succubus mama, looking forward to the full translation
>>14647 I don't think it would be too bad for succs, since they can probably even control whether or not they're growing any pubic hair at all. Beast races on the other hand...
>>14638 tanhk anon
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Neocities collection update: added partially translated RJ01262144 (>>14638) added demo of EXOrcist GUNNER (>>14373 full release scheduled for early March) updated MonCurse to v0. updated Monster Girl Dreams to v26.8a updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.3.10 updated My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend to v0.90.15 updated PMC Promiscuity to v1.1.5 updated Spirit Valley to v1.2.0 updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.37 updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 translation to the latest bitbucket commit
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>>14650 >I don't think it would be too bad for succs, since they can probably even control whether or not they're growing any pubic hair at all. She's going to regret removing her pubes once her clit gets caught in the zipper
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>>14657 i feel like either of these happening would be in-character for shamiko
>>14650 >Beast races on the other hand... It's understandable. Having big meaty paws makes it impossible to hold on to a razor, it's all up to the husband if he's ok with it or not.
>>14656 Thank you for your efforts, friend.
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Need more (straight) Trapluka content
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>>14670 He's got a lot to learn from Hakunen.
>>14671 yeah no joke, Hakunen must have been the jackpot for that one bisexual futa cat samurai in second game
https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ Translated Succubus Forest coming out on 1st March
>>14675 What's this, Slay the Spire with succubi?
I love how smug big Ilias is in the background.
>>14676 Pretty much
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I datamined a couple more notable planned/cut h-scenes, even more spoilery than last one. >Scenes for both Constance and Remina >Chaos Alice has a blowjob and reverse rape scene >More content for Vanguard >Null Cogito has 5 placeholders with undisclosed content >Chaos has placeholders for naked cowgirl, handjob, footjob, blowjob, paizuri and energy drain >Banshee tentaclejob, tonguejob and reverse rape, Vore Banshee still doesn't have vore >Both blacksmiths have scenes >Ultimate form of Frederika has some placeholders >The entire Alice family tree has planned content for their alive forms >Tamamoball
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>>14681 >Tamamoball Those spooky eyes from inside are the best
>>14682 >spooky eyes >not the blushing cheeks
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>>14670 >tfw you will never see the doppel gang gang up on Luka and teach him how to be more girly >>14674 >that one bisexual futa cat samurai Why did this description make me laugh out loud
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I really shouldn't stick my dick in there... HOWEVER.
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>>14687 kek, also >boys playing dodgeball in Yamatai >whoever is hit gets raped by Tamamo(ball)
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I wonder how Gnosis would feel about getting a new, more approachable body once world peace is achieved.
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>It's been nearly 5 years since Lonesome Spirit released I hope whatever new game minwa is cooking is worth the wait, I'm starting to starve down here
>>14693 Last I heard of it, it was a first person dungeon crawler with... original monster designs
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>>14694 Feels like he's been working on that project forever at this point. https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/1517/article/1359111 >I hope the tutorial will be finished this month grim
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>Are you hungry?
>>14697 >frfr draws another nekomata >it's cute as fuck Every human girl this man is made to draw is an unacceptable waste
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>>14698 The worst offenders are those BFs whose scene CGs literally consist of just zooming in on their regular sprite. I wonder how the japanese fanbase feels about them.
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Surely there is a parallel world out there where Alma is Luka's mom.
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>>14638 2nd patch done, everything before and including the red gate should be translated. picrel https://pixeldrain.com/u/VKvSsuY7 the next next patch will probably take longer cuz i'm gonna be playing monster hunter, so sorry in advance for the delay
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>>14704 Thank you anon >the next next patch will probably take longer cuz i'm gonna be playing monster hunter, so sorry in advance for the delay Realistically speaking, I wonder how long it will take until a game of Monster Hunter's size but with monster girls gets made.
>>14693 >years later and my shitty image editing still makes the rounds.
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>>14706 to be fair, it's pretty relatable
>>14706 The shittier the editing is, the more soulful it is. Always.
>>14709 unless it's intentionally shitty, in which case it loops back to being soulless
>>14704 Good shit, you're fast. >so sorry in advance for the delay Take your time and enjoy yourself, don't end up burning out. Sometimes people wait years for games to be translated and you made good progress weeks from its release.
