Part 3 tl just got updated
Translation for angel world Sabasa by Anon.
+Translations for angel world Safar Ruins+Water Spirit's Sprng, and monster world Gold Port+Gold Fort.
Talk, Seduction, and Loss events translated for the following characters: Mariel, Grandine, Gnomaren, Giriel, Lancubus, Leecubus, Baphomet, Velraune
+Fenrir and Bomb Slime talk+loss events translated by baiser alice.
+Nephilim Weapon loss scene translated.
+Translated remaining area name tags in the Library.
+Downwords translated for early Alice/Ilias route split enemies (have yet to be ported over for actors)
+Corrected a duplicate tag in Ellis' actor notes so that her trait works the way its described (+2 more hits on Katana skills instead of getting a third execution on katana skills).
+Corrected Kouki's request scene so that it properly ends back at the Pocket Castle instead of going into a different monster's loss scene.
+Corrected a variable that was preventing Cassandra's affinity from being shared with her other encounters.
+Fixed an issue with the Skill Descriptions+ plug-in that could crash the game when the setting was off.
+Various typo fixes and corrections.
Interesting that h-scenes are being translated alongside main content instead of being done after everything