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Patch 3.05 dropped https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1373549 >New setting to shorten multi-hit skills >New setting to skip skills cast at the start of battle >Ability to deactivate skills that auto-cast at the start of battle, start of turn or end of turn Changes with spoilers for those who haven't finished the game yet: >Whiteyel Meeting event after clearing the game >The ring at the last camp can now be given to Promestein, Chrome, Kagetsumugi, Constance and Remina >New dialogue with the person you gave the ring to at the Pocket Castle >New Constance request scene
>>14720 Thanks anon!
You now can't buy a lot of games from dlsite, I think maybe including MGQ but I haven't checked. Visa and Mastercard finally got re-added but anything with any loli and maybe some other content is regionlocked. Shota content is ironically not banned. You can still buy them by using a Japanese VPN, but I have no idea if that'll be the case forever.
>>14722 Also, aside from buying, you cannot even see them or view the storepage. Essentially, it's a shadowban.
>>14723 Got around to checking, seems that it fortunately doesn't include MGQ and some other games. It seems that DLSite doesn't have all content tagged correctly, but that's a good thing. Otherwise, since Japanese devs include loli is like 50% of all content that's just half the site gone... But as a whole, DLSite is a lot more censored now if you connect from a western ip. If you're trying to browse for new games you should probably use a Japanese ip.
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>>14719 >New dialogue with the person you gave the ring to at the Pocket Castle Most are pretty good, a bunch of them have the girls plan on having kids with Luka. The worst ones are Lucifina's who has a nothingburger one line and Alice who straight up says she doesn't care who rapes Luka because she'll win in the end(???).
>>14725 >Alice the cuckquean is now canon kek
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>New Constance scene >Asks him to train with her >"Forgot" to mention she meant BF training >Forces him to cum inside her till she gets pregnant and makes him take responsibility by imposing a shotgun marriage on him Maybe that's why it took TRTR so long to add vaginal sex with someone 100% human outside of the time loop event, the end result is a worse fate for Luka than getting dryfished a thousand times by Shikis.
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>>14728 >shotgun marriage with a h*man woman A bad end worse than death
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>>14729 She saw the competition and realized the only she could win was with underhanded tactics.
>>14730 you could say that the only way to compete with a monstergirl, is to become a monster yourself
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>>14731 It probably helps if the real monster was inside you all along.
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Saw this on the latest Steam Nextfest https://store.steampowered.com/app/3432270/Monmusu_Girls_Autobattler/ There's a demo available.
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>>14730 >>14731 Pacific Rimjob >to defeat the monsters, we made ourselves into monsters
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>>14737 In the name of science, of course.
>>14743 Reminds me how much I dislike VN Promestein >I love humanity! >So I kill them en-masse and turn myself into a weed monster! I mean, the general idea of genderbent hentai Prometheus was cool, but the way she ended up being just another villain was meh.
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>cute >hot h-scene >good trait makes her viable all the way up to part 3 insanity >can be acquired almost right at the start of the game
>>14704 Holy fast thanks
>>14704 Is this entirely infantilism?
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>>14746 If I recall correctly, she only became an early game powerhouse after the patch that added passive skills and bonus modifiers to weapons and damage skills. I've no idea why exactly she got so much more powerful than everyone else, maybe TRTR accidentally added a few extra 0s to her trait by accident.
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>>14749 mostly, but not entirely
One of my favorite sub-plots of part 2 was the religious divide in San Ilia after the mermaid attack, with one side basically reverting back to full hatred against all monsters while the other still sought coexistence. I used to joke that as tensions increased, it would eventually lead to a full blown conflict and we'd see a second St. Bartholomew's Day, but what I really expected to happen is we'd get a post-credits footnote about how El's efforts to reconcile were fruitful and everything gets resolved off-screen. I was actually surprised to see it being brought up again with the additional hurdles of the 3rd path, but even more surprising is the direction that plotline went.
>>14573 What game is that screencap from?
>>14761 Dimension of Monster Girls
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https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1377046 >There is currently a bug with the starting level of the companion added in the latest patch. To fix it, just go to the Reaper and ask for a character growth reset. >Since I felt bad for only having that to report, here's a bit of trivia: >It is tradition for the Alipheese family to name their successor "Alipheese" since Alipheese the 3rd. However, when it came to Alipheese the 8th (Black Alice) and the 9th, Black Alice, who possessed immense power, received the name Alipheese while her younger sister got the name Little Alipheese. Later on, the 7th and the 8th nicknamed her "Lil", a contraction of "Little". Since the 9th finds that nickname humiliating, only her mother and sister use it. >After the ring event, I was thinking of a way to return the gifted ring at the Pocket Castle. However, I decided that was too uncharacteristic for a Hero, so I scraped it.
>>14760 >El's efforts to reconcile were fruitful and everything gets resolved off-screen. Peace through fish cunny
>>14772 imagine giving Micaela the ring and then asking it back, as a joke, h-haha
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>>14753 if only lil Luka knew one day he will have hot incest sex with alternative loli and adult versions of his beloved mom and also other family members
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>>14773 The universal language.
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I tried out the pull pin game >>14373 mentioned. It's very short, didn't even take me an hour to finish it, and there isn't much monster girl variety, but both main characters get their own animation for each enemy. It's pretty charming, really only wish there was more to it.
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>>14774 >2 weeks of non-stop special sword training as punishment In all seriousness, adding what is essentially divorce dialogue would probably feel too depressing, like who the fuck would want to read about a breakup in their monmusu game.
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>>14776 It's sad to think he had a mostly normal upbringing too. Had his aunts and grandma been present during his childhood, maybe the Westermack effect would have properly taken hold.
>>14783 >that pic so this is what heaven looks like
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>Possibly new doujin next comiket We are so back, Tamamobros
>>14780 The animations were really good, one of top 3 for me when it comes to pixel art games
>>14785 >inb4 it's another alice cucking meme
More part 3 translated. Translation merged with v3.05 +Grand Noah (Ilias Route) translated by Anon. +First camp scenes in Alice/Ilias routes translated by Kellam Yoshikage. +Translated Amira's objective help up to around where the current story translation is. +Pocket Castle interractions translate for some early route split recruits translated by Sugio +Ranael Talk and Jura Aevis Defeat events translated by Sugio. +Sabiriel and Liqueur Slime Talk/Seduction/Defeat events translated +Suiki, Fuuki, Myne, and Nadoka BF events translated. +Descriptions for Sealed Jobs and Races translated. +Implemented adjustments to the job descriptions and library trait pages to use a smaller font and less spacing between lines, allowing for more text to be shown without overlapping. +Fixed a bug in the improved party organization meny that was preventing favorited character names from displaying in green text. +Reimplemented BetterJobChangeWindow after removing a bug in it that was causing game crashes. +Added missing water element pierce and corrected the defense ignore on the Sea God race to apply to Tentacle skills (its applying to Corpse skills in the raw game) +Some typo corrections The pace seems good. I may be able to last until full translation yet.
>>14791 >The pace seems good. I may be able to last until full translation yet. I've been really enjoying playing part 3 bit by bit and following the manual translation, I usually buy myself a beer and enjoy the story part in one sitting. Will most likely cave in once I no longer have other games to play in the meantime, but by that time there should be a decent edited MTL out.
>>14794 That's a good idea. I wish I'd done that. Instead I chose to try to plow ahead with MTL. Eventually it became a word salad that I got to spend more time interpreting than actually reading, but I would have forgiven that if it didn't fail to hook certain lines. Drove me bonkers, so now I wait and I'll probably just replay the alice route (if that's an option) when I hit NG+ after translation is finished.
>>14795 >fail to hook certain lines Have you heard of bobMTL? it's much cleaner than messing with the hooking on your own
>>14796 I'll have to have a look at it. Right now I'm using luna translator, which gets probably 6 out of every ten lines on average following the "talk" action. So far it's been good about picking up all the "story" lines though.
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>>14795 >>14796 Seconding bob's MTL, also definitely helps it doesn't need a 3rd party program running while you're playing. Just hope someone picks it up again because the guy who made the patch apparently dropped out of the game, so his patch is stuck on 3.04 for now.
>>14799 >>14796 Is bob's MTL an already translated patch, rather than software that hooks it as you play?
>>14800 it's a complete patch that's applied same way you apply arzorx's one, pre-translated files. Someone took it and adopted it for v3.05: https://gofile.io/d/xpIPiy
>>14801 Does this include yesterday's translation?
>>14802 Not sure, it was posted an hour after arzorx repo was updated
next: >>14804

